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1. I was feeling pretty good, but I could see that my older brother was in agony. 2.

My day at the beach was soothing as well as relaxing. 3. When Kevin punched me, I decided to tell a teacher instead of to retaliate. 4. Nobody noticed my new jacket, yet my new sneakers must have been very conspicuous. 5. That eerie house down the street is similar to the creepy haunted house I visited on Halloween. 6. Unlike my grandmother who always thinks the worst thing will happen, I am an optimist. 7. The cat was not moving at all, and the dog was similarly stationary. 8. Everybody was really nice to me at the school, except for one person who was very hostile. 9. That young boy said he wanted to do everything that his mom did, as well as mimic her speaking. 10. Nia has a knack for writing poetry, but Mya has a really hard time with it.

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