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Petition for Due Process for Joe Paterno and Penn State Universtiy

Whereas the Freeh Report was in complete error in the KEY FINDINGS in 1998 that claimed Joe
Paterno and PSU Administrators allowed Jerry Sandusky to roam free. An exhaustive inquiry by the PA.
Dept of Public Welfare and the District Attorney's Office concluded there was NO CRIMINAL or
Sexually Improper behavior in 1998. Paterno and these administrators by law could not have been
informed of this inquiry and IF they were informed they would only know that Sandusky was cleared.
Therefore the Board of Trustees should employ another truly independent evaluation limited to 1998 and
demand that the NCAA rescind the sanctions that removed 26 victories and refund 15 million dollars of
the 60 million dollar fine. See KEY FINDINGS of the FREEH REPORT in 1998

Return to: Barry Bozeman 3015 Tazewell Pike Knoxville, TN. 37918

Please Return by 10/31/ 2012 Thank You!

Online version available at this LINK

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