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FOOD SERVICES DEPARTMENT PATIENT SURVEY To enable Food Services to evaluate their service to patients, it would be appreciated if you could please complete the following questionnaire. Your response to the questions both positive and negative will assist to keep us in touch with your requirements and help to make the meals more enjoyable during a stay in this hospital. (Please do not put your name on the survey form) Thank-you for your cooperation and assistance. Food Service Management

Questions Yes No Sometimes 1 Have you received the meals you ordered? . 2 When you received your meals were they Hot. ? . 3 Are the meals of adequate size? . 4 Are the meals presented attractively? . 5 Are the meals Tasty? . 6 Is there enough to select from on the menus? . 7 Are the catering staff helpful and courteous at all . times? 8 Do you receive enough assistance with the filling out of . the menus? 9 Are the menus easy to read? . If you have any other comments about the food service provided in this hospital & this website we would like to receive them. Please write them in the space provided below.


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