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Your Energy: The True Source of Self-Empowerment
Your Energy: The True Source of Self-Empowerment
Your Energy: The True Source of Self-Empowerment
Ebook232 pages4 hours

Your Energy: The True Source of Self-Empowerment

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As you begin raising your consciousness and bringing your awareness to your energetic self, it soon becomes clear that the only sustainable source of power is you. This means that youand only youhave the power to change your situation. In Energy: The Key to Personal Empowerment, author Therese Pares explores this idea and its ramifications for your life.

Every action you take and every thought you have uses your personal energy. You place energetic intention behind everything you dosometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously. If your current way of doing something or interacting with someone isnt working, then it is time to become aware of your energetic intentions. Your focus should be not your behaviour, but instead on what drives that behaviour.

This guide encourages you to ask questions that raise your self-awareness and enable you to experience the energy dimension that exists. It outlines practical actions that you can take to change your life. You should never stop learning, exploring, and being committed to your own journey. By putting these habits into practice, you can retain and benefit from more of your personal power.

Release dateJun 17, 2014
Your Energy: The True Source of Self-Empowerment

Therese Pares

Therese Pares has more than thirteen years of experience working in change and project management. Therese offers coaching and support to those looking to experience energy paradigms. With her grounded approach, she is inspiring both individuals and teams to challenge their current realities. Therese currently lives in Sydney, Australia, with her partner.

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    Book preview

    Your Energy - Therese Pares


    It feels like I have been writing this book all of my life—or at least the part that has led up to now! I have read back through journals, looked at photos, and relived moments I had locked away. With the benefit of hindsight, I have noticed more and more about my journey of self-discovery. My early days of becoming self-aware weren’t always easy; however, there have been many times of great joy and achievement. When reading my most recent journals, I find myself hardly believing the life I am now leading, and it continues to change as I continually commit to learning about myself.

    One question I ask myself all the time is, could there be anything more worthy of your time or attention than becoming aware of who you really are? Some may call that the authentic self or the real you. I see the potential in others and am exploring my own potential by raising my self-awareness and challenging myself every day. I am excited about the prospects of both.

    We have lived through the ups and downs of stock market fluctuations and the property cycles of boom and bust, and for some reason we still don’t invest in the safest place of all—in ourselves. We don’t realise the return on investment when we invest in ourselves. How have we lost sight of this basic truth? I am not sure.

    It doesn’t matter if you have already been becoming consciously self-aware or if this is the first book you have picked up of this kind. I congratulate you wholeheartedly on investing in yourself. It is always worth it!

    Don’t stress—this book isn’t about me; it’s about you. I am going to share some stories, but the purpose of these are so you can experience the joy of you and realise more and more that you are full of potential joy, fun, and talent!

    It’s important for you to know that I am a practical, grounded person, because there are some stories in this book you may find hard to believe. But the stories are real. When you start to make changes in your life, you are going to have some amazing experiences as well. It’s the joy of living.

    The first step in my journey was through consciously raising my self-awareness. I started to think about my belief systems, and I became a student of the human mind. I got into goal setting and was intent on achieving those goals that I set. Then my world fell apart. I realised I couldn’t control my reality and dictate what it should be. That prompted me to dive deeper, and I started to explore my life at the heart level. When your world falls apart, you find it easier to surrender because there is little fight left. Down I went, falling to the canvas.

    The next level of heart-based exploration opened me to the energetic world. To paraphrase a quote from T. S. Eliot that is on my computer desk, I found that at the end of my exploring, I had arrived back to where I started, and I knew the place for the first time. The lens through which I was looking at my world showed me a new dimension. This led to a greater understanding of my energy, how it interacts with others, and how I could retain more of my own power every day. My soul understanding expanded, and I realised I could expand my energy as well.

    I have written this book to provide you with the opportunity to learn about yourself, expand your energy, and bring more of yourself to this world. I believe that the world is ready for this understanding, and that you are ready for this information. Through understanding yourself and the energy world in which you live, you can become empowered again. Through the knowledge available to you, you can remember that you have the best ability in the world: the ability to choose something different in any and every moment.


    The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

    —Marcel Proust

    I own three kaleidoscopes. I bought one in early 2000. I wrote on a sticker and put it on the side: Look at things from a different perspective. This was to remind me that shifting the way I looked at things could help solve problems and change my reality.


    I bought the second kaleidoscope in 2011; I found it at the airport when I was flying to visit my sister. It has a test tube that runs through the lens and creates amazing special effects. It brought yet another dimension to an original idea and reminded me of how an original idea could evolve and create a new dimension to things. As I turned the test tube, in the right light it looked like exploding stars.


    Then in 2012, I bought a third from the Celtic Prehistoric Museum, just outside Dingle, Ireland. It is an antique-like kaleidoscope with two rotating wheels. This one reminds me that I don’t necessarily need all the bells and whistles. Everything needs a foundation and starting point. It also represents traditions, which should be appreciated and marvelled at for their ingenuity.


    All come back to one original idea: keep turning the lenses, and you will see many different things. The next chapters do just this, providing you with different lenses that will change your reality. But only through putting theory into action will you get to experience the different realities that exist. Time to look at things through different lenses so that you can become empowered.

    Change Doesn’t Have to Be Big or Dramatic

    Change doesn’t have to be something risky or dramatic. It happens every day—it’s happening right now. However, you are mostly unaware of it. Most people are living unconscious lives that keep them safe. To change anything in your life, all it takes is for you to choose a different path. The one thing that will keep you from this will be fear—fear of consequences that are unknown or that you imagine to be true. To create sustainable change not only do you need to choose a different path, but you also need to reinforce that choice every day.

    I know this can be easier said than done—remember, I am talking from experience—but every day it will get easier. Then you will wake one day and won’t have a conscious thought about your new way of life; you will simply be experiencing a new way of being. Your reality will in turn reflect this new way of life. You will have focus and a renewed sense of self-confidence, and because of this you will experience the world differently. Then the more you focus on yourself, the more you will connect genuinely with others. I can guarantee that your life will change as a result of embarking on this journey. I don’t want to overplay or underplay this with you, however there will be moments that will blow your logical mind. Eventually these moments will become a way of life.

    I have been on a conscious journey of self-development for almost two decades. I didn’t have the intention of achieving Buddha or guru status (but how cool would it be to be able to levitate at parties?). My intention was to break down patterns in my life that I just didn’t want to repeat. Past relationships and frustrating work situations were two areas where I wanted to write a different story. Those years of conscious re-creation took me from a full-time job to contract work. I ventured overseas and experienced different cultures. I experienced the serendipitous nature of life and made heartfelt connections with people all over the world. Throughout that time I interrogated my belief systems and challenged ones that would steer me to safe waters out of fear. I realized that life wasn’t about financial security or the material world. I was so much more than that—and so are you.

    If there is something in you that is asking, Is there more to my life than this? or if you want to make a change in your life because it just has to change, let me validate those feelings. Never doubt them, because that is your own spirit talking to you. Your inner spirit is asking you to back yourself, make a change, take a risk, and explore who you are. Every risk I have taken in life has paid off, though sometimes in a way I never expected and sometimes in a way I initially interpreted as uncomfortable or negative. In the long term, all of the risks have paid off in increased awareness and self-understanding. I have grown and have explored why I am here and who I am in this world. It is fun, it is challenging, and it creates exceptional living. I am now always grateful for where I am in my life, and I am not afraid to step out of my comfort zone and grow. By exploring the world of possibility, where the world is fluid and ever changing, you will be able to create the reality you want as you shake the bonds of old belief systems (many of which you didn’t consciously choose in the first place). At times it isn’t easy and can be challenging, but the pay-off is worth it. But I don’t need to tell you that, because you will soon see for yourself.

    The journey we are about to embark on is divided into three major steps. The first step is a conscious raising of your awareness by referencing your current reality. The second step is to look at your life and relationships from an energy perspective. In the third step, you will move into energy expansion. I will highlight ways in which you can grow further and connect with the greater energy that exists.

    Access to Many Experts

    I have come across many great teachers, inspiring writers, and talented therapists. At, I have included resources I recommend. This is not a definitive listing, but I think it is a great start for you to consider. If there are some you would recommend, go to the website and let me know.

    If you need professional help of any sort throughout this process, I encourage you to get it. This journey is not a defined one of any kind. Our journeys are as individual as we are, and you should seek support when you need it in a way that works for you. This may sound like a cop-out, but it isn’t. I have passed on details of healers and therapists that work for me. Experts and therapies that worked for me may or may not work for you. I am happy to provide you with as many options as possible, but you will need to try the ones you want and choose what works for you.


    Before you begin, there are a couple of things to look at so that you can get the most out of this process of self-discovery.

    The Context of Power in This Book

    When we use words, they often have a range of meanings attached to them. I would like to clarify what the word power means in the context of this book. It isn’t the common definition, where power is wielded against others or is a force with which to be reckoned. True power, and the power in this book, refers to tranquillity, to a knowing and a grounded sense of self. It brings a sense of grace into your life. When you become empowered, it will allow you to reveal more of yourself to the world in a safe, confident way. Life isn’t a power game to be won, and there isn’t a dragon to be slain. There is life—just you and just me. We have chosen to be here, so this is about being. This is about retaining more of your power so that you can enjoy life. There is nothing more fun, beautiful, and joyous than being in this world.

    The Inner Judge

    Is there a judge in your mind, one that likes to raise his or her gavel and say yes or no definitively, with no discussion? Does this judge demand that you do better and be better? Do you hear that judge taking form in what you say about others and how they aren’t doing things right, or in comparing yourself with them? That’s the voice of restrictive belief systems, and it harms you more than it harms anyone else.

    It’s time for that judge to be disbarred. You can let him or her know that he or she just doesn’t belong in your life anymore. The existence of that judge is a learned behaviour and cuts you off from possibility. When your inner judge raises his or her voice, it is best to ignore it and keep reading and breaking down the beliefs that are creating the objection in the first place.

    Emotional Reactions Are a Good Thing

    Be open to any ideas that may evoke a strong emotional response. If you reject something passionately, take a moment to think about why. When I become angry or reject an idea passionately, I know I need to take a moment to sit with it and to understand why. What is it clashing with to evoke such a strong emotional response? Is it a belief that is so embodied in me that it is placing me in a righteous position? Or is it that someone has hit a nerve and has been honest with me about my behaviour, and I am not willing to accept it—even if it may be the truth? A very strong emotional reaction may be due to a clash of a concept with your value system.

    Such a strong emotional reaction is like a neon sign saying, Look here!. Whether it is to reaffirm your value system or to challenge your beliefs, don’t stand in self-righteousness thinking that because you feel so strongly about it you are right. It is a smart way to subconsciously close yourself off to the very ideas that may have you move through the obstacles in your life. When you have a strong emotional reaction to something written here, start journaling so you can understand why. Have you ever had a conversation with someone where you are giving them an obvious solution to their problem, and they won’t hear it because they are too emotionally wrapped up in the problem? This is no different. People often close off themselves through a strong emotional response. When your emotional hackles are raised, your mind and belief systems are being challenged. This creates static, where you may not be able to hear or accept the very concept that will help you move forward.

    Have a Strong Enough Reason Why

    There always has to be a strong motivation for you to change anything in your life. Change is made to avoid pain or bring pleasure. The motivation has to be strong to overcome the many objections you will raise as you are making progress.

    Here are some common reasons to take action:

    •  Your relationships aren’t working.

    •  You feel like you are never good enough at anything.

    •  Life is good, but you want great.

    •  You feel emotionally numbed out to life.

    •  Something within you wants more.

    •  You are struggling to keep your head above water.

    The following examples are outcomes of taking action:

    •  Your relationships become deeper, unconditional, and more loving.

    •  Your own self-esteem will build up; you will love yourself more and be able to love others more.

    •  Your experience of this world will be multi-sensual and delicious. You will be in awe of the little things and be able to laugh at the small stresses of life.

    •  You will become present to life and be witness to many things that you had never noticed before.

    •  You will remember who you really are, and you will no longer have that nagging feeling that you want to be more in this world.

    And you will bring ALL of this to others.

    Are these reasons enough? What is your motivation to making change in your life?

    The Importance of Journaling

    You will need to journal through this process. Don’t let thoughts come and go. Don’t nod at insights but never write them down. Writing down the insight captures them. They are literally brought into your reality so that you can deal

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