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Embracing the Truth---Transforming the World

The Gift of Fruit
Generosity wk 1
GIFTS wk 2
Gifts Cont wk 3
Grace wk 4
Groups wk 5
Growth wk 6
Two Types of Fruit
1. Character (Inward Fruit)
2. People (Outward Gifts)
Anyone can give a tithe or use
a talent
Very few will offer their
offering and use their gifting
Outward Journey-External
Inward Fruit ALWAYS
comes before Outward
God is always concerned about
Health-Not Growth
Outward Gifts Reality.. I Cor.
 Position Only for Believers v 1-3
 Process Unity and Diversity v. 4-6
 Gift From Holy Spirit
 Service For the Church/Body
 Works Outcome for God’s Glory

 Perspective All for God’s Glory

 I Peter 4:10-11
 Romans 12:6-8
 Eph 4:11
How do I know my Gift and
what now?
 Identify your passion and Talent and line
it up with the Biblical Gifts
 Ask three Christian Friends to pray over
the inserted List for discovery
 Test the gift you think you have within
the church
 Practice your newly discovered gift within
the church for God’s Glory and for the
health of the Bride

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