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Personal Learning!

At Notschool we aim to make

learning fun for you! As every
one is different, it means you
do different types of tasks ,
have different times you log
on and have different ways in
wolco yoc looro. Doo't worry
about others, do your best
and have fun!
You can add
other pro-
grams to your
loo. ll|o o
single school
subject, a
short course or
a community

Your Mentor is always here to
help you, show them your
work, ask for help and include
it in your ILP!
I am happy to talk about your
options, so you can decide
what is right for YOU!
going away,
doing other programs,
new job,
having a bad day,
over it?
You need to let me know
straight away!
Update from Kim 0418 611 018
Notschool News
N A P V I C J U N E 2 0 1 2

1st July to 9th
You must send Kim
an email on the 9th
July to say you are
back on!




Techy Update Tony 0408 191 510

Hello, its me Tony!

I am happy to be onboard to help you and remember if you need help call me or send me an

I will be letting you know when your internet usage gets too high. Remember we don't mind you
having some fun, but your priority must be your Notschool work first!

Saving your imovie: Top tip!
Did you know that to share your project created in IMovie so that others can see your finished
project? You need to follow these final steps!
1. At too oou oI yocr ro|oct soloct '8ooro' Iro too to ooc scrooo
2. 8oloct '|ortlo cslo Oclc|tlo',
3. Name your movie file and
4. 'sovo'
5. You can then upload it to your email in Firstclass!

Learn more about computer viruses and what you should do. Try out this fun game and see how
high you can score.
Notschool Challenge:
WOW many of you
presented fantastic ide-
as for new names, great
slide shows about what
Notschool means to you,
raps and songs, stories,
poems. The work was



Hi Researcher,

We are coming up to the end of
Jor Jwo. yocr Vootor wlll bo
wrltlo c yocr koorts. gclc|
last chance to submit all your

Welcome New researchers!
I would like you all to keep an
eye out for some new Researchers
who are joining Notschool at the
oou oI 1coo. yo 5 kosoorcoors
have left the program, some are
returning to school, going to TAFE,
getting full time employment and
others looking for other programs,
we wish them all the best!

Remember, there
are lots of kids
that are ready to
so log in, do
your work and
keep your place
Cyber Safety:
Be careful about giving
away too much infor-
mation in chat rooms be-
cause you don't really
know who you're actually
talking to!
Never ever give out your
details online and to peo-
ple, report people hack-
ing your accounts!
You should really read
the users agreement first.
Let your family and
friends know what is go-
ing on for you!
Stay Safe @ Notschool!

No|school is an Onlinc lcarnin proram. us| bccausc wc don`| havc a school vard
or lockcr room, docsn`| mcan wc can`| |alk |o cach o|hcr |o socialisc!

In First Class you can instant message your Mentor, Team Leader, Team Techy
and other Researchers, from across Australia, its easy and even easier to stay safe
and have some fun.

Communica|in onlinc can bc rca|, vou don`|
have to worry about what you are wearing, if
your room is a little messy or worry about what
o|hcrs |hink, or look likc. vou can bc vou!

At Notschool we are happy for you to meet new
people, share interests and help each other, we
can all do this in a fun and safe way.

Notschool does not allow Cyberbulling, sexting , illegal downloads,
and/ or using inappropriate social networking sites.
Vc don`| wan| vou |o makc a poor choicc and rcrc| i| la|cr.

Download the Government's Cybersafety Help
Button. The Help Button provides internet
users, with easy online access to cybersafety
information and assistance available in Australia.
Look after each other online - talk with your family
and friends about how to be cybersafe.
Here are a few Top Tips to keep you safe and happy, so we can all have a good time:

Your digital footprint
Its great to share things online with your friends. Part of the fun of sharing videos,
images and other content, is that lots of people can view and respond.
Remember that what you share with your friends may also be viewed by others who
you dont know. They may also be able to look at it for years to come. Everything
you post adds up to make your digital footprint and, once its online, it could be there
forever. So think before you post.

Theres no such thing as safe sexting- it can be used by others for cyberbullying,
cyberstalking or sexual harassment.

Sharing hot photos or text messages may seem fun and harmless, but you could be breaking the law
by sending, receiving or forwarding pictures.
B Once youve sent a picture or message, its out of your control and could turn up anywhere, any
time and any place.
B Be careful who you trustthat photo is forever but is he/she?
B Once images and messages are sent they can often spread rapidly. If images are posted online it
can be almost impossible to remove them or to control access to them.
B If you Skype remember make sure you are properly dressed, that you dont show too much of
your self and your room, you never know who else can see you and if someone is saving the

The same rules apply online as in the real world about how to treat other people.
Unfortunately, people dont always treat each other well online, and you or a
friend may find that you are the target of cyberbullying. You might be teased or
have rumours spread about you online, receive nasty messages or even threats. It
can happen in school, or out of it, any hour of the day, from people you know,
and sometimes people you dont know. It can leave you feeling unsafe and alone.
No-one has the right to bully another person. At its most serious, cyberbullying is
illegal and can be investigated by the police.

If you are being cyberbullied
AIgnore it. Dont respond to the bully. If they dont get a response they may get bored and go away.
ABlock the person. This will stop you seeing messages or texts from a particular person.
ATell someone. Tell your mum or dad, or another adult you trust, or your team leader. Or you can
call Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, visit their website or contact the Cybersmart Online Helpline
AKeep the evidence. This can be useful in tracking the bully down. Save texts, emails, online
conversations or voicemails as proof.
AReport it to:
A Your Team Leader.
A Your family.

Stay Safe @

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