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The Killer Jaws: The Swamps
The Killer Jaws: The Swamps
The Killer Jaws: The Swamps
Ebook108 pages1 hour

The Killer Jaws: The Swamps

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In the sea there are many stories and legends that tell of tales of sea species that are too gruesome for some of us to even imagine. The elders speak of fish from hell. I'm going to tell you an epic story of a sea monster with killer jaws that live in the swamp, the hidden marshes of Florida; this is the story of the giant piranha.

This is the story of a carnivorous fish one which doesnt stop until it knows there is nothing left not even a trace of flesh. Maybe their hunger has no quench, maybe they're nature's revenge mother natures way of saying keep out or maybe they just enjoy the misery and pain they cause. This is a recount of a horrific legend one that invades your mind unnerves your senses gives chills to your spine. The beast has caused the deaths of many people; it has tainted the waters so many times that red water in this region only seems natural, taking away every living being from its path. Many people have disappeared in the marshes, was it the piranhas, with their killer jaws, are all the legends real? Innocent people disappear, mourners left without bodies to cry or bury, children left without parents and parents left without children, they all have one thing in common they visited a river, a lagoon, or a swamp in which they did come in, but they did not come out.

The elders all speak but no one listens. No one pays attention to what the old people have to say, everyone rule out their stories a dementia or that its just a tall tale to get attention. Nobody believes in the sea creatures, in the river killers but i tell different I tell you to believe.
Release dateJul 28, 2012
The Killer Jaws: The Swamps

El Pensador

Esta obra es en honor a quien honor se merece. A todos los poetas y poetizas que de sus obras legados quedan, ya que la poesía es la voz del corazón enamorado. La imaginación sustrae las imágenes de su creación, el pintor le da vida a sus lienzos a través de sus colores del Arcoíris, el escultor a sus obras les da vida, y el poeta se inspira en sus versos, mas yo, El Pensador, mi musa ha sido una flor que en el bosque me encontré en pleno invierno. Y le pregunté ¿quién eres flor del bosque que sin primavera naces? Tus pétalos, cual sol radiante, ciegan mis ojos al verte. Esperando, mis queridos lectores, que mis versos y leyendas de amores poéticos y aires de amores sigan soplando como el viento y que en cada verso haga latir sus corazones, y que esta Leyenda de la Flor del Bosque haga historia al igual que La Leyenda de la Rosa Blanca, las cuales ambas tendrán un segundo volumen en el que el amor no muere y retalla en aires de amores… El Pensador

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    The Killer Jaws - El Pensador

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    Of all the stories and legends of dangerous marine species that occurred within the marine world that made it to stories and books and tales, each species vary; both in the seas, as in rivers and marshes, like it is in this legend of the killer jaws, gigantic piranha, that will begin in the swamps of Florida state.

    This is the story of carnivorous fish that were causing human misery in the swamps and rivers and marshes, as the legend and story mark how this legend began in the marshes as well.

    Beasts of the waters that within its jaws have caused the deaths of many people and stained the waters with blood as they spread terror in the Florida Everglades’ swamps. Yet for one simple mistake—"that the egg of this killer’s fish went into marshes through the drainers.

    This story is about the deadly jaws of a species of killer fish capable of destroying life as well as animals, no matter what size.

    Piranhas have been able to devour both animals and other species, such as humans. These gigantic fishes have been the cause of legends and stories of disappearances made by killers’ jaws from such deadly traps in all regions where those killer fish grow in river swamps.

    These stories of marine killer jaws speak of murderously attacked people in tales and legends.

    They have left a wake of mourners due to the deaths of innocent victims killed at sea and rivers, lagoons and swamps, and all over the entire deep world in mysterious attacks.

    Mysteries and legendary tales of old people tell stories of monsters of the seas and rivers that abound in killer species of fearless carnivores in their jaw attacks.

    Piranhas can even devour sharks or anything else that comes in their paths. There is a world of mystery in the depths of rivers and seas that have left so many dead as it is in stories of fish that use their killers’ jaws, devouring people like it is in this story.

    These are killer fishes that keep their eyes on the lookout for hunting by trapping and devouring everything they find in their way.

    Their attacks are deadly traps to people that can fall victims to the killer jaws of these monsters that, without notice, trap these killers’ victim so silently that only the silent let of dead and the water stain as they bleed is seen.

    But in this story of the killers’ jaws, it is a different story because it is in the civilized world of the marshes and the swamps of the Florida state.

    Here Killer jaws have left victims in their way, as it is in this horror story. These beasts were hidden in their deep world, in the depths of the waters, and there is only the cry of silence marking the death of life in their attacks without warning.

    Here is the case of the giant killer, piranha killers’ jaws, that can devour anything that gets in the way.

    This is where this story begins in the swamps of Florida where a marine laboratory brought death, creating killer jaws, by a mistake in a marine laboratory in the marshes of Florida and its lagoons.

    There was tragedy and the despair of people in the marshes of Florida since the killer fish went into the swamps, causing horror in those waters.

    The mystery and nightmare begins with the disappearance of ten fishermen of crocodiles, where there is no trace or evidence of blood, only an empty boat.

    So the Inspector McDowell of the police of the fauna and forest stars in the investigation of ten crocodile hunters missing in the marshes, a mystery that has Inspector McDowell worried as hell.

    He looked for evidence but did not find anything in this strange case of so many people disappearing in the swamps; it also tells the story of killers’ jaws. This carnivorous fish kill all other species, like crocodiles, and anything that passes in their way.

    So let’s begin with the story of the killers’ jaws and the trapping of the dead that will be the first volume of this story.


    This story marks the beginning of the murderous jaws that caused the waters of the swamps of the Florida Everglades to be stained with blood, cursed by some evil fish in the lagoons of the swamps that became the face of horror and despair for people who were crocodile hunters in the marshes.

    Where there is a picture of thick jungle and mist in the swamps of Florida, and within its mysteries and disappearances exist legends and tales where no evidence was found to determine the death and disappearance of humans, fishermen, or crocodile hunters in those murky waters. What begins to occur in the swamps of Florida has never ever occurred before in the history of the United States of America. It shocked even the authorities of the forest police, this mysterious case of people disappearing.

    In this place of mists, murky water, and dead trees, there were contained figures that would disturb one’s mind. Within those swamps existed something that was gravely frightening in its outlook of bubbles that would appear in the marshes, as if something was breathed into the depths of the murky waters of the swamps of the Florida Everglades.

    The sounds within were of stampeding of animals that alerted birds, as if the danger of death frightened them away.

    The view within is of murky water stained with blood, and only after all these things have been taken in by the senses does a person return to the silence of the mystery of the missing people who were disappearing in the water of the swamps without leaving a trace.

    This is where the story begins, in the marshes. It begins, this story of killers’ jaws, in a very unpleasant place to live, like a wild jungle, a place full of crocodiles, snakes, and birds, in the swamps of Florida that grew into a jungle world

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