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Determine the temperature of the chosen liquid or solid. Convert this temperature to Kelvin if it is not in degrees Kelvin.

The conversions are listed below.

Find the Antoine Equation values for the chosen liquid or solid. References to find these values are listed below. Log (P) = A ' (B / (T + C)) P = vapor pressure (bar) T = temperature (K) Plug in the values into the equation. Log (P) = A ' (B / (T + C)) P = vapor pressure (bar) T = temperature (K) Calculate the log of the solution. For example, if methane was the chosen material and T = 150 degrees Kelvin. From the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Chemistry Webbook the Antoine Coefficients for methane are as follows: Temperature (K) = 90.99 - 189.99 A = 3.98950 B= 443.028 C=-0.49 Reference: Prydz and Goodwin, 1972 Coefficents calculated by NIST from author's data. Using the formula, Log (P) = A -- (B / (T+C)) plug in the numbers from above: Log (P) = 3.98950 -- (443.028 / (150 K - .049)) Log (P) = 1.03501 P = 10.8396 bar (Use the inverse of the log function to get this number)

Read more: How to Calculate Vapor Pressure |

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