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As a group start singing the song, stopping to do what is instructed

Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul (Find another group and laugh with them for 15 seconds : their leader signs here_____________________________) With a corn cop pipe and a button nose (Find another group and pick their noses: their leader signs here_____________________________) And two eyes made out of coal Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say (Pick up one of your group, Fly them around screaming look at the pretty fairy!! -Have them sign here:________________) He was made out of snow (Find an open spot and make snow angels: Done:________________) But the children know how he came to life one day There must of been some magic in That ol' silk cap they found (Find someone not in your group wearing a hat give them a group hug have them signs here_____________________________) For when they placed it on his head He began to dance around (As a group do the entire chicken dance with motions : Done:_________) Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be (As a group buzz and fly like bees 3 times around another group: their leaders signs here________________________) And the children say he could laugh and play (Find another group and play ring around the rosey with them: their leader signs here______________________) Just the same as you and me Frosty the snowman knew the snow was hot that day So he said lets run and have some fun before I melt away ( Run one lap around the gym: Done____) Down to the village with a broom stick in his hand Runnin' here and there all around the square (With ALL of your bodies, lay on the floor and form a square: Done:__) Sayin' catch me if you can He led them down the streets of town (Form a line behind your leader and skip to the other side of the gym: Done:___) Right to the traffic cop And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler stop (Find another group and Holler for 20 seconds and then yell, STOP: Their Leader signs here:_____________________) Frosty the snowman Had to hurry on his way But he waved goodbye sayin' please don't cry I'll be back again some day

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