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net SMT. Te NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE JULY, 1930 CONTENTS TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OF ILLUSTRATIONS IN FULL COLOR Norway, a Land of Stern Reality With 31 Mlustrations ALFRED PEARCE DENNIS Fjords and Fjells of Viking Land 27 Natural-Coler Photographs GUSTAV HEURLIN North America’s Oldest Metropolis With 34 [ustrations FREDERICK SIMPICH Adventures in Color on Mexico's West Coast 1 Natural-Color Photographs FRED PAYNE CLATWORTHY To-day on “The Yukon Trail of 1898" With 53 Illustrations AMOS BURG PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY HUBBARD MEMORIAL HALL WASHINGTON, D.C, WHO would think ‘ of washing the windows “RATHER CLEAN” | NDOWS need to be completely clean to lock well. So de rugs and carpets. If dirt is packed deep in the rug, the colors are dulled and the rug's beauty marred. Worse than that, the rug is being worn out by the cutting action of the em- bedded grit. Beating is the only way jo get out this de packed, destructive grit. Only The Heover offers the beating action of Pos- itive Agitation. Because Positive Agitation gets out buried dirt, The Hoover keeps ony rug looking can SHEERS. s re STR CUNO OF AIR S| The Hooves fx olso made fn wo New Hoovers! | Gres! incrects in fi | No ineraae im Made! 725 is tha finest electric cleaner ever built, ony previas Medel 575, 2 poivlar price, yat it more efficient than any B\ > | othar make of

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