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Sample A: I would have to rewrite the plumbing one entirely. The glass company one isnt much better.

Sample B: Not acceptable. Poor English skills. The biz name is only partly in title case, which suggests that they didnt even care enough to proofread the copy. Spelling error: Close instead of Closed. Other errors. Sample C: Really bad. Very poor English skills. Sample D: Again, the plumbing description would require a lot of rewriting if we were to make it seem natural to an American audience. The Our Commitment line is unacceptable. The glass shop business description speaks of little other than Energy Star. Again, a total rewrite. Sample E: Plumber description is bad yet spiced with bizarre punctuation. Specialties section is a mess. The glass shop description is again an essay on Energy Star, but this is the bestwritten description so far. The content is misdirected but at least its not horrible. The Our Commitment statement is just another observation that they participate in Energy Star. Sample F: Law firm description: Several glaring errors that should have been corrected before sending to us. This one started out promising but quickly turned into a mess. More unacceptable punctuation. This is another rewrite. Sample G: Law firm description: Another major rewrite. Lots of phrasing no American would use. Disappointing use of empty phrases, rather than useful information. This isnt as bad as some of the others, but were still talking about fully rewriting the description.

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