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Azez Medicine: Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit with the Help of the Beings of the Light
Azez Medicine: Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit with the Help of the Beings of the Light
Azez Medicine: Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit with the Help of the Beings of the Light
Ebook301 pages5 hours

Azez Medicine: Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit with the Help of the Beings of the Light

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When Fay Thompson tapped into the star wisdom of Azez, little did she know her life would be transformed with healing messages of love and divine guidance as given to her by a group called The Beings of the Light.
Azez Medicine describes Fays very personal journey from emotional pain and self-criticism to one of emotional well-being and self-acceptance. Both a story of a spiritual journey and a reference book, Azez Medicine contains practical and powerful information regarding how to heal yourself easily, using the guidance of The Beings of the Light.
Fay shares what The Beings of the Light taught her about healing the mind, body, spirit, and moreand youll see that these loving beings are eager to help you too. In fact, this book will show you how to work with The Beings of the Light and the wisdom of Azez to empower and heal your entire life!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 26, 2013
Azez Medicine: Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit with the Help of the Beings of the Light

Fay Thompson

Fay Thompson is a Life Coach and catalyst for change specializing in self-empowerment. She is also an international speaker and an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. Fay spends her days writing, coaching individuals and entrepreneurs, and facilitating workshops. Her aim is to empower each person to realize their immense creative capacity and their ability to change anything into something greater or different. From breaking barriers by being one of the first women to sail as crew onboard a Canadian Naval Warship to circumnavigating the globe on a barquentine tall ship to taking a pilgrimage to the monasteries of Tibet, Fay is constantly choosing to live outside the box, go beyond the limits this reality has set, and marvel at the magical world we live in. Fay's work has been featured on CBC Radio and TV, Global TV, Voice America, A2Zen Radio, and in various journals and magazines. Fay resides in Saskatchewan, Canada with her wise, dazzling husband, two gorgeous children, loving dog, Elsa, and playful cat, Comet. She loves to golf which she does badly and travel which she does well. To find out more about Fay and her work, or to book a coaching session or speaking engagement, visit You can also follow her on: Facebook Instagram

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    Azez Medicine - Fay Thompson

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    Introduction: Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet

    Chapter 1    Meeting The Beings of the Light

    Chapter 2    Azez Revealed

    Chapter 3    How I Came to Know Who I Am

    Chapter 4    The Healing Waters

    Chapter 5    Crystal Clear Intentions

    Chapter 6    Magical Multidimensional Metaphors

    Chapter 7    Trusting My Intuition

    Chapter 8    The Bully and The Boxing Ring

    Chapter 9    The Power of Desire

    Chapter 10  Uprooted Expectations

    Chapter 11  The Holy Trinity

    Chapter 12  Freeing the Beasts Within

    Chapter 13  The Master Healer’s Attunement

    Chapter 14  Fear Flambé

    Chapter 15  Releasing Suffering

    Chapter 16  An Audience with the Pope

    Chapter 17  The One Who Held My Heart

    Chapter 18  The Haunting, The Hanging, and The Dungeon

    Chapter 19  Making Friends with the Ego

    Chapter 20  A Path of Your Own Making

    Chapter 21  Mastering Manifestation

    Chapter 22  Pet Peeve

    Chapter 23  When Dreams Become Reality

    Chapter 24  Breathing Pattern Adjustment

    Chapter 25  Gratitude and Appreciation

    Afterword: The Journey Continues

    About the Author

    I dedicate this book to my darling husband Richard.

    Thank you for believing in me.

    Any wish is possible – all it takes is a little courage to set it free. – Jiminy Cricket


    The manifestation of this book is a dream come true and would not have been possible without the loving support of so many. First, I thank my core Energy Spa Group – Tracy and Robbie Reifferscheid, Elaine Waldner, and Barbara Anderson. Without you I would never have gained the confidence to step boldly out of the spiritual closet and admit my strengths and truth.

    Thank you to Bonnie Bogner – you were with me at the beginning of this spiritual journey and have taught me so much.

    A big thank you to Ginger Blakley – for your friendship, open heart, and for creating the amazing artwork for this book cover. Your talents are beyond this world and I am grateful for them.

    Thank you to my father for his unwavering belief in and love for me. Words cannot express how deeply I love you. A special thanks and hello to my mom who helped this book come into being from her place in heaven.

    Thank you to the host of angels and masters who were with me while I wrote this book. They don’t want to be named. Of course, a BIG thank you to Azez and The Beings of the Light. Your entrance into my life has pushed me to be more of who I truly am and forced me beyond limits I was previously afraid to explore. I am very blessed to be in your company.

    Thank you to my dear life partner, true friend, and husband who loves me eternally and always reminds me not to care what anyone else thinks. You are my guy and I love you. I couldn’t imagine going down this road without you holding my hand.

    And, thank you Nicole and Natalie for your enthusiasm, innocence, laughter, wisdom, inspiration, and joy. You bring meaning to my life just by your very being and are my greatest teachers.

    Introduction: Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet

    Above all else, to thine own self be true. – William Shakespeare

    My journey, as I imagine is the same for everyone, has been and continues to be one of self-discovery and self-acceptance. I have spent much of my life seeking the approval of others, doing everything in my power to fit into society, and be normal. I, like us all, just want to feel like I have a place to exist in peace in this world.

    In my opinion, the fatal mistake we as humans have made is to believe that in order to belong we must conform to societal expectations, traditions, and standards. This denies our very uniqueness and special contribution we have come to express and experience in this world. When I look upon the world’s history, it is always those who dared to jump out of the societal norms that have made the most contribution to our evolution and advancement. I am deeply inspired by people such as Aristotle, Galileo, Einstein, Tesla, Da Vinci, and Jung. Imagine if we stayed with the belief that the Earth was flat or that it was impossible to fly. It has always been those who have challenged the status quo that have expanded our knowledge and belief in what is possible.

    It is the breaking away from the norm that is not only an act of courage, but also an act of freedom. Each one of us is not a clone. We are individually unique and talented. We each came to Earth to express the unique wisdom that resides in our soul. In order to truly be who we are and act from that place of soul, we must break from the conformity. It is only by doing this that we can truly be free. As long as we hang on to the notion that we need the world or certain people in the world to accept us, then we live by another person’s standards. We conform to their wants and desires, which, by very definition, denies our own.

    It is this need to gain approval from others that keeps us in the proverbial closet. We hide what we think others may dislike, mock, or shun. I have spent a long time hiding in the closet. This book is my coming out. It is my way of letting the world know who I am. While I am not so deluded to think that the entire world will read this book, I do know that many of the people who occupy my world will read it. My family, my friends, and acquaintances are likely going to be the very first people to read this book. For many of them, it is going to be a huge surprise. For I am not who they think I am, and I do not think or act as they may imagine I do.

    I am a very spiritual person. For me, spirituality is the vehicle I use to view the world. My journey into spirituality has broadened my mind, made me a more compassionate and loving person, and helped me to accept the truth of who I am. For me, spirituality is not something that I study or practice, but instead is a large part of my very essence. For some, the metaphysical world seems like a hokey, made-up place for the delusional. Therein lies my fear of coming out of the spiritual closet. Here’s my big secret. The metaphysical world is my world. It is the only world I want to live in. While it may seem unreal to some, it has given me the most real experiences of my life. In this world, I have experienced magic, wonder, and miracles. It is the only place that I have found joy and acceptance for what I have always felt was different or odd about me.

    By coming out of the spiritual closet, I am not asking you to believe as I do. I am not pushing a way of being. I do not want to be a guru and gain a following. It would be hypocritical to ask others to conform to my way of being when all I am asking for is the freedom to be me and to live and express myself in my own way. I am asking for acceptance, but not because I need your acceptance. I truly believe when we can accept others for who they are, we begin to accept ourselves. Self-acceptance, I am coming to realize, is the greatest gift and the greatest freedom a human can come to know.

    As you read on, I can guarantee that for some, some of the things I say will sound crazy. Trust me, I have questioned my own sanity enough for all of us. The best advice I have been given, and I pass onto you, is to take in what resonates for you and discard the rest. Understand that what is right and true for me may not be right and true for you. It doesn’t make me right and it doesn’t make you wrong. It also doesn’t make me wrong and make you right. This is the essence of acceptance – allowing what is right and true for one to be different than what is right and true for another without judgment. I believe that if we stopped spending our time judging everything we don’t agree with as wrong and spent the majority of our time accepting what is right for us without worrying what our neighbor is doing, we would live much happier lives.

    The phrase coming out of the closet is most often associated with the gay community. I have a number of gay friends and have noticed that those that are truly out of the closet are the most refreshing people to be around. I believe it is because they have truly come to a place of self-acceptance for who they are despite the objections of others. There is no greater difficulty, and ironically, no greater triumph than to come to the decision to be honest with yourself and others so that you can be you, knowing full well that loved ones and strangers alike may shun you. Allowing someone to live and act her truth, even if it is the opposite of your truth, allows you the same freedom to live and act your truth without opposition from someone else. Acceptance provides freedom for us all. If we had everyone fit inside our box of truth in order for us to feel comfortable, then it would be a very boring world. There is no room for individual expression in that boxed up world. How do we grow living in a world like that? We don’t.

    One thing I have come to realize is that the more I accept the differences in others and remove my judgment of what they are doing, the more free I allow myself to be. It is my wish that those who are hiding themselves in a closet, whether it be a spiritual one or any other, find the courage to come out and live their truth. Spirituality and intuitive guidance have traditionally not been widely accepted in social norms. As more people come out of the spiritual closet, the more widely accepted it becomes. It also gives others the courage to step out as well.

    Seeing the spiritual world as more than just God, Jesus, and a handful of angels has also not been widely accepted. My interaction with the divine has opened me to believe in an infinite universe containing infinite possibilities. As I explore this infinite universe, I have come into contact with more expressions of universal love than just that of God, Jesus, and the angels. I have encountered the love and light of goddesses, ascended masters, totem animals, elementals (nature’s angels), and much more. In this book, I speak about my interactions with these loving energies and especially about my interactions and the guidance I have received from The Beings of the Light whose wisdom resides with the star Azez. As difficult as it may seem that there could be benevolent and loving energies on other stars willing to communicate and guide those of us on Earth, it has been my experience that there is. For me, it is not a far stretch to believe in this expansive universe that there would be an infinite number of expressions of loving wisdom. It seems quite pedantic to think human is the only life or consciousness that exists in the vastness of All That Is.

    The guidance I have been given from the collective wisdom of The Beings of the Light has brought me immediate results when it came to healing my emotional pain and mental blocks. The most valuable information I have received from them is the knowledge of how to navigate and alter what is in the subconscious mind. In this book, I share this guidance so that you can use it for yourself to release whatever hurts you inside and/or stops you from achieving whatever you wish to achieve. This is why the book is called Azez Medicine. The Beings of the Light have offered me an insight into my subconscious mind and given me simple, effective means in which to heal it. Their insight has become my medicine. In turn, I offer it to you.

    Whenever we change what is in the inner world of the subconscious mind, our outer world changes to follow suit. It is through the guidance and wisdom of The Beings of the Light that I was able to start my own business and create my own modality that I call Subconscious Mind Correction. I believe that we create our life through our own thoughts and beliefs. Most of those beliefs are held deep within the subconscious mind and are underneath the radar of our awareness (or consciousness). By tapping into the world of the subconscious, all the secrets as to why things are the way they are for us are revealed. It is also the place where one can replace the old ways that no longer serve with new ideas, beliefs, and strategies. This is why people find this work miraculous. What you believed was set in stone can be altered in a matter of moments, if you’re willing to change your mind. That, and you do not need to go into a hypnotic trance to get there, but only be willing to surrender to the flow of your imagination.

    An argument could be made that I am not getting this guidance from The Beings of the Light, but that it is all made up in my head. An argument could be made that my mind, and not some star wisdom, has found a way to simply and effectively change the long standing beliefs held within the subconscious mind. An argument could even be made that I am delusional and this is all a bunch of crap. It doesn’t matter to me how you explain or justify this information in your own mind. That is not for me to decide. I pondered the idea of not revealing the source of this information and just referring to it as my own guidance, which, in essence, it is. But that would not be being honest with myself and would continue to hide me in the spiritual closet from which I desperately wish to be freed. Thus, I am offering it to you as I received it. I do urge you to look at the information I offer in this book with an open mind and try some of the exercises that resonate most deeply with you. They have worked for me and they have worked with my clients. Please do not close yourself off from information that may be very beneficial to you because you are unsure of its source. If it helps, I am the source of this information and I have held the intent that all the information that goes into this book come strictly from the true Source, which I call God, which you may call the Universe, or the Creator, or Buddha, or Krishna, or the Divine Mind, or Spirit, or whatever you may refer to the brilliant, infinite, divine part that resides within you.

    I thank the spiritual people who have come before me to pave the way for this coming out party. Without your courage and conviction, I would not be living my truth as I am today. Now, on with the show.

    Chapter 1

    Meeting The Beings of the Light

    A star shone at the hour of our meeting. – JRR Tolkein

    I n November 2006, I attended my first spiritual weekend workshop. Up to that point, I knew very little about spiritual concepts. This weekend turned out to be a very pivotal moment in my life. It opened me to exploring the world of spirituality.

    Once I found this world, I couldn’t get enough of it. I read book after book. I scoured the Internet reading blogs and channels from various people. I attended several workshops, much to the annoyance of my husband who would often ask, When are you going to find what you’re searching for?

    I hadn’t realized it at the time, but I had found what I was searching for. I had found spirituality. As I look back on what is a relatively short period of time, it is amazing to me how quickly things have come together. Within that time frame, I found my passion, opened to my intuitive abilities, took a leap of faith, quit my well-paying corporate job, became a Licensed Spiritual Health Coach, started my own business, created my own modality called Subconscious Mind Correction, began teaching spiritual workshops, and now have written a spiritual book. All of this would not have been possible if I hadn’t taken that first workshop.

    One of the areas of spirituality that always intrigued me was channeling. I had read several channeled books including ones by Sanaya Roman, Esther Hicks, and Lee Carroll. The information within these books resonated with me and I dreamed of how wonderful it would be to have instant access to an infinite source of wisdom as these channels had. How easy life would be!

    Undaunted by the fact I had no idea what I was doing, I tried my hand at channeling. I did find a voice to listen to. I listened to this voice religiously for a couple of weeks. It told me how amazing my life was going to be and that I was going to do important work and be famous. It told me what I was doing wrong and pointed out exactly how I should be doing things. It even would interrupt me in my daily activities needing me to listen to it. Finally, it came to a point where I realized this was not the voice of a divine light being, but one that was out to make a fool of me.

    Little did I know at the time it was merely the voice of my own ego. I thought I had been talking to something separate from myself. I actually became very scared, thinking I had tapped into some evil energy that may have attached itself to me, or worse, may try to possess me! I sought out the help of friends who were energy workers. They assured me I had no entities attached to me and that I was fine.

    I gave up all attempts at channeling, until I saw an ad for a new workshop coming to town. It was called Learning to Channel taught by Pepper Lewis, who is well-known and well-respected in spiritual circles as the person who channels the energy of Gaia (Mother Earth).

    Pepper taught me how to open my heart and mind and tap into the divine consciousness. She alleviated my fears regarding tapping into a dark energy. From this workshop, I learned that there is no hell, no Satan, and no evil. There is only the Source of unconditional love and our disconnection from it. When we disconnect from our Source of unconditional love, also known as our divinity, it feels like we are in hell, but we’re not. The disconnection is nothing more than the experience of our ego, our place of fear, which is also the place from which all suffering comes. I had tapped into the dark when I first attempted channeling, but it was my own dark! It always is your own dark.

    I also learned how to recognize whether one is tapped into the divine love Source or tapped into ego. Divine guidance is loving, accepting, and never judgmental. Divine guidance accepts you for what you have done and provides loving, action-based options to move you in the direction of a solution. Divine guidance doesn’t tell you what you should do, but instead gives suggestions of what you could decide in order to make things better for yourself and others. Connection to divine guidance feels loving, supportive, and safe. When speaking directly with divine guidance, it will refer to itself as we, instead of I, because divine guidance understands the collective We are all One, and doesn’t separate itself as an individual like the ego does. Divine guidance offers love and hope, and never will add to your fear.

    Ego, on the other hand, will judge you, tell you what you should or should not do, and make you feel guilty. Ego will inflate you to believe you are better than others and deflate you by saying, Who are you to think you’re so special? Ego will stomp on others if it feels threatened, instead of seeking the truth. Ego will tell you if you need to be punished or if you need to suffer. Ego does not want you to be honest with your feelings, but instead hide from them. Ego will want to make decisions for you, instead of allowing you to make the best choice for yourself. Ego will tell you that you can’t and make you afraid to act. An ego voice will refer to itself as I or me, because it doesn’t understand that we are One in love.

    Learning the difference between divine guidance and the controlling ego made me realize even further the voice I channeled was indeed my own ego and not some evil trickster energy out to get me.

    I also learned that channeled divine information can be expressed in a number of ways. It can come through your pen in written form through a process called automatic writing. It can come to you telepathically as intuitive guidance. It also can come through your speaking voice, where the channel allows the guidance to speak through them. The person (the channel) is not actually speaking, but instead they are allowing the guidance to be spoken through them from their own voice.

    We practiced all these forms of channeling in the workshop. By actively participating in a variety of exercises, I realized there was nothing more to fear. I also realized that I had an aptitude for channeling. I seemed to be able to access a flow of divine information much more easily than many of the other workshop participants.

    The night after the workshop ended, I sat in bed and decided to try channeling via the automatic writing method. Since I didn’t know who I wanted to receive guidance from, I asked a generic question by stating with intent, In the name of the light, whatever source of guidance that would be most beneficial for me to talk to, please make yourself known, and let me know what I most need to know for my highest good and the highest good of all involved.

    I began to write. A stream of loving, kind information asking me to believe in myself and to follow my passion came through. It told me that whatever I needed to know, I need only ask, and the answer would be given. I knew this wasn’t my ego talking. It sounded different in my head. Its voice was softer, kinder, and very loving. When I asked the source of this information to identify itself, it wrote on the page, We are The Beings of the Light.

    At that moment in time, I didn’t think much about this group that I had just interacted with. I knew they were from the light and that was good enough for me. I went to bed feeling content.

    As days passed, I continued the automatic writing sessions. Almost always, when I didn’t specify the light source that I wished to contact, it was The Beings of the Light that came through with love and encouragement for me. Sometimes I would hear from my guardian angels, but more often than not it was The Beings of the Light. They told me they were present to help me discover and fulfill my soul purpose. As I asked them more questions, I received more answers, but not always in the manner that I was expecting. Sometimes the answers came on the written page, sometimes they came in the form of thoughts that would appear in my head just at the right moment, and sometimes I received my answers through other people.

    In our beginning interactions, The Beings of the Light did not tell me exactly where they were from, nor did I ask. I wasn’t ready to hear the truth anyway. Like all loving and divine guidance, that information was revealed to me when I was ready to hear it without being tossed into rampant fear. They waited until the time was right. That time presented itself during the first weekend workshop I ever taught.

    Chapter 2

    Azez Revealed

    Make me a channel of your peace. – St. Francis of Assisi

    F ollowing the guidance of The Beings of the Light, I accepted a request to travel a couple hours from where I lived to teach my first spiritual workshop. I was nervous, but the Universe blessed me with a group of very spiritually

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