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Language Policy DRAFT

The purpose of this document is to describe and clarify our perspective on language within our school (learning) environment. It is a constantly evolving document that reflects the important principles involved when learning a language and how these principles influence our teaching of language. Oak Forest Elementary school recognizes that language is fundamental to all learning because it permeates the entire curriculum. Therefore, we foster the development of language instruction and world languages. It provides the school with a framework that will enhance teaching and learning by integrating language into every aspect of the curriculum. Which in turn, emphasis the importance of culture, diversity, and sensitivity towards others while promoting personal growth, cognitive development, and facilitating international understanding.

Oak Forest Elementary believes that language is central to learning and promoting effective communication. The focus is not only on language for its own sake, but also on its application across the subject areas and throughout the Transdisciplinary Programme of Inquiry. It is understood that language is not perceived as an individual content area, but as one unified subject in which each of the five areas support the others and enhances thinking and learning. The integration of knowledge, skills, and strategies acquired through language acquisition enables students to solve problems and think critically and creatively in all subject areas. As communication in the world

changes, we are committed to adapting language instruction to reflect the evolution of language in the modern world.

Language of Instruction

Oak Forest Elementary uses English as its primary source of implementation and executing instruction in all subject areas and throughout program of inquiry (POI). Language is the most common ground of communication and builds cohesiveness across cultures, as well as links to the various Transdisciplinary themes. We recognize and appreciate the variety of languages, cultures, and cultural attitudes within our school. As the world evolves into a more pluralistic society, we are committed to changing language instruction to reflect the evolution of language in a modern world. At Oak Forest Elementary, every teacher is a language teacher. Purpose: Correct language skills are required for individuals to express and understand needs and feelings, construct meaning, reflect, and make sense of the world. Language skills are also used to acquire and share information as well as express creativity through writing, scientific development, and aesthetics. In line with the PYP, students will develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will enable them to be: Inquirers: They inquire language use and language structures. They use language to acquire information and to make sense of the world around them. Thinkers: They are able to express their thoughts and ideas clearly.

Communicators: They are competent users of oral and written language forms in a variety of situations. They listen attentively and pay attention to detail. They speak confidently and clearly. They read fluently with good comprehension. They write clearly, concisely, accurately in a style appropriate for the purpose. Risk-takers: They are willing to attempt to read, write, or speak n situation where they may not feel very confident. Knowledgeable: They have acquired the vocabulary and understanding to discuss language structures, text forms, and literary styles. Principled: They are aware that language is powerful and can have a profound effect and it must therefore be used responsibly. Caring: They show they care in their use of language and are aware of how the use of language can affect others. Open-minded: They respect differences and similarities between languages, dialects, and personal communication styles. They understand language can be used as an expression of bias. Balanced: They can express themselves orally as well as in writing and find a balance between listening and speaking in communication with others. They read a variety of written material and are able to write for different purposes and audiences. Reflective: They reflect on their language development and consciously work at improving their language proficiency.

Principles and Practices of Teaching Language

We believe that students become good communicators when;

1. Students are immersed in all forms (listening, speaking, viewing, presenting, writing, and reading) of language to support their language development. Books on Audio Trade Books/ Read alouds Research United Streaming Presentations Journaling 2. All forms of language should be integrated naturally into student inquiry to increase student knowledge. Language is used to assess student understanding Learning experiences should include opportunities for students to strengthen language skills Language should support the inquiry 3. The learning environment should promote language development and be conducive to student learning, risk taking, and student success to support independent learning. Positive and student centered environment PYP vocabulary should be evident in each classroom Opportunities for student choice and self discovery 4. Teachers need to provide resources that encourage students to collaborate, use technology to access a vast range of multimedia resources, and expose them to multiple forms of texts and genres, for producing quality products. Strong language skills are used to create assessment pieces Opportunities for student collaboration 5. Different mother tongues must be recognized and appreciated so that all students feel valued and comfortable expressing their ideas. Various languages displayed throughout the school Print rich environment 6. During each unit of inquiry, our students should strengthen their language skills while creating meaning and deeper levels of understanding.

Tasks should provide multiple opportunities to use and explore language (Examples: oral, written and multimedia presentations, journaling, rubrics, self assessments, artifact development, reflections, music, poetry) Bulletin Boards should display Language Development

Mother Tongue, English Language Learners (ELL) and World Language

Oak Forest Elementary believes that language development is essential to all learning. All teachers are language teachers and share the responsibility of facilitating effective communication. Language is our medium of inquiry and fosters personal growth, cognitive development, and international understanding. The ELL and World Language programs are vital components of our school culture. Oak Forest has a significant English Language Learner (ELL) population. For these students we offer a comprehensive program that allows them to access the regular curriculum with ELL support. We also assist their families in adjusting to a new language, environment and culture. Resources, such as, library books, websites, translation services (both written and verbal), parent workshops, and community support systems are provided for these students and their families. There are over ten mother tongues represented in our school population. The entire school community has access to programs that highlight the important festivals of various cultures represented by these languages. We recommend that families maintain their mother tongue through instructional opportunities available in our community. Oak Forest offers Mandarin Chinese as a world language to the entire K-5 student population. Our Mandarin Chinese program not only teaches the spoken language, but also the culture and customs of Chinese speaking countries. Through various festivals and programs, students examine the similarities and differences between their own culture and that of other

countries. This fosters a spirit of inquiry through the scope of world languages.

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