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A Forgotten History: Blood is Thicker than Water
A Forgotten History: Blood is Thicker than Water
A Forgotten History: Blood is Thicker than Water
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A Forgotten History: Blood is Thicker than Water

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Over 100 years ago, a star fell from the sky and created a new race of humans called the Gifted. For decades, their origin was lost to the world, hidden by a family desperate to maintain their reign over the monarch. It took a bloodline stronger than steel and a bond of campers to discover the truth and expose the false crown. Ruby Lockhart-Jennings, a trained assassin, must learn to use her Gifts for good in order to reconnect with her lost family and save the people she was born to lead. But no good rebellion story is complete without a few twists and turns, and a tricky love triangle. 17 months ago, Malakai Love exploded into Ruby’s life and changed the way she saw the world. And, just when she was starting to make sense of her new life, a surprising force named Jasper came crashing in. Now, she has a new family and is expected to be the leader of a rebellion she just learned existed. But, how is she supposed to be a leader when she can’t even manage her own love-life or control her burning lust for revenge? Ruby’s destiny has been written in the stars for over a century, she only wishes she knew how to read it.

PublisherEmily Goulden
Release dateDec 12, 2018
A Forgotten History: Blood is Thicker than Water

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    Book preview

    A Forgotten History - Emily Goulden

    Part I: The Beginning

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Chapter Twenty-Nine

    Chapter Thirty

    Chapter Thirty-One

    Part II: The Origin

    Part III: The Rebellion

    Chapter Thirty-Two

    Chapter Thirty-Three

    Chapter Thirty-Four

    Chapter Thirty-Five

    Chapter Thirty-Six

    Chapter Thirty-Seven

    Chapter Thirty-Eight

    Chapter Thirty-Nine

    Chapter Forty

    Chapter Forty-One

    Chapter Forty-Two

    Chapter Forty-Three

    Chapter Forty-Four

    Chapter Forty-Five

    Chapter Forty-Six

    Chapter Forty-Seven

    Chapter Forty-Eight



    "Do you three ever stop talking." Marla groaned on the other side of the wall. She was here long before us, prisoner to the Crown for half a decade.

    Yep, you heard that right. Back in a 4 by 4 cell in the basement of the royal palace. I am presently enjoying the irony of being held captive in my own castle.

    Just then, the main door to the basement opened with a heavy bang.

    Brecken appeared in front of my cell. He looked old. His eyes blood shot and swollen, wrinkles scattered his forehead, his hair greasy instead of polished, his close dirty and clearly slept in.

    He’s rattled. We’re winning.

    This was the first time Brecken had come down to the cells in person in the nearly 3 months we’ve been here.

    Your highness. My tone was board. I was stronger than I was before, surer of myself. I know what my destiny is, I know where I belong, I know who the rightful leaders of this kingdom were. He could no longer touch me. He could no longer control me.

    You escaped me once. You will not do it again. He grinned the same gross smile I remembered.

    We’ll see. This time, I smiled back. His face twisted in anger. He reached through the bars and closed his hand around my throat.

    Or at least he tried to.

    The moment his skin touched mine he was blown backwards by a bright white light. He slammed against the wall then face planted on the floor. The guards came running to aid their Prince. He shoved them away, jumping to his feet, scrambling to adjust his coat.

    away, jumping to his feet, scrambling to adjust his coat.

    You witch. He spat. It was supposed to be an insult, once upon a time it was. The story always went that 300 years ago when Earthlings stumbled across a few members of the Gifted, they yelled witch and began rounding people up. Over time they may have collected a few dozen Gifted, but mostly they burned innocent Earthlings who were caught in the crossfires of our war. Now, knowing the Gifted weren’t created until the 1900s, one must wonder where these stories came from. Did people form Planet X landed before? I guess that’s a question for another day.

    Thank You. I took it as a compliment instead. I will give him no power.

    He scoffed, fluffing the coattails of his jacket and storming away, a sea of guards followed him.

    You have a death wish. Marla said, a few moments after he left. I sat back against the cell wall.

    I’ve already faced the worst the Prince has to offer. There’s nothing he can do to me that he hasn’t before. I will never give him the satisfaction of my fear. Besides, he cannot touch me. No one can. I looked down at the ruby necklace burning against my chest. It has become a part of me, quite literally.

    2 months ago, an intense fire burned from the ruby, melting it to my skin. No one with bad intentions could touch me. Josette and Oliver protect me still. It was one of the only ways I could convince everyone to let me surrender. That, and taking Gideon and Vincent with me.

    I don’t think it took Marla long to figure out who I was. She was here during my escape and my first stay in these cells. She was a witness to the magic that saved Kai’s life. Marla had fire, she was bitter and strong and hated the Crown as much as the rest of us. She wasn’t a nice person, but she was smart enough to know that we were on her side.

    How do you think the others are doing? I heard Gideon whisper.

    In these God forsake cells they put us in, we couldn’t see each other. They put us in cells side-by-side, separating us by thick walls of cement. It was Gideon on one end, then Vinnie, me, and Marla. There were a few other prisoners who would come and go. The Crown tried to keep us weak, just barely alive. But we were protected by the ruby and our destiny. Every time they tried to make us weak, we only grew stronger. When there was no food, we were bursting with fullness; when there was no water, we were bloating with hydration; when there was no sleep, we were bright eyed and energized; when there was pain, we felt only joy.

    Can’t you feel it? Our rebellion is growing stronger, I feel their strength inside me. I pressed my hand against the ruby, I found comfort in the rock branded on my chest.

    We’re not all destined to rule the Gifted, Ruby. Vinnie said.

    Yes, you are. It won’t just be me, or Kai, or even Jasper. The kingdom belongs to everyone, it belongs to the people. If you think you don’t have a place in the coming world, you’re wrong, Vinnie. You all will have a place. We are in this together. Someone once told me that he would be whatever I needed him to be. For now, I need you to be a solider. And then? Whatever you want to be.

    No one talked for a while after that. We didn’t talk a lot actually. There wasn’t much to talk about and we were careful not to allow ourselves to be overheard. It was easier when we slept, at least it was easier for me. I’m not alone when I close my eyes. My siblings are there. Kai is there. He is there.


    Chapter One

    "NO, NO, NO STOP! LET GO OF ME! Linden make them stop!" I shrieked, as the men in black grabbed me by the arms and threw me into the back of a jet-black van. My older brother, Linden, stood with his arms crossed, away from the scene. His eyes were slammed shut, and his blonde hair tossed to the side from the intense winds that were driving through the underground city.

    I was fighting against their holds, thrashing around. Sometimes I managed to stand on someone’s foot, or slam my head against there’s, but it was no use. I was alone, and I didn’t know why.

    I felt an intense pain shoot through my side, and then the world started going dark and all I wanted to do was sleep. The last thing I saw, through my tears and through the pain, was Linden crying and then vanishing. Some brother he was, what did I do to deserve this?

    Ruby wake up. An electronic voice pulled me from my nightmare, I shot up from my pillow, gasping and sweating. It was the same thing every night, sometimes worse, sometimes better. I calmed my breathing and silenced my alarm clock and its flashing blue light that told me today was October 31st, Halloween. I hated Halloween. I hated black and orange, what an awful color combo, and I hated the little trick-or-treaters running around in dumb costumes, I hated candy, yes, I hated candy, and most of all I hated that today was my stupid birthday. My 22nd birthday.

    I stumbled out of bed, and into the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and tugged a brush through my unruly blonde curls. I thought about my dream. It was exactly 14 years since that awful day. I was 8 when they took me away from my family and from my brother. I have fought, every day for the past 14 years, to try and find out why I was taken away, why my brother never defended me. I blinked, and all the images whirling around in my brain, went away.

    I shook my head, and pulled my hair up into a pony tail, making sure that the single purple streak of hair was hidden away. Then, I went over to my closet and got dressed for school.

    Chapter Two

    Ruby Jennings.

    Here. I said without looking up from the notebook that I was doodling on. The rest of the names blurred away, until,

    Hello? Can you hear me? a voice broke into my thoughts, I dropped my pencil in shock.

    Yes, sorry. I whispered, looking up at the voice.

    I was worried my partner was mute. I blinked, I didn’t recognize this new face, and I remembered every face. The boy had midnight black hair that swept over his green eyes, and a smile that brought dimples to his cheeks.

    Lost in thought. Who are you? I asked, meeting his eyes.

    I see you pay attention to the teacher, he chuckled, then reached his hand across the small ail way between our desks and said,

    I’m Malakai Love. I hesitated, and then took his hand. What else was there to do?

    Ruby Jennings. I mumbled,

    That’s a pretty name. he smiled at me, I blushed and went back to my drawings.

    Do you always ignore your English teacher? I smiled but tried to hide it. Mrs. Lamb glared over at us, I put a finger to my lips and hushed Malakai. He looked at me with mock seriousness, then turned in his chair and faced the front of the room.

    I stood up just as the bell chirped through the school, and pushed my pencil behind my ear and. I reached down to pick up my bag, but it was already gone.

    Allow me. Malakai smiled, and slipped the strap onto my shoulder. I nodded at him in thanks,

    Where to next? he asked.

    AP trig., with James. I said, as I walked out of the classroom.

    I have no idea who that is, which leaves me with the issue of not knowing who my teacher is either. He sighed, unfolding a paper that was stuffed in his back pocket.

    Let me see it. I sighed and snatched the paper from his hands.

    Worlds, with Williamson, I gave a short laugh,

    Have fun with him. His room is across from mine. You can walk with me, if you would like. I added, handing his paper back. He nodded,

    Thanks, what’s wrong with Williamson? he asked.

    He’s boring, and strict. Nothing but notes, notes, and more notes, and then a test or two a week. I had him for AP freshmen year. I said.

    How do you take an AP class freshmen year?

    The other school I went to was advanced, it was a private school. I answered.

    As we pushed our way through the crowded hallway, a group of people stopped to wish me a happy birthday.

    Today’s your birthday? Malakai said,

    On Halloween, that’s pretty cool. I laughed,

    If you say so. I stopped in front of us classroom. Malakai gave me a weird look than put his hand on my arm,

    Happy birthday, Ruby.

    Your class is there. I whispered, this kid was to close for my liking.

    I still have two minutes. He smiled.

    Good bye, Malakai. I stepped back and turned on my heels.

    I chewed the eraser off my pencil by the end of Trig. I’ve lived above ground on and off for the past ten years, avoiding human relationships as much as possible; I’ve never had a boyfriend, never gone on dates, it’s not how my people are programed. So, if this new kid thinks he can just walk into my life and change that, he’s an idiot.

    I went through the motions of solving the problems, and then stood up slowly when the bell rang.

    I’ll see you at lunch. I said to the girl sitting next to me and walked towards the door.

    Malakai was standing at the same spot I left him, his hands shoved in the pockets of her jeans. I tried to ignore him.

    Hello there. He said, keeping pace with me.

    I have lunch next. Malakai said.


    What about you? he asked.

    I paused, and looked up at him,


    Awesome, lead the way. He waved me on, I rolled my eyes,

    Where are you from, Malakai? I asked him, as we walked towards the cafeteria. We were almost the only people left in the halls.

    California. I looked sideways at him,

    Big change, moving to Hawaii. I noted.

    The heat I’m used to, the humidity not so much. He laughed,

    Very true. I’d take California’s dry heat, to the humidity any day. I smiled.

    Have you been to California? he asked me,

    Sure, I’ve been lots of places. I shrugged,

    Like where? I stopped walking, there was something off about his voice.

    Why does it matter? I looked at him sideways.

    Malakai smiled and shrugged,

    It doesn’t. just making small talk. So, what’s good for lunch here? I paused for a moment, deciding to shrug off the uneasy feeling.

    My first mistake.

    Nothing. I laughed, leading him towards the food line. We each got a salad and took a seat at the same table as my seat partner in Trig, Natalie. The others at the table were fascinated by Malakai, we didn’t get many new comers here. I was hardly listening to the conversation when my phone buzzed.

    I opened the text and immediately my face went blank. I gathered up my bag,

    I’ve gotta go. I said promptly.

    Is something wrong? Malakai asked, I ignored him and retreated from the table; abandoning my lunch tray.

    She does this a lot. I heard Natalie say.

    Odd family, lots of drama. Another girl said. I didn’t linger long enough to hear Malakai’s response, I exited the side doors of the school.

    I broke into a run, sprinting across the field, dodging pedestrians who littered the school grounds and sidewalks. Once in the cover of trees, I flicked my wrist, causing a purple circle to open in front of me; I ran through it, disappearing from the forest.

    Chapter Three

    I stepped out of the portal and into a back ally surrounded by tall buildings on either side; Chicago.

    What the hell…. I trailed off. I teleported using only a description sent through text with no idea of my destination.

    I hated the city.

    I looked around, checking out my surroundings and surveying for threats. I read through the text again in my mind.

    Alleyway. Tall buildings. 444 South St.

    2 men, color of the day is blue.

    No trace.

    I spotted 2 men speaking in hushed tones huddled close together behind a dumpster. I stepped forward just as a girl screamed from behind me. I spun around just as the scream cut into a laugh.

    I hated Halloween.

    I turned back around and met the gaze of the men in blue.


    Don’t run, I thought to myself.

    Too late.

    I took off running after the 2 men. One grabbed a metal ladder and began to climb the five-story fire escape.

    No way was I climbing five-stories.

    I retrieved a knife from my boot and stabbed the man’s kneecap; he collapsed to the ground.

    I continued my advance on the second man. He was running widely, frantically glancing over his shoulder.

    I grinned.

    With a snap of my finger a root bounced up from the ground, alive with power, it tripped the man. I loomed over top of his quivering body.

    Ppp…please! We did everything they asked. He begged. I smiled.

    I know, you did your job well, I knelt and stroked his face, his eyes begged for mercy,

    And now I’m doing mine. I stabbed the man, the man with red hair, green eyes, and 2 children, in the heart and watched the life flee from his eyes. I pulled out the knife and used his shirt to clean off the blood. I turned my attention back to the first man crawling towards the exit, screaming for help. Of course, he knew that the Glimmer around the alley meant not help was coming.

    Have mercy! he cried.

    Where’s my mercy? I asked. With a defiant twist of my wrist the man was lifted form the ground, feet dangling in the air. I wiggled my fingers and his neck snapped to the side. Dead.

    2 dead for no other reason than out living their usefulness. I stepped over the body and marched towards the exit of the alley, collapsing the Glimmer just as I stepped through a portal back to Hawaii.

    I walked through the front door of my home, greeted by a man and woman.

    Is it done? she asked.

    It’s done. I said, throwing the knife at her. She caught the hilt and took a sniff, identifying the blood of the two men.

    Excellent. She was satisfied.

    Where do you think you’re going? the man asked.

    My room. I responded, heading for the stairs.

    No, you’re not done yet. He ordered.

    Oh, I’m done for today. I kept my back to my Hosts. I sensed a blow aimed at my head, whipping around I grabbed Markel’s fist and, with a hard push, flung him across the room.

    You ungrateful bitch! Lila grabbed me by the hair and slammed me face first against the wall,

    We give you a bed, food, clothes, an education, and you thank us with defiance! she spat.

    Nothing but loving, my host parents.

    Alright, I groaned, shoving her off me,

    What do you want?

    The school. Markel handed me a folder with 3 pictures inside.

    This is Mrs. Lamb, my English teacher, and Mr. James, my Trig teacher. How are they involved with this? I wasn’t supposed to ask questions but, hey, I killed people for a living, breaking the rules was I did best.

    Lila pointed at the 3rd picture,

    He’s their handler. Their Mortals who work for the Searchers to gather inside infromation. I think they know about our location. Their handler set up a meeting for tonight at the school. Kill them all before any information gets out. Leave no trace. No trace means leave no one alive. Nights didn’t much care about dumping bodies and covering up crime scenes, they just wanted no witnesses.

    Fine. I dropped the folder to the ground and retrieved a new knife from the closet.

    Yeah, we had a closet of knives.

    Back to the school I went.

    School was closed by now and the sun was setting, leaving an eeriness about the building. I picked the locks and slipped inside the front door. Once inside, I crept down the halls, heading for the teacher’s lounge where the meeting was taking place. I heard loud whispers and knew I was getting close. I peeked around the corner and identified Mrs. Lamb and Mr. James through the open door to the lounge. Before I could approach, the 3rd man, the handler, came into view.

    We’ve been compromised. His voice was matter of fact as he raised a pen up between the group.

    No. I gasped, lunging forward, but it was too late. He clicked the pen and the 3 vanished in a puff of blue smoke.

    Damn Searcher parlor tricks. I grumbled. Oh, Lila and Markle would be pissed.

    Miss. Lockhart. I froze, no one knows that name.

    Wait, I knew that voice.

    Don’t be scared…. He tried to say.

    How do you know my name? I thrusted my hand in front of me, towards Malakai, and watched as he flew through the air, slamming into the opposite wall. My hair broke free of its braid and blew around me in an invisible wind.

    Ruby, please, I’m here to help… He said, attempting to stand. With a flick of my hand, he was pinned, frozen against the wall, hovering above the floor.

    He held his hands up in surrender,

    I’m a Searcher, I was sent to help you, to free you from the Robbers control. We want to keep you safe Ruby, we’ve been searching for you for so long. Trust me, Ruby, you can trust me. His eyes pleaded with me, they were so honest. I sighed, and dropped him, he slammed face first into the ground.

    Whoops. I mumbled and shrugged at him. He jumped up and dusted off his pants.

    Tell me, if the Searchers are sending you to help me, why did I just watch one run away in a portal pen? I grumbled.

    They were sent to observe and report, nothing more. It was decided last week that it was a time to intervene, so I was sent. Good thing to as they were just compromised by the Robbers, as I’m sure you well know. Malakai gave me the side eye, I shrugged,

    Lucky they had their portal pen on them, a few more minutes and they would’ve been target practice.

    Drop the act, Ruby, we both know this isn’t the real you. Malakai shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

    You don’t know me. I huffed.

    I know the last thing you wanted to do was kill those men in Chicago, or anyone else for that matter. I know that you’ve been growing more and more sure of yourself and, with that, more hesitant to kill. I know you’re capable and strong, and that you just need a hand up from the hole you were thrown into. Let me help. Malakai held out his hand,

    You know you can trust me, Ruby.

    I shouldn’t have, but I did, I trusted this strange Searcher in blue jeans and a white T-shirt with shaggy brown hair and undeniable blue eyes. There was no denying the connection I felt with him, it was something I had never felt before. So, like an idiot, I took his hand in a symbolic gesture of help.

    Every bone in my body ached for him, I couldn’t take my hand away even if I wanted to. I cold tell by the look in his eyes that he felt it too. I cleared my throat.

    I can’t go anywhere without getting a few things from my Host home first. I said, Malakai dropped my hand.

    Okay, when will your Host be gone? he asked. I couldn’t respond at first, I was to busy staring at my hand and noting how empty it was without his hand in it.

    Oh, this was just ridiculous.

    Probably now. They’ll be out meeting with the bosses after sending me away to kill the moles. I said carelessly.

    Those moles are my friends. Malakai said defensively, I rolled my eyes,

    Friends are overrated. Let’s go. I led him out of the school and towards my house.

    We walked in silence for a while, despite the loudness of his presences.

    It wasn’t my choice, you know, all those things that I did. I said, looking straight ahead.

    We know that. The Robbers who took you undoubtfully knew how powerful your potential was, they took you to do their dirty work for them.

    They kidnapped me for one purpose, to make me an assassin. You can say it, I’m a killer. I shrugged like it didn’t matter, but it did. Malakai stepped in front of me,

    You are who you want to be, Ruby, don’t let anyone tell you different. We just want to protect you, we’re not judging you. We want you to see everything that you are capable off. You are not a killer, you are so much more than that.

    I looked at him for a while, just looked. I didn’t trust him, trust wasn’t in my nature, but I didn’t necessarily hate him either. Someone who didn’t want me to kill for him? I must apricate that. I smiled and shook my head at him before walking on.

    Ruby, Malakai said after we walked for a little longer. I sighed and turned, about ready to snap a ‘what’ at him, when I saw what he was doing.

    Malakai? I blushed, turning around the rest of the way to look at him head on. He was standing, half turned towards me, with a flower in his hand.

    A flower, for the birthday girl. he smiled, holding the orange flower out for me to take.

    Thank you. I smiled back and took the flower.

    Well, I know that it hasn’t been the ideal birthday for you, so I thought I would brighten it up at least a little bit.

    I never understood why the big deal about a birthday, it’s just another day that I’m alive. I shrugged,

    Wow. That’s one way to look at it, I guess. He shook his head at me, and we kept walking.

    Chapter Four

    Well, this is home. I sighed, pulling out my key and unlocking the glass doors. My home was beach front, overlooking the oceans of Hawaii.

    My Hosts are Lilia and Markel Trainee. I looked back at him, as he stood just outside the threshold of the house.

    He held his hand up and pushed on the doorway. It was like an invisible wall was holding him outside of the house. I sighed, my Hosts put barriers up to keep Searchers, like Malakai, out. Only the command of the home’s resident could allow him inside.

    Come in, Malakai. I finally said. He smiled and stepped inside.

    Then all hell broke loose.

    Red lights filled the house, and sirens bounced off the walls, making the glass shake. I pressed my hands over my ears,

    What in God’s name…? I cried over the screams of the alarm system.

    Looks like your Hosts wanted to know when a Searcher entered their home, invited or otherwise. He yelled over at me,

    How do I make it shut up!? I called, not really expecting him to know the answer. That’s when I noticed a white box next to the door. I took my hand off my ear and held my palm out towards the box. I shut my eyes and blocked out the sirens. I thrust my hand forward and opened my eyes just in time to see the box explode off the wall, which silenced the alarm and stopped the flashing lights. I dropped my head, my ears ringing from the sudden quiet.

    Ruby are you okay? Malakai asked.

    I’m okay. I nodded and let him pull me up from the ground.

    Lilia and Markel would have heard that from work, I’m sure they have some sort of system set up. Come on, we have to be quick. I said, running up the steps.

    When we reached my floor, I led him to the den and pushed open the heavy wooden door. I walked over to a book shelf filled with novels that kept me entertained over the years of being held up here, in the attic. I placed my hand on the smooth, white surface, and pushed. My gift surged through the book shelf, and it clicked open. I pulled on the shelf and stepped inside the small room that was hidden behind it.

    In here. I waved my hand at Malakai, and he walked in behind me. I pulled the wall shut, and we were closed into darkness.

    I touched the wall, and the room filled with

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