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Assignment: Principles of management (summer semester) Due date: Aug 28th 2012 Criteria: Pairs allowed (not more

than 2 members can submit the same assignment) Question # 1: Choose one historical event from this century and do some research on it. Write down 1000 words describing that this event might be having or has had on how workplaces are managed now. Instructions: Read chapter number 2 from the book (Principles of management, Stephen P.Robbins 10th edition) and then answer this question. The soft copy for thus question should be emailed before 9:00 am, Aug 28th 2012. The soft copy will be checked for plagiarism. To avoid deduction of marks for plagiarism please use references. Harvard referencing is recommended. (20 marks)

Question # 2: Read case application MANAGING THE VIRUS HUNTERS CHAPTER 1 PAGE 20-21 and answer discussion questions 1, 2 3, and 4 This question has to be hand written. For each question maximum of 2 sides of page can be utilized. (15 marks) Question # 3: Suppose you were being sent on an oversees assignment to another country (you choose one of your choice) Research that countrys economic, political, legal and cultural environments. Write a report summarizing your findings. This question can be hand written or printed. 800 words at max (15 marks)

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