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God’S Intelligent Design for Planet Earth: Creation, Beauty, and Redemption
God’S Intelligent Design for Planet Earth: Creation, Beauty, and Redemption
God’S Intelligent Design for Planet Earth: Creation, Beauty, and Redemption
Ebook308 pages4 hours

God’S Intelligent Design for Planet Earth: Creation, Beauty, and Redemption

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This book is about God the Creator of all; from nothingness to beyond the Multiverse, from cosmic darkness to spiritual light, while surrounding all of His Creation with universal beauty. Godless scholars claim their discoveries as the engine of historic progress, but in truth it has been the Divine revelation of ideas that have propelled the evolution of Mankind. Often, we are discovering that the greatest of human genius has been wrong in their attempts to explain the physical basics of existence. Likewise, their vision of the natural world and the course of cultural/spiritual advancement have been flawed. Albert Einsteins theories were wrong. Even he admitted that his universal constant that attempted to describe the mechanics of Outer Space was a colossal miscalculation. The philosophies of the most noteworthy of Greek intellectuals, Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato, widely taught today in academia as the pathway to truth, have failed to anticipate the Mosaic, Moral Order and Gods personal relationship with each human soul. Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling proposed a triple-helix for the DNA and he was proven wrong. Along with, the mathematical limitations posed by Isaac Newton and Rene Descartes. Galileos science, atomic theory, quantum physics, string theory, Darwins biology, Freuds account of the psyche, and many other intellectual gaffes made throughout the Eras have been proven erroneous and/or partial truths. Has the acquisition of knowledge been a continuous, rational phenomenon leading to truth? Or, will godless reasoning always be imperfect to grasp the Divine complexities of the cosmos? Why cant rational mathematics explain the irrational numbers, such as the Fibonacci series, the Golden Proportion, and the triangular ratios of sine, cosine, and hypotenuse? Has Gods wisdom been revealing to scholars the rudiments of His Creation throughout the Eras or have the godless, arrogant intellectuals been discovering the created fundamentals of the cosmos, as revealed through time by a Higher Power? Has the issuing of the Nobel Prize been sacrosanct or simply the rewarding of scientific mistakes and limitations via political/cultural correctness? Only God and the message of Jesus have perfectly survived to inspire the ideational and spiritual Ages.
Release dateDec 17, 2013
God’S Intelligent Design for Planet Earth: Creation, Beauty, and Redemption

Mike Morra

Throughout his 45-year career in academics, aviation, and business consultation, Mike Morra, Ph.D. always found himself at the “cutting edge” of computer programming to major corporations for the Univac I and II systems. These were the first, commercial computers in business history. In the 60s, Dr. Morra was invited to join a NASA crisis-team of national scientists in Houston, TX. report. In part, this project was directed by Dr. Harold Urey, a 1934, Nobel Bell Prize winner. In the 1970-80s, Morra became a ranking manager on shift-duty in the operation of Kansas City International Airport. Mike Morra received a B.S. in Econometrics, at New York University, NYNY, 1957; an M.A. in Psychometrics, Columbia University NYNY, 1959; and a Ph.D. in Behavioral Science, at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN, 1965. His formal research and teaching style were set at the “leading edge” of the techno/cultural/commercial dynamic of the American culture. His five books include Genetic-Based Democracy, NOVA Publications, NYNY 1998 and The Dawn of Bio/Politics, Authorhouse, Bloomington IN 2008.

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    Book preview

    God’S Intelligent Design for Planet Earth - Mike Morra

    Part One

    Divine Creation

    Part One offers the reader an unadorned sylogism. Premise 1: The Multiverse has been created and is maintained by the universal Laws of Science and Mathematics. Premise 2: Man is but a negligible speck set in the Multiverse. Conclusion: You can’t have cosmic Laws without a remarkably intelligent, Lawmaker. God must have been the incredible Lawgiver of all Creation.

    Chapter 1

    God’s History of Intelligence

    If we look at the ideational triumphs ever-evolving as revealed by God and only discovered by scientists, scholars, academicians, and the full-range of socio/poitical leaders, logic must correctly conclude that God is an immeasurabley intelligent Being. By reflecting on the all-knowing nature of God, these scientific and quantitative concepts and their wisdom, set to be uncovered across an historic timeline, have been dazzling, transcendant, and astonishing. Certainly revealed and then discovered by the searching mind of Man, the ever-accelerating expansion of ideational erudition reached a number of high points since the 15th century Renaissance, into the Enlightenment of the 18th century, and on to the brillance of the Modern Age. As we know it to be today, the illumination of humanity has been theologically forged and shaped by the "revealed Divine" and "human discovery" of cerebral events in at least ten pivotal areas: (1) high-mathematics; (2) the sciences, hard and soft; (3) micro&info technology; (4) capitalism and banking; (5) political democracy; (6) the marvels of medicine; (7) the application of English as international communication; (8) Space travel and its research; (9) genetics; and (10) the Moral Evolution of Western Mankind.

    Since the onset of the 21st century, what has been happening across the family-of-nations is full/scale plagiarism of these Western, cerebral accomplishments. At this juncture of time, there are no competing, East/West, philosophical models vieing within the intellectual world of humanity. Hence, this cascading tide of Global copycatism of these key ten idea/factors is accelerating within the cultural institutions of the nations of the Black, Brown, Yellow and Hybrid races of Planet Earth. These conceptual elements have been successfully propelling the course of the survival evolution of the Modern Era dating back to the Renaissance Period of history.

    Divine Intelligence (I): High Mathematics

    Since the 15th century and due to the brilliance of the Western mathematician, the nine billion inhabitants of Planet Earth alive today benefit from the prospects of: (1) the networking of humanity via the Internet; (2) R&D explorations of Outer Space; (3) the micro/technologies of medicine and dentistry; (4) high-speed transportation both at the personal and community levels; (5) worldwide TV intended for the rapid dissemination of cultural news, styles, and entertainment; (6) the hi-tech, ways&means of abundant, food production; (7) readily available Global, commercial air travel; (8) international, personal, communication systems; (9) effective educational and corporate methods; along with, (10) computerized 24/7 banking and finance.

    Indeed, the Modern World of the 21st century is beholding to the territorial/cerebral accomplishments of Western mathematical scholarship, ranging from Descartes (1596-1650 AD), to Fermat (1601-1665 AD) to Newton (1642-1727 AD) to Leibniz (1646-1716 AD) to three generations and ten mathematicians of the Bernoullis family that spanned the 17th and 18th centuries; to Euler (1707-1783 AD), the most prolific mathematician in the history of Man; to LaGrange (1736-1813 AD) to LaPlace (1749-1827 AD) to Fourier (1768-1830 AD), along with other great minds, from the 17th through the 19th centuries, including Poincare (1854-1912AD). All their quantitative insights were revealed via the Caucasian genes endowed by God.

    As Divinely revealed, the science of quantity, i.e mathematics, comes about as a symbolic output from our spatial/intellectual neuro/centers. This has become energized as a DNA/territorial imperative. Accordingly, in order to enhance our prospects of survival via intellectual adaptation, the environmental control of our surrounding numerics becomes decisive. While daily, great societies regularly utilize high mathematics, yet-developing nations merely emulate these Western discoveries. And, primitive societies genetically can not. Moreover, an analysis of the readings of history written by any respectable author easily would disclose that it was the Western Psyche that produced the brilliant mathematics, of the Occident. The elevated, techno/scientific threshold of a New Era, the 21st Century, becomes proof-positive of these ideo/cultural customs.

    As the biographies of the great mathematicians have been scripted, the unveiling of the steps of knowing how the pure numbers of our ambiance perform to serve the institutional/survival life of civilized, Western societies, are informative. In general, this accruing, math knowledge can neither be traced to the psycho/dynamics of personal bios nor to the educational opportunities of the great mathematicians. Per se, it has all been racial and genetic.

    Brilliance, when expressed by any academic field of erudition can be traced to both the DNA and the Divine. It is neighter politically skewed by the times nor upon the learned privileges of the few. Nor by, the opportunities of individual experiences. But rather, upon the territorial emissions of the quantitative genes. If true, out of the vectors of Mankind’s, numeric, ideational history comes the reasonable hypotheses drawn and pursued by the 21st century’s bio/science of quantity. Most likely, the high and pure mathematics have been created and driven as cerebral DNA/derivatives as Divinely revealed, primarily out of the territorial impetuses of the Western Mind. Historically, all other nations, races, and ethnics can’t make this claim.

    Divine intelligence (II):

    Advanced Sciences—Hard and Soft

    Truly, the pure sciences of the Western World have been continually serving the democratic, freemarket and ever-evolving, legal traditions and ideals. These scientists are less anxious to solve the practical aspects of their cultures and more centered upon the formulation of the general laws of the Universe. For the Modern Era, it was the intellectual brawn of the Causacoid West that began to acquire a momentum of scientific thought both in Ancient and Medieval times. These intellectual events cascaded into the 17th century and prompted the inquires of six Western scholars of Italian, Dutch, English, and German descent. With Galileo, Torricelli. Huygens, Boyle, and Von Guericke, modern-day science began to take shape. Since the Renaissance, as initiated by the poetry of Petrarch (1304-1374 AD), along with those of the Enlightenment (17th/18th AD), the Ages of Western, scientific lore drifted away from the religious obstinacy of the Roman Church by underscoring reasoning rather than legend or faith. Yet in partership, it was Christian intellectualism and secular individualism that induced the many fields of pure science to materialize, flourish, and become formalized within both the academic and governmental settings.

    Some aspects of the purer sciences that were systematically probed included the studies of thermodynamics, mechanics, light, optics, heat, gravity, electromagnetism, and electricity. As a group, these scientific pursuits revealed some of the principles that underlie and interface with conventional and compatible erudition, thereby formalizing the study of Physics, the Mother of Science. Over the centuries this blossoming study of the physical realm shaped, expounded, and spread across the Western World by the efforts of a host of Caucasian scientists of French, British, Austrian, Danish, New Zealander, Polish, Italian, and American pedigrees. These scholars contributed notably to today’s, ever-expanding, Western, scientific/technological tradition. Today, the Asian/Africaan family-of-nations is coveting and parodying the scientific accomplishments of the West.

    As a sidebar, although culturally incorrect to admit, in the year 2005 AD, Harvard University’s Chancellor objectively recognized that the plain-to-see gender gap existing in the sciences had to be genetic-in-kind. Set within he Liberal politics of the Cambridge campus, the Chancellor left us with the inference that only on rare occasions were females, e.g. France’s Madame Curie, and Asia’s, Yukawa Hideki, were able to participate as equal colleagues within the good ole boy clique of the scientific establishment. Ergo in conclusion; for the sake of the purity of hard data curiousily interacting with the obsessive drive to explore the unknown must be deemed as DNA/synonymous with male/territorial attributes. By way of his thrust for knowing, the nature of the male genome comes about as distinguished by the lineage of our territorial ansestors. In tantem, the Cro Magnon, the Viking, the Classical European, and the New-World American comprised the genetic roots of science. All other racial categories have failed to live up to this scientific history. Why God has selected this gender venue to reveal His scientific secrets of Creation seems to be consistent with His past selection of the then-despised, Ancient Israeli to lead the Moral Evolutuioon of Western Man. Undeniably, God favors the unfavorable to execute His intentions for Planet Earth, including the lame, the last, the least, and the lost of

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