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7 VoLuNE Lv Whos CF SL a ZF THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE * MARCH, 1930 z CONTENTS TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN FULL COLOR Flying the World’s Longest Air-Mail Route With 66 Illustrations JUNIUS B. WOOD Fowls of Forest and Stream Tamed by Man With 27 Illustrations MORLEY A. JULL Fowls of Field, Park, and Farmyard 16 Paintings From Life HASHIME MURAYAMA. Approaching Washington by Tidewater Potomac With 7 THustrations PAUL WILSTACH Secrets of Washington's Lure 15 Natural-Color [Mustrations by Staff Photographers PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY HUBBARD MEMORIAL HALL WASHINGTON, D.C. Sh “ALMOST CLEAN” clean enough pi the babys bollles ? @ Za HEN you wash the baby's things, scour the bathtub or wash the dishes, you don't give them just a careless surface cleaning, Then why should you with your rugs and carpets? Floor caverings can be clean from top to bot- tom—will be, if you clean them with o Hoover. tremoves more dirt per minute than any other cleaner — gives faster, deeper cleaning, with less ex- penditure of human energy — becouse it gets out dirt that other cleaning methods never reach! a =a He Deep in your rug is embed- au dud qracte-caked ottwhich) ) Nica the surface to be suctioned away. Only when it Is removed, can you call yourrugs wholly clean. Not only does The Hoover get rugs cleaner but it makes them lovelies, removing the un- sightly thread ond lint, lifting and straightening the nap, brightening the rug telors, giving:tham thoroughly scientific core. 7 | Ask your Hoover dealer for © free trial or home deman- stration of The Hoover and its efficient dusting tools. Two Hoover models, only $6.25 a down, balance manthly; dust- \ ing tools; liberal allowance fer your eld cleaner, suctian olone simply cannot — THE HOOWER COMPANY beating action of Positive ‘The alist and Jargatt makeriefelactiie a AT SWEEPS. Agitation to shake loose this rr aears8® ASAT cieans, sleaners he A CUSHION OF Aue packed:in dirtand dance it 1, Vor. LVI], No. 3 WASHINGTON Maren, 1930 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE FLYING THE WORLD'S LONGEST AIR-MAIL ROUTE From Montevideo, Uruguay, Over the Andes, Up the Pacific Goas Across Central America and the Caribbean to Miami, Florida, in 67 ‘Thrilling Flying Hours By Juxius B. Woop Avrwon of “Secs Andaiea on (CORAM ERELY a wave of the hand by the field supcrintendent, the pilot gaye the big plane the gun, and we wore off. Tt all was so casual and. matter of fact, starting a flight by air which would cover between 7.900 and 9.000 miles, an arc hetwe spring tropes to hemisphere, where autumn frosts are tint- ig the le North America. The ted States past affice thakes it possible y wetk; eventually it will be three Vines a we YAW AND WATER UNRA History tells of the days, not so igo '2a Tey (poke) ho a abt octltied for a year to make « voyage like that, sind even te-rlay some Inrstle and LE A RE iy But this as it i quick—grab a. suite: the plan curt signnl te more and! inte the air, and only s few dy later the woyn pene in another clime. Those hardy explorers. acclaimed as history's heroes, came bnck with thrilling tite Suman.” RTE, Ftp 2 THK Nar Rs stories of cities they had séen, strangé people and stranger civilizations, great riv~ ers discovered, mountains climbed, secrets wrested from Nature, all by weary months of plodding over the earth's surface. In this age earth and water unrall like a ree! below, a reel whieh ‘can stretch a ina day, aver peaks <0 hhigh that they have never byen climbed, aud fexer= 4 fertile impscd ridden jungles, thriving cities a plains, seerets of man and Nature y a bird on the wing. A cold drizzle, last defy of waning win- lad boen falling for two days, and al. Pacheor Fie, outside of Bienes Aires. was a soggy plain of puddles and dripping grass when we took off, on the morning if Octuber 19, 1929. Only an optimist with the stnniest of souls or an anail pilot would soar into the threaten- Jods on such a day. But a platie unl, choering thought. to-night, (nthe otlier side of the continent, along the P the sun awill be shining, And that was about all of sunshine! Rain at the start, rain at the finish, amd ity travels far and fas

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