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Name: ____________ #: ______

Atlas Scavenger Hunt

Use your Nystrom Desk Atlas to answer the following questions.
List the answer to each question and the page number on which
you found the answer.
How many pages are there in the Atlas?
2. What is the third tallest mountain in the world?
3. In the table of contents, how many sections will you find in
the atlas?
4. In the table of contents, on what pages will you find the
United States?
5. Using the Feeding the World page, what percentage of the
worlds Rice does Indonesia produce?
6. What European country borders Greece, Macedonia,
Montenegro, and Serbia?
7. On pages 8 and 9, what type of map is shown?
8. What type of map is shown on page 77?
9. On what page is the North America Political Map?

10. On what page can you find a close up of Oregon? What
color is Oregon?
11. On page 182 youll find Antarctica. What four oceans
surround Antarctica?
12. On what page does the Glossary begin? What is the
definition of import?
Using the Index which starts on page 194, find out what
state Madisonville is in.
What is the abbreviation GDP stand for?
15. Find an African country starting with the letter B. List the
country and the page you found it on.
16. What is a sea beginning with the letter C? List the country
and the page you found it on.
Find one city with a population of over 8 million people.
Use the World Facts page.
18. Find a state in the United States that begins with A. List
the country and the page you found it on.
Find a country with a tropical rainforest climate. List
the country and the page you found it on.

Find a country with a square-mile area between
35,000 and 36,000 square miles. List the country and the
page you found it on.
21. Find an island in the Mediterranean Sea. List the country
and the page you found it on.
Find the capital of Montana. List the country and the
page you found it on.
What is the ocean touching El Salvador? List the
country and the page you found it on.
What is the mountain range runs through Slovakia in
Europe? List the mountain range and the page you found it
What type of climate do you find in Connecticut? List
the climate and the page number you found it on.

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