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Book Review Form

Student________________________________________ Grade__________________________ Title__________________________________________________________________________ Author_____________________________Awards_____________________________________ Number of Pages__________Genre_________Source__________________________________ Student: By signing below, I attest that I read this book in its entirety as prescribed by the Ghosts Read program. This is the first time I have read this book. Please circle one: I read this book this week month marking period Student Signature:________________________________________Date:___________________ Teachers: Please indicate that the student has read and understood the following aspects of the book with a check mark by each category. _____________Characters _____________Setting _____________Plot outline (including main conflict) _____________Theme _____________One interesting detail or part of the book To receive points, students must have a copy of the book with them when they give the review. Did the student have a copy of the book when giving the review? YES or NO In my opinion this student successfully read and reported on this book. Teacher Signature:______________________________Date:________________________

For Library Use Only: Points Awarded________PYRC Book____________Total Points_______________ Rec By__________ All books for Ghosts Read must be at least 100 pages in length and first time reads. Students may give only two reports per day, per teacher. Manga and graphic novels will earn a maximum of 25 points, regardless of length. Students will receive an additional 10 points if the book is a PYRC nominee. Theme is NOT a moral. Theme is the underlying meaning of the story which often comments on life, human nature or society. (Not what people should do; what they do do.)

For chances to win Ghosts Read prizes, please print your name legibly and circle your grade. Name_________________________________________Grade: 10 11 12

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