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The Black Soul
The Black Soul
The Black Soul
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The Black Soul

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The Black Soul is a horrific story about a man with a split personality of kills people without knowing it.
Release dateJun 23, 2014
The Black Soul

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    The Black Soul - Ian Proctor

    © 2014 Ian Proctor. All rights reserved.

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    without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 04/17/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7834-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-7835-6 (e)

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    By Ian Proctor

    As May Weston walked along the river bank on a cold and grey December morning she was very happy for she had just landed a job as a secretary with a top cosmetics firm and the future was looking very bright.

    She lived with her mother and father and she hadn’t bothered very much with men.

    Her dark blue laughing eyes and her bright radiant smile seemed to warm the water as she took some bread from her basket broke It up and threw It to the ducks In the water.

    There was much quacking as each duck jostled for position.

    Each one was trying to outdo the other.

    It made an amazing sight with much flapping of feathered wings and noisy quacking of duck languages as they each tried to frighten each other away.

    She gave out a loud Imitation of a duck trying to catch their attention but they took no notice as they converged In a pincer movement on the bread.

    She laughed gaily waved her arm at them shouting out loud Goodbye dear, friends, I’ll come, and see, you all, again soon,.

    She turned and walked up the river bank then onto the stony path to continue the rest of her journey.

    She had gone only a few steps when she thought that she heard a sound.

    She turned around sharply but she didn’t see or hear anything.

    It was also starting to get very foggy.

    Oh? well she exclaimed It must be my Imagination, and carried on walking.

    She had gone another few yards when she heard a very faint sound behind her and she turned round.

    She then stood transfixed her eyes coming out of her head.

    There stood before her was the most horrible thing that she had ever seen In her life.

    The face was a decadent mixture of green slime In a dry cracked skin of an old reptilian likeness.

    The dark hypnotic eyes cast out two laser beams of light that seemed to hold her paralysed and transfixed as she tried to turn her eyes away and run.

    But the eyes were to strong for her to resist for too long.

    The next move took her completely by surprise.

    The next moment a lot of crab like suckers sprang forth from the creature.

    It began to tear the clothes from her body whilst the eyes burned Into hers leaving her helpless.

    She grabbed at the suckers with her hands but they held her In a vice like grip.

    She fought like a wildcat to get away but the creature knew to much.

    It’s the eyes she thought then she shouted out I’ve got, to try, and break, the spell.

    It’s the only, way.

    By sheer will power she managed to force her gaze away only to be confronted by a new menace.

    On the creatures hands were a pair of black gloves with rings of green jade that sparkled and dazed her In a spiders web of hypnotic Intrigue.

    She opened her hands then with her long fingernails she went for his eyes In an attempt to scratch them out.

    But the creature was ready for such a move.

    The black gloves streaked out grabbing her wrists In a vice like grip.

    Then as the burning eyes bore Into hers to stop her dead In her tracks.

    It forced her arms above her head whilst the suckers got to work.

    They began to pull her flesh then squeeze It pulling her towards It In a sudden series of sharp bursts until she felt dizzy.

    Then It began to rip more pieces of flesh from her body.

    She screamed In agony crying out In a desperate voice Oh please, let, go.

    I won’t ever, tell anybody, honestly I won’t.

    It’s answer was almost It’s last and most despicable act.

    The green eyes turned to red with a glow like a volcano.

    They burned with great Intensity Into her soul.

    Such was the force that It brought her eyes out of her sockets to fall In a moment to the ground.

    Before she could say or do anything more the suckers had ripped another piece from over her heart.

    The sudden shock killed her and she slumped forward Into the arms of the creature.

    An evil smile of satisfaction appeared on It’s face and It let her fall to the ground.

    Picking up the pieces of flesh It stuffed them Into her coat pockets picked up the coat went to where she lay put the coat down spreading It lifted her up put his knee In her back covered her shoulders then pushed her arms through the sleeves fastened the buttons took one last look around.

    He moved his knee faced her kneeled down lifting her under her armpits and slung her

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