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Ernesto S.


N 3 -1 Group C

My client draws a simple house in black color at the center with a black line window shaded with orange and a yellow door. Beside the house are two green flowers, the right flower has a violet center that has an arrow to the word hope above the house which is directed to the sun in color yellow. The black lined house indicates depression which may be associated with her because she has an admitting diagnosis of bipolar disorder with psychotic symptoms be. She may be depressed because she is alone, she was never been visited by her relatives, although she is just 7 days in the hospital. The house was drawn in the ground which means that she has contact with reality. The wall of the house seems to be fainting which means that she fear the break of ego. The door seems to be too large for the house which means that she is orally dependent for oral needs. It is drawn in yellow color which represents reflection of proper value for the opposite sex but may indicate inability to meet lifes situation. During our interaction I see no sign of anger of her with regards to the persons that left her specially her husband. The windows are black shuttered with orange curtains or drapes. She shows oppositional tendency but it seems that her behavior was controlled, curtains represent that she is defensive. The two green flowers beside the house may represent her hope in getting out of the hospital and hope in accepting her back to her family. She has the hope and the will to recover no matter how an illness or other people pull her down. She has a more controlled behavior as I had seen during the interaction as compared to the other client. She is just 7 days in the hospital so it is likely that her behavior is controlled, however, there is a small part of the flower that is in color violet that indicates anxiety, this maybe because it is her first to be handled by a male student nurse. The orange word hope written in above the house the house indicates spontaneous forms of expression of behavior however this may not have significant meaning compared to the other drawings. The yellow sun indicates proper value for the opposite sex. She doesnt display significant behavior to the opposite sex.

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