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A Chronological History

of the
Psychopathic Elites
(Version V!
Anthony Forwood
LAST UPDATE: July 18, 2014
A "E# $VE%VE# &$% %EADE%S'
What follow !"low # a $hronolo%y of h#tor#$al "&"nt that t#" to%"th"r th"
"&#d"n$" of a lon%'t"r( "$r"t a%"nda !"#n% $arr#"d out !y a )y$ho)ath#$
rul#n% "l#t" to #()l"("nt total hu(an "nla&"("nt on a %lo!al $al"* Th#
$hronolo%y "n$o()a" "&"ral nota!l" ar"a of th"#r o)"rat#on:
' Th" )y$ho)ath#$ "l#t" o)"rat" throu%h &ar#ou )ow"rful secret societies,
%o&"rn("nt a%"n$#", and )r#&at" or%an#+at#on, o , ha&" att"()t"d to
#n$lud" #nfor(at#on on th" (or" #%n#f#$ant of th"" %rou) wh"n"&"r
' S#n$" min(-control programming t"$hn#-u" and t"$hnolo%#" ar" a
(a.or a)"$t of th# a%"nda, , ha&" att"()t"d to )ay $lo" att"nt#on to th"
d"&"lo)("ntal h#tory of all r"l"&ant t"$hn#-u" and t"$hnolo%#"*
' /"$au" th" )&$ enigma aro" )arall"l to th" tart of th" US
%o&"rn("nt0 "$r"t (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra( 123ULT4A5 and a))"ar to ha&"
!""n u"d #n th" $a)a$#ty of )y$holo%#$al o)"rat#on 1)yo)5 to $o&"r u)
(any of tho" )ro%ra(, , ha&" #n$lud"d a nu(!"r of #%n#f#$ant UF6 "&"nt
that r"fl"$t th" d"&"lo)("ntal ta%" of (#nd'$ontrol t"$hn#-u" and
t"$hnolo%#" at th" t#(" #n&ol&"d*
' 2any c*lts and "e+ Age gro*ps ha&" !""n u"d for th"" (#nd'$ontrol
)ro%ra( or ha&" %rown out of th"(, o ,0&" #n$lud"d #nfor(at#on on th""
a w"ll, wh"n"&"r )o#!l"* Th"" $ult and 7"w A%" %rou) ar" ""(#n%ly
autono(ou "nt#t#" that $o(" and %o, !ut th"y ar" ""nt#ally und"r th"
$ontrol of (or" )ow"rful "$r"t o$#"t#" and ar" th"r" to fulf#ll $"rta#n
a)"$t of th" "l#t"0 a%"nda*
' Th" (any $a" of (omestic terrorism that ha&" !""n o$$urr#n% (or"
and (or" fr"-u"ntly o&"r th" y"ar u%%"t that th" )"r)"trator ar"
)o#!ly (#nd'$ontroll"d and that th"" #n$#d"nt ar" all )art of th# 6rw"ll#an
a%"nda, o , ha&" alo #n$lud"d r"l"&ant #nfor(at#on on th"" "&"nt
wh"n"&"r )o#!l"* Th"" #n$lud" serial ,illings, mass shootings,
assassinations, and oth"r )o#!l" false flag events*
' A d"")"r a)"$t of th" (#nd'$ontrol #n&ol&" se--slavery, pe(ophilia,
and oth"r satanic activity that ta8" )la$" to "r&" th" $orru)t"d )l"aur"
of th" )y$ho)ath#$ "l#t", and o ,0&" alo #n$lud"d what"&"r #%n#f#$ant
"&"nt ,0&" $o(" a$ro that r"&"al th# a)"$t of th" (#nd'$ontrol and th"
d"")"r "$r"t a%"nda*
Th"" #9 ar"a r"fl"$t $"rta#n d#t#n$t ta%" #n th" d"&"lo)("nt and
a))l#$at#on of th" "l#t"0 6rw"ll#an a%"nda, and th"y $an !" !"tt"r und"rtood
for what th"y ar" and how th"y ha&" yt"(at#$ally l"d fro( on" to th" n"9t
: a $o()ar"d to th" ")arat" and unr"lat"d #n$#d"nt that th"y0r" (or"
$o((only !"l#"&"d to !" : wh"n $on#d"r"d w#th#n th" )ro%r"#&" ta%" of
a h#tor#$al $hronolo%y, a "t forth h"r"*
Th# wor8 # f#rt and for"(ot a )"ronal r"f"r"n$" for (y own u" #n (y
r""ar$h #nto th"" th#n%, !ut ,0( (a8#n% #t )u!l#$ly a&a#la!l" #n$" #t (ay
!" of o(" h"l) to oth"r #n th"#r own r""ar$h "ffort* 2any "ntr#" that ,
ho)" to #n$lud" #n th# do$u("nt ar" t#ll (##n%, oth"r ar" t#ll hort on
#nfor(at#on wh#l" o(" ar" )"rha) too lon%, and (any ar"n0t d#r"$tly
#%n#f#$ant !ut ar" #n$lud"d !"$au" th"y ha&" h#tor#$al #%n#f#$an$" to tho"
that ar"* What"&"r th" $a", f"w #f any of th"" "ntr#" hould !" #%nor"d #n
att"()t#n% to )#"$" to%"th"r and und"rtand th" )ro%r"#&" l#n" of
d"&"lo)("nt and #()l"("ntat#on of total (#nd'$ontrol w#th#n our %lo!al
o$#"ty* 7o (att"r, , th#n8 r"ad"r who #()ly 8#( throu%h th# do$u("nt
w#ll t#ll f#nd (any #nt"r"t#n% and u"ful )#"$" of #nfor(at#on, !ut to fully
und"rtand th" d"")"r truth of th" #tuat#on that w" f#nd our"l&" #n today,
(or" than .ut th" #nfor(at#on )r""nt"d h"r" w#ll !" r"-u#r"d, "&"n thou%h
, ho)" that th" hadow of th# d"")"r truth w#ll r"fl"$t throu%h to th"
d#$"rn#n% r"ad"r*
Ea$h "ntry #n th# do$u("nt ha !""n add"d a th" #nfor(at#on ha $o(" to
(y att"nt#on, and althou%h , ha&" oft"n r"ort"d to outr#%ht )la%#ar#( 1;5
and not alway %#&#n% )ro)"r $r"d#t 1;5, th# ha only !""n out of a )"ronal
n"$"#ty to )ut all of th" (at"r#al to%"th"r (or" -u#$8ly and 8"") (o&#n%
forward #n (y r""ar$h, rath"r than to !" !o%%"d down w#th r"wr#t#n% th"
#nfor(at#on .ut o #t # un#-u"ly )r""nt"d and "a$h )#"$" of #nfor(at#on
)ro)"rly a$$r"d#t"d* 4"ad"r hould $h"$8 th" #nfor(at#on )r""nt"d for th"#r
own auran$" of a$$ura$y*
Th# do$u("nt # t#ll a wor8 #n )ro%r", and (any (or" )#"$" of
#nfor(at#on that ,0( awar" of 1and )ro!a!ly (any that ,0( $urr"ntly not5 t#ll
n""d to !" #n$lud"d, and w#ll !" #n futur" &"r#on 1n"w &"r#on of th#
do$u("nt ar" )u!l#h"d a!out "&"ry #9 to tw"l&" (onth5* ,f you ""
o("th#n% that0 (##n% that you f""l # worthy of !"#n% #n$lud"d, and you
$an )o#nt (" to a %ood wr#tt"n our$" for #nfor(at#on a!out #t, )l"a" f""l
fr"" to $onta$t (" at forwood<l#&"*$a and l"t (" 8now* Furth"r d"ta#l or
$orr"$t#on for "ntr#" that ar" alr"ady #n$lud"d ar" alo &"ry w"l$o("*
A "ote on the )&$ Enigma. Satanism. an( /in(-Control Technologies
Th# do$u("nt !"%an wh"n, aft"r al(ot tw"nty y"ar of )"ronal r""ar$h, ,
$a(" to th" $on$lu#on that th" UF6 )h"no("non ha !""n far (or" (yth
than fa$t, a far a "9trat"rr"tr#al &##tat#on %o"* Th# #n0t to ay that ,
don0t !"l#"&" #n th" )o#!#l#ty of al#"n &##tat#on to our )lan"t* 6n th"
$ontrary, , tart"d out w#th an o)"n (#nd and a$$")t"d at fa$" &alu" that
UF6 and al#"n "9)"r#"n$" w"r" r"al a d"$r#!"d, !ut #n (y lon% and
)"r#t"nt "ar$h for th" truth !"h#nd th" tor#" of UF6 and al#"n
"n$ount"r, ,0&" $o(" a$ro a %r"at d"al of "&#d"n$" to how that th"
)r""ntat#on w" th" )u!l#$ ha&" !""n %#&"n r"%ard#n% th# (att"r ha !""n
noth#n% (or" than a $ar"fully or$h"trat"d d"$")t#on, and th"r" # &"ry l#ttl"
u!tant#&" "&#d"n$" that "9#t that would $on&#n$" (" that what (any
)"o)l" !"l#"&" a!out th# u!."$t # r"al a th"y d"$r#!" #t, that $an0t !"
!"tt"r "9)la#n"d !y )y$holo%#$al t"$hn#-u" u"d to (ana%" )u!l#$
)"r$")t#on and=or throu%h th" u" of (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#" that alr"ady
"9#t"d or w"r" !"#n% d"&"lo)"d and "9)"r#("nt"d w#th at th" t#(" of th"#r
"9)"r#"n$"* ,n fa$t, ,0&" $o(" to a )o#nt #n (y r""ar$h wh"r" ,0( a!l" to
"9)la#n any of th" (or" "9traord#nary a)"$t of th" u!."$t of UF6 and th"
"&"nt urround#n% th"( #n th"" (or" down'to'"arth t"r( that #n&ol&"
8nown (#nd'$ontrol t"$hn#-u" and t"$hnolo%#"*
To )ut #t #n th" #()l"t t"r(, th" UF6 )h"no("non ha !""n noth#n% (or"
than a $o&"r for "$r"t %o&"rn("nt (#nd'$ontrol "9)"r#("nt and th"
a))l#$at#on of (#nd'$ontrol t"$hn#-u" and t"$hnolo%#"* 6f $our", th# #
too #()l" an anw"r, )art#$ularly for th" d"$"#&"d, and d""r&" a !"tt"r
"9)lanat#on* Th" !"t way , 8now how to )ro&#d" on" # to loo8 at th"
$hronolo%y of "&"nt to how how th" tor#" of )"o)l"0 UF6'r"lat"d
"9)"r#"n$" o&"r th" y"ar (at$h &"ry $lo"ly w#th th" d"&"lo)("ntal ta%"
of (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#"* Althou%h th"" a(" t"$hnolo%#" w"r"
o("t#(" u"d to $o&"r u) !la$8 )ro."$t #n&ol&"d #n d"&"lo)#n% "$r"t
(#l#tary a#r$raft t"$hnolo%#", th# wa wh"n th"" (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#"
w"r" t#ll #n th"#r #nfan$y, and th"#r u$$" #n that $a)a$#ty ha l"d to th"#r
a))l#$at#on !"#n% -u#$8ly "9)and"d to (any oth"r ar"a wh"r" th"y would
!" (or" !"n"f#$#al to th" "l#t"0 7"w World a%"nda*
Su$h a $on$lu#on a that wh#$h , ha&" r"a$h"d r"%ard#n% a fal" UF6 "n#%(a
$o&"r#n% for (#nd'$ontrol "9)"r#("ntat#on $ould only ha&" $o(" th# lon%
aft"r th" !"%#nn#n% of th# (a#&" )y$holo%#$al $harad", !y r"&#"w#n% #t all
o&"r a%a#n and loo8#n% at th" (any r"&"lat#on that ha&" $o(" to l#%ht lon%
aft"r $"rta#n "&"nt ha&" o$$urr"d* ,n $on#d"r#n% th"" "&"nt and th" lat"r
r"&"lat#on, #t w#ll !" found that th" UF6 )h"no("non and th" d"&"lo)("nt
of (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#" ar" #n"9tr#$a!ly t#"d to%"th"r a )art of a (u$h
lar%"r )y$holo%#$al warfar" )ro%ra(, w#th th" a))ar"nt UF6 )h"no("non
ha&#n% !""n u"d to $o&"r u) th" "$r"t (#nd'$ontrol "9)"r#("ntat#on
)ro%ra( 8nown $oll"$t#&"ly a 23ULT4A* What $a(" out of th"" )ro%ra(
ha #n$" !""n )ut to u" #n &ar#ou way to (an#)ulat" and $ontrol (or"
and (or" ("(!"r of o$#"ty w#thout th"#r 8now#n%, and ha&" !""n lar%"ly
d#r"$t"d toward non'(a#ntr"a( th#n8"r and anyon" "l" who # not l#8"ly
to w#ll#n%ly or "a#ly $onfor( to th" "l#t"0 7"w World a%"nda*
S#n$" th" off#$#al $lo#n% of th" 23ULT4A )ro%ra(, th" UF6 )h"no("non a
a $o&"r tory for (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra((#n% ha #n$" ("ta(or)ho"d #nto
&ar#ou oth"r "-ually "9traord#nary !"l#"f yt"( that ha&" alo !""n u"d
a $o&"r for (#nd'$ontrol* A lar%" u!"t of th" $ont#nu#n% )ot'23ULT4A
(#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra( ha&" #n$or)orat"d atan#( #nto th"#r ("thodolo%#",
#n$lud#n% th" u" of atan#$ r#tual a!u" to #ndu$" trau(a'!a"d alt"r
)"ronal#t#", #n&ol&#n% th" &#$t#( #n atan#$ a$t#&#t#" that ar" o outra%"ou
that th"y wouldn0t l#8"ly !" !"l#"&"d, and u#n% th" >)rodu$t0 of th"
)ro%ra( to t"rror#+" th" )u!l#$ w#th a %row#n% nu(!"r of (a (urd"r"r,
"r#al 8#ll"r, and >lon" nut0 hoot"r* 6f $our", th"" atan#$ally'#n$l#n"d
8#ll"r had to ha&" )run% fro( o("wh"r", and #t ha))"n that a nu(!"r of
atan#$ $ult w"r" #n o)"rat#on #n th" a(" ar"a that (ot of th" "arl#"t and
(ot %ru"o(" $a" udd"nly )ran% u)*
Timeline of Events
012 AD : Th" f#rt ?oun$#l of 7#$"a* ?hr#t#an#ty !"$o(" orthodo9 wh"n
E()"ror ?ontant#n" and th" $hur$h $oun$#l $r"at" $r""d and $anon at
th" ?oun$#l of 7#$"a* W#th th# hu(an'(ad" $hur$h law, th" follow"r of
?hr#t#an#ty w#ll no lon%"r a!#d" !y th" t"a$h#n% of J"u, !ut w#ll #nt"ad
follow th" d#$tat" of th" ?hur$h*
3454 : Th" 3n#%ht of St* John ar" "ta!l#h"d*
3336 : Th" found#n% of th" 6rd"r of th" 3n#%ht T"()lar !y Ja$-u"
D"2olay* Th# "$r"t ord"r "9#t und"r th" %u#" that #t ("(!"r ar" th"
)rot"$tor of )#l%r#( tra&"l#n% to and fro( th" @oly Land, !ut th# # only
u"d a a $o&"r to a$-u#r" w"alth and )ow"r for th"("l&"* W#th#n th" f#rt
tw"nty'on" y"ar of th"#r for(at#on, th"y w#ll %a#n o (u$h )ow"r that th"y
w#ll only !" anw"ra!l" to th" ?hur$h* Th"y w#ll alo !"$o(" th" tron%"t
(#l#tary for$" #n th" world* Th"#r "arly "$r"t a$t#&#t#" w#ll #n$lud" "9$a&at#n%
Solo(on0 T"()l" #n J"rual"(, wh"r" th"y w#ll a))ar"ntly f#nd >$roll of
8nowl"d%"0, and th"" w#ll %#&" th"( $"rta#n )ow"r o&"r th" ?hur$h,
)r"u(a!ly !"$au" th# 8nowl"d%" $ould "9)o" $"rta#n l#" that th" ?hur$h
ha !""n )ro(ul%at#n% a th" truth* Throu%h th"#r $h"(", th"y w#ll $o("
to own thouand of $atl" and oth"r )ro)"rt#" a$ro Euro)", and %r"at
hord" of w"alth #n #l&"r and %old* E&"ntually, how"&"r, th"y w#ll !"$o(" too
)ow"rful, and th" ?hur$h w#ll d"$#d" to "l#(#nat" th"(* Althou%h (any of th"
T"()lar w#ll !" round"d u), tortur"d #nto (a8#n% $onf"#on, and !urn"d at
th" ta8", (any oth"r w#ll "$a)" w#th (u$h of th"#r a(a"d w"alth, a
w"ll a th"#r "$r"t, and w#ll %o on to for( oth"r "$r"t o$#"t#"* 6n" of
th"" w#ll !" th" 3n#%ht of ?hr#t* Althou%h not 8nown for $"rta#n, #t0 a#d
that th" T"()lar worh#))"d th" d"&#l, who th"y $all"d /a)ho("t, and
"n%a%"d #n $"rta#n outra%"ouly #((oral a$t, #n$lud#n% odo(y, a )art of
th"#r "$r"t #n#t#at#on and r#tual*
3045 : Th" 6rd"r of th" 3n#%ht T"()lar # for$"d to d#ol&" wh"n #t
Arand 2at"r, Ja$-u" D"2olay, # arr"t"d and #()r#on"d #n Par# alon%
w#th B0 of h# 8n#%ht, follow"d oon aft"r !y th" round#n% u) of th"
r"(a#n#n% ("(!"r #n Fran$"* All of th" w"alth and )o"#on of th" 6rd"r
w#ll !" $onf#$at"d, althou%h #t w#ll !" ru(or"d that a (all %rou) of 8n#%ht
u$$"fully "$a)"d w#th a lar%" hord"* 2ot of tho" who ar" arr"t"d w#ll
!" for$"d to $onf" to th" wort off"n" #(a%#na!l" !"for" !"#n% !urn"d
al#&" at th" ta8"* Th" a(" w#ll o$$ur #n En%land dur#n% th" r"#%n of Edward
,,, wh"r" th" $onf#$at"d )ro)"rt#" w#ll !" %rant"d to th" 3n#%ht
3035 : Th" 6rd"r of th" 3n#%ht T"()lar # r"for("d #n Portu%al und"r th"
na(" 3n#%ht of ?hr#t*
3745 : A$$ord#n% to 4o#$ru$#an t"9t that w#ll urfa$" #n th" 1B00, th# #
th" y"ar that th" 6rd"r of th" 4o" ?ro#9 # f#rt found"d* ,t # a "$t of
h"r("t#$al )h#loo)h"r, #n$lud#n% al$h"(#t, atrolo%"r, and )#r#t#t, who
w"r" f#rt !"$o(#n% not#$"d #n A"r(any "arly #n th" )r"&#ou $"ntury* /ound
!y ol"(n oath of "$r"$y, th"y $la#( to )o" "$r"t 8nowl"d%",
)art#$ularly )"rta#n#n% to th" Ph#loo)h"r0 Ston", all of wh#$h, a$$ord#n% to
th"(, th"y r"$"#&"d !y trad#t#on fro( th" an$#"nt E%y)t#an, ?hald"an,
2a%#, and Ay(noo)h#t* Th" or#%#nal )ur)o" of th" 6rd"r a))"ar to ha&"
!""n to !r#n% l"arn"d (#nd to%"th"r for th" a8" of har#n% and )r""r&#n%
th"#r 8nowl"d%" and u#n% #t to #()ro&" th" tat" of (an8#nd* Th" 6rd"r of
th" 4o" ?ro#9 w#ll lat"r !"$o(" (or" $o((only 8nown a th" 4o#$ru$#an
6rd"r, and #t (a#n fun$t#on w#ll alway !" th" tudy of o$$ult 8nowl"d%" for
th" )ur)o" of !r#n%#n% all of (an8#nd to #t full"t )#r#tual d"&"lo)("nt,
!a"d on @"r("t#$ $#"n$"* 6nly #n#t#at" who ha&" alr"ady atta#n"d a $"rta#n
l"&"l of )#r#tual d"&"lo)("nt w#ll !" a$$")t"d #nto th" 6rd"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3727 : Th" #n&"nt#on of th" )r#nt#n% )r" !y Johann" Aut"n!"r% #n
A"r(any* Th# #n&"nt#on w#ll r"&olut#on#+" $o((un#$at#on and !oo8
)rodu$t#on, l"ad#n% to th" )r"ad of 8nowl"d%"* ,t w#ll alo -u#$8ly !"$o(" a
("d#u( for th" (a d#"(#nat#on of )ro)a%anda* Th" "arly )r#nt#n%
#ndutry w#ll !" $ontroll"d !y only a f"w )r#nt#n% hou", and th" h#%h $ot of
)u!l#h#n% w#ll r"tr#$t th# ("d#u( to tho" who $an afford #t*
3781 : ?hr#to)h"r ?olu(!u al" fro( S)a#n to th" A("r#$a und"r th"
fla% of th" 3n#%ht T"()lar*
3207 (A*g*st 32! : ,%nat#u Loyola %ath"r to%"th"r a (all %rou) of
$ar"fully $ho"n ("n and lay out a )lan to "ta!l#h what w#ll !"$o(" th"
So$#"ty of J"u 1!"tt"r 8nown a th" J"u#t5, w#th th" #nt"nt#on to $on&"rt
th" #nf#d"l of th" world #nto follow"r of ?hr#t* /y 1DEF, ,%nat#u and h#
%rou) a))roa$h th" Po)" and (a8" an off"r to a$t a a !ody of l#%ht #nfantry
at h# )"ronal !"$8 and $all* Th"y tat" that th"y ar" )r")ar"d to ta8" a
)"$#al &ow of o!"d#"n$" only to h#(, a$$urat"ly $al$ulat#n% that th# w#ll l"ad
to h#( %#&#n% h# !l"#n%* Th" 6rd"r # off#$#ally "ta!l#h"d #n 1D40,
$o()o"d of a (all !ody of "n#or ("(!"r and a lar%"r !ody of .un#or
("(!"r, and h"ad"d !y ,%nat#u* ,t # %o&"rn"d #n "$r"t, and #t a$t#&#t#"
ar" to !" 8")t "$r"t !y #t ("(!"r "9$")t w#th th" a))ro&al of th"#r
u)"r#or* Ea$h ("(!"r # d"(and"d tr#$t o!"d#"n$" and total "r&#tud" to
th" 6rd"r, or fa$" !"#n% thrown #nto th" 6rd"r0 )r#&at" )r#on wh"r" th"y
fa$" !"#n% tortur"d for th"#r tran%r"#on* Jun#or ("(!"r l#&" #n tr#$tly
)ol#$"d !arra$8 and ar" not allow"d any fr"" t#(" or )r#&a$y, wh#l" "n#or
("(!"r l#&" #n lu9ury and "a"* 4ath"r than o)"rat#n% und"r th" )r#n$#)l"
of lo&" and $o()a#on, th"y o)"rat" throu%h $raft#n" and %u#l"*
,%nat#u $r"at" an #ntr#$at" )y yt"( w#th#n th" 6rd"r to 8"") wat$h o&"r
all #t ("(!"r $ontantly and w#th "9tr"(" $rut#ny* ,n "&"ry hou" and
$oll"%", and a(on% "&"ry $la of th" 6rd"r, >ynd#$#0 ar" a))o#nt"d to wat$h
and "nd #n "$r"t r")ort to Su)"r#or* Ea$h (onth ("(!"r ar" alo
r"-u#r"d to wr#t" down all th" fault th"y not#$" #n any oth"r ("(!"r and
%#&" th" r")ort to th" h"ad of th"#r hou"* ,f th"y not" any "r#ou fault #n
th" h"ad of th"#r hou", th"y ar" r"-u#r"d to #nfor( th" h"ad of th" 6rd"r*
Th" J"u#t w#ll (a8" u" of "&"ry our$" of #nfor(at#on th"y $an, !"#n% &"ry
d#$r"t" !ut alo &"ry $unn#n%* A #t found#n% h"ad, ,%nat#u w#ll d"l#!"rat"ly
$ult#&at" th" fa&or of th" r#$h and )ow"rful, a w"ll a "$ur#n% )"$#al
$on$"#on and fa&or fro( fr#"ndly Po)", and th" 6rd"r w#ll "$r"tly
#n&ol&" #t"lf #n (an#)ulat#n% )ol#t#$al affa#r for #t own !"n"f#t* ,%nat#u w#ll
alo #ndu$" th" Po)" to %#&" th" 6rd"r )"$#al )rot"$t#on and (a8" #t
#nd")"nd"nt of !#ho), a w"ll a %#&#n% #t )"$#al )r#&#l"%" o&"r oth"r
6rd"r* Th# w#ll $au" th"( to "9alt th"("l&" a!o&" oth"r r"l#%#ou
,%nat#u w#ll wr#t" a "$r"t (anu$r#)t 8nown a The Spiritual Exercises,
wh#$h %#&" d#r"$t#on for a "r#" of "9"r$#" that #n&ol&" ("d#tat#on,
)ray"r, fat#n%, "nory #(a%"ry, "t$* Th"" "9"r$#" $au" "nou%h )hy#$al,
("ntal, and "(ot#onal "9haut#on to #ndu$" hy)not#$ tran$" tat" and ar"
""nt#ally ("thod of (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra((#n%* Th" r"ult, wh"n
u$$"fully a))l#"d, # a d"") d"&ot#on to th" 6rd"r*
,%nat#u Loyola w#ll d#" #n 1DDB, r"ult#n% #n tr#f" w#th#n th" 6rd"r, w#th th"
n"w l"ad"r, La#n"+, !"#n% a$$u"d !y oth"r "n#or ("(!"r of uur)#n% th"
l"ad"rh#)* Th# tr#f" w#ll alo "9t"nd to th" Po)", who w#ll att"()t to (a8"
$han%" to %a#n th"#r o!"d#"n$" to th" ?hur$h, !ut h" w#ll $on&"n#"ntly d#"
!"for" h" # a!l"* /y th# t#(", th" 6rd"r w#ll ha&" %rown to a ("(!"rh#) of
E,D00 d#&#d"d #nto 18 )ro&#n$" and 1D0 #nt#tut#on* Th" w"alth of th" 6rd"r
w#ll alr"ady !" tr"("ndou !y th# t#(", and th# %rowth #n !oth w"alth and
nu(!"r w#ll t"ad#ly #n$r"a"* /y 1GGE #t w#ll ha&" 22,D8F ("(!"r, and
th" nu(!"r of $oll"%", r"#d"n$", and (##on'tat#on #n #t )o"#on w#ll
!" a!out 1,D00* Th"y w#ll ha&" "ta!l#h"d (any $hool of h#%h"r "du$at#on
and )rodu$"d thouand of l#t"rary wor8 on a lar%" &ar#"ty of to)#$, and
w#ll ha&" !"$o(" &"ry )o)ular #n th" $ountr#" that th"y o)"rat" #n*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The Jesuit Enigma, !y E* /oyd /arr"tt5
3250 : Und"r Cu""n El#+a!"th ,, S#r Fran$# Wal#n%ha( "t u) th" f#rt
or%an#+"d for"#%n ")#ona%" "r&#$" to o)"rat" fro( En%land, #n$or)orat#n% a
n"twor8 of und"r$o&"r a%"nt h" alr"ady had wor8#n% throu%hout Euro)" and
"9t"nd#n% a far "at a Tur8"y and 4u#a* Dr* John D"", th" Cu""n0
)"ronal atrolo%"r and (a%#$#an, # r"$ru#t"d a an a%"nt*
3936 : ,n h# !oo8 Themis Aurea, wr#tt"n #n 1B1B and 1B1G and )r#nt"d #n
1B18, 2#$ha"l 2a#"r, Arand 2at"r of th" 4o#$ru$#an 6rd"r 16rd"r of th"
4o" ?ro#95, r"f"r to a r"olut#on )a"d at a (""t#n% #n 1B1G #n wh#$h #t
wa for(ally a%r""d that th" /roth"rhood (ut (a#nta#n th" tr#$t"t "$r"$y
for a hundr"d y"ar* Dur#n% th# )"r#od, ("(!"r of th" 6rd"r w#ll !"
r"f"rr"d to a >Th" ,n&##!l"0* Th" r"olut#on had alo d"$r""d that, #n th"
y"ar 1G1G 1th" a(" y"ar that Fr""(aonry w#ll !" "ta!l#h"d5, th"
frat"rn#ty would !" tranfor("d #nto an ao$#at#on that $ould $arry on (or"
or l" o)"n )ro)a%anda* At a!out th# a(" t#(", 4o!"rt Fludd # %r"atly
h"l)"d !y Fran$# /a$on #n found#n% th" 4o" ?ro#9 #n En%land*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3994 : Th" 4oyal So$#"ty of London for th" Pro(ot#on of 7atural 3nowl"d%"
# found"d* 2ot or all of #t found"r ar" a#d to !" Fr""(aon, althou%h
th# "$r"t o$#"ty w#ll not !" off#$#ally "ta!l#h"d #n En%land unt#l 1G1G* Th"
4oyal So$#"ty w#ll (a#nta#n an #(("n" #nflu"n$" on th" d"&"lo)("nt of
$#"n$" !y "ta!l#h#n% $ontrol o&"r th" a$$")tan$" or r"."$t#on of $#"nt#f#$
)a)"r, and w#ll )lay a (a.or )art #n d#r"$t#n% and $ontroll#n% th" "nt#r"
$#"nt#f#$ "ta!l#h("nt of th" w"t"rn world*
3535 (:*ne 17! : Th" En%l#h Arand Lod%" of Fr""(aonry # found"d !y
("(!"r of th" En%l#h 6rd"r of th" 4o" ?ro#9 14o#$ru$#an5* ,t wor8 only
th" f#rt thr"" d"%r"", A))r"nt#$", F"llow'?raft, and 2at"r 2aon, and
$ont#tut" th" nur"ry for th" "l"$t#on of #n#t#at" for th" h#%h"r d"%r""
wor8"d !y oth"r Lod%", u$h a th" An$#"nt and A$$")t"d S$ott#h 4#t" and
th" Arand 6r#"nt* Th" Arand Lod%" w#ll th"r"for" only t"a$h th" "9ot"r#$
do$tr#n" 1/lu" 2aonry5, r""r&#n% th" "ot"r#$ t"a$h#n% for oth"r Lod%"*
,n 181E #t w#ll add a fourth d"%r"", that of @oly 4oyal Ar$h* Aft"r th" En%l#h
Lod%"0 found#n%, ("n of r"l#%#ou )"rua#on oth"r than ?hr#t#an#ty w#ll
!"%#n to !" a$$")t"d #nto 2aonry* 6n #n#t#at#on, "a$h ("(!"r # %#&"n an
al#a that th"y w#ll !" 8nown !y w#th#n th" Lod%"* Th" "$r"t oath ta8"n !y
#n#t#at" u)"r$"d" all oth"r oath that th"y ha&" or (#%ht "&"r ta8",
th"r"!y (a8#n% th"#r f#rt all"%#an$" to th" 6rd"r and th"#r f"llow 2aon*
Th# oath $ont#nu" "&"n #f th"y d"$#d" to l"a&" Fr""(aonry, #n ord"r to
aur" that what"&"r "$r"t th"y (#%ht hold r"%ard#n% th" #nn"r wor8#n% of
2aonry ar" n"&"r d#&ul%"d* All 2aonry # found"d on th" )r#n$#)l" of
h"l)#n% f"llow ("(!"r o&"r h"l)#n% non'("(!"r* /"$au" of th#, aft"r
th" En%l#h Arand Lod%" # "ta!l#h"d, #t w#ll !"$o(" al(ot n"$"ary for
any )"ron #n London to !"$o(" a 2aon #n ord"r to u$$""d #n !u#n"*
To "$ur" th" #nn"r wor8#n% of Fr""(aonry a%a#nt th" h#%h"r (oral of #t
("(!"r, on$" #n th" h#%h"r d"%r"", a ("(!"r who # found to !"
#ntra$ta!l" $an $ont#nu" to th" h#%h"t &##!l" )o#nt of #n#t#at#on alon% th"
tra$8 )r")ar"d !y tho" who ("an h#( to 8now noth#n%* All # !"aut#ful, all #
no!l", h" "" only th" !"t, and for"&"r ad&"rt#" th" %oodn" of
Fr""(aonry* Thou%h #n th# $a)a$#ty h" (ay do noth#n% "l", h" !"$o("
an #()ortant fa$tor #n r"$ru#t#n%*
Und"r th" %u#" of )h#lanthro)y, hu(an#tar#an#(, d"(o$rat#$ #d"al, and th"
)ro(#" of (at"r#al ad&an$"("nt, th# 6rd"r w#ll attra$t untold nu(!"r of
unu)"$t#n% ("n* Th" #ft#n% ta8" )la$" fro( th" t#(" of th"#r #n#t#at#on*
For tho" who ar" d""("d u"l" to th" furth"r "$r"t a#( of 2aonry and
th"r"for" unworthy of $l#(!#n% fro( th" 2at"rH $ha#r #n Arand Lod%" to Th"
4oyal Ar$h d"%r"", En%l#h 2aonry w#ll alway r"(a#n what #t wa
r")r""nt"d to !" wh"n th"y !"$a(" $and#dat" for #n#t#at#on* Th"y w#ll !"
u"ful $arr#"r of th" l"%"nd that En%l#h 2aonry !"l#"&" #n Aod and
)h#lanthro)y* /ut, l#8" ?har#ty, En%l#h Arand Lod%" $o&"r a (ult#tud" of
#n**** A!o&" all, #t $o&"r Anot#$#( und"r all #t a)"$tI #t # #n fa$t #t
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3503 : /"n.a(#n Fran8l#n, a Cua8"r, !"$o(" a Fr""(aon at th" Lod%" of
St* John #n Ph#lad"l)h#a* @" w#ll r"a$h th" ran8 of Arand 2at"r at th# lod%",
and !y 1G4F w#ll !" "l"$t"d Arand 2at"r of th" Pro&#n$"* Wh#l" #n Fran$" #n
th" 1GG0, a a d#)lo(at for th" A("r#$an $olon#", Fran8l#n w#ll alo !"
(ad" Arand 2at"r of th" 7#n" S#t"r Lod%" #n Par#* Th" f#rt (a.or
)r#nt#n% hou" to !" "ta!l#h"d #n th" USA w#ll !" own"d !y /"n.a(#n
Fran8l#n, who w#ll (a#nta#n a (ono)oly on th# #ndutry throu%hout h#
3579 : Th" for(at#on of th" @"llf#r" ?lu!, run !y S#r Fran$# Dahwood*
Dur#n% th" t#(" of th" $lu!H o)"rat#on, #t ("(!"r ar" !"l#"&"d to !"
hold#n% notor#ou, or%#at#$ and atan#$ (""t#n% at 2"d("nha( A!!"y
!"#d" th" Tha(", and lat"r at W"t Wy$o(!" ?a&"* Th" $lu! (otto #
JFay $" -u" &ouldraK 1Do what thou w#lt5, wh#$h w#ll lat"r !" ado)t"d !y th"
atan#t Al"#t"r ?rowl"y* /"n.a(#n Fran8l#n, a l"ad#n% ("(!"r, w#ll
fr"-u"ntly att"nd (""t#n%*
3525 : Th" /r#t#h Eat ,nd#a ?o()any # for("d !y a %rou) of London
("r$hant fro( th" rul#n% $la who ar" a$t#n% on !"half of th" Cu""n* ,t #
""nt#ally a front $o()any for /r#t#h royalty* Unt#l #t f#nal d#olut#on #n
18D8, #t w#ll "n%a%" #n )lund"r#n% th" r"our$" and )o)ulat#on of th" ,nd#an
$ont#n"nt* ,t w#ll alo !" r")on#!l" for #ntrodu$#n% #ll"%al o)#u( #nto ?h#na,
and w#ll %"n"rat" (a#&" #n$o(" a #t $o(" to rul" lar%" wath" of ,nd#a,
"9"r$##n% (#l#tary )ow"r and au(#n% ad(#n#trat#&" fun$t#on on !"half of
th" /r#t#h $rown*
3593 : At a!out th# t#(", th" An$#"nt and A$$")t"d S$ott#h 4#t" of
Fr""(aonry ar" "ta!l#h"d #n A("r#$a* Th# !ran$h of Fr""(aonry
or#%#nally had E2 d"%r"", !ut ha now add"d a EE
3599 : Fran+ Anton 2"("r )u!l#h" a )a)"r t#tl"d De Planetarum lnfluxa,
#n wh#$h h" d"$r#!" h# f#nd#n% on th" $ur#n% "ff"$t of (a%n"t on th"
hu(an )hy#o%no(y* 2"("r w#ll !" th" f#rt to $on."$tur" that
)y$holo%#$al trau(a (#%ht !" r"lat"d to, or !" th" $au" of, )hy#$al #lln"*
3552 : Th" #n&"nt#on of th" t"a( "n%#n" #n#t#at" th" #ndutr#al r"&olut#on*
Th# $a)a!#l#ty to harn" (ot#&" )ow"r w#ll l"ad to th" ra)#d d"&"lo)("nt of
!oth tran)ortat#on and #ndutry, wh#$h #n turn w#ll $r"at" a nu(!"r of
!u#n" (ono)ol#" that w#ll !"$o(" n"w yt"( of $ontrol* For"(ot
a(on% th"" (ono)ol#" #n th"" "arly day w#ll !" th" tran)ortat#on and o#l
#ndutr#", !oth of wh#$h w#ll !" n"$"ary for th" (anufa$tur#n% and
d#tr#!ut#on of an "&"r'%row#n% )l"thora of )rodu$t that w#ll !" (ad"
a&a#la!l" to an "&"r'!road"n#n% $onu("r (ar8"t* Th# w#ll r"ult #n %r"at"r
w"alth and )ow"r !"#n% $on$"ntrat"d a(on% a r"lat#&"ly (all %rou) of
)"o)l"* Th" #n#t#ator who w#ll (a8" all of th# )o#!l" w#ll !" th" !an8"r
who $ontrol th" flow of (on"y* L"ad#n% th# !an8#n% $art"l w#ll !" th"
unfatho(a!ly w"althy 4oth$h#ld dynaty of Euro)"* A(on% th" #ndutr#al
(a%nat" that w#ll "("r%" fro( th# r"&olut#on w#ll !" th" @arr#(an, Ford
1auto(o!#l"5, 4o$8"f"ll"r 1o#l and !an8#n%5, ?arn"%#", 2"llon, "t$*
3559 : At a!out th# t#(", Fran+ Anton 2"("r d#$o&"r th" )h"no("non
of >an#(al (a%n"t#(0 or >("("r#(0, lat"r 8nown a hy)not#(* @" # a!l"
to aff"$t $ur" for (any a#l("nt w#th h# d#$o&"ry and w#th th" a#d of a
d"&#$" h" $all a >!a-u"t0, wh#$h "()loy "l"$tr#$al $har%" and (a%n"t to
aff"$t $han%" #n h# )at#"nt*
3559 (/ay 3! ' Ada( W"#hau)t, "9'J"u#t )r#"t, Fr""(aon, and
)rof"or of ?athol#$ ?hur$h ?anon Law at th" Un#&"r#ty of ,n%oltodt #n
/a&ar#a, found th" 6rd"r of th" ,llu(#nat# #n th" Str#$t 6!"r&an$" Lod%" of
Fr""(aonry of 2un#$h, A"r(any* A($h"l 2ay"r 4oth$h#ld, a J"w, #
a$tually r")on#!l" for th" $r"at#on of th# "$r"t o$#"ty, and ha W"#hau)t
a$t#n% on h# #ntru$t#on* Th" ,llu(#nat# ar" d"&out Lu$#f"r#an and follow
atan#$ )r#n$#)l"* Th" 6rd"r w#ll $o(" to $on#t of th" $r"a( of Euro)"an
o$#"ty, and wr#t"r, )u!l#h"r, and "du$ator ar" f#rt )r#or#ty for #n#t#at#on*
Th" o!."$t#&" of th# )ow"rful or%an#+at#on ar":
15 Th" d"tru$t#on of ?hr#t#an#ty and of all 2onar$h#$al %o&"rn("ntI
25 Th" d"tru$t#on of nat#on a u$h #n fa&or of un#&"ral #nt"rnat#onal#(I
E5 Th" d#$oura%"("nt of )atr#ot#$ and loyal "ffort !rand"d a narrow'
(#nd"d )r".ud#$", #n$o()at#!l" w#th th" t"n"t of %oodw#ll to all ("n and th"
$ry of >Un#&"ral /roth"rhood0I
45 Th" a!ol#t#on of fa(#ly t#" and of (arr#a%" !y ("an of yt"(at#$
$orru)t#onI and
D5 Th" u))r"#on of th" r#%ht of #nh"r#tan$" and )ro)"rty*
Th# "l#t" %rou)0 ult#(at" lon%'ran%" a%"nda w#ll !" to $r"at" a #n%l" world
%o&"rn("nt yt"( 17W65 that )ut all )ow"r #nto #t hand* ,t w#ll !"%#n to
do th# !y "#th"r $r"at#n% or #nf#ltrat#n% "&"ry )o#!l" or%an of #nflu"n$" and
$ontrol #n o$#"ty, #n$lud#n% %o&"rn("nt, !u#n"", r"l#%#on, "t$* Th"
,llu(#nat# w#ll !"$o(" th" (ot )ow"rful "$r"t o$#"ty on "arth, $onn"$t#n%
w#th &#rtually "&"ry oth"r "$r"t o$#"ty of #%n#f#$an$" throu%h ("(!"rh#)
#n th"#r u))"r ran8* W"#hau)t wr#t":
The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment, let it never appear, in any place
in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. None is
fitter than the three lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects
little from it, and therefore taes little notice of it.!
,n h"r !oo8, World Revolution, 7"ta W"!t"r w#ll d"$r#!" th"#r (odu
o)"rand# th# way:
"The art of #lluminism lay in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, and by encouraging the
dreams of honest visionaries or the schemes of fanatics, by flattering the vanity of
ambitious egotists, by woring on unbalanced brains, or by playing on such passions as
greed and power, to mae men of totally divergent aims serve the secret purpose of the
A th" 6rd"r !"%#n to )r"ad throu%hout A"r(any, (on"y w#ll !"
$ontr#!ut"d fro( u$h l"ad#n% J"w#h fa(#l#" a th" 6))"nh"#("r,
W"rth"#("r, S$hut"r, S)"y"r, St"rn, and of $our", th" 4oth$h#ld*
Fro( /a&ar#a, th" 6rd"r w#ll )r"ad ra)#dly* Th"y w#ll oon ha&" o&"r E00
("(!"r fro( all wal8 of l#f", #n$lud#n% tud"nt, ("r$hant, do$tor,
lawy"r, .ud%", )rof"or, $#&#l off#$"r, !an8"r, and "&"n $hur$h
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, lluminati! The "ult that #i$ac%ed the World, !y @"nry
2a8ow, PhD5
3567 ' Th" 2ar-u" of Pur"%ur #n Fran$", a tud"nt of Anton 2"("r, #
a!l" to ("("r#+" a #$8 youn% (an na("d L#$tor 4a$" and $au" h#( to fall
#nto a tran%" l"") tat", dur#n% wh#$h Pur"%ur $an $o((un#$at" w#th h#(*
L#$tor # "9tr"("ly u%%"t#!l" and how a dra(at#$ $han%" #n )"ronal#ty*
@" # a!l" to )"a8 art#$ulat"ly, d#a%no" h# own #$8n", and "&"n r"ad th"
thou%ht of th" hy)not#t* Wh"n h" # awa8"n"d, L#$tor ha no ("(ory of
what w"nt on dur#n% th" l"") tat"* Th# # th" f#rt do$u("nt"d $a" of
(ult#)l" )"ronal#t#" and t"l")athy o$$urr#n% dur#n% a hy)not#$ tran$"*
Pur"%ur w#ll d#$o&"r that L#$tor # not un#-u" #n th# $a)a$#ty, and o("
#nd#&#dual would "a#ly fall #nto a tran$" tat" wh"n an#(al (a%n"t#( wa
a))l#"d to th"(* Althou%h a))"ar#n% to !" al""), th"y w"r" t#ll $on$#ou,
and l#8" L#$tor, $ould r")ly to -u"t#on and $on&"y #nfor(at#on* ,n th#
#ndu$"d tran$" tat", th" )at#"nt wa &"ry u%%"t#!l", ta8#n% for r"al#ty any
fantay that th" (a%n"t#+"r (#%ht d")#$t* U)on awa8"n#n% fro( th" tran$",
th" )at#"nt would r"("(!"r noth#n% that had ta8"n )la$" wh#l" al"")*
Pur"%ur w#ll d#$o&"r that (any )"o)l" #n th# tat" $an a))ar"ntly d#a%no"
th"#r own #lln"" and tho" of oth"r, and "&"n )r"$r#!" "ff"$t#&"
r"("d#" for th" $ond#t#on th"y )"r$"#&"* @" w#ll alo not#$" that althou%h
(a%n"t#+"d u!."$t had no ("(ory #n th" wa8#n% tat" for o$$urr"n$" #n
th" tat" of (a%n"t#$ l""), th"y d#d r"ta#n a $ont#nuou ("(ory fro( l"")
tat" to l"") tat"*
Fro( th# t#(" on, (any oth"r r""ar$h"r w#ll not" th"" a(" u)"rnor(al
)h"no("na ar##n% #n hy)not#+"d u!."$t a%a#n and a%a#n, and th"y w#ll
!"$o(" th" (ot $ontro&"r#al a)"$t d#$u"d #n th" l#t"ratur" on
("("r#( and hy)not#( for (any y"ar*
Th" )ow"r of ("("r#( 1hy)no#5 # !"#n% r"&"al"d for #t )ot"nt#al to
unlo$8 u)"rnor(al a!#l#t#" dw"ll#n% #n "&"ryon", !ut #t )ow"r ha t#ll !""n
!ar"ly r"al#+"d at th# )o#nt* Althou%h hy)not#( w#ll $o(" to !" u"d
"9)"r#("ntally #n ("d#$al tr"at("nt for a t#(", #t a!#l#ty to aff"$t th"
u!."$t#&" (#nd far (or" "a#ly than #t $an th" )hy#$al !ody w#ll l"ad #t to
!"$o(" (or" )o)ular a(on% )#r#tual#t, who w#ll "9)lor" #t a!#l#ty to
unl"ah th" (yt"r#ou )ow"r of th" u!$on$#ou (#nd*
3567 ' Th" Fr"n$h %o&"rn("nt ord"r two ")arat" $o((##on to
#n&"t#%at" Fran+ Anton 2"("rH $la#( r"%ard#n% >an#(al (a%n"t#(0* Th"
f#rt # $ondu$t"d !y ("(!"r of th" 4oyal A$ad"(y of S$#"n$" and th"
Fa$ulty of 2"d#$#n", and #n$lud" o(" of th" $ountry0 (ot "(#n"nt
$#"nt#t* ,t # $ha#r"d !y /"n.a(#n Fran8l#n 1US a(!aador to Fran$"5*
Fran8l#n $o(" to th" $on$lu#on that #t #n0t 2"("r0 !a-u"t that #
r")on#!l" for th" $ur" attr#!ut"d to #t, !ut rath"r #t # du" to an #ndu$"d
tran$" tat" and th" h"#%ht"n"d u%%"t#!#l#ty that #t $r"at" #n a )"ron* Th"
"$ond $o((##on # $o()o"d of )hy#$#an of th" 4oyal So$#"ty of
2"d#$#n"* /oth #n&"t#%at#on ar" $arr#"d out #n th" fa$" of 2"("r0
o!."$t#on and w#thout h# $oo)"rat#on* Th" "$ond $o((##on alo f#l"
r")ort that ar" unfa&ora!l" to an#(al (a%n"t#(, althou%h on" ("(!"r
wr#t" a d#"nt#n% o)#n#on r"$o(("nd#n% furth"r #n&"t#%at#on*
,n )#t" of th"" $on$lu#on, (any )hy#$#an who ha&" had )o#t#&" r"ult
w#th 2"("r0 ("thod w#ll &o#$" th"#r $r#t#$#( of th" $o((##on, and
(any )at#"nt who had !""n $ur"d w#ll %#&" )o#t#&" t"t#(on#" to 2"("r0
("thod* 2"("r#( w#ll oon !"$o(" &"ry )o)ular a(on% th" h#%h"t
l"&"l of o$#"ty throu%hout th" world* Wh"n #t r"a$h" A("r#$a, #t w#ll alo
!"$o(" )o)ular a(on% th" (#ddl"$la, (otly w#th#n )#r#tual#t $#r$l" and
a a for( of ta%" "nt"rta#n("nt* Th# w#ll ha&" a hu%" "ff"$t on th"
)#r#tual#t (o&"("nt !y th" turn of th" tw"nt#"th $"ntury, wh"r" hy)not#$
tran$" w#ll !"$o(" $o((only u"d !y )y$h#$ ("d#u( to h"l) th"(
$o((un#$at" w#th what th"y !"l#"&" ar" )#r#t*
3569 : ?lu! /r"ton, lat"r r"na("d th" Ja$o!#n ?lu!, # found"d #n Par# !y
th" /#ho) of Autun 1Tall"yrand5, 2#ra!"au, and th" Du$ dH6rlMan, Arand
2at"r of th" Arand 6r#"nt Lod%" of Fran$" 1Fr""(aonry5* Th" Ja$o!#n w#ll
!" #ntr#$at"ly #n&ol&"d #n tart#n% th" Fr"n$h 4"&olut#on*
3583 ' Lu#%# Aal&an# (a8" th" l"% of a fro% (o&" !y $ondu$t#n% "l"$tr#$#ty
throu%h w#r", fro( #t n"r&" to #t (u$l"* Th# d#$o&"ry w#ll l"ad to th"
full r"al#+at#on that th" n"r&ou yt"( # "l"$tr#$al #n natur" and $an !"
#nflu"n$"d !y "l"$tr#$al $har%"*
3585 (:an*ary 16! : Ja(" T#lly 2atth"w, th" f#rt r"$ord"d $la#(ant of
(#nd'$ontrol tar%"t#n% 1alo th" f#rt do$u("nt"d $a" of >)arano#d
$h#+o)hr"n#a05, # ad(#tt"d #nto London0 /"thl"( 1/"dla(5 @o)#tal, th"
#nfa(ou #nan" aylu(, wh"r" h" w#ll )"nd th" r"(a#nd"r of h# l#f"*
2atth"w had not !""n #n$ar$"rat"d on ("d#$al %round, !ut on th" ord"r
of Lord L#&"r)ool, th" @o(" 6ff#$" (#n#t"r, who( 2atth"w had #n$#d"ntally
a$$u"d of !"#n% #n&ol&"d #n a )lot a%a#nt h#(*
2atth"w wa an En%l#h )y who had !""n )o#n% a a t"a ("r$hant #n
Fran$", wh"r" h" wa a!l" to (#9 w#th th" h#%h"t $#r$l" a h" tr#"d to
n"%ot#at" a )"a$" tr"aty !"tw""n that $ountry and h# own* @" had !""n
thrown #n .a#l !y th" Fr"n$h #n 1GFE and h"ld for thr"" y"ar, and #t wa
wh#l" th"r" that h" !"l#"&" an "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ d"&#$" had !""n #()lant"d #n
h# h"ad !y a %rou) of und"r$o&"r Ja$o!#n r"&olut#onar#", and that h" wa
!"#n% $ontroll"d !y th"( throu%h an >#nflu"n$#n% (a$h#n"0* 2atth"w $la#("d
that th# %rou) wa a!l" to do u$h th#n% a #()lant thou%ht #n h# h"ad,
#nh#!#t h# )""$h, and alt"r h# r"aon#n% a!#l#t#", a(on% oth"r th#n%* @"
$la#("d that th# (a$h#n" "nt out #n&##!l" (a%n"t#$ ray that aff"$t"d th"
(a%n"t#$ d"&#$" h" !"l#"&"d had !""n #()lant"d #n h# h"ad* @" "&"n dr"w
u) d#a%ra( of th# (a$h#n" 1wh#$h h" $all"d an >a#r loo(05, wh#$h how"d
(ult#)l" l"&"r that w"r" u"d to )rodu$" (odulat#on of th" (a%n"t#$ wa&"
that w"r" "(#tt"d* Th" fa$t that th# $a" dat" to o&"r two hundr"d y"ar
a%o (a8" h# $la#( ound ""r#ly fa(#l#ar, y"t out of th"#r t#("*
El"$tro(a%n"t#$ rad#at#on had not y"t !""n d#$o&"r"d, nor had th" full
"l"$tro$h"(#$al natur" of th" hu(an n"r&ou yt"(* Th" fa$t that 2atth"w
d"$r#!"d th"" wa&" a !"#n% (odulat"d # "&"n (or" r"(ar8a!l",
$on#d"r#n% that th# # "9a$tly th" $a" : "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ wa&" r"-u#r"
)"$#f#$ )att"rn#n% to "ff"$t )"$#f#$ r")on" #n a )"ron tar%"t"d w#th
(od"rn'day "l"$tron#$ (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#"*
2atth"w $la#("d that th# %an%, who h" wa a!l" to d"$r#!" &"ry w"ll,
would (at"r#al#+" #n h# dr"a( #n ord"r to %ath"r #nfor(at#on to u" #n
aa#l#n% h#( th" n"9t day* 2atth"w !"l#"&"d that th"r" w"r" oth"r %rou)
w#th #(#lar (a$h#n" that w"r" !"#n% u"d a%a#nt &ar#ou )ol#t#$#an and
)u!l#$ f#%ur", #n$lud#n% th" th"n Pr#(" 2#n#t"r of En%land, W#ll#a( P#tt*
/"yond /r#ta#n, th"" (a$h#n" w"r" u))o"dly !"#n% u"d #n Fran$",
Pru#a, and "l"wh"r"* Th"" %rou) w"r" !"l#"&"d !y 2atth"w to !"
lur8#n% "&"rywh"r", u#n% what wa !"l#"&"d to !" a (a%n"t#$ &a)or to )ut
th" unu)"$t#n% )"ron und"r th" $ontrol of th"#r (a$h#n"* Th# ound
#(#lar to (od"rn'day r"(ot"'#nflu"n$#n%, wh#$h # a )ro&"n )y$h#$ $#"n$"
that # an "9t"n#on of r"(ot"'&#"w#n% 1$la#r&oyan$"5, and (ay ha&" !""n
w#th#n th" r")"rto#r" of th# Ja$o!#n %rou) that 2atth"w $la#("d wa
tar%"t#n% h#( w#th th"#r (yt"r#ou (a$h#n"*
2atth"w wa an #nt"ll#%"nt (an, and althou%h "$$"ntr#$, wa )ro&"n !y two
")arat" do$tor to !" -u#t" an"* ,t wa wh#l" #n )r#on #n Fran$" that
2atth"w !"l#"&" h" wa f#rt "nnar"d !y th# Ja$o!#n %rou), throu%h a
)"ron !y th" na(" of 2r* ?ha&anay* Wh"n 2atth"w r"turn"d to En%land h"
tr#"d to warn th" Pr#(" 2#n#t"r a!out th# %rou) and th"#r a$t#&#t#", who h"
a#d w"r" )r")ar#n% to u" th"" (a$h#n" to o&"rthrow th" %o&"rn("nt* ,n
D"$"(!"r of 1GFB h" had #nt"rru)t"d a d"!at" #n th" @ou" of ?o((on to
a$$u" Lord L#&"r)ool of tr"aon, wh#$h r"ult"d #n %"tt#n% h#("lf
#n$ar$"rat"d at /"thl"(*
2u$h of what w" 8now a!out 2atth"w0 $la#( $o(" fro( a !oo8l"t t#tl"d
llustrations of &adness, wh#$h wa wr#tt"n !y Dr* John @ala(, th" r"#d"nt
a)oth"$ary at /"thl"( @o)#tal* Th# !oo8l"t wa wr#tt"n not .ut to d"ta#l
th" d"lu#on of a )ur)ort"dly (ad (an, !ut alo to )ro&" to 2atth"w0
fa(#ly and oth"r who !"l#"&"d h#( an" that h" wa #nd""d (ad* @ala(
how d"f#n#t" #%n of )o#!l" $o()l#$#ty #n any r"al $on)#ra$y that (ay
ha&" !""n afoot, h"l)#n% to #l"n$" a (an who 8n"w too (u$h a!out a "$r"t
2aon#$ %rou) w#th a lot of )ow"r* ,t # -u#t" l#8"ly that @ala( (ay ha&"
"(!"ll#h"d o(" of h# d"$r#)t#on of 2atth"w0 (or" outra%"ou $la#(,
"&"n thou%h 2atth"w u))o"dly r"ad th" !oo8l"t !"for" )u!l#h#n% and
had %#&"n #t h# a))ro&al*
,n "9a(#n#n% th" tory of Ja(" 2atth"w, #t0 hard to !"l#"&" that u$h
t"$hnolo%y $ould ha&" "9#t"d #n h# t#(", ")"$#ally for tho" who ar"
unawar" of #(#lar t"$hnolo%#" "9#t#n% "&"n today* @ow"&"r, for tho" who
are fa(#l#ar w#th today0 (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#", th"r" # a tron% "n" of
r"al#( to what 2atth"w $la#("d* ?ould #t !" )o#!l" that 2atth"w wa a
&#$t#( of &"ry "arly att"()t to $ontrol th" (#nd of ("n throu%h r"(ot"
"l"$tr#$al ("anN
,nt"r"t#n%ly, dur#n% th# a(" t#(", Fran+ Anton 2"("r 1a Fr""(aon5 had
!""n (a8#n% a $"n" w#th h# not#on of >an#(al (a%n"t#(0 : a )r"$uror to
th" d#$o&"ry of hy)no# : and th" "ff"$t of (a%n"t#$ "n"r%y on th" hu(an
!ody and !ra#n w"r" !"#n% "r#ouly tud#"d a(on% $"rta#n $#"nt#f#$ %rou),
and (any a$$uat#on w"r" !"#n% (ad" that #t wa !"#n% u"d to #nflu"n$"
!oth )ol#t#$#an and th" )u!l#$ at lar%"*
/"n.a(#n Fran8l#n 1anoth"r Fr""(aon5, th" d#$o&"r"r of "l"$tr#$#ty, wa th"
US a(!aador to Fran$" at th" t#(", and wa a8"d !y th" Fr"n$h
%o&"rn("nt to loo8 #nto th" a$t#&#t#" of 2"("r and h# $la#( of (#ra$ulou
$ur" w#th "l"$tr#$#ty* /"#n% !roth"r 2aon, Fran8l#n and 2"("r h#t #t off
-u#t" w"ll, and Fran8l#n f#l"d a l"n%thy r")ort fa&ora!l" to 2"("r* Anoth"r
!roth"r 2aon who fr"-u"ntly &##t"d th"" two ("n #n Par# ha))"n"d to !"
Ada( W"#hau)t, th" found"r of th" ,llu(#nat#*
,t hould !" not"d that 2"("r wa th" %odfath"r of A(ad"u 2o+art* ,n
fa$t, h" ra#"d 2o+art, a %"n#u (u#$#an who !"ha&"d a #f h" w"r" uff"r#n%
fro( 2PD=D,D* ,t # &"ry )o#!l" that 2"("r had "9)"r#("nt"d on 2o+art
a a $h#ld #n ord"r to "nhan$" h# (u#$al a!#l#t#", #n$" #t0 8nown that
&#$t#( of trau(a'!a"d (#nd $ontrol, a)art fro( a$-u#r#n% alt"r
)"ronal#t#", oft"n d"&"lo) "9$")t#onal ("ntal 8#ll a w"ll, and hy)no# #
alo a!l" to #(#larly "nhan$" a )"ron0 nor(al a!#l#t#" wh"n )ro)"rly
That a %rou) of ("n w#th a(!#t#on to )ow"r (#%ht ha&" tu(!l"d u)on th"
("an to r"(ot"ly #nflu"n$" a )"ron or #nfl#$t d#$o(fort or "&"n har( #
not a farf"t$h"d a #t (#%ht ""(* ?on#d"r th" fa$t that $#"n$" wa w#d"
o)"n to al(ot any )o#!#l#ty at that t#(", and o (u$h wa !"%%#n% to !"
#n&"nt"d or d#$o&"r"d* Th" )o)ular l#t"ratur" of th" t#(" ay a lot for th#:
'ran%enstein, Dr( Je%yll and &r( #yde, "t$* Th# # wh"r" (any )"o)l"0
(#nd w"r" fo$u"d* Th" dar8"r #d" of $#"n$" wa alr"ady lur8#n% #n $"rta#n
(#nd wh"n #t wa t#ll #n #t #nfan$y* E&"n #f th" #nflu"n$#n% (a$h#n" that
2atth"w d"$r#!"d wa noth#n% (or" than an #(a%#nary $on$")t, th"
)o#!#l#ty that #t wa "nt#r"ly of 2atth"w0 own (a8#n% ""( far fro( l#8"ly*
@" wa #n&ol&"d #n )ol#t#$al ")#ona%", or wa at l"at $onort#n% w#th )"o)l"
who w"r" #n&ol&"d #n #t, and h" (ay ha&" )#$8"d u) th" #d"a fro( )art#"
who w"r" a$tually att"()t#n% to d"&#" u$h (a$h#n", #f th"y hadn0t
alr"ady* ,n any $a", #t ""( that th" $on$")tual r"al#ty of u$h (#nd'
$ontrol t"$hnolo%#" wa alr"ady fo("nt#n% that lon% a%o #n th" (#nd of
$"rta#n )ol#t#$ally (ot#&at"d %rou) w#th 2aon#$ t#"*
Th" Ja$o!#n, who had thrown 2atth"w #n .a#l #n Fran$" wh"r" h" !"l#"&"d
h" f#rt $a(" und"r th" $ontrol of th# (a$h#n", w"r" a %rou) that had !""n
found"d !y )ro(#n"nt Fr""(aon* ,t wa th" t#(" of th" Fr"n$h 4"&olut#on
and (u$h )ol#t#$al tur(o#l wa %o#n% on, wh#$h 2atth"w ""( to ha&"
%ott"n $au%ht u) #n* S"$r"t o$#"t#" w"r" &"ry al#&" and wor8#n% on th"#r
&ar#ou a%"nda, th"#r ("(!"r oft"n ha&#n% t#" w#th r"l#%#ou, )ol#t#$al, and
(yt#$al %rou) throu%h wh#$h th"y $ould o)"rat" or oth"rw#" u" to
#nflu"n$" oth"r to do th"#r !#dd#n%* P"rha) 2atth"w wan0t o d"lu#onal
and th# (a$h#n" a$tually "9#t"d, or )"rha) h" )#$8"d u) h# #d"a a!out #t
fro( "$r"t o$#"ty ("(!"r who "&"n !a$8 th"n w"r" at l"at $on$"#&#n% of
u$h t"$hnolo%#", "&"n #f th"y d#dn0t y"t ha&" th"(* P"rha) th"y w"r"
u#n% hy)not#( on 2atth"w, and had $on&#n$"d h#( that u$h a (a$h#n"
and #t #n#t"r %an% of o)"rator wa #n&ol&"d #n (a8#n% h#( "9)"r#"n$"
th#n% that w"r" a$tually !"#n% #ndu$"d throu%h noth#n% (or" than hy)not#$
u%%"t#on* What"&"r th" $a", th" tory of Ja(" T#lly 2atth"w #
#nt"r"t#n% for #t )arall"l w#th (od"rn'day "-u#&al"nt, wh"r" w" ha&"
)"o)l" $o(#n% forward w#th $la#( that th"y0r" !"#n% tar%"t"d w#th &"ry
#(#lar (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#"*
3643 : Th" Su)r"(" ?oun$#l # "ta!l#h"d w#th#n th" 2aon#$ 6rd"r, w#th
#t0 %lo!al h"ad-uart"r #n ?harl"ton* Th# (ar8 th" !"%#nn#n% of Un#&"ral
Fr""(aonry, wh#$h )la$" all 2aon#$ Lod%" throu%hout th" world und"r
on" $"ntral $ontroll#n% !ody*
3630 : Th" En%l#h Arand Lod%" of Fr""(aonry add a fourth d"%r"", that
of @oly 4oyal Ar$h*
3614 : At a!out th# t#(", f#ft""n'y"ar'old Jo")h S(#th all"%"dly !"%#n
ha&#n% &##on, #n on" of wh#$h th" an%"l 2oron# a))"ar to h#( thr"" t#("
and t"ll h#( that th" /#!l" of th" W"t"rn ?ont#n"nt, th" u))l"("nt to th"
7"w T"ta("nt, # !ur#"d #n a $"rta#n )ot n"ar 2an$h"t"r* Four y"ar lat"r,
aft"r du" d#$#)l#nary )ro!at#on, S(#th w#ll $la#( to ha&" !""n d"l#&"r"d #nto
h# $har%" !y an an%"l of th" Lord a ton" !o9, #n wh#$h wa a &olu(", B
#n$h" th#$8, (ad" of th#n %old )lat" 8 #n$h" !y G, and fat"n"d to%"th"r
!y thr"" %old r#n%* Th" )lat" w#ll !" $o&"r"d w#th (all wr#t#n% #n th"
>r"for("d E%y)t#an0 ton%u", and w#ll !" a$$o()an#"d !y a )a#r of
u)"rnatural )"$ta$l", $on#t#n% of two $rytal "t #n a #l&"r !ow, wh#$h
ar" $all"d >Ur#( and Thu((#(0* W#th th" a#d of th"" )"$ta$l", th" (yt#$
$hara$t"r $an !" r"ad* S(#th0 tory w#ll !" %#&"n th" "(!lan$" of
l"%#t#(a$y !y thr"" oth"r ("n : 6l#&"r ?owd"ry, 2art#n @arr#, and Da&#d
Wh#t("r : who w#ll "a$h %a&" worn tat"("nt a to th" truth of S(#th0
$la#(* Th"" tranlat"d wr#t#n% w#ll !" )u!l#h"d a th" )oo% of &ormon #n
18E0, th" a(" y"ar that 2or(on#( # "ta!l#h"d* O"ar lat"r, all thr"" of
th"" ("n w#ll d"noun$" th" tory a fal" aft"r th"y l"a&" th" 2or(on
?hur$h* Th" r"al our$" of th# !oo8 wa a )r"a$h"r na("d Solo(on
S)ald#n%, who wrot" #t #n 1812 a a h#tor#$al ro(an$", and th" (anu$r#)t
$a(" #nto S(#th0 hand throu%h anoth"r (an na("d S#dn"y 4#%don, who
had $o)#"d #t*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3612 : Th" 4oyal A$ad"(y of 2"d#$#n" of Fran$" a))o#nt a $o((##on to
#n&"t#%at" th" u!."$t of an#(al (a%n"t#(* Th" $o((##on # $o()o"d of
o(" of th" a!l"t $#"nt#t of th" A$ad"(y, and #t )ro"$ut" #t
#n&"t#%at#on unt#l 18E1, wh"n #t (a8" #t r")ort* A(on%t oth"r th#n% #t
w#ll announ$" that #t ha d"(ontrat"d th" fa$t that o(" ("("r#$ u!."$t
)o""d $la#r&oyant )ow"rI that u$h u!."$t $ould, w#th th"#r "y"
$lo"d, d#t#n%u#h o!."$t, t"ll th" $olor and nu(!"r of $ard, and r"ad l#n"
of a !oo8 o)"n"d at a $han$" )a%"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The *a+ of Psychic Phenomena, !y Tho()on Jay @udon5
3619 : W#ll#a( 2or%an, a 2aon of th" h#%h"t d"%r"", aft"r ha&#n%
announ$"d h# #nt"nt#on of a#t#n% #n th" wor8 of "9)o#n% Fr""(aonry, #
8#dna))"d !y h# !roth"r 2aon und"r )r"t"nd"d for( and warrant of law,
r"(o&"d fro( th" Stat" of 7"w Oor8 to th" !ord"r of ?anada, n"ar th" fall
of 7#a%ara, wh"r" h" # !ar!arouly (urd"r"d* Th# "&"nt (ar8 th"
!"%#nn#n% of an ant#'2aon#$ (o&"("nt #n A("r#$a* S"&"ral )"ron w#ll !"
)un#h"d for th" a!du$t#on of 2or%an, !ut th" (urd"r"r w#ll !" h"lt"r"d !y
2aon#$ Lod%" and r"$u"d fro( .ut#$"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3618 : Jut#nu 3"rn"r, a )hy#$#an and )o"t, )u!l#h" Seeress of Prevorst,
#n wh#$h h" d"$r#!" h# tr"at("nt of a wo(an na("d Fr#"d"r#8" @auff" that
tart"d #n 182B* 3"rn"r had d"$#d"d to u" an#(al (a%n"t#( on h"r, and th"
wo(an )ro&"d to !" a %ood u!."$t and "a#ly !"$a(" o(na(!ul#t#$* ,n
h"r tran$" tat", h" had &##on, )r"(on#t#on, and $la#r&oyant
"9)"r#"n$"* 3"rn"r !"l#"&"d #n th" %"nu#n"n" of th"" )h"no("na,
r"$ord#n% th"( w#th %r"at $ar" #n th# a$$ount*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Esalen "TR! Animal &agnetism, Early #ypnotism, and
Psychical Research, -.//0-1235
3604 : Jo")h S(#th found 2or(on#(* S(#th, who # a Fr""(aon,
"ta!l#h" a n"w 2aon#$ d"%r"" oon aft"r, $la#(#n% that an an%"l of th"
Lord had !rou%ht h#( th" lot 8"yword of "&"ral d"%r"", "na!l#n% h#( to
)ro%r" furth"r than th" h#%h"t 2aon* Th" $hart"r of th" 2or(on lod%"
# ta8"n away !y th" Arand Lod%" oon aft"r* Th" 2or(on do%(a #
un#&"ral#ty, (at"r#al#( and )anth"#(* ,t !l"nd Juda#( and ?hr#t#an#ty,
a#(#n% at a )ro%r"#&" un#&"ral r"l#%#on wh#l" ""8#n% to un#t" #n #t"lf all
fa#th and th" $ult of "&"ry )"o)l" on "arth* Th" 2or(on tat" # a
th"o$rat#$ $o((un#ty at th" h"ad of wh#$h # a %rand )r#"t')r"#d"nt
a#t"d !y two oth"r and a tra&"l#n% $oun$#l of tw"l&"* ,t (yt"r#" ar"
tho" of )#r#t#( and th" Man$" roo(*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3601 : Th" 6rd"r of S8ull and /on" # found"d at Oal" Un#&"r#ty !y W#ll#a(
@unt#n%ton 4u"ll and Al)hono Taft* Th# "$r"t frat"rnal !roth"rhood #
$r"at"d aft"r 4u"ll r"turn fro( a tr#) to A"r(any, and #t # r")ort"dly a
!ran$h of a 2aon#$=,llu(#nat# %rou) #n /a&ar#a* Th" 6rd"r # or#"nt"d
toward th" )ot'%raduat" out#d" world and r"$ru#t tr#$tly fro( a(on% th"
>r#$h"t and f#n"t0 of Oal"0 u)$o(#n% %raduat"* 2"(!"r ar" "l"&at"d to
8"y )o#t#on #n %o&"rn("nt and #ndutry, oft"n l"ad#n% to )o#t#on #n th"
"9"$ut#&" !ran$h* Th" 6rd"r w#ll !"$o(" a t"))#n%'ton" to u$h %rou) a
th" ?oun$#l on For"#%n 4"lat#on, th" Tr#lat"ral ?o((##on, and th"
/#ld"r!"r%"r* Throu%h th"#r y(!ol#( and )ra$t#$", #t $an !" fa#rly $la#("d
that th" 6rd"r of S8ull and /on" # a atan#$ %rou)* ,n#t#at#on #n&ol&"
(a8#n% a )l"d%" of "$r"$y that )ro!a!ly #n&ol&" o(" ort of !la$8(a#l
#nuran$", wh"r" th" #n#t#at" (ut )ut h#("lf #n a $o()ro(##n% )o#t#on
1u$h a "n%a%#n% #n an #ll"%al or #((oral a$t5 that $an !" u"d to d"troy
h# $ar""r and $r"d#!#l#ty hould h" t") out of l#n"* 2"(!"r of th" 6rd"r
(ut ta8" an oath that a!ol&" th"( fro( any all"%#an$" to any nat#on,
8#n%, %o&"rn("nt, or $ont#tut#on, wh#$h #n$lud" th" n"%at#n% of any
u!"-u"nt oath that th"y (ay !" r"-u#r"d to ta8"* Th"y w"ar all"%#an$"
only to th" 6rd"r and #t %oal of a 7"w World 6rd"r*
3607 : Fr""(aon Al!"rt P#8" # a))o#nt"d to d#r"$t th" A("r#$an ar( of th"
6rd"r of th" ,llu(#nat#*
3602 : Around th# t#(", an#(al (a%n"t#( !"%#n (a8#n% #%n#f#$ant
#nroad #n th" Un#t"d Stat"* L"$tur" !y ?harl" Poy"n St* Sau&"ur on
an#(al (a%n"t#( "9$#t" th" #(a%#nat#on of th" $ountry and l"ad to th"
"("r%"n$" of (a%n"t#$ )ra$t#t#on"r of a )"$ul#arly A("r#$an ty)"* ,t#n"rant
(a%n"t#+"r wand"r th" $ountry#d" w#th )rof"#onal o(na(!ul#t 1"a#ly
hy)not#+a!l" u!."$t5 at th"#r #d", %#&#n% ("d#$al $la#r&oyant r"ad#n%* Th"
&##onary Andr"w Ja$8on Da&# !"%#n h# $ar""r a a o(na(!ul#t and w#ll
"&"ntually !"$o(" an author of %r"at )o)ular#ty, u#n% th" tran$" tat" to
d#$tat" h# )#r#tual tr"at#"*
3608 : Pru#an $#"nt#t @"#nr#$h W#lh"l( Do&" d#$o&"r that !y )lay#n%
d#ff"r"nt fr"-u"n$#" #n "a$h "ar, th" d#ff"r"n$" !"tw""n tho" fr"-u"n$#" #
h"ard #n#d" th" h"ad : what # 8nown a a !#naural !"at*
3673 ("ovem;er! : Aft"r w#tn"#n% "&"ral )u!l#$ "9)"r#("nt #n
("("r#(, Dr* Ja(" /ra#d $a(" to th" r"al#+at#on that ("("r#( wan0t
$au"d !y any d#r"$t a$t#on of th" ("("r#t on th" u!."$t, a Anton
2"("r had !"l#"&"d, #n$" a tran$" tat" $ould !" #ndu$"d #n a )"ron !y
("r"ly ha&#n% th"( tar" at an o!."$t* Aft"r "9)"r#("nt#n% furth"r, /ra#d
$on$lud"d that th" "ff"$t of ("("r#( w"r" du" to a )hy#olo%#$al
$ond#t#on of th" n"r&"*
1S"" f#l", Esalen "TR! Animal &agnetism, Early #ypnotism, and Psychical
Research, -.//0-1235
3671 : Ja(" /ra#d $o#n th" t"r( >hy)not#(0 to r")la$" >an#(al
(a%n"t#(0, #nt"nd#n% to do away w#th th" #d"a of a )hy#$al a%"nt u$h a
>(a%n"t#$ flu#d0 )a#n% !"tw""n (a%n"t#+"r and u!."$t to )rodu$" th"
)h"no("na of o(na(!ul#(* @" alo "()ha#+" th" rol" of u%%"t#on
!oth #n )rodu$#n% th" hy)not#$ tat" and #n !r#n%#n% a!out th" h"al#n% "ff"$t
ao$#at"d w#th #t* @" r"$o%n#+" th" )ot'hy)not#$ r")on" to th""
u%%"t#on a w"ll* E&"ntually /ra#d0 &#"w w#ll !"$o(" th" do(#nant on"
and h# t"r(#nolo%y th" a$$")t"d no("n$latur"* @y)not#( w#ll !"$o("
w#d"ly a$$")t"d a(on% th" ("d#$al $o((un#ty #n Fran$" and A"r(any, and
(or" lowly ta8"n u) #n En%land*
1S"" f#l", Esalen "TR! Animal &agnetism, Early #ypnotism, and Psychical
Research, -.//0-1235
3670 : Th" ,nd")"nd"nt 6rd"r of /0na# /0r#th 1J"w#h 2aonry5 #
"ta!l#h"d* L#8" (ot "$r"t o$#"t#", #t $o&"r #t )ol#t#$al a$t#&#t#" und"r
th" $loa8 of >!"n"&ol"n$" and )h#lanthro)y0* Fro( #t #n$")t#on, #t (a#n
$onta$t w#ll !" w#th A"r(any and #t $h#"f a#( th" "ta!l#h("nt of th"
u)r"(a$y of th" A"r(an J"w #n all world affa#r throu%h th" $hann"l of
3676 : Th" "arl#"t r"$ord"d $a" of (od"rn )#r#t#( #n th" USA ta8" )la$"
at th" ho(" of th" Fo9 fa(#ly, and #n )art#$ular w#th th" two Fo9 #t"r
2ar%ar"t and 3at", #n @yd"&#ll", 7O* Stran%" )h"no("na #n th" for( of
no#" and (o&"d o!."$t f#rt !"%#n to o$$ur #n th" ho(" around F"!ruary,
and #n$r"a" #n #nt"n#ty o&"r th" n"9t "&"ral (onth unt#l th" fa(#ly # no
lon%"r a!l" to l"") at n#%ht* ,t wa n#n"'y"ar'old 3at" who f#rt not#$"d that
th" no#" would r")ond to h"r own no#" and %"tur"* Furth"r
"9)lorat#on !y th" fa(#ly r"&"al"d that th" no#" had #nt"ll#%"n$" !"h#nd
th"(, #n$" th"y would r")ond a$$urat"ly to -u"t#on )o"d to th"(* Aft"r
(o&#n% th" two %#rl out of th" hou", #t wa d#$o&"r"d that th" )h"no("na
follow"d th"(*
3676 : Th" An$#"nt and A$$")t"d S$ott#h 4#t" of Fr""(aonry # "ta!l#h"d
#n En%land* Th" T"()lar !ody r"#%n $ontrol o&"r th" 4o" ?ro#9 and
3adoh, wh#$h had !""n #n$or)orat"d #nto th" An$#"nt and A$$")t"d 4#t" a
th" 18
and E0
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3620 : Around th# t#(", )#r#tual#( )r"ad to En%land and Euro)"*
S)#r#tual#t $hur$h" ar" "ta!l#h"dI )#r#tual#t all#an$" ar" for("dI and
)#r#tual#t !oo8 and n"w)a)"r $o(" #nto )r#nt* Th"r" # u$h a
)rol#f"rat#on of a))ar"ntly )aranor(al )#r#tual#t#$ )h"no("na that "r#ou'
(#nd"d )"o)l" &o#$" th" n""d for a $ar"ful $#"nt#f#$ #n&"t#%at#on #nto th""
1S"" f#l", Esalen "TR! Animal &agnetism, Early #ypnotism, and Psychical
Research, -.//0-1235
3626 : 2ada(" @"l"na P"tro&na /la&at8y !"%#n to (a8" a na(" for
h"r"lf #n 4u#a a a )#r#tual#t*
3628 : John D* 4o$8"f"ll"r tart th" Standard 6#l ?o()any, wh#$h w#ll
-u#$8ly %row #nto a (ono)oly throu%h h# hr"wd and oft"n und"rhand"d
(ann"r of do#n% !u#n"* @# ("thod # to atta$8 th" $o()"t#t#on and for$"
th"( out of !u#n" or oth"rw#" %a#n $ontrol of th"(, oft"n )lann#n% y"ar
ah"ad, and oft"n a$t#n% throu%h #ll"%al and "&"n &#ol"nt ("an* @" w#ll &"ry
fr"-u"ntly "()loy oth"r to a$t a h# a%"nt or )#" w#th#n oth"r
$o()an#", u#n% th"" )"o)l" #n what"&"r way h" $an to r"ta#n th" u))"r
hand #n !u#n"* @# #ndutr#al ")#ona%" yt"( w#ll !" !y far th" (ot
"la!orat", o)h#t#$at"d, and u$$"ful that had "&"r !""n "ta!l#h"d* @"
$o((un#$at" #n $od", o that any )#" w#th#n h# own ran8 w#ll ha&" a
d#ff#$ult t#(" 8now#n% what h" # )lann#n% or how h" # o)"rat#n%* L"ry oft"n,
th" $o()an#" that h" w#ll !" ""n to !" )u!l#$ly !attl#n% w#ll a$tually !"
own"d !y h#(, o that h" $r"at" an #(a%" that (a8" h#( loo8 far (or"
#nno$"nt than h" r"ally #* 2any of h# ta$t#$ w#ll !" #n$or)orat"d #nto th"
("thod u"d !y a nu(!"r of US and for"#%n %o&"rn("nt a%"n$#" 1?,A,
7SA, F/,, /ATF, "t$*5 and )r#&at" or%an#+at#on that w#ll $o(" to !" #n&ol&"d
#n "ta!l#h#n% a 7"w World 6rd"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The Roc%efeller 'ile, !y Aary All"n5
3697 : Ja(" ?l"r8 2a9w"ll )u!l#h" h# ")#$ (at"r#al on "l"$tro(a%n"t#$
3692 : 7"wly "l"$t"d Pr"#d"nt A!raha( L#n$oln # aa#nat"d #n a (o&#"
th"atr" !y John W#l8" /ooth* ,(("d#at"ly aft"r th" h#t, /ooth # wh#8"d
away !y ("(!"r of a "$r"t o$#"ty 8nown a 3n#%ht of th" Aold"n ?#r$l"*
/ooth ha $onn"$t#on to "l#t" !an8"r*
3699 : Th" So$#"ta 4o#$ru$#ana #n An%l#a # found"d #n En%land !y Frat"r
4o!"rt W"ntworth L#ttl"* Th" !a#$ rul" of th# o$#"ty tat" that only 2at"r
2aon of %ood tand#n% and r")ut" hould !" ad(#tt"d to ("(!"rh#)*
For"#%n !ran$h" w#ll !" "ta!l#h"d #n ?anada and S$otland #n 18GG, th"
USA #n 1880, and A"r(any #n 1F02*
3651 : At a!out th# t#(", a )ol#t#$al'o$$ult #d"olo%y $all"d >Synar$hy0 #
for(ulat"d #n Fran$" !y a (an na("d Jo")h Al"9and"r Sa#nt'O&"
dHAl&"ydr"* Th# # a )"r#od #n wh#$h (any n"w )ol#t#$al #d"a ar" ta8#n% hold*
L#8" (any, Sa#nt'O&" # alar("d !y th" r#" of Anar$hy, and h" d"&"lo)
Synar$hy )"$#f#$ally to $ount"r #t* Wh"r"a Anar$h#t !"l#"&" that th" tat"
hould ha&" no author#ty o&"r th" l#f" and !"ha&#or of an #nd#&#dual, Synar$hy
ta8" -u#t" th" o))o#t" &#"w, wh"r" th" (or" $ontrol th" tat" ha o&"r th"
#nd#&#dual th" !"tt"r* E"nt#ally, Synar$hy ad&o$at" %o&"rn("nt !y "$r"t
o$#"ty or, #n #t own t"r(, !y an "l#t" of "nl#%ht"n"d #n#t#at" who rul" fro(
!"h#nd th" $"n"* ,t th"r"for" do"nHt (att"r wh#$h )ol#t#$al )arty hold
)ow"r #n a tat" or "&"n what )ol#t#$al yt"( that tat" ha* Synar$h#t
would t") #n and ta8" $ontrol of th" 8"y tat" #nt#tut#on* Sa#nt'O&"
#d"nt#f#" thr"" 8"y )#llar of o$#"ty that, on$" und"r th" $ontrol of h# "l#t",
would allow th"( to rul" w#thout th" )o)ulat#on "&"n !"#n% awar" of th"#r
"9#t"n$"* Th"" ar" th" )ol#t#$al and o$#al #nt#tut#on, th" "$ono(#$
#nt#tut#on and th" r"l#%#ou #nt#tut#on* Althou%h Synar$hy $an th"r"for"
rul" #n any 8#nd of tat", for o!&#ou r"aon #t w#ll f#nd #t"lf (or" at ho("
a(on% total#tar#an r"%#("* ,t w#ll th"r"for" attra$t a %r"at"r follow#n% fro(
th" r#%ht* Synar$hy # totally o))o"d to #d"a of d"(o$ra$y and o$#al
"-ual#ty, #n$" #t !"l#"&" that o(" )"o)l", #*"* Synar$h#t, ar" natural
@ow"&"r, Synar$hy a d"&#"d !y Sa#nt'O&" # not a )ur"ly )ol#t#$al
(o&"("nt* Sa#nt'O&" # a$t#&" #n th" "ot"r#$ world of 1F
$"ntury Euro)",
and # a fr#"nd of 8"y f#%ur" u$h a L#$tor @u%o and Lord /ulw"r'Lytton* @"
#n$or)orat" )"$#f#$ (yt#$al and o$$ult #d"a #nto h# yt"( that or#%#nat"
fro( th"" o$$ult#t* For #ntan$", Sa#nt'O&" !"l#"&" #n th" "9#t"n$" of
)#r#tually u)"r#or !"#n% that $an !" $onta$t"d t"l")ath#$ally, and h# "l#t"
w#ll !" (ad" u) of )"o)l" who ar" #n $o((un#$at#on w#th th"(* @" h#("lf
$la#( that h" # #n tou$h w#th th"" !"#n%, and that th"y a$tually %a&" h#(
th" )r#n$#)l" of Synar$hy* @" !orrow h# #d"a fro( !oth "at"rn and
w"t"rn "ot"r#$#(, and (a8" h# un8nown u)"r#or #nto )#r#tually
ad&an$"d !"#n% that l#&" #n a r"(ot" )art of T#!"t* @" #ntrodu$" th"
$on$")t of >A%artha0, th" (yt"r#ou und"rworld r"al( )"o)l"d !y th""
u)"r#or !"#n% and h#dd"n o("wh"r" #n T#!"t* Sa#nt'O&"H do$tr#n" alo
#n$lud" #d"a a!out th" "&olut#on and h#tory of th" hu(an ra$" that w#ll
!"$o(" )o)ular a(on% "ot"r#$ and 7"w A%" $#r$l"* Alo $"ntral to h#
r"$ontru$t#on of h#tory # that Atlant# wa an ad&an$"d, %lo!al $#&#l#+at#on*
Sa#nt'O&" alo )ro(ot" th" #d"a of root ra$" : a u$$"#on of do(#nant
ra$" that ar" "a$h allo$at"d a )"r#od of u)r"(a$y, !ut "a$h d"t#n"d to !"
u))lant"d !y th" n"9t, u)"r#or ra$"* Th" $urr"nt do(#nant ra$", a$$ord#n%
to Sa#nt'O&", # th" wh#t" Aryan* All of th"" #d"a w#ll !"$o(" #n$or)orat"d
#nto u!"-u"nt o$$ult yt"(, (otly throu%h 2ada( /la&at8y and h"r
Th"oo)h#$al So$#"ty, wh"r" th"y w#ll !" furth"r "(!"ll#h"d and )ro(ot"d*
3650 : At a!out th# t#(", 2ada(" @"l"na P"tro&na /la&at8y arr#&" #n
A("r#$a and -u#$8ly !"$o(" )ro(#n"nt #n )#r#tual#t $#r$l" th"r"*
3657 : W#ll#a( ?roo8" )u!l#h" Researches in the Phenomena of
Spiritualism, wh#$h $onta#n an a$$ount of h# "9)"r#("nt to a" th"
"9#t"n$" of a >)y$h#$ for$"0* U#n% (any d#ff"r"nt ty)" of a))aratu, h"
"&"ntually $onf#r("d un"-u#&o$ally th" "9#t"n$" of a for$" that $ould (o&"
o!."$t and a))ly )r"ur" at a d#tan$" fro( th" a))ar"nt our$" of that
for$"* ,n h# )a)"r h" %#&" a d"ta#l"d a$$ount of th" $ontru$t#on of th"
a))aratu u"d and oth"r )hy#$al $#r$u(tan$" of th" "9)"r#("nt* Th#
)a)"r w#ll (a8" a )ow"rful #()r"#on on th" (#nd of #nt"ll"$tual of th"
day and w#ll do (u$h to $r"at" a $l#(at" r"$")t#&" to th" "ta!l#h("nt of
th" So$#"ty for Py$h#$al 4""ar$h #n 1882*
1S"" f#l", Esalen "TR! Animal &agnetism, Early #ypnotism, and Psychical
Research, -.//0-1235
3652 ($cto;er 14! : 2ada(" @"l"na P"tro&na /la&at8y, alon% w#th a (an
na("d @"nry St""l 6l$ott, found th" Th"oo)h#$al So$#"ty, an o$$ult %rou)
!a"d on @#ndu#( and /uddh#( that )rof"" to Jexpound the esoteric
tradition of )uddhism and aimed at forming a universal 4rotherhood of man,
studying and ma%ing %no+n the ancient religions, philosophies and sciences,
and investigating the la+s of nature and developing the divine po+ers latent
in man(K /la&at8y w#ll all"%"dly "n%a%" #n fraud and $harlatanry wh"n"&"r
n"$"ary to fool h"r follow"r #nto th#n8#n% that h" # #n $onta$t w#th a
%rou) of >A$"nd"d 2at"r0 who "$r"tly rul" th" world* 2u$h of h"r wr#tt"n
wor8 w#ll !" "9)o"d a !"#n% )la%#ar#+"d fro( "arl#"r o$$ult wor8* Th"
Th"oo)h#$al So$#"ty w#ll %row to !"$o(" a worldw#d" (o&"("nt w#th (any
thouand of follow"r, and w#ll r")r""nt a dr#&#n% for$" of "ot"r#$ #n#%ht,
lay#n% th" foundat#on for th" (od"rn'day 7"w A%" (o&"("nt* /la&at8y0
wor8 w#ll alo $o(" to !" "(!ra$"d !y Fr""(aonry*
3659 : Th" f#rt for(al r""ar$h #nto )ara)y$holo%y # tart"d !y @"nry
S#d%w#$8 at Tr#n#ty ?oll"%", ?a(!r#d%" Un#&"r#ty*
3655 : 2ada(" @* P* /la&at8y )u!l#h" sis 5nveiled, h"r f#rt &olu(#nou
wor8 that # )ur)ort"d to ha&" !""n $hann"l"d fro( ad&an$"d )#r#tual
t"a$h"r fro( a h#%h"r )lan" who w"r" a#d to !" ("(!"r of >Th" Ar"at
Wh#t" /roth"rhood0*
3661 : Th" So$#"ty for Py$h#$al 4""ar$h # "ta!l#h"d #n /r#ta#n, w#th
found#n% ("(!"r #n$lud#n% Prof"or W* F* /arr"tt, @"nry S#d%w#$8, Ed(und
Aurn"y, and Fr"d"r#$8 W#ll#a( @"nry 2y"r* ,t w#ll "n%a%" #n th" $#"nt#f#$
tudy of )y$h#$ )h"no("na and ("d#u(h#)*
3660 : Fran$# Aalton, an En%l#h )y$holo%#t and half'$ou#n of ?harl"
Darw#n 1who" wor8 #n)#r"d h#(5, )ro)o" th" )r#n$#)l" of "u%"n#$, wh#$h
tat" that !y "n$oura%#n% !"tt"r hu(an to$8 to !r""d and d#$oura%#n% th"
r")rodu$t#on of l" d"#ra!l" to$8, th" hu(an ra$" would !" #()ro&"d* Th#
#d"a w#ll d"&"lo) #nto So$#al Darw#n#(*
3669 : Al!"rt P#8", Arand 2at"r of th" Su)r"(" ?oun$#l of Fr""(aonry #n
?harl"ton, "ta!l#h" th" "$r"t Pallad#an 4#t", a h#dd"n atan#$ ord"r
o)"rat#n% fro( w#th#n th" h#%h"t d"%r"" of Fr""(aonry* ,t # l#ttl" 8nown
a!out, #n$" th" nu(!"r of #t ("(!"r # tr#$tly l#(#t"d and th" d"")"t
"$r"$y urround all #t d"l#!"rat#on* Th" "9#t"n$" of th# r#t" w#ll !" 8")t
tr#$tly "$r"t and no ("nt#on of #t w#ll "&"r !" (ad" #n th" a"(!l#" of th"
2aon#$ Lod%" and ,nn"r Shr#n" of oth"r r#t", "&"n wh"n th" (""t#n% #
$o()o"d "9$lu#&"ly of ("(!"r of th# 4#t"* Th" "$r"t of th# n"w
#nt#tut#on w#ll only !" d#&ul%"d w#th th" %r"at"t $aut#on to a $ho"n f"w
!"lon%#n% to th" ord#nary h#%h %rad"* 2"(!"r w#ll !" "l"$t"d "9$lu#&"ly
fro( a(on% th" EE
d"%r"" of ord#nary 2aonry, wh"r" th"y ha&" !""n lon%
t"t"d for th"#r trutworth#n", and only tho" who ar" d"")ly #nt"r"t"d #n
o$$ult#( w#ll !" $on#d"r"d* Th" Pallad#an 4#t" # ""nt#ally #n&ol&"d #n
Lu$#f"r#an#(, and #t $ontrol all oth"r 2aon#$ 6rd"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3665 : @"#nr#$h @"rt+ announ$" h# d#$o&"ry of "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ wa&"*
3666 : 2ada(" @* P* /la&at8y )u!l#h" The Secret Doctrine, a &olu(#nou
wor8 that wa $hann"l"d and )ur)ort"d to !" d"r#&"d fro( ad&an$"d )#r#tual
t"a$h"r fro( a h#%h"r )lan"*
3666 : Th" @"r("t#$ 6rd"r of th" Aold"n Dawn # found"d !y W#ll#a( Wynn
W"t$ott and 2a$Ar"%or 2ath"r* W"t$ott # a Th"oo)h#t and $lo"ly all#"d
w#th #t l"ad"r, 2ada(" /la&at8y* ,t # #n th" Aold"n Dawn that Al"#t"r
?rowl"y w#ll f#rt atta#n h# o$$ult $"l"!r#ty tatu*
3668 : 6#l ty$oon John D* 4o$8"f"ll"r, #n)#r"d !y Andr"w ?arn"%#"0 "ay,
The 6ospel of Wealth, (a8" th" f#rt #ntall("nt of what w#ll a(ount to PED
(#ll#on #n donat#on, #u"d o&"r a )"r#od of two d"$ad", to fund th"
Un#&"r#ty of ?h#$a%o*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The Roc%efeller 'ile, !y Aary All"n5
3668 : Aft"r S#%(und Fr"ud w#tn"" a d"(ontrat#on of hy)no#
$ondu$t"d !y @#))olyt" /"rnh"#(, #n wh#$h h# hy)not#$ )at#"nt # a!l" to
r"$all not what a$tually o$$urr"d dur#n% a hy)not#$ tran$", !ut rath"r th"
hallu$#natory )"udo'("(or#" that Dr* /"rnh"#( had u%%"t"d* Fr"ud #
d"")ly #()r""d and !"$o(" h# )u)#l* @" draw a lat#n% l"on fro( th#
"9)"r#("nt, r"al#+#n% that th" (#nd $ould 8now o("th#n% ' y"t not 8now
what #t 8n"w, and that th" un$on$#ou tor" #nfor(at#on at d#ff"r#n% l"&"l*
Th# d"(ontrat#on wa alo "&#d"n$" that hy)no# $ould !" u"d to $r"at"
a $o&"r ("(ory*
3668 : Jul" L#M%"o#, a r""ar$h"r #n Fran$", )u!l#h" a )a)"r that
d"$r#!" h# "9)"r#("nt w#th hy)not#$ u%%"t#on* @" ha d#$o&"r"d that
f#ft""n to tw"nty )"r$"nt of h# u!."$t $ould !" )la$"d #n a o(na(!ul#t#$
tat", #n wh#$h th"y w"r" "9tr"("ly u$")t#!l" to hy)not#$ and )othy)not#$
u%%"t#on* Wh#l" h# u!."$t w"r" o(na(!ul#t#$, L#M%"o# wa a!l" to
$r"at" all ort of hallu$#nat#on and #ndu$" &ar#ou d"%r"" of a(n"#a* @"
alo "9)"r#("nt"d w#th u%%"t#on #n th" wa8#n% tat", o!ta#n#n% tr#8#n%
r"ult* L#M%"o# $arr#"d out oth"r "9)"r#("nt w#th hy)not#$ u%%"t#on,
d#$o&"r#n% that h" wa a!l" to %"t u!."$t to $arry out u%%"t#on at a
d#tan$" #n )a$" 1!y u#n% th" t"l")hon"5 and at a d#tan$" #n t#(" 1f#nd#n%
that u%%"t#on $ould !" "9"$ut"d lon% aft"r th"y w"r" %#&"n5* @#
"9)"r#("ntat#on w#th $r#(#nal u%%"t#on w"r" u$$"ful #n #ndu$#n%
hy)not#+"d #nd#&#dual to $o((#t what th"y !"l#"&"d w"r" $r#(#nal a$t and
d#$o&"r"d that, wh"n awa8"n"d, th"y $ould "9)"r#"n$" $o()l"t" a(n"#a
for tho" a$t#on* @" $on$lud"d that #t # )o#!l" for on" )"ron, throu%h
hy)not#$ u%%"t#on, to #ndu$" anoth"r to $o((#t $r#(#nal a$t that ar"
$ontrary to th" $on$#"n$" of th" hy)not#+"d )"ron*
1S"" f#l", Esalen "TR! Animal &agnetism, Early #ypnotism, and Psychical
Research, -.//0-1235
3684 : W#ll#a( Ja(" )u!l#h" The #idden Self #n S$r#!n"r0 2a%a+#n", #n
wh#$h h" d#$u" th" "9#t"n$" of th" u!$on$#ou, wh#$h # .ut !"%#nn#n%
to !" r"$o%n#+"d !y $#"nt#t* @" "()ha#+" th" #()ortan$" of d#$o&"r#"
of a "$ond tr"a( of $on$#oun" that $an !" ta))"d #n $"rta#n $ond#t#on
u$h a th" tat" of hy)not#(, and "" #n th# "$ondary or, a h" $all #t,
>u!("r%"d $on$#oun"0 a 8"y to und"rtand#n% u$h d#&"r" )h"no("na
a )o"#on and (ult#)l" )"ronal#ty* @" $all th" $o"9#t"n$" of a
"$ondary "lf or "l&" w#th th" )r#(ary "lf a >)l#tt#n% of th" (#nd0, and
ur%" furth"r #n&"t#%at#on to d"t"r(#n" (or" a!out th" r"lat#onh#) !"tw""n
hy)not#$ tran$" and th"" u!$on$#ou tat"*
1S"" f#l", Esalen "TR! Animal &agnetism, Early #ypnotism, and Psychical
Research, -.//0-1235
3684 : John D* 4o$8"f"ll"r0 Standard 6#l # r"f#n#n% F0Q of all $rud" o#l #n
th" USA*
3683 : ?"$#l 4hod" found Th" 4ound Ta!l", an or%an#+at#on of "l#t"
!an8"r !"nt on world h"%"(ony*
3687 : A nu(!"r of !oo8 fro( th# )"r#od r"f"r to what a))"ar to !" a
)orta!l" w#r"l" t"l")hon" #n th" )o"#on of th" h"ad of th" 2aon#$
6rd"r, at a t#(" wh"n w#r"l" wa t#ll un8nown* ,t # $all"d th" >Ar$ula
2yt#$a0 or >2yt#$ /o90, of wh#$h th"r" ar" r")ort"dly only "&"n #n "9#t"n$"
: at th" 2aon#$ h"ad-uart"r #n ?harl"ton, /orn", /"rl#n, Wah#n%ton,
2ont" L#d"o, 7a)l" and ?al$utta* ,t # d"$r#!"d a ha&#n% a tru()"t'
ha)"d (outh)#"$" and a !"ll'ha)"d h"ar#n% )#"$" atta$h"d !y a $ord to
th" (a#n !ody, #(#lar to "arly t"l")hon"* S"&"n (ount"d %old"n tatu"tt"
d"#%nat" "a$h of th" d#r"$tor#", wh#$h ar" (an#)ulat"d #n &ar#ou way to
$all any on" of th" oth"r 2aon#$ h"ad-uart"r* Th" "9#t"n$" of th""
d"&#$" w#ll n"&"r !" &"r#f#"d, and w#ll !" wr#tt"n off a a fa!r#$at#on to %#&"
an "9a%%"rat"d "n" of )ow"r and (yt#-u" to th" Su)r"(" ?oun$#l of th"
2aon#$ 6rd"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3682 : 3arl 3"lln"r, Fran+ @art(ann, and Th"odor" 4"u, who all ha&"
$lo" t#" to A"r(an #nt"ll#%"n$" "nt#t#", "ta!l#h th" 6rdo T"()l# 6r#"nt#
16T65 #n A"r(any, a "$r"t o$#"ty that $la#( to !" #n a d#r"$t l#n" of
d"$"nt fro( th" 3n#%ht T"()lar* @art(ann # a Th"oo)h#t and a $lo"
ao$#at" of th" 2ada(" /la&at8y, and ha t#" to th" 4o#$ru$#an* 3"lln"r
and 4"u ar" !oth h#%h'ran8#n% Fr""(aon, and 4"u # alo a h#%h'
ran8#n% 4o#$ru$#an* 4"u # $lo"ly t#"d to W#ll#a( Wynn W"t$ott, who $o'
found"d th" @"r("t#$ 6rd"r of th" Aold"n Dawn and $urr"ntly h"ad th"
So$#"ta 4o#$ru$#ana #n An%l#a* 6th"r )ro(#n"nt )"ron $onn"$t"d w#th th#
or%an#+at#on at #t tart ar" 2a$Ar"%or 2ath"r and Al"#t"r ?rowl"y* Th"
6T6 t"a$h" @"r("t#$ S$#"n$" or 6$$ult 3nowl"d%", th" Pur" and @oly
2a%#$8 of L#%ht, th" S"$r"t of 2yt#$ atta#n("nt, Oo%a of all for(, Anana
Oo%a, 4a.a Oo%a, /ha8ta Oo%a and @atha Oo%a, and all oth"r !ran$h" of th"
"$r"t W#do( of th" An$#"nt*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3686 : Th" 2#$h"lon'2orl"y "9)"r#("nt # $ondu$t"d, u))o"dly
d#)ro&#n% on$" and for all th" not#on that th"r" # an und"rly#n% "th"r#$
("d#u( that )"r("at" th" un#&"r"* @ow"&"r, th# "9)"r#("nt w#ll n"&"r !"
r")l#$at"d to &"r#fy th" $on$lu#on drawn* Pro&#n% th" "9#t"n$" of an "th"r
would ha&" u)"t th" $urr"ntly d"&"lo)#n% $#"nt#f#$ (od"l of th" un#&"r"*
3686 : Al"#t"r ?rowl"y .o#n th" @"r("t#$ 6rd"r of th" Aold"n Dawn*
3688 : At a!out th# t#(", 7#8ola T"la $ondu$t "9)"r#("nt to t"t th"
"ff"$t of ELF and LLF "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ wa&" on hu(an*
3847 : Th" f#rt $ha#r #n "u%"n#$ and wor8#n% o$#"ty #n "u%"n#$ ar"
#nt#tut"d at Un#&"r#ty ?oll"%", London*
3847 (April! : Wh#l" #n ?a#ro, Al"#t"r ?rowl"y tran$r#!" The )oo% of the
*a+ wh#l" all"%"dly r"$"#&#n% #t t"l")ath#$ally fro( a )#r#t that $all #t"lf
A#wa* A#wa $la#( to !" Ja (""n%"r fro( th" for$" rul#n% th# Earth at
)r""ntK, and # u))o"d to )o" fantat#$ 8nowl"d%" and )ow"r* Th#
!oo8 w#ll !"$o(" ?rowl"yH /#!l"* Th" !oo8 w#ll alo !" &"ry #()ortant to
?hur$h of S$#"ntolo%y found"r L* 4on @u!!ard throu%hout h# l#f"*
3842 : Th" So$#"ty for 4a$#al @y%#"n" # "ta!l#h"d #n A"r(any, Futur" 7a+#
"u%"n#$ r""ar$h"r Dr* Ernt 4ud#n # a $o'found"r w#th Dr* Alfr"d Plo"t+*
3849 : ,&an P"tro&#$h Pa&lo& d#$o&"r that r")on" $an !" $ond#t#on"d
wh"n h" t"a$h" a do% to al#&at" at th" ound of a !"ll*
3845 : Dr* John @ar&"y 3"llo%% tra&"l to St* P"t"r!ur%, 4u#a to o!"r&"
th" "9)"r#("nt of th" 4u#an )y$holo%#t, ,&an P"tro&#$h Pa&lo&* Th#
a(" y"ar, h" # "9)"ll"d fro( th" S"&"nth Day Ad&"nt#t ?hur$h* @" had
ant#$#)at"d th" )ro!a!#l#ty of an "&"ntual !r"a8 fro( th" $hur$h "&"nt""n
y"ar "arl#"r and had !""n )r")ar#n% for th" )o#!#l#ty for th" )r"&#ou
1S"" onl#n" f#l", John #arvey 7ellogg &D 0 5rantia )oo%5
3845 : Th" Aalton La!oratory of 7at#onal Eu%"n#$ # "ta!l#h"d #n En%land*
3845 : Ann#" /"ant !"$o(" )r"#d"nt of th" Th"oo)h#$al So$#"ty* Th#
(ar8 th" !"%#nn#n% of th" (od"rn 7"w A%" 2o&"("nt and a "ar$h for a
>n"w 2"#ah0* Alon% w#th EErd d"%r"" 2aon ?* W* L"ad!"at"r, Ann#" /"ant
w#ll )ro(ot" a youn% ad")t na("d J#ddu 3r#hna(urt# a th# ("#ah*
3845 : Al"#t"r ?rowl"y found Atru( Ar%"nt#nur", an o$$ult "$r"t o$#"ty*
@" !"%#n to $all h#("lf th" >Ar"at /"at0, #n r"f"r"n$" to th" Ant#$hr#t
d"$r#!"d #n th" 7"w T"ta("nt*
3846 : Th" Eu%"n#$ Edu$at#on So$#"ty 1r"na("d th" Eu%"n#$ So$#"ty #n
th" 1F20H5 # found"d #n En%land*
3846 : Th" ?onn"$t#$ut So$#"ty for 2"ntal @y%#"n", th" tart#n% )o#nt of th"
2"ntal @y%#"n" (o&"("nt a an or%an#+"d !ody, # found"d* ,t a#( ar" th"
#()ro&"d tr"at("nt for th" #nan", and th" af"%uard#n% of th" )u!l#$H
("ntal h"alth* /y 1FE0, tw"nty'four $ountr#" w#ll ha&" 2"ntal @y%#"n"
Ao$#at#on* 4out#n"ly th"" ao$#at#on w#ll ha&" a th"#r ("d#$al
)"$#al#t )y$h#atr#t who ")ou" "u%"n#$ ("d#$#n"* Th" l"%#lat#on of
&ar#ou $ountr#" w#ll tart to or#"nt th"("l&" to "u%"n#$ )r#n$#)l" and
th"#r )arl#a("nt w#ll !"%#n to "na$t (any n"w law of a )ur"ly "u%"n#$
natur"* Althou%h th"" law w#ll &ary #n for( and "9"$ut#on, th"y w#ll all !"
a#("d at th" a(" o!."$t#&" ' th" ("ntally d"f#$#"nt and th" ("ntally #ll*
Law of a %"n"ral natur" w#ll )ro&#d" for th" "ta!l#h("nt of #nt#tut#on and
$olon#", "na!l#n% th" ("ntally d"f#$#"nt or ("ntally #ll to !" "%r"%at"d fro(
th" r"t of th" )o)ulat#on* Althou%h th" or#%#nal tat"d )ur)o" of th" ("ntal
hy%#"n" (o&"("nt # #()ro&"d $ar" of th" ("ntally #ll, th" f#rt law )a"d
on an #nt"rnat#onal !a# at th" #nt#%at#on of th# (o&"("nt ar" law to
t"r#l#+" th" ("ntally #ll #n ord"r to )r"&"nt th"( fro( r")rodu$#n%*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The &en )ehind #itler, !y /"rnhard S$hr"#!"r5
3848 : 2a9 @"#nd"l found th" 4o#$ru$#an F"llowh#) #n ord"r to h"rald #n
th" A-uar#an A%" and )ro(ot" th" t"a$h#n% of 4o#$ru$#an#( to th"
w"t"rn world* Th" 4o#$ru$#an )h#loo)hy # $"nt"r"d on th" #d"a that
hu(an ar" r"#n$arnat#n% oul who ha&" th" )ot"nt#al to "&ol&" #nto %od,
and that th"r" ar" "th"r#$ or )#r#tual l"&"l of "9#t"n$"* 4o#$ru$#an#( #
th" )uru#t of (yt#$al or o$$ult 8nowl"d%" that w#ll h"l) to a$h#"&" that "nd*
Th" 4o#$ru$#an F"llowh#) "nd"a&or to )r")ar" th" world #n %"n"ral, and
o$$ult#t and (yt#$ #n )art#$ular, Jfor the a+a%ening of the latent po+ers
in man, so that all may 4e guided safely through the inherent dangers
involved and 4e as +ell fitted as possi4le to use these ne+ faculties(K ,n th"
latt"r )art of 1F11, th" F"llowh#) w#ll a$-u#r" a $"n#$ )#"$" of )ro)"rty #n
6$"an#d", ?al#forn#a, n#n"ty (#l" fro( Lo An%"l", wh"r" th"y w#ll
"ta!l#h th"#r h"ad-uart"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The Rosicrucian &ysteries, !y 2a9 @"#nd"l5
3834 : Th" Eu%"n#$ 4"$ord 6ff#$" # "ta!l#h"d at ?old S)r#n% @ar!or, 7"w
Oor8, r"$"#&#n% (a.or fund#n% fro( th" @arr#(an, ?arn"%#", and 4o$8"f"ll"r
dynat#"* Th# or%an#+at#on # #n&ol&"d #n tra$8#n% %"n"t#$ tra#t a(on% th"
)o)ulat#on and d"t"r(#n#n% )"d#%r"" fa(#l#"* S#()ly )ut, th" %oal # to
$at"%or#+" "&"ry #nd#&#dual #n th" )o)ulat#on a$$ord#n% to r"$o%n#+"d tra#t,
!a"d on natural #nh"r#tan$"* ,t w#ll u" th" r""ar$h r"ult of th" Aalton
La!oratory of 7at#onal Eu%"n#$ to )ro)o" )ra$t#$al a))l#$at#on* So(" of
tho" >)ra$t#$al a))l#$at#on0 w#ll #n$lud" t"r#l#+at#on )ro%ra( that tar%"t
non'wh#t" ra$", th" )oor, and tho" who ar" oth"rw#" d""("d >%"n"t#$ally
d"f#$#"nt0* ,n th" y"ar ah"ad, "u%"n#$ w#ll !" $arr#"d o&"r to 7a+# A"r(any
1throu%h th" a(" found#n% dynat#$ fa(#l#"5 to !"$o(" th" #()"tu !"h#nd
@#tl"r0 dr#&" to $r"at" a (at"r ra$" throu%h h# (a$a!r" hu(an
"9)"r#("ntat#on )ro%ra( u#n% $on$"ntrat#on $a() )r#on"r* Th"
4o$8"f"ll"r Foundat#on w#ll %o on to f#nan$" th" 3a#"r W#lh"l( ,nt#tut" #n
A"r(any, wh"r" th" "arly wor8 of ra$#al $#"nt#t Jo")h 2"n%"l" and Ernt
4ud#n w#ll !" $arr#"d out )r#or to th" tart of th" S"$ond World War*
3833 : S"&"nth'day Ad&"nt#t (#n#t"r, )y$h#atr#t, and d"!un8"r of
)#r#tual#(, Dr* W#ll#a( S* Sadl"r, !"%#n o!"r&#n% a $"rta#n unna("d
)"ron 1#d"nt#f#"d (any y"ar lat"r a W#lfr"d ?ut"r 3"llo%%, a ("(!"r of
th" 3"llo%% dynaty5 who $an %o #nto a d"") tran$" that h" $an0t !"
awa8"n"d fro(, and # $o()l"t"ly unawar" of what ta8" )la$" wh#l" h"
$hann"l all"%"dly "9tra')lan"tary "nt#t#"* Sadl"r w#ll $ont#nu" th""
o!"r&at#on for o&"r a d"$ad", $o(#n% to th" $on$lu#on that th"y ar"
auth"nt#$* Sadl"r # (arr#"d to L"ona 3"llo%%, and %ot h# tart #n l#f" wor8#n%
for h"r !roth"r, Dr* John @ar&"y 3"llo%%* Th" 3"llo%% fa(#ly ha $lo"
$onn"$t#on to th" 6rd"r of S8ull and /on"* Sadl"r alo h"ld an "9"$ut#&"
)o#t#on #n th" %o&"rn("ntal #nt"ll#%"n$" or%an#+at#on that lat"r !"$a(" th"
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3833 : John D* 4o$8"f"ll"r0 Standard 6#l (ono)oly # ord"r"d !y th" US
%o&"rn("nt to !" !ro8"n u)* ,n r")on", 4o$8"f"ll"r #()ly $r"at" "&"ral
n"w foundat#on and %#&" h# $o()any to$8 to th"(, thu r"ta#n#n%
own"rh#) and $ontrol*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The Roc%efeller 'ile, !y Aary All"n5
3831 : A$$ord#n% to a !oo8 !y Ar"% @all"tt, #itler +as a )ritish Agent,
Adol)h @#tl"r )"nd F"!ruary to 7o&"(!"r of th# y"ar !"#n% !ra#nwah"d
and tra#n"d at th" /r#t#h 2#l#tary Py'6) War S$hool at Ta&#to$8 #n D"&on
and ,r"land to !" a dou!l" a%"nt for th" ,llu(#nat#* Th" )ur)o" # to $r"at"
an >"n"(y0 who would fo("nt $onfl#$t #n ord"r to furth"r th" ,llu(#nat# )lan
for world do(#nat#on* @#tl"r0 %randfath"r # non" oth"r than 7athan 2"y"r
4oth$h#ld* @# %rand(oth"r, 2ar#a S$h#$8"l%ru!"r, wor8"d a a (a#d #n th"
4oth$h#ld0 L#"nna (an#on wh"n h# fath"r wa $on$"#&"d dur#n% a atan#$
r#tual ra)"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, lluminati! The "ult That #i$ac%ed the World, !y @"nry
3831 : Al"#t"r ?rowl"y .o#n th" 6rdo T"()l# 6r#"nt# 16T65, a atan#$
"$r"t o$#"ty who" /r#t#h !ran$h # l"d !y a (an na("d Th"odor" 4"u,
who # a A"r(an )y* ?rowl"y w#ll oon ta8" o&"r th" l"ad"rh#) of th" 6T6
#n /r#ta#n and !r#n% #t to )ro(#n"n$" a th" lar%"t and (ot )ow"rful
Satan#$ ord"r #n "9#t"n$"* Th" 6T6 w#ll attra$t th" #nt"r"t of a nu(!"r of
#nt"ll#%"n$" a%"n$#", #n$lud#n% th" ?,A and 2,B* ?rowl"y w#ll "&"ntually
#ntrodu$" th" )ra$t#$" of (al" ho(o"9ual "9 (a%#$8 #nto th" 6T6 a on" of
th" h#%h"t d"%r"" of th" 6rd"r*
3830 : Paa%" of th" F"d"ral 4""r&" A$t )la$" all of th" USA0 f#nan$"
#nto th" hand of )r#&at" !an8"r, %#&#n% th"( th" a!#l#ty to )r#nt (on"y th"y
do not ha&", l"nd #t out, and $oll"$t ta9" on th" loan* Th" F"d"ral 4""r&"
# h"ad"d !y Paul War!ur%* @# !roth"r, 2a9 War!ur%, # $h#"f of A"r(an
,nt"ll#%"n$" at th# t#("* /oth ("n ar" d#r"$tor of A"r(any0 ,A Far!"n
#ndutr#al $on%lo("rat"* Th" War!ur%0 w#ll !" #n&ol&"d w#th fund#n% @#tl"r #n
th" y"ar ah"ad*
3830 (/ay 37! : John D* 4o$8"f"ll"r Sr* found th" ta9'"9"()t 4o$8"f"ll"r
Foundat#on a a )h#lanthro)#$ or%an#+at#on who" $la#("d (##on # to
Jpromote the +ell04eing of man%ind throughout the +orld(K @ow"&"r, th"
tru" )ur)o" of th# foundat#on w#ll !" to h#d" th" 4o$8"f"ll"r fa(#ly0
#(("n" and %row#n% w"alth and )ow"r, !"$o(#n% )ro!a!ly th" (ot
#nflu"nt#al or%an#+at#on #n th" world* ,n th" f#rt d"$ad" of #t "9#t"n$", #t w#ll
fo$u #t att"nt#on on th" $#"n$", )u!l#$ h"alth, and ("d#$al "du$at#on*
Dur#n% #t f#rt y"ar, th" foundat#on "t u) th" ,nt"rnat#onal @"alth
?o((##on, wh#$h laun$h" #t #nto #nt"rnat#onal )u!l#$ h"alth a$t#&#t#",
)ro(ot#n% th" n""d for )u!l#$ h"alth and "n&#ron("ntal an#tat#on* ,t alo
!"%#n a 20'y"ar u))ort )ro%ra( of th" /ur"au of So$#al @y%#"n", who"
(##on # r""ar$h and "du$at#on on !#rth $ontrol, (at"rnal h"alth and "9
"du$at#on* Th# (ay ""( l#8" a %ood th#n% on th" urfa$", !ut #t # a (o&"
that # #nt"nd"d to )ut th" 4o$8"f"ll"r #n a )o#t#on that w#ll !"tt"r "r&"
th"#r #nt"r"t : #n )art#$ular, %lo!al d")o)ulat#on* Th" 4o$8"f"ll"r Foundat#on
w#ll alo !" h"a&#ly #n&ol&"d #n (old#n% )u!l#$ o)#n#on throu%h "du$at#on,
("d#a, and r"l#%#on*
Althou%h th" 4o$8"f"ll"r "()#r" # (ot nota!l" at th# t#(" for th"#r )uru#t
#n #ndutry, th"y ar" alo &"ry !#% )lay"r #n !an8#n% and f#nan$" 1throu%h
?ha" 2anhattan /an85* Part of th"#r trat"%y # to (a8" loan to #ndutry
%#ant, !ut alway w#th th" t#)ulat#on that th"y ha&" a &o#$" #n th" d"$##on'
(a8#n% (a$h#n"ry of that $o()any, oft"n throu%h th" )la$"("nt of on" of
th"#r own )"o)l" on th" $o()any0 !oard of d#r"$tor, thu $r"at#n%
#nt"rlo$8#n% d#r"$torat"* Th# w#ll l"ad th"( #nto ha&#n% $ontrol of (ot of
th" w"t"rn world0 !u#n" and "$ono(y*
For th" n"9t two %"n"rat#on, th" %r"at w"alth )a"d down !y John D* w#ll
!" fra$t#onat"d and (ad" (or" $o()l"9 !y $r"at#n% #n$r"a#n% lay"r of
trut and $lo"ly h"ld $o()an#", wh"r" no )u!l#$ r")ort ar" r"-u#r"d* Th"
4o$8"f"ll"r ha&" #n&"nt"d a $h"(" wh"r"!y th" (or" (on"y th"y a))"ar
to %#&" away, th" r#$h"r and (or" )ow"rful th"y !"$o("* W#th th" h"l) of
$a)t#&" )ol#t#$#an, %u#d"d !y th" 4o$8"f"ll"r0 h#%hly 8#ll"d fa(#ly lawy"r,
l"%#lat#on # wr#tt"n and )a"d wh#$h )rot"$t th" 4o$8"f"ll"r and oth"r of
th" "l#t" u)"r'r#$h fro( th" r")r"#&" ta9at#on th"y ha&" fo#t"d on th" r"t
of th" )o)ulat#on* Th" 8"y to th# $h"(" # %#&#n% u) own"rh#) !ut
r"ta#n#n% $ontrol* For "9a()l", (ot )"o)l" donHt !"l#"&" th"y r"ally own
o("th#n% unl" th"y r"ta#n t#tl" to #t #n th"#r own na("* Th" 4o$8"f"ll"r
8now th# # a !#% (#ta8"* 6ft"n #t # !"tt"r to ha&" your a"t own"d !y a
trut or a foundat#on : wh#$h you $ontrol : than to ha&" th"( #n your own
na("* Th" 4o$8"f"ll"r w#ll $r"at" hundr"d, )o#!ly "&"n thouand, of
trut and foundat#on, o that th"#r a"t $an !" (o&"d, ("r%"d, and
(an#)ulat"d o that th" n"#th"r th" )u!l#$ nor th" US Tr"aury D")art("nt
w#ll "&"r ha&" any way of 8now#n% .ut how (u$h (on"y # wh"r"* Th""
)"$#ally $r"at"d trut $an not only "l#(#nat" )ro!at", $ut #nh"r#tan$" ta9",
and r"du$" #n$o(" ta9"I unl#8" $or)orat#on, th"y $an a$h#"&" al(ot total
)r#&a$y* Th"or"t#$ally, trut"" $an, w#th#n th" )r#&a$y of th"#r d#r"$torH
(""t#n%, $r"at" (or" and (or" trut ad #nf#n#tu(* W#th a l#ttl" "ffort, ta9"
d#a))"ar* W#th a l#ttl" (or" "ffort, "&"n th" &alu" of th" hold#n% $an !"
$o()l"t"ly h#dd"n* Su$h trut w#ll allow th" 4o$8"f"ll"r to l"%ally d"ny th"
own"rh#) of any )art of th"#r w"alth !y )utt#n% #t #n th" hand of )r#&at"
trut"" wh"n"&"r n"$"ary, throu%h a h"ll %a(" )lay"d !y (o&#n% th"#r
a"t around on )a)"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The Roc%efeller 'ile, !y Aary All"n5
3837 : Th" 4o$8"f"ll"r Foundat#on !"%#n a )ro%ra( of #nt"rnat#onal
f"llowh#) to tra#n $holar at th" worldH l"ad#n% un#&"r#t#" at th" )ot'
do$toral l"&"l : a funda("ntal $o((#t("nt to th" "du$at#on of futur"
l"ad"r, !ut alo a ("an to "l"$t, (old, "()loy, and (a#nta#n $ontrol o&"r
th"( throu%hout th"#r l#&" and $ar""r*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Roc%efeller 'oundation, at w#8#)"d#a5
3837 : Th" 4oyal ,nt#tut" for ,nt"rnat#onal Affa#r # "ta!l#h"d #n London
a a front %rou) for ?"$#l 4hod"0 4ound Ta!l"* Th" ?oun$#l on For"#%n
4"lat#on # "t u) a a #t"r %rou) #n 7"w Oor8*
3835 : Th" tart of th" /olh"&#8 4"&olut#on #n 4u#a, f#nan$"d lar%"ly !y
,llu(#nat# !an8"r 1th" 4oth$h#ld0 3uhn Lo"! R ?o*5, w#ll l"ad to a d")ra&"d
)ol#$" tat" #n wh#$h (#ll#on of )"o)l" w#ll !" tr#))"d of th"#r )ro)"rty and
"9t"r(#nat"d #n th"#r ho(" and on th" tr""t, or oth"rw#" tar&"d and
wor8"d to d"ath #n th" Aula% )r#on #n S#!"r#a* U) to 20 (#ll#on w#ll d#"
und"r th" hand of th" (otly J"w#h ?h"8a "$r"t )ol#$"* Th" ?h"8a w#ll
)u!l#h th" na(" of 1*G (#ll#on )"o)l" th"y "9"$ut" #n 1F18 : 1F1F alon",
#n$lud#n% E00,000 )r#"t* A!out th" a(" nu(!"r w#ll !" "9"$ut"d !"tw""n
January 1F21 and A)r#l 1F22* Th# w#ll !" a "$r"t d")o)ulat#on )ro%ra(
"-ual or %r"at"r #n $o)" to th" lat"r 7a+# holo$aut, only th# t#(" #t #
(otly J"w tar%"t#n% non'J"w* Th" f#rt to !" tar%"t"d ar" !ur"au$rat,
%"ndar(", and h#%h'ran8#n% off#$"r, !ut th# -u#$8ly "9)and to #n$lud"
$#"nt#t, do$tor, "n%#n""r, )r#"t, (on8, wr#t"r, and any $#t#+"n who"
)ro)"rty # &alu"d at 10,000 ru!l" or (or"* Th" J"w#h !an8"r w#ll ta8"
own"rh#) of 4u#an #ndutry* ?hr#t#an $hur$h" ar" $lo"d and th"#r
)ro)"rty "#+"d wh#l" J"w#h yna%o%u" %o untou$h"d*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, lluminati! The "ult that #i$ac%ed the World, !y @"nry
2a8ow, PhD5
3836 : Th" 4o$8"f"ll"r fa(#ly h#ft th"#r fo$u of )h#lanthro)y #nto th"
o$#al $#"n$", t#(ulat#n% th" found#n% of un#&"r#ty r""ar$h $"nt"r and
$r"at#n% th" So$#al S$#"n$" 4""ar$h ?oun$#l*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Roc%efeller 'oundation, at w#8#)"d#a5
3836 (:*ly! : Th" found#n% of th" Thul" So$#"ty !y 4udolf &on
S"!ott"ndorff* Th" Thul" So$#"ty # an Aryan'Th"oo)h#$al %rou) that
)ra$t#$" !la$8 (a%#$ and who" ("(!"r0 !"l#"&" th"y ar" #n
$o((un#$at#on w#th h#%h"r !"#n%, 8nown a th" >S"$r"t ?h#"f of th" Th#rd
6rd"r0* Th"y !a" th"#r )h#loo)h#" on 2ada( /la&at8y0 The Secret
3836 : Aft"r !"#n% %a"d wh#l" f#%ht#n% on th" front l#n" #n World War 6n",
Adol)h @#tl"r # ta8"n to a ho)#tal #n /a&ar#a* A Dr* Ed(und Fort"r, $#t"d a
Jth" fath"r of (od"rn hy)no#K # !rou%ht #n fro( /"rl#n Un#&"r#ty to tr"at
@#tl"r for what # thou%ht to !" hyt"r#$al !l#ndn"* Th# y()to( #
)y$hoo(at#$ #n natur", #()ly#n% that @#tl"r would !" a %ood hy)not#$
u!."$t* At a!out th# a(" t#(", @#tl"r dr"a( that h" w#ll !" )ro(#n"nt #n
)ol#t#$ and w#ll r#" u) to $ontrol A"r(any*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3838 (:an*ary 2! : Th" A"r(an Wor8"r0 Party # found"d, and oon
attra$t Adol)h @#tl"r a a ("(!"r, a$t#n% a a )y for th" A"r(an Ar(y*
Th# )ol#t#$al or%an#+at#on # a $r"at#on of th" Thul" So$#"ty, and w#ll oon !"
r"na("d th" 7at#onal So$#al#t 17a+#5 Party* D#"tr#$h E$8art, a ("(!"r of th"
Thul" So$#"ty, w#ll r"$o%n#+" th" oratory tal"nt of youn% Adol)h @#tl"r and
w#ll h"l) to (old h#( #nto th" futur" l"ad"r of A"r(any* E$8art w#ll alo lat"r
h"l) to tranf"r fund fro( @"nry Ford to @#tl"r and h# 7a+# Party* 6th"r
Thul" ("(!"r at th# t#(" #n$lud" 4udolf @", Alfr"d 4o"n!"r%, and @an
Fran8, all of who( w#ll !"$o(" 7a+# l"ad"r and )lay 8"y rol" #n th" Th#rd
4"#$h* 2a9 War!ur%, !roth"r of US F"d"ral 4""r&" found"r Paul War!ur%, #
$h#"f of A"r(an ,nt"ll#%"n$"* Th" 7a+# $ho#$" of th" wat#8a y(!ol #
#nflu"n$"d !y th" Thul" So$#"ty*
3838 : Al"#t"r ?rowl"y )rodu$" a d")#$t#on of LA2, an "nt#ty that h"
)ur)ort"dly $on.ur"d dur#n% a (a%#$8al r#tual* Th" h"ad of LA2 # lar%",
(ooth and ha#rl", ta)"r#n% to a )o#nt"d $h#n* Th" (outh # no (or" than a
l#t, and th" "y" "9t"nd toward th" #d" of th" fa$"* Th"r" # no
u%%"t#on of $loth#n% !"yond what a))"ar to !" a $loa8 !utton"d at th"
n"$8, nor do" th" "nt#ty ha&" any "ar* ,n hort, LA2 r""(!l" what w#ll
!"$o(" r"$o%n#+"d #n lat"r y"ar a th" ty)#$al %r"y al#"n of UF6 lor"*
?rowl"y0 draw#n% w#ll not !" d#$o&"r"d unt#l aft"r h# d"ath #n 1F4G*
3814 : Adol)h @#tl"r !"$o(" l"ad"r of th" A"r(an Wor8"r0 Party, and
$han%" #t na(" to th" 7at#onal So$#al#t A"r(an Wor8"r0 Party, (or"
$o((only 8nown a th" 7a+# Party*
3814 : W#th th" )a#n% of th" E#%ht""nth A("nd("nt of th" US
?ont#tut#on, th" Ant#'Saloon L"a%u" u$$""d #n outlaw#n% th" u" of all
w#n", )#r#t and l#-uor* W#th Proh#!#t#on #n for$", $r#(" rat" #n th" USA
w#ll r#" dra(at#$ally o&"r th" n"9t t"n y"ar and or%an#+"d $r#(#nal
ynd#$at" w#ll %a#n a tron% foothold a th"y ta8" ad&anta%" of th"
"nor(ou r"&"nu" to !" (ad" fro( th" (anufa$tur", d#tr#!ut#on, and al"
of #ll#$#t al$ohol*
3814 : Th" f#rt $o(("r$#al rad#o !road$at*
3814 : Th" "arl#"t )r"$uror to th" EEA (a$h#n" # u"d to r"ad
!ra#nwa&" fro( th" $al)*
3814 : Al#$" A* /a#l"y, who # a l"ad#n% d#$#)l" of th" Th"oo)h#t So$#"ty
and (arr#"d to EE
d"%r"" Fr""(aon Fot"r /a#l"y, found th" Lu$#f"r
Pu!l#h#n% ?o()any to )u!l#h h"r wr#t#n%* Th# na(" w#ll $han%" to Lu$#
Trut #n 1F22* Lu$# Trut w#ll )ro(ul%at" th" wor8 of an >A$"nd"d 2at"r0
who # wor8#n% throu%h /a#l"y* Th" Lu$# Trut Pu!l#h#n% ?o()any and th"#r
(any front w#ll $arry out th" wor8 of a Lu$#f"r#an >(at"r )lan0 for th"
"ta!l#h("nt of a )"r(an"nt >A%" of A-uar#u0 and >7"w World 4"l#%#on0*
Throu%h a )#r#t that $all #t"lf D.whal 3hul, /a#l"y w#ll wr#t" 24 !oo8 that
)ro(ot" a world %o&"rn("nt h" r"f"r to a th" >7"w World 6rd"r0* Lu$#
Trut w#ll !"$o(" a )ow"rful #nt#tut#on that w#ll wor8 on !oth )ol#t#$al and
o$$ult front to a$h#"&" #t %oal* ,t w#ll "n.oy >?onultat#&" Statu0 w#th th"
Un#t"d 7at#on and ha&" a $lo" wor8#n% r"lat#onh#) w#th that or%an#+at#on,
#n$lud#n% a "at at th"#r w""8ly "#on, and (or" #()ortantly, #nflu"n$"
w#th )ow"rful !u#n" and )ol#t#$al l"ad"r throu%hout th" world* Throu%h
#t found#n% of World Aoodw#ll, Lu$# Trut w#ll !" a%%r"#&"ly #n&ol&"d #n
)ro(ot#n% a %lo!al#t #d"olo%y* ,n h"r !oo8 Externali:ation of the #ierarchy, a
"$t#on $all"d Steps To+ards the ;e+ World Order outl#n" th" )ro$" for
)r")ar#n% hu(an#ty for th# 7"w World 6rd"r*
3813 : Th" Ta&#to$8 ,nt#tut" of @u(an 4"lat#on # "ta!l#h"d at 69ford
Un#&"r#ty #n London !y th" 4oyal ,nt#tut" for ,nt"rnat#onal Affa#r for th"
)ur)o" of tudy#n% th" !r"a8#n% )o#nt of hu(an* ,t w#ll lat"r !" fund"d !y
th" 4o$8"f"ll"r Foundat#on*
3813 : Adol)h @#tl"r %o" to /"rl#n to %#&" a )""$h to th" ultra'
$on"r&at#&" 7at#onal ?lu!, and "ta!l#h" h# f#rt $onta$t w#th
#ndutr#al#t and !u#n" $#r$l"* 6&"r th" follow#n% y"ar th"" w#ll
#n$r"a" to an "&"r'w#d"n#n% $#r$l" of u))ort"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The &en )ehind #itler, !y /"rnhard S$hr"#!"r5
3813 : At #9t""n y"ar old, T* Town"nd /rown d#$o&"r an "l"$tro%ra&#t#$
"ff"$t $au"d !y h#%h'&olta%" $har%"* Th# w#ll lat"r !"$o(" 8nown a th"
/#"f#"ld'/rown "ff"$t*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3811 ' Th" 4o$8"f"ll"r found th" ?oun$#l on For"#%n 4"lat#on 1?F45* Th#
or%an#+at#on w#ll ha&" a hu%" #nflu"n$" on th" world0 )ol#t#$al and "$ono(#$
affa#r, a w"ll a th" ("d#a, and w#ll "ff"$t#&"ly %#&" $ontrol of th"( to th"
4o$8"f"ll"r* Th" ult#(at" %oal of th" ?F4 # th" u!("r%"n$" of US
o&"r"#%nty and nat#onal #nd")"nd"n$" #nto an all')ow"rful on"'world
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Roc%efeller 'oundation, at w#8#)"d#a5
3811 : Al#$" /a#l"y found th" Ar$an" S$hool* /y 1FD4, #t w#ll !oat ha&#n%
20,000 %raduat"*
1S"" f#l", Alice )ailey 9 &aster D7 D$+hal 7hul A Satanic "ommunion, !y
T"rry 2"lanon5
3811 : Fr""(aonry # outlaw"d #n ,taly*
3810 : Dr* W#ll#a( S* Sadl"r tart a (all %rou) for Sunday )h#loo)h#$al
and r"l#%#ou d#$u#on, and th"y oon turn th"#r #nt"r"t to th" tran%"
$o((un#$at#on that Sadl"r ha !""n r"$"#&#n% throu%h h# unna("d
$hann"l"r wh"n h" ("nt#on th" $a" at on" of th"#r (""t#n% and r"ad
a()l" at th"#r r"-u"t* Soon aft"r th#, a $hann"l"d $o((un#$at#on #
r"$"#&"d tat#n% that th# %rou) would !" allow"d to d"&#" -u"t#on and
that anw"r would !" %#&"n !y th" "nt#t#"* Th" %rou) $o()#l" 4,000
-u"t#on that th"y w#h to a8 th" $hann"l"d )#r#t* S"&"ral w""8 lat"r,
th" ("d#u( d"l#&"r th" %rou) 4G2 )a%" of t"9t $onta#n#n% th" anw"r to
all of th"#r -u"t#on* A$$ord#n% to th" ("d#u(0 w#f", th" )a%" had !""n
wr#tt"n #n a #n%l" "&"n#n%* Th" %rou), $on#t#n% of a nu(!"r of h# $lo"
fr#"nd 1lat"r 8nown a th" Foru(5, !"%#n "9a(#n#n% th"" $hann"l"d
$o((un#$at#on* 6nly an #nn"r $or" of f#&" ("(!"r of th" %rou) # "&"r
allow"d to w#tn" th" $hann"l#n%, and th" #d"nt#ty of th" $hann"l"r # 8")t
anony(ou #n ord"r to )r"&"nt und"#ra!l" futur" &"n"rat#on or r"&"r"n$" for
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3810 : A$$ord#n% to th" !oo8, 6oe44els! The &an ;ext to #itler, !y 4udolf
S"((l"r, @#tl"r # #n&ol&"d w#th )#r#tual#t#$ $#r$l" and ta8#n% )art #n
Man$", and # h"ar#n% &o#$" $o((and#n% h#( to a&" A"r(any* @" #
$onult#n% w#th and # %r"atly (o&"d !y a fortun" t"ll"r who t"ll h#( that h"
w#ll $o(" to )ow"r #n 1FEE*
3810 : Th" a!ort#&" 2un#$h Put$h, ta%"d !y @#tl"r, (a8" h# na("
8nown !"yond th" !ord"r of A"r(any for th" f#rt t#(", and "arn h#( a
hort t"r( #n Land!"r% )r#on* @"r", w#th th" a#tan$" of 4udolf @", h"
wr#t" &ein 7ampf* Th# !oo8 # an "9$"ll"nt #llutrat#on of th" d"%r"" of h#
a!or)t#on of So$#al Darw#n#(, "u%"n#$ and ra$#al #d"a* W#th#n #t $an !"
found th" fa(#l#ar ar%u("nt !"h#nd th"(: th" ("r$#l" tru%%l" of all l#f"
for(I th" &#$tory of th" tron% o&"r th" w"a8I th" ruthl" d#r"%ard for th"
r#%ht of oth"rI th" J"w#h ("na$"I th" ad&o$a$y of t"$hn#-u" for !r""d#n%
of u)"r#or $#t#+"n, and o on*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The &en )ehind #itler, !y /"rnhard S$hr"#!"r5
3812 : At a!out th# t#(", W#lh"l( 4"#$h d#$o&"r or%on" "n"r%y* Th#
or%an#$'!a"d "n"r%y # found to #()art a (a%n"t#$ $har%" to n"ar!y #ron or
t""l #()l"("nt, and a tat#$ $har%" to n"ar!y #nulator, u$h a ru!!"r
%lo&"* Photo%ra)h#$ f#l( tor"d #n n"ar!y ("tal $a!#n"t )ontan"ouly
fo%* 4"#$h not" that what"&"r th# "n"r%y #, #t # ra)#dly attra$t"d to
("tal, !ut .ut a ra)#dly r"fl"$t"d away, or d##)at"d #nto th" urround#n%
a#r* 6r%an#$ (at"r#al, how"&"r, ar" ""n to a!or! th# rad#at#on and hold
onto #t* ,t # alo not"d that th" a#r #n roo( $onta#n#n% )"$#al $ultur" that
"(#tt"d th" "n"r%y f"lt >h"a&y0 or $har%"d* Wh"n o!"r&"d at n#%ht, #n full
dar8n", th" a#r &##!ly $#nt#llat" and %low w#th th# )ul#n% "n"r%y* 4"#$h
!"%#n !u#ld#n% d"&#$" that a$$u(ulat" th# "n"r%y, #n ord"r to "9)"r#("nt
w#th #t furth"r* @" w#ll d#$o&"r that or%on" "n"r%y ha a #%n#f#$ant #()a$t on
)y$holo%#$al tat" of (#nd a w"ll a on w"ath"r $ond#t#on*
3812 (/arch 12! : S$ott#h #n&"ntor John Lo%#" /a#rd %#&" th" f#rt )u!l#$
d"(ontrat#on of t"l"&#"d #lhou"tt" #(a%" #n (ot#on, at S"lfr#d%"H
D")art("nt Stor" #n London* Th# # a )r"$uror to th" t"l"&##on*
3812 : Th" 4o$8"f"ll"r Foundat#on (a8" an #n#t#al %rant of P2*D (#ll#on to
th" 3"#"r W#lh"l( ,nt#tut" for Py$h#atry #n 2un#$h, A"r(any* Th# #nt#tut"
# $ondu$t#n% )#on""r#n% r""ar$h #nto "u%"n#$ 1ra$#al )ur#ty5 und"r th"
d#r"$t#on of futur" 7a+# $#"nt#t Ernt 4ud#n and Jo"f 2"n%"l"*
3819 (:an*ary 19! : At h# la!oratory #n London, John Lo%#" /a#rd %#&"
th" worldH f#rt d"(ontrat#on of a wor8#n% t"l"&##on yt"( to ("(!"r of
th" 4oyal ,nt#tut#on and a n"w)a)"r r")ort"r*
3815 : Jo")h /an8 4h#n" !"%#n h# #n&"t#%at#on #nto )ara)y$holo%y at
Du8" Un#&"r#ty* 6n" of h# )onor w#ll !" Ja(" 2$Donn"ll, found"r of th"
2$Donn"ll'Dou%la a#r$raft $o()any*
3816 (:*ly 1! : Th" f#rt r"%ularly $h"dul"d t"l"&##on "r&#$" #n th" Un#t"d
Stat" !"%#n* Th" F"d"ral 4ad#o ?o((##on author#+" ?* F* J"n8#n to
!road$at fro( an "9)"r#("ntal tat#on #n Wh"aton, 2aryland, a u!ur! of
Wah#n%ton, D*?* For at l"at th" f#rt "#%ht""n (onth, 48'l#n" #lhou"tt"
#(a%" fro( (ot#on )#$tur" f#l( ar" !road$at*
3816 ($cto;er! : Th" J"w#h World A%"n$y # $r"at"d*
3816 : W#th 2uol#n#0 fa$#t %o&"rn("nt u))r"#n% Fr""(aonry #n
,taly, th" t"rror#t 2af#a or%an#+at#on # $ru(!l#n% and (any of #t ("(!"r
!"%#n ""8#n% r"fu%" #n A("r#$a* Th"y "ttl" #n ?h#$a%o, wh"r", throu%h th"#r
aff#l#at#on w#th th" Un#on" S#$#l#on" 1lat"r 8nown a th" ,talo'A("r#$an
Un#on5, th"y (an"u&"r th"("l&" #nto a )o#t#on wh#$h "na!l" th"( to
$oo)"rat" w#th th" &#$" and l#-uor )ur&"yor of th" $#ty on th" on" #d" and
th" )ol#t#$al )arty (a$h#n" on th" oth"r* Aft"r "#+#n% $ontrol of th" ?h#$a%o
?oal T"a(t"rH, ?hauff"urH and @"l)"rH Un#on, lo$al 7o* G04, th"#r
%an%t"r'tyl" ra$8"t""r#n% w#ll "nt"r #nto a n"w )ha" of "$ono(#$
t"rror#+at#on a th"#r o)"rat#on )r"ad to oth"r A("r#$an $#t#" l#8" D"tro#t,
?l"&"land, Ph#lad"l)h#a, and 7"w Oor8*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3818 : T* Town"nd /rown wr#t" a )a)"r t#tl"d #o+ "ontrol 6ravitation, #n
wh#$h h" d"$r#!" an #n&"nt#on h" $all th" >Ara&#tor0, wh#$h u" "l"$tro'
%ra&#tat#on to )ro&#d" a 1Q w"#%ht %a#n or lo, d")"nd#n% on th" d#r"$t#on of
th" for$"* @" )ro)o" that !y )la$#n% an "&"nly )a$"d array of th""
d"&#$" alon% th" )"r#("t"r of a d#$'ha)"d $raft and "l"$t#&"ly $har%#n%
th"(, th" $raft $ould !" (o&"d #n any d#r"$t#on*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3818 : S)#r#tual#t d"!un8"r Dr* W#ll#a( S* Sadl"r )u!l#h" The &ind at
&ischief! Tric%s of the Su4conscious &ind, #n wh#$h h" "9)la#n th" fraudul"nt
("thod of ("d#u( and how "lf'd"$")t#on l"ad to )y$h#$ $la#(* ,n th"
a))"nd#9, h" r"$ount th" tory of an #n&"t#%at#on #nto th" )y$h#$ r"al(
that h" $ondu$t"d that h" wa una!l" to d"!un8* S#n$" 1F11, a h" r"lat"
#t, h" had !""n o!"r&#n% a ("d#u( who wa a))ar"ntly $o((un#$at#n% w#th
"9tra')lan"tary )"ronal#t#"* Sadl"r tat" #n h# !oo8 that th" #nfor(at#on
#()art"d throu%h th# our$" # $on#t"nt #n !oth #t )h#loo)hy and w#th
$#"nt#f#$ fa$t, and # ""nt#ally ?hr#t#an #n $ont"9t*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3818 : ,n&"ntor Ph#lo Farnworth d"(ontrat" th" f#rt t"l"&##on yt"(
w#th no ("$han#$al )art* @" tran(#t th" f#rt l#&" hu(an #(a%" w#th h#
3818 (/arch! : 4?A !"%#n da#ly "9)"r#("ntal t"l"&##on !road$at #n 7"w
Oor8 ?#ty o&"r tat#on W2S/S, th" )r"d"$"or of W7/?* Th" B0'l#n"
tran(##on $on#t of )#$tur", #%n, and &#"w of )"ron and o!."$t*
E9)"r#("ntal !road$at w#ll $ont#nu" to 1FE1*
3804 (April 10! : Th" ,nt"rnat#onal /an8 # found"d at /a#l* ,t #
$o((##on"d to "nroll th" $"ntral !an8 of n#n" nat#on #n #t ("(!"rh#)*
Th" !an8 # to "9#t for f#fty y"ar, )ay#n% no ta9" dur#n% that t#(" and #t
a"t and d")o#t !"#n% #((un" fro( "#+ur", $onf#$at#on, and
$"norh#), #n )"a$" or war* ,t w#ll alo !" u!."$t to no r"tr#$t#on or
)roh#!#t#on of any 8#nd on #t #()ort and "9)ort of %old or $urr"n$y* Th"
!an8 w#ll ow" all"%#an$" to no #n%l" %o&"rn("nt* ,t w#ll 8"") no $urr"n$y
r""r&"* ,t w#ll ow" no all"%#an$" to anyon" and $an do a #t l#8", to (a8"
what )rof#t #t $an, w#th unr"tr#$t"d )ow"r* ,n add#t#on to #t "9traord#nary
)ow"r, #t ha $ontrol of th" >2a$h#n"ry of 4")arat#on0 wh#$h $onta#n th"
("an !y wh#$h th" wh"r"w#thal to l#-u#dat" 4")arat#on $an !" -u""+"d
out of th" r"$"#&"r at a )rof#t to th" )ay"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8* Occult Theocracy, !y Lady Cu""n!orou%h Ed#th Starr
3804 (Septem;er! : T* Town"nd /rown .o#n th" 7a&y, and # #(("d#at"ly
)ut to wor8 at th" 7a&al 4""ar$h La!oratory 174L5 #n Wah#n%ton, D?*,
wh"r" h" $ont#nu" h# "9)"r#("nt #n ant#%ra&#t#$*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3804 : US Ar(y and 7a&y !oth !"%#n r""ar$h #nto radar t"$hnolo%y*
3804 : Th" F#rt ,nt"rnat#onal ?on%r" for 2"ntal @y%#"n" # h"ld #n
Wah#n%ton, D?* Ernt 4ud#n # a(on% th" A"r(an d"l"%at", and )uh" for
an #nt"n#f#"d #nt"%rat#on of "u%"n#$ and ("ntal hy%#"n"*
3803 : Aldou @u9l"y wr#t" )rave ;e+ World, a futur#t#$ &##on of a
total#tar#an o$#"ty #n wh#$h th" %o&"rn("nt $h"(#$ally $o"r$"d th"
)o)ulat#on #nto lo&#n% #t "r&#tud"*
3803 (:*ly 13! : ?/SH 7"w Oor8 ?#ty tat#on W2SA/ !"%#n !road$at#n%
th"#r f#rt r"%ular "&"n'day'a'w""8 t"l"&##on $h"dul"*
3803 (A*g*st! ' At th" /"rl#n 4ad#o Show, 2anfr"d &on Ard"nn" %#&" a
)u!l#$ d"(ontrat#on of a t"l"&##on yt"( u#n% a ?4T for !oth tran(##on
and r"$")t#on* 1Th# r"&"al that ?4T t"l"&##on $an !" d"#%n"d and u"d
a &#ual ur&"#llan$" d"&#$"*5
3803 : Tho(a Town"nd /rown0 r""ar$h #nto d#"l"$tr#$ !"$o("
$la#f#"d #nfor(at#on*
3801 : World Aoodw#ll # found"d, r"$"#&#n% f#nan$#al u))ort throu%h Lu$#
Trut* ,t w#ll wor8 d#r"$tly w#th th" >world f"d"ral#t0, and # )art of
Th"oo)h#t Al#$" /a#l"y0 wor8 to >E9t"rnal#+" th" @#"rar$hy0 of >,llu(#n"d
2#nd0, and uh"r #n th" >A%" of 2a#tr"ya0 1th" Ant#'?hr#t5*
3800 : Th" /r#t#h'l"d "u%"n#$ (o&"("nt (""t at th" A("r#$an 2u"u(
of 7atural @#tory #n 7"w Oor8 ?#ty, and d"#%nat" A"r(an Dr* Ernt 4ud#n
a th" )r"#d"nt of th" worldw#d" Eu%"n#$ F"d"rat#on* Th" "u%"n#$
(o&"("nt at th" t#(" $all for th" 8#ll#n% or t"r#l#+at#on of )"o)l" who"
h"r"d#ty (a8" th"( a )u!l#$ !urd"n* A f"w (onth lat"r, th" 7a+# r"%#("
a))o#nt 4ud#n to h"ad A"r(any0 4a$#al @y%#"n" So$#"ty*
3800 (:an*ary! : Adol)h @#tl"r $o(" to )ow"r #n A"r(any*
3800 (/arch! : @#tl"r "ta!l#h" h# f#rt $on$"ntrat#on $a() for )ol#t#$al
)r#on"r at Da$hau*
3800 (April! : Th" A"r(an %o&"rn("nt announ$" )lan to #(("d#at"ly
$ondu$t a nat#onal $"nu* Th" )ro."$t # )art#$ularly #()ortant a a
("$han#( for th" #d"nt#f#$at#on of J"w, Ay)#", and oth"r "thn#$ %rou)
d""("d und"#ra!l" !y th" 7a+# r"%#("* A("r#$a0 ,/2 ?or)orat#on w#ll
)ro&#d" d"#%n and ta!ulat#on "r&#$", u#n% #t $o()ut"r to handl" th"
$"nu #nfor(at#on that # $oll"$t"d and "nt"r"d on )un$h $ard* W#thout
th#, th" )""d and "ff#$#"n$y w#th wh#$h th" 7a+# w#ll !" a!l" to
yt"(at#$ally root out and "9t"r(#nat" th" J"w and oth"r und"#ra!l"
wouldn0t !" )o#!l"*
3800 (:*ly 37! : Th" Law for th" Pr"&"nt#on of @"r"d#tary D#"a" #n
Pot"r#ty 1!"tt"r 8nown a th" >St"r#l#+at#on Law05 # )a"d #n A"r(any* Th"
$h#"f ar$h#t"$t of th# law # Ernt 4ud#n, Prof"or of Py$h#atry at th"
2un#$h Un#&"r#ty, D#r"$tor of th" 3a#"r'W#lh"l( ,nt#tut" for A"n"alo%y and
D"(o%ra)hy, and of th" 4""ar$h ,nt#tut" for Py$h#atry* Th# law w#ll allow
a do$tor, l"%al %uard#an, or )r#on ad(#n#trator to for$" anyon" #n th"#r $ar"
to !" t"r#l#+"d* /y 7o&"(!"r, #t w#ll !" d"$#d"d that Jha!#tual off"nd"r
a%a#nt )u!l#$ (oralK ar" to !" $atrat"d*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The &en )ehind #itler, !y /"rnhard S$hr"#!"r5
3800 (:*ly 39! : Th" A"r(an Un#on for 2"ntal @"alth $han%" #t na(" to
th" A"r(an #nt#tut" for 2"ntal @"alth and 4a$#al @y%#"n", and )ut Ernt
4ud#n #n $har%"* Th# or%an#+at#on # h"a&#ly u!#d#+"d !y th" 4o$8"f"ll"r
3800 : Aft"r d#$o&"r#n% that h" $an )ut h# u!."$t #nto a hy)not#$ l"")
!y ("r"ly th#n8#n% th" $o((and to do o 1t"l")ath#$ally5, th" So&#"t
r""ar$h"r L"on#d La#l#"& !"%#n #n&"t#%at#n% th" "ff"$t of "l"$tro(a%n"t#$
h#"ld#n% 1u#n% l"ad and ("r$ury5 on th" #ndu$t#on of hy)no#, and
d#$o&"r that #t ha no "ff"$t on !lo$8#n% t"l")athy, "&"n fro( "&"ral (#l"
d#tan$"* Th"" "9)"r#("nt a))"ar to #nd#$at" that t"l")athy # not
"l"$tro(a%n"t#$ #n natur"*
3807 : Th" S$ott#h 4#t" of Fr""(aonry .o#n th" 4o$8"f"ll"r #n )onor#n%
)y$h#atr#$ %"n"t#$, und"r th" ru!r#$ of r""ar$h #nto d"("nt#a )ra"$o9
3807 ' A 4o$8"f"ll"r )ro%r" r")ort fro( th" Eu%"n#$ 4"$ord 6ff#$" r"&"al
that th" #d"a of !r""d#n% a u)"r#or ra$" throu%h %"n"t#$ # !"#n% "r#ouly
3807 : Th" f#rt $o(("r$#ally (ad" "l"$tron#$ t"l"&##on "t w#th $athod"
ray tu!" ar" (anufa$tur"d !y T"l"fun8"n #n A"r(any*
3802 : At a!out th# t#(", th" lat $hann"l"d $o((un#$at#on ar" r"$"#&"d
!y Dr* Sadl"r throu%h h# unna("d ("d#u(* Th" $hann"l"d )#r#t a8 Sadl"r
to )u!l#h th" (at"r#al* Th" Urant#a (at"r#al # $o()#l"d #nto 2,0FG )a%" of
t"9t, and $on#t of 1FB a)o$ry)hal r"&"lat#on $o((un#$at"d !y &ar#ou
)#r#t !"#n%* Sadl"r ha )"nt o&"r a d"$ad" d"!un8#n% and r"fut#n%
)#r#tual#(* ,t # a))ar"nt fro( th# that th" unna("d ("d#u( that Sadl"r
had #n&"t#%at"d fro( 1F11 to 1F2F wa th" our$" of th" Urant#a (at"r#al*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3802 ' Py$holo%#t @adl"y ?antr#l and Aordon All)ort $oauthor The
Psychology of Radio, #n wh#$h th"y wr#t", =Radio is an altogether novel
medium of communication, preeminent as a means of social control and
epochal in its influence upon the mental hori:ons of men(> ?antr#l w#ll
!"$o(" a )r#n$#)al $ontr#!utor to th" 8nowl"d%" and #nfor(at#on that w#ll
h"l) )ro)"l 4o$8"f"ll"r'$ontroll"d "nt"r)r#" #n th" )otwar "ra* Throu%hout
th# )"r#od, ?antr#l w#ll )ro&#d" th" 4o$8"f"ll"r w#th #()ortant #nfor(at#on
and n"w t"$hn#-u" #n )u!l#$ o)#n#on ("aur"("nt and (ana%"("nt* @" w#ll
r"$"#&" a PBG,000 %rant for a two'y"ar $hart"r of th" >Pr#n$"ton 4ad#o
Pro."$t0 at Pr#n$"ton Un#&"r#ty* Wh#l" th"r", ?antr#l w#ll d"&"lo) tud#"
a"#n% rad#o0 "ff"$t on aud#"n$", )art#$ularly w#th r"%ard to 6ron
W"ll"0 rad#o )r""ntat#on of War of the Worlds, wh#$h w#ll r")ort"dly $au"
(a t"rror du" to #t r"al#t#$ )r""ntat#on and "ff"$t* ?antr#l w#ll alo
!"$o(" a found#n% "d#tor of th" 4o$8"f"ll"r Foundat#on'fund"d Pu4lic
Opinion ?uarterly, an or%an $lo"ly ao$#at"d w#th US %o&"rn("nt0
)y$holo%#$al warfar" "nd"a&or follow#n% World War ,,*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Early Psychological Warfare Research and the Roc%efeller
'oundation, !y Prof* Ja(" F* Tra$y5
3802 : Dr* Al"9# ?arr"l, a Fr"n$h'A("r#$an 7o!"l Pr#+" w#nn"r who ha
!""n on th" taff of th" 4o$8"f"ll"r ,nt#tut" #n$" #t #n$")t#on, )u!l#h"
&an the 5n%no+n, #n wh#$h h" u%%"t th" r"(o&al of th" ("ntally #ll and
th" $r#(#nal !y (all "uthana#a #nt#tut#on wh#$h w"r" to !" "-u#))"d w#th
u#ta!l" %a"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The &en )ehind #itler, !y /"rnhard S$hr"#!"r5
3802 : Th" 7ur"(!"r% Law ar" )a"d #n A"r(any, and ant#'J"w#h
l"%#lat#on $o(("n$"* ,n#t#ally th"" law ar" $on$"rn"d w#th $o()ulory
r"t#r"("nt of >non'Aryan0 %o&"rn("nt "()loy"", att"()t to d"f#n" >non'
Aryan0, and "nd#n% -u"t#onna#r" to $#&#l "r&ant to %ath"r d"ta#l on th"#r
ra$#al !a$8%round* Alr"ady )r"$"d"d !y an aort("nt of $#t#+"nh#) law
that !"%an #n 1FEE, th" two n"w law ar" har)ly to th" )o#nt* Th" f#rt, th"
>4"#$h Law of ?#t#+"nh#)0, w#ll d#&#d" th" A"r(an nat#on #nto $la" of
$#t#+"n, tho" who ar" ("r"ly u!."$t of th" Stat" and tho" who )o"
full $#t#+"nh#) #n$lud#n% )ol#t#$al r#%ht* /a"d on ra$#al and #d"olo%#$al
%round, th# law, w#th on" tro8", )la$" all J"w #nto th" $at"%ory of
"$ond'$la $#t#+"n* Th" "$ond law, >For th" Prot"$t#on of A"r(an /lood
and A"r(an @onor0 1or th" >/lood Prot"$t#on Law05 # #nt"nd"d to "nur" th"
ra$#al )ur#ty of th" nat#on for all t#("* Funda("ntally #t (a8" $r#(#nal any
"9ual #nt"r$our" !"tw""n th"" n"w $la" of $#t#+"n, !ut #t # a#("d
)"$#f#$ally at th" J"w* A)art fro( that, th# law w#ll alo "r&" a a !a# for
furth"r #olat#on of th" o$#ally und"#ra!l" #n th" follow#n% y"ar*
Th" a#( of ra$#al hy%#"n" #n A"r(any # #nt"nd"d to $r"at" a f#$t#t#ou Aryan
ra$"* ,n a$$ordan$" w#th th#, all >non'Aryan0 "l"("nt w"r" to !" root"d out*
A)art fro( ha&#n% a wron% $o(!#nat#on of $hro(oo(", #t alo ""( to !"
a >non'Aryan0 tra#t to ha&" or to !" of a d#ff"r"nt o)#n#on* ?on"-u"ntly, all
(#nor#t#" fall #nto th# $at"%ory, and l#-u#dat#on, w#th th" "9$")t#on of th"
J"w who ar" d"$lar"d $a)"%oat, w#ll tart w#th th" (all"t %rou) and
wor8 u) fro( th"r"* /"$au" of th#, th" lar%"r (#nor#t#" ar" l"ft w#th th"
!"l#"f that #t w#ll n"&"r aff"$t th"(* ,f th" 7a+# w"r" to tart fro( th" oth"r
"nd, "&"ryon" would 8now that #t # #nt"nd"d to !" "&"ryon"H n"$8 and th"y
$ould un#t" th"("l&" a%a#nt th# )ro%ra( wh#l" th" 7a+# ar" t#ll not y"t
f#r(ly "ta!l#h"d*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The &en )ehind #itler, !y /"rnhard S$hr"#!"r5
3802 (Decem;er 31! : @"#nr#$h @#((l"r found th" L"!"n!orn )ro."$t*
Th# #n&ol&" ta8#n% $h#ldr"n of )r"f"rr"d %"n"t#$ to$8 and ra##n% th"( a
)art of th" n"w Aryan >u)"r ra$"0*
3809 : Th" #n$or)orat#on of th" Ford Foundat#on $r"at" a ta9 ha&"n for th"
ultra'w"althy Ford fa(#ly dynaty*
3809 : Th" 6ff#$" of Po)ulat#on 4""ar$h # "ta!l#h"d at Pr#n$"ton
Un#&"r#ty, $arry#n% on "u%"n#$ r""ar$h and tra#n#n%*
3809 : John Wh#t"#d" 1Ja$85 Paron, a "lf'tau%ht $h"(#t, "nt"r ?alT"$h
at a%" 21 w#th a d"#r" to !u#ld )a$" ro$8"t* A )"$#al )ro."$t # #n#t#at"d
that w#ll "&"ntually attra$t "nou%h #nt"r"t fro( th" Ar(y A#r ?or) that th"y
ta8" o&"r #t )onorh#)*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Jac% Parsons and the "urious Origins of the American
Space Program, !y Th" 2a%#$#an5
3809 : ,n @un%ary, a (an na("d St")h"n Pr#!#l d"(ontrat" an >#n&##!#l#ty
yt"(0, wh#$h ut#l#+" )"$#al h"t"rodyn"d l#%ht !"a( to r"nd"r o!."$t
tran)ar"nt and "&"n #n&##!l"* Und"r th" !"a( )rodu$"d !y h# )"$#al
la(), o)a-u" o!."$t %radually !"$o(" tran)ar"nt* Th" "ff"$t $an !"
$ontroll"d, o)t#$al tran)ar"n$#" uta#n"d at )"$#f#$ >#nt"n#t#"0* 4ad#o
$a!#n"t, "9)o"d to h# la(), fad" fro( &#"w* Atound"d w#tn"" ar"
a!l" to "" throu%h th" $a!#n"t, wh#l" th" #nt"r#or tand out w#th a(a+#n%
$lar#ty* 2"tal )art, tu!", and $ha# $an !" ""n dar8ly h#n#n% throu%h
th" wood"n "n$lour"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, *ost Science, !y A"rry La#lato5
3806 : L* 4on @u!!ard, futur" found"r of th" ?hur$h of S$#"ntolo%y, !"%#n
wr#t#n% and )u!l#h#n% $#"n$"'f#$t#on tor#" #n )o)ular )ul) (a%a+#n"* U)
unt#l now, h" ha !""n wr#t#n% ad&"ntur" tor#", )ro(ot#n% h#("lf #n th""
and "l"wh"r" a a nu$l"ar )hy#$#t, "n%#n""r, "9)lor"r, ("d#$al do$tor, "t$*,
and !oat#n% nu("rou "9traord#nary a$h#"&"("nt that ar" "nt#r"ly
fa!r#$at"d and #nt"nd"d to %#&" h#( an a))"aran$" of %r"atn" and
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Jac% Parsons and the "urious Origins of the American
Space Program, !y Th" 2a%#$#an5
3806 : At a!out th# t#(", @ar&ard )y$holo%#t /*F* S8#nn"r ha f#n"'tun"d
th" art of hu(an $ontrol #nto what h" t"r("d >o)"rant $ond#t#on#n%0,
!"$o(#n% a %uru to %"n"rat#on of (#nd ha)"r that follow"d* @# #()l"
not#on wa that th" r"#nfor$"("nt of a r")"at"d n"%at#&" t#(ulu
1)un#h("nt5 or )o#t#&" t#(ulu 1r"ward5 for("d th" !a# for l"arn"d
!"ha&#or* S8#nn"r # a ("(!"r of US Ar(y #nt"ll#%"n$"*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3806 : Dr* Al!"rt @of(ann f#rt ynth"#+" LSD at Sando+ La!orator#" #n
/a"l, Sw#t+"rland wh#l" #n&"t#%at#n% th" $h"(#$al and )har(a$olo%#$al
)ro)"rt#" of "r%ot, a ry" fun%u r#$h #n ("d#$#nal al8alo#d* Pr"l#(#nary
tud#" on la!oratory an#(al d#d not )ro&" #%n#f#$ant, o th" $o()ound wa
h"l&"d* ,t w#ll !" f#&" y"ar !"for" @off(an tud#" #t a%a#n, at wh#$h )o#nt
h" w#ll a$$#d"ntally do" h#("lf !y a!or!#n% #t throu%h h# 8#n and l"arn of
#t #nto9#$at#n% )ro)"rt#"* Furth"r "9)"r#("ntat#on on h#("lf l"d h#( to
$on$lud" that th# n"w dru% $ould !" an #()ortant tool for tudy#n% how th"
(#nd wor8* Dur#n% th# t#(", Sando+ # und"r th" $ontrol of th" War!ur%
fa(#ly, and All"n Dull" # "r&#n% a )ot #n Sw#t+"rland*
3806 : Th" A("r#$an So$#"ty of Euthana#a # "ta!l#h"d*
3806 : Th" AT440@+ tun#n% tandard 1th" tandard for tun#n% (u#$al
#ntru("nt5 # "ta!l#h"d* Th# tandard # )"$#f#$ally $ho"n for #t
n"%at#&" "ff"$t on th" l#t"n"r* 6th"r fr"-u"n$#" (#%ht ha&" !""n $ho"n
that ar" u)"r#or for ound -ual#ty 1u$h a AT444@+, wh#$h # alr"ady w#d"ly
#n u" at th# t#(", or AT4E2@+, wh#$h # (ath"(at#$ally $on#t"nt w#th
un#&"ral d"#%n, and r"$o%n#+"d a !"#n% )#r#tually u)l#ft#n%5, !ut th"" ar"
)a"d o&"r* A y"ar lat"r, th" /r#t#h w#ll ado)t th" a(" tandard* Jo")h
Ao"!!"l, th" 7a+# )ro)a%anda (#n#t"r, w#ll !" "()loy"d !y th" 4o$8"f"ll"r
and 4oth$h#ld to )"ruad" th" /r#t#h to ado)t #t* Th" AT440@+ fr"-u"n$y
t#(ulat" "%o t"nd"n$#" and l"ft'!ra#n fun$t#on#n% wh#l" #nh#!#t#n% #ntu#t#on
and $r"at#&#ty*
3806 ($cto;er 04! : 6ron W"ll"0 War of the Worlds rad#o )r""ntat#on
r"ult #n r")ort of (a )an#$, a (any l#t"n"r (#ta8" th# f#$t#onal
dra(a a a r"al al#"n #n&a#on of th" )lan"t* 6&"r th" n"9t "&"ral (onth
aft"rward, #nt"r&#"w w#th War of the Worlds l#t"n"r w#ll !" $oll"$t"d and
u!"-u"ntly analy+"d #n @adl"y ?antr#l0 1F40 4o$8"f"ll"r'fund"d tudy, The
nvasion 'rom &ars! A Study in the Psychology of Panic*
3808 (Septem;er! : 4?A #%n a t"n'y"ar $ontra$t w#th Ph#lo Farnworth to
$o(("r$#ally (anufa$tur" t"l"&##on yt"( !a"d on h# )at"nt*
3808 (Septem;er! : A"r(any #n&ad" Poland, $au#n% th" tart of World
War ,,* Lat"r #n th" a(" (onth, "9"$ut#&" fro( 4o$8"f"ll"r'own"d
Standard 6#l fly to th" 7"th"rland on a /r#t#h 4oyal A#r For$" !o(!"r to
(""t w#th 1A"r(any05 ,A Far!"n "9"$ut#&"* A th" lar%"t har"hold"r #n
,A Far!"n to$8, 4o$8"f"ll"r0 Standard 6#l )l"d%" to 8"") th"#r ("r%"r w#th
,A Far!"n %o#n%, "&"n #f th" Un#t"d Stat" "nt"r th" war* Th"" Standard 6#l
fund w#ll h"l) to )ay for th" SS %uard at Au$hw#t+ a th"y wor8 )r#on"r
to d"ath #n ,A Far!"n0 fa$tor#", a w"ll a fund#n% th" !ar!ar#$ r""ar$h of
Au$hw#t+0 nu(!"r on" do$tor, Jo"f 2"n%"l"*
?ha" 2anhattan /an8, alo $ontroll"d !y th" 4o$8"f"ll"r, # alo fund#n%
th" 7a+# at th# t#(", and tart $lo#n% #t J"w#h a$$ount "&"n !"for"
@#tl"r ord"r th"( to do o* Throu%h th" 4o$8"f"ll"r0 #%natur" ("thod of
ta8#n% o&"r or ("r%#n% w#th th"#r $o()"t#tor, ?ha" 2anhattan w#ll !"$o("
th" lar%"t !an8 #n th" USA #n th" y"ar ah"ad*
3808 : 4o$8"t $#"nt#t Ja$8 Paron ta8" an #nt"r"t #n o$$ult#( and .o#n
th" A%a)" Lod%", th" Lo An%"l" !ran$h of Al"#t"r ?rowl"y0 6rdo T"()l#
6r#"nt# 16T65* @" w#ll -u#$8ly r#" to )ro(#n"n$" w#th#n th" 6rd"r, and
w#th#n a f"w y"ar w#ll !" r"%ularly $orr")ond#n% w#th #t l"ad"r, Al"#t"r
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Jac% Parsons and the "urious Origins of the American
Space Program, !y Th" 2a%#$#an5
3874 : A"r(an #n&"ntor L#8tor S$hau!"r%"r a))l#" for a )at"nt at th" 4"#$h
Pat"nt 6ff#$" for a d"&#$" that $ould !" )ut to u" "#th"r a an "n"r%y
%"n"rator or a a )ow"r )lant for a#r$raft or u!(ar#n"* ,t o)"rat" on
$"ntr#)"tal for$" that draw a#r or l#-u#d #nward to $r"at" a for$" that # n#n"
t#(" %r"at"r than $on&"nt#onal tur!#n"* Shortly aft"r th#, h" wr#t" to a
$ou#n and t"ll h#( that h" ha #n&"nt"d an a#r$raft that (a8" no no#"*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3874 : At a!out th# t#(", th" 4o$8"f"ll"r Foundat#on fund th"
"ta!l#h("nt of th" 6ff#$" of Pu!l#$ 6)#n#on 4""ar$h 16P645 at Pr#n$"ton
Un#&"r#ty* A )r#(ary o!."$t#&" of 6P64 # to yt"(at#$ally "9a(#n" how
)u!l#$ o)#n#on # for%"d, and l"arn what th" (ot#&at#n% fa$tor ar" !"h#nd
(a )u!l#$ "nt#("nt toward $"rta#n "nd*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Early =Psychological Warfare> Research and the Roc%efeller
'oundation, !y Prof* Ja(" F* Tra$y5
3874 : T* Town"nd /rown # a))o#nt"d to h"ad th" (#n"w"")#n% r""ar$h
and d"&"lo)("nt at th" 7a&y /ur"au of Sh#)* Wh#l" h"r", h" wor8 on
("thod of >d"%au#n%0 h#) 1$an$"l#n% th"#r (a%n"t#$ f#"ld5* Th# w#ll t#"
#n w#th th" $la#( (ad" y"ar lat"r a!out th" Ph#lad"l)h#a E9)"r#("nt, wh#$h
u))o"dly ta8" )la$" #n 1F4E*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3873 (/arch! : Th" A"r(an A"ta)o !"$o(" #nt"r"t"d #n th" wor8 of
L#8tor S$hau!"r%"r* /y 2ay, h" w#ll !" ord"r"d !y th"( to 8"") h# wor8
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3873 (:*ly! : L* 4on @u!!ard "nt"r th" US 7a&al 4""r&" a a L#"ut"nant,
u#n% &ar#ou l"tt"r of r"$o(("ndat#on #n wh#$h h" ha fa!r#$at"d an
a))ar"ntly !o%u )at* @" "nroll #n ,nt"ll#%"n$" 6ff#$"r tra#n#n% #n 7"w Oor8,
!ut # 8#$8"d out aft"r h# f#rt a#%n("nt* @" # r")ort"d to ha&" ta8"n
)o#t#on of author#ty w#thout o!ta#n#n% off#$#al an$t#on and att"()t"d to
)"rfor( dut#" that h" had no -ual#f#$at#on for* E&"ntually h" %o" to ant#'
u!(ar#n" warfar" $hool #n 2#a(#, and %"t a))o#nt"d ?o((and#n% 6ff#$"r
of a u!(ar#n" tra$8"r, th" USS P?'81D* W#th#n f#&" hour of "tt#n% a#l out
of Portland, 6r"%on, h" # $la#(#n% to ha&" d"t"$t"d "n"(y u!, and
"9haut h# u))ly of d")th $har%" try#n% to 8no$8 th"( out* A "$ond
#n$#d"nt wh"r" h" and h# $r"w ar" f#r#n% w"a)on #n 2"9#$an wat"r l"ad to
h#( !"#n% tranf"rr"d to oth"r dut#" wh"r" h" $an !" u)"r&#"d* @" w#ll
"nd h# (#l#tary "r&#$" at th" "nd of World War ,, #n th" ho)#tal for
>")#%atr#$ d#tr"0 and a lon% l#t of oth"r (#nor a$h" and )a#n*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Jac% Parsons 9 the "urious Origins of the American Space
Program, !y Th" 2a%#$#an5
3873 (:*ly! : Th" F"d"ral ?o((un#$at#on ?o((##on 1F??5 allow
t"l"&##on tat#on to !road$at ad&"rt#"("nt, !ut r"-u#r" )u!l#$ "r&#$"
)ro%ra((#n% $o((#t("nt a a r"-u#r"("nt for a tat#on to ha&" a l#$"n"*
Th"y "t u) th" f#rt l#$"n#n% tandard for t"l"&##on !road$at#n%* Th" f#rt
l#$"n" ar" %rant"d to 7/? and ?/S #n 7"w Oor8*
3871 : Th"r" ar" a!out D,000 t"l"&##on "t #n o)"rat#on #n th" USA at th#
t#(", !ut th" )rodu$t#on of n"w TL, rad#o, and oth"r !road$at#n%
"-u#)("nt for $#&#l#an )ur)o" w#ll !" u)"nd"d fro( A)r#l 1F42 to Au%ut
1F4D, dur#n% th" war y"ar*
3871 : T* Town"nd /rown # (ad" h"ad of th" Atlant#$ Fl""t 4adar 2at"r#"l
S$hool and Ayro$o()a S$hool #n 7orfol8, L#r%#n#a*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3871 : W#th th" h"l) of /r#t#h ,nt"ll#%"n$", th" 6ff#$" of Strat"%#$ S"r&#$"
16SS5 # $r"at"d !y th" US %o&"rn("nt, wh#$h #n$lud" a )y$holo%#$al
warfar" d#&##on that w#ll !" #n&ol&"d w#th )ro)a%anda and d##nfor(at#on
o)"rat#on that tar%"t !oth for"#%n and do("t#$ )o)ulat#on*
3871 : Ja$8 Paron l"a&" ?alT"$h and tart a $o()any $all"d A"ro."t,
$ont#nu#n% h# r""ar$h #nto ol#d ro$8"t fu"l* @" # alo )"nd#n% t#("
!u#ld#n% u) th" ("(!"rh#) of th" A%a)" Lod%" of th" 6T6 #n Lo An%"l"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Jac% Parsons 9 the "urious Origins of the American Space
Program, !y Th" 2a%#$#an5
3870 : Th" 4o$8"f"ll"r h"l) f#nan$" th" All"n 2"(or#al ,nt#tut" at 2$A#ll
Un#&"r#ty #n ?anada, wh"r" th" #nfa(ou Dr* Ew"n ?a("ron w#ll )"rfor( h#
(a$a!r" (#nd'$ontrol "9)"r#("nt on hu(an &#$t#(* Th"" "9)"r#("nt w#ll
!" $ondu$t"d und"r th" au)#$" of th" ?anad#an (#l#tary, th" 4o$8"f"ll"r
Foundat#on, and th" ?,A* ?a("ron0 wor8 w#ll !" !a"d on th" #d"a that
!"ha&#or )att"rn #n adult $an !" "ra"d !y a )hy#olo%#$ )ro$"
1"l"$troho$8, dru%, l"") d")r#&at#on, )y$h#$ dr#&#n%, "t$*5 that atta$8
n"ural )att"rn* @" # #nt"r"t"d #n wh"th"r adult $an !" (ad" )att"rnl"
and r"turn"d to a tat" of n"urolo%#$al and )y$holo%#$al #nfan$y for a hort
)"r#od !"for" n"w )att"rn of !"ha&#or ar" #ntrodu$"d*
3870 : Jo"f 2"n%"l" # (ad" ("d#$al $o((andant of Au$hw#t+
$on$"ntrat#on $a()*
3870 : Pro(#n"nt )y$holo%#t=hy)not#t A"or%" Eta!roo8 )u!l#h" h#
!oo8, #ypnotism, #n wh#$h h" outl#n" th" ut#l#ty of hy)not#( for (#nd'
$ontrol )ur)o"* Eta!roo8 w#ll !"$o(" d"")ly #n&ol&"d #n th" ?,A0
23ULT4A )ro%ra( #n th" y"ar ah"ad* ,n h# !oo8, h" $la#( that on$" a
)"ronH $or" )"ronal#ty ha !""n )l#t, #t # th"n )o#!l" to $ontrol on" or
(or" of th" alt"r )"ronal#t#", w#thout th" $on$#ou awar"n" of th"
)r#(ary )"ronal#ty* Th# )ro$", a$$ord#n% to Eta!roo8, would allow th"
#nt"ll#%"n$" $o((un#ty to $r"at" >u)"r )#"0 : unw#tt#n% Ha%"ntH who ar"
w#ll#n% to follow any ord"r un-u"t#on#n%ly* Th"" a%"nt $ould alo (a8"
#d"al $our#"r, #n$" th"y $ould !" f"d "n#t#&" #nfor(at#on wh#l" #n a
hy)not#$ tat" and th"r"aft"r ha&" no $on$#ou awar"n" that th"y w"r"
tran)ort#n% #()ortant #nfor(at#on* @" only &a%u"ly allud" to th" n"$"#ty
of "9tr"(" trau(a to $r"at" 2PD #n a )"ron* @" tat" that youn% $h#ldr"n
(a8" th" !"t u!."$t*
3870 : Th" ru(or"d Ph#lad"l)h#a E9)"r#("nt 1Pro."$t 4a#n!ow5 ta8" )la$"
at th" Ph#lad"l)h#a 7a&al h#)yard 1July and 6$to!"r5* Th" or#%#nal #nt"nt of
th# "9)"r#("nt # to (a8" a !attl"h#) #n&##!l" to radar, w#th th" )o#!#l#ty
of (a8#n% #t o)t#$ally #n&##!l" a w"ll*
A$$ord#n% to W#ll#a( 2oor" and ?harl" /"rl#t+, who w#ll )r""nt th# tory to
th" )u!l#$ #n !oo8 for( #n 1FGF 1The Philadelphia Experiment! Pro$ect
nvisi4ility5, th" "9)"r#("nt not only u$$""d #n $au#n% th" !attl"h#) USS
Eldr#d%" to !"$o(" $o()l"t"ly #n&##!l", !ut t"l")ort #t to #t #t"r !"rth #n
7orfol8, L#r%#n#a* Stran%" th#n% all"%"dly o$$ur to th" $r"w on !oard th"
h#) dur#n% th" "9)"r#("nt a w"ll, $au#n% o(" of th" ("n to "nd u)
"(!"dd"d #n th" ("tal of th" h#), wh#l" oth"r fad" #n and out of #%ht or
d#a))"ar $o()l"t"ly, and t#ll oth"r who a))"ar to !" on f#r"* 2any of th"
ur&#&or %o $o()l"t"ly #nan" fro( th" "9)"r#"n$"*
Th" tory w#ll !" wr#tt"n a!out f#rt !y u$h )"o)l" a Dr* 4"#lly @* ?ra!!,
L#n$"nt Aadd#, /rad St"#%"r, and Aray /ar8"r, and w#ll lat"r $o(" to th"
att"nt#on of /"rl#t+ wh#l" h" # #n&"t#%at#n% th" (yt"r#" of th" /"r(uda
Tr#an%l"* 2oor" w#ll ha&" alr"ady !""n #n&"t#%at#n% th" Ph#lad"l)h#a
E9)"r#("nt #n th" 1FG0 wh"n h" and /"rl#t+ (""t and !"%#n $olla!orat#n%
on th"#r !oo8* ,t hould !" not"d that 2oor" w#ll )u!l#$ly $onf" y"ar lat"r
to ha&#n% !""n w#tt#n%ly u"d !y A#r For$" ,nt"ll#%"n$" to d#"(#nat"
%o&"rn("nt d##nfor(at#on r"lat"d to UF6* Alo, a$$ord#n% to an art#$l" that
a))"ar"d y"ar lat"r #n th" Seattle Times8Post ntelligencer, at th" !"%#nn#n%
of World War ,,, ?harl" /"rl#t+ had !""n ta8"n out of th" A#r For$" to wor8
#n $ount"r'#nt"ll#%"n$"* Th" art#$l" #nd#$at" that /"rl#t+H $onn"$t#on w#th
#nt"ll#%"n$" a%"n$#" d#dn0t "nd w#th World War ,,, !ut that J#e resumed his
intelligence +or%, though not overseas, during the 7orean and @ietnam
Two )"o)l" w#ll )lay #()ortant )art #n th" #n#t#al unfold#n% of th# #n$r"d#!l"
tory* Th" f#rt of th"" # an atro)hy#$#t and )r#&at" r""ar$h"r na("d
2orr# 3* J"u), and th" "$ond # a rath"r (yt"r#ou (an na("d ?arlo
2#%u"l All"nd", who w#ll $la#( to ha&" !""n a f#rt'hand w#tn" to th"
"9)"r#("nt* J"u) w#ll )u!l#h a !oo8 #n 1FDD $all"d The "ase for the 5'Os,
#n wh#$h h" off"r h# o)#n#on a!out UF6 and th"#r our$" of (ot#&" )ow"r*
@" w#ll %o on to %#&" l"$tur" and (a8" a))"al to th" )u!l#$ for th"
%o&"rn("nt to !"%#n r""ar$h #n th# ar"a, and th# w#ll %"t th" att"nt#on of
All"nd", who w#ll wr#t" h#( a nu(!"r of l"tt"r #n wh#$h h" w#ll warn a%a#nt
th# #d"a* All"nd" w#ll $ry)t#$ally ("nt#on a $"rta#n 7a&al "9)"r#("nt that h"
had w#tn""d, #n wh#$h a h#) had !""n turn"d #n&##!l" and t"l")ort"d to
anoth"r lo$at#on !"for" r"turn#n% to #t !"rth (#nut" lat"r* All"nd" w#ll $la#(
#n h# l"tt"r to J"u) that E#nt"#n had a$tually $o()l"t"d h# Un#f#"d F#"ld
Th"ory !"tw""n 1F2D and 1F2G, !ut had w#thdrawn #t a%a#n out of f"ar of
what (#%ht !" don" w#th #t* All"nd" w#ll %o on to ay that at th" t#(", any
)o#!l" u" of th# th"ory that $ould !" #(("d#at"ly a))l#"d w"r"
$on#d"r"d !y th" (#l#tary, and on" r"ult of th# wa that th"y w"r" a!l" to
(a8" an "nt#r" h#) and #t $r"w turn #n&##!l"*
A$$ord#n% to A"rry La#lato #n h# !oo8, *ost Science, .ut )r#or to th" t#("
that th" Ph#lad"l)h#a E9)"r#("nt wa #n#t#at"d, 7a&al r""ar$h"r had !""n
"9)"r#"n$#n% tran%" )h"no("na that w"r" o("how r"lat"d to th"
"9tr"("ly h#%h a()"ra%" d#$har%" fro( th" )"$#al ar$ w"ld"r !"#n% u"d
to !u#ld h#) w#th ar(or )lat"d hull* A )"$#al )ro$" had !""n d"#%n"d
that allow"d th"( to w"ld th" "9tr"("ly th#$8 )lat#n%, and th" #nt"n"
"l"$tr#$al d#$har%" of th" w"ld"r wa $au#n% a tran%" >o)t#$al !la$8out0
"ff"$t* So(" of th" wor8"r w"r" alo "9)"r#"n$#n% what a))"ar"d to !"
n"urolo%#$al "ff"$t, #n$lud#n% hallu$#nat#on and "&"n (adn"* 2#l#tary
off#$#al aw th# tran%" "ff"$t a a )ot"nt#al w"a)on*
6th"r tran%" )h"no("na w"r" o$$urr#n% a w"ll* Aft"r )ow"r#n% u) th"
)"$#al $a)a$#tor that wa u"d #n th" ar$ w"ld#n% (a$h#n"ry, th" #nt"n"
d#$har%" would rout#n"ly ro$8 th" "nt#r" #t"* Wh"n wor8"r $o(("n$"d
th"#r dut#" 1ha&#n% )r"&#ouly $l"ar"d out of th" ar"a )r#or to th" )ow"r u)5,
th"y would d#$o&"r that th" tool th"y had l"ft ly#n% th"r" had d#a))"ar"d*
Th# wa #n&"t#%at"d furth"r, and h#%h')""d $a("ra w"r" "t u) to f#l(
th" "ff"$t* At f#rt, th"y had thou%ht th"y w"r" !"#n% d##nt"%rat"d !y th"
#nt"n" !lat of th" d#$har%", !ut th" $a("ra r"&"al"d that th# wa not th"
$a" at all* Th" o!."$t #()ly &an#h"d w#thout any tra$"*
T* Town"nd /rown wa on" of th" $#"nt#t !rou%ht #n to #n&"t#%at" th#
)h"no("non, wh#$h wa #(#lar to th" "l"$tro%ra&#t#$ "ff"$t h" had !""n
tudy#n%* Th" (#l#tary tart"d a $la#f#"d r""ar$h )ro%ra( to loo8 #nto th""
"ff"$t 1Pro."$t 4a#n!ow5, wh#$h l"d u) to th" "&"nt of th" all"%"d
Ph#lad"l)h#a E9)"r#("nt*
Th" na(" of T* Town"nd /rown, Al!"rt E#nt"#n, John &on 7"u(ann, and
7#8ola T"la ha&" !""n atta$h"d to th"" "9)"r#("nt* Th# (#%ht &"ry
)o#!ly ha&" !""n tru" #n th" $a" of /rown, and th" tory0 (or"
outra%"ou a)"$t (ay ha&" !""n #nt"nd"d to d#$r"d#t /rown and h#
ant#%ra&#ty wor8 #n ord"r to throw off #n&"t#%at#on #nto th"" (att"r*
/rown n"&"r r"fu"d th" truth of th"" "9)"r#("nt* @" r"(a#n"d al(ot
$o()l"t"ly #l"nt on th" tory, !ut # a#d to ha&" $onf#d"d to h# fr#"nd Joh
4"ynold o("t#(" !"for" h# d"ath #n 1F8D that th" tory wa J%r"atly
Th" (or" "9traord#nary "l"("nt of th# tory w#ll !" u"d to u))ort lat"r
$la#( 1(otly (ad" !y UF6 )ro)on"nt5 r"%ard#n% an #nt"rd#("n#onal
and=or t#("'tra&"l a)"$t to UF6 )h"no("na* Th" )ur)ort"d y()to(
uff"r"d !y th" $r"w that wa on !oard th" USS Eldr#d%" dur#n% th"
"9)"r#("nt u%%"t )art#al truth, #n that o(" of th"#r y()to( (at$h th"
8nown "ff"$t of "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ f#"ld on th" hu(an !ra#n*
,rr")"$t#&" of th" (or" "9traord#nary $la#( r"%ard#n% th"" "9)"r#("nt,
th" u" of "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ f#"ld to %"n"rat" radar #n&##!#l#ty # a t"$hn#-u"
u"d !y th" (#l#tary today*
3870 (Decem;er! : T* Town"nd /rown uff"r a n"r&ou !r"a8down and #
d#$har%"d fro( th" 7a&y* ?ould th# ha&" !""n du" to "9)our" to #nt"n"
"l"$tro(a%n"t#$ f#"ld, u$h a tho" u"d dur#n% th" Ph#lad"l)h#a
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3877 : Th" A"r(an d"&"lo) an "l"$tr#$al a))aratu that )rodu$" an
#nt"n" "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ f#"ld that w#ll #nt"rf"r" w#th th" o)"rat#on of an
"n%#n" fro( a d#tan$"* Th"y alo d"&"lo) a ("thod of radar #n&##!#l#ty !y
)rodu$#n% an o$#llat#n% $urr"nt that $orr")ond to th" radar fr"-u"n$y to
"ff"$t#&"ly $an$"l #t out* Th"" "ff"$t w#ll !" ""n to o$$ur -u#t" r"%ularly #n
(any UF6 #%ht#n% #n th" y"ar ah"ad*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3877 : Alow#n% or!, lat"r na("d >foo'f#%ht"r0, ar" f#rt #%ht"d !y !o(!"r
)#lot wh#l" fly#n% o&"r A"r(any* Th"" ar" (all, a))ar"ntly r"(ot"'
$ontroll"d o!."$t that how th" a(" %"n"ral (an"u&"ra!#l#ty a w#ll !"
w#tn""d #n UF6 #%ht#n% #n lat"r y"ar* Und"t"$ta!l" !y radar, th"y ar"
a!l" to %"t w#th#n a f"w hundr"d f""t of f#%ht"r ."t and lo$8 onto th"( for a
f"w (#nut"* S#%ht#n% of th"" foo'f#%ht"r #n A"r(an 8#" w#ll $ont#nu"
)orad#$ally throu%hout th" war, u%%"t#n% that th"y ar" o(" ort of
A"r(an "9)"r#("ntal $raft #n "arly o)"rat#onal d"&"lo)("nt*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3877 : T* Town"nd /rown !"%#n wor8#n% a a radar $onultant at
Lo$8h""d0 L"%a d#&##on #n /ur!an8, ?al#forn#a*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3877 (April! : At DF y"ar of a%", L#8tor S$hau!"r%"r # $all"d u) for a$t#&"
duty #n th" A"r(an Ar(y and ord"r"d to hand)#$8 a t"a( to wor8 w#th h#(
#n d"&"lo)#n% h# #n&"nt#on : an unuual "n"r%y d"&#$" that h" had !""n
wor8#n% on !"for" th" war* @" a))ar"ntly a$h#"&" u$$" w#th #t .ut !"for"
th" A"r(an0 urr"nd"r* 6n" r")ort fro( a t"a( ("(!"r w#ll tat" that on
th" f#rt att"()t to run th" au$"r'l#8" )ow"r )lant, #t ro" to th" $"#l#n%
tra#l#n% a !lu"'%r""n and th"n #l&"r %low* 6nly a f"w day aft"r th# t"t, an
A("r#$an %rou) w#ll how u) and "#+" "&"ryth#n%, )utt#n% S$hau!"r%"r
und"r )rot"$t#&" $utody*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3877 ("ovem;er! : Lon% !"for" th" "nd of World War ,,, a T"$hn#$al
,ndutr#al ,nt"ll#%"n$" ?o((#tt"" # "t u) !y th" US Jo#nt ?h#"f of Staff to
!"%#n #d"nt#fy#n% and lo$at#n% any A"r(an d"&"lo)("nt that $ould "r&" to
#()ro&" th" )otwar A("r#$an "$ono(y* Th# $o((#tt"" # #nt"r"t"d #n
(#l#tary, #ndutr#al, "l"$tron#$, and ("d#$al ad&an$"("nt* A u!$o((#tt""
$o()r##n% E80 )"$#ally tra#n"d )"o)l" r")r""nt 1G US $o()an#"* /"$au"
of th# "arly )r")arat#on, th" A("r#$an w#ll a$-u#r" th" %r"at"r )ort#on of th"
)o#l of war*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3877 : /"tty Andr"aon0 f#rt )ur)ort"d al#"n a!du$t#on at a%" "&"n* Th#
# th" "arl#"t 8nown a!du$t#on $a" on r"$ord* @"r futur" hu!and /o! Lu$a
a))ar"ntly ha a ")arat" "n$ount"r th# y"ar a w"ll, at th" a%" of f#&"*
/oth $a" ar" r"$all"d throu%h hy)not#$ r"%r"#on (any y"ar lat"r*
,n th" $a" of /"tty, h" w#ll r"("(!"r y"ar lat"r throu%h hy)not#$
r"%r"#on that h" # alon" #n h"r )layhou" wh"n a (all lu(#nou !all fl#"
#n and !u++" around h"r h"ad* ,n th" n"9t (o("nt h" fall !a$8ward and
# f""l#n% l"")y, and h" f""l o("th#n% #n h"r h"ad and th"n h"ar a
nu(!"r of &o#$" all tal8#n% to%"th"r* Th"y ay h" # J$o(#n% alon% f#n"K and
would !" r"ady #n a!out f#&" y"ar* Th" !"#n% t"ll h"r that th"y alo &##t
(any oth"r )"o)l", and that what th"y ar" do#n% # for th" %ood of (an8#nd*
Sh" w#ll ha&" anoth"r 1hy)not#$ally r"$all"d5 a!du$t#on #n$#d"nt #n f#&" y"ar*
,n th" $a" of /o!, h" # at th" "d%" of a wood"d ar"a wh"n h" #
a))roa$h"d !y a d#$'ha)"d o!."$t w#th a tran)ar"nt do(" on to)* Two
%r"y'8#nn"d !"#n% w#th lar%" h"ad $o((un#$at" to h#( &#a t"l")athy fro(
#n#d" th" o!."$t wh#l" h" #t )araly+"d, ay#n% that th"y ar" )r")ar#n% h#(
and oth"r for o("th#n% that w#ll !" %ood for (an8#nd #n th" futur"* /o! #
)ro%ra(("d !y th"" !"#n% to for%"t what"&"r "l" o$$ur dur#n% th#
#n$#d"nt* @" w#ll ha&" anoth"r "n$ount"r #n 1FBG 1a%a#n, ")arat" fro(
/"tty0 1FBG "n$ount"r5*
1S"" !oo8, The Watchers, !y 4ay(ond E* Fowl"r5
3877 : W#ll#a( Th"tford %raduat" fro( D"Pauw Un#&"r#ty* @" ta8" a .o!
a an ad(#n#trator for th" 2anhattan Pro."$t, u)"r&##n% $"rta#n !u#ld#n%
and )"rfor(#n% rad#at#on d"$onta(#nat#on* Aft"r th" !o(! ar" dro))"d on
@#roh#(a and 7a%aa8#, h" -u#t and "nroll #n a $our" !"#n% %#&"n !y Dr*
?arl 4o%"r on >?l#"nt'?"nt"r"d Py$hoth"ra)y0* @" oon !"$o(" 4o%"r0
t"a$h#n% a#tant, and th"n h# r""ar$h a#tant*
3877 : Al"#t"r ?rowl"y a))o#nt Ja$8 Paron a h"ad of th" A%a)" Lod%"
of th" 6T6 #n ?al#forn#a* Th# a(" y"ar, Paron found th" J"t Pro)ul#on
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Jac% Parsons 9 the "urious Origins of the American Space
Program, !y Th" 2a%#$#an5
3872 : A th" All#" ar" )lund"r#n% A"r(any at th" "nd of th" war, th"y
d#$o&"r that th" 7a+# had $ontru$t"d a lar%" nu(!"r of und"r%round
fa$#l#t#" wh"r" (ot of th"#r ad&an$"d t"$hnolo%#" w"r" !"#n% d"&"lo)"d*
Th"" fa$#l#t#" ar" "a$h fro( f#&" to tw"nty'#9 8#lo("t"r #n l"n%th* Th""
A"r(an und"r%round fa$#l#t#" w"r" alo lo$at"d #n Autr#a, Fran$", ,taly,
@un%ary, and ?+"$holo&a8#a* A))ro9#(at"ly 14E of th"( had !""n )ut #nto
)rodu$t#on .ut (onth !"for" th" war0 "nd, and anoth"r 10G w"r" #n
)lann#n% or )r")arat#on*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3872 : T* Town"nd /rown (o&" to @awa## aft"r th" war and $ont#nu" h#
wor8 on ant#%ra&#ty r""ar$h and # a $onultant at th" P"arl @ar!or 7a&y
Oard* @" d"(ontrat" h# %ra&#tator and t"th"r"d fly#n% d#$ to Ad(*
Arthur W* 4adford, ?o((and"r #n ?h#"f of th" US Pa$#f#$ Fl""t* Aft"r th"
d"(ontrat#on and an a))ar"ntly d##nt"r"t"d r")on" !y th" 7a&y, h"
%o" ho(" to f#nd that h# roo( ha !""n !ro8"n #nto and h# not"!oo8 ar"
(##n%* Th" 7a&y r"turn th"( to h#( "&"ral day lat"r* ,t # at th# )o#nt
that th" US (#l#tary ""( to ha&" tol"n /rown0 r""ar$h wor8 and tart"d
"$r"tly d"&"lo)#n% #t, #f th"y hadn0t alr"ady !""n*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3872 ' Ja$8 Paron, now Lod%" 2at"r of th" A%a)" Lod%" of th" 6rdo
T"()l# 6r#"nt#, (""t L* 4on @u!!ard* Paron # #()r""d !y @u!!ard and
wr#t" ?rowl"y to t"ll h#( a!out th" (an and h# d"#r" to "ta!l#h a >7"w
A"on0* Th# # o("th#n% that Paron and ?rowl"y ar" a))ar"ntly #nt"r"t"d
#n a w"ll* Paron l"t @u!!ard l#&" w#th h#( for th" n"9t f"w y"ar*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Jac% Parsons 9 the "urious Origins of the American Space
Program, !y Th" 2a%#$#an5
3872 (Septem;er 17! : A d#r"$t#&" wr#tt"n !y a "n#or USAAF f#"ld off#$"r
to A"n"ral 2$Donald, A#r For$" #nt"ll#%"n$" $h#"f at Wr#%ht F#"ld #n 6h#o,
tat" that:
$. #t is considered that the following have been thoroughly investigated and have proven
to have no basis of fact.
a. %emote #nterference with &ircraft
#nvestigations have been completed on this sub'ect and it is considered that there is no
means presently nown which was in development or use by the (erman &ir Force which
could interfere with the engines of aircraft in flight. &ll information available through
interrogations, e)uipment and documents has been thoroughly investigated and this
sub'ect may be closed with negative result.
b. *alls of Fire
&s far as can be determined from extensive interrogations, investigation of documents,
and field trips, there is no basis of fact in the reports made by aircrews concerning balls
of fire other than that phenomena similar to balls of fire may have been produced by 'et
aircraft or missiles. This sub'ect may be considered closed with negative results.
&. %. +ullivan, ,r.,
-t. .olonel, +ig. ..
A do$u("nt #n th" A#r For$" ar$h#&" how that th" A("r#$an a$tually did
f#nd "&#d"n$" that th" A"r(an w"r" d"&"lo)#n% !oth of th"" ty)" of
t"$hnolo%#"* Th" r"ult of any #n&"t#%at#on #nto th"" t"$hnolo%#" w"r"
th"r"for" l#8"ly to ha&" !""n -u#t" )o#t#&", and th# d#r"$t#&" wa a )#"$" of
d##nfor(at#on ("ant to )ut a l#d on th" (att"r and d"t"r furth"r
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3872 ($cto;er! : W#th th" "nd of World War ,,, th" 6SS # d#(antl"d*
3872 : W#th th" "nd of World War ,,, Pro."$t Pa)"r$l#) !"%#n !r#n%#n%
thouand of 7a+# $#"nt#t and "n%#n""r #nto th" US, $ont#nu#n% unt#l a
lat" a 1FF0* Th# w#ll #n$lud" ro$8"t $#"nt#t W"rn"r Lon /raun and Arthur
4udol)h, fly#n% au$"r d"#%n"r 4#$hard 2#"th", )hy#$#an @u!"rtu
Stru%hold, )hy#$#t W"rn"r @"#"n!"r%, (#nd'$ontrol "9)"rt Jo")h
2"n%"l", and h"ad of A"r("n #nt"ll#%"n$", 4"#nhard A"hl"n, a(on% oth"r*
A lar%" nu(!"r of th"( w#ll !" )y$holo%#t, )y$h#atr#t, and )hy#$#an*
Th"" $#"nt#t and do$tor w#ll !" )ut to wor8 for US (#l#tary and
#nt"ll#%"n$" a%"n$#", uually w#th#n (a.or front $o()an#"* Althou%h US
Pr"#d"nt @arry Tru(an "9)r"ly "9$lud"d anyon" found Jto ha&" !""n a
("(!"r of th" 7a+# Party, and (or" than a no(#nal )art#$#)ant #n #t
a$t#&#t#", or an a$t#&" u))ort"r of 7a+# (#l#tar#(,K th# "9$lu#on would
ha&" r"nd"r"d #n"l#%#!l" (ot of th" l"ad#n% $#"nt#t that had !""n
#d"nt#f#"d for r"$ru#t("nt, and o #t wa #%nor"d, and fal" "()loy("nt and
)ol#t#$al !#o%ra)h#" w"r" $r"at"d for th"( wh#l" th"#r 7a+# Party
("(!"rh#) and rM%#(" aff#l#at#on w"r" "9)un%"d fro( th" )u!l#$ r"$ord*
W#th#n a two y"ar )"r#od, an "t#(at"d 1,800 t"$hn#$#an and $#"nt#t,
alon% w#th E,G00 fa(#ly'("(!"r w#ll !" !rou%ht #nto th" USA* S$#"nt#t ar"
a#%n"d to u$h )la$" a Fort Stron%, 2aa$hu"ttI Fort /l#, T"9aI
Wh#t" Sand Pro&#n% Around, 7"w 2"9#$oI Wr#%ht F#"ldI Lo$8h""dI 2art#n
2ar#"ttaI 7orth A("r#$an A&#at#onI and oth"r a&#at#on $o()an#"* 4"#nhard
A"hl"n # a!l" to !r#n% (any of h# SS o&"r and #()lant th"( #nto th" ran8
of th" ?,A* @" alo !r#n% w#th h#( a (a#&" a(ount of #nt"ll#%"n$"
#nfor(at#on that h" had (#$rof#l("d .ut !"for" h# urr"nd"r*
A)art fro( Pro."$t Pa)"r$l#), th" ?,A arran%" for a )r#&at" #nt"ll#%"n$" fa$#l#ty
#n W"t A"r(any to !" "ta!l#h"d, and na(" #t th" A"hl"n 6r%an#+at#on*
Th# # u"d !y A"hl"n to "ta!l#h >rat l#n"0 to %"t 7a+# war $r#(#nal out of
Euro)" to a&o#d )ro"$ut#on* A"hl"n # a!l" to h"l) (or" than D,000 7a+#
"$a)" A"r(any and r"lo$at" around th" world, )art#$ularly #n South and
?"ntral A("r#$a* 2a (urd"r"r l#8" 3lau /ar!#" w#ll h"l) %o&"rn("nt "t
u) d"ath -uad #n ?h#l", Ar%"nt#na, El Sal&ador, and "l"wh"r"*
A lar%" nu(!"r of th" Pro."$t Pa)"r$l#) 7a+# ar" hard'$or" Satan#t and w#ll
$ont#nu" th"#r )ra$t#$" una!at"d on A("r#$an o#l, h"l)#n% to )r"ad atan#$
#d"olo%#" and )ra$t#$" unt#l th"y !"$o(" d"")ly root"d w#th#n th" (#l#tary,
#nt"ll#%"n$" a%"n$#" u$h a th" 7SA and ?,A, 7ASA, law "nfor$"("nt
a%"n$#" u$h a th" F/, and /ATF, lo$al and tat" )ol#$" for$", th" $ourt
yt"(, th" F"d"ral 4""r&" and Wall Str""t, th" "du$at#on yt"(, ho)#tal
and ("ntal #nt#tut#on, th" A@A, APA, A2A, and ADA, th" FDA, $#"n$" and
r""ar$h foundat#on, )otal "r&#$", th" $o((un#$at#on #ndutry,
tran)ortat#on u$h a a#rl#n", tra#n, road=h#%hway "r&#$", r"l#%#on, th"
"nt"rta#n("nt #ndutry, #n$lud#n% (o&#" )rodu$t#on, TL, (u#$ #ndutry and
$a#no, (a#ntr"a( ("d#a, (a.or $or)orat#on, ut#l#t#" u$h a %a,
"l"$tr#$, and o#l, "t$* Th"" Pa)"r$l#) 7a+# ar"n0t th" our$" of Satan#( #n
A("r#$a, how"&"r* Th"y ar" !rou%ht #nto th" US !y th" a(" Satan#t who
had h"l)"d @#tl"r r#" to )ow"r and fund"d h#( #n th" war "ffort* All"n Dull"
wa #ntru("ntal #n th#*
3872 : At th" "nd of World War ,,, A"n"ral 4"#nhard A"hl"n, th" h"ad of th"
7a+# SS and @#tl"r0 ?h#"f of ,nt"ll#%"n$" a%a#nt 4u#a, arr#&" #n
Wah#n%ton D? to (""t "9t"n#&"ly w#th Pr"#d"nt Tru(an, A"n"ral W#ll#a(
>W#ld /#ll0 Dono&an, D#r"$tor of th" 6ff#$" of Strat"%#$ S"r&#$" 16SS5 and
All"n Dull", who w#ll lat"r !"$o(" th" h"ad of th" futur" ?,A* Th" o!."$t#&"
of th"#r !ra#n'tor(#n% "#on # to r"or%an#+" th" A("r#$an #nt"ll#%"n$"
o)"rat#on, tranfor(#n% #t #nto a h#%hly'"ff#$#"nt $o&"rt or%an#+at#on* Th"
$ul(#nat#on of th"#r "ffort w#ll )rodu$" th" ?"ntral ,nt"ll#%"n$" Arou) #n
1F4B, wh#$h w#ll !" r"na("d th" ?"ntral ,nt"ll#%"n$" A%"n$y 1?,A5 #n 1F4G*
3872 : Th" 4o$8"f"ll"r #nflu"n$" th" "ta!l#h("nt of th" Un#t"d 7at#on*
3879 : Ja$8 Paron and L* 4on @u!!ard )"rfor( a "r#" of Eno$h#an "9
(a%#$8 r#tual #n an att"()t to $on$"#&" a >(oon $h#ld0 : a u)"rnatural
off)r#n% w#th ("#an#$ )ot"nt#al* Th"" r#tual w#ll !"$o(" 8nown a th"
>/a!alon Wor8#n%0* Th" r#tual draw lar%"ly fro( th" wr#t#n% of o$$ult#t
Al"#t"r ?rowl"y* Dur#n% th" r#tual, @u!!ard r")ort"dly $hann"l an "nt#ty
that # ("nt#on"d #n ?rowl"y0 The )oo% of the *a+* Paron wr#t" to
?rowl"y to #nfor( h#( of th#*
Th" /a!alon Wor8#n% w#ll lat"r !" $la#("d !y $"rta#n our$" to ha&" $r"at"d
an #nt"rd#("n#onal doorway #n our )a$"t#(" (atr#9, allow#n% non'"arthly
!"#n% to "nt"r our )art of th" un#&"r"* Th# $la#( w#ll !" u"d !y o(" to
"9)la#n th" (any tran%" UF6'r"lat"d a$t#&#t#" that w#ll !"%#n oon aft"r
Paron0 and @u!!ard0 "9)"r#("nt* Soon aft"r th" r#tual, Paron and
@u!!ard w#ll ha&" a fa#l"d !u#n" )artn"rh#) that w#ll r"ult #n a fall#n% out
!"tw""n th"( wh"n @u!!ard att"()t to (a8" off w#th all of Paron0
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Jac% Parsons 9 the "urious Origins of the American Space
Program, !y Th" 2a%#$#an5
3879 : Th" 6ff#$" of 7a&al 4""ar$h 16745 # for("d*
3879 : Th" 4A7D ?or)orat#on # "ta!l#h"d !y th" US Ar(y A#r For$" a
Pro."$t 4A7D* ,t # a %o&"rn("nt th#n8'tan8 #n&ol&"d #n d"&"lo)#n%
t"$hnolo%#" for th" (#l#tary* 6&"r th" y"ar, #t w#ll !" fund"d throu%h
%o&"rn("nt $ontra$t, un#&"r#ty $olla!orator, and >)r#&at" donor0* 4A7DH
)r#(ary a%"n$y $l#"nt w#ll #n$lud" th" ?,A and DA4PA 1D"f"n" Ad&an$"d
4""ar$h Pro."$t A%"n$y5* 4A7D wa $on$"#&"d !y Donald Dou%la, ?E6 of
Dou%la A#r$raft, alon% w#th two (#l#tary off#$"r lu(#nar#"* Th"" off#$"r
$arry w#th th"( #%n#f#$ant >UF6 h#tor#"0* Th"" off#$"r ar" 2a.or A"n"ral
?urt# L"2ay 1th" US A#r For$"H ?h#"f of D"&"lo)("nt5 and A"n"ral @a)
Arnold 1$on#d"r"d th" >fath"r0 of th" (od"rn US A#r For$"5* Th# or%an#+at#on
w#ll !" "$r"tly #n&ol&"d #n tudy#n% th" UF6 )h"no("non*
1S"" onl#n" art#$l", Deep Secrets of a 5'O Thin% Tan% ExposedA, !y Anthony
3879 : D"&"lo)("nt of th" E7,A? $o()ut"r !y th" US Ar(y, wh#$h # th"
f#rt %"n"ral )ur)o" $o()ut"r #n "9#t"n$"*
3879 : Th" f#rt 9'ray "&#d"n$" of "l"$tron#$ #()lant #n hu(an # (ad" at
th" 3arol#n8a @o)#tal #n Sto$8hol(, Sw"d"n*
3879 : 0*DQ of ho(" #n th" USA ha&" t"l"&##on "t*
3875 : Andr#.a Puhar#$h %raduat" fro( ("d#$al $hool at 7orthw"t"rn
Un#&"r#ty* Dur#n% h# y"ar th"r", h" ha d"&"lo)"d what h" $all th" Th"ory
of 7"r&" ?ondu$t#on, #n wh#$h h" )ro)o"d that th" n"uron rad#at" and
r"$"#&" wa&" of "n"r%y 1wh#$h h" $al$ulat"d to !" #n th" ultra'hortwa&"
!and !"low #nfrar"d and a!o&" th" radar )"$tru(5, and th"r"for" a$t a a
$"rta#n ty)" of rad#o r"$"#&"r'tran(#tt"r for th" tranf"r"n$" of thou%ht
fro( on" )"ron to anoth"r* @# th"ory # w"ll r"$"#&"d !y l"ad#n% $#"nt#t,
#n$lud#n% Jo" D"l%ado, who w#ll !"$o(" notor#ouly fa(ou a an 23ULT4A
$#"nt#t for $ondu$t#n% "9)"r#("nt #n "l"$tron#$ t#(ulat#on of th" !ra#n
u#n% #()lant*
3875 (:*ne 13! : 2aury ,land UF6 #%ht#n% #n Wah#n%ton Stat"* Th# $a"
tart w#th th" $la#( of a #%ht#n% of #9 UF6 !y a (an na("d @arold A,
Dahl, h# on ?harl", and two oth"r $r"w("n on !oard a !oat #n Pu%"t
Sound* A$$ord#n% to Dahl0 tory, ("tal d"!r# had fall"n off on" of th" UF6,
8#ll#n% Dahl0 do% and !urn#n% th" ar( of h# on* So(" of th" d"!r# wa
r"tr#"&"d and Dahl $la#("d to ha&" ta8"n )hoto%ra)h of th" UF6* Dahl
r")ort"d th" #%ht#n% to h# "()loy"r, Fr"d L"" ?r#(an, who # u))o"dly
th" har!or )atrol(an at Ta$o(a, Wah#n%ton*
Th" n"9t day, on Jun" 22nd, Dahl # &##t"d !y a (yt"r#ou >(an #n a dar8
u#t0 dr#&#n% a n"w !la$8 /u#$8 1th" f#rt 2,/ #n$#d"nt on r"$ord5, who warn
Dahl that #f h" lo&" h# fa(#ly h" houldn0t tal8 a!out what h" had ""n* Th"
(an ""( to alr"ady 8now all a!out th" "&"nt of th" )r"&#ou day*
?r#(an #n&"t#%at" Dahl0 $la#( for h#("lf on that "$ond day, and f#nd a
%r"at d"al (or" of th" d"!r# wh"r" Dahl a#d th" #%ht#n% had o$$urr"d*
?r#(an alo $la#( to ha&" ""n anoth"r UF6 at that t#("*
Soon aft"r th#, #n July, ?r#(an wr#t" a l"tt"r to 4ay(ond Pal("r, "d#tor of
Ama:ing Stories (a%a+#n", a!out th" #n$#d"nt* ,n turn, Pal("r wr#t" to
3"nn"th Arnold, who had h# own UF6 #%ht#n% thr"" day aft"r th" 2aury
,land #n$#d"nt 1"" n"9t "ntry5, and a8 Arnold to #n&"t#%at" th" #n$#d"nt
for h#(, )ay#n% h#( P200 for h# trou!l"* Arnold # a#t"d #n th"
#n&"t#%at#on !y a fr#"nd, Un#t"d A#rl#n" ?a)ta#n E* J* S(#th*
6n July 2Fth, Arnold arr#&" #n Ta$o(a to #nt"r&#"w Dahl* U)on arr#&#n%, h"
""8 out a hot"l to tay at, and f#nd that an un8nown )"ron had alr"ady
!oo8"d a roo( for h#( at th" W#nthro) @ot"l* Wh"n h" $onta$t Dahl that
day, th" latt"r # r"lu$tant to tal8 to h#(, ay#n% that h" had !""n ha&#n% a
run of !ad lu$8 : h" n"arly lot !oth h# .o! and h# on, and h# w#f" had
udd"nly !"$o(" #$8* @" attr#!ut"d th"" )ro!l"( to th" thr"at !y th"
(yt"r#ou 2,/* @ow"&"r, wh"n Arnold t"ll h#( who h" #, Dahl r"l"nt and
a%r"" to tal8 to h#(*
6n July E0th, Dahl # #nt"r&#"w"d !y Arnold* @" $la#( that th" )hoto h"
too8 had tran%" )ot on th"(, !ut th" )hoto ar" n"&"r )rodu$"d a
"&#d"n$"* Dahl had a))ar"ntly "nt o(" of th" d"!r# to Pal("r, and Pal("r
$la#( that #t wa tol"n out of h# off#$", !ut not !"for" h" had o(" of #t
analy+"d* Pal("r $la#( that th" r"ult of th" analy# how that #t # n"#th"r
la% nor natural ro$8* Dahl had d"$r#!"d an "9tr"("ly l#%ht, wh#t" fo#l'l#8"
("tal 1#(#lar to what wa found at th" 4ow"ll $rah5, !ut noth#n% l#8" what
h" d"$r#!"d # to !" found a(on% any of th" d"!r# that had !""n r"tr#"&"d*
Th" #n&"t#%at#on w#ll "&"ntually r"&"al that Dahl and ?r#(an w"r"n0t
a$tually har!or )atrol("n, !ut .ut al&a%"r*
Dur#n% Arnold0 #n&"t#%at#on, a r")ort"r fro( Un#t"d Pr" r"$"#&" $all fro(
an un8nown )"ron who #nfor( th" r")ort"r of "&"ryth#n% that # d#$u"d
!"tw""n Arnold, S(#th, Dahl, and ?r#(an #n Arnold0 hot"l roo(, wh#$h th"
r")ort"r r")"at"d !a$8 to Arnold* Arnold $on$lud" that th" roo( ha !""n
!u%%"d, !ut a "ar$h of th" roo( turn u) noth#n%*
6n July E1t, two Ar(y A#r ?or) 6ff#$"r, F#rt L#"ut"nant Fran8 2* /rown
fro( @a(#lton AF/, ?al#forn#a, and ?a)ta#n W#ll#a( L* Da&#don, ar" "nt at
Arnold0 r"-u"t to #n&"t#%at" th" UF6 r")ort* A%a#n, th" Un#t"d Pr" ar"
alr"ady awar" of th" off#$"r0 #n&ol&"("nt, and $all Arnold to a8 h#( why
th"y ar" (""t#n% w#th h#(* Th" only )"o)l" Arnold ha told a!out th"( ar"
S(#th, Dahl, and ?r#(an* Th" two off#$"r (""t w#th Arnold and ?r#(an
1Dahl do"n0t how u)5, and r"tr#"&" a !o9 of th" d"!r# fro( ?r#(an
!"for" h"ad#n% to @a(#lton AF/ fro( 2$?hord AF/ on a /'2D* A))ar"ntly,
/rown, Da&#don, and Arnold all f""l that th# #n$#d"nt # a hoa9, and /rown
and Da&#don #nfor( a 2a.or A"or%" Sand"r at 2$?hord AF/ of th# o)#n#on
!"for" l"a&#n% w#th th" d"!r# #n th"#r )lan" on Au%ut 1t* Sand"r alo
tat" that h" th#n8 #t # a hoa9, !ut for o(" r"aon # n"&"rth"l"
d"t"r(#n"d that all )#"$" of th" d"!r# #n th"#r )o"#on ar" %ath"r"d u)*
Th" off#$"r0 )lan" u!"-u"ntly $rah", 8#ll#n% !oth ("n, wh#l" thr"" oth"r
on th" )lan" ar" a!l" to !a#l out af"ly* Th" (yt"ry $all"r to Un#t"d Pr"
alo 8now th" na(" of th"" two off#$"r #n )#t" of th" fa$t that th"#r
na(" w"r" n"&"r r"l"a"d, and th" $all"r "&"n $la#( that th" )lan" had
!""n hot down* Th" $rah (a8" lo$al and nat#onal n"w, #n wh#$h #t #
("nt#on"d that th" )lan" wa $arry#n% >au$"r )art0* ,t # lat"r $on$lud"d
that th" $all"r who r")ort"d #t wa non" oth"r than ?r#(an*
At o(" )o#nt 1a$$ord#n% to author 3"&#n 4andl"5, Dahl and ?r#(an !oth
a))ar"ntly ad(#t that th" d"!r# had !""n noth#n% (or" than la% fro( a
lo$al ("lt"r, and that th" whol" tory wa (ad" u)* @ow"&"r, (u$h lat"r #n
th" January 1FD0 #u" of 'ate (a%a+#n" 1anoth"r (a%a+#n" "d#t"d !y
4ay(ond Pal("r5, ?r#(an $la#( #n a l"tt"r to th" "d#tor that th" 2aury
,land #n$#d"nt wa not a hoa9*
/y Au%ut 2nd, Dahl and ?r#(an ha&" !oth d#a))"ar"d and ar" nowh"r" to
!" found*
6n h# way ho(" aft"r th" #n&"t#%at#on, on Au%ut Erd, Arnold $rah" h#
)lan" du" to a faulty fu"l &al&", !ut # unhurt* Wh"th"r th" )lan" wa
ta()"r"d w#th or not # un8nown*
,t # lat"r d#$o&"r"d that ?r#(an had wr#tt"n to Ama:ing Stories (a%a+#n" a
y"ar "arl#"r 1Jun" 1F4B5, warn#n% a!out )u!l#h#n% oth"r tor#" that Pal("r
had !""n f"atur#n% #n h# (a%a+#n" a!out und"rworld $r"atur" 18nown a
th" >Sha&"r 2yt"ry05, $la#(#n% that #t wa all tru"* @" t"ll Pal("r that h"
had $o(" a$ro th"" $r"atur" and a futur#t#$ la"r w"a)on #n A#a wh#l"
"r&#n% #n an a&#at#on un#t $all"d th" S"$ond A#r ?o((ando* ?r#(an0
8nowl"d%" of th# (#l#tary un#t r"&"al"d that h" )ro!a!ly had t#" to th"
(#l#tary, wh"th"r or not h" wa a$tually #n that un#t* @" alo $la#("d to ha&"
"r&"d #n th" 6SS 1th" )r"$uror to th" ?,A5* O"ar lat"r, ?,A do$u("nt w#ll
r"&"al that h" had #nd""d "r&"d #n th" 6SS a a l#a#on off#$"r to th" /r#t#h
4oyal A#r For$" dur#n% WW,,, and wa lat"r tranf"rr"d to th" 1y"t to !"
for("d5 ?,A, wh"r" h" a$t"d a an >"9t"nd"d a%"nt0, )"$#al#+#n% #n
>d#ru)t#on a$t#&#t#"0*
6n Au%ut 18th, 1F4G, a r"$o(("ndat#on #u"d !y Lt* ?olon"l Donald
S)r#n%"r, th" Ar(y A#r ?or) #nt"ll#%"n$" off#$"r at @a(#lton AF/, tat" that
Jin vie+ of the reported statements made 4y &r( "risman that consideration
4e given to revo%e his Air Reserve commission and flying status as an
undesira4le and unrelia4le officerK*
?r#(an w#ll "&"ntually turn u) a%a#n #n th" 1FB0 dur#n% 7"w 6rl"an0
d#tr#$t attorn"y J#( Aarr#on0 #n&"t#%at#on of ?lay Shaw #n r"lat#on to th"
3"nn"dy aa#nat#on, and w#ll !" #d"nt#f#"d a on" of th" thr"" ho!o who
w"r" )#$8"d u) #n th" ra#lroad yard oon aft"r th" hoot#n%* ?r#(an and
Shaw a))ar"ntly 8now "a$h oth"r w"ll, #n$" h" # th" f#rt )"ron Shaw w#ll
$all wh"n h" # arr"t"d* @" # alo w"ll 8nown to 2#$ha"l 4#$ono$#uto, a
w#tn" who w#ll t"t#fy !"for" th" @ou" Jud#$#ary ?o((#tt"" #n&"t#%at#n%
th" ,nlaw Affa#r* ,n ?r#(an0 o!#tuary aft"r h# d"ath on D"$"(!"r 10th,
1FGD, #t w#ll !" tat"d that h" had r"$"#&"d th" D#t#n%u#h"d S"r&#$" ?ro,
althou%h no )roof of th# w#ll !" found* Why h" would ha&" r"$"#&"d #t $an
only !" %u""d at*
Th" d"ta#l that ha&" "("r%"d r"%ard#n% th# #n$#d"nt how that Fr"d
?r#(an wa th" $"ntral f#%ur" #n a )ur)o"ful UF6 hoa9, and wa (ot l#8"ly
att"()t#n% to $r"at" th" a))"aran$" that th" (att"r wa h#%hly "n#t#&" and
"&"n dan%"rou* @" ""( to ha&" !""n wor8#n% #n th" !a$8%round dur#n%
th" #n&"t#%at#on to %#&" th" #n$#d"nt w#d" )u!l#$#ty and $r"at" an a#r of
(yt"ry !y anony(ouly t#))#n% off th" Un#t"d Pr" r")ort"r 1and "nd#n%
an a%"nt to thr"at"n Dahl #nto #l"n$"5, a w"ll a !y $au#n% th" )lan"
$rah" #n ord"r to d#)o" of th" fal" "&#d"n$" and th" dou!tful
#n&"t#%ator, "&"n %o#n% o far a to $au" th"#r d"ath* Th" r"ult ""( to
ha&" !""n to %"t th" tory out to th" )u!l#$ 1&#a Un#t"d Pr"5 wh#l"
"l#(#nat#n% all )o#!#l#ty of )ro&#n% #t wa a hoa9* Dahl (ay ha&" !""n
$au%ht u) a a w#tt#n% a$$o()l#$" #n th" hoa9 at ?r#(an0 ur%#n% unt#l h"
wa thr"at"n"d !y th" (yt"r#ou 2,/, at wh#$h )o#nt h" d#d h# !"t to
"9tr#$at" h#("lf fro( th" (att"r, %#&"n th" $#r$u(tan$" of h# #n#t#al
#n&ol&"("nt a th" (a#n w#tn"* Th" r"-u"t !y 4ay(ond Pal("r 1a )"ron
of du!#ou $hara$t"r w#th )ro!a!l" t#" to #nt"ll#%"n$" a%"n$#"5 for Arnold to
#n&"t#%at" th" #n$#d"nt oon aft"r Arnold0 own UF6 #%ht#n% (ay ha&" !""n
d"#%n"d to %#&" th" tory "&"n %r"at"r )u!l#$#ty, #n$" Arnold wa alr"ady #n
th" )u!l#$ )otl#%ht at th" t#(", and wa a trut"d #nd#&#dual*
1S"" A Different Perspective! The &aury sland 5'O "rash, !y 3"&#n 4andl"I
&aury sland ncident, at w#8#)"d#aI 'red "risman, at w#8#)"d#a5
3875 (:*ne 17! : 3"nn"th Arnold (a8" th" f#rt )u!l#$ r")ort of a UF6
#%ht#n%* Jut thr"" day aft"r th" 2aury ,land #n$#d"nt o$$ur !ut !"for" #t
# r")ort"d to anyon", 3"nn"th Arnold (a8" h"adl#n" n"w wh"n h" r")ort
)ott#n% n#n" UF6 o&"r 2t* 4a#n#"r #n Wah#n%ton Stat" wh#l" h"l)#n% to
"ar$h for a $rah"d a#r)lan" #n th" ar"a* ,n h# d"$r#)t#on to r")ort"r, h" #
th" f#rt to u" th" t"r( >fly#n% au$"r0*
3875 (:*ly 7! : L" than two w""8 aft"r th" &"ry f#rt r")ort"d UF6
#%ht#n% !y 3"nn"th Arnold, th" ru(or"d UF6 $rah #n 4ow"ll, 7"w 2"9#$o
3875 (:*ly 6-8! : 7"w)a)"r r")ort ar" (ad" of 4ow"ll $rah and a
u!"-u"nt $o&"r'u) !"%#n*
3875 (Septem;er! : Th" ?"ntral ,nt"ll#%"n$" A%"n$y 1?,A5 # for("d* ,t
ta8" u) wh"r" th" 6SS had l"ft off #n 1F4D* 4"ar Ad(#ral 4o$o" @*
@#ll"n8o"tt"r # a))o#nt"d a th" f#rt D#r"$tor* Pro."$t Pa)"r$l#) 7a+# who
wor8"d for 4"#nhard A"hl"n0 A"r("n #nt"ll#%"n$" "r&#$" ar" %#&"n
)o#t#on #n th# n"w a%"n$y*
3875 (Septem;er! : Th" )ur)ort"d "$r"t %rou) 8nown a 2J'12 #
$r"at"d* ,t )ur)o" # to #n&"t#%at" UF6*
3875 (Septem;er 10! : A ("(o wr#tt"n !y L#"ut"nant A"n"ral 7athan
Tw#n#n%, h"ad of US Ar(y A#r For$"0 A#r 2at"r#"l ?o((and, to /r#%ad#"r
A"or%" S$hul%"n, a "n#or USAAF taff off#$"r #n Wah#n%ton, w#th th"
u!."$t h"ad#n% JA2? 6)#n#on ?on$"rn#n% >Fly#n% D#$0K, tat" #n )art:
There are ob'ects probably approximating the shape of a disc, of such appreciable si/e
as to appear to be as large as man0made aircraft1 The reported operating characteristics
such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability 2particularly in roll3, and action which
must be considered evasive when sighted. 415 #t is possible, within the present 6.+.
nowledge 7 provided extensive detailed development is undertaen 7 to construct a
piloted aircraft which has the general description of the ob'ect above which would be
capable of an approximate range of 8,999 miles at subsonic speeds.!
,t # "nt#r"ly )o#!l" that th"" o!."$t ar" "9)"r#("ntal $raft that or#%#nat"
fro( a (#l#tary !ran$h oth"r than th" Ar(y, and that Tw#n#n% # not awar" of
th" fa$t*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3875 (Decem;er 3! : Th" day of Al"#t"r ?rowl"y0 d"ath* Wh"n L* 4on
@u!!ard h"ar of th" d"ath, h" d"$#d" to ado)t ?rowl"y0 "lf'a))o#nt"d
t#tl" of >th" Ar"at /"at BBB0* @u!!ard !"%#n (a8#n% )lan to "ta!l#h h#
"9tr"("ly $ult#h ?hur$h of S$#"ntolo%y, !a#n% #t on a )h#loo)hy and
("ntal'h"alth 1(#nd'$ontrol5 yt"( h" ha !""n wor8#n% on that h" $all
>D#an"t#$0* Althou%h h" w#ll $la#( that th# wor8 or#%#nat" "nt#r"ly fro(
h#("lf, #t w#ll lar%"ly r"fl"$t th" "arl#"r wor8 of Alfr"d 3or+y!8#, )u!l#h"d
a far !a$8 a 1FED*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", #olly+ood, Satanism, Scientology and Suicide5
3875 : What w#ll !"$o(" on" of th" (ot u$$"ful Ta&#to$8 offhoot
or%an#+at#on, th" 7at#onal Tra#n#n% La!orator#" 17TL5, # found"d 1lat"r
r"na("d th" 7TL ,nt#tut" for A))l#"d /"ha&#oral S$#"n$"5* Lo$at"d #n
/"th"l, 2a#n", th" (##on of th" 7TL # to %#&" >%rou) dyna(#$0 "#on to
A("r#$an l"ad"r* Dur#n% %rou) "#on, d#onan$" or tr" # #ntrodu$"d
to d"troy th" #nd#&#dualH )r"&#ou !"l#"f, and th"n a n"w, %rou)'or#"nt"d
)"ronal#ty # $oa9"d forth* Th# w#ll !"$o(" th" )r#(ary t"$hn#$al ("thod
u"d !y a (yr#ad of Ta&#to$8'#nflu"n$"d >"n#t#&#ty0 %rou) l#8" Alanon and
Eal"n* ,n th" y"ar to $o(", th" (a.or#ty of A("r#$aH $or)orat" l"ad"r w#ll
!" )ro$""d #n 7TL0 )ro%ra(, a w#ll !" ("(!"r of &ar#ou "%("nt of
th" %o&"rn("nt, #n$lud#n% th" 7a&y, th" D")art("nt of Edu$at#on, and th"
Stat" D")art("nt*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3875 : Th" "$r"t U3USA A%r""("nt # #%n"d !"tw""n th" US and /r#ta#n,
and oon aft"r add#n% ?anada, Autral#a, and 7"w U"aland, $r"at#n% a
worldw#d" l#t"n#n% n"twor8 for "l"$tron#$ $o((un#$at#on* 7orway,
D"n(ar8, A"r(any, and Tur8"y would "&"ntually .o#n a th#rd')arty
)art#$#)ant* Ea$h of th" f#&" (a#n $ountr#" #n&ol&"d ar" r")on#!l" for
o&"r""#n% ur&"#llan$" of d#ff"r"nt )art of th" %lo!"* Th" a%r""("nt
r"-u#r" that !"for" anyon" # ad(#tt"d to 8nowl"d%" of th" n"twor8
o)"rat#on, th"y (ut f#rt und"rta8" a l#f"lon% $o((#t("nt to "$r"$y*
E&"ry #nd#&#dual wor8#n% for th# n"twor8 (ut !" >#ndo$tr#nat"d0 and, oft"n
>r"'#ndo$tr#nat"d0 "a$h t#(" th"y ar" ad(#tt"d to 8nowl"d%" of a )"$#f#$
)ro."$t* Th"y ar" )r#&y to #nfor(at#on on a tr#$tly n""d'to'8now !a#, and
th" n""d for total "$r"$y a!out th"#r wor8 # $ontant* All #nfor(at#on
)a#n% throu%h th# n"twor8 # $o()art("ntal#+"d and r"l#" on )"$#ally
a#%n"d $od" word for a$$"* Th# "$r"t n"twor8 # th" root of th" lat"r
E?@EL67 %lo!al ur&"#llan$" yt"(* ,t # th" f#rt %lo!al W#d" Ar"a 7"twor8
1WA75, $onn"$t#n% #%nal #nt"ll#%"n$" 1S,A,7T5 and )ro$"#n% tat#on* ,t
won0t !" unt#l th" (#d'1FF0 that th" ,nt"rn"t w#ll !"$o(" lar%"r than th#
"$r"t n"twor8* ,t w#ll #n$or)orat" th" 7SA0 #nt"rnal "(a#l yt"(, wh#$h w#ll
r"(a#n $o()l"t"ly ")arat" fro( r"%ular ,nt"rn"t "(a#l yt"(, )ro&#d#n%
$o()l"t" "$ur#ty of $o((un#$at#on w#th#n th# h#%hly "$r"t#&"
1S"" onl#n" f#l", nside Echelon, !y Dun$an ?a()!"ll5
3875 : Th" 6ff#$" of 7a&al ,nt"ll#%"n$" 167,5 tart Pro."$t ?@ATTE4, wh#$h
d"l&" #nto th" 7a+# "$r"t (#nd $ontrol "9)"r#("nt* Th" )ro."$t # #n&ol&"d
#n "9tra$t#n% #nfor(at#on fro( u!."$t a%a#nt th"#r w#ll w#thout #nfl#$t#n%
har( or )a#n*
3875 : Th" A#r For$"0 Pro."$t S,A7 # #n#t#at"d, w#th th" )ur)o" of tudy#n%
UF6 #n r"lat#on to th"#r )"rfor(an$" and )ur)o"*
3875 : /r#t#h $#"nt#t D"nn# Aa!or d"&"lo) th" th"ory of holo%ra)hy
wh#l" wor8#n% to #()ro&" th" r"olut#on of an "l"$tron (#$ro$o)"*
3876 : L* 4on @u!!ard # #n&#t"d to att"nd a (""t#n% of th" Lo An%"l"
Fantay and S$#"n$" F#$t#on So$#"ty* @" a%r"" to %o, and att"nd "&"ral of
th"#r (""t#n%, u#n% th"( a an o))ortun#ty to furth"r !oat a!out h#
"9a%%"rat"d a$h#"&"("nt and a!#l#t#"* 6n" $hara$t"r#t#$ that h" do"
a$tually )o" # th" a!#l#ty to hy)not#+" )"o)l", and h" %#&" a
d"(ontrat#on, $au#n% on" )"ron to th#n8 h" wa hold#n% a )a#r of
(#n#atur" 8an%aroo #n h# hand, anoth"r th#n8#n% th" floor wa %"tt#n%
hott"r and hott"r, anoth"r who would #(("d#at"ly fall al"") wh"n"&"r
@u!!ard $rat$h"d h# no", "t$* 6th"r who w#tn" h# hy)not#$ a!#l#t#"
w#ll tat" that h" $ould )ut o(" )"o)l" #nto a hy)not#$ tran$" #n "$ond*
Th# )"r#od w#ll alo (ar8 a $han%" #n @u!!ard0 #nt"r"t fro( $#"n$"'
f#$t#on to )h#loo)hy, a h" !"%#n to #ntrodu$" h# #d"a a!out ("ntal h"alth,
wh#$h h" w#ll $all >D#an"t#$0* ,n th" n"9t y"ar, @u!!ard w#ll $on&#n$" John W*
?a()!"ll, th" "d#tor of Astounding Science 'iction (a%a+#n", of th" ("r#t of
h# t"$hn#-u" #n u#n% hy)no# to $ur" ("ntal a!"rrat#on and
)y$hoo(at#$ #lln""* ?a()!"ll w#ll !"$o(" th" f#rt $o((#tt"d d#$#)l" of
D#an"t#$* Throu%h ?a()!"ll, @u!!ard # alo a!l" to $on&#n$" a ("d#$al
do$tor !y th" na(" of Dr* Jo")h W#nt"r of th" ("r#t of h# t"$hn#-u", and
th" thr"" ("n w#ll $ont#nu" to d"&"lo) and r"f#n" th"( furth"r, !r#n%#n% #n
"&"ral oth"r #nt"r"t"d )art#" o&"r t#("* Th"y w#ll !" 8nown dur#n% th#
t#(" a th" >/ay @"ad ?#r$l"0*
1S"" !oo8, )are0'aced &essiah, !y 4u"ll 2#ll"r5
3876 : Lou# Joly#n W"t %raduat" fro( th" Un#&"r#ty of 2#nn"ota S$hool
of 2"d#$#n"* @" # alr"ady "nl#t"d #n th" US Ar(y, tat#on"d #n th"#r
S)"$#al#+"d Tra#n#n% Pro%ra(* @" w#ll !" #n $har%" of th" US %o&"rn("nt0
"$r"t (#nd'$ontrol r""ar$h )ro%ra( 123ULT4A5 #n th" y"ar ah"ad*
3876 : Th" US 7a&y all"%"dly !"%#n Pro."$t P"n%u#n, h"ad"d !y a (an
na("d 4"9ford Dan#"l, who )r"&#ouly tud#"d th" "ff"$t of
"l"$tro(a%n"t#$ wa&" on hu(an !"#n%* Th" )ur)o" of th# all"%"d )ro."$t
# to t"t #nd#&#dual who ha&" )y$h#$ a!#l#t#"* Andr#.a Puhar#$h w#ll lat"r
$la#( to ha&" !""n #n&ol&"d #n th# )ro."$t* Th" US 7a&y w#ll lat"r d"ny th"
"9#t"n$" of th# )ro."$t*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Ratting Out Puharich, !y T"rry L* 2#ln"r5
3876 : Pro."$t S,A7 # r"na("d Pro."$t A4UDAE*
3876 : A$$ord#n% to Ja(" ?a!olt, Pro."$t A7L,L # tart"d #n /r#ta#n* Th#
# a#d to !" a %"n"t#$ !loodl#n" tudy to lo$at" %#ft"d $h#ldr"n for u" #n
")#ona%" o)"rat#on* ,n th" 1FD0 th" na(" w#ll !" $han%"d to Pro."$t
3876 : /"ha&#oral )y$holo%#t /* F* S8#nn"r wr#t" Walden T+o, a no&"l
a!out l#f" #n a uto)#an $o((un#ty $r"at"d on h# )r#n$#)l" of o$#al
"n%#n""r#n%, #n wh#$h 1,000 #nd#&#dual ar" allow"d to l#&" th" (ot
("an#n%ful and fulf#ll#n% l#f" )o#!l"* ,n th# uto)#an $o((un#ty th"r" # no
d"(o$ra$y and "&"ryth#n% # run !y !"ha&#oral "n%#n""r*
3876 : A$$ord#n% to f"d"ral f#l", th" ?,A0 6)"rat#on 6$to)u # #n full w#n%
at th# t#("* Th# # a ur&"#llan$" )ro%ra( that $an turn any t"l"&##on "t
w#th tu!" #nto a !road$at tran(#tt"r* A%"nt of 6$to)u $an )#$8 u) aud#o
and &#ual #(a%" w#th th" "-u#)("nt a far a 2D (#l" away*
3876 ' Th" Sw"d#h $h#ldr"n0 ho)#tal, Sa$h8a /arn.u8hu"t, tart an
"9)"r#("ntal )ro."$t that #n&ol&" #()lant#n% "l"$trod" #n th" !ra#n of
n"w!orn !a!#"* Th" a(" ty)" of )ro."$t ar" %o#n% on #n oth"r $ountr#",
#n$lud#n% th" US, /r#ta#n, and 7"w U"aland*
3876 (Decem;er 14! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h r"$"#&" a ("d#$al d#$har%" fro(
th" US Ar(y* @" d"$#d" to &##t h# fath"r and t")(oth"r #n ?h#$a%o !"for"
%o#n% to 7"w Oor8 and /oton to (""t oth"r $#"nt#t to d#$u h# th"or#"
on n"r&" $ondu$t#on* Wh#l" to))#n% #n ?a(d"n, 2a#n", to &##t a fr#"nd
na("d Ulat8o /alo8o&#$ and h# w#f" Joy$", h" # #ntrodu$"d to th" #d"a that
th"r" ar" !"#n% w#th u)"rhu(an a!#l#t#" who $an l#&" out#d" of )a$" and
t#(" a w" 8now #t, and $an "nt"r our )hy#$al world wh"n"&"r th"y $hoo"
to, a))"ar#n% a l#&#n% )"o)l"* ,t # u%%"t"d to h#( that J"u ?hr#t wa
on" of th"" !"#n%* Th# #d"a l"ad Puhar#$h to !"%#n ta8#n% a "r#ou
#nt"r"t #n )y$h#$ )h"no("na* Th" /alo8o&#$, who ar" -u#t" w"althy, off"r
h#( a )la$" to l#&" at th"#r %u"thou", wh"r" h" # a!l" to !"%#n h# r""ar$h
#nto n"r&"'$ondu$t#on* @" w#ll !" %#&"n th" u" of a n"#%h!or0 !arn for h#
la!oratory* Th" /alo8o&#$0 w#ll !"%#n to t#r u) #nt"r"t #n Puhar#$h a(on%
th"#r r#$h and #nflu"nt#al fr#"nd, l"ad#n% to th" $r"at#on of a (all fund for h#
r""ar$h* @" w#ll u" th"" fund to !u#ld h# own "l"$tron#$ "-u#)("nt a
w"ll a a Faraday $a%" to hou" #t all*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3878 : Thr"" y"ar old Ur# A"ll"r # all"%"dly &##t"d !y a UF6, aft"r wh#$h
1four y"ar lat"r5 h" !"%#n to d"&"lo) tron% )y$h#$ a!#l#t#"* @" w#ll not
"" anoth"r UF6 unt#l h" (""t Andr#.a Puhar#$h #n 1FG1, wh"n h" w#ll !"%#n
to "" th"( r")"at"dly throu%hout th"#r ao$#at#on*
1S"" !oo8, 5ri! A Journal of the &ystery of 5ri 6eller, !y Andr#.a Puhar#$h5
3878 : Andr#.a Puhar#$h found th" 4ound Ta!l" Foundat#on of
El"$tro!#olo%y, wh#$h, althou%h #t # or#%#nally #nt"r"t"d #n r""ar$h#n%
n"uro)hy#olo%y, w#ll oon !"$o(" #n&ol&"d #n "9)lor#n% )y$h#$ )h"no("na,
)art#$ularly $hann"l#n%* @# (ot )ro(#n"nt )y$h#$ ("d#u( dur#n% th#
)"r#od w#ll !" E#l""n Aarr"tt and P"t"r @ur8o* Two oth"r )y$h#$ that
Puhar#$h w#ll u" #n h# r""ar$h ar" /o!!y @orn" 1who w#ll al(ot !" l"d to
u#$#d" !y th" "9)"r#"n$"5, and Phyll# S$hl"(("r 1who w#ll $ont#nu" to
$hann"l >"nt#t#"0 for th" n"9t tw"nty y"ar and %a#n w#d" r"$o%n#t#on5*
Puhar#$h0 %rou) w#ll attra$t o(" &"ry w"althy !a$8"r, #n$lud#n% for("r US
&#$"')r"#d"nt @"nry A* Walla$" 1a Th"oo)h#t and EE
d"%r"" 2aon, and
th" )"ron r")on#!l" for th" ,llu(#nat# y(!ol#( on th" US on" dollar !#ll5,
4uth For!" Ooun% 1of th" For!" dynaty5 and h"r hu!and, Arthur 2*
Ooun% 1#n&"ntor of th" /"ll h"l#$o)t"r5, Al#$" /ou&"r#" 1h"#r" to th" Ator
dynaty5, and S#r John Wh#t(or" 1(ult#(#ll#ona#r" and for("r ra$" $ar
dr#&"r5* E#l""n Aarr"tt alo #ntrodu$" Puhar#$h to th" %r"at "l"$tron#$
#n&"ntor, John @ay" @a((ond, Jr*, who th"r"aft"r !"$o(" h# $lo" fr#"nd
and ("ntor* Puhar#$h w#ll alo ha&" (any $onn"$t#on to oth"r w"althy and
#nflu"nt#al )"o)l"*
Dur#n% th# a(" )"r#od, Puhar#$h # alo d"&"lo)#n% "l"$tron#$ h"ar#n%'a#d
d"&#$" for th" d"af* Th"" d"&#$" 1on" of th"( #n&ol&#n% an "l"$tron#$ tooth
#()lant5 w#ll allow a )"ron to h"ar a rad#o'tran(#tt"d aud#o #%nal
#nt"r$ran#ally* Th"" d"&#$" $ould $on$"#&a!ly !" u"d to tran(#t &o#$"
d#r"$tly #nto th" h"ad of a ("d#u(, (a8#n% th"( th#n8 th"y w"r" h"ar#n%
Th" 4ound Ta!l" Foundat#on # "$r"tly r"$"#&#n% fund fro( th" P"nta%on* ,t
w#ll only $o(" to l#%ht (any d"$ad" lat"r that Puhar#$h # #n th" "()loy of
th" ?,A dur#n% th# t#(" and # wor8#n% d#r"$tly und"r Dr* S#dn"y Aottl#"!,
who w#ll oon !" h"ad#n% th" "$r"t %o&"rn("nt (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra(
wh"n 23ULT4A # off#$#ally "ta!l#h"d #n 1FDE*
3878 ' 2r* Jan#n" Jon" of 7"w U"aland # "l"$tron#$ally #()lant"d
#(("d#at"ly aft"r h"r !#rth at Lo&"r@utt @o)#tal* Th" )y$hour%"ry #
)"rfor("d &#a t"r"ota9#$ ("thod !y dr#ll#n% #nto h"r 8ull* Sh" # ado)t"d
#nto anoth"r fa(#ly* /oth h"r natural and ado)t"d )ar"nt ha&" (#l#tary
!a$8%round* @"r !#rth fath"r # 1at th# t#("5 a )ro(#n"nt )ol#t#$#an and
?h#"f Jut#$" of W"t"rn Sa(oa* S'ray w#ll lat"r r"&"al that h" ha #()lant
#n th" $a&#t#" n"ar th" $o$hl"a0 of !oth "ar and on" #n th" frontal lo!"
d#r"$tly ad.a$"nt to th" naal )aa%"*
3878 : /"tty Andr"aon ha h"r "$ond 1hy)not#$ally r"$all"d5 al#"n
a!du$t#on "9)"r#"n$"* Sh" r"$all !"#n% out #n th" wood wh"n h" #
$onfront"d !y a (all !"#n%* S$ar"d, h" tart throw#n% ton" at #t, !ut
th"y a))"ar to to) #n (#d'a#r and dro) har(l"ly to th" %round* A (all
(ar!l"'#+"d o!."$t "("r%" fro( th" !"#n%0 u#t and fl#" o&"r to atta$h
#t"lf to h"r for"h"ad* Sh" #(("d#at"ly f""l l"")y and fall !a$8ward* L#8"
th" f#rt "n$ount"r f#&" y"ar "arl#"r, h" h"ar &o#$" #n h"r h"ad that ar"
d#$u#n% h"r* Th"y tat" that h" w#ll !" r"ady #n anoth"r y"ar, and that
th"y ar" )r")ar#n% th#n% for h"r*
1S"" !oo8, The Watchers, !y 4ay(ond E* Fowl"r5
3878 : A"or%" 6rw"ll, a )ol#t#$al futurolo%#t, )u!l#h" h# futur#t#$ no&"l,
-1BC, wh#$h d")#$t l#f" #n a futur#t#$ total#tar#an o$#"ty* Th" )arall"l to
how w" ar" l#&#n% today a w" "nt"r th" tw"nty'f#rt $"ntury # (or" than
.ut r"(ar8a!l" : th" !oo8 # l#8" a )r"(on#t#on of what # to $o("* ,n th#
no&"l, th" $#t#+"nry # $ontantly wat$h"d !y th" %o&"rn("nt throu%h
t"$hnolo%yI 8nowl"d%" # lowly r"du$"d throu%h th" "l#(#nat#on of #d"a and
r")la$"d w#th )ro)a%and#t lo%an and n"w !#t"I th" %o&"rn("nt #
untou$ha!l" and alway r#%htI ("d#o$r#ty #n l#f" # "n$oura%"dI "&"ry word
and a$t#on # a ("aur" of a )"ron0 $onfor(#tyI #n&##!l" 1and o("t#("
non"9#t"nt5 "n"(#" ar" $ontantly )o#n% thr"at to th" tat"I "t$* Th"
#d"olo%y of th" %o&"rn("nt #n th# !oo8 # !"t "9)r""d !y th" lo%an:
3878 ("ovem;er! : Euta$" 2ull#n, a r""ar$h"r #n Wah#n%ton D?, #
#n&#t"d to (""t th" fa(ou A("r#$an )o"t E+ra Pound who # $onf#n"d at St*
El#+a!"th0 2"ntal @o)#tal a a >)ol#t#$al )r#on"r0, ha&#n% !""n $har%"d w#th
tr"aon for 4ad#o 4o(" !road$at that -u"t#on"d A("r#$aH war (ot#&"*
Pound $o((##on 2ull#n to "9a(#n" th" )ow"r of th" U*S* !an8#n%
"ta!l#h("nt* 2ull#n )"nd "&"ry (orn#n% for th" n"9t two y"ar #n th"
L#!rary of ?on%r" and (""t w#th Pound "&"ry aft"rnoon* Th" r"ult#n%
(anu$r#)t, The Secrets of the 'ederal Reserve, w#ll )ro&" to !" too hot for
any A("r#$an )u!l#h"r to handl"* 7#n"t""n )u!l#h"r w#ll r"."$t #t* Wh"n #t
f#nally a))"ar #n A"r(any #n 1FDD, th" US (#l#tary w#ll $onf#$at" all 10,000
$o)#" and !urn th"(*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, lluminati! The "ult That #i$ac%ed the World, !y @"nry
2a8ow, PhD5
3878 (Decem;er! : Donald 3"yho" )u!l#h" an art#$l" t#tl"d 'lying
Saucers Are Real #n Tru" (a%a+#n"*
3824 : Prof"or A#u"))" /"llu++o, a for("r #ndutry (#n#t"r #n 2uol#n#0
$a!#n"t, $la#( to ha&" wor8"d on d#$'ha)"d >fly#n% !o(!0 that w"r"
)a"d on to th" A"r(an and d"&"lo)"d furth"r* @" tat" that th"y ar"
!"#n% d"&"lo)"d !y th" 4u#an*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3824 : 4udolf S$hr#"&"r, a A"r(an $#"nt#t, t"ll th" W"t A"r(an ("d#a
a!out a fly#n% (a$h#n" h" wa wor8#n% on for th" 7a+# dur#n% World War ,,
that would ha&" $han%"d th" war0 out$o(" had #t !""n fully d"&"lo)"d* Th#
had t"(("d fro( S$hr#"&"r0 wor8 at th" @"#n8"l A#r$raft ?o()any #n 1F40*
Th" $raft, $la"d a th" LE and n#$8na("d th" >Fly#n% To)0, wa a!l" to ta8"
off and land &"rt#$ally* /y 1F42 a )rototy)" had !""n t"t'flown and r"$"#&"d
to) "$r"t fund#n% fro( th" A"r(an0 Stat" A#r 2#n#try*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3824 (/arch! : S"nator Jo")h 2$?arthy #n#t#at" a "r#" of #n&"t#%at#on
#nto )ot"nt#al $o((un#t u!&"r#on of th" ?,A* All"n Dull" w#ll r"-u"t that
Pr"#d"nt E#"nhow"r t") #n and d"(and that h" d#$ont#nu" #u#n%
u!)o"na a%a#nt th" A%"n$y* Und"r Dull"H ord"r, th" ?,A w#ll !r"a8 #nto
2$?arthyH S"nat" off#$" a w"ll a #nt"nt#onally f""d h#( d##nfor(at#on to
d#$r"d#t h#(, #n ord"r to to) h# #n&"t#%at#on of $o((un#t #nf#ltrator #n
th" ?,A* 2any of th"" #nf#ltrator ar" 7a+# that ha&" !""n !rou%ht o&"r
fro( A"r(any und"r Pro."$t Pa)"r$l#) and %#&"n )o#t#on #n th" ?,A w#th
Dull"0 8nowl"d%" and a#tan$"*
3824 (April 37! : A r""ar$h )a)"r !y 4A7D "nt#tl"d The Exploitation of
Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare # )u!l#h"d for th" US
A#r For$"* Althou%h th" )a)"r do"n0t "9)l#$#tly ("nt#on UF6, #t # o!&#ou
that at th" t#(" of )u!l#$at#on, th" UF6 )h"no("non wa alr"ady !"#n% u"d
#n )y$holo%#$al o)"rat#on, $a)#tal#+#n% on (od"rn'day u)"rt#t#on* Th"
)a)"r not" that dur#n% t#(" of %r"at un$"rta#nty, u$h a #n wart#(",
u)"rt#t#ou a$t#&#t#" #n$r"a" u!tant#ally* ,t )o#nt out that althou%h th"
l" "du$at"d ("(!"r of a )o)ulat#on ar" (or" l#8"ly to !" u)"rt#t#ou,
th" (or" #nt"ll#%"nt ("(!"r 1#n$lud#n% (#l#tary and %o&"rn("nt off#$#al5
oft"n "n%a%" #n u)"rt#t#ou !"l#"f a w"ll* 2or" #%n#f#$antly, #t u%%"t
that u)"rt#t#on $an !" "9)lo#t"d w#th fa#rly #()l" )ro) and #llu#onary
"ff"$t* Th" author tat":
#t seems liely that superstitions flourish in an atmosphere of tension and insecurity and
that when daily experiences fail to provide reassurance and freedom from anxiety, when
in fact factors maing for anxiety and insecurity are multiplied as they are in time of war,
an atmosphere exists which is conducive to the acceptance of superstitions.!
3824 (April 14! : Th" ?,A #n#t#at" Pro."$t /LUE/,4D, wh#$h # #n&ol&"d #n
r""ar$h#n% ("thod of hu(an !"ha&#oral $ontrol w#th an "()ha# on u#n%
dru% to a$h#"&" th"" "nd* Th" %oal $on#t of Jcontrolling an individual to
the point +here he +ill do our 4idding against his +ill and even against such
fundamental la+s of nature as self0preservation(K
3824 : /"tty Andr"aon0 only $on$#ouly r"$all"d ("(ory of an al#"n
a!du$t#on o$$ur #n th# y"ar, wh"n h" # th#rt""n y"ar old* Sh" r"("(!"r
""#n% what loo8 l#8" th" (oon $o(#n% $lo"r and $lo"r to h"r* Sh" tr#" to
run away, !ut # una!l" to (o&"* @"r n"9t ("(ory # of !"#n% #n a roo( #n a
tran-u#l#+"d tat"* Furth"r #n&"t#%at#on of th" #n$#d"nt y"ar lat"r w#ll r"&"al
that h" wa ta8"n a!oard th" $raft and ta8"n to anoth"r )la$", wh"r" h"
J"nt"r"d th" world of L#%ht to "" th" 6n"K* Sh" a))ar"ntly #nt"r)r"t th# a
Aod 1h" !"$o(" a d"&out ?hr#t#an at #9t""n y"ar old5* Sh" "" two of
h"r"lf at th# )o#nt, a thou%h ha&#n% an out'of'!ody 166/5 "9)"r#"n$"* @"r
oth"r >"lf0 a))"ar t#ff and un(o&#n%* What"&"r ta8" )la$" dur#n% h"r &##t
w#th >th" 6n"0, h" w#ll !" #n$a)a!l" of %#&#n% any d"ta#l to #n&"t#%ator
lat"r on, !ut #t o&"rwh"l( h"r w#th lo&" and .oy* /"for" !"#n% r"turn"d to
wh"r" h" wa )#$8"d u), (all !"#n% w#th lar%" h"ad and dar8 "y"
#()lant o("th#n% #n h"r h"ad* Th# o!."$t w#ll !" r"tr#"&"d !y th"" !"#n%
#n 1FBG, "9tra$t#n% #t fro( h"r no"*
3824 : /"ha&#oral )y$holo%#t John A#tt#n%"r .o#n th" ?,A und"r th" $o&"r
of th" @u(an E$olo%y Fund* A#tt#n%"r w#ll d"&"lo) h# P"ronal#ty A"("nt
Syt"( 1PAS5, wh#$h h" had alr"ady !""n wor8#n% on for "&"ral y"ar,
!a#n% #t on $or" fro( th" W"$hl"r Adult ,nt"ll#%"n$" S$al" 1WA,S5* W#th
h# PAS, !oth )"ronal#ty tra#t and )r"d#$ta!l" !"ha&#or und"r )"$#f#$ %#&"n
#tuat#on $an !" a$$urat"ly d"t"r(#n"d* Th" PAS w#ll $o(" to !" u"d
"9t"n#&"ly !oth for #d"nt#fy#n% #nd#&#dual who ar" th" !"t u!."$t for th"
&ar#ou (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra( #n 23ULT4A, a w"ll a for "l"$t#n% and
handl#n% ?,A o)"rat#&" and a%"nt, and of $our", for d"t"r(#n#n% how to
$o()ro(#" a )"ron and ta8" ad&anta%" of th"(* A#tt#n%"r w#ll %o on to
d"&"lo) an "9t"n#&" data!a" that w#ll allow all )ha" of hu(an !"ha&#or
to !" $hart"d and #nd#&#dual $at"%or#+"d, !a"d on th" $o()ar#on of
a$$u(ulat"d t"t $or"* Su$h $at"%or#" ar" a!l" to !" d"t"r(#n"d for tho"
who ar" %ood rol"')lay"r, who ar" "ay to hy)not#+" and who ar"n0t, who
w#ll !" (ot loyal and who (#%ht !"$o(" tra#tor, who ha&" "9ual
d"&#an$#", what a )"ron0 %r"at"t f"ar ar", what (ot#&at" th"(, how
th"y $an !"t !" #nflu"n$"d to a$t a $"rta#n way, "t$* Al(ot anyth#n% # a!l"
to !" d"t"r(#n"d a!out an #nd#&#dual0 )"ronal#ty w#th th# yt"(* To) ?,A
off#$#al ar" o #()r""d w#th th# yt"( that th"y !"%#n to u" #t #n (ot
a%"nt'$onn"$t"d a$t#&#t#"* Th" )r#(" o!."$t#&" for u#n% th# yt"( ar"
$ontrol, "9)lo#tat#on, or n"utral#+at#on* E&"ntually, A#tt#n%"r0 data!a" of t"t
$or" w#ll !"$o(" lar%" "nou%h that #nd#&#dual who ha&"n0t "&"n ta8"n th"
W"$hl"r t"t $an t#ll !" a$$urat"ly a""d !y tudy#n% th"#r !"ha&#or #n
&ar#ou $#r$u(tan$" and loo8#n% for )"$#f#$ )att"rn that $orr")ond to th"
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The Search for the &anchurian "andidate, !y John 2ar85
3824 : ,n A)r#l, th" @u!!ard D#an"t#$ 4""ar$h Foundat#on # "ta!l#h"d #n
El#+a!"th, 7"w J"r"y* A (onth lat"r, L* 4on @u!!ard )u!l#h" Dianetics!
The &odern Science of &ental #ealth, f#rt #ntrodu$"d #n Astounding Science
'iction (a%a+#n", and #(("d#at"ly aft"r )u!l#h"d #n !oo8 for( !y
@"r(#ta%" @ou"* ,t !"$o(" an #ntant h#t, tay#n% at th" to) of th" *os
Angeles Times !"t"ll"r l#t for "&"ral (onth* Aft"r only two (onth of th"
!oo80 )u!l#$at#on, th"r" ar" alr"ady f#&" hundr"d D#an"t#$ %rou) #n
o)"rat#on a$ro th" USA*
W#th h# n"w'found )u!l#h#n% u$$", @u!!ard r"l#" on h# $har( and th"
fal" #(a%" h" ha !""n $r"at#n% for h#("lf a an "9$")t#onally %#ft"d
#nd#&#dual w#th "9)"rt#" #n &ar#ou f#"ld of 8nowl"d%", u#n% th"" to
l"%#t#(#+" h#("lf and "nd"ar h# follow"r* D#an"t#$ w#ll -u#$8ly "&ol&" #nto
S$#"ntolo%y, w#th th" h#dd"n #nt"nt of "nla&#n% follow"r throu%h (#nd'
$ontrol t"$hn#-u" wh#l" at l"at )r"t"nd#n% to turn th"( #nto u)"r'hu(an
throu%h a "r#" of >aud#t#n%0 "#on* S$#"ntolo%y w#ll "&"ntually %row #nto a
PE00 (#ll#on a y"ar $or)orat#on w#th !ran$h" throu%hout th" world*
L#8" any ty)#$al "$r"t o$#"ty, S$#"ntolo%y # $o()o"d of a "r#" of l"&"l
that ar" r"a$h"d throu%h #n#t#atory )ro$"#n%, aft"r wh#$h th"y ar" %#&"n
a$$" to a n"w lay"r of >"$r"t 8nowl"d%"0 and th" )ur)ort"d !"n"f#t that
%o w#th #t* Alo l#8" w#th (any "$r"t o$#"t#", @u!!ard w#ll !a" th# "$r"t
8nowl"d%" on an #n&"nt"d $o(olo%#$al h#tory that )an a"on of t#(" and
#n&ol&" r"#n$arnat#on and )at'l#f" h#tor#"* @" t"a$h" that >hy)not#$ally
#()lant"d %oal0 ha&" !""n d"l#!"rat"ly and (al#$#ouly #ntall"d #nto a
)"ronH u!$on$#ou (#nd throu%hout th"#r (any #n$arnat#on* 1Th#
$on$")t of #()lant r"fl"$t th" #nflu"n$" of ?rowl"y0 #d"a on @u!!ard5*
D#an"t#$ and S$#"ntolo%y ar" )ro(ot"d a a ("thod of un$o&"r#n% and
"l#(#nat#n% th"" a!"rrat#on throu%h #t yt"( of >aud#t#n%0* Th" t"$hn#-u"
u"d, althou%h %"n"rally !a"d on l"%#t#(at" $#"n$", ar" a))l#"d #n a
(ann"r that "ff"$t#&"ly r")la$" a )"ron0 )r"&#ou )"r$")t#on of
th"("l&" and th"#r r"al#ty w#th on" that !"tt"r u#t @u!!ard0 #nt"nt#on,
and th"y w#ll oft"n l"ad to )y$ho# or wor"*
,n th" y"ar ah"ad, #t w#ll !" r"&"al"d throu%h a "$r"t #nt"rnal do$u("nt
1r"f"rr"d to a OT @! The "onfidential Student )riefing Document5 that, #n
@u!!ard0 own word, S$#"ntolo%y # noth#n% l" than Satan#(, and that L*
4on @u!!ard $on#d"r h#("lf to !" th" Ant#$hr#t*

1S"" onl#n" !oo8, *( Ron #u44ard! &essiah or &admanE, !y ?orydon /"nt5
3824 : Th" Urant#a Foundat#on # "ta!l#h"d #n ?h#$a%o, and $on#t of
h#%h'ran8#n% ("(!"r of th" S"&"nth Day Ad&"nt#t "$t* Th" foundat#on #
$"nt"r"d around th" $hann"l"d t"9t 8nown a th" Urant#a Pa)"r* ,t !oard
of d#r"$tor ta8" a )l"d%" of "$r"$y not to r"&"al th" hu(an author or #t
("an of tran(##on* Dr* W#ll#a( S* Sadl"r, a S"&"nth Day Ad&"nt#t
(#n#t"r, w#ll ult#(at"ly !" r")on#!l" for )u!l#h#n% th"" t"9t* Th"y w#ll !"
)u!l#h"d a Th" Urant#a /oo8 #n 1FDD*
3824 : At th" "nd of th# y"ar, Andr#.a Puhar#$h (o&" to a BD'a$r" "tat" at
Warr"nton #n Al"n ?o&", 2a#n", wh#$h ha !""n )ur$ha"d for h# u" w#th
PED,000 )ro&#d"d !y a Walt"r ?a!ot Pa#n" of /oton* Th" hou" ha 4D
roo( and a!out a do+"n !athroo(* Tw"l&" $o'wor8"r (o&" #nto th" hou"
w#th Puhar#$h and h# fa(#ly, wh"r" th"y w#ll l#&" #n a $o((un"'ty)" "tt#n%*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3823 (:an*ary 2! : W#lh"l( 4"#$h $ondu$t h# 6ranur E9)"r#("nt and
d#$o&"r a n"w ty)" of "n"r%y that h" $all >d"adly or%on"0 1D645, wh#$h #
$au"d !y th" "ff"$t of nu$l"ar rad#at#on on or%on" "n"r%y* D64 # !la$8,
lut"rl", to9#$, $arr#" a h#%h $har%", and # o9y%"n and wat"r'hun%ry*
3823 (/arch 15! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h (""t w#th E#l""n Aarr"tt and John
@a((ond Jr* #n Alou$"t"r to $ondu$t "9)"r#("nt to f#nd out wh"th"r or not
t"l")athy "9#t* Th"" "9)"r#("nt w#ll $ont#nu" for thr"" (onth, and w#ll
#n$or)orat" a Faraday $a%" !u#lt !y @a((ond* Th" "9)"r#("nt ar" d"#%n"d
to t"t th" hy)oth"# that t"l")athy # !a"d on th" tran(##on of
"l"$tro(a%n"t#$ wa&" !"tw""n hu(an* Puhar#$h !"l#"&" that h" hould !"
a!l" to !lo$8 t"l")athy w#th a))ro)r#at" h#"ld#n%* ,nt"ad, h" w#ll f#nd that
)la$#n% a )"ron #n th" $a%" w#ll #n$r"a" th"#r )y$h#$ a!#l#ty #%n#f#$antly*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3823 : W#ll#a( Th"tford !"%#n wor8#n% on Pro."$t /LUE/,4D, r"(a#n#n%
unt#l 1FDE*
3823 (A*g*st! : Pro."$t /LUE/,4D # r"na("d Pro."$t A4T,?@63E, and #
#n&ol&"d #n "ar$h#n% for a >truth dru%0 and tudy#n% #nt"rro%at#on t"$hn#-u"*
A4T,?@63E # #nt"r"t"d #n th" u" of >"l"$tro')y$ho'th"ra)"ut#$0
t"$hn#-u", a w"ll a th" $r"at#on of a(n"#a, hy)not#$ $our#"r, and
>2an$hur#an ?and#dat"0* Th" u!."$t of th# )ro."$t $an alo fun$t#on a
hy)not#$ally $ontroll"d $a("ra, wh"r" th"y $an "nt"r a roo( or !u#ld#n%,
("(or#+" (at"r#al -u#$8ly, l"a&" th" !u#ld#n%, and !" a(n"#$ for th" "nt#r"
")#od"* Th" ("(or#+"d (at"r#al $an th"n !" r"tr#"&"d !y a handl"r u#n% a
)r"&#ouly #()lant"d $od" or #%nal, w#thout th" a(n"#a !"#n% d#tur!"d*
3823 (Septem;er 7! : Th" f#rt nat#onal l#&" t"l"&##on !road$at #n th"
U*S* ta8" )la$", wh"n Pr"#d"nt @arry Tru(anH )""$h at th" Ja)an""
P"a$" Tr"aty ?onf"r"n$" #n San Fran$#$o, ?al#forn#a # tran(#tt"d o&"r
ATRTH tran$ont#n"ntal $a!l" and (#$rowa&" rad#o r"lay yt"( to !road$at
tat#on #n lo$al (ar8"t*
3823 ' Th" Py$holo%#$al Strat"%y /oard # #%n"d #nto "9#t"n$" !y @arry
Tru(an* ,t # ta8"d w#th $oord#nat#n% )y$holo%#$al o)"rat#on at ho(" and
3823 ' ?a)ta#n Alfr"d 2* @u!!ard, a h#%h'ran8#n% off#$"r #n th" 6SS dur#n%
World War ,,, ta8" h# f#rt LSD tr#), and #(("d#at"ly !"$o(" a )ro)on"nt
of #t tran$"nd"ntal "ff"$t* Throu%h h# "9t"n#&" $onn"$t#on #n !u#n"
and %o&"rn("nt and at h# )"ronal "9)"n", @u!!ard # a!l" to a$-u#r"
B,000 !ottl" of th" $o()ound, wh#$h h" w#ll !"%#n to d#)"n" fr""ly to any
fr#"nd and r""ar$h"r who want #t* S#n$" th" ?,A ha !""n t#%htly
$ontroll#n% th" u))ly l#n" for th" dru%, th"y o!&#ouly 8now that @u!!ard
had th# lar%" u))ly and (ay ha&" "&"n )ro&#d"d #t to h#(*
3823 : Pro."$t A4UDAE # r"na("d Pro."$t /LUE/663* ,t (andat" # to
r"$ord and d"!un8 UF6 #%ht#n%*
3823 : Pro."$t ?@ATTE4 # #n#t#at"d !y th" US 7a&y, w#th th" %oal of ""8#n%
a fat'a$t#n% >truth dru%0* Th# )ro."$t w#ll !" a!andon"d !y th" n"9t y"ar*
3823 : Andr#.a Puhar#$h r"$"#&" a %rant for al(ot P100,000 : "#th"r fro(
an und#$lo"d w"althy fr#"nd or fro( th" US (#l#tary : to !u#ld a ol#d h""t
("tal Faraday $a%" for u" #n )y$h#$ "9)"r#("nt* @" w#ll u" th" $a%" to
$ont#nu" t"t#n% th" t"l")ath#$ a!#l#t#" of E#l""n Aarr"tt* Th" "9)"r#("nt w#ll
!" o u$$"ful that th"y w#ll attra$t th" #nt"r"t of th" US D")art("nt of
th" Ar(y* An A("r#$an, ?olon"l Ja$8 Stanl"y, and a Fr"n$h A"n"ral, J*?*
Sau+"y w#ll &##t th" 4ound Ta!l" to "9)r" th" #nt"r"t of th"#r r")"$t#&"
%o&"rn("nt* A a r"ult of th# &##t, Andr#.a w#ll !" #n&#t"d to )r""nt h#
n"w data on t"l")athy at a (""t#n% )onor"d !y th" off#$" of th" ?h#"f,
Py$holo%#$al Warfar", US Ar(y at th" P"nta%on, Wah#n%ton D?, on
7o&"(!"r 24, 1FD2*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3821 (:an*ary 5! : A ?,A do$u("nt wr#tt"n on th# dat" tat":
#f, as now appears to us as established beyond )uestion, there is in some persons a
certain amount of capacity for extrasensory perception 2:+;3, this fact, and conse)uent
developments leading from it, should have significance for professional intelligence
service 1 #t now appears that we are ready to consider practical application as a research
problem in itself 415 The two special pro'ects of investigation that ought to be pushed in
the interest of the pro'ect under discussion are, first, the search for and development of
exceptionally gifted individuals who can approximate perfect success in :+; test
performances, and, second, in the statistical concentration of scattered :+; performance,
so as to enable an ultimately perfect reliability and application.!
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Stargate "onundrum5
3821 : ?,A D#r"$tor Walt"r /* S(#th wr#t" to 4ay(ond All"n, d#r"$tor of th"
Py$holo%#$al Strat"%y /oard:
"# am today transmitting to the National +ecurity .ouncil a proposal in which it is
concluded that the problems associated with unidentified flying ob'ects appear to have
implications for psychological warfare as well as for intelligence and operations. #
suggest that we discuss at an early board meeting the possible offensive and defensive
utili/ation of these phenomena for psychological warfare purposes."
3821 : Pro."$t ?AST,AATE # #n#t#at"d !y th" ?,A and th" US 7a&y, wor8#n%
to%"th"r to t"t a >"$r"t )ot#on0* Th# )ro."$t # $ondu$t"d #n A"r(any*
3821 : Pro."$t 237A62, # tart"d, w#th th" #nt"nt to d"&"lo) !#olo%#$al
3821 : /y th# y"ar, T* Town"nd /rown # l#&#n% !a$8 #n ?al#forn#a, and ha
"t u) th" Town"nd /rown Foundat#on #n Lo An%"l"* @" r"$"#&" an
unannoun$"d &##t !y 2a.or A"n"ral L#$tor E* /"rtrand#a of th" USAF,
a$$o()an#"d !y a (an na("d L"hr* /"rtrand#a # a(a+"d wh"n h"
w#tn"" a d"(ontrat#on of two (od"l fly#n% d#$* What h" w#tn"" ar"
th" u$$"ful r"ult of /rown0 Pro."$t W#nt"rha&"n, wh#$h # wor8#n%
toward draw#n% u) !lu")r#nt for a (ann"d "l"$tro%ra&#t#$ $raft $a)a!l" of
2a$h E or !"tt"r*
,n a r")ort )r#nt"d #n Electrogravitics Systems, found y"ar lat"r #n th"
t"$hn#$al l#!rary at Wr#%ht'Patt"ron AF/, Pro."$t W#nt"rha&"n # r"f"rr"d to
"9t"n#&"ly* /rown tat" #n th" r")ort that th"r" # a %ood )o#!#l#ty that
th" )""d of h# d#$ $raft $ould "&"ntually a))roa$h that of l#%ht, and that
th" (otor would )rodu$" no h"at, ound, or &#!rat#on*
Soon aft"r /"rtrand#a0 &##t, aft"r r"&#"w#n% a r")ort on /rown0 wor8 )ut
to%"th"r !y th" 6ff#$" of 7a&al 4""ar$h 16745 t#tl"d An nvestigation
Relative to the To+nsend )ro+n 'oundation, th" A#r For$" 6ff#$" of S)"$#al
,n&"t#%at#on 1AF6S,5 d"$#d" /rown0 wor8 would !" a wat" of t#(",
"ffort, and (on"y to )uru"* Th"y down%rad" #t fro( >$onf#d"nt#al0 to
Th# r")ort # &"ry )o#!ly a d##nfor(at#on )loy !y th" 674 to d#uad" th"
A#r For$" and oth"r fro( loo8#n% #nto /rown0 wor8* ,t # alo )o#!l" that
/rown0 wor8 wa r"."$t"d !"$au" th" (#l#tary alr"ady 8n"w th" )r#n$#)l"
!"h#nd #t and w"r" a$t#&"ly d"&"lo)#n% t"$hnolo%#" !a"d on th"(*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3821 : L* 4on @u!!ard #ntrodu$" th" E'("t"r a )art of S$#"ntolo%y* ,t # a
#()l" %al&ano("t"r, wh#$h a$t l#8" a l#" d"t"$tor !y ("aur#n% 8#n
$ondu$t#&#ty* @u!!ard w#ll #n$or)orat" th" E'("t"r &"ry "ff"$t#&"ly #nto h#
S$#"ntolo%y )ro%ra( to )y$hoanaly+" ("(!"r and f#nd th"#r w"a8 )ot #n
ord"r to $ontrol th"(* /y a8#n% a )"ron -u"t#on wh#l" th"y hold two
("tal rod atta$h"d to th" E'("t"r, th" ("aur"d #n$r"a" #n 8#n
$ondu$t#&#ty wh#l" !"#n% a8"d -u"t#on #nd#$at" ar"a wh"r" th"r" #
"9$#t"("nt or "(ot#onal tr"*
Fro( h# "arly "9)"r#("nt w#th th" E'("t"r, @u!!ard d"&"lo) h# $on$")t
of >#()lant0, wh#$h h" d"f#n" a =a painful and forceful means of
over+helming a 4eing +ith artificial purposes or false concepts in a malicious
attempt to control and suppress him(> @" d"$r#!" &ar#ou ty)" of th""
#()lant, #n$lud#n% on" that atta$h th"("l&" !"tw""n #n$arnat#on on th"
)hy#$al )lan"*
1S"" !oo8, )are0'aced &essiah, !y 4u"ll 2#ll"r5
3821 :Th" >S)"$#al Pro."$t Arou)0 at A&ro ?anada, h"ad"d !y a (an na("d
John Frot, !"%#n wor8 on a nu(!"r of h#%hly $la#f#"d )ro."$t #n&ol&"d #n
d"&"lo)#n% >fly#n% au$"r0 t"$hnolo%#"*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3821 : UF6 wr#t"r Al!"rt 3* /"nd"r, h"ad of th" ,nt"rnat#onal Fly#n% Sau$"r
/ur"au #n /r#d%")ort, ?onn"$t#$ut, # &##t"d !y >2"n #n /la$80, who warn h#(
to r"(a#n #l"nt a!out h# 8nowl"d%" of UF6* Soon aft"r, h" !"$o("
)hy#$ally #ll* @" $o()l#" w#th th" warn#n% and $lo" down h# or%an#+at#on,
and r"(a#n #l"nt unt#l 1FBE, wh"n h" )u!l#h" h# tory a 'lying Saucers
and the Three &en*
3821 : E#l""n ?addy # #ntrodu$"d to h"r futur" hu!and P"t"r ?addy and h#
$urr"nt w#f" Sh""na Ao&an* Throu%h th"#r har"d #nt"r"t #n th" o$$ult and
)#r#tual#ty, th"y !"%#n (""t#n% a a (all %rou)* P"t"r ?addy # an 4AF
off#$"r w#th t#" to /r#t#h ,nt"ll#%"n$"*
3821 (:*ne! : Author#+at#on to $r"at" th" 7at#onal S"$ur#ty A%"n$y 17SA5 #
%#&"n #n a l"tt"r wr#tt"n !y Pr"#d"nt @arry S* Tru(an*
3821 (:*ne 35! : 4o$8"t $#"nt#t Ja$8 Paron # 8#ll"d #n a u)#$#ou
"9)lo#on at h# ho(" #n Paad"na, ?al#forn#a* U)on h"ar#n% a!out h# d"ath,
Paron0 (oth"r $o((#t u#$#d"*
3821 (:*ly 38! : Th" Wh#t" @ou" #n Wah#n%ton D? # !u++"d !y "&"n
3821 (:*ly 19! : Th" Wh#t" @ou" #n Wah#n%ton D? # !u++"d !y UF6 a
"$ond t#("*
3821 ($cto;er 17! : Th" 7at#onal S"$ur#ty A%"n$y 17SA5 # "ta!l#h"d !y
E9"$ut#&" 6rd"r and w#thout any $hart"r* ,t # anw"ra!l" only to th"
Pr"#d"nt, ha no %o&"rn("nt o&"r#%ht to $h"$8 on #t a$t#&#t#", and #
"9"()t fro( all law that do not )"$#f#$ally na(" th# a%"n$y w#th#n th"#r
2u$h of th" wor8 of th" 7SA # to (on#tor %lo!al $o((un#$at#on and
)"rfor( $ry)tanaly#, a w"ll a to "$ur" "n#t#&" %o&"rn("nt $o()ut"r
yt"(* ,t # alo #n&ol&"d #n th" d"#%n of )"$#al#+"d $o((un#$at#on
hardwar" and oftwar", and th" )rodu$t#on of d"d#$at"d "(#$ondu$tor,
w#th a $h#) fa!r#$at#on )lant at Ft* 2"ad"* Th# ("an that #t ha th" a!#l#ty
to d"&"lo) $o()ut"r $h#) that $an loo8 #d"nt#$al to an ord#nary $o()ut"r
$h#), !ut ha&" h#dd"n fun$t#on !u#lt #n*
3821 ("ovem;er 17! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h )r""nt a )a)"r to a "$r"t
P"nta%on %ath"r#n%, t#tl"d, An Evaluation of the Possi4le 5ses of ESP in
Psychological Warfare* @" # r")ort"dly r"draft"d #nto th" (#l#tary th" &"ry
n"9t day*
3821 (Decem;er 03! : Dr* D* A* L#nod, a )y$h#$ ("d#u( who Andr#.a
Puhar#$h # wor8#n% w#th, !"%#n r"$"#&#n% $hann"l"d $o((un#$at#on fro(
"nt#t#" who #ntrodu$" th"("l&" a >Th" 7#n" Pr#n$#)l" and For$"0* Wh"n
L#nod wa8" fro( h# tran$" aft"r a!out n#n"ty (#nut" of $hann"l#n%, h" w#ll
ha&" no r"$oll"$t#on or 8nowl"d%" of what had !""n a#d* A Puhar#$h wor8
w#th L#nod o&"r th" n"9t (onth, h" w#ll $o(" to !"l#"&" that h" # d"al#n%
w#th "9trat"rr"tr#al #nt"ll#%"n$" fro( th" futur"* Th" $o((un#$at#on w#ll !"
t"r(#nat"d at th" "nd of January 1FDE, wh"n Puhar#$h0 %rou) )l#t u) and
L#nod r"turn to h# ho(" #n ,nd#a* ,t w#ll !" tw"nty'two y"ar !"for" th"
$o((un#$at#on w#th >Th" 7#n"0 ar" r"u("d*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3821 : /y th" "nd of th# y"ar, th" USAF ha 1,D00 UF6 r")ort on f#l"*
3820 (:an*ary! : Th" 4o!"rton Pan"l, h"ad"d !y Dr* @oward P"r$y
4o!"rton, d#r"$tor of th" P"nta%onH W"a)on Syt"( E&aluat#on Arou), #
"t u) !y th" US %o&"rn("nt w#th th" tat"d )ur)o" of #n&"t#%at#n% th"
%row#n% UF6 )h"no("non* Th" r"al )ur)o", how"&"r, w#ll !" to d"!un8 UF6
r")ort* Th# )an"l w#ll tat":
The debuning aim would result in reduction of public interest in flying saucers, which
today evoes a strong psychological reaction. This education could be accomplished by
mass media such as television, motion pictures, and popular articles...+uch a program
should tend to reduce the current gullibility of the public and conse)uently their
susceptibility to clever hostile propaganda.!
Th# "$r"t )an"l $on#t of nu$l"ar )hy#$#t, radar and ro$8"try "9)"rt,
A#r For$" )"ronn"l, and an atrono("r* Althou%h, #n th" d"$ad" ah"ad, th#
r")ort w#ll !" u"d to u))ort th" #d"a that th" %o&"rn("nt # $o&"r#n% u)
al#"n &##tat#on, #t w#ll or#%#nally !" noth#n% (or" than a wh#t"wah to
r"$o(("nd that th" two (a#n UF6 %rou) #n th" US at th" t#(", th" A"r#al
Ph"no("na 4""ar$h 6r%an#+at#on 1AP465 and ?#&#l#an Sau$"r ,nt"ll#%"n$"
1?S,5, hould !" (on#tor"d !"$au" of th" #nflu"n$" th"y $ould ha&" on
)u!l#$ )"r$")t#on* Th" )an"l (a8" th" r"$o(("ndat#on that UF6 r")ort
hould !" a$t#&"ly d#$oura%"d throu%h a $o&"rt (a'("d#a d"!un8#n%
"ffort* Th" $on$lu#on and r"$o(("ndat#on of th# )an"l, 8nown a th"
4o!"rton 4")ort, w#ll not !" fully r"l"a"d to th" )u!l#$ unt#l 1FBB*
3820 (:an*ary 5! : A d"$la#f#"d ?,A do$u("nt fro( th# dat" d"$r#!"
th" $r"at#on of (ult#)l" )"ronal#ty #n 1F'y"ar old %#rl:
These sub'ects have clearly demonstrated that they can pass from a fully awae state to
a deep < 4hypnotic5 controlled state 1 by telephone, by receiving written matter, or by
the use of code, signal, or words and that control of those hypnoti/ed can be passed from
one individual to another without great difficulty. #t has also been shown by
experimentation with these girls that they can act as unwilling couriers for information
3820 (:an*ary 19! : John Fot"r Dull" # a))o#nt"d US S"$r"tary of Stat"
und"r E#"nhow"r* 6n th# a(" day, h# !roth"r All"n Dull" # a))o#nt"d to
th" )o#t#on of D#r"$tor of th" ?,A* Th" Dull" !roth"r ar" $ou#n of John D*
4o$8"f"ll"r* A lawy"r, th"y had !oth a$t"d #n th" #nt"r"t of th"
4o$8"f"ll"r )r#or to and dur#n% World War ,, wh"n th" 4o$8"f"ll"r w"r"
trad#n% w#th th" "n"(y, u))ly#n% fund#n% to th" 7a+#* All"n Dull" had !""n
th" Sw# D#r"$tor of th" U*S* 6ff#$" of Strat"%#$ S"r&#$" 16SS5 dur#n% th"
3820 (&e;r*ary 19! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h # r"$all"d #nto (#l#tary "r&#$",
!"#n% worn #n a a $a)ta#n #n th" 2"d#$al ?or) at th" Ar(y ?h"(#$al
?"nt"r, Ed%"wood, 2aryland* Th# # th" h"ad-uart"r for r""ar$h #nto
$h"(#$al, rad#olo%#$al and !a$t"r#olo%#$al warfar"* @" w#ll "r&" th"r" unt#l
A)r#l 1FDD, l#&#n% w#th h# fa(#ly at th" ar(y !a"* @" # r")ort"dly wor8#n%
d#r"$tly und"r 23ULT4A0 Dr* S#dn"y Aottl#"!* @" w#ll lat"r $la#( that h" wa
n"&"r #n&ol&"d #n anyth#n% r"lat"d to h# )y$h#$ r""ar$h dur#n% h# "r&#$",
and w#ll tat" that h" u)"$t"d that th" %o&"rn("nt wa only #nt"r"t"d #n
#nt"rf"r#n% w#th h# )y$h#$ r""ar$h #n ord"r to low h#( down* @" w#ll
#nt"ad !" #n&ol&"d #n do#n% h"ar#n% r""ar$h w#th a d"nt#t na("d Jo")h
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3820 (April 30! : Th" off#$#al tart of 23ULT4A (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra(, a
ord"r"d !y ?,A D#r"$tor 4#$hard @"l(* Th# # an u(!r"lla )ro."$t $on#t#n%
of 14F u!')ro."$t #n&ol&#n% o&"r 80 un#&"r#t#", r""ar$h foundat#on, and
#(#lar #nt#tut#on, and 18D )r#&at" r""ar$h"r* Th"y ar" ta8"d w#th
d"&"lo)#n% d#&"r#f#"d ("thod of (#nd'$ontrol* Th"" ("thod #n&ol&"
dru%, $h"(#$al, rad#at#on 1"l"$tro(a%n"t#$ and nu$l"ar5, "l"$troho$8,
"l"$tron#$ d"&#$", hy)no#, )y$holo%y, o$#olo%y, )y$h#atry, "t$*
E9)"r#("ntal u!."$t #n$lud" &olunt""r tud"nt, ho)#tal )at#"nt, and
#n(at", !ut oon "9)and to #n$lud" anyon" at all that th" ?,A $an %"t th"#r
hand on 1#n&oluntary u!."$t5, #n$lud#n% $h#ldr"n* Dr* S#dn"y Aottl#"! # th"
d#r"$tor* Th# )ro%ra( tart .ut )r#or to th" f#rt r")ort"d >al#"n0 a!du$t#on*
6n" of th" (a#n %oal of th"" 23ULT4A )ro."$t # to $r"at" (#nd'$ontroll"d
")#ona%" a%"nt 1!oth (al" and f"(al", youn% $h#ldr"n and adult5 who ar"
tra#n"d how to "9ually )l"a" ("n and how to $o"r$" th"( to tal8 a!out
th"("l&", w#th th" ult#(at" )ur)o" of u#n% th"" a%"nt and th"#r 8#ll
to "l#$#t #nfor(at#on fro( h#%h %o&"rn("nt and a%"n$y off#$#al and h"ad of
a$ad"(#$ #nt#tut#on and foundat#on, and to $o&"rtly f#l( th"( #n
$o()ro(##n% "9ual a$t for !la$8(a#l )ur)o"* ,t # &"ry )ro!a!l" that th#
!la$8(a#l # u"d to r"$ru#t th"( #nto th" "r&#$" of th" ?,A, and )"rha)
"&"n u#n% (#nd'$ontrol t"$hn#-u" on th"( to 8"") th"( loyal and (or"
$ontrolla!l"* Th# !la$8(a#l t"$hn#-u" ar" alo u"d on th" 23ULT4A )"o)l"
th"("l&", #n ord"r to a$"rta#n th"#r $o((#t("nt to th" )ro%ra( and #t
a%"nda* Th# w#ll alo o)"n th" door to #n&ol&"("nt #n atan#$ a$t#&#t#" that
w#ll $o(" to !" (or" a))ar"nt a(on% )"o)l" $onn"$t"d to th"" )ro."$t #n
th" y"ar ah"ad* 6f $our", (any of th"( ar" alr"ady #n&ol&"d #n Satan#(,
$o(#n% fro( w"althy !loodl#n" that ha&" !""n "$r"tly #n&ol&"d for (any
,n an #nt"r&#"w !y Jon 4a))a)ort, h" "9)la#n that youn% $h#ldr"n ar"
)r"f"rr"d #n (#nd'$ontrol "9)"r#("nt !"$au" th"#r (#nd ar" l"
d"&"lo)"d and ar" "a#"r for $r"at#n% a >!lan8 lat"0 !"for" )ro%ra((#n%
th"( to !" how"&"r th" $ontroll"r (#%ht want* ?h#ldr"n ar" !rou%ht #nto th"
USA fro( 2"9#$o and South A("r#$a, and th"" )art#$ular $h#ldr"n ar"
$on#d"r"d "9)"nda!l", and th" (or" !rut"'for$" ("thod ar" u"d on th"(
and what wor8 # r"f#n"d, and th"n th" n"9t !at$h of $h#ldr"n und"r%o th"
r"f#n"d t"$hn#-u"* Th" !"t and !r#%ht"t (#nd ar" ou%ht out for th""
"9)"r#("nt, and th"y )ro%ra( th"" 8#d o that th"y w#ll lat"r "("r%" #n
)ro(#n"nt )o#t#on #n o$#"ty, and th" (#nd'$ontroll"r w#ll th"n ha&" lon%
t"r( $ontrol of o$#"ty !y $ontroll#n% th"" )"o)l" #n )ow"r )o#t#on*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The "A and &ind0"ontrol 'or 7ids, !y 3r# 2#ll"%an5
3820 : 2ar%ar"t S#n%"r !"%#n wor8#n% a a )y$holo%#t at th" Walt"r 4""d
Ar(y ,nt#tut" of 4""ar$h #n Wah#n%ton, D?, wh"r" h" )"$#al#+" #n
tudy#n% !ra#nwah#n% t"$hn#-u" that w"r" u"d on th" r"turn"d )r#on"r
fro( th" 3or"an War* Sh" w#ll !" d"")ly #n&ol&"d #n 23ULT4A )ro%ra(, and
th# w#ll r"ult #n h"r !"$o(#n% a l"ad#n% author#ty on $ult #n th" y"ar
ah"ad* /y th" 1FB0, h" w#ll !" $all"d on r")"at"dly to handl" h#%h')rof#l"
$a" that #n&ol&" $ult and th" d")ro%ra((#n% of th"#r ("(!"r, #n$lud#n%
Patty @"art, ?harl" 2anon and h# follow"r, and "arly ("(!"r of
@"a&"n0 Aat"*
3820 : A"or%" Ada(8#, u))o"d UF6 $onta$t"" of >!"n"&ol"nt )a$"
!roth"r0, )u!l#h" h# !"t"ll#n% !oo8 1w#th $o'author D"(ond L"l#"5,
'lying Saucers #ave *anded, #n wh#$h h" d"$r#!" h# u))o"d ad&"ntur"
w#th )a$" !"#n% #n th" ?al#forn#a d""rt* Ada(8# %o" on to %#&" l"$tur"
around th" world a!out th" u!."$t of UF6 and al#"n* O"ar lat"r #t w#ll !"
d#$o&"r"d that Ada(8# wa a$t#n% for th" ?,A a )art of an #nt"ll#%"n$"
o)"rat#on, and had !""n tra&"l#n% on a ?,A'furn#h"d )a)ort*
1S"" f#l", The Pied Pipers of the "A, !y Ph#l#) ?o))"n5
3820 : John Frot, who h"ad th" >S)"$#al Pro."$t Arou)0 at A&ro ?anada,
%o" to W"t A"r(any, and, a$$o()an#"d !y /r#t#h and ?anad#an
#nt"ll#%"n$" off#$#al, (""t w#th a A"r(an a&#at#on "n%#n""r who $la#( to
ha&" wor8"d on d#$'ha)"d $raft dur#n% th" war*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3820 ' Th" US %o&"rn("nt #%n th" 7ur"(!"r% ?od" and )l"d%" w#th th"
#nt"rnat#onal $o((un#ty of nat#on to r")"$t !a#$ hu(an r#%ht and to
)roh#!#t "9)"r#("ntat#on on $a)t#&" )o)ulat#on w#thout full and fr"" $on"nt*
3820 : At th#rt""n y"ar old, Ja$8 Sarfatt# r"$"#&" a "r#" of (yt"r#ou
)hon" $all fro( a ("tall#$ &o#$" that $la#( to !" a $o()ut"r on a UF6*
Th"" $all l"a&" h#( #n a "(#'hy)not#$ tat" and h" ha &"ry l#ttl" ("(ory
of what th"y w"r" a!out* Th" &o#$" t"ll h#( that h" and a nu(!"r of oth"r
ha&" !""n "l"$t"d to !" #n&ol&"d #n #()ortant wor8, and that th"y w#ll all
(""t #n tw"nty y"ar t#("* A!out th# a(" t#(", h" # "nroll"d #n a "$r"t
%o&"rn("nt )ro%ra( for %#ft"d $h#ldr"n*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Destiny &atrix, !y Ja$8 Sarfatt#5
3820 : John ?* L#lly r")ort that Dr* Anto#n" 4a(ond of Par# # a!l" to #n"rt
"l"$tron#$ #()lant #nto a )"ron w#thout th" n""d for ur%"ry*
3820 : Aldou @u9l"y tr#" ("$al#n" for th" f#rt t#(", and %o" on to wr#t"
The Doors of Perception, #n wh#$h h" d"$r#!" h# "9)"r#"n$" #n (#nut"
d"ta#l* Th" !oo8 w#ll )ro(ot" th" $on$#oun"'"9)and#n% -ual#t#" of
hallu$#no%"n#$ dru%*
3820 : A l"a8 throu%h th" Toronto Star r"&"al that A&ro ?anada #
d"&"lo)#n% a d#$'ha)"d a#r$raft that $an ta8" off and land &"rt#$ally and
r"a$h" )""d of 1,D00 ()h*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3820 : Aft"r ha&#n% tranf"rr"d to th" U*S* A#r For$" 2"d#$al ?or), Lou#
Joly#n W"t # a))o#nt"d ?h#"f of Py$h#atry S"r&#$" at La$8land A#r For$"
/a", San Anton#o, T"9a* ,n th# )o#t#on h" tud#" US )#lot and &"t"ran
aft"r th"y ha&" "9)"r#"n$"d tortur" and !ra#nwah#n%* @" w#ll !"$o(" th"
d#r"$tor th" ?ult Awar"n" 7"twor8, wh#$h # fund"d !y th" ?,A to tudy th"
)y$ho!#olo%y of d#o$#at#on*
3820 : Wh#l" at a )r#&at" an$tuary #n Alaton!ury w#th P"t"r ?addy, E#l""n
?addy !"%#n to h"ar a &o#$" that $la#( to !" Aod* Sh" w#ll d"$r#!" th"
&o#$" a !"#n% .ut at th" aud#!l"=u!'aud#!l" thr"hold* ,t #ntru$t h"r to
ta8" on Sh""na Ao&an a h"r )#r#tual t"a$h"r* Sh""na oon (o&" away to
th" ,l" of 2ull #n S$otland aft"r d#&or$#n% P"t"r ?addy*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3820 : D#$o&"ry of th" D7A dou!l" h"l#9 tru$tur"*
3820 : Th" So&#"t !"%#n "9)"r#("nt#n% on th" !#olo%#$al "ff"$t of
3820 (Decem;er 36! : L* 4on @u!!ard #n$or)orat" th" ?hur$h of
3827 : Lo An%"l" )y$h#atr#t Dr* 6$ar Jan#%"r !"%#n "9)"r#("nt#n% w#th
LSD'2D* 6&"r an "#%ht'y"ar )"r#od h" w#ll %#&" #t to (or" than FD0 ("n and
wo("n, ran%#n% #n a%" fro( 18 to 81 and $o(#n% fro( all wal8 of l#f"*
3827 : Dr* T#(othy L"ary !"$o(" th" d#r"$tor of $l#n#$al )y$holo%y at th"
3a#"r Foundat#on @o)#tal #n 6a8land, ?al#forn#a, wh"r" h" w#ll wor8 unt#l
1FDF* Wh#l" h"r", h" w#ll $r"at" a )"ronal#ty t"t that w#ll lat"r !" u"d for
)rof#l#n% )r#on #n(at" and )ro)"$t#&" ?,A "()loy""* E#%ht %o&"rn("nt
%rant w#ll !" )a#d to L"ary !"tw""n 1FDE and 1FD8, (ot of th"( )a#d
throu%h th" 7at#onal ,nt#tut" of 2"ntal @"alth, lat"r 8nown to ha&" >front"d0
for th" ?,A #n th" 23ULT4A )ro%ra(*
3827 : ,n th" u(("r of th# y"ar, Andr#.a Puhar#$h r"$"#&" a tran$r#)t
fro( a $lo" fr#"nd of o(" $hann"l"d utt"ran$" that th" )y$h#$ @arry
Ston" had (ad" wh#l" #n a tran$" tat"* So(" of #t # #n En%l#h and o(" #n
E%y)t#an* @" had )o8"n a thou%h h" wa a >)"ronal#ty0 who had l#&"d
o(" D000 y"ar a%o* What fa$#nat" Andr#.a # th" tran$" d"$r#)t#on Ston"
had %#&"n of a )lant that $ould ")arat" th" $on$#oun" fro( th" )hy#$al
!ody, and that u$h a ")arat"d $on$#oun" $ould o)"rat" #nd")"nd"ntly
of th" l#(#tat#on of th" !ody* Draw#n% of th" )lant (ad" !y Ston" wh#l" #n
tran$" loo8 l#8" (uhroo(, and th" d"$r#)t#on h" ha %#&"n # that of th"
to9#$ fly a%ar#$, or a(an#ta (u$ar#a* Th# l"ad Puhar#$h to !"%#n a "ar$h
for a(an#ta (u$ar#a* /y Au%ut of 1FDD h" w#ll ha&" a$-u#r"d a lar%" u))ly
w#th wh#$h to !"%#n t"t#n% #t )y$h#$ "ff"$t on hu(an*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3822 (April! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h "nd h# "r&#$" at th" Ar(y ?h"(#$al
?"nt"r #n Ed%"wood, 2aryland, and r"turn to Al"n ?o&", 2a#n"* @# 4ound
Ta!l" Foundat#on, wh#$h had $"a"d o)"rat#n% dur#n% h# a!"n$", # lowly
!rou%ht !a$8 to l#f" w#th f#nan$#al !a$8#n% fro( an unna("d fr#"nd*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3822 (A*g*st! : @a&#n% %ath"r"d a lar%" u))ly of a(an#ta (u$ar#a,
Andr#.a Puhar#$h !"%#n t"t#n% #t )y$h#$ "ff"$t on hu(an* @" u" th"
)y$h#$ @arry Ston" a h# (a#n t"t u!."$t* @" w#ll lat"r u" th" )y$h#$
P"t"r @ur8o a a t"t u!."$t*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3822 ($cto;er 31! : Th" 5rantia )oo% # )u!l#h"d* Th" $hann"ll"r of th#
(at"r#al and th" ("an of tran(##on ar" h"ld und"r an oath of "$r"$y* ,t
w#ll "&"ntually !" r"&"al"d a lat" a 1FF1 that th" ("d#u( # W#lfr"d ?ut"r
3"llo%%* W#lfr"d ?ut"r 3"llo%% # r"lat"d to th" 3"llo%% dynaty, and alo
ha))"n to !" Dr* W#ll#a( Sadl"rH !roth"r'#n'law*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3822 : Th" a&#at#on trad" )u!l#$at#on nteravia r")ort that T* Town"nd
/rown ha (ad" u!tant#al )ro%r" #n ant#%ra&#ty or "l"$tro%ra&#t#$
)ro)ul#on r""ar$h* Tr#al ar" d"$r#!"d that #n&ol&" thr""'foot d#$ und"r a
$har%" of 1D0 8L r"a$h#n% )""d of "&"ral hundr"d ()h* Th"y ar"
#()r"#&" "nou%h to !" h#%hly $la#f#"d*
,n th" a(" y"ar, A"or%" S* Tr#(!l", a l"ad#n% a"ro)a$" "n%#n""r wor8#n%
at th" Al"nn L* 2art#n A#r$raft ?o()any !"%#n h"ad#n% th" Ad&an$"d
Pro%ra( d")art("nt and # L#$" Pr"#d"nt of #t >A'Pro."$t0, a (all %rou)
#n&ol&"d #n ant#%ra&#ty r""ar$h !a"d on /rown0 wor8* Th# r""ar$h "ffort
alo #n$lud" "&"ral oth"r a#r$raft (anufa$tur"r, #n$lud#n% /"ll A#r$raft,
L"ar, A"n"ral El"$tr#$, and S)"rry'4and* Tr#(!l" #nd#$at" #n a tat"("nt
dur#n% th# t#(" that a !r"a8throu%h #n ant#%ra&#ty $ould !" r"a$h"d #n a!out
f#&" y"ar*
Tr#(!l" # alo )art of a 2art#n ?o()any )#n'off $all"d th" 4""ar$h
,nt#tut" for Ad&an$"d Stud#" 14,AS5, wh#$h #n$lud" J+orld0class
contri4utors to mathematics, physics, 4iology and materials science(K Th"
fo$u of 4,AS # on 7ASA0 %oal of )utt#n% a (an on th" (oon* W#th#n two
y"ar, all tal8 #n th" a"ro)a$" #ndutry r"%ard#n% ant#%ra&#ty r""ar$h w#ll
udd"nly !"$o(" non"9#t"nt*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3822 : W#ll#a( Th"tford tart wor8#n% at th" ?,A'fund"d So$#"ty for th"
Study of @u(an E$olo%y at ?orn"ll Un#&"r#ty 2"d#$al ?oll"%"*
3822 : 2orr# 3* J"u) )u!l#h" The "ase for the 5'Os, #n wh#$h h" off"r
h# o)#n#on a!out UF6 and th"#r our$" of (ot#&" )ow"r* @" %o" on to %#&"
l"$tur" #n wh#$h h" (a8" a))"al to th" )u!l#$ to )r"ur" th" %o&"rn("nt
to !"%#n r""ar$h #n th# ar"a* @# !oo8 w#ll )lay a 8"y rol" #n th" !r"a8#n% of
th" tory of th" all"%"d Ph#lad"l)h#a E9)"r#("nt* Th# tart oon aft"r th"
!oo80 )u!l#$at#on wh"n J"u) r"$"#&" a nu(!"r of l"tt"r fro( a (an
na("d ?arlo All"nd", who $la#( to ha&" !""n a f#rt'hand w#tn" to th"
"9)"r#("nt #n 1F4E* All"nd" #()lor" J"u) not to (a8" a))"al for
%o&"rn("nt r""ar$h #nto UF6, and d"$r#!" th" !#+arr" r"ult of th" 1F4E
A "arly a July or Au%ut of 1FDD, "&"ral (onth !"for" J"u) r"$"#&"
th" f#rt of th"" l"tt"r fro( All"nd", a $o)y of h# !oo8 # r"$"#&"d #n th"
(a#l !y an off#$"r of th" 6ff#$" of 7a&al 4""ar$h 16745 #n Wah#n%ton* ,t
)a%" ar" f#ll"d w#th $ry)t#$ not" that r"f"r to UF6 and th"#r )ro)ul#on
yt"( a th"y r"lat" to th" d#$u#on w#th#n J"u)0 !oo8 a!out &ar#ou
tran%" )h"no("na* Th" 674 $onta$t J"u) and how h#( th"
annotat#on, a8#n% #f h" 8now who wrot" th"(* J"u) r"$o%n#+" th"( a
All"nd"0, Th" annotat#on ar" a))ar"ntly of u$h #nt"r"t to th"( that th"
674 a$-u#r" All"nd"0 l"tt"r fro( J"u) and (a8" a l#(#t"d
(#("o%ra)h"d "d#t#on of th" annotat"d !oo8 w#th $o)#" of th" l"tt"r
#n$lud"d* Th"y $la#( that th"y ar" only #nt"r"t"d !"$au" th"y ar"
$on#d"r#n% any #nfor(at#on at all that (#%ht h"l) th"( to und"rtand th"
natur" of %ra&#ty* @ow"&"r, #t # .ut a )o#!l" that th"y ar" $on$"rn"d
a!out "$ur#ty l"a8 and don0t want to draw att"nt#on to th" fa$t, or #t (ay
!" that All"nd" # a$t#n% on th"#r !"half to "t J"u) u) #n ord"r to %#&" th#
tory o(" ""(#n% &al#d#ty a )art of a lon%'ran%" d##nfor(at#on $a()a#%n
to $o&"r u) th" tru" fa$t urround#n% Pro."$t 4a#n!ow*
J"u) r"$"#&" a $o)y of th" annotat"d &"r#on of h# !oo8 fro( th" 674,
and )"nd o(" t#(" %o#n% o&"r #t and add#n% h# own furth"r annotat#on*
Around th# t#(", All"nd" alo $onta$t th" Ar#al Ph"no("non 4""ar$h
6r%an#+at#on 1AP465 and tal8 to o("on" th"r" a!out th" Ph#lad"l)h#a
E9)"r#("nt* Th"y ta8" a )hoto%ra)h of h#( dur#n% th" #nt"r&#"w, wh#$h th"y
w#ll "nd to W#ll#a( 2oor" dur#n% h# #n&"t#%at#on of th" Ph#lad"l)h#a
E9)"r#("nt #n th" y"ar ah"ad* AP46 w#ll "&"ntually r"$"#&" a l"tt"r fro(
All"nd", and th# w#ll l"ad to 2oor" tra$8#n% h#( down*
3822 : At a!out th# t#(", L* 4on @u!!ard wr#t" >Th" /ra#nwah#n% 2anual0*
A$$ord#n% to th" (anualH for"word, th" t"9t $on#t of a tran$r#!"d l"$tur"
that wa %#&"n to tud"nt of )y$ho')ol#t#$ at L"n#n%rad Un#&"r#ty around
1FD0 !y th" dr"ad"d /"r#a, h"ad of Stal#nH S"$r"t Pol#$"* Th"r"aft"r #t had
u))o"dly !""n u"d a a t"9t!oo8 on how to wa%" )y$holo%#$al warfar"
on W"t"rn d"(o$ra$#"* Th# )y$holo%#$al aault wa to !" follow"d !y an
"&"ntual ta8"o&"r of th" W"t, wh#$h would !" a$h#"&"d !y f#rt ta8#n% o&"r
th" )y$h#atr#$ and ("ntal h"alth or%an#+at#on* Th" (anual r"fl"$t th"
(#nd'$ontrol t"$hn#-u" u"d w#th#n th" ?hur$h of S$#"ntolo%y and @u!!ard0
ult#(at" %oal of world do(#nat#on*
1S"" f#l", "oercive Persuasion and Scientology, !y Lawr"n$" Woll"rh"#(5*
3829 : Elat"d !y h# u$$" #n d"&"lo)#n% and t"t#n% )rototy)" of h#
"l"$tro%ra&#t#$ fly#n% d#$, T* Town"nd /rown a))roa$h" P"nta%on off#$#al,
!ut th"y ar"n0t #nt"r"t"d*
3829 (&e;r*ary! : A r")ort # draft"d, t#tl"d Electrogravitics Systems F An
Examination of Electrostatic &otion, Dynamic "ounter4ary and )arycentric
"ontrol, $onta#n#n% d"ta#l of an a))ar"nt 2a$h E ant#%ra&#ty &"h#$l"
!"lon%#n% to th" US A#r For$"* Th" r")ort # )r")ar"d !y a /r#t#h %rou)
$all"d th" >Ara&#ty 4""ar$h Arou), S)"$#al W"a)on Study Un#t0, a
u!d#&##on of A&#at#on Study Un#t 1,nt"rnat#onal5 L#(#t"d* Th# r")ort w#ll !"
d#$o&"r"d #n th" t"$hn#$al l#!rary at Wr#%ht'Patt"ron AF/ #n 1F8D* Th"
r")ort na(" T* Town"nd /rown and h# W#nt"rha&"n Pro."$t*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3829 (April 5! : F#rt all"%"d al#"n "n$ount"r !y $onta$t"" El#+a!"th 3lar"r
#n South Afr#$a* Sh" $la#("d to ha&" tra&"l"d to th" al#"n0 ho(" )lan"t and
had "9ual #nt"r$our" w#th on", )rodu$#n% a !a!y that h" l"ft !"h#nd on
th"#r )lan"t*
3829 : T* Town"nd /rown h"l) to found th" 7at#onal ,n&"t#%at#on
?o((#tt"" on A"r#al Ph"no("na 17,?AP5 a UF6 tudy %rou) $on#t#n% of
)rof"#onal $#"nt#t, (#l#tary ("n, "n%#n""r and $#&#l#an* Ad(#ral 4o$o"
@* @#ll"n8o"tt"r, a for("r D#r"$tor of th" ?,A, w#ll alo .o#n #t !oard of
d#r"$tor* Th"r" w#ll !" at l"at thr"" #nt"ll#%"n$" o)"rat#&" a(on% #t
l"ad"r: /"rnard ?or&alho, 7#$hola d" 4o$h"fort, and ?olon"l Jo")h 4yan*
Th"" ("n ar" all tra#n"d )ra$t#t#on"r of th" (od"rn t"$hn#-u" of
)y$holo%#$al warfar"* 7,?AP w#ll !" #ntru("ntal #n !oth (on#tor#n% and
(an#)ulat#n% th" !"l#"f of th" )u!l#$ r"%ard#n% th" UF6 )h"no("non*
3829 : E#l""n ?addy, now (arr#"d to P"t"r ?addy, (o&" to th" S$ott#h
,land of 2ull, wh"r" h" und"r%o" $la#$al !ra#nwah#n% t"$hn#-u"*
Althou%h h" hadn0t )r"&#ouly a$$")t"d that th" &o#$" h" # h"ar#n% #
a$tually Aod a #t $la#(, h" now !"%#n to !"l#"&" that #t #* Sh" #
"n$oura%"d to do o !y P"t"r ?addy* E#l""n ?addy w#ll !"$o(" th" )r#(ary
$hann"l"r at th" F#ndhorn Foundat#on #n S$otland #n th" y"ar ah"ad, and th"
&o#$" w#ll d#$tat" E0,000 )a%" of (at"r#al to h"r, !"$o(#n% th" !a# for th"
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3829 : ,n ord"r to att"()t to u))r" th" wor8 of W#lh"l( 4"#$h, th" Pur"
Food and Dru% Ad(#n#trat#on ord"r all !oo8 $onta#n#n% th" t"r( >or%on"0
to !" !urn"d*
3829 : Th" F/, #n#t#at" th"#r ?6,7TELP46 )ro%ra(* ,t )ur)o", a
d"$r#!"d !y F/, D#r"$tor J* Ed%ar @oo&"r, # Jto "9)o", d#ru)t, (#d#r"$t,
d#$r"d#t, or oth"rw#" n"utral#+" a$t#&#t#"K of tho" #nd#&#dual and
or%an#+at#on who" #d"a or %oal h" o))o"d* Ta$t#$ #n$lud": fal"ly
la!"l#n% #nd#&#dual a #nfor(antI #nf#ltrat#n% %rou) w#th )"ron #ntru$t"d
to d#ru)t th" %rou)I "nd#n% anony(ou or for%"d l"tt"r d"#%n"d to
)ro(ot" tr#f" !"tw""n %rou)I #n#t#at#n% )ol#t#$ally (ot#&at"d ,4S
#n&"t#%at#onI $arry#n% out !ur%lar#" of off#$" and unlawful w#r"ta)I and
d#"(#nat#n% to oth"r %o&"rn("nt a%"n$#" and to th" ("d#a unlawfully
o!ta#n"d d"ro%atory #nfor(at#on on #nd#&#dual and %rou)*V
3825 : Ant#%ra&#ty r""ar$h !"$o(" a $la#f#"d u!."$t*
3825 : All"%"d al#"n $onta$t !y ?ynth#a A))l"ton #n Ar"at /r#ta#n* Sh"
$la#( to ha&" had #nt"r$our" w#th an al#"n and had #t !a!y*
3825 : Th" Anton#o L#lla'/oa >al#"n0 a!du$t#on #n South A("r#$a* @" $la#(
to ha&" had #nt"r$our" w#th a f"(al" al#"n*
1S"" f#l", Doctoring @illas )oas and Aliens on ce, !y Ph#l#) ?o))"n5
3825 (A*g*st! : Dur#n% th" (onth that h" # wor8#n% w#th Andr#.a
Puhar#$h #n )y$h#$ "9)"r#("nt u#n% a(an#ta (u$ar#a, P"t"r @ur8o
!"%#n ha&#n% UF6 "9)"r#"n$"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3825 : ?laud#a 2ull"n !"$o(" a &#$t#( of 23ULT4A, wh"r" h" # turn"d
#nto a (#nd'$ontroll"d ")#ona%" a%"nt and u"d for !la$8(a#l#n% h#%h
%o&"rn("nt off#$#al and h"ad of a$ad"(#$ #nt#tut#on and foundat#on* Sh"
w#ll na(" John A#tt#n%"r, Sydn"y Aottl#"!, Ew"n ?a("ron, and 4o!"rt @"ath
a four of th" do$tor who wor8"d on h"r*
3825 : Th" f#rt )u!l#$#+"d t"t of u!l#(#nal ("a%" #n"rt"d #nto a &#ual
)r""ntat#on* Ja(" L#$ary, a (ar8"t r""ar$h"r, #n"rt th" word VEat
Po)$ornV and VDr#n8 ?o$a'?olaV #nto a (o&#" hown at a th"atr" #n ord"r to
tudy th" )h"no("na*
3825 : W#lh"l( 4"#$h d#" wh#l" !"#n% h"ld at L"w#!ur% F"d"ral P"n#t"nt#ary
for a t"$hn#$al &#olat#on of an #n.un$t#on that wa #n#t#at"d !y th" Pur" Food
and Dru% Ad(#n#trat#on r"%ard#n% h# #n&"nt#on*
3825 : L#$tor S$hau!"r%"r, G2 y"ar old and %"tt#n% on #n h"alth, #
$onta$t"d !y two unna("d a#r$raft $o()an#" and (ad" off"r for th" r#%ht
to h# )ro)ul#on t"$hnolo%y* 6n" of th" $o()an#" : )ro!a!ly A&ro ?anada :
off"r h#( PE*D (#ll#on* S$hau!"r%"r turn th"( !oth down* At a!out th#
a(" t#(", h" # &##t"d at h# ho(" #n Autr#a !y a (an na("d 3arl
A"r$hh"#("r, who # a$t#n% a an #nt"r("d#ary for a w"althy US f#nan$#"r
na("d 4o!"rt Donn"r* S$hau!"r%"r # off"r"d a $han$" to d"&"lo) and
#()l"("nt h# t"$hnolo%y, and # )"ruad"d to %o to th" USA and tart
wor8#n% on th" )ro."$t* @" a%r"", and #n th" )ro$" of draw#n% u) th"
#n#t#al )a)"rwor8, S$hau!"r%"r (a8" th" "rror of #%n#n% away th" r#%ht to
all of h# wor8* @" r"turn to Autr#a and d#" a f"w day lat"r*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3826 : Th" USAF $o((##on a )"$#al $la#f#"d tudy %rou) to a))ra#" a
r"$"ntly )u!l#h"d !oo8, t#tl"d 6erman Secret Weapons of World War ,
wr#tt"n !y a 2a.or 4udolf Luar, th" $o((and#n% off#$"r of a A"r(an Ar(y
t"$hn#$al un#t* Th" !oo8, wh#$h d"ta#l na(", dat", and )la$", r"&"al that
th" A"r(an had !""n far ah"ad of th" /r#t#h and A("r#$an #n ."t and
ro$8"t "n%#n", #nfrar"d and th"r(al #(a%#n%, (##l" %u#dan$" yt"(, and
)ro9#(#ty fu"* Th" A"r(an alo had $"rta#n >wond"r w"a)on0 that
#n&ol&"d u$h th#n% a ound wa&", a#r &ort#$", $o()r""d a#r ."t, and
#nt"n"ly fo$u"d l#%ht !"a(* /ut th" (ot #nt"r"t#n% )art of th" !oo8 # a
"$t#on on fly#n% d#$, wh"r" Luar $l"arly tat" that th"y ar" of A"r(an
or#%#n, and had !""n und"r d"&"lo)("nt #n$" 1F41* Th" $#"nt#t #n&ol&"d
#n th"#r d"&"lo)("nt w"r" thr"" A"r(an na("d 4udolf S$hr#"&"r, 3lau
@a!"r(ohl, and 4#$hard 2#"th", and an ,tal#an na("d A#u"))" /"llu++o*
Luar tat" that at th" "nd of th" war, (any of th" $#"nt#t wor8#n% on a
d#$'ha)"d $raft d"#%n"d !y 2#"th" w"r" $a)tur"d !y th" 4u#an and "nt
to S#!"r#a wh"r" th"#r wor8 wa u$$"fully $ont#nu"d* Luar alo d"$r#!"
anoth"r u$$"fully o)"rat#onal $raft d"#%n that a$h#"&"d 12,400 ("t"r #n
thr"" (#nut" and r"a$h"d a )""d of 2,000 8(=h*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3826 : Pro."$t 64,67 # tart"d !y "#th"r USAF or ?,A* Th# )ro."$t #
#n&ol&"d #n tudy#n% th" u" of dru%, hy)no#, "l"$tron#$ !ra#n #n&a#on w#th
radar, (#$rowa&", and "9tr"("ly low fr"-u"n$#" of ound for (#nd'$ontrol
3826 : Th" >n"uro)hon"0 # d"&"lo)"d !y 14'y"ar'old Patr#$8 Flana%an* Th#
d"&#" $on&"rt ound #nto "l"$tr#$al #%nal that $an th"n !" h"ard #n#d" a
)"ron0 h"ad wh"n "l"$trod" $ondu$t#n% th" #%nal ar" )la$"d a%a#nt
th"#r 8#n* 1US )at"nt WE,EFE,2GF and WE,B4G,FG05
3826 : @"l"n S$hu$(an, who #n th" y"ar ah"ad w#ll !"%#n h"ar#n% a &o#$"
#n h"r h"ad that $la#( to !" J"u, %o" to wor8 for Dr* W#ll#a( Th"tford #n
th" Py$holo%y D")art("nt at ?olu(!#a Un#&"r#tyH ?oll"%" of Phy#$#an
and Sur%"on a a $l#n#$al and r""ar$h )y$holo%#t* ,n 1F21, at th" a%" of
12, h" had had a )#r#tual "9)"r#"n$" wh#l" &##t#n% Lourd", Fran$"* @"r
(oth"r ha da!!l"d #n Th"oo)hy and ?hr#t#an S$#"n$"* Th"tford0 )ar"nt
w"r" alo #n&ol&"d w#th ?hr#t#an S$#"n$" wh#l" h" wa %row#n% u)*
3826 : Th" youn% (ath"(at#$ )rod#%y T"d 3a$+yn8# "nroll at @ar&ard
Un#&"r#ty at a%" 1B* Dur#n% h# t#(" th"r" 1h" w#ll %raduat" #n 1FB25, h"
&olunt""r to !" on" of tw"nty'two u!."$t u"d for a )y$holo%#$al
"9)"r#("nt !"#n% $ondu$t"d !y a Dr* @"nry A* 2urray, who h"ad th"
@ar&ard Py$holo%#$al ?l#n#$* 2urray had wor8"d for th" 6SS a th"#r $h#"f
)y$holo%#t dur#n% World War ,,, at wh#$h t#(" h" wa d"&"lo)#n% ("thod
of #nt"rro%at#on* 2urray alo found"d th" /oton Py$hoanalyt#$ So$#"ty* L#8"
John A#tt#n%"r, h# wor8 on )"ronal#ty )y$holo%y w#ll ad&an$" (u$h of th"
"n$od#n% lan%ua%" that th" ?,A u" #n )y$holo%#$al a"("nt* Th"
@ar&ard tudy that 3a$+yn8# !"$o(" #n&ol&"d #n # $all"d >2ult#for(
A"("nt of P"ronal#ty D"&"lo)("nt A(on% A#ft"d ?oll"%" 2"n0, and #
!"#n% fund"d !y th" P"nta%on, th" ?,A, and th" 4o$8"f"ll"r Foundat#on,
3a$+yn8# # a )art#$#)ant fro( 1FDF to 1FB2* Th" !a#$ )r"(#" of th"
r""ar$h # to tudy how !r#%ht $oll"%" tud"nt w#ll r"a$t to a%%r"#&" and
h#%hly tr"ful atta$8 on th"#r !"l#"f and &alu", !ut th# # not told to th"
&olunt""r )r#or to ta8#n% )art* Ea$h )ro)"$t#&" &olunt""r # #()ly a8"d
wh"th"r th"y would !" w#ll#n% to $ontr#!ut" to th" olut#on of $"rta#n
)y$holo%#$al )ro!l"( a )art of an on'%o#n% )ro%ra( of r""ar$h #n th"
d"&"lo)("nt of )"ronal#ty, !y "r&#n% a a u!."$t #n a "r#" of
"9)"r#("nt or ta8#n% a nu(!"r of t"t throu%h th" a$ad"(#$ y"ar* A a t"t
u!."$t, 3a$+yn8# f#nd h#("lf !"#n% )ut throu%h an #nt"nt#onally !rutal#+#n%
)y$holo%#$al "9)"r#("nt, #n&ol&#n% "9tr"("ly tr"ful, )"ronal, and
)rolon%"d )y$holo%#$al atta$8* Dur#n% th" "9)"r#("nt, u!."$t ar"
$onn"$t"d to "l"$trod" that (on#tor th"#r )hy#olo%#$al r"a$t#on wh#l"
fa$#n% !r#%ht l#%ht and a two'way (#rror #n an #nt"rro%at#on'l#8" "tt#n%*
Ea$h u!."$t # a8"d to wr#t" an "ay d"ta#l#n% th"#r )"ronal !"l#"f and
a)#rat#on, a w"ll a ta8" a !att"ry of )y$holo%#$al t"t that allow th"
r""ar$h"r to d"&"lo) a )y$holo%#$al )ortra#t of th"#r )"ronal#ty #n all #t
d#("n#on* Aft"r th#, th"y ar" #nd#&#dually !"l#ttl"d, !a"d #n )art on th"
d#$lour" th"y had (ad"* Th# # f#l("d, and th" u!."$t0 "9)r"#on of
ra%" ar" )lay"d !a$8 to th"( "&"ral t#(" dur#n% th" tudy* 3a$+yn8#H
r"$ord fro( th# )"r#od u%%"t that h" wa "(ot#onally ta!l" wh"n th"
tudy !"%#n* O"ar lat"r, aft"r h" # arr"t"d for th" Una!o(!"r (a#l'
!o(!#n% $a()a#%n, 3a$+yn8#H lawy"r w#ll want to ""8 an #nan#ty )l"a,
attr#!ut#n% o(" of 3a$+yn8#0 a))ar"nt "(ot#onal #nta!#l#ty and d#l#8" of
(#nd $ontrol to h# )art#$#)at#on #n th# tudy* 3a$+yn8# w#ll ada(antly
)rot"t u$h a )l"a* Wh"n th" Una!o(!"r %o" on h# (a#l'!o(!#n%
$a()a#%n aft"r th" "9)"r#("nt, o(" of th" tar%"t w#ll !" !"ha&#oral
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Ted 7ac:yns%i and "A &ind "ontrol Experiments, !y Da&#d
3826 : 7ot lon% aft"r (""t#n% w#th off#$"r of th" 674, at th" "nd of
6$to!"r, 2orr# 3* J"u) &##t h# fr#"nd, ,&an T* Sand"ron and ta8" h#(
#nto h# $onf#d"n$", hand#n% h#( h# r"'annotat"d $o)y of h# !oo8, The "ase
for the 5'Os, and a8 that h" r"ad #t and th"n )ut #t o("wh"r" for
af"8"")#n% #n $a" anyth#n% hould ha))"n to J"u)* @" t"ll Sand"ron
that h" ha !""n "9)"r#"n$#n% a "r#" of tran%" >$o#n$#d"n$"0 that h"
do"n0t want to d#$u, #n$" anyon" would th#n8 h" wa $ra+y for $la#(#n%
what wa ha))"n#n% to h#(* Aft"r th# (""t#n%, J"u) w#ll uff"r a "r#ou
$ar a$$#d"nt follow"d !y a nu(!"r of r"."$t#on fro( h# )u!l#h"r, "nd#n%
h#( on a downh#ll $our" that w#ll "nd #n h# tra%#$ d"ath #n 1FDF* @# d"ath
w#ll !" off#$#ally d"$lar"d a u#$#d", !ut th"r" w#ll !" "&#d"n$" u%%"t#n% that
h" had !""n (urd"r"d*
Jut !"for" h# >u#$#d"0, J"u) alo $onta$t h# $lo" fr#"nd Dr* J* 2anon
Lal"nt#n" and t"ll h#( that h" ha )r")ar"d a rou%h draft )a)"r on th"
Ph#lad"l)h#a E9)"r#("nt and want to d#$u #t w#th h#(* Th"y (a8"
arran%"("nt to (""t at Lal"nt#n"0 ho(", !ut J"u) n"&"r arr#&"* @" #
found d"ad #n h# $ar oon aft"r, !ut th"r" ar" no )a)"r found w#th h#(*
3828 : Play#n% d#ff"r"nt fr"-u"n$#" #n "a$h "ar to $au" !#naural !"at a a
!ra#nwa&" "ntra#n("nt t"$hn#-u" 1f#rt d#$o&"r"d !y @* W* Do&" #n 18EF5
%a#n !oth $#"nt#f#$ &al#dat#on and w#d")r"ad r"$o%n#t#on*
3828 : 23ULT4A u!)ro."$t F4, wh#$h # runn#n% at th# t#(", # #n&ol&"d
w#th "l"$tron#$ t#(ulat#on of th" !ra#n 1ES/5 u#n% #()lant*
3828 : Around th# t#(", Dr* T#(othy L"ary !"$o(" a l"$tur"r at @ar&ard
Un#&"r#ty, wh"r" h" w#ll "ta!l#h a r""ar$h )ro."$t to tudy )#lo$y!#n,
wh#$h # a))ro&"d !y Dr* @"nry A* 2urray, th" $ha#r(an of th" D")art("nt of
So$#al 4"lat#on at @ar&ard* 2urray had !""n th" $h#"f )y$holo%#t w#th#n
th" 6SS dur#n% World War ,,, and # $urr"ntly $ondu$t#n% o(" rath"r
"9tr"(" )y$holo%#$al "9)"r#("nt und"r th" au)#$" of 23ULT4A, w#th T"d
3a$+yn8# a on" of h# "9)"r#("ntal u!."$t*
3828 (April! : Th" US D")art("nt of D"f"n" r"&"al dur#n% h"ar#n%
!"for" ?on%r" that #t # wor8#n% w#th A&ro ?anada to d"&"lo) a d#$'ha)"d
a#r$raft, lat"r to !" 8nown a th" >A&ro$ar0*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3828 : Andr#.a Puhar#$h )u!l#h" The Sacred &ushroom, r"lat#n% h#
"9)"r#"n$" #n "ar$h#n% for hallu$#no%"n#$ (uhroo( #n ?"ntral A("r#$a*
3828 (Decem;er! : Th" f#rt unt"th"r"d t"t fl#%ht of th" >A&ro$ar0, a ."t'
)ow"r"d, d#$'ha)"d a#r$raft !"#n% d"&"lo)"d !y A&ro ?anada* Th" t"t #
!ar"ly u$$"ful* Th" )ro."$t w#ll $ont#nu" for two (or" y"ar !"for" !"#n%
3894 : P#nu) (od"l ?andy Jon" # r"$ru#t"d !y th" ?,A a an ")#ona%"
a%"nt and turn"d #nto a hy)not#+"d >2an$hur#an ?and#dat"0* @"r r"$ru#t("nt
ta8" )la$" #n 6a8land, ?al#forn#a* ,t w#ll !" r"&"al"d !y #n&"t#%ator aft"r
th" )u!l#$at#on of h"r tory #n lat"r y"ar that 23ULT4A "9)"rt hy)not#t Dr*
W#ll#a( J"nn#n% /ryan and Dr* W#ll#a( S* 3ro%"r had !""n #n&ol&"d w#th
Jon"0 r"$ru#t("nt, !ut h"r (a#n hy)not#t=)ro%ra(("r # a (an na("d
A#l!"rt J"n"n* Soon aft"r th# r"&"lat#on # (ad" #n 1FGG, /ryan w#ll turn u)
d"ad #n a La L"%a hot"l roo(*
3894 : W#th a PE00,000 #n&"t("nt fro( thr"" unna("d 7"w Oor8
!u#n"("n, Andr#.a Puhar#$h tart a $o()any $all"d th" ,nt"l"$tron
?or)orat#on, wh#$h # #n&ol&"d #n d"&"lo)#n% "l"$tron#$ d"&#$" to t#(ulat"
h"ar#n% #n th" d"af* @" # %#&"n r""ar$h $ontra$t !y &ar#ou ar( of th" US
%o&"rn("nt, #n$lud#n% th" ?,A, F/,, A#r For$", and 7ASA* Th" A#r For$" #
#nt"r"t"d #n th" "l"$tr#$al t#(ulat#on of h"ar#n% 1ES@5, wh#l" 7ASA # (or"
#nt"r"t"d #n th" )y$h#$ r""ar$h h" had )r"&#ouly $ondu$t"d u#n% a
Faraday $a%" and what # $all"d >!#o'#nfor(at#on'tranf"r0* Du" to
?on%r"#onal )r"ur" o&"r th" #u" of da!!l#n% #n th" )aranor(al, 7ASA
w#ll !" for$"d to $an$"l #t $ontra$t* Soon aft"r th#, Puhar#$h w#ll !"
a))roa$h"d !y )"o)l" fro( /"ll La!* /"ll # a h"a&y $ontra$tor for "$r"t
%o&"rn("nt )ro."$t* Su))o"dly, noth#n% $o(" of th# and th" $ontra$t #
3894 : Th" #n&"nt#on of th" la"r*
3894 : At th# )o#nt #n t#(", f"w"r than two "r#al 8#ll"r ar" r")ort"d "a$h
y"ar #n th" USA*
3893 : All"n Fr"y, a !#o)hy#$#t wor8#n% for th" D"f"n" ,nt"ll#%"n$"
A%"n$y, r")ort u#n% )ul"d (#$rowa&" to $au" #ntra$"r"!ral ound*
3893 (A*g*st 6! : @"nry 1Andr#.a5 Puhar#$h and Jo")h Lawr"n$" r"$"#&" a
)at"nt 1US Pat"nt W2,FFD,BEE5 d"$r#!"d a a ("an for $on&"rt#n% aud#!l"
#%nal to "l"$tr#$al #%nal and $on&"y#n% th"( to &#a!l" n"r&" of th" fa$#al
yt"(* Th"" two ("n w#ll !" fa&ora!ly na("d w#th#n th" $hann"l"d
$o((un#$at#on )u!l#h"d !y ?arla 4u"$8"rt, Don El8#n, and J#( 2$?arty #n
1F84 a th" Ra &aterial or The *a+ of One*
3893 (Septem;er! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h (o&" to 6#n#n%, 7"w Oor8*
3893 (Septem;er 38! : Th" /"tty and /arn"y @#ll al#"n a!du$t#on* Th# #
th" f#rt a!du$t#on $a" to !" r")ort"d #n th" US* ,t w#ll !" )u!l#$#+"d #n th"
!oo8, The nterrupted Journ"y, #n 1FBB* Th" #n$#d"nt !"%#n wh"n th" @#ll
ar" dr#&#n% #n an #olat"d )art of th" $ountry at a!out 10:E0 )( wh"n /"tty
"" a !r#%ht l#%ht #n th" 8y (o&#n% "rrat#$ally and %"tt#n% lar%"r* Aft"r !oth
of th"( loo8 (or" $lo"ly at th" o!."$t throu%h !#no$ular and "" that #t
#n0t a nor(al $raft, th"y %"t #n th" $ar and dr#&" on* A th"y dr#&", th"y
wat$h th" o!."$t a #t ""( to follow th"(, $o(#n% #n and out of &#"w #n th"
(ounta#nou ar"a* ,t udd"nly woo) down and for$" th"( to to) th" $ar
#n th" (#ddl" of th" h#%hway* A #t ho&"r #l"ntly l" than 100 f""t a!o&"
th" %round, /arn"y %"t out of th" $ar* @" w#tn"" a nu(!"r of hu(ano#d
f#%ur" loo8#n% out of a lar%" w#ndow #n th" $raft, and th"n on" of th"(
$o((un#$at" to h#( and t"ll h#( to tay wh"r" h" # and wat$h* A$$ord#n%
to /arn"y0 lat"r r"$oll"$t#on, th" $r"atur" ar" w"ar#n% %loy !la$8
un#for( and $a)* F"ar#n% that th"y ar" %o#n% to !" $a)tur"d, /arn"y .u()
!a$8 #n th" $ar and th"y )""d off* Soon aft"r, th"y !"%#n to h"ar a rhyth(#$
!"")#n% or !u++#n% ound* Th" $ar &#!rat" and a t#n%l#n% "nat#on )a"
throu%h th"(* /"tty tou$h" th" ("tal on th" )a"n%"r door "9)"$t#n% to
f""l an "l"$tr#$ ho$8, !ut only f""l th" &#!rat#on* At th# )o#nt #n t#(" th"y
"9)"r#"n$" th" on"t of an alt"r"d tat" of $on$#oun" that l"a&" th"#r
(#nd dull"d* A "$ond "r#" of !"")#n% or !u++#n% ound "&"ntually
r"turn th" $ou)l" to full $on$#oun"* ,n th" ("ant#(", th"y ha&" tra&"l"d
ED (#l" down th" h#%hway* Th"y r"$all that th"y had (ad" an un"9)"$t"d
turn and th"n "n$ount"r"d a road!lo$8 and an or! #n th" 8y dur#n% th#
)"r#od of alt"r"d $on$#oun"*
Th" @#ll arr#&" ho(" at dawn, and !oth ar" f""l#n% tran%"* Th"y try to
r"$ontru$t th" $hronolo%y of "&"nt fro( th" n#%ht !"for", !ut fro( th"
)o#nt that th"y h"ard th" !u++#n% ound th"#r ("(or#" ar" &a%u" and
fra%("ntary* /arn"y &a%u"ly r"$all ha&#n% a#d J6h no, not a%a#n;K wh"n h"
f#rt aw th" $raft #n th" 8y*
6n S")t"(!"r 21, /"tty $onta$t P"a" A#r For$" /a" to r")ort th"#r UF6
"n$ount"r, !ut w#thhold o(" of th" d"ta#l* 6n S")t"(!"r 22, 2a.or Paul
W* @"nd"ron t"l")hon" !a$8 for a (or" d"ta#l"d #nt"r&#"w* @"nd"ron w#ll
$on$lud" that th# wa a (##d"nt#f#"d #%ht#n% and forward h# r")ort to
Pro."$t /lu"!oo8* Day lat"r, /"tty w#ll f#nd a !oo8 on UF6 at th" l#!rary,
wr#tt"n !y r"t#r"d 2ar#n" ?or) 2a.or Donald E* 3"yho", who # alo th" h"ad
of 7,?AP, a $#&#l#an UF6 r""ar$h %rou)* Sh" wr#t" to h#( a f"w day lat"r
and r"lat" all of th" d"ta#l of th" #n$#d"nt, tat#n% that h" and /arn"y ar"
$on#d"r#n% u#n% hy)no# to h"l) th"( r"$all th" "&"nt !"tt"r* At a!out th#
a(" t#(", /"tty !"%#n to ha&" a "r#" of &"ry &#&#d dr"a( for f#&" n#%ht
tra#%ht !"for" th"y udd"nly to)* 6n 6$to!"r 21, Walt"r 7* W"!!, an
atrono("r and 7,?AP ("(!"r, # "nt to (""t w#th th" @#ll, and $ondu$t
a #9'hour #nt"r&#"w* /arn"y t"ll h#( that h" ha d"&"lo)"d a ("ntal !lo$8
a!out $"rta#n )art of th" "&"nt that h" f""l h" do"n0t want to r"("(!"r*
Aft"r th# #nt"r&#"w, /"tty !"%#n to wr#t" down th" d"ta#l of h"r dr"a(* ,n
on" of th"(, h" and /arn"y "n$ount"r a road!lo$8 and th"n ("n urround
th"#r $ar* Sh" lo" $on$#oun" !ut tru%%l" to r"%a#n #t* Sh" r"al#+" that
h" # !"#n% for$"d !y two (all ("n to wal8 #n a for"t at n#%ht, and h"
"" /arn"y wal8#n% !"h#nd h"r, althou%h h" ""("d to !" #n a tran$" or
l"")wal8#n%* Th" ("n wor" (at$h#n% un#for(, w#th (#l#tary'tyl" $a)*
Th"y a))"ar"d n"arly hu(an !ut had a %ray#h )allor and !lu#h l#)* ,n th"
dr"a(, th"y ar" l"d u) a ra() #nto a d#$'ha)"d ("tall#$ $raft, and th"n
th" two @#ll0 ar" ")arat"d and ta8"n to ")arat" roo(* /"tty and th" ("n
w#th h"r ar" th"n .o#n"d !y anoth"r (an, who h" d"$r#!" a ha&#n% a $al(
and )l"aant d"("anor, !ut w#th a l" than )"rf"$t $o((and of th" En%l#h
lan%ua%"* Sh" und"r%o" an "9a(#nat#on, and ha#r, f#n%"rna#l, and 8#n fla8"
a()l" ar" ta8"n* 7"9t, h" ha a lon% n""dl" #n"rt"d #nto h"r na&"l, wh#$h
$au" )a#n* A wa&" of th" "9a(#n"r0 hand d#)"l th" )a#n* Aft"r th"
"9a(#nat#on, h" # hand"d a !oo8 w#th row of tran%" y(!ol on #t that
h" # told h" $an 8"")* Sh" a8 wh"r" th"" )"o)l" ar" fro(, and #
hown a lar%" tar (a) on th" wall* F#nally, #n th" dr"a(, th" @#ll0 ar"
"$ort"d fro( th" $raft, !ut a d#a%r""("nt tart a!out l"tt#n% /"tty ha&"
th" !oo8, and #t # d"$#d"d that #t !" ta8"n !a$8 #n$" h" hould for%"t th"
"nt#r" #n$#d"nt* Th" !oo8 # ta8"n !a$8 and th" @#ll0 ar" r"turn"d to th"#r $ar*
6n 7o&"(!"r 2D, 1FB2, th" @#ll w#ll a%a#n !" #nt"r&#"w"d at l"n%th !y
7,?AP ("(!"r* Th# t#(" th" #nt"r&#"w"r ar" ?*D* Ja$8on and 4o!"rt E*
@oh(an* Th" two #nt"r&#"w"r )o#nt out that, althou%h th" dr#&" hould ha&"
only ta8"n a!out four hour, th" @#ll d#d not arr#&" at ho(" unt#l "&"n
hour aft"r th"#r d")artur"* A )"r#od of (##n% t#(" # r"al#+"d, and o
hy)no# # u%%"t"d to r"tr#"&" th" ("(or#" of what"&"r "&"nt too8
)la$"* /arn"y # a))r"h"n#&", !ut a%r""* /arn"y # ""#n% a )y$h#atr#t,
and a8 h#( a!out hy)no#* @" # r"f"rr"d to a Dr* /"n.a(#n S#(on of
/oton* Th"y w#ll und"r%o th"#r f#rt hy)no# "#on on January 4, 1FB4,
and th" "#on w#ll $ont#nu" unt#l Jun" B, 1FB4* Ea$h of th" @#ll w#ll
und"r%o ")arat" "#on and ha&" a(n"#a r"#ntat"d, o a not to allow
th"( to #nflu"n$" "a$h oth"r0 ("(or#"* /arn"y w#ll r"$all ("(or#" #(#lar
to tho" of /"tty0 dr"a(, #n wh#$h h" # alo %#&"n a ("d#$al "9a(#nat#on*
/"tty w#ll alo r"$all "&"nt #(#lar to h"r dr"a(, !ut w#th nota!l"
d#ff"r"n$"* Th" $a)tur" and r"l"a", on!oard t"$hnolo%y, a))"aran$" of
th"#r $a)tor, and %"n"ral "-u"n$" of "&"nt w"r" all d#ff"r"nt to h"r dr"a(
("(or#"* @ow"&"r, !oth of th" @#ll0 hy)not#$ r"$all w#ll !" -u#t" #(#lar* ,t
hould !" not"d that th" #(#lar#t#" of hy)not#$ r"$all $ould r"fl"$t a $r#)t"d
hy)not#$ ("(ory %#&"n to !oth, wh#l" th" dr"a( r"fl"$t a (or" a$$urat"
truth* /"tty w#ll alo !" %#&"n a )ot'hy)not#$ u%%"t#on to draw th" tar
(a) that h" had ""n, wh#$h h" do"* ,n th" "nd, Dr* S#(on w#ll $on$lud"
that /arn"y0 r"$oll"$t#on w"r" #nflu"n$"d !y /"tty0 r"("(!"r"d dr"a(
"9)"r#"n$", !ut th" @#ll w#ll !oth $ont#nu" to !"l#"&" that th"y had !""n
a!du$t"d !y th" o$$u)ant of a UF6* Th"y w#ll not ""8 )u!l#$#ty out#d" of
tal8#n% to fr#"nd and #nt"r"t"d )art#", !ut du" to th" "9traord#nary natur"
of th"#r tory, #t w#ll !" )#$8"d u) !y a n"w)a)"r r")ort"r and $o(" to th"
att"nt#on of John A Full"r, who w#ll wr#t" th" !oo8, The nterrupted Journey,
d")#$t#n% th" @#ll0 "9)"r#"n$"* Th" !oo8 w#ll how a draw#n% of th" tar (a)
that /"tty dr"w, and a )#$tur" of an al#"n w#th wra)around "y" that /arn"y
dr"w* Th# w#ll !" th" f#rt )u!l#$ d")#$t#on of an al#"n w#th wra)around "y"*
,n 1FB8, a wo(an !y th" na(" of 2ar.or#" F#h w#ll $r"at" a thr""'
d#("n#onal r")r""ntat#on of /"tty @#ll0 tar (a) draw#n% #n an att"()t to
d#$o&"r what tar yt"( #t (#%ht r")r""nt* Sh" w#ll u" th" 1FBF Al#""
Star ?atalo%u" a a r"f"r"n$", and aft"r tudy#n% thouand of )o#!l"
)o#nt of )"r)"$t#&", w#ll f#nd that th" (a) (at$h" (ot $lo"ly to th" U"ta
4"t#$ul# tar for(at#on*
1S"" f#l", The Pied Pipers of the "A, !y Ph#l#) ?o))"nI )etty and )arney
#ill A4duction, at w#8#)"d#a5
3893 ("ovem;er 11! ' A d"$la#f#"d ?,A do$u("nt fro( th# dat":
== November $>?$
@:@O%&NA6@ FO% T<: %:.O%A
+6*,:.TB ;ro'ect @C6-T%&, +ubpro'ect No.>D
The purpose of this subpro'ect is to provide a continuation of activities in selected species
of animals. @iniaturi/ed stimulating electrode implants in specific brain center areas will
be utili/ed.
#nitial biological wor on techni)ues and brain locations essential to providing
conditioning and control of animals has been completed. The feasibility of remote control
of activities in several species of animals has been demonstrated. The present
investigations are directed toward improvement of techni)ues and will provide a precise
mapping of the useful brain centres in selected species. The ultimate ob'ective of this
research is to provide an understanding of the mechanisms involved in the directional
control of animals and to provide a system suitable for 2deleted word3 application.
Th" word that ha !""n d"l"t"d # undou!t"dly >hu(an0*
3893 : Plann#n% for th" A4PA7ET $o((un#$at#on n"twor8 !"%#n*
3891 : @"l"n S$hu$(an and W#ll#a( Th"tford $o'author a )a)"r "nt#tl"d The
Personality Theory of John 6ittinger, wh#$h # )u!l#h"d !y th" @u(an
E$olo%y Fund, a ?,A front*
3891 (Septem;er! : @"l"n S$hu$(an $o'author a )a)"r w#th Da&#d 4*
Saund"r, wh#$h r"lat" to A#tt#n%"rH PAS* Saund"r # #n&ol&"d #n "$r"t
)"ronal#ty )rof#l#n% #n&"t#%at#on for 23ULT4A* At th# t#(", th"y alo wr#t"
a )a)"r w#th W#ll#a( Th"tford on A#tt#n%"r0 PAS* 6n" of S$hu$(an0
$oll"a%u" at ?olu(!#a Un#&"r#ty # a (an na("d @"r!"rt S)#"%"l, who # a
r"$o%n#+"d "9)"rt #n hy)not#( and !ra#nwah#n%* S)#"%"l # t"a$h#n%
$our" #n hy)no#* @" # #n&ol&"d w#th th" fa(ou $a" of >Sy!#l0, an 2PD
&#$t#(* /"$au" >Sy!#l0 # "a#ly hy)not#+a!l", h" u" h"r for d"(ontrat#on
)ur)o" #n h# $la"*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3891 : Andr#.a Puhar#$h )u!l#h" )eyond Telepathy, #n wh#$h h" d"$r#!"
h# r""ar$h #nto )y$h#$ )h"no("na and off"r h# th"or#" on th" u!."$t*
3891 : Th" f#rt la"r tran(##on holo%ra( of E'D o!."$t* Th""
tran(##on holo%ra( )rodu$" #(a%" w#th $lar#ty and r"al#t#$ d")th !ut
r"-u#r" la"r l#%ht to &#"w th" holo%ra)h#$ #(a%"*
3891 : F0Q of ho(" #n th" USA ha&" t"l"&##on "t*
3890 : A ED0 )a%" (anual # )r")ar"d !y th" ?,A on th" u!."$t of 4@,?'
ED62 14ad#o @y)not#$ ,ntra$"r"!ral ?ontrol : El"$tron#$ D#olut#on of
2"(ory5 t"$hnolo%y, #n wh#$h #t a"rt that th# t"$hnolo%y ha !""n
(at"r"d* 4@,?'ED62 $an r"(ot"ly #ndu$" a hy)not#$ tat" #n a )"ron,
d"l#&"r u%%"t#on, and "ra" all ("(or#" and awar"n" of !oth th"
)ro%ra((#n% and th" a$t#on to !" )"rfor("d* Throu%h "l"$tro(a%n"t#$
!o(!ard("nt, th" hu(an !ra#n $an !" o&"rload"d o that #t to) o)"rat#n%
for a lon% a th" !o(!ard("nt $ont#nu"* Dur#n% that t#(", awar"n" #
lot, ("(ory # d#tort"d, and t#("'or#"ntat#on # d"troy"d*
3890 : Aft"r t"n y"ar of #l"n$", Al!"rt 3* /"nd"r )u!l#h" h# tory, 'lying
Saucers and the Three &en, wh#$h d"$r#!" h# &##t !y thr"" >2"n #n /la$80
3890 ("ovem;er 11! : John F* 3"nn"dy # aa#nat"d #n Dalla, T"9a*
L"" @ar&"y 6wald # na("d a th" 8#ll"r* 6wald w#ll #(("d#at"ly $la#( that
h" # a )aty, !ut !"for" h" $an ay any (or" h" w#ll !" 8#ll"d !y Ja$8 4u!y*
E&#d"n$" w#ll how that h" $ouldn0t ha&" hot th" fatal !ull"t that 8#ll"d
3"nn"dy, and a (a.or $o&"r'u) o)"rat#on w#ll allow th" r"al )"r)"trator to
for"&"r r"(a#n a (yt"ry* /"for" !"#n% 8#ll"d !y 4u!y, 6wald w#ll !" &##t"d
!y Dr* Lou# Joly#n W"t, who # a l"ad#n% (#nd'$ontroll"r for 23ULT4A*
Th" (a#n )#"$" of "&#d"n$" that $ould ha&" l"d to th" truth !"h#nd th#
aa#nat#on )lot : th" Ua)rud"r f#l( : w#ll !" u))r""d !y th" F/,* Wh"n
#t # f#nally r"l"a"d y"ar lat"r, #t w#ll !" d#$o&"r"d that #t had !""n
ta()"r"d w#th !y $han%#n% th" fra(" "-u"n$" o that th" fatal hot w#ll
a))"ar to ha&" $o(" fro( th" o))o#t" d#r"$t#on than #t a$tually d#d* Wh"n
th"y ar" )ut #n th"#r )ro)"r "-u"n$", th" f#l( w#ll how that th" fatal hot
$a(" fro( th" %ray 8noll, wh"r" thr"" ho!o had !""n ""n* Th"" ho!o
w#ll !" )#$8"d u) for -u"t#on#n%, and a )hoto%ra)h of th"( w#ll r"&"al :
y"ar too lat" : that on" of th"( # @oward @unt, a ?,A o)"rat#&"*
A"or%" /uh Sr* # #n Dalla on th# day, !ut h" w#ll lat"r >for%"t0 th# fa$t* ,n
th" (onth follow#n% th" aa#nat#on, "&"ral F/, ("(oranda )"rta#n#n% to
3"nn"dy0 d"ath ar" tran(#tt"d to a J&r( 6eorge #( W( )ush, President of
the <apata Off0Shore Drilling "ompany, #ouston, TexasK and to a J6eorge
)ush of the "AK* /uh w#ll $la#( not to !" that A"or%" /uh*
,n th" thr"" y"ar follow#n% th" aa#nat#on, 18 (at"r#al w#tn"" w#ll
)"r#h* ,n th" t#(" l"ad#n% u) to 1FGF, wh"n th" lat of th" 3"nn"dy
#n&"t#%at#on w#ll "nd, o&"r 100 w#tn"" w#ll ha&" d#"d* ,nt"r"t#n%ly, (ot
of th"" d"ath w#ll $o#n$#d" w#th on" of th" four (a#n #n&"t#%at#on*
3890 : At a!out th# t#(", 4o!"rt D"Ar#(ton 1r"al na(" 4o!"rt 2oor"5 and
h# oon'to'!" w#f" 2ary Ann 2a$L"an, ha&" !""n r"$"#&#n% ad&an$"d
tra#n#n% at th" ?hur$h of S$#"ntolo%y #n London, En%land* Wh#l" th"y ar" #n
th" )ro$" of a))ly#n% a for( of hy)noth"ra)y u"d #n S$#"ntolo%y to >$ur"0
)y$ho" that ha&" )ur)ort"dly !""n #n$urr"d #n )at l#&", 2ary Ann !"%#n
$hann"l#n% an "nt#ty that !"%#n %#&#n% 4o!"rt #ntru$t#on #n an$#"nt
(yt"r#"* Th"y d"$#d" to l"a&" S$#"ntolo%y and $r"at" th"#r own th"ra)y
%rou) $all"d ?o()ul#on Analy#, wh#$h w#ll oon aft"r !" r"na("d to Th"
Pro$" ?hur$h of th" F#nal Jud%("nt* Th"y u" th" und"rly#n% ("thod
a))l#"d #n S$#"ntolo%y to $r"at" a $ult that $"nt"r on A)o$aly)t#$ !"l#"f and
u" "9 and f"ar a $ontrol ("$han#(* Th"y w#ll ""8 t#" w#th &ar#ou
$ount"r$ultur" #$on u$h a 2#$8 Ja%%"r, 2ar#ann" Fa#thful, All"n A#n!"r%,
T#(othy L"ary, and A!!#" @off(an* 2ary Ann w#ll )ro&" to !" th" r"al for$"
!"h#nd th# $ult, w#th 4o!"rt a$t#n% a a ("r" f#%ur"h"ad* Sh" # &"ry
author#tar#an and ha a d"") #nt"r"t #n 7a+# #d"olo%#"* Th"#r anar$h#t#$
)h#loo)h#" w#ll !" ado)t"d !y futur" "r#al 8#ll"r ?harl" 2anon, who w#ll
!"$o(" on" of th"#r "arl#"t a$olyt" and "t u) h# own offhoot*
W#th#n th" lar%"r or%an#+at#on of th" Pro$" ?hur$h, and at th" $utt#n% "d%"
of th" (o&"("nt, (all"r >fa(#l#"0 of Satan#t $all"d >?h#n%on0 w#ll
d"&"lo)* To .o#n a ?h#n%on fa(#ly, th" Pro$"an (ut "nt"r a lon% )"r#od of
atan#$ worh#) that r")ort"dly #n$lud" !lood r#tual and a$r#f#$"* ?h#n%on
for(ally $on&"n" tw#$" "a$h (onth 1und"r a n"w (oon and a full (oon5
und"r th" u)"r&##on of a >Arand ?h#n%on0 to u((on th" an$#"nt )a%an %od
who )onor th"#r )art#$ular fa(#ly* Th" )a%an %od )"a8 to th" %rou)
throu%h on" of th" %ath"r"d $ult ("(!"r, who "r&" a a ("d#u( at th"
!la$8 (a*
4o!"rt D"Ar#(ton # a for("r $a&alry off#$"r and th" %randon of a /r#t#h
L#$ar* 2a$L"an, a on"'t#(" )rot#tut" who wa $onn"$t"d to th" Profu(o
$andal, r")ort"dly !"l#"&" that h" # th" r"#n$arnat#on of 7a+#
)ro)a%and#t Jo"f Ao"!!"l*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3890 : Th" /roth"rhood of Et"rnal Lo&" # found"d !y Dr* T#(othy L"ary and
4#$hard Al)"rt at @ar&ard Un#&"r#ty* Th# $ult # &"ry dru%'or#"nt"d and w#ll
!"$o(" #n&ol&"d #n )rodu$#n% and u))ly#n% a &ar#"ty of #ll#$#t dru% to
A("r#$a0 youth #n th" y"ar ah"ad* L"ary had !""n $ondu$t#n% a r""ar$h
)ro."$t at th" un#&"r#ty to tudy )#lo$y!#n, wh#$h had !""n a))ro&"d !y Dr*
@"nry A* 2urray, th" a(" (an who had $ondu$t"d )y$holo%#$al (#nd'
$ontrol "9)"r#("nt that T"d 3a$+yn8# 1th" all"%"d Una!o(!"r5 had (ad"
th" (#ta8" of &olunt""r#n% for wh"n h" wa "nroll"d th"r" a a t""na%"r
!"tw""n 1FD8 and 1FB2*
Aft"r !"#n% f#r"d fro( h# )ot at @ar&ard th# a(" y"ar a a r"ult of
"9)"r#("nt#n% w#th LSD, L"ary w#ll (o&" onto th" "tat" of a (an na("d
W#ll#a( 2"llon @#t$h$o$8 1th" %randon of th" found"r of Aulf 6#l5 #n
2#ll!roo8, 7"w Oor8, wh"r" h" w#ll $ont#nu" h# "9)"r#("nt for "&"ral y"ar
!"for" h" 1and h# $ult5 (o&" to La%una /"a$h, ?al#forn#a, and !"%#n
)r"ad#n% h# ("a%" a(on% A("r#$an youth to Jtune in, turn on, and drop
outK* Th" 2"llon fa(#ly ha "9t"n#&" t#" to th" US #nt"ll#%"n$" $o((un#ty,
a w"ll a to 4#$hard @"l(, who w#ll !" D#r"$tor of th" ?,A fro( 1FBB to
/y 1FBF, th" /roth"rhood w#ll !"$o(" th" lar%"t u))l#"r of hah#h and
LSD #n th" USA* 6n" of L"ary0 $ult ("(!"r w#ll !" 4onald @adl"y Star8
1who w#ll .o#n #n 1FBF5, lat"r #d"nt#f#"d a a ?,A o)"rat#&" who had a$$" to
unl#(#t"d )u!l#$ fund and nu("rou h#%h'l"&"l $onta$t #n !u#n" and
%o&"rn("nt throu%hout th" world* Star8 w#ll !" #ntru("ntal #n fund#n% and
"tt#n% u) th" /roth"rhood0 #nt"rnat#onal dru% (u%%l#n%=(anufa$tur#n%
"nt"r)r#"* @" w#ll alo !" $lo"ly ao$#at"d w#th th" found"r of Th"
Pro$" ?hur$h, 4o!"rt and 2ary Ann D"Ar#(ton*
3897 (&e;r*ary! : Th" /"atl" )"rfor( to A("r#$an youth for th" f#rt t#("
on th" Ed Sull#&an Show*
3897 : An #n$r"a" #n r")ort of al#"n !"#n% ao$#at"d w#th UF6* Alo,
nu("rou r")ort !"%#n to !" (ad" of 2,/ who att"()t to $ar" and
thr"at"n #nto #l"n$" UF6 w#tn""* A nu(!"r of UF6 r""ar$h"r 1(otly
tho" lat"r to !" d#$o&"r"d to ha&" t#" to th" ?,A5 ar" )ro(ot#n% th" #d"a
that th"" 2,/ ar" al#"n )o#n% a hu(an*
3897 : 23ULT4A )ur)ort"dly $lo" down, !ut 23SEA4?@ ta8" o&"r (any
of th" (or" "n#t#&" ur&#&#n% )ro."$t* Stud#" ar" "9)and"d to #n$lud"
t"l")athy, ("(ory, and th" "ff"$t of d#ff"r"nt "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ fr"-u"n$#"
on hu(an u!."$t*
3897 : ?,A D#r"$tor 4#$hard @"l( tat" #n a ("(o to th" Warr"n
.ybernetics 4or computer theory5 can be used in the moulding of a childEs character, the
inculcation of nowledge and techni)ues, the amassing of experience, the establishment
of social behaviour patterns all functions which can be summarised as control of the
growth processes of the individual.
Th" word#n% of th# ("(o u%%"t that th# had alr"ady !""n u$$"fully
a$h#"&"d, and that $h#ldr"n w"r" u"d #n th" "9)"r#("nt*
1S"" &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3897 : 2#$ha"l A-u#no %raduat" fro( Santa /ar!ara @#%h S$hool #n
3897 : ,n th" u(("r of th# y"ar, !"at no&"l#t 3"n 3""y 1author of One
'le+ Over The "uc%ooGs ;est5 laun$h" a y"arlon% $ro'$ountry tr#) #n a
Day'Alo )a#nt"d $hool !u f#ll"d w#th fr#"nd $all"d th" >2"rry Pran8t"r0*
Th"y w#ll d#tr#!ut" thouand of do" of LSD alon% th" way* 3""y had !""n
an 23ULT4A t"t u!."$t at Stanford Un#&"r#ty, alon% w#th !"at )o"t All"n
A#n!"r% and Arat"ful D"ad (u#$#an /o! @unt"r*
3897 (A*g*st! : US warh#) und"r th" $o((and of US 7a&y Ad(#ral
A"or%" St")h"n 2orr#on all"%"dly $o(" und"r atta$8 wh#l" )atroll#n%
L#"tna(0 Ton8#n Aulf* Th# fal" fla% "&"nt, u!"-u"ntly du!!"d th" Ton8#n
Aulf ,n$#d"nt, w#ll r"ult #n th" #(("d#at" )a#n% !y US ?on%r" of th"
o!&#ouly )r"'draft"d Ton8#n Aulf 4"olut#on, wh#$h w#ll, #n turn, -u#$8ly l"ad
to th" L#"tna( War*
Th# a(" y"ar, Ad(#ral 2orr#on0 on J#( arr#&" #n Lo An%"l" to att"nd
U?LA* J#(, ha&#n% no )r"&#ou (u#$al tal"nt or "9)"r#"n$", w#ll !"$o(" on"
of th" !#%%"t ro$8 #$on to "("r%" out of ?al#forn#a0 Laur"l ?anyon ar"a
o&"r th" n"9t f"w y"ar* J#( ha))"n"d to ha&" att"nd"d th" a(" 7a&al
8#nd"r%art"n at th" a(" t#(" a Ad"la#d" 1Aa#l5 Sloat(an, th" w#f" of Laur"l
?anyon r"#d"nt Fran8 Ua))a, who !y 1FB8 w#ll allow h# lar%" Laur"l ?anyon
ho(" to !" a han%out and $rah )ad for (any u)'and'$o(#n% (u#$al
tal"nt* Ua))a0 fath"r # a $h"(#$al warfar" )"$#al#t who wor8"d at !oth
Ed%"wood Ar"nal and Edward AF/, wh"r" Ua))a had )"nt h# youth* @#
w#f" Aa#l $o(" fro( a lon% l#n" of $ar""r 7a&al off#$"r, and h"r fath"r )"nt
h# l#f" wor8#n% on $la#f#"d nu$l"ar w"a)on r""ar$h for th" US 7a&y 1h"
w#ll t"ll an #nt"r&#"w"r that h" had Jheard voices all HherI lifeK5* J#( 2orr#on
alo ha))"n"d to att"nd th" a(" Al"9andr#a, L#r%#n#a h#%h $hool a two
oth"r futur" Laur"l ?anyon lu(#nar#" : John Ph#ll#) and ?a Ell#ott of th"
2a(a and th" Pa)a* Ph#ll#) # th" on of a US 2ar#n" ?or) ?a)ta#n and
)"nt h# youth #n a "r#" of "l#t" (#l#tary )r") $hool #n th" Wah#n%ton,
D? ar"a, $ul(#nat#n% #n an a))o#nt("nt to th" )r"t#%#ou US 7a&al A$ad"(y
at Anna)ol#* Da&#d ?ro!y wa anoth"r (#l#tary !rat who w#ll "("r%" out of
Laur"l ?anyon #n th" y"ar ah"ad, h# fath"r ha&#n% !""n a World War ,,
(#l#tary #nt"ll#%"n$" off#$"r and who" fa(#ly tr"" # d"")ly root"d #n
A("r#$an )ol#t#$ all th" way !a$8 to #t found#n% fath"r* 6th"r r##n% tar
w#th (#l#tary !a$8%round who w#ll fr"-u"nt Laur"l ?anyon o&"r th" n"9t f"w
y"ar #n$lud" Ara( Paron, Jon# 2#t$h"ll, St")h"n St#ll, Jan" and P"t"r
Fonda, "t$* J#( 2orr#on w#ll ""nt#ally arr#&" on th" $"n" #n Laur"l ?anyon
a a fully d"&"lo)"d ro$8 tar, $o()l"t" w#th a !a$8#n% !and, ta%" )"rona,
and an #()r"#&" $oll"$t#on of on% : "nou%h, #n fa$t, to f#ll th" Door0 f#rt
f"w al!u( : and all of th# #n )#t" of th" fa$t that 2orr#on had no )r"&#ou
#nt"r"t #n (u#$* 2orr#on0 (u#$ w#ll ha&" a )"$ul#arly (yt#$al and
hy)not#$ -ual#ty to #t, and h" w#ll na(" h# !and, th" Door, aft"r Aldou
@u9l"y0 !oo8, The Doors of Perception, wh#$h d"ta#l th" )y$h"d"l#$
"9)"r#"n$" of ("$al#n"* J#(0 (u#$ w#ll r"fl"$t h# &"ry $lo" fa(#l#ar#ty w#th
th" (#nd'"9)and#n% -ual#t#" of hallu$#no%"n#$ dru%*
@#dd"n d"") w#th#n Laur"l ?anyon # a to)'"$r"t (#l#tary $o()ound $all"d
Loo8out 2ounta#n La!oratory, wh#$h w#ll not !" )u!l#$ly 8nown a!out for
d"$ad"* /u#lt #n 1F41 a an a#r d"f"n" fa$#l#ty, #t o$$u)#" two'and'a'half
"$lud"d a$r" of land urround"d !y an "l"$tr#$ f"n$"* /y 1F4G, th" fa$#l#ty
f"atur"d a fully o)"rat#onal and "lf'$onta#n"d (o&#" tud#o* W#th 100,000
-uar" f""t of floor )a$", #t #n$lud" ound ta%", $r""n#n% roo(, f#l(
)ro$"#n% la!, "d#t#n% fa$#l#t#", an an#(at#on d")art("nt, and $l#(at"'
$ontroll"d f#l( &ault* ,t alo ha und"r%round )ar8#n%, a h"l#$o)t"r )ad and
a !o(! h"lt"r* 6&"r #t l#f"t#(", th" tud#o )rodu$"d $la#f#"d (ot#on
)#$tur" for th" (#l#tary* 6ff#$#ally, th" fa$#l#ty wa run !y th" US A#r For$"
and d#d noth#n% (or" than )ro$" foota%" of ato(#$ and nu$l"ar !o(!
t"t* @ow"&"r, #t wa $l"arly "-u#))"d to do far (or" than .ut )ro$" f#l(*
Th"r" ar" #nd#$at#on that Loo8out 2ounta#n La!oratory had an ad&an$"d
r""ar$h and d"&"lo)("nt d")art("nt that wa on th" $utt#n% "d%" of n"w
f#l( t"$hnolo%#"* Su$h t"$hnolo%#$al ad&an$" a E'D "ff"$t w"r"
a))ar"ntly f#rt d"&"lo)"d at th" Laur"l ?anyon #t"* @ollywood lu(#nar#"
l#8" John Ford, J#((y St"wart, @oward @aw8, 4onald 4"a%an, /#n% ?ro!y,
Walt D#n"y, and 2ar#lyn 2onro" w"r" %#&"n $l"aran$" to wor8 at th" fa$#l#ty
on und#$lo"d )ro."$t* Th" fa$#l#ty w#ll t#ll !" #n o)"rat#on wh"n Laur"l
?anyon !"$o(" th" or#%#nat#n% )o#nt for a %r"at d"al of (u#$al tal"nt that
w#ll )r#n% out of nowh"r" #n th" lat" 1FB0* Th" fa$#l#ty w#ll $ont#nu"
o)"rat#n% unt#l at l"at 1FBF*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, nside The *"! The Strange 4ut &ostly True Story of *aurel
"anyon and the )irth of the #ippie 6eneration, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3897 (A*g*st 15! : F#ft""n'y"ar'old Ed(und 3"()"r, who %r"w u) w#th an
a!u#&" (oth"r, 8#ll !oth of h# %rand)ar"nt w#th *22 $al#!"r round to th"
!a$8 of th"#r h"ad* @" w#ll !" $on&#$t"d on D"$"(!"r B of th# a(" y"ar,
!"#n% found #nan" and "nt !y th" ?al#forn#a Oouth Author#ty to Ata$ad"ro
Stat" @o)#tal for th" ?r#(#nally ,nan", wh"r" h" w#ll r"(a#n for f#&" y"ar*
Wh#l" th"r", h" w#ll d"&"lo) a fr#"ndh#) w#th th" $h#"f )y$holo%#t and
!"$o(" h# a#tant* @" w#ll !" r"l"a"d #n 1FBF, at wh#$h )o#nt h" w#ll
"n%a%" #n a "r#" of %ru"o(" (urd"r #n th" Santa ?ru+, ?al#forn#a ar"a*
3"()"r0 fath"r, Ed(und E(#l 3"()"r, Jr*, # a S)"$#al For$" o)"rat#&"
who" )"$#alty, a$$ord#n% to h# on, # u#$#d" (##on* @" had alo )"nt
two y"ar wor8#n% on th" US ato(#$ !o(! t"t#n% )ro%ra(*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3892 (&e;r*ary! : At a!out th# t#(", Au%utu 6wl"y Stanl"y ,,,, wh#l"
wor8#n% a th" ound "n%#n""r for th" Arat"ful D"ad, !"%#n )rodu$#n% and
fr""ly d#)"n#n% lar%" -uant#t#" of LSD #n ?al#forn#a* 6&"r th" n"9t two
y"ar, h" w#ll )rodu$" and d#tr#!ut" o&"r on" (#ll#on do"* Stanl"y had
)r"&#ouly !""n #n th" US A#r For$" 11FDB : N5, wh"r" h" )"$#al#+"d #n
"l"$tron#$ and radar*
3892 : Th" F#ndhorn Foundat#on # "ta!l#h"d #n S$otland, at a lo$at#on
ad.a$"nt to th" 3#n%lo 4oyal A#r For$" /a"* E#l""n ?addy, who # h"ar#n% a
&o#$" that $la#( to !" Aod, !"$o(" th"#r )r#(ary $hann"l"r* Sh" #
urround"d at F#ndhorn !y )"o)l" who ha&" t#" to /r#t#h ,nt"ll#%"n$"*
P"o)l" &##t#n% F#ndhorn w#ll not#$" a &#!rant f#"ld of "n"r%y that !lan8"t th"
#(("d#at" ar"a*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3892 (/ay 35! : Jo" D"l%ado d"(ontrat" h# >t#(o$"#&"r0* W#th th"
)r" of a !utton on a r"(ot" $ontrol d"&#$", h" to) a $har%#n% !ull #n #t
tra$8 !y "nd#n% a rad#o #%nal to a$t#&at" an "l"$tron#$ #()lant #n th" !ull0
3892 (Septem;er! ' 2#$ha"l @oll#n%h"ad l"a&" T#(othy L"ary0
$o((unal %rou) #n 2#ll!roo8, 7"w Oor8 and fl#" !a$8 to h# nat#&" London
w#th D,000 do" of LSD 1)ur)ort"dly a$-u#r"d fro( a ?+"$h la! #n Pra%u"5,
#nt"nd#n% to "nl#%ht"n h# En%l#h !r"thr"n* @" "ta!l#h" th" World
Py$h"d"l#$ ?"nt"r on 3#n% 4oad, wh#$h attra$t a nu(!"r of !#% na(",
#n$lud#n% 4o(an Polan8#, Er#$ ?la)ton, Paul 2$?artn"y, Dono&an, and th"
4oll#n% Ston"* London had !"$o(" a (a.or )y$h"d"l#$ $"nt"r !y th# t#(",
and LSD wa #n d"(and*
3892 : Th" P"nta%on tart Pro."$t PA7D64A, wh#$h w#ll fo$u #t r""ar$h
on th" !"ha&#oral and !#olo%#$al "ff"$t of low'l"&"l (#$rowa&"*
3892 : Aft"r a "r#" of &#&#d dr"a( #n wh#$h h" $o((un#$at" w#th a
$hara$t"r that $la#( to !" J"u, @"l"n S$hu$(an $onf#d" th# to h"r
"()loy"r, W#ll#a( Th"tford* Soon aft"r, h" !"%#n h"ar#n% th" &o#$" #n h"r
h"ad wh#l" awa8", and o&"r th" n"9t "&"n y"ar th# &o#$" w#ll d#$tat" to h"r
what w#ll !" )u!l#h"d a A "ourse n &iracles 1)u!l#h"d #n 1FGD5, wh#$h h"
w#ll wr#t" down #n horthand wh#l" #n a fully $on$#ou tat"* Th# !oo8 w#ll
%a#n a $ult#$ follow#n% o&"r th" y"ar* L#8" E#l""n ?addy at F#ndhorn, h"
d"$r#!" th" &o#$" a !"#n% .ut at th" aud#!l"=u!'aud#!l" thr"hold* ,n
)#t" of h"r own dou!t a!out th" or#%#n of th" &o#$", h" # "n$oura%"d to
!"l#"&" #t !y h"r "()loy"r, W#ll#a( Th"tford, who h"l) w#th $o()#l#n% and
wr#t#n% th" (at"r#al that w#ll !"$o(" A "ourse in &iracles* Althou%h un8nown
at th# t#(", Th"tford # wor8#n% for th" ?,A und"r #t 23ULT4A )ro%ra(*
3892 : /y a!out th# t#(", th" 7SA0 E?@EL67 %lo!al ur&"#llan$" yt"( #
a!l" to (on#tor "&"ry @F 1@#%h Fr"-u"n$y5 rad#o ("a%", o!ta#n #t
!"ar#n%, and lo$at" th" )o#t#on of #t tran(#tt#n% )o#nt*
1S"" f#l", nside Echelon, !y Dun$an ?a()!"ll5
3892 : 4"&* J#( Jon" "ta!l#h" th" f#rt P"o)l"H T"()l" ?hur$h #n U8#ah,
?al#forn#a* @" "t u) @a))y @a&"n 4"t @o(", wh#$h # %uard"d !y do%
and urround"d !y "l"$tr#$ f"n$" and %uard tow"r* @" draw #n (any
)"o)l" to th" $a(), #n$lud#n% "ld"rly, )r#on"r, )"o)l" fro( )y$h#atr#$
#nt#tut#on, and 1D0 fot"r $h#ldr"n, (any of th"( tranf"rr"d to $ar" at
@a))y @a&"n !y $ourt ord"r* @" # oon $onort#n% w#th w"althy and
)ol#t#$ally $onn"$t"d )"o)l"* ?hur$h ("(!"r, (otly )oor, ar" for$"d to
#%n o&"r th"#r ("a%"r )"ronal fund and )ro)"rty* A nu(!"r of )"o)l" who
att"()t to l"a&" th" $hur$h ar" found (yt"r#ouly (urd"r"d, and oth"r w#ll
r")ort "9tr"(" "9ual a!u" and oth"r #ll"%al a$t#&#t#", !ut th" )ol#$" .ut
loo8 th" oth"r way*
3892 (Septem;er! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h0 ,nt"l"$tron ?or)orat#on lo" #t
(a#n #n&"tor, !ut w#ll o("how $ont#nu" to tay afloat*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3892 ("ovem;er 8! : At D*28 )*(* an "l"$tr#$al !la$8out o$$ur all a$ro
th" 7orth"at"rn )art of th" Un#t"d Stat", #n th" %r"at"t "l"$tr#$ )ow"r
fa#lur" #n h#tory* Pr" r")ort w#ll tat" that UF6 had !""n ""n o("
tw"nty (#l" fro( th" ar"a .ut !"for" th" )ow"r fa#lur" o$$urr"d* ,t #
"&"ntually d"t"r(#n"d that a 8"y w#t$h at th" S#r Ada( /"$8 )lant #n
Cu""nton, 6ntar#o wa th" tr#%%"r )o#nt* @ow"&"r, #t w#ll n"&"r !"
$on$lu#&"ly hown why #t had fa#l"d, #n$" #t w#ll wor8 )"rf"$tly aft"r th"
)ow"r fa#lur" w#thout n""d#n% any r")a#r*
Al(ot a y"ar )r#or to th" !la$8out, )y$h#$ J"an D#9on had !""n a8"d !y
Andr#.a Puhar#$h to (a8" a )r"d#$t#on $on$"rn#n% UF6 and th" 7ASA )a$"
)ro%ra(, and a f"w day lat"r h" had $onta$t"d h#( !a$8, ay#n% that h"
had o("th#n% to r")ort* A (""t#n% wa "t u) on 6$to!"r 2, 1FB4 wh"r"
two 7ASA off#$#al w"r" )r""nt* Sh" %a&" th" follow#n% tat"("nt:
# see a satellite in the sy that flies from west to east, and as it comes over New For it
suddenly reverses direction. &s it does so all the power in :astern 6nited +tates goes out.
There is no power at all. &ll the lights go out. %adio and TG programs go off the air. The
satellite is a round ball with straight horns coming out of it.
Wh"n a8"d wh"n th# would ha))"n, h" $ould not ay for ur", "9$")t that
#t wa $lo"* Sh" w"nt on to r")"at th" tat"("nt on nat#onal t"l"&##on and
rad#o how at l"at thr"" t#(" )r#or to th" "&"nt 1th" lat t#(" for"$at#n%
that #t would o$$ur o("t#(" #n 7o&"(!"r5, wh#$h would ha&" had a hu%"
#nflu"n$" on th" )u!l#$0 !"l#"f r"%ard#n% th" $au" of th" !la$8out wh"n #t
f#nally ha))"n"d* 4")ort of UF6 #%ht#n% )r"d#$ta!ly #n$r"a"d aft"r th"
3899 (April 04! : Anton La L"y and und"r%round f#l((a8"r 3"nn"th An%"r
$o'found th" ?hur$h of Satan #n San Fran$#$o* 2#$ha"l A-u#no w#ll oon
!"$o(" on" of #t l"ad"r* Su$h @ollywood $"l"!r#t#" a Sa((y Da&# Jr*
and Jayn" 2anf#"ld w#ll !"$o(" ("(!"r*
3899 (A*g*st 3! : ?harl" Wh#t(an, a for("r 2ar#n", !"%#n th" day !y
ta!!#n% !oth h# (oth"r and h# w#f" to d"ath, th"n dr#&" around )a#n%
!ad $h"-u" and !uy#n% %un and a((o, wh#$h h" )a$8 #nto a footlo$8"r
w#th food and u))l#" !"for" donn#n% 8ha8# o&"rall and dr#&#n% to th"
Un#&"r#ty of T"9a #n Aut#n wh"r" h" wa "nroll"d* S#tt#n% at th" to) of th"
$a()u0 !"ll tow"r aft"r !arr#$ad#n% h#("lf #n, h" )ro$""d to rando(ly )#$8
)"o)l" off u#n% a n#)"r r#fl", 8#ll#n% 1G and wound#n% E2 !"for" h" # f#nally
hot and 8#ll"d !y th" )ol#$"*
Wh#t(an %r"w u) #n an author#tar#an ho(" wh"r" h# fath"r wa !oth
)hy#$ally and "(ot#onally a!u#&"* @" wa "9tr"("ly #nt"ll#%"nt, Du" to h#
fath"r0 "nthu#a( for %un, h" !"$a(" )rof#$#"nt w#th th"( at an "arly
a%"* Aft"r %raduat#n% fro( h#%h $hool #n 1FDF, Wh#t(an "nl#t"d #n th"
2ar#n" and "r&"d an 18 (onth tour of duty at Auantana(o /ay* Aft"r h#
t#nt, h" "nt"r"d $oll"%" on a (#l#tary $holarh#)* /y 1FB1, h" wa how#n%
#%n of what wa to $o("* @" had ("nt#on"d to a fr#"nd how "ay #t would
!" to hold off an ar(y fro( ato) th" un#&"r#ty0 !"ll tow"r* Aft"r f#n#h#n%
$oll"%" #n 1FBE, h" r"turn"d to duty and "&"ntually %ot #nto trou!l", $au#n%
h#( to "r&" o(" t#(" #n (#l#tary )r#on and !"#n% d"(ot"d fro( $olon"l to
)r#&at"* At th# )o#nt h" !"%an 8"")#n% a .ournal* @" wa honora!ly
d#$har%"d at th" "nd of 1FB4, and "nroll"d at th" Un#&"r#ty of T"9a* @"
!"%an to a!u" a()h"ta(#n" and %"tt#n% "&"r" h"ada$h"* Th" n#%ht
!"for" th" ra()a%", h" wrot" out a u#$#d" not" that tat" #n )art, =lately J
cannot recall +hen it startedK have 4een a victim of many unusual and
irrational thoughts(> A $o(("nt #n a un#&"r#ty do$tor0 ("d#$al f#l" that
Wh#t(an )r"&#ouly had !""n ""#n% w#ll tat", =This massive, muscular
youth seemed to 4e oo:ing +ith hostility H(((I that something seemed to 4e
happening to him and that he didnLt seem to 4e himself(> Wh#t(an alo told
th" do$tor that h" had !""n ha&#n% thou%ht of %o#n% u) #nto th" tow"r and
hoot#n% )"o)l"*
Althou%h an auto)y of Wh#t(an0 !ody w#ll r"&"al a !ra#n tu(or, th" do$tor
)"rfor(#n% th" auto)y w#ll $on$lud" that #t wa #n r"(##on and )lay"d no
)art #n Wh#t(an0 a$t#on* @ow"&"r, th" ?onn"lly ?o((##on w#ll d"$#d" that
th# "&aluat#on # wron% and that th" tu(or wa dor(ant !ut udd"nly
!"$a(" a$t#&", u#n% th" "9$u" that th" tu(or >(ay ha&"0 !""n )r"#n%
a%a#nt th" a(y%dala r"%#on of h# !ra#n, $au#n% a f#%ht=fl#%ht r")on"*
Th" $o((##on w#ll alo r"$o(("nd that th" un#&"r#ty and tat" a#d th"
wound"d and tho" aff"$t"d !y th" "&"nt* Th# w#ll #n$lud" a#tan$" w#th
>("ntal #u"0 and >r"ha!#l#tat#on0* Wh#t(an w#ll !" !ur#"d w#th full (#l#tary
honor* Th" hoot#n% h"l) l"ad to th" for(at#on of SWAT t"a( a$ro th"
1S"" onl#n" f#l", "harles Whitman, at www*w#8#)"d#a*$o(5
3899 : ?l"&" /a$8t"r, A("r#$a0 to) )oly%ra)h "9)"rt, )"rfor( an
"9)"r#("nt !y hoo8#n% a )lant u) to a l#" d"t"$tor and ("aur#n% #t
r")on" to &ar#ou ty)" of t#(ul#* @" d#$o&"r that a )lant w#ll r")ond to
a )"ron0 #nt"nt#on toward #t, u$h a )a()"r#n% or a!u"*
3899 : L* 4on @u!!ard, found"r of th" ?hur$h of S$#"ntolo%y, )ur$ha" a
(all flot#lla of h#), w#th a E42'foot h#) h" r"na(" th" Apollo !"$o(#n%
h# #nt"rnat#onal !a" of o)"rat#on o&"r th" n"9t d"$ad"* @" (an h# fl""t
w#th a (artly un#for("d $r"w of "&"ral hundr"d $ar"fully "l"$t"d
S$#"ntolo%#t, who w#ll !"$o(" 8nown a th" >S"a 6r%0* Th" Apollo #
"-u#))"d w#th a tat"'of'th"'art t"l"9 $o((un#$at#on yt"( that allow
@u!!ard to tay #n tou$h w#th "&"ry S$#"ntolo%y !ran$h around th" world*
W#th#n th" S"a 6r%, h" r"$ru#t a )"$#al %rou) of !u9o( youn% t""na%"
%#rl, $o()r#"d (otly of $h#ldr"n who ha&" %rown u) #n S$#"ntolo%y, who
w#ll a$t a h# )"ronal (""n%"r and att"nd to @u!!ard0 n""d day and
n#%ht* Th"y w#ll !" %#&"n "9$"#&" )ow"r o&"r oth"r ("(!"r #n ord"r to
$arry out th"#r dut#"* 6&"r t#(", th"y w#ll $o(" to 8now th" #nn"r "$r"t of
th" or%an#+at#on !"tt"r than anyon" oth"r than @u!!ard h#("lf*
@u!!ard !"%#n o$$u)y#n% h# t#(" hunt#n% for tr"aur" #n th" 2"d#t"rran"an,
!"l#"&#n% that h" had l"ft $a$h" of h#dd"n %old #n &ar#ou )la$" dur#n% )at
l#&"* @" alo ha "r#ou #nt"nt#on of f#nd#n% a $ountry h" $an #nf#ltrat" and
ta8" o&"r #n ord"r to u" #t a a !a" to "&"ntually ta8" o&"r th" "nt#r" world
w#th h# n"w >r"l#%#on0* U#n% 8nowl"d%" h" had %a#n"d #n 7a&y ,nt"ll#%"n$"
and fro( what h" had l"arn"d fro( r"ad#n% a!out 7a+# )y(at"r, @u!!ard
and h# follow"r !"%#n to "n%a%" #n th"#r own #nt"ll#%"n$" o)"rat#on,
#nf#ltrat#n% &ar#ou %o&"rn("nt and or%an#+at#on that th"y ho)" to %a#n
$ontrol o&"r* @u!!ard #n$r"a" "$ur#ty ("aur" to 8"") out#d"r 8now#n%
a!out S"a 6r% a$t#&#t#", and !"%#n 8"")#n% d"ta#l"d f#l" on all ort of
)"o)l" and %rou), $o()#l#n% #nfor(at#on that h" $ould u" #n what"&"r way
(#%ht !" n"$"ary to )rot"$t h#("lf and h# or%an#+at#on fro( >"n"(#" of
S$#"ntolo%y0 or to furth"r h# %oal* @" alo !"%#n 8"")#n% f#l" on "&"ry
("(!"r of h# or%an#+at#on, wh#$h #n$lud" d"ta#l"d )"ronal #nfor(at#on
$ull"d fro( th"#r )ro$"#n% "#on* 6&"r th" n"9t d"$ad", @u!!ard w#ll
$au" h#("lf to !" !arr"d fro( "nt"r#n% &ar#ou $ountr#" and want"d on
$r#(#nal $har%" #n Fran$"* @" w#ll %o #nto h#d#n% wh#l" t"))#n% u) "ffort to
$ount"r th" #n$r"a#n%ly !ad #(a%" that S$#"ntolo%y w#ll r"$"#&"* Th""
"ffort w#ll fo$u )r#(ar#ly on d"troy#n% o))on"nt of S$#"ntolo%y !y !oth
l"%al and $r#(#nal ("an*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, *( Ron #u44ard! &essiah or &admanE, !y ?orydon /"nt5
3899 : Th" al#"n a!du$t#on tory of /"tty and /arn"y @#ll # )u!l#h"d #n
!oo8 for( a The nterrupted Journey*
3895 : Th" ?,A #n#t#at" 6)"rat#on ?hao, to f#nd a l#n8 !"tw""n ant#war
%rou) and for"#%n #nt"r"t* Soon, th" )ro%ra( w#ll ha&" #nd"9"d E00,000
na(", !u#lt u) 1E,000 u!."$t f#l", and #nt"r$")t"d lar%" nu(!"r of l"tt"r
to and fro( A("r#$an $#t#+"n* At th" a(" t#(", th" 7SA !"%#n tar%"t#n%
th" t"l")hon" $all and t"l"%ra( of thouand of A("r#$an #n&ol&"d #n
)"a$"ful )rot"t a$t#&#t#" a%a#nt th" L#"tna( War*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The Shado+ 'actory, !y Ja(" /a(ford5
3895 (:an*ary 37! : Th" @u(an /"',n #n ?al#forn#a ta8" )la$", att"nd"d
!y 20,000 )"o)l"* D,000 do" of a n"w dru% $all"d STP ar" d#tr#!ut"d for
fr"" to att"nd""* Th" do" ar" D'10 t#(" tron%"r than r"$o(("nd"d*
3895 (:an*ary 12! : Pur)ort"d al#"n a!du$t#on of /"tty Andr"aon Lu$a*
Sh" # at ho(" w#th h"r fa(#ly wh"n th" l#%ht #n th" hou" t"()orar#ly !l#n8
off* Sh" "" a )ul#n% r"d l#%ht !"a( h#n#n% #n throu%h th" 8#t$h"n w#ndow
and "&"ryth#n% # #l"nt* @"r fath"r loo8 out th" w#ndow and "" f#&"
tran%" !"#n% (o&#n% toward th" hou"* Th" !"#n% a))"ar to )a r#%ht
throu%h th" door and "nt"r th" hou"* Th# # a (u$h a /"tty w#ll
$on$#ouly r"("(!"r, and th" r"t of th" "9)"r#"n$" # only r"$all"d throu%h
hy)not#$ r"%r"#on* Th" !"#n% ar" d"$r#!"d a th" $la#$ >%r"y0, w#th
(all !od#", lar%" h"ad, and lar%" al(ond'ha)"d "y"* /"tty and h"r
dau%ht"r /"$8y !oth "" that th" oth"r ar" #n a >u)"nd"d tat"0 at th#
t#("* Th" !"#n% a))"ar to !" )"a$"ful, and /"tty f""l )rot"$t"d* Th"y ay
th"y ar" ""8#n% 8nowl"d%" Jtr#"d !y f#r"K* Sh" # a))ar"ntly tran)ort"d to
th" $raft and und"r%o" "9a(#nat#on, and r"$all float#n% u) #nto th" $raft,
rath"r than u#n% a ladd"r or ta#rway that wa th"r"* 7on" of th" oth"r
fa(#ly ("(!"r w"r" ta8"n a!oard* A))ar"ntly, /"tty # th" only on" who
"" th" $raft, and h" %#&" a fa#rly d"ta#l"d d"$r#)t#on of #t dur#n% lat"r
hy)not#$ r"%r"#on "#on* ,t hould !" not"d how"&"r, that $l"ar, d"ta#l"d
#(a%"ry (#%ht r"fl"$t a hy)not#$ u%%"t#on at th" t#(" of th" a!du$t#on 1or
"&"n dur#n% th" r"%r"#on "#on5 to f#ll #n th"" d"ta#l, thu (a8#n% th"
#(a%"ry ""( (u$h (or" r"al to h"r* /"tty f#nd that th" #n#d" of th" $raft
# (u$h lar%"r than #t a))"ar fro( out#d", and "&"n d"$r#!" r#d#n% #n an
"l"&ator on !oard th" h#)* Sh" d"$r#!" $han%#n% #nto a wh#t" %own and
th"n !"#n% ta8"n to a roo( wh"r" h" wa u!("r%"d #n a l#-u#d wh#l" #tt#n%
#n a $ha#r* Th# $ould &"ry w"ll !" a "nory'd")r#&at#on $ha(!"r, wh#$h #
8nown to !" u"d dur#n% (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra((#n%* Sh" lat"r $la#( to ha&"
had an a(n"#a !lo$8 )la$"d on h"r #n ord"r not to r"("(!"r th"
"9)"r#"n$"* Sh" alo $la#( that on" of th" !"#n% lo$8"d "$r"t #n h"r
(#nd, wh#$h would !" r"l"a"d at th" r#%ht t#("* 7on" of h"r fa(#ly ""( to
ha&" !""n a!l" to r"("(!"r th" "9)"r#"n$" aft"rward, "#th"r* /"tty #
"&"ntually r"turn"d to h"r ho(", wh"r" h"r fa(#ly # t#ll #n u)"nd"d
an#(at#on, !"#n% %uard"d !y on" of th" !"#n%* Th"y ar" )ut to !"d and th"
!"#n% l"a&"*
Thr"" day aft"r th# "&"nt, /"tty0 "l"&"n'y"ar'old dau%ht"r /"$8y w#ll
$o()la#n to h"r of ha&#n% dr"a( of tran%" !"#n% #n th" hou"*
/"tty Andr"aon w#ll "&"ntually !"%#n to r"$o&"r h"r ("(or#" of h"r
"9)"r#"n$" u#n% hy)not#$ r"%r"#on, and th"" w#ll !" )ro(ot"d throu%h a
)u!l#$#ty $a()a#%n for th" !oo8 The Andreasson Affair 1!y 4ay(ond Fowl"r5*
Sh" w#ll %o on to do (any rad#o and t"l"&##on #nt"r&#"w, !oo8 #%n#n%, and
l"$tur", !r#n%#n% th" u!."$t of al#"n a!du$t#on #nto th" (#nd of th" )u!l#$
at lar%"* Sh" f"lt that #t wa h"r duty to do th#, #n$" )"o)l" Jn""d"d to
8nowK* Sh" ha a$$")t"d h"r "9)"r#"n$" a ha&#n% r"l#%#ou und"rton",
h"r"lf !"#n% a d"&out ?hr#t#an* At th" t#(" of th# "n$ount"r, h" had &"ry
l#ttl" 8nowl"d%" a!out UF6*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", ) JLs ntervie+ +ith A4ductee )etty Andreasson *uca5
3895 ' 4o!"rt and 2ary Ann D"Ar#(ton and oth"r ("(!"r of th"#r
Pro$" ?hur$h d"$"nd u)on San Fran$#$o0 @a#%ht'Ah!ury d#tr#$t, ta8#n%
l"a" of a )ro)"rty lo$at"d at 40G ?ol" Str""t* Th"y ar" #tuat"d $lo" to
Anton L"L"y0 ?hur$h of Satan, a w"ll a th" lo$al ?ha)t"r of th" 6T6*
4"$ru#t"r for th" Pro$" ?hur$h #%n on u$h ("(!"r a H/roth"r Ely,H a
("(!"r of th" Ay)y Jo8"r !#8"r %an%* 6n" of th" @#%h Pr#"t of th" $ult
at th# )o#nt # a for("r ,ra"l# 2oad a%"nt w#th tron% l#n8 to th"
#nt"rnat#onal #nt"ll#%"n$" $o((un#ty*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3895 (/arch 13! : Futur" $ult l"ad"r ?harl" 2anon # r"l"a"d fro(
T"r(#nal ,land f"d"ral )r#on* @" ta8" u) r"#d"n$" #n San Fran$#$o0
@a#%ht'Ah!ury d#tr#$t at BEB ?ol" Str""t, two !lo$8 fro( th" h"ad-uart"r
of th" Pro$" ?hur$h* @" # r"-u#r"d !y law to r")ort r"%ularly to h# )arol"
off#$"r, Dr* 4o%"r S(#th, who # h"ad#n% th" A()h"ta(#n" 4""ar$h Pro."$t
!a"d at th" @a#%ht'Ah!ury Fr"" 2"d#$al ?l#n#$* Th# $l#n#$ # a 7,2@ )ro."$t
d"#%n"d to o!"r&" and u)"r&#" th" f#rt lar%"'$al" dru% add#$t#on of
wh#t" t""na%"r, thouand of who( ar" th" $l#n#$H $l#"nt* 4o%"r S(#th #
off#$#ally $o((##on"d to $#"nt#f#$ally #n&"t#%at" th" "ff"$t that &ar#ou
8#nd of dru% ha&" on add#$t that ar" !"#n% "r&"d !y th" $l#n#$* Th" $l#n#$0
d#r"$tor, Dr* Da&#d E* S(#th, ha $olla!orat"d #n anoth"r 7,2@ )ro."$t to
tudy th" !"ha&#or of $h#ldr"n #n $o((un", and # an "9)"rt on th" $r"at#on
of &#ol"nt ant#'o$#al )"ronal#t#" #n h#))#" or $ult $o((un" "n&#ron("nt*
Th" #nfa(ou 23ULT4A (#nd'$ontrol do$tor, Lou# Joly#n W"t, # alo l#&#n%
#n @a#%ht'Ah!ury at th# t#("*
2anon oon !"$o(" #n&ol&"d w#th th" Pro$" ?hur$h, r"a$h#n% th" fourth
l"&"l of #n#t#at#on !"for" !r"a8#n% off and "ta!l#h#n% h# own %rou)* Da&#d
/"r8ow#t+, th" futur" Son of Sa( "r#al 8#ll"r, w#ll alo !"$o(" a ("(!"r of
th" Pro$" ?hur$h or on" of #t offhoot*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3895 (:*ne! : Und"r%round LSD $h"(#t 6wl"y Stanl"y hand out D,000
fr"" h#t of a n"w dru% $all"d STP at San Fran$#$o0 Su(("r Solt#$"
F"t#&al #n Aold"n Aat" Par8, r"ult#n% #n a lar%" nu(!"r of !ad tr#)* 6wl"y
w#ll oon "()loy th" lo$al $ha)t"r of th" @"ll0 An%"l to h"l) d#tr#!ut" h#
dru%* 2"tha()h"ta(#n" !"%#n a))"ar#n% on th" tr""t at th# t#(" a
w"ll, and &#ol"nt $r#(" r#" a a r"ult*
3895 (Septem;er! : T#(othy L"ary and h# /roth"rhood of Et"rnal Lo&"
(o&" fro( th"#r $o((un" #n 2#ll!roo8, 7"w Oor8, and "t u) #n La%una
/"a$h, ?al#forn#a* Th" /roth"rhood f#l" a a l"%al $or)orat#on and r"$"#&"
ta9'"9"()t tatu a a r"l#%#ou or%an#+at#on* For th" n"9t two y"ar, th"y
w#ll flour#h #n th" dru% traff#$8#n% !u#n", (u%%l#n% lar%" a(ount of
(ar#.uana, hah#h, and LSD #nto th" USA and d#tr#!ut#n% th"( a(on%
A("r#$a0 youth*
3895 ("ovem;er 33! : Th" )ow"rful hallu$#no%"n#$ dru% STP, at th" t#("
an "9)"r#("ntal dru% and only a&a#la!l" to a handful of ?,A d#tr#!utor, #
#ntrodu$"d onto th" tr""t #n San Fran$#$o0 @a#%ht'Ah!ury d#tr#$t,
$au#n% out!r"a8 of to9#$ )y$ho#*
3895 : A$$ord#n% to Al"9and"r Saund"r, who wa )"ronally ("ntor"d !y
Al"#t"r ?rowl"y a a !oy and ha #n$" a))o#nt"d h#("lf a >3#n% of th"
W#t$h"0, dur#n% th" f#l(#n% of Eye of the Devil, h" #n#t#at"d th" f#l(H tar and
futur" 2anon &#$t#( Sharon Tat" #nto w#t$h$raft*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3895 : T"d 3a$+yn8# "arn a Ph*D* #n (ath"(at#$ at th" Un#&"r#ty of
2#$h#%an and th"n .o#n th" /"r8"l"y D")art("nt of 2ath"(at#$ a an
3895 : A$$ord#n% to th" ?,A0 #nt"rnal a"("nt, th"r" ar" l#t"rally
hundr"d of $oll"%" )rof"or on (or" than 100 A("r#$an $oll"%" $a()u"
und"r "$r"t $ontra$t to th" ?,A*
3895 : Th" Pho"n#9 Pro%ra( 1not to !" $onfu"d w#th th" Pho"n#9 Pro."$t5
# #n#t#at"d !y th" ?,A, w#th th" a#( of >n"utral#+#n%0 : throu%h aa#nat#on,
8#dna))#n%, and tortur" : th" $#&#l#an #nfratru$tur" that u))ort th" L#"t
?on% #nur%"n$y #n South L#"tna(* ,t w#ll !" a t"rr#fy#n% >f#nal olut#on0 that
w#ll &#olat" th" A"n"&a ?on&"nt#on* Tar%"t for aa#nat#on w#ll #n$lud" L?
ta9 $oll"$tor, u))ly off#$"r, )ol#t#$al $adr", lo$al (#l#tary off#$#al, and
u)"$t"d y()ath#+"r* Faulty #nt"ll#%"n$" w#ll oft"n l"ad to th" (urd"r of
#nno$"nt $#&#l#an* ,n 1FG1, W#ll#a( ?ol!y, h"ad of ?,A #n L#"tna( at th"
t#(", w#ll t"t#fy that th" nu(!"r 8#ll"d wa 20,8DG* South L#"tna(""
%o&"rn("nt f#%ur" w#ll $la#( 40,FF4 d"ad* ?,A off#$"r T"d Sha$8l"y w#ll
(ana%" B00 (#l#tary and 40'D0 ?,A l#a#on off#$"r who ar" wor8#n% w#th
South L#"tna("" off#$"r #n 44 )ro&#n$"* T"d Sha$8l"y and 4o!"rt 3o("r
w#ll )lay 8"y rol" #n r"$ru#t#n% Pho"n#9 Pro%ra( )"ronn"l, who w#ll !"
(otly 7a&y SEAL and Ar""n /"r"t* ?ol!y, 3o("r, and Sha$8l"y r")ort to
D?, 4#$hard @"l( and th" Wh#t" @ou"*
Th" horror unl"ah"d !y th" Pho"n#9 Pro%ra( w#ll turn (any US old#"r
#nto )y$ho)ath#$ 8#ll"r, who w#ll th"n !" r"turn"d to A("r#$an o#l* Th"
Pho"n#9 Pro%ra( w#ll alo !" #n&ol&"d #n (u%%l#n% h"ro#n !a$8 to th" USA
!y "w#n% #t #n#d" th" !od#" of d"ad old#"r !"#n% r"turn"d to A("r#$an
3895 : L"rn Ar#(l"y, a ("(!"r of th" Urant#a Foundat#on, "ta!l#h" th"
offhoot Fa(#ly of Aod Foundat#on #n ?al#forn#a*
3895 : F#rt r")ort"d an#(al (ut#lat#on 1>Sn#))y0 th" hor"5* Th""
(ut#lat#on w#ll !"%#n to o$$ur (or" and (or" fr"-u"ntly o&"r th" follow#n%
y"ar, and w#ll $o(" to !" ao$#at"d w#th UF6*
3896 : W#th 20,000 A("r#$an old#"r alr"ady 8#ll"d #n a$t#on and 110,000
wound"d, th" war #n L#"tna( # ra%#n% on w#th no "nd #n #%ht* A$ro th"
$ountry, ant#'war )rot"t and d"(ontrat#on turn #nto r#ot a th" )ol#$"
and 7at#onal Auard("n rout#n"ly atta$8 th" $rowd w#th t"ar %a, ru!!"r
!ull"t, and !aton* ,n )r")arat#on for th" D"(o$rat#$ 7at#onal ?on&"nt#on #n
?h#$a%o #n Au%ut, 2ayor Dal"y ord"r 12,000 )ol#$" to wor8 o&"rt#(", and
hundr"d of und"r$o&"r a%"nt ar" d")loy"d on >)"$#al a#%n("nt0* B,000
7at#onal Auard("n ar" alo )r")ar"d, a w"ll a an "-ual nu(!"r of r"%ular
ar(y troo) w#th tan8 and !a+oo8a* A))ro9#(at"ly 10,000 )rot"t"r how
u) for th" F"t#&al of L#f" on Au%ut 2D, th" day !"for" th" $on&"nt#on* A
th" $rowd %ath"r, th" )ol#$" (o&" #n and !"%#n arr"t#n% )"o)l"* A would
!" "9)"$t"d, (ayh"( and r#ot !r"a8 out and th" tr""t f#%ht#n% $ont#nu"
for f#&" day* 6n th" lat n#%ht of th" $on&"nt#on, TL $a("ra ar" roll#n%
wh"n th" 7at#onal Auard, u#t"d u) #n full !attl" dr" w#th %a (a8, $lu!,
and 2'1 r#fl", lo! th" f#rt t"ar %a $an#t"r #nto th" $rowd !"for" (o&#n% #n
w#th th"#r $lu! w#n%#n%* /y th" t#(" #t0 all o&"r, o&"r a thouand )"o)l"
ha&" !""n #n.ur"d and on" youth # d"ad* A$$ord#n% to Ar(y #nt"ll#%"n$"
do$u("nt that w#ll lat"r !" l"a8"d, n"arly on" out of #9 d"(ontrator at
th" ?h#$a%o $on&"nt#on wa an und"r$o&"r o)"rat#&"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Acid Dreams, !y 2art#n A* L"" R /ru$" Shla#n5
3896 (/arch! : S"y(our @"rh do$u("nt th" follow#n% r"%ard#n% th" 2y
La# (aa$r" #n L#"tna(, $arr#"d out a )art of th" Pho"n#9 Pro%ra(:
.harlie .ompany met no resistance; there were no Giet .ong soldiers at @y -ai. .alley
then ordered the slaughter of the civilians. ;eople were rounded up into ditches and
machine0gunned. They lay five feet deep in the ditches; any survivors trying to escape
were immediately shot. Hhen .alley spotted a baby crawling away from a ditch, he
grabbed her, threw her bac into the ditch, and opened fire. +ome of the dead were
mutilated by having ". .ompany" carved into their chests; some were disemboweled.
One (# would later say, "Fou didnEt have to loo for people to ill, they were 'ust there. #
.6T T<:#% T<%O&T+, .6T OFF T<:#% <&NA+, .6T O6T T<:#% TON(6:+,
+.&-;:A T<:@. # A#A #T. & -OT OF ;:O;-: H:%: AO#N( #T &NA # ,6+T
FO--OH:A. # ,6+T -O+T &-- +:N+: OF A#%:.T#ON.!
1S"" onl#n" f#l", )lac% Ops, )lue )lood, and &y *ai F SatanGs 'a%e
3896 (:*ne! : Author#t#" #n San Jo", Santa ?ru+, and Lo Aato,
?al#forn#a, !"%#n r"$ord#n% th" d#$o&"ry of (ut#lat"d $an#n", 8#nn"d and
dra#n"d of !lood w#thout any a))ar"nt (ot#&"* ,t # u)"$t"d that th"y ar"
!"#n% u"d #n atan#$ r#tual a$r#f#$" !y lo$al $ult*
3896 (:*ne 2! : S"nator 4o!"rt F* 3"nn"dy # aa#nat"d* Th" a))ar"nt
aa#n # S#rhan S#rhan, !ut "&#d"n$" w#ll r"&"al that h" wan0t th" a$tual
8#ll"r* S#rhan w#ll $onf" to do#n% #t, !ut only !"$au" )"o)l" ar" t"ll#n% h#(
that h" d#d* @" w#ll ha&" no ("(ory of th" a$tual "&"nt, and w#ll "&"ntually
$la#( that h" wa (#nd'$ontroll"d* S#rhan had a))ar"ntly !""n >tr"at"d0 !y
?,A hy)not#t W#ll#a( J"nn#n% /ryan )r#or to th" aa#nat#on* /ryan # a
)ro%ra(("r fro( th" US A#r For$" and wa ?h#"f of 2"d#$al Sur&#&al
Tra#n#n%, wh#$h wa a $o&"rt !ra#nwah#n% "$t#on* ,t w#ll !" r")ort"d that
S#rhan # #n a tran$"'l#8" tat" !oth dur#n% and aft"r th" hoot#n%* Th"
!all#t#$ "&#d"n$" and auto)y r")ort w#ll !" u))r""d, (a8#n% #t
#()o#!l" to )ro&" wh"th"r or not S#rhan wa th" a$tual 8#ll"r* S#rhan wa
tand#n% #n front of 3"nn"dy wh"n 3"nn"dy wa hot, !ut h" wa hot fro(
!"h#nd* 6n" w#tn" w#ll %#&" t"t#(ony that h" h"ard 12 to 14 hot, !ut
th" F/, w#ll $han%" h"r t"t#(ony to tat" that h" h"ard only 8 hot : th"
(a9#(u( nu(!"r that S#rhan0 %un $ould hold* Four oth"r w#tn"" w#ll alo
r")ort h"ar#n% (or" than 8 hot* Aud#o "&#d"n$" w#ll alo how that at l"at
1E hot w"r" f#r"d* Th" ound of two d#ff"r"nt %un w#ll alo !"
d#t#n%u#h"d, on" f#r#n% (or" ra)#dly than th" oth"r*
S#rhan had d#a))"ar"d for thr"" (onth th" y"ar !"for", and wh"n h"
r"turn"d h" had a udd"n fa$#nat#on w#th th" o$$ult* 2or" r"$"ntly, h" had
!""n wor8#n% at a ra$#n% ta!l" #n Santa Ana, ?al#forn#a, wh"r", a$$ord#n%
to a $o'wor8"r na("d Tho(a /r"("r, h" wa )ro%ra(("d !y two ?,A
(#nd'$ontrol )"$#al#t* /r"("r0 !roth"r Arthur, anoth"r (#nd'$ontrol
&#$t#(, ha))"n to !" th" (an who w#ll hoot Ao&"rnor A"or%" Walla$" #n
1FG2* A lar%" -uant#ty of 4o#$ru$#an and oth"r o$$ult l#t"ratur" w#ll !" found
#n S#rhan0 roo( wh"n #t # "ar$h"d* S#rhan # all"%"d to ha&" !""n
a$-ua#nt"d w#th a ("(!"r of th" Pro$" ?hur$h 1a S$#"ntolo%y offhoot5,
and to ha&" att"nd"d dru% or%#" at th" ho(" of 4o(an Polan8# and Sharon
Tat", who (ay alo ha&" !""n l#n8"d to th" Pro$" ?hur$h* 4o!"rt 3"nn"dy
had d#n"d w#th 4o(an Polan8# and Sharon Tat" th" n#%ht !"for" h#
aa#nat#on* 6nly on" y"ar lat"r, th# a(" ho(" w#ll !" th" tar%"t of
?harl" 2anon and h# !and of (urd"r"r* 2anon w#ll alo !" found to
ha&" l#n8 to th" Pro$" ?hur$h, a w#ll futur" "r#al 8#ll"r Da&#d /"r8ow#t+*
O"ar aft"r th" aa#nat#on, wh#l" und"r hy)no#, S#rhan w#ll r"$all that h"
had run #nto a wo(an #n a )ol8a'dot dr" who h" had !""n (#tt"n !y and
f"lt $o()"ll"d to follow to th" )antry of th" A(!aador @ot"l #n Lo An%"l"
wh"r" 4F3 wa, at wh#$h )o#nt h" )#n$h"d h#( and th"n )un h#( around to
fa$" 3"nn"dy a h" "nt"r"d* S#rhan tat" that h" thou%ht h" wa at a
hoot#n% ran%" at th# )o#nt and only aw th" $#r$l" of tar%"t #n front of
h#(, and that0 wh"n h" !"%an hoot#n%* @" alo r"$all"d ""#n% o("on"
"l" w#th a %un at th" t#(" of th" hoot#n%* S#rhan w#ll alo r"$all !"#n% at a
hoot#n% ran%" !"for" th" aa#nat#on, a$$o()an#"d !y an un8nown (an*
Wh#l" #n )r#on, S#rhan w#ll !" &##t"d !y 23ULT4A (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra(("r,
Dr* Lou# Joly#n W"t* Th" na(" of anoth"r futur" "r#al 8#ll"r, Al!"rt D"Sal&o,
w#ll !" found r")"t#t#&"ly $rawl"d throu%hout S#rhan0 d#ary* D"Sal&o w#ll
alo !" >tr"at"d0 !y W#ll#a( J"nn#n% /ryan aft"r h# arr"t*
3896 (:*ne 37! : 2#$ha"l A-u#no, ha&#n% .ut %raduat"d w#th a /A #n
Pol#t#$al S$#"n$" fro( th" Un#&"r#ty of ?al#forn#a Santa /ar!ara, .o#n th" US
Ar(y and tra#n a a )y$holo%#$al warfar" )"$#al#t* @" (""t Anton LaL"y
and !"%#n ta8#n% an #nt"r"t #n h# atan#$ )h#loo)h#"*
3896 : Lat" #n th" y"ar, th" l"ad"r of th" Pro$" ?hur$h l"a&" San
Fran$#$o for 7"w Oor8 ?#ty, wh"r" a Pro$" ?hur$h # "ta!l#h"d on
?orn"l#a Str""t #n Ar""nw#$h L#lla%"* ,n add#t#on to th" $hur$h, nu("rou
("(!"r tart l#&#n% #n a !u#ld#n% on Eat 12th Str""t, wh#l" th" D"Ar#(ton
l#&" #n /roo8lyn* A #n ?al#forn#a, th"y r"$ru#t a(on% th" art#t, )o"t and
hord" of $ount"r$ultur" youth who fr"-u"nt th" L#lla%"* A $ult )o8"(an
w#ll lat"r t"ll Un#t"d Pr" ,nt"rnat#onal that (or" than 200 A("r#$an w"r"
fully $on&"rt"d to th" >fa#th0* Pro$" $ont#n%"nt w#ll u!"-u"ntly
(at"r#al#+" #n 7"w 6rl"an, Dalla, Toronto, ?h#$a%o and ?a(!r#d%",
2aa$hu"tt, a(on% oth"r lo$at#on* Aft"r th#, th"y !"%#n to !ran$h out to
(all town ad.a$"nt to $oll"%" and (#l#tary !a" : r"$ru#t#n% youn% adult
who ar" away fro( ho(" and #n "ar$h of ("an#n%* Th" %rowth #n
("(!"rh#) w#ll !" "9)lo#&"*
Aft"r th" D"Ar#(ton l"a&" for 7"w Oor8, th" r"(a#n#n% ("(!"r #n
?al#forn#a %o throu%h a lot of )ol#t#$al #nf#%ht#n%* Po#!ly du" to S#rhan
S#rhan0 ao$#at#on w#th th"#r %rou), th" Pro$" ?hur$h %o" und"r%round
and "$r"t $ha)t"r or )#n'off ar" "ta!l#h"d #n north"rn and outh"rn
?al#forn#a* 6n" of th"" w#ll )ur)ort"dly !" th" >Four P 2o&"("nt0 or >Four P#0,
wh#$h w#ll !" #n&ol&"d #n !lood'dr#n8#n% and hu(an and an#(al a$r#f#$"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The 5ltimate Evil, !y 2aury T"rry5
3896 : At around th# t#(", th" ?h#ldr"n of Aod r"l#%#ou $ult, found"d !y
Da&#d /"r%, # o)"rat#n% #n ?al#forn#a* W#th#n th" n"9t t"n y"ar #t w#ll
"ta!l#h $o((un#t#" #n B0 $ountr#"* Th# $ult # #n&ol&"d #n (#nd'$ontrol
and )"do)h#l#a*
6&"r th" y"ar, )a()hl"t w#ll )ro(ot" )"do)h#l#a and "9 !"tw""n $h#ldr"n,
a w"ll a a )hoto%ra)h of a ?h#ldr"n of Aod nur" "n%a%"d #n oral "9 w#th a
youn% !oy* ?h#ldr"n of Aod %#rl w#ll !" u"d to lur" ("n #nto ha&#n% affa#r
w#th th"(, #n ord"r to r"$ru#t n"w ("(!"rI th# wa 8nown w#th#n th"
?h#ldr"n of Aod (o&"("nt a >fl#rty f#h#n%0* Joyann" Tr"adw"ll /"r%, th"
%randdau%ht"r of th" $ultH found"r, w#ll all"%" that h" wa (ad" to ha&"
"9 w#th #()ortant %o&"rn("nt off#$#al and had J("t )r"#d"nt fro(
around th" worldK* ,f th# $la#( # &al#d, #t would #()ly that h" wa u"d a a
(#nd'$ontroll"d "9 la&" to "ntra) h#%h'l"&"l d#%n#tar#"*
3896 (Decem;er 14! : Th" f#rt of th" Uod#a$ (urd"r ro$8 th" San
Fran$#$o ar"a wh"n a (an # hot on$" #n th" h"ad at )o#nt !lan8 ran%" w#th
a *22 and h# f"(al" $o()an#on # hot (ult#)l" t#(" w#th th" a("
w"a)on* A d"t"$t#&" wor8#n% th" $a" not" that th" (al" &#$t#( had
r"$"ntly l"arn"d of a (a.or dru% d"al that wa a!out to %o down, and h" had
!""n tal8#n% o)"nly a!out who wa #n&ol&"d #n th" trana$t#on*
3896 (Decem;er! : 2"(!"r of th" /roth"rhood of Et"rnal Lo&" tra&"l to
San Fran$#$o to "$ur" a )"r(an"nt our$" of u))ly for LSD* Th# LSD w#ll
!"$o(" fa(ouly 8nown a H6ran%" Sunh#n"H*
3896 : Futur" "r#al 8#ll"r John Wayn" Aa$y # $on&#$t"d of &#ol"ntly ra)#n% a
t""na%" !oy and "nt"n$"d to t"n y"ar #n )r#on* Dur#n% h# tay #n an ,owa
)"n#t"nt#ary, h" # r"$ru#t"d #nto a atan#$ $ult !y a f"llow #n(at"* @" w#ll !"
r"l"a"d hortly aft"r $o()l"t#n% h# #n#t#at#on #nto th" $ult : "&"n thou%h h"
w#ll ha&" "r&"d only "#%ht""n (onth of h# "nt"n$"*
3896 : U!#%n#"w /r+"+#n8# )u!l#h" h# !oo8, The Technotronic Age, #n
wh#$h h" )o#t an #nfor(at#on o$#"ty who" !a# of $o()"t#t#on # r")la$"d
!y >a(u"("nt fo$u0 !a"d on Jspectator spectacles Jmass sports and T@K
providing an opiate for increasingly purposeless masses((( ;e+ forms of
social control may 4e needed to limit the indiscriminate exercise 4y the
individual of their ne+ po+ers( The possi4ility of extensive chemical mind
control((( +ill call for a social definition of the common criteria of restraint as
+ell as utili:ation(K @" alo tat" that #t w#ll oon !" )o#!l" to $ont#nuouly
$ontrol $#t#+"n and (a#nta#n u)'to'dat" f#l" on th"( that w#ll !"
#ntantan"ouly r"tr#"&a!l" !y author#t#" and w#ll $onta#n th"#r (ot
)"ronal d"ta#l a!out h"alth and )"ronal !"ha&#or* @" )r"d#$t that )ow"r
w#ll !" #n th" hand of tho" who $ontrol #nfor(at#on*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3896 : 7orthro) Aru((an, a !la$8 )ro."$t $ontra$tor for th" US (#l#tary,
$ondu$t r""ar$h on th" $r"at#on of J"l"$tr#$al for$" to $ond#t#on th" a#r
flow#n% around an a#r$raft at u)"ron#$ )""dK, and u!(#t a )a)"r on th#
u!."$t to th" A("r#$an ,nt#tut" of A"ronaut#$ and Atronaut#$ 1A,AA5*
Th# r""ar$h ound &"ry (u$h l#8" #t t"( fro( th" wor8 of T* Town"nd
/rown* Th" )a)"r w#ll lat"r %o (##n% fro( th" r"$ord of th" A,AA*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3896 : Laura 3n#%ht'Jad$+y8 .o#n Don El8#n* ,n lat"r y"ar h" w#ll found a
$ult#$ %rou) $all"d th" ?a#o)a"an* Th"y w#ll !" #n&ol&"d #n u#n% a 6u#.a
!oard to $hann"l #nfor(at#on fro( a %rou) of "nt#t#" that $la#( to !" fro(
th" ?a#o)a"an tar $lut"r* Don El8#n w#ll !" on" of th" found"r of
anoth"r %rou) #n&ol&"d #n $hann"l#n% #(#lar "nt#t#" 1th" 4a (at"r#al5*
3898 : L#n$oln Lawr"n$" 1a )"udony(5 )u!l#h" a !oo8, We Were
"ontrolled, #n wh#$h h" $la#( that L"" @ar&"y 6wald wa a hy)no'
)ro%ra(("d aa#n and had a (alfun$t#on#n% #()lant #n h# !ra#n* @"
d"$r#!" 4@,?'ED62 t"$hnolo%y:
6nder %<#., a EsleeperE can be used years later with no realisation that the EsleeperE is
even being controlledI <e can be made to perform acts that he will have no memories of
having ever carried out...nothing he says will implicate the group or government which
possessed and controlled him. 415 There is already in use a small :AO@ generator0
transmitter which can be concealed on the body of a person. .ontact with the person 0 a
casual handshae or even 'ust a touch 0 transmits a tiny electronic charge plus an
ultrasonic signal tone which for a short while will disturb the time orientation of the
person affected.!
3898 (/arch! : Th" /roth"rhood of Et"rnal Lo&" )rodu$" #t f#rt !at$h of
>6ran%" Sunh#n"0 LSD #n a la!oratory out#d" of San Fran$#$o* Jut und"r
on" (#ll#on h#t ar" )rodu$"d* Th"y w#ll !"$o(" th" lar%"t u))l#"r of
hah#h and LSD #n th" USA, )rodu$#n% (any (#ll#on (or" do" of LSD
o&"r th" n"9t four y"ar*
3898 (:*ne! : ?arlo All"nd" wal8 #nto AP46 h"ad-uart"r and >$onf""0
that h# tory a!out th" Ph#lad"l)h#a E9)"r#("nt wa all a hoa9* A$tually, h"
only $onf"" that th" )art of h# l"tt"r that d"$r#!" th" !#+arr"
aft"r"ff"$t of th" "9)"r#("nt ar" fal"*
3898 (:*ly 7! : Th" "$ond Uod#a$ (urd"r o$$ur wh"n a $ou)l" # %unn"d
down #n th"#r $ar, th# t#(" w#th a F(( "(#'auto(at#$* Th" wo(an, Darl"n"
F"rr#n, who a))"ar to !" th" )r#(ary tar%"t of th" atta$8 1th" (an ur&#&"d
h# wound5, (ay ha&" 8nown th" )r"&#ou Uod#a$ &#$t#(* Sh" had
r")ort"dly told h"r fr#"nd that h" had w#tn""d a (urd"r !y a (an who
had u!"-u"ntly !""n follow#n% h"r* ,n th" w""8 !"for" h"r d"ath, h" had
!""n r"$"#&#n% (yt"r#ou )a$8a%" fro( a (an l#&#n% #n 2"9#$o who Darl"n"
had, for un"9)la#n"d r"aon, (arr#"d #n 1FBB u#n% an au("d na(" and
th"n lat"r d#&or$"d* @"r $o()an#on on th" n#%ht of th" (urd"r, 2#$ha"l
2a%"au, l"ft h# ho(" #n u$h a hurry that th" l#%ht and TL w"r" l"ft on and
th" front door wa l"ft o)"n* @" lat"r told #n&"t#%ator that h" and Darl"n"
w"r" follow"d #(("d#at"ly u)on l"a&#n% F"rr#nH hou"* Aft"r $han%#n% h#
tory "&"ral t#(", 2a%"au w#ll %o #nto h#d#n%* Shortly aft"r th" hoot#n%,
)ol#$" w#ll r"$"#&" a $all fro( a (an $la#(#n% $r"d#t for F"rr#nH (urd"r* Th"
$all # )la$"d fro( a )ay)hon" .ut out#d" th" Sh"r#ff H tat#on* At th" "nd
of July, th" f#rt of what w#ll )ro&" to !" a lon% "r#" of l"tt"r w#ll arr#&" at
ar"a n"w)a)"r off#$", w#th a r"-u"t that th" l"tt"r !" )u!l#h"d on Au%ut
1, th" o$$ult hol#day 8nown a La((a* Th" "r#" of l"tt"r ar" la$"d w#th
$od" that u%%"t that th" wr#t"r had a !a$8%round #n na&al #nt"ll#%"n$",
!r#n%#n% th" 6ff#$" of 7a&al ,nt"ll#%"n$" 167,5 onto th" $a"* 6n Au%ut 4,
1FBF, th" 8#ll"r w#ll u))ly h# (on#8"r #n a l"tt"r that !"%#n: JThis is the
<odiac spea%ing(>
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3898 (:*ly! : A$t#n% on a )hon" t#), )ol#$" ra#d th" 6T60 Solar Lod%"
$o()ound n"ar /lyth", ?al#forn#a and f#nd a #9'y"ar'old !oy lo$8"d outdoor
#n a B0 9 B0 wood"n $rat" #n th" w"lt"r#n% d""rt h"at* Th" youn% !oy had
!""n $ha#n"d to a t""l )lat" for n"arly two (onth #n t"()"ratur" r"a$h#n%
a h#%h a 11GX F* A$$ord#n% to an F/, r")ort, th" !o9 alo $onta#n"d a $an
J)art#ally f#ll"d w#th hu(an wat" and war(#n% w#th fl#" Y Th" t"n$h wa
nau"at#n%*K /"for" !"#n% )ut #n th" !o9, th" $h#ld had !""n !urn"d w#th
(at$h" and !"at"n w#th !a(!oo )ol" !y $ult ("(!"r* Th" l"ad"r of th"
$ult, A"or%#na /rayton, had r")ort"dly told $ult ("(!"r that Jwh"n #t wa
$on&"n#"nt, h" wa %o#n% to %#&" Zth" !oy[ LSD and "t f#r" to th" tru$tur"
#n wh#$h h" wa $ha#n"d and %#&" h#( .ut "nou%h $ha#n to %"t out of r"a$h
of th" f#r"*K 3#ll#n% th" $h#ld had alo !""n d#$u"d* El"&"n adult ("(!"r
of th" "$t w"r" $har%"d w#th f"lony $h#ld a!u", th" (a.or#ty of th"( youn%
wh#t" ("n #n th"#r "arly tw"nt#"* All w"r" !rou%ht to tr#al and $on&#$t"d*
3898 (A*g*st! : 4onald @adl"y Star8 a))roa$h" T#(othy L"ary0
/roth"rhood of Et"rnal Lo&" #n La%una /"a$h, ?al#forn#a, w#th an off"r to
!an8roll th"#r dru% traff#$8#n% a$t#&#t#"* @" # $arry#n% w#th h#( 10 (#ll#on
do" of l#-u#d LSD* @" #()r"" th"( w#th h# 8nowl"d%" of dru%
(u%%l#n% and (on"y laund"r#n%, a w"ll a h# $onn"$t#on #n th" world of
$o&"rt )ol#t#$* @" alo (a8" 8nown h# #nt"nt#on of fa$#l#tat#n% th"
o&"rthrow of !oth W"t"rn $a)#tal#( and Eat"rn ?o((un#( !y #ndu$#n%
alt"r"d tat" of $on$#oun" #n (#ll#on of )"o)l"* W#th Star80 h"l), th"
/roth"rhood w#ll -u#$8ly !"$o(" th" lar%"t u))l#"r of #ll#$#t dru% #n th"
USA* ,t w#ll !" d#$o&"r"d #n lat"r y"ar that Star8 # a lon%'t#(" ?,A
o)"rat#&" w#th $onn"$t#on to th" Ta&#to$8 ,nt#tut" #n Ar"at /r#ta#n, wh"r"
h" wa alo r")on#!l" for u))ly#n% th" (a.or#ty of #ll#$#t dru%* Th"r" ar"
#nd#$at#on that Star8 # alo #nt#(at"ly t#"d to ?harl" 2anon a h# dru%
3898 (A*g*st 8-34! : A y"ar aft"r th" atan#$ (o&#" RosemaryGs )a4y #
r"l"a"d, d#r"$tor 4o(an Polan8#0 !"aut#ful youn% !r#d", th" "#%ht'(onth'
)r"%nant @ollywood a$tr" Sharon Tat", # !rutally (urd"r"d alon% w#th four
oth"r )"o)l" at h"r ?#"lo Dr#&" ho(" #n th" /"l A#r "$t#on of Lo An%"l"*
Th" word >P#%0 and >@"lt"r S8"lt"r0 ar" $rawl"d #n !lood on th" wall*
Th" n"9t n#%ht, #n th" Lo F"l#+ "$t#on of Lo An%"l", w"althy u)"r(ar8"t
)r"#d"nt L"no La /#an$a and h# w#f" 4o"(ary ar" ta!!"d to d"ath #n#d"
th"#r ho(" at EE01 Wa&"rly Dr#&"* A%a#n, th" word >P#%0 # $rawl"d #n !lood
on th" wall*
Th" 8#ll"r ar" ("(!"r of th" Fa(#ly, a $ult l"d !y ?harl" 2anon* 4"$ord
)rodu$"r T"rry 2"l$h"r 1Dor# Day0 on5 own th" )ro)"rty and had !""n
l#&#n% th"r" unt#l Polan8# and Tat" too8 o&"r th" l"a" #n F"!ruary* 2"l$h"r
8n"w 2anon )"ronally and had !""n $on#d"r#n% h#( a a r"$ord#n% art#t*
Sharon Tat"0 fath"r ha))"n to !" a ?olon"l #n US Ar(y ,nt"ll#%"n$"* Two of
2anon0 follow"r who ar" #n&ol&"d #n th" (urd"r, Suan At8#n and /o!!y
/"auol"#l, ar" $onn"$t"d to Anton L"L"y0 ?hur$h of Satan* L"L"y # h#("lf
$onn"$t"d to 4o(an Polan8#, ha&#n% a$t"d a t"$hn#$al $onultant a w"ll a
tarr#n% #n a $a("o rol" a th" d"&#l #n RosemaryGs )a4y* Anoth"r 2anon
follow"r #n&ol&"d #n th" (urd"r # Lyn"tt" >S-u"a8y0 Fro((", who # th"
dau%ht"r of an a"ro)a$" "n%#n""r who had !""n tat#on"d at 4andol)h A#r
For$" /a" dur#n% WW,,* 2anon w#ll lat"r tat" that th" &#$t#( #n th""
(urd"r had !""n #n&ol&"d #n $h#ld )orno%ra)hy and d""r&"d to d#"*
Thr"" day !"for" th" %r#ly (urd"r, a dru% d"al"r na("d /#lly Doyl" had
!""n )u!l#$ly wh#))"d and odo(#+"d at th" Polan8#=Tat" ho(" wh#l" a
nu(!"r of )"o)l" wat$h"d* A$$ord#n% to a$tor D"nn# @o))"r, JThey had
fallen into sadism and masochism and 4estiality M and they recorded it all on
videotape, too( The *A( police told me this( %no+ that three days 4efore
they +ere %illed t+enty0five people +ere invited to that house for a mass
+hipping of a dealer from Sunset Strip +hoLd given them 4ad dope(K Th"r"
w#ll alo !" ru(or that Polan8# and Tat" w"r" d"")ly #n&ol&"d #n atan#(*
@o))"r w#ll alo tat" #n #nt"r&#"w that ad#t#$ (o&#" w"r" f#l("d at th"
hou" that f"atur"d o(" of @ollywoodH !#%%"t na("* Sa((y Da&#, Jr*,
who wa #ntrodu$"d to th" ?hur$h of Satan !y 2anon &#$t#( Jay S"!r#n%,
w#ll tat", r"%ard#n% th" &#$t#( who w"r" 8#ll"d at Tat"H ?#"lo Dr#&"
r"#d"n$": JEveryone there had at one time or another 4een into satanism(K
4o(an Polan8# w#ll h#r" )y$h#$ P"t"r @ur8o #n an att"()t to f#nd out who
8#ll"d h# w#f"*
2anon0 )arol" off#$"r, Dr* 4o%"r S(#th, who wa #n&ol&"d #n a (#nd'$ontrol
)ro."$t at th" @a#%ht'Ah!ury ("d#$al $l#n#$ at th" t#(" that 2anon wa
r")ort#n% to h#(, w#ll tat" #n an #nt"r&#"w w#th *ife (a%a+#n" that Jthere are
a lot of "harlies running around, 4elieve me(K
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3898 (Septem;er! : Th" th#rd Uod#a$ (urd"r o$$ur wh"n a (an and
wo(an ar" ta!!"d (ult#)l" t#(" #n a San Fran$#$o'ar"a )ar8* D")#t" th"
fa$t that #t too8 n"arly an hour for an a(!ulan$" to r")ond to a $all a th"
)a#r lay !l""d#n%, th" (an ur&#&"d th" atta$8* Th" aa#lant # d"$r#!"d a
w"ar#n% a tran%" hood w#th an atta$h"d a)ron that )ro(#n"ntly d#)lay"d
th" trad"(ar8 y(!ol of th" Uod#a$* Th" atta$8"r r")ort"dly had a %un, !ut
$ho" #nt"ad to u" a 8n#f", !r"a8#n% fro( th" )r"&#ou )att"rn and l#8"ly
$ontr#!ut#n% to th" ur&#&al of th" (al" &#$t#(* Pr#nt fro( a (#l#tary'#u"
!oot d#tr#!ut"d )r#(ar#ly to U*S* na&al !a" on th" w"t $oat ar" found at
th" $"n"* Th" )rof""d 8#ll"r a%a#n $all )ol#$" fro( a )ay)hon" n"ar th"
lo$al )ol#$" tat#on* @" r")ort"dly l"a&" a $l"ar )al( )r#nt on th" )hon", !ut
a >n"r&ou0 t"$hn#$#an r")ort"dly d"troy #t*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3898 ($cto;er! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h %#&" a r")ort on h# ES@ r""ar$h
!"for" an annual (""t#n% of th" A("r#$an A$ad"(y of 6)hthal(olo%y and
6tolaryn%olo%y 1AA665 #n ?h#$a%o, ,ll#no#* @" had !""n warn"d that h"
would fa$" "&"r" o))o#t#on* @ow"&"r, h" had no #d"a how &#rul"nt that
o))o#t#on would !"* A a )r"lud", thr"" day !"for" th" AA66 (""t#n% h#
off#$" #n 7"w Oor8 wa ro!!"d of all th" $l#n#$al r"$ord on h# )at#"nt* @"
w#ll "&"ntually tra$" th" th"ft to th" AA66* Aft"r h" )r""nt h# )a)"r and
how a (o&#" f#l( of h# wor8, th" o))o#t#on %"t u) and ar%u" for th"
n"9t two hour that Andr#.aH $la#( to !" a!l" to h"l) )"o)l" w#th h"ar#n%
lo ar" not a$$")ta!l"* @" # alo told that #n$" h" # Jnot a ("(!"r of th"
$lu!K of th" AA66, h# "&#d"n$" would not !" a$$")ta!l" #n any $a"* @"
r")ond !y off"r#n% th"( to u" h# "-u#)("nt to t"t h# $la#( for
th"("l&", !ut th"y r"fu"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3898 ($cto;er 33! : Th" Uod#a$ 8#ll"r tr#8" a fourth t#(" wh"n a ta9#
dr#&"r # hot on$" #n th" h"ad w#th a F(( hand%un* Th" w"a)on u"d # a
d#ff"r"nt F(( than had !""n u"d )r"&#ouly !y th" Uod#a$* Th" lat"t &#$t#(
had )#$8"d u) h# far" on 2aon Str""t and had th"n dr#&"n h#( to an
addr" #n th" Pr"#d#o @"#%ht ar"a of th" $#ty, wh"r" h" # )ro()tly hot*
So(" lo$al 8#d w#tn" th" (urd"r and #(("d#at"ly $all th" )ol#$" w#th a
d"$r#)t#on of th" aa#lant* For un"9)la#n"d r"aon, how"&"r, th" )ol#$"
d#)at$h"r !road$at a d"$r#)t#on of a !la$8 )"r)"trator, allow#n% th" r"al
hoot"r to "&ad" a (a#&" )ol#$" r")on"* Two day lat"r, a n"w l"tt"r fro(
th" Uod#a$ w#ll $la#( $r"d#t for th" 8#ll#n% and thr"at"n a futur" atta$8 on a
$hool !u*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3898 ($cto;er 31! : ?harl" 2anon # arr"t"d on $har%" unr"lat"d to
th" Tat"=La/#an$a (urd"r, !ut # "&"ntually d#$o&"r"d to !" t#"d to th"(
and # h"ld #n .a#l* Ult#(at"ly, 12 (urd"r w#ll !" l#n8"d to 2anon and h#
Fa(#ly, althou%h 2anon w#ll $la#( ED*
,n h# !oo8 #elter S%elter, )ro"$utor L#n$"nt /u%l#o# w#ll tat" that two
Pro$" ("(!"r fro( ?a(!r#d%", 2aa$hu"tt, had &##t"d h#( to
d#uad" h#( fro( !"l#"&#n% that 2anon wa $onn"$t"d to th" Pro$"
?hur$h* Soon aft"r, 2anon w#ll !" &##t"d !y th" a(" two ("(!"r, aft"r
wh#$h h" w#ll to) tal8#n% a!out th" Pro$" ?hur$h* Wh"n author Ed
Saund"r )u!l#h" h# !oo8 on 2anon $all"d The 'amily, #n wh#$h h"
tron%ly u%%"t that 2anon0 had t#" to th" Pro$" ?hur$h, h" w#ll alo
!" $onta$t"d !y ("(!"r of th" Pro$" ?hur$h, who w#ll thr"at"n l"%al
a$t#on #f h" do"n0t r"(o&" all d#r"$t r"f"r"n$" to th" Pro$" ?hur$h fro(
h# !oo8* @" $o()l#"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The 5ltimate Evil, !y 2aury T"rry5
3898 ($cto;er 18! : Th" (#l#tary0 A4PA7ET %o" onl#n" a a "$ur"
"l"$tron#$ $o((un#$at#on n"twor8* Th# w#ll "&"ntually d"&"lo) #nto th"
(od"rn ,nt"rn"t* Th" f#rt A4PA7ET l#n8 # !"tw""n th" Un#&"r#ty of
?al#forn#a, Lo An%"l" and Stanford 4""ar$h ,nt#tut"* /y th" "nd of th"
y"ar #t w#ll add th" Un#&"r#ty of Utah and th" Un#&"r#ty of ?al#forn#a, Santa
3898 (Decem;er 9! : A 4oll#n% Ston" $on$"rt at Alta(ont S)""dway #n
?al#forn#a "nd th" h#))#" "ra on a !ad not" wh"n on" of th" @"ll0 An%"l
("(!"r who ar" a$t#n% a "$ur#ty ta! a !la$8 (an to d"ath #n front of
th" "nt#r" aud#"n$" and w#th $a("ra roll#n%*
3898 (Decem;er 35! : Pro."$t /lu"!oo8 # $lo"d* Th" A#r For$" w#ll tat"
#n a ("(orandu( that Jthe continuation of Pro$ect )lue )oo% cannot 4e
$ustified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of
scienceK, and w#ll $on$lud" that th" )ro."$t do" not ("r#t futur"
"9)"nd#tur" of r"our$"*
3898 : W#th W#ll#a( Th"tford0 h"l), @"l"n S$hu$(an !"%#n $r#!#n% h"r
$hann"l"d (at"r#al #n wr#tt"n for(, to !" u"d a th" A "ourse in &iracles
3898 : At a!out th# t#(", th" F/,0 /"ha&#oral S$#"n$" Un#t 1/SU5 !"%#n
ta8#n% ha)", !ut #t won0t r"ally ta8" off unt#l 1FG2, wh"n th" F/, A$ad"(y
o)"n #n Cuant#$o, L#r%#n#a* ,t w#ll #n#t#ally ha&" no o)"rat#onal fun$t#on and
w#ll !" ol"ly #n&ol&"d #n t"a$h#n% th" )r#n$#)l" of )rof#l#n%* 6&"r th" n"9t 2D
to E0 y"ar, th" F/, w#ll (ana%", d")#t" #n#t#al r"#tan$", to )r"ad th" u"
of th" /SU0 )rof#l#n% t"$hn#-u" #n oth"r )rof"#on, thorou%hly $o'o)t#n%
th" f#"ld of law "nfor$"("nt, a$ad"(#a, ("ntal h"alth, and th" for"n#$
$#"n$"* ,n do#n% o, th"y w#ll u$$"fully (old )u!l#$ o)#n#on and f#r(ly
#n%ra#n #n th" (#nd of th" a&"ra%" A("r#$an th" $on$")t of th" >"r#al 8#ll"r0*
?ur#ouly, 4o!"rt 4"l"r, who w#ll !"$o(" th" (ot w"ll 8nown )rof#l"r #n
th" un#t, had l#&"d on th" a(" tr""t and wa #n /oy S$out w#th futur"
"r#al 8#ll"r John Wayn" Aa$" wh"n th"y w"r" !oy* 4"l"r w#ll lat"r a#t #n
#n&"t#%at#n% th" Aa$" $a"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3898 : Ed(und 3"()"r # r"l"a"d fro( .a#l aft"r "r&#n% f#&" y"ar a a
.u&"n#l" for 8#ll#n% h# %rand)ar"nt* @" ta8" u) r"#d"n$" at h# (oth"r0
ho(" #n Santa ?ru+, ?al#forn#a, and !"%#n han%#n% out at a !ar $all"d th"
>Jury 4oo(0, wh#$h # alo a han%out for lo$al $o), h"r#ff, and )ro"$ut#n%
attorn"y* /y 2ay 1FG2, 3"()"r w#ll !"%#n 8#ll#n% f"(al" h#t$hh#8"r and
ha&#n% "9 w#th th" !od#" !"for" $utt#n% th"( u) and d#)o#n% of th" )art*
3898 ' Th" ?al#forn#a /oard of 2"d#$al E9a(#n"r f#nd 23ULT4A0 Dr*
W#ll#a( Jo")h /ryan %u#lty of un)rof"#onal $ondu$t for "9ually (ol"t#n%
four wo("n )at#"nt who u!(#tt"d und"r hy)no#* /ryan had
d"(ontrat"d a )ro$l#&#ty and fantay for "9ual )"r&"r#on* Shortly aft"r h#
udd"n d"ath #n 1FGG #n La L"%a, two /"&"rly @#ll )rot#tut" w#ll $o("
forward and $la#( to ha&" 8nown h#( #nt#(at"ly, ay#n% that th"y had !""n
dou!l" t"a( >"r&#$#n%0 h#( on an a&"ra%" of tw#$" a w""8 for four y"ar,
and w"r" uually )r""nt at th" a(" t#("* A$$ord#n% to th" )rot#tut",
/ryan r")"at"dly $onf#d" that h" # not only a ?,A a%"nt !ut #n&ol&"d #n >to)
"$r"t )ro."$t0* Th"y w#ll ay that h" !ra%%"d a!out h# rol" of
d")ro%ra((#n% Al!"rt D# Sal&o #n th" /oton Stran%l"r $a" for F* L"" /a#l"y,
and !oat"d that h" had hy)not#+"d S#rhan S#rhan, 4o!"rt F* 3"nn"dyH
3898 : 2#$ha"l A-u#no .o#n th" ?hur$h of Satan* Soon aft"r, h" l"a&" for a
tour of duty #n L#"tna( 1ta8#n% )art #n th" #nfa(ou Pho"n#9 Pro%ra(5,
r"turn#n% #n 1FG1* 7ot lon% aft"r h# r"turn, h" w#ll !" orda#n"d a )r#"t #n
th" ?hur$h and tart h# own %rotto that (""t at h# ho("*
3854 (/ay 7! : Aft"r th" #n&a#on of ?a(!od#a !y US for$", ant#'war
)rot"tor #n th" USA ar" f#r"d on !y th" 7at#onal Auard at 3"nt Stat"
Un#&"r#ty, 8#ll#n% four )"o)l"* Th# wa noth#n% l" than a !latant t"rror#t
a$t #nfl#$t"d on th" US $#t#+"nry !y #t own %o&"rn("nt #n ord"r to $ar" th"(
#nto $onfor(#ty and t#fl" d#"nt*
3854 : Futur" Urant#a Foundat#on trut"", 7SA'tra#n"d 7"al Waldro) "nt"r
th" US 7a&y and att"nd 6ff#$"r ?and#dat" S$hool*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3854 : 4and ?or)orat#on )u!l#h" a r")ort "nt#tl"d, A Direct &echanism for
the Direct nfluence of &icro+ave Radiation on ;euroelectric 'unction, !y 4*J*
2a$Ar"%or* @" Nnotes that po+er densities of close to -OOO,OOOm+8cm2 can
produce auditory hallucinations in a field that +ould 4e averaged as lo+
intensity and non0thermal(N
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3854 : Th" r"l"a" of Psychic Discoveries )ehind the ron "urtain !y
author Sh"#la 6trand"r and Lynn S$hro"d"r r"&"al th" 4u#an0 ad&an$"
#n )y$h#$ r""ar$h* Th# !oo8 w#ll h"l) to )ro()t th" US %o&"rn("nt to ta8"
a "r#ou #nt"r"t #n r""ar$h#n% )y$h#$ )h"no("na for #nt"ll#%"n$"
%ath"r#n% )ur)o"*
3854 : ,n )#t" of h#( tat#n% at h# )arol" h"ar#n% that h" w#ll 8#ll a%a#n,
@"nry L"" Lu$a # r"l"a"d aft"r ha&#n% "r&"d 10 y"ar of a 20 : 40 y"ar
"nt"n$" for (urd"r#n% h# (oth"r and &#olat#n% th" $or)"* Lu$a0 (oth"r
had !""n !oth )hy#$ally and "9ually a!u#&" to @"nry throu%hout h#
$h#ldhood, wh#$h turn"d h#( #nto a ad#t#$ )y$ho)ath and "9ual d"&#ant !y
th" t#(" h" r"a$h"d h# t""n* Dur#n% h# #n$ar$"rat#on for h"r (urd"r, h"
)"nt four and a half y"ar on a ("ntal ward, r"$"#&#n% #nt"n#&" dru% and
"l"$troho$8 tr"at("nt* @" w#ll lat"r d"$r#!" ha&#n% h"ard &o#$" #n h#
h"ad dur#n% th# t#("*
W#th#n a y"ar of h# r"l"a", h" w#ll !" !a$8 #n )r#on a%a#n for th" att"()t"d
a!du$t#on of a youn% %#rl* @" w#ll "r&" four y"ar !"for" %"tt#n% anoth"r
"arly r"l"a" #n Au%ut of 1FGD, at wh#$h )o#nt h" w#ll !"$o(" #n&ol&"d #n a
atan#$ $ult $all"d th" @and of D"ath* A$$o()an#"d !y a (an na("d 6tt#
Tool", h" w#ll !"%#n $o((#tt#n% an untold nu(!"r of lur#d $h#ld a!du$t#on
and (urd"r unt#l h# f#nal $a)tur" #n 1F8E*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, ThereGs Something A4out #enry, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3854 (Septem;er! : ?olton W"t!roo8 r"turn to th" USA fro( L#"tna(
and th" ?,A0 Pho"n#9 Pro%ra( 1?hao Pro%ra(5* W"t!roo8 !"%#n wor8
und"r th" $o&"r of th" U? /"r8"l"y /la$8 Stud#" D")art("nt* @" w#ll oon
!"$o(" #n&ol&"d #n )ro%ra((#n% Donald D"Fr""+", who w#ll !"$o(" th"
l"ad"r of th" 23ULT4A $r"at"d Sy(!#on"" L#!"rat#on Ar(y 1SLA5*
3854 (Septem;er 37! : Th" f#rt of th" >D"ath An%"l0 atta$8 o$$ur #n
/"r8l"y, ?al#forn#a wh"n 21'y"ar'old Danny ?rawford # )#$8"d u) h#t$hh#8#n%
!y two !la$8 ("n who hold h#( down and lah h#( w#th a ("at $l"a&"r
!"for" dro))#n% h#( off* Th" n"9t atta$8 w#ll !" on 6$to!"r 2D, #n&ol&#n% th"
(ut#lat#on=(urd"r of an un8nown wh#t" (al"* Two (or" atta$8 w#ll o$$ur on
6$to!"r 2G #n&ol&#n% %unhot* Two (or" atta$8 w#th a %un w#ll o$$ur on
7o&"(!"r 10* Th" atta$8 w#ll $arry #nto th" n"9t y"ar, th" n"9t on"
o$$urr#n% on Jun" 18, 1FG1* /y July, th" atta$8"r w#ll (or" oft"n than not
!" r")ort"d a two !la$8 ("n w#"ld#n% a (a$h"t"'ty)" w"a)on* Th" atta$8
w#ll $ont#nu" throu%hout 1FG1 and w#ll n"&"r !" ol&"d*
3854 ("ovem;er 38! : Wh#l" Andr#.a Puhar#$h # att"nd#n% a $onf"r"n$" #n
4y", 7"w Oor8 that wa !"#n% $on&"n"d for th" )ur)o" of "9)lor#n% th"
"n"r%y #n&ol&"d #n $"rta#n )y$h#$ )h"no("na, on" of th" $#"nt#t )r""nt
r")ort on a youn% (an #n ,ra"l who $ould a))ar"ntly do a(a+#n%
)y$ho8#n"t#$ f"at, u$h a )l#tt#n% ol#d %old r#n% #n two, and (o&#n%
$lo$8 hand* Th# # th" f#rt t#(" that Puhar#$h h"ar a!out th" )y$h#$, Ur#
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3854 : At th# )o#nt #n t#(", an a&"ra%" of #9 "r#al 8#ll"r ar" r")ort"d "a$h
y"ar #n th" USA*
3853 : Th" Sy(!#on"" L#!"rat#on Ar(y 1SLA5 # "$r"tly $r"at"d at
La$a&#ll" Stat" P"n#t"nt#ary !y ?olton W"t!roo8* W"t!roo8 # a for("r ?,A
ad&#or to th" South 3or"an Ao&"rn("nt, wa tra#n"d #n )y$holo%#$al
warfar", and had )art#$#)at"d #n th" ?,AH #nfa(ou Pho"n#9 )ro%ra( #n
L#"tna(, tra#n#n% t"rror#t $adr" and d"ath -uad* W"t!roo8 # a#t"d at
La$a&#ll" !y h# $a" off#$"r, W#ll#a( @"r(an, who # a ?,A o)"rat#&",
$ount"r'#nur%"n$y "9)"rt and ar( d"al"r, and w#ll !"$o(" #n&ol&"d #n th"
,ran=?ontra Affa#r #n th" y"ar ah"ad* Donald D"Fr""+", a La$a&#ll" #n(at", #
%roo("d !y W"t!roo8 to !" th" l"ad"r of th" SLA* D"Fr""+" had wor8"d for
th" Lo An%"l" Pol#$" D")art("ntH Pu!l#$ D#ord"r ,nt"ll#%"n$" un#t !"tw""n
1FBG and 1FBF* 6th"r SLA ("(!"r w#ll !" An%"la Atwood and E(#ly @arr#,
who had !oth r"$"#&"d #nt"ll#%"n$" tra#n#n% at th" ?oll"%" of For"#%n Affa#r
at th" Un#&"r#ty of ,nd#ana )r#or to .o#n#n% th" ,nt"ll#%"n$" D#&##on of th"
,nd#ana Stat" Pol#$"*
3853 : A )art of th" 4o$8"f"ll"r0 d")o)ulat#on )ro%ra(, th"y fund Plann"d
Par"nthood to "ta!l#h th" f#rt lar%"'$al" a!ort#on (#ll #n 7"w Oor8 ?#ty*
Th" $"nt"r # d"#%n"d to )"rfor( (or" than 10,000 a!ort#on a y"ar* ,t # a
(od"l for futur" #t" that w#ll !" "t u) around th" $ountry* /y th" n"9t
y"ar, G00,000 #nno$"nt !a!#" w#ll !" 8#ll"d #n th" USA !y a!ort#on*
3853 : W"ll'8nown author and r""ar$h"r 6tto /#nd"r wr#t" an art#$l" for
Saga (a%a+#n"H S)"$#al UF6 4")ort t#tl"d *iPuidation of the 5'O
nvestigators, /#nd"r had r""ar$h"d th" d"ath of >no l" than 1EG fly#n%
au$"r r""ar$h"r, wr#t"r, $#"nt#t, and w#tn""K who had d#"d #n th"
)r"&#ou t"n y"ar, J(any und"r th" (ot (yt"r#ou $#r$u(tan$"*K
3853 : Andr#.a Puhar#$h # #n ,ra"l tudy#n% th" )y$h#$ a!#l#t#" of Ur#
A"ll"r* Aft"r )la$#n% h#( und"r hy)no# 1and &"ry )o#!ly l"ad#n% h#( w#th
u%%"t#&" -u"t#on or $o(("nt, or )"rha) "&"n un)o8"n thou%ht "nt
t"l")ath#$ally5, A"ll"r tart $hann"l#n% an "nt#ty that #d"nt#f#" #t"lf a
>S)"$tra0 and $la#( to !" a $on$#ou $o()ut"r a!oard a )a$"h#)
tat#on"d far out #n )a$"* S)"$tra alo $la#( to !" th" our$" of A"ll"r0
)y$h#$ a!#l#t#", and, at l"at a$$ord#n% to Puhar#$h, $au" o(" &"ry
tran%" t"l"8#n"t#$ )h"no("na to o$$ur that %o way !"yond A"ll"r0 alr"ady
a(a+#n% )oon'!"nd#n% a!#l#t#"* Wh"n a8"d, th" "nt#t#" a%r"" that th"y
ar" th" a(" >7#n" Pr#n$#)l" and For$"0 that Puhar#$h and h# 4ound Ta!l"
Foundat#on had !""n #n $onta$t w#th #n th" "arly 1FD0, and that th"y ar"
!"h#nd th" UF6 #%ht#n% that tart"d #n 1F4G* Th"y alo "9)la#n that A"ll"r
ha !""n )ro%ra(("d for a )"$#al (##on to Earth and that Jhe is the only
one for the next fifty years to comeK* Th"y alo $la#( that a %lo!al war #
#((#n"nt, and th# # why th"y ar" r"&"al#n% th"("l&"* Th"y t"ll Puhar#$h
that h" # to ta8" $ar" of A"ll"r, who # to !" a 2"#ah* Th"y ar" a%a#nt
Puhar#$h u#n% A"ll"r #n h# )y$h#$ r""ar$h, !ut Puhar#$h #n#t, and o
th"y r"lu$tantly a%r""*
Puhar#$h w#ll !r#n% A"ll"r to th" USA #n 1FG2 to &##t Stanford 4""ar$h
,nt#tut" and ha&" h# )y$h#$ a!#l#t#" t"t"d !y a (all %rou) of #nt"r"t"d
$#"nt#t that #n$lud" @al Puthoff, 4u"ll Tar%, and Ed%ar 2#t$h"ll* Th""
thr"" ("n w#ll oon tart $la#f#"d r"(ot"'&#"w#n% )ro%ra( for th" US
%o&"rn("nt that w#ll $ont#nu" for tw"nty'thr"" y"ar, w#th fund#n% )ro&#d"d
!y &ar#ou d#ff"r"nt (#l#tary=#nt"ll#%"n$" a%"n$#" of th" US %o&"rn("nt*
1S"" !oo8, 5ri! A Journal of the &ystery of 5ri 6eller, !y Andr#.a Puhar#$h5
3853 : T"d 3a$+yn8# -u#t h# .o! a a )rof"or of (ath"(at#$ and (o&"
to 2ontana to l#&" off th" land*
3853 : Fro( 1FG1 to 1FG8, W#ll#a( Th"tford and Da&#d Saund"r h"ad ?,A
(#nd $ontrol Pro."$t 23ULT4A Su!)ro."$t 1E0: P"ronal#ty Th"ory at
?olu(!#a Un#&"r#ty*
3851 (/arch 34! : Dur#n% an "n$ount"r w#th )ol#$", 4o!"rt 7a"lund # )ut
to l""), and wa8" u) hour lat"r "9)"r#"n$#n% what h" d"$r#!" a a >rad#o
#%nal0 #n h# h"ad* @" ha !""n "l"$tron#$ally #()lant"d* Lat"r 9'ray w#ll
how that th"r" # a d"&#$" #n h# naal $a&#ty*
3851 : Th" Santa ?ru+ ar"a of ?al#forn#a !"$o(" a ("$$a for h#))#", dru%
traff#$8"r, and atan#t* ,t alo !"$o(" th" lo$at#on of a lar%" nu(!"r of
""(#n%ly rando( (urd"r=(ut#lat#on* U) unt#l th# t#(", FD )"r$"nt of
(urd"r that ha&" o$$urr"d #n th" USA ha&" !""n )r#(ar#ly #tuat#onal :
#n)#r"d !y t"n" do("t#$ #n$#d"nt or th" r"ult of o(" 8#nd of alt"r$at#on
a(on% a$-ua#ntan$"* /ut th" (urd"r dur#n% th" 1FG0 #n Santa ?ru+ w#ll
d"fy th# )att"rn*
2any of th" ar"aH 8#ll#n% w#ll !" $r"d#t"d to two all"%"d "r#al 8#ll"r,
Ed(und 3"()"r and @"r! 2ull#n, who ar" a))ar"ntly o)"rat#n% at th" a("
t#(" #n th" a(" $#ty, thou%h a$t#n% #nd")"nd"ntly of "a$h oth"r* 3"()"rH
!loody ody"y w#ll r")ort"dly #n$lud" "#%ht &#$t#( !rutally !ut$h"r"d
!"tw""n 2ay 1FG2 and A)r#l 1FGE, (ot of th"( $o"d who" $or)" ar"
$ann#!al#+"d and "9ually &#olat"d* 2ull#n w#ll !" $r"d#t"d w#th d#)at$h#n%
th#rt""n &#$t#( #n .ut four (onth, fro( 6$to!"r 1E, 1FG2 throu%h F"!ruary
1E, 1FGE* 2ull#n w#ll ad(#t to ha&#n% a tron% #nt"r"t #n th" o$$ult, $hoo#n%
#%n#f#$ant atan#$ dat" for h# (urd"r*
7o f"w"r than #9 "r#al 8#ll"r=(a (urd"r"r : ?harl" 2anon, Stanl"y
/a8"r, Ed(und 3"()"r, @"r!"rt 2ull#n, John L#ndl"y Fra+#"r, and th" Uod#a$ :
ar" )awn"d fro( th" Santa ?ru+=San Fran$#$o ("tro)ol#tan ar"a #n a )an
of .ut o&"r four y"ar, at a t#(" wh"n >"r#al 8#ll"r0 ar" t#ll a rar" "nou%h
)h"no("non that th"y ha&"nHt y"t a$-u#r"d th" na("*
7"uro'L#n%u#t#$ Pro%ra((#n% # !"#n% d"&"lo)"d $o(("r$#ally for (a
$onu()t#on at th" Un#&"r#ty of Santa ?ru+ !y Dr* /at"on, 4#$hard /andl"r
and John Ar#nd"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3851 (/ay 5! : Th" f#rt of a "r#" of !rutal (urd"r o$$ur #n th" Santa
?ru+, ?al#forn#a ar"a that w#ll !" attr#!ut"d to Ed(und 3"()"r* Th""
(urd"r w#ll #n&ol&" two f"(al" h#t$hh#8"r who ar" )#$8"d u) and ta8"n to
an #olat"d rural ar"a wh"r" th"y ar" ta!!"d, hot, or (oth"r"d to d"ath*
3"()"r th"n ta8" th" !od#" !a$8 to h# (oth"r0 ho(" to ha&" "9 w#th
th"( !"for" $utt#n% th"( u) and du()#n% th" )art #n ra&#n" or !ury#n%
th"( #n f#"ld* A h" d#"$t th"(, h" ta8" Polaro#d )hoto%ra)h* @" w#ll
$o((#t (or" (urd"r o&"r th" n"9t y"ar !"for" turn#n% h#("lf #n to )ol#$"*
At th" a(" t#(" that 3"()"r # (urd"r#n% )"o)l" #n th" Santa ?ru+ ar"a, o
# "r#al 8#ll"r @"r! 2ull#n, and !oth had !""n )r"$"d"d thr"" y"ar "arl#"r !y
"r#al (urd"r"r John L#nl"y Fra+#"r*
3851 (A*g*st! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h !r#n% Ur# A"ll"r to th" USA*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3851 (Septem;er 37! : Th" "$ond #n a "r#" of (urd"r o$$ur #n th"
Santa ?ru+ ar"a that w#ll !" attr#!ut"d to Ed(und 3"()"r* Th" &#$t#( # a
f#ft""n'y"ar'old f"(al" h#t$hh#8"r who 3"()"r ta8" to an #olat"d )ot and
8#ll !"for" ha&#n% "9 w#th th" !ody* @" th"n )ut th" !ody #n th" trun8 of
h# $ar and dr#&" to a !ar for a f"w dr#n8 !"for" $ont#nu#n% to h# (oth"r0
ho("* @" ta8" th" !ody #nto th" hou" and )la$" #t on h# !"d, wh"r" h"
!"%#n to d#"$t #t* Th" !ody )art ar" lat"r d#)o"d of #n &ar#ou lo$at#on*
3851 ($cto;er! : A )#lot )ro."$t to #n&"t#%at" th" ("r#t of $la#r&oyan$" a
a ("an of a$$urat" #nt"ll#%"n$" a$-u##t#on # tart"d at Stanford 4""ar$h
,nt#tut" w#th %o&"rn("nt fund#n%* Atronaut Ed%ar 2#t$h"ll # o&"r""#n% th"
)r"l#(#nary )ro%ra( and r")ort#n% d#r"$tly to A"or%" /uh Sr* @al Puthoff
and 4u"ll Tar% ar" wor8#n% d#r"$tly und"r 2#t$h"ll* Th# # th" )r"$uror to
Pro."$t S?A7ATE, a $la#f#"d %o&"rn("nt )ro%ra( that w#ll $ont#nu" und"r
&ar#ou na(" 1A4,LL FLA2E, ?E7TE4 LA7E, SU7ST4EA3, and STA4 AATE5
for o&"r two d"$ad"* A tru$tur"d ("thodolo%y for $la#r&oyan$" w#ll !"
d"&"lo)"d that # t"r("d >r"(ot" &#"w#n%0*
Th"" )ro%ra( w#ll #n$or)orat" th" u" of a Faraday $a%" to "nhan$"
)y$h#$ r"$")t#&#ty, and EEA (a$h#n" to (on#tor !ra#nwa&" )att"rn*
@y)no# # &"ry l#8"ly a 8"y "l"("nt a w"ll, #n$" #t ha !""n r")"at"dly
hown to h"#%ht"n t"l")ath#$ a!#l#ty #n a hy)not#+"d u!."$t*
Andr#.a Puhar#$h !r#n% Ur# A"ll"r to S4, for )y$h#$ t"t#n% dur#n% th#
)r"l#(#nary ta%" of th" r"(ot"'&#"w#n% )ro%ra(* Th" r"ult )ro&" &"ry
u$$"ful, and w#ll !" r")ort"d #n th" 7at#onal En-u#r"r* Soon aft"r th#,
T#(" (a%a+#n", w#th th" !a$8#n% of th" D")art("nt of D"f"n", w#ll !"%#n to
d#$r"d#t A"ll"r and th" $#"nt#t at S4,* Th# w#ll l"ad to a )u!l#$ !attl" that
w#ll (a8" A"ll"r fa(ou #n th" USA, wh#l" Puhar#$h w#ll f#nd h#("lf !"#n%
&#l#f#"d w#th#n th" $#"nt#f#$ $o((un#ty*
2any of th" )"o)l" who w#ll !" #n&ol&"d #n th" r"(ot"'&#"w#n% )ro%ra( at
S4, 1#n$lud#n% Ur# A"ll"r, Andr#.a Puhar#$h, @arold Puthoff, 4u"ll Tar%, and
Ja$8 Sarfatt#5 ha&" )r"&#ouly had tran%" "9)"r#"n$" that #n$lud"d
$o((un#$at#on w#th all"%"d UF6 o$$u)ant, and=or had !""n #n&ol&"d #n
"$r"t %o&"rn("nt >a)t#tud" "nhan$"("nt0 )ro%ra( a $h#ldr"n*
3851 ($cto;er 30! : Th" f#rt %ru"o(" (urd"r that w#ll !" attr#!ut"d to
@"r! 2ull#n ta8" )la$" #n Santa ?ru+, ?al#forn#a* /y F"!ruary 1E, 1FGE,
tw"l&" (or" (urd"r w#ll ta8" )la$" that w#ll !" attr#!ut"d to h#(*
2ull#n %r"w u) #n a (#l#tary fa(#ly, h# fath"r ha&#n% !""n a h#%hly d"$orat"d
7a&y $a)ta#n* /"for" th" 8#ll#n%, 2ull#n had )"nt a $on#d"ra!l" a(ount of
t#(" #n and out of &ar#ou ("ntal #nt#tut#on, #n$lud#n% on" #n 2au# two
y"ar "arl#"r that wa run !y th" US Ar(y* A$$ord#n% to author=#n&"t#%ator
Ed Saund"r, a (#nd $ontrol )ro."$t wa #n o)"rat#on on th" @awa##an ,land
at th" t#(" and wa )"$#f#$ally a#("d at $r"at#n% >"r#al 8#ll"r0* Anoth"r
"r#al 8#ll"r, 2ar8 Da&#d ?ha)(an, w#ll )"nd t#(" #n @awa## #n 1FGG, and
th"r" w#ll !" "&#d"n$" that h" wa alo #n&ol&"d #n a (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra(
2ull#n would fr"-u"ntly $o()la#n a!out h"ar#n% &o#$" #n h# h"ad* @" w#ll !"
d#a%no"d w#th 2PD* @" r"%ularly told tho" around h#( that h" wa
r"$"#&#n% ("a%", #n$lud#n% $o((and to 8#ll, that w"r" d"l#&"r"d #n h#
fath"rH &o#$"* @" would lat"r tat": J feel that +as under my fatherLs
control, li%e a ro4ot(> 2ull#n wa alo 8nown to t"ll )"o)l" that h# fath"r, a
Fr""(aon, wa a (a (urd"r"r r")on#!l" for $ountl" unol&"d 8#ll#n%
u) and down th" ?al#forn#a $oat* @# fath"r had $o((#tt"d h#("lf to a
("ntal ho)#tal at th" "nd of World War ,,*
@"r! w#ll $la#( to ha&" only &a%u" ("(or#" of th" y"ar and a half h" )"nt
#n ?al#forn#a dur#n% th" 8#ll#n% )r""* Dur#n% th# lar%"ly !la$8"d'out )"r#od,
h" "n%a%"d #n !a$8ward wr#t#n%, a hy)not#$ally $ond#t#on"d 8#ll that #
fr"-u"ntly #nd#$at#&" of (#nd $ontrol )ro%ra((#n%* @" wa 8nown to
$onu(" lar%" -uant#t#" of hallu$#no%"n#$ dru%, and h" had an #nt"r"t #n
th" o$$ult*
Jut )r#or to h# arr"t, 2ull#n w#ll "nl#t #n th" US 2ar#n", and th" r"$ru#t"r
w#ll wa#&" h# $r#(#nal r"$ord*
Aft"r h# arr"t, 2ull#n w#ll ro!ot#$ally $hant J#l"n$"K to "&"ry -u"t#on )o"d
to h#(* @" w#ll lat"r $la#( that, on$" #n$ar$"rat"d, h" !"%an r"$"#&#n%
t"l")ath#$ ("a%" #ntru$t#n% h#( to 8#ll h#("lf, !ut wa a!l" to r"#t
a$t#n% on tho" ord"r* Th"r" w#ll !" d#$r")an$#" #n th" "&#d"n$" u"d to
$on&#$t 2ull#n, u%%"t#n% that h" d#dn0t $o((#t all of th" (urd"r attr#!ut"d
to h#(* A %a% ord"r w#ll !" #()o"d on $ourt )ro$""d#n%, and a )r"u()t#on
of %u#lt w#ll !" "t !"for" th" tr#al "&"n %"t und"r way, l"a&#n% th" .ury
w#thout a >not %u#lty0 o)t#on* 2ull#n0 lawy"r w#ll do noth#n% to d"f"nd h#(
and w#ll #nt"ad h"l) to $on&#$t h#( unfa#rly* @" w#ll tat" #n th" "nd that h"
wa th" &#$t#( of a hu%" $on)#ra$y*
3851 : Th" US Ar(y )u!l#h" a tudy "nt#tl"d "ontrolled Offensive
)ehavior! 5SSR, wh#$h $on$"rn #t"lf w#th tar%"t#n% #nd#&#dual w#th (#nd'
alt"r#n% t"$hn#-u" and Jth" total u!(##on of on"0 w#ll to o(" out#d"
for$"*K Th" tudy #n&ol&" th" u" of )ul"d (#$rowa&"*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3851 : Arthur 2* Ooun% found th" h#%hly #nflu"nt#al ,nt#tut" for th" Study
of ?on$#oun" at /"r8"l"y* Th# or%an#+at#on w#ll )ro&#d" a foru( for o("
of th" (ot dar#n% th#n8"r of th" day* Ooun% wa #n&ol&"d w#th Andr#.a
Puhar#$h0 4ound Ta!l" Foundat#on #n th" "arly 1FD0*
3851 : Th" @"a&"n0 Aat" $ult # "ta!l#h"d !y 2arhall A))l"wh#t" and h#
w#f" /onn#" 7"ttl"* Th" two found"r had ("t #n a )y$h#atr#$ ho)#tal,
wh"r" A))l"wh#t" wa a )at#"nt and 7"ttl" a nur"*
3851 : Th" 2ontau8 Pro."$t 1Pro."$t Pho"n#95 all"%"dly tart at ?a() @"ro,
Lon% #land*
3851 : 23SEA4?@ $lo" down*
3851 : W#th W#ll#a( Th"tford0 h"l), @"l"n S$hu$(an $hann"l th" (at"r#al
for th" A "ourse in &iracles &anual*
3850 (:an*ary 5! : Ed(und 3"()"r tr#8" a th#rd t#(" #n h# on%o#n%
(urd"r )r"" #n Santa ?ru+, ?al#forn#a* A w#th th" lat t#(", h" tar%"t a
youn% f"(al" h#t$hh#8"r and ta8" h"r to an #olat"d ar"a to 8#ll h"r, th"n
ta8" th" $or)" to h# (oth"r0 ho(" and ha "9 w#th #t !"for" $utt#n% #t u)
#nto )#"$"* @" !ur#" th" h"ad #n th" !a$8yard and d#)o" of th"
r"(a#nd"r !y throw#n% th"( o&"r a $l#ff*
3850 (&e;r*ary 2! : Ed(und 3"()"r tr#8" a fourth t#(" #n h# on%o#n%
(urd"r )r"" #n Santa ?ru+, ?al#forn#a* Th# t#(" h" )#$8 u) two ")arat"
h#t$hh#8#n% f"(al" and hoot th"( !oth #n th" $ar wh#l" dr#&#n%* Wh"n h"
# at an #olat"d ar"a, h" tranf"r th" !od#" to th" trun8 of h# $ar and
!"h"ad"d th"( !"for" ta8#n% on" !ody #n#d" h# (oth"r0 ho(" to ha&" "9
w#th #t* @" lat"r d#)o" of th" !ody )art #n &ar#ou )la$"*
3850 (/arch! : Th" ,nt#tut" of 7"ot#$ S$#"n$" # found"d #n Palo Alto,
?al#forn#a !y A)ollo 14 atronaut Ed%ar 2#t$h"ll* ,t # Jd"d#$at"d to r""ar$h
and "du$at#on #n th" )ro$"" of hu(an $on$#oun" to h"l) a$h#"&" a
n"w und"rtand#n% and "9)and"d awar"n" a(on% all )"o)l"*K Th#
or%an#+at#on w#ll !" h"a&#ly #n&ol&"d #n )y$h#$ t"t#n%, )artly fund#n% t"t
$ondu$t"d w#th Ur# A"ll"r at S4,*
3850 (April 13! : 6n Aood Fr#day, Ed(und 3"()"r tr#8" a lat t#(" wh"n
h" !lud%"on h# (oth"r to d"ath, !"h"ad#n% h"r and ha&#n% "9 w#th th"
$or)" !"for" u#n% h"r h"ad a a dart!oard* @" w#ll th"n $all and #n&#t" h#
(oth"rH fr#"nd o&"r, and u)on h"r arr#&al, w#ll -u#$8ly d"al w#th h"r #n a
#(#lar (ann"r* Aft"r th#, h" w#ll -u#$8ly l"a&" ?al#forn#a for ?olorado, wh"r"
h" w#ll $all fr#"nd at th" Santa ?ru+ )ol#$" d")art("nt and !"%#n $onf"#n%
to a tr#n% of (urd"r* Aft"r $on&#n$#n% th"( that h"0 not a $ran8 $all"r and
t"ll#n% th"( wh"r" to f#nd h#(, h" #t and wa#t for th"( to $o(" and arr"t
Althou%h h" w#ll !" #n )o"#on of Polaro#d )#$tur" that d")#$t th" (urd"r
and w#ll !" a!l" to )ro&#d" (any d"ta#l of th" $r#(", thu )ro&#n% h#
#n&ol&"("nt, th"r" w#ll !" #nd#$at#on that oth"r w"r" #n&ol&"d a w"ll* @"
w#ll %#&" on" of th" (ot d"ta#l"d, art#$ulat", and $h#ll#n% $onf"#on of
ad#(, (urd"r, (ut#lat#on, $ann#!al#(, and n"$ro)h#l#a #n th" annal of
$r#("* Th" (urd"r ar" la$"d w#th atan#$ y(!ol#(, and h" w#ll t"t#fy that
th" 8#ll#n% aro" fro( fanta#" that !"%an to !u#ld #n h# h"ad dur#n% h#
$onf#n"("nt at Ata$ad"ro a a youth* Ed had told ?al#forn#a Oouth Author#ty
off#$#al of J"&#l for$" w#th#n h#( wh#$h tr#"d to $ontrol h# !"ha&#orK* 3"()"r
w#ll tat", J 4elieve HQI that there are t+o people inside me(K @" w#ll alo
d"$r#!" ha&#n% "9)"r#"n$"d a d#o$#at#&" tat" wh#l" %o#n% a!out h# %r#ly
wor8: JtLs almost li%e a 4lac%ing out( Dou %no+ +hat youLre doing 4ut you
donLt notice anything else around(> Ed w#ll !" .ud%"d an" and %u#lty of "#%ht
$ount of f#rt'd"%r"" (urd"r* @" w#ll !" "nt"n$"d to l#f" #n )r#on and "nt
to La$a&#ll", th"n lat"r tranf"rr"d to Folo(*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3850 : ,n th" )r#n% of th# y"ar, Ur# A"ll"r a))"ar on th" Ja$8 Paar TL tal8
how* Paar un"9)"$t"dly a8 wh"th"r A"ll"r $ould !"nd "&"ral lar%" t""l
na#l, h"ld !y Paar* A"ll"r )la$" h# hand o&"r PaarH, $on$"ntrat", th"n
a8 Paar to o)"n h# hand and #n)"$t th" na#l* All of th"( ar" !"nt* Ed%ar
2#t$h"ll, $o'a))"ar#n% on th" how, w#ll lat"r tat" how J+hen he opened his
hand his faced turned ashen( The tip of one of the nails +as 4ent a4out
t+enty degrees, +hereas all had 4een perfectly straight $ust moments
4efore( An a+%+ard silence fell over the set(K
A"ll"r w#ll (a8" oth"r TL a))"aran$", and "a$h t#(" h" do", th"r" w#ll !"
nu("rou r")ort of )ar"nt $all#n% u) th" TL tat#on and $la#(#n% that
th"#r $h#ldr"n w"r" !"nd#n% )oon a w"ll* A"ll"r # a))ar"ntly tr#%%"r#n%
)ontan"ou t"l"8#n"t#$ a!#l#ty a(on% th" t"l"&##on &#"w"r* Th# w#ll
!"$o(" 8nown a th" >A"ll"r Eff"$t0*
3850 ($cto;er 13! : Th" f#rt (""t#n% of th" Tr#lat"ral ?o((##on, a
)ol#t#$al or%an#+at#on for("d !y Da&#d 4o$8"f"ll"r* ,t )ur)o" # to %u#d"
f"llow #nt"rnat#onal#t #n u#n% th"#r )r#&at" #nflu"n$" to (a8" $"rta#n th"#r
%o&"rn("nt r"(a#n on th" )ro)"r )u!l#$ $our" : a h"adlon% ruh toward
th" ("r%#n% of %o&"rn("nt #nto a #n%l" world %o&"rn("nt*
3850 : At a!out th# t#(", th" E?@EL67 %lo!al ur&"#llan$" yt"( %o"
onl#n"* ,t #n$or)orat" h#%h )""d $o()ut"r that run ad&an$"d "ar$h
"n%#n" to auto(at#$ally #ft throu%h th" %lo!al $o((un#$at#on traff#$ for
)"$#f#"d 8"yword*
1S"" f#l", nside Echelon, !y Dun$an ?a()!"ll5
3850 : Ur# A"ll"r to) wor8#n% w#th Andr#.a Puhar#$h and r"turn to ,ra"l*
3850 : T#))"d off a!out forth$o(#n% #n&"t#%at#on #nto th" ?,A0 (#nd'
$ontrol )ro%ra(, 4#$hard @"l( d"troy a lar%" nu(!"r of do$u("nt
r"lat#n% to 23ULT4A )r#or to l"a&#n% h# )o#t#on a D#r"$tor of th" ?,A*
3857 (&e;r*ary 7! ' Th" 23ULT4A'$r"at"d SLA 8#dna) Patr#$#a @"art, th"
dau%ht"r of 4andol)h @"art, th" ultra'w"althy own"r of @"art n"w)a)"r*
Sh" # 8")t lo$8"d #n a $lo"t and "9ually a!u"d wh#l" !ra#nwah#n%
t"$hn#-u" ar" u"d to !r#n% h"r o&"r to th"#r #d" 1&#a th" >Sto$8hol(
Syndro("05* Sh" .o#n th" %rou) #n $o((#tt#n% a nu(!"r of !an8 ro!!"r#"*
Wh"n th" )ol#$" $lo" #n on th" %rou)0 af" hou", a hoot'out ta8" )la$"
and th" af" hou" # !urn"d to th" %round, 8#ll#n% #9 SLA ("(!"r,
#n$lud#n% Donald D"Fr""+", th" %rou)0 l"ad"r* Patr#$#a @"art w#ll %"t away
and r"(a#n on th" run for th" n"9t y"ar !"for" !"#n% $au%ht* ,n )#t" of
ha&#n% !""n !ra#nwah"d, h" w#ll !" found %u#lty for h"r )art #n SLA
a$t#&#t#" and "nt"n$"d to "&"n y"ar #n )r#on* Pr"#d"nt ?art"r w#ll
$o((ut" h"r "nt"n$" and h" w#ll !" )ardon"d aft"r "r&#n% two y"ar*
D"Fr""+"0 !ody w#ll !" d"l#&"r"d to h# )ar"nt #n a $lo"d $a8"t* Th"y w#ll
o)"n th" $a8"t and f#nd a h"adl" and handl" $or)" #n#d"*
Four of 23ULT4A0 l"ad#n% "9)"rt #n (#nd'$ontrol : 2ar%ar"t S#n%"r, 4o!"rt
J* L#fton, 2art#n 6rn", and Lou# Joly#n W"t : w#ll t"t#fy a "9)"rt w#tn""
at Patty @"art0 tr#al* W"t had !""n th" h"ad of th" #nfa(ou U?LA
>L#ol"n$" Pro."$t0 at La$a&#ll", wh#$h D"Fr""+" had !""n r"$ru#t"d #nto*
3857 (April 36! : 1E'y"ar'old Todd /"-u"tt" # a!du$t"d at th" 6ld 2ar8"t
#n 6(aha, 7"!ra8a, !y a (an na("d T"rry @ol(an and for$"d to h"l)
a!du$t oth"r $h#ldr"n* @" w#ll "&"ntually !" found !y a )r#&at" d"t"$t#&"*
@ol(an w#ll n"&"r !" $har%"d*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", "hild Traffic%ing and &ind "ontrol in the #eartland 0 &y "ost
of "hild Advocacy, !y Da&#d Shurt"r5
3857 : F#rt u$$"ful unclassified >&o#$"'to'8ull0 "9)"r#("nt $ondu$t"d !y
Dr* Jo")h ?* Shar) and 2ar8 Aro&" at th" Walt"r 4""d Ar(y ,nt#tut" of
3857 : J* F* Sha)#t+, wor8#n% at th" D")art("nt of D"f"n", f#l" a )ro)oal
that tat":
#n this investigation it will be shown that the spoen word of the hypnotist may be
conveyed by modulated electro0magnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of
the human brain 0 i.e., without employing any technical devices for receiving or
transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a
chance to control the information input consciously.!
Th# # an "9t"n#on of th" wor8 don" !y Dr* Jo")h ?* Shar) and 2ar8 Aro&"
at Walt"r 4""d ,nt#tut" of 4""ar$h th" a(" y"ar 1S"" )r"&#ou "ntry5*
/"#d" th# )ro)oal, no r"$ord of th# r""ar$h ha&" "&"r !""n
d"$la#f#"d, u%%"t#n% that #t wa u$$"ful* Th" word#n% of th" )ro)oal
u%%"t that th# t"$hnolo%y #n$or)orat"d u!l#(#nal aud#o &#a >&o#$"'to'
8ull0 t"$hnolo%y, #n$" #t tat" that th" ("a%" ar" d#r"$t"d to th"
u!$on$#ou and don0t n"$"#tat" a r"$"#&#n% d"&#$" 1u$h a an #()lant5 to
tran$od" th"(*
3857 : An Ar(y 2"d#$al and ,nfor(at#on A%"n$y do$u("nt, "nt#tl"d
)iological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation, d#$u", a(on% oth"r
th#n%, th" #ndu$t#on of &o#$" #n#d" th" !ra#n !y u" of #%nal (odulat#on at
&"ry low )ow"r d"n#t#"*
3857 : Andr#.a Puhar#$h )u!l#h" h# !oo8, 5ri! A Journal of the &ystery of
5ri 6eller, #n wh#$h h" d"$r#!" th" tran%" )y$h#$ )h"no("na that
urround"d Ur# A"ll"r, )art#$ularly dur#n% Puhar#$h0 #n&ol&"("nt w#th h#(*
A)art fro( th" (any d"$r#)t#on of o!."$t all"%"dly (at"r#al#+#n%,
d"(at"r#al#+#n%, and t"l")ort#n% to oth"r lo$at#on wh"n"&"r A"ll"r wa
around, Puhar#$h alo $la#( that h" and A"ll"r had !""n #n $o((un#$at#on
w#th d#"(!od#"d !"#n% fro( th" futur", who #d"nt#f#"d th"("l&" a th"
a(" "nt#t#" h# 4ound Ta!l" %rou) had !""n $hann"l#n% y"ar "arl#"r*
A$$ord#n% to Puhar#$h, th"y $la#("d that h" had !""n $ho"n for a )"$#al
(##on to r"&"al to th" world throu%h A"ll"r that th"" "nt#t#" w"r" h"r" to
a&" (an8#nd fro( #((#n"nt d"tru$t#on and w"r" a!out to land "n (a" #n
)a$"h#)* Althou%h th" !oo8 w#ll !" an #ntant !"t"ll"r du" to th" fa("
that A"ll"r ha alr"ady a$h#"&"d #n th" USA, th" (or" un!"l#"&a!l" "&"nt
d"$r#!"d #n th" !oo8 and th" #n$lu#on of #nfor(at#on a!out $hann"l"d
"nt#t#" and th"#r tran%" $o((un#$at#on w#ll only "r&" to d#$r"d#t !oth
A"ll"r and h#("lf* Do#n% th# would aur" that h# r""ar$h would n"&"r !"
ta8"n "r#ouly, and o #t a))"ar to ha&" !""n a for$"d (o&"*
Th# a(" y"ar, Puhar#$h "t u) >La! 7#n"0 at h# ho(" #n 6#n#n% and
tart wor8#n% w#th anoth"r )y$h#$ na("d Phyll# S$hl"(("r* John
Wh#t(or", th" )rof"#onal ra$"$ar dr#&"r and #nt"rnat#onal ty$oon, w#ll alo
!" $lo"ly #n&ol&"d* S$hl"(("r w#ll oon !"%#n $hann"l#n% an "nt#ty that
$la#( to !" )art of >Th" 7#n"0 fro( Puhar#$h0 4ound Ta!l" day #n th"
1FD0* Th"" $hann"l#n% "#on w#ll $ont#nu" #nto th" n"9t y"ar, wh"n th"
thr"" w#ll ha&" a fall#n% out* S$hl"(("r w#ll $ont#nu" to $hann"l th""
"nt#t#" for th" n"9t tw"nty y"ar, "&"ntually )u!l#h#n% a !oo8 !a"d on th"
$o((un#$at#on t#tl"d, The Only Planet of "hoice! Essential )riefings from
Deep Space* ,n h"r !oo8, h" w#ll $la#( that th"" "nt#t#" ar" 8nown a!out
!y our world %o&"rn("nt !ut our %o&"rn("nt r"fu" to d#$lo" th"#r
"9#t"n$" and ar" $o&"r#n% #t u)*
Puhar#$h0 "$ond'#n'$o((and at La! 7#n" # Ja(" J* @urta8, who w#ll lat"r
$olla!orat" w#th ?arla 4u"$8"rt, a )aranor(al r""ar$h"r who w#ll !" !"t
8nown for h"r 1F84 )u!l#$at#on of The Ra &aterial, wh#$h # $hann"l"d
#nfor(at#on fro( a %rou) of "nt#t#" that ha&" u)#$#ou #(#lar#t#" to
Puhar#$h0 >?oun$#l of 7#n"0*
La! 7#n" d#$#)l" #n$lud" (ult#'(#ll#ona#r" !u#n"("n 1(any h#d#n% !"h#nd
)"udony( and #n$lud#n% ("(!"r of ?anadaH r#$h"t fa(#ly, th"
/ronf(an5, Euro)"an no!#l#ty, $#"nt#t fro( th" Stanford 4""ar$h
,nt#tut" and at l"at on" )ro(#n"nt )ol#t#$al f#%ur" who # a )"ronal fr#"nd
of Pr"#d"nt A"rald Ford* Author Lyall Waton # #n&ol&"d, a # th" #nflu"nt#al
$ount"r'$ultur" %uru ,ra E#nhorn, a w"ll a A"n" 4odd"n!"rry, th" $r"ator of
th" t"l"&##on h#t >Star Tr"80*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3857 : W#th th" #n$r"a#n% n""d to $ontrol h# follow"r, L* 4on @u!!ard
#n$or)orat" th" 4"ha!#l#tat#on Pro."$t For$" w#th#n h# ?hur$h of S$#"ntolo%y*
,t # a la&" la!or )r#on yt"( on!oard h# h#), th" Apollo* 2"(!"r who
!r"a8 th" rul" r"$"#&" "9tr"("ly harh )un#h("nt and ha&" to l#&" und"r
"9tr"("ly harh and d"%rad#n% $ond#t#on* ,t # ""n w#th#n th" or%an#+at#on
a >th" lat $han$" at r"d"()t#on0* Tho" ("(!"r who ha&" thou%ht of
l"a&#n% S$#"ntolo%y ar" )la$"d #n th# >)ro."$t0* Tho" who ha&" !""n
u$$"fully !ro8"n !y th" ord"al w#ll ha&" noth#n% !ut than8 for ha&#n%
!""n )ut throu%h #t, !"$o(#n% all th" (or" loyal to @u!!ard and h#
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, *( Ron #u44ard! &essiah or &admanE, !y ?orydon /"nt5
3857 : 4o!"rt and 2ary Ann D"Ar#(ton, .o#nt l"ad"r of th" Pro$"
?hur$h of th" F#nal Jud%("nt, %"t d#&or$"d, and th" or#%#nal or%an#+at#on
$han%" #t na(" to th" Foundat#on ?hur$h of th" 2#ll"nn#u(, wh#l" (any of
#t $ha)t"r a$ro th" $ountry )l#t off to for( #nto autono(ou %rou)*
3857 : Th" ?#t#+"n Fr""do( Foundat#on 1?FF5 # found"d* ,t w#ll off#$#ally
$han%" #t na(" to th" ?ult Awar"n" 7"twor8 1?A75 #n 1F8B*
3852 : /y th" !"%#nn#n% of th# y"ar, ("(!"r of th" ?hur$h of S$#"ntolo%y
w#ll ha&" #nf#ltrat"d th" ,4S, th" US ?oat Auard, and th" DEA* E0,000 )a%"
of do$u("nt ha&" !""n tol"n fro( th" ,4S r"lat#n% to S$#"ntolo%y and #t
found"r* /ur%lar#" of th" D")art("nt of Jut#$" off#$" r"ult"d #n th"
$o)y#n% of t"n of thouand of oth"r %o&"rn("nt f#l"* A %o&"rn("nt
"nt"n$#n% ("(orandu( on 2ary Su" @u!!ard w#ll tat":
The crime committed by these defendants is of a breadth and scope previously unheard
of. No building, office, des or file was safe from their snooping and prying. No
individual or organi/ation was free from their despicable conspiratorial minds. The tools
of their trade were miniature transmitters, loc pics, secret codes, forged credentials, and
any other device they found necessary to carry out their conspiratorial schemes.!
1S"" !oo8, )are0'aced &essiah, !y 4u"ll 2#ll"r5
3852 : Th" Tra&# Walton al#"n a!du$t#on*
3852 : /"tty Andr"aon Lu$a r")ond to a lo$al n"w)a)"r art#$l" !y UF6
r""ar$h"r J* All"n @yn"8, #n wh#$h r"ad"r0 )"ronal UF6 "9)"r#"n$" ar"
!"#n% ol#$#t"d* @"r r")on" w#ll $onta#n l#ttl" data to (ar8 #t a #%n#f#$ant,
$au#n% #t to !" f#l"d away and for%ott"n a!out unt#l 1FGG* A lo$al
#n&"t#%ator, Jul" La#l"n$ourt, w#ll "&"ntually !" #nfor("d of h"r $a" and
$onta$t h"r to "" #f h" would !" w#ll#n% to #n&"t#%at" #t* Sh" a%r"", and
!"%#n und"r%o#n% hy)not#$ r"%r"#on "#on, w#th a (an na("d Dr*
Edl"t#"n $ondu$t#n% th" hy)no#* Th# # th" )o#nt wh"n th" full d"ta#l of
h"r "9)"r#"n$" w#ll tart to urfa$"* Sh" w#ll oft"n !" )la$"d und"r
u!l#(#nal hy)no# !y Dr* Edl"t#"n, wh#$h $au" h"r to ha&" )ontan"ou
flah!a$8 throu%hout th" w""8 !"tw""n th"" "#on* Th" hy)not#t ha
to )l"ad w#th h"r to allow th# to $ont#nu", tat#n% that oth"r ar" ha&#n%
th"" "9)"r#"n$" a w"ll* So(" y"ar aft"r th"" f#rt hy)no# "#on,
anoth"r hy)not#t !y th" na(" of Fr"d 2a9 w#ll $ont#nu" "9)lor#n% h"r
3852 (April! : At a!out th# t#(", futur" "r#al 8#ll"r Da&#d /"r8ow#t+
!"$o(" #n&ol&"d #n a atan#$ $ult #n 7"w Oor8* ,n#t#ally, a$$ord#n% to
/"r8ow#t+, th" %rou) # #n&ol&"d #n har(l" a$t#&#t#", u$h a Man$" and
fortun" t"ll#n%* Aradually, how"&"r, th" %rou) #ntrodu$" h#( to dru% u",
ad#t#$ )orno%ra)hy, and &#ol"nt $r#("* Th"y !"%#n !y 8#ll#n% do%, (otly
A"r(an Sh")h"rd* 6&"r a do+"n (ut#lat"d do% $or)" w#ll !" d#$o&"r"d #n
Oon8"r, ")"$#ally n"ar Unt"r("y"r Par8, wh#$h /"r8ow#t+ w#ll $la#( to !" a
fr"-u"nt (""t#n% )la$" for th" $ult*
3852 (April! : Ao&"rn("nt a%"nt and futur" Urant#a Foundat#on trut"",
7"al Waldro), # ad(#tt"d to th" Urant#a /roth"rhood a a ("(!"r*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3852 (/ay! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h tra&"l to En%land, wh"r" h" (""t "&"ral
$h#ldr"n who $an !"nd )oon, )o$8"t8n#f" !lad", 8"y, "t$* @" %"t
)"r(##on fro( th"#r )ar"nt to tudy th"#r )aranor(al )ow"r furth"r* Soon
aft"r, h" (""t (or" $h#ldr"n w#th th"" a(" a!#l#t#" #n 2"9#$o ?#ty* /y
July, h" w#ll ha&" an J"9)"r#("ntal $hoolK "t u) for t"t#n% th"" )y$h#$
$h#ldr"n at h# ho(" #n 6#n#n%, 7O* Th"r" ar" #n#t#ally n#n" $h#ldr"n )lu h#
fourt""n'y"ar'old on, Andy* Th"y w#ll !" #nfor(ally 8nown a th" >)a$"
8#d0, and w#ll und"r%o "9t"n#&" hy)no# "#on that #n&ol&" t"a$h#n%
th"( that th"y ar" fro( oth"r )lan"t and $a(" h"r" w#th a l#f" (##on*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3852 (/ay! : Lt* ?ol* 2#$ha"l A-u#no l"a&" th" ?hur$h of Satan and found
th" T"()l" of S"t* ,t w#ll d"&"lo) #nto a (all %rou) of "&"ral hundr"d
("(!"r 1#n$lud#n% (any (#l#tary )"ronn"l5 and an #nn"r $#r$l" $all"d th"
?oun$#l of 7#n"* A$$ord#n% to A-u#no, th" ?oun$#l ta8" #t na(" fro( th"
l"%"nd of th" 7#n" Un8nown 2"n, r"$ount"d !y Lou# Pauw"l and Ja$-u"
/"r%#"r #n th"#r !oo8, &orning of the &agicians* Dur#n% th# a(" y"ar,
A-u#no alo $o'author a )y$holo%#$al warfar" (anual for th" US Ar(y t#tl"d
'rom Psyop to &indWar! the Psychology of @ictory*
3852 (:*ly! : A$$ord#n% to th" ;apa @alley Sentinel #n an art#$l" !y @arry L*
2art#n and Da&#d ?aul t#tl"d, &ind "ontrol 1Au%ut'7o&"(!"r 1FF15, at a
7AT6 $onf"r"n$" #n July, 1FGD:
& 6.+. Navy psychologist, who claims that the Office of Naval #ntelligence had taen
convicted murderers from military prisons, used behavior modification techni)ues on
them, and then relocated them in &merican embassies throughout the world 415 The
Navy psychologist was -t. .ommander Thomas Narut of the 6.+. %egional @edical
.enter in Naples, #taly. The information was divulged at an Oslo N&TO conference of
$=9 psychologists from the eleven nation alliance 415 The Navy provided all the funding
necessary, according To Narut.
Ar. Narut, in a )uestion and answer session with reporters from many nations, revealed
how the Navy was secretly programming large numbers of assassins. <e said that the
men he had wored with for the Navy were being prepared for commando0type
operations, as well as covert operations in 6.+. embassies worldwide. <e described the
men who went through his program as Jhit men and assassinsK who could ill on
.areful screening of the sub'ects was accomplished by Navy psychologists through the
military records 415 and many were convicted murderers serving military prison
3852 (A*g*st! : @"nry L"" Lu$a # r"l"a"d "arly fro( )r#on aft"r
"r&#n% a four y"ar "nt"n$" for th" att"()t"d a!du$t#on of a $h#ld* /y th"
n"9t y"ar, h" w#ll !" t"a("d u) w#th anoth"r "r#al 8#ll"r na("d 6tt# Tool",
w#th who( h" w#ll )"nd th" n"9t "&"n y"ar $o((#tt#n% (urd"r and
a!du$t#n% $h#ldr"n a th"y roa( around th" $ountry, "&"ntually !"#n% $au%ht
#n 1F8E*
Aft"r h# arr"t #n 1F8E, Lu$a w#ll $la#( to ha&" !""n #n#t#at"d #nto a $ult
that Tool" had #ntrodu$"d h#( to, $all"d th" @and of D"ath* A$$ord#n% to
Lu$a, th# $ult # )art of a lar%"r n"twor8 that )an th" $ountry and
#n&ol&" &"ry w"althy and #nflu"nt#al )"o)l" at th" to), #n$lud#n% h#%h'ran8#n%
)ol#t#$#an* Aft"r h# r"l"a" fro( )r#on, h" $la#( to ha&" )"nt o(" t#("
#n th" Flor#da E&"r%lad", for(ally tra#n#n% at a (o!#l" )ara(#l#tary $a() #n
aa#nat#on, 8#dna))#n%, and aron*
Tool"0 %rand(oth"r, who had ra#"d h#( a a youth, had !""n #n&ol&"d #n
atan#( all h"r l#f", wh#$h # )ro!a!ly how th"y !"$a(" #n&ol&"d #n th" $ult
n"twor8* A$$ord#n% to Lu$a, th" $ult o)"rat" out of T"9a and fro( a ran$h
#n north"rn 2"9#$o, and traff#$8 #n $h#ldr"n and dru%, a(on% oth"r th#n%*
@" w#ll $la#( that what a))"ar"d to !" th" rando( wor8 of a "r#al 8#ll"r wa
#n fa$t a )lann"d "r#" of $r#(" oft"n $o((#tt"d for )"$#f#$ )ur)o",
#n$lud#n% th" aa#nat#on of for"#%n d#%n#tar#"* ?ontra$t h#t w"r" (#9"d #n
w#th rando( (urd"r #n ord"r to $on$"al th" )ur)o" of th" $r#("*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Programmed to 7ill, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3852 (Septem;er 2! : Lyn"tt" >S-u"a8y0 Fro((", who !"$a(" th" h"ad
of ?harl" 2anon0 >Fa(#ly0 aft"r 2anon wa arr"t"d #n 6$to!"r 1FBF, #
arr"t"d and #()r#on"d for an att"()t"d aa#nat#on of US Pr"#d"nt
A"rald Ford* Anoth"r ao$#at" of th" 2anon Fa(#ly, Sarah Jan" 2oor", w#ll
alo !" arr"t"d and #()r#on"d for anoth"r fa#l"d aa#nat#on att"()t on
Pr"#d"nt Ford* ,f "#th"r wo(an had !""n u$$"ful, 7"lon 4o$8"f"ll"r
would ha&" ta8"n th" )r"#d"n$y*
3852 : US ?on%r"#onal h"ar#n% #nto Pro."$t 23ULT4A ar" #n#t#at"d !y th"
?hur$h ?o((#tt""* ,n&"t#%at#&" "ffort ar" ha()"r"d !y th" fa$t that ?,A
D#r"$tor 4#$hard @"l( had #ll"%ally ord"r"d all 23ULT4A f#l" to !"
d"troy"d #n 1FGE, l"a&#n% th" ?hur$h ?o((#tt"" w#th no oth"r $ho#$" !ut to
r"ly on th" worn t"t#(ony of d#r"$t )art#$#)ant and on th" r"lat#&"ly (all
nu(!"r of do$u("nt that ur&#&"d @"l(0 d"tru$t#on ord"r* Th" h"ar#n%
w#ll r"&"al that o&"r E0 un#&"r#t#" and #nt#tut#on w"r" #n&ol&"d #n an
J"9t"n#&" t"t#n% and "9)"r#("ntat#onK )ro%ra( wh#$h #n$lud"d $o&"rt dru%
t"t on unw#tt#n% $#t#+"n Jat all o$#al l"&"l, h#%h and low, nat#&" A("r#$an
and for"#%n*K All told, th" )ro%ra( $on#t"d of 14F )ro."$t at 80 un#&"r#t#"
and oth"r #nt#tut#on #n&ol&#n% dru% t"t#n% and a &ar#"ty oth"r tud#" on
unw#tt#n% hu(an u!."$t, #n$lud#n% nu("rou tud#" u#n% "l"$tro(a%n"t#$
3852 : Futur" "r#al 8#ll"r and atan#$ $ult ("(!"r John Wayn" Aa$y # "t
u) #n a $ontru$t#on !u#n" #n ?h#$a%o w#th f#nan$#n% )ro&#d"d !y an
un8nown !"n"fa$tor*
3852 : @"l"n S$hu$(an )u!l#h" A "ourse n &iracles, !a"d on h"r
$hann"l#n%* Th" !oo8 w#ll !"$o(" a 7"w A%" !#!l" for (#ll#on of )"o)l"*
3859 (:*ly 18! : Th" f#rt >Son of Sa(0 8#ll#n% all"%"dly !y Da&#d /"r8ow#t+
#n 7"w Oor8 ?#ty* S#9 )"o)l" w#ll !" 8#ll"d and "&"n w#ll !" wound"d !"for"
h" # $au%ht a y"ar lat"r, on Au%ut 10, 1FGG* Dur#n% th" 8#ll#n% )r"", a
nu(!"r of $ry)t#$ and taunt#n% not" fro( Son of Sa( w#ll !" "nt to
r")ort"r and #n&"t#%ator, $la#(#n% that h" # ta8#n% ord"r fro( a
n"#%h!or0 do%* Th" $a" w#ll !" $lo"d w#thout any furth"r #n&"t#%at#on
#(("d#at"ly aft"r /"r8ow#t+0 arr"t, "&"n thou%h th"r" ar" d"f#n#t" #%n
that oth"r w"r" #n&ol&"d* Cu""nH D#tr#$t Attorn"y John Santu$$# w#ll
r"o)"n th" $a" #n 1FGF aft"r $on$lud#n% that /"r8ow#t+ d#d not a$t alon"*
/"r8ow#t+ wa an ado)t"d $h#ld, and !oth fa(#l#" w"r" J"w#h* Aft"r h#
ado)t"d (oth"r d#"d, h# fath"r r"(arr#"d and (o&"d to Flor#da #n 1FG1,
l"a&#n% Da&#d to l#&" alon" #n 7"w Oor8* @" )"nt t#(" #n th" US Ar(y
!"tw""n 1FG1 and 1FG4, tat#on"d #n 3or"a, and wa a )rof#$#"nt (ar8(an*
Wh"n /"r8ow#t+ .o#n"d th" ar(y, h" had "nt"r"d a )"$#al )ro%ra(
r")ort"dly for >)rof#l"d0 $and#dat" of an un)"$#f#"d $hara$t"r, and wa alo
ta8#n% hallu$#no%"n#$ dru% for r"$r"at#onal )ur)o" at on" )o#nt* ,t wa
aft"r h# r"l"a" fro( th" (#l#tary that h" !"%an to how )arano#d d"lu#on,
!"l#"&#n% that &ar#ou )"o)l" and do% w"r" )o""d !y d"(on* At th"
t#(" of th" (urd"r, h" # wor8#n% a a )otal wor8"r* /"r8ow#t+ (ay ha&"
!""n und"r (#nd'$ontrol and 8nown th" our$" of h# )ro%ra((#n%* ,n th"
f#rt handwr#tt"n (##&" h" "nt to th" 7"w Oor8 )ol#$", h" wrot", J am the
RSon of SamG( am a little R4ratG,K th" )o#!l" #()l#$at#on !"#n% that h" wa
an ar(y !rat* @" alo wrot", J am on a different +ave length than
every4ody else M programmed to %ill(K
Aft"r /"r8ow#t+0 arr"t, )ol#$" w#ll f#nd nu("rou t"l")hon" nu(!"r
$rawl"d on th" wall of h# a)art("nt, #n$lud#n% th" unl#t"d )r#&at" ho("
nu(!"r of )ro(#n"nt do$tor l#&#n% on Lon% ,land, th" nu(!"r for a lar%"
S$#"ntolo%y tra#n#n% $"nt"r #n Flor#da, and th" nu(!"r for th" 2ontau8 Aolf
and 4a$-u"t ?lu!, an "9$lu#&" $ountry $lu! on Lon% ,land that l#" ad.a$"nt
to th" )ur)ort"dly $lo"d ?a() @"ro (#l#tary !a" that ha !""n t"nuouly
l#n8"d !y r""ar$h"r to on%o#n% (#nd $ontrol o)"rat#on*
,n 1FFG, /"r8ow#t+ w#ll r"&"al to author=#n&"t#%ator 2aury T"rry that th"r"
w"r" oth"r )"o)l" #n&ol&"d #n th" 8#ll#n% a)art fro( h#("lf, that h" only
8#ll"d thr"" of th" &#$t#( and wound"d a forth, and th" r"t of th" hoot#n%
w"r" don" !y oth"r ("(!"r of th" $ult* Althou%h h" w#ll r"fu" to d#$u
anyth#n% that r"lat" to th" $ult, #t w#ll !" d"t"r(#n"d that th" Son of Sa(
%rou) w"r" )art of a lar%"r atan#$ n"twor8 that "9t"nd"d a$ro th"
$ountry, w#th th" lo$al $ha)t"r ha&#n% ("(!"r fro( th" Oon8"r )ol#$"
d")art("nt* /"r8ow#t+ w#ll $la#( that th"#r %rou) )"rfor("d an#(al a$r#f#$"
and (ad" $h#ld )orno%ra)hy* 2any of th" &#$t#( th"y tar%"t"d had !""n
#n&ol&"d #n $oll"%" )rot#tut#on r#n% that (ay ha&" t#"d #n to th" atan#$
n"twor8* At th" t#(" of th" (urd"r, d"ad and (ut#lat"d do%, (otly
A"r(an Sh")h"rd, ha&" !""n turn#n% u) #n th" ar"a* /"r8ow#t+ w#ll na("
h# n"#%h!or, !roth"r John and 2#$ha"l ?arr, and th"#r fath"r Sa( ?arr, a
("(!"r of th# atan#$ %rou)* John ?arr # all"%"d to ha&" !""n #n&ol&"d #n
atan#( #n$" h#%h $hool, and wa #n th" A#r For$" for (any y"ar unt#l
!"#n% d#$har%"d only a f"w (onth !"for" th" f#rt Son of Sa( (urd"r*
John ?arr had !""n a taff "r%"ant tat#on"d at 6ffutt AF/ #n 2#not, 7orth
Da8ota, and th" h"ad-uart"r of th" atan#$ %rou) h" wa ao$#at"d w#th at
th" t#(" wa lo$at"d #n n"ar!y /#(ar$8* 2#$ha"l ?arr wa a))ar"ntly a
S$#"ntolo%y "9"$ut#&" and wa #n&ol&"d w#th on" of #t offhoot : (ot l#8"ly
Th" Pro$" ?hur$h, wh#$h had (o&"d #t h"ad-uart"r fro( ?al#forn#a to
7"w Oor8 around th" t#(" that th" Son of Sa( (urd"r tart"d* John ?arr
w#ll !" found hot d"ad #n a %#rlfr#"ndH 7orth Da8ota a)art("nt #n 1FG8*
2#$ha"l ?arr w#ll !" 8#ll"d #n a $ar $rah #n 7"w Oor8 ?#ty l" than two y"ar
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The 5ltimate Evil, !y 2aury T"rry5
3859 (A*g*st 14! : Th" Alla%ah al#"n a!du$t#on #n$#d"nt #n&ol&" four
("n 1Ja$8 and J#( W"#n"r, ?harl#" Folt+, and ?hu$8 4a85 who ar" out
$a()#n% n"ar Alla%ah, 2a#n"* Th"y )ot a tran%" l#%ht #n th" 8y wh#l"
f#h#n% out on a la8" at n#%ht* Wh"n on" of th"( #%nal #t w#th a flahl#%ht, a
!"a( of l#%ht hoot out fro( th" $raft and #t $o(" toward th"(* Th"y ar"
"n&"lo)"d #n th" l#%ht, and #n th" n"9t (o("nt th"y f#nd th"("l&" !a$8 on
hor", tar#n% at th" $raft a #t ho&"r n"ar!y !"for" udd"nly d#a))"ar#n%
#nto th" n#%ht 8y* Th" ("n ar" "9haut"d and %o to !"d for th" n#%ht, not
d#$u#n% th" #n$#d"nt* Day lat"r, th"y all tart to ha&" #(#lar n#%ht(ar"
of tran%" !"#n% w#th lon% n"$8 and lar%" h"ad* O"ar lat"r, #n 1F88, J#(
W"#n"r (""t ufolo%#t 4ay(ond Fowl"r at a UF6 $onf"r"n$" and a%r"" to
und"r%o r"%r"#&" hy)no#* All four ("n ta8" )art, and th"y r"$all !"#n%
a!du$t"d and und"r%o#n% )hy#$al "9a(#nat#on* Th"#r d"$r#)t#on of th"
al#"n ar" $on#t"nt* ?hu$8 4a8 )o#nt out that h" ha trou!l" fo$u#n%
$l"arly on th" al#"n0 a))"aran$", wh#$h u%%"t that th" r"$all"d ("(or#"
w"r" $r""n ("(or#"*
3859 ($cto;er! : 6&"r th" n"9t y"ar, 8D A"r(an h")h"rd and
Do!"r(an w#ll !" found 8#nn"d and dra#n"d of !lood #n 7"w Oor8 ?#ty* ,t #
u)"$t"d that th"y w"r" u"d #n atan#$ r#tual a$r#f#$"*
3859 : F#rt non'$la#f#"d 4"(ot" 7"ural 2on#tor#n% d"&#$" )at"nt"d !y
4o!"rt A* 2al"$h 1US )at"nt WEFD11E4, JApparatus and method for
remotely monitoring and altering 4rain +avesK5*
At th" t#(" of #t0 wr#t#n%, th# )at"nt wa only a $on$")tual #d"a and a
)rototy)" wa n"&"r a$tually !u#lt and t"t"d* ,t $an !" hown that th"
t"$hnolo%y d"$r#!"d w#th#n #t wouldn0t !" $a)a!l" of what #t $la#(, and
would n"&"r ha&" (ad" #t #nto th" )at"nt r"$ord #f #t wa, #n$" th" (#l#tary
#(("d#at"ly $la#fy any n"w )at"nt a))l#$at#on that ha any )o#!l"
w"a)on a))l#$at#on, wh#$h th# on" o!&#ouly do"* 7on"th"l", th# )at"nt
w#ll $o(" to !" r"f"rr"d to or d"$r#!"d #n #nnu("ra!l" onl#n" do$u("nt and
art#$l" on (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#", #nflu"n$#n% (any )"o)l"0 !"l#"f that
th# )art#$ular t"$hnolo%y "9#t* ,t # &"ry )o#!l" that th# )at"nt
a))l#$at#on wa )ur)o"ly )ut #nto th" US Pat"nt 6ff#$" r"$ord #n ord"r to
u" #t a d##nfor(at#on*
3859 : Th" So&#"t !"%#n tran(#tt#n% an "9tr"("ly low fr"-u"n$y 1ELF5
"l"$tro(a%n"t#$ #%nal that d#ru)t $o((un#$at#on around th" world* ,t #
at a fr"-u"n$y that alo ha th" )ot"nt#al to d#ru)t !ra#nwa&"*
3855 (&e;r*ary 37! : Fr"d"r#$8 ?owan, a n"o'fa$#t fro( 7"w 4o$h"ll",
7"w Oor8, who wa u)"nd"d fro( wor8 aft"r -uarr"l#n% w#th h# J"w#h
!o, turn u) at th" )lant w#th a (all ar"nal and )ro$""d to 8#ll f#&"
)"o)l" and wound two oth"r !"for" turn#n% a %un on h#("lf* A$$ord#n% to
"r#al 8#ll"r Da&#d /"r8ow#t+, ?owan had !""n #n&ol&"d w#th th" Four P#
(o&"("nt, a atan#$ $ult that /"r8ow#t+ wa alo #n&ol&"d w#th*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The 5ltimate Evil, !y 2aury T"rry5
3855 (/arch! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h and Dr* 4o!"rt /"$8 !u#ld a (a%n"t#$
wa&" %"n"rator #n th" la!oratory #n 6#n#n% and !"%#n $hart#n% th" "ff"$t of
d#ff"r"nt ELF wa&" on hu(an* Th" dan%"rou #()l#$at#on of th"#r f#nd#n%
w#ll l"ad th"( to )r")ar" a $#"nt#f#$ do$u("nt and "nd #t 1hand $arry #t5 to
th" )ol#t#$al l"ad"r of th" w"t"rn world: ?art"r, Trud"au, and That$h"r*
7oth#n% w#ll r"ult*
At th# )o#nt or "arl#"r, Puhar#$h ha l"arn"d that ELF wa&" $an !" u"d to
"nhan$" a )"ron0 )ot"nt#al for t"l")ath#$ $o((un#$at#on* @" # alo awar"
that )"o)l"0 !ra#nwa&" w#ll fall #nto "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ r"onan$" wh"n #n
$lo" )ro9#(#ty*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &emories of a &averic%, !y @*A*2* @"r(an5
3855 (April! : Dr* W#ll#a( Jo")h /ryan # found d"ad #n La L"%a on th"
"&" of th" @ou" S"l"$t ?o((#tt"" on Aa#nat#on tart#n% an
#n&"t#%at#on #nto th" aa#nat#on of S"nator and Pr"#d"nt#al ho)"ful
4o!"rt F* 3"nn"dy !y S#rhan S#rhan*
3855 (:*ly 6! : 1E4 F/, a%"nt, ar("d w#th "ar$h warrant and
l"d%"ha(("r, #(ultan"ouly !r"a8 #nto th" off#$" of th" ?hur$h of
S$#"ntolo%y #n Wah#n%ton and Lo An%"l" and $art away 48,14F
do$u("nt* Th"" do$u("nt w#ll r"&"al an aton#h#n% ")#ona%" yt"(
that )ann"d th" USA and )"n"trat"d o(" of th" h#%h"t off#$"*
1S"" !oo8, )are0'aced &essiah, !y 4u"ll 2#ll"r5
3855 (Septem;er! : Aft"r nu("rou art#$l" #n @"artH S('( Examiner and
;e+ West &aga:ine "9)o#n% th" P"o)l"0 T"()l", J#( Jon" !"%#n an
"9odu of t"()l" ("(!"r to an #olat"d $o((un" #n Auyana*
3855 ($cto;er 35! : Th" f#rt (urd"r attr#!ut"d to th" @#ll#d" Stran%l"r
ta8" )la$" #n th" Lo An%"l" ar"a* /y F"!ruary 1G, 1FG8, tw"l&" (or"
&#$t#( w#ll d#"* Th" (urd"r"r w#ll "&"ntually !" #d"nt#f#"d a An%"lo /uono
and 3"nn"th /#an$h#*
3855 : Futur" "r#al 8#ll"r and atan#$ $ult ("(!"r John Wayn" Aa$y #
(ad" a Pr"$#n$t ?a)ta#n #n ?h#$a%o wh"r" h" l#&"* @" w#ll !" r")on#!l" for
h"l)#n% to f#9 ?h#$a%o "l"$t#on o that only >)"$#al0 ("(!"r of th"
D"(o$rat#$ Party ar" "l"$t"d*
3855 : @al Puthoff and 4u"ll Tar% )u!l#h th"#r !oo8, &ind Reach, #n wh#$h
th"y d"$r#!" o(" of th" u$$"ful "arly r"(ot" &#"w#n% "9)"r#("nt at
3855 : Pro."$t Dr"a($an u))o"dly !"%#n at 2ontau8*
3855 : 6n th" S"nat" floor, S"nator T"d 3"nn"dy tat":
"The Aeputy Airector of the .#& revealed that over thirty universities and institutions
were involved in an Eextensive testing and experimentationE program which included
covert drug tests on unwitting citi/ens Eat all social levels, high and low, native &mericans
and foreign."
3856 : At around th# t#(", th" US Ar(y !"%#n fund#n% an o)"rat#onal
r"(ot"'&#"w#n% )ro%ra( at Fort 2"ad", 2aryland* S#9 &olunt""r fro( Ar(y
,nt"ll#%"n$" ar" tra#n"d #n r"(ot" &#"w#n% at S4,*
3856 (&e;r*ary 8! : th" lat (urd"r attr#!ut"d to T"d /undy o$$ur*
3856 (&e;r*ary 35! : Th" lat (urd"r attr#!ut"d to th" @#ll#d" Stran%l"r
ta8" )la$"*
3856 (&e;r*ary! : Futur" "r#al 8#ll"r 4#$hard 4a(#r"+, who w#ll !"$o("
8nown a th" 7#%ht Stal8"r, arr#&" #n San Fran$#$o and ha a (""t#n% w#th
atan#t Anton LaL"y, a w"ll a att"nd#n% a ?hur$h of Satan r#tual* Fro(
h"r", h" (o&" on to Lo An%"l", wh"r" h" w#ll "&"ntually !"%#n h# 8#ll#n%
)r"" #n th" y"ar ah"ad* Wh"n h" # f#nally $au%ht, h" w#ll !" &##t"d #n .a#l
!y LaL"y0 dau%ht"r U""na*
3856 (/ay! : S"r#al 8#ll"r John Wayn" Aa$y # )hoto%ra)h"d w#th F#rt Lady
4oalynn ?art"r, !"#n% $on%ratulat"d a a Ward !o for th" ?h#$a%o
D"(o$rat#$ Party for a J.o! w"ll don"K* Th" )hoto%ra)h how h#( w"ar#n%
an >S0 )#n, #nd#$at#n% to th" S"$r"t S"r&#$" that h" $arr#" a )"$#al
%o&"rn("nt $l"aran$"* At th# t#(", h" ha a nu(!"r of $or)" !ur#"d und"r
th" $rawl)a$" of h# hou"*
3856 (:*ne! : J"ffr"y Dah("r 8#ll h# f#rt &#$t#(, 1F'y"ar'old St"&"n
@#$8, aft"r )#$8#n% h#( u) h#t$hh#8#n% and ta8#n% h#( ho(" to dr#n8 and
ha&" "9* Aft"rward, wh"n @#$8 tr#" to l"a&", Dah("r !lud%"on h#( to
d"ath and tor" th" !ody #n th" $rawl)a$" und"r h# fath"r0 hou"* Thr""
day lat"r, wh"n #t !"%#n to ("ll, h" d"$#d" to $ut th" !ody u) #nto )#"$"
and )ut th"( #n %ar!a%" !a% !"for" !ury#n% th"( #n th" wood !"h#nd th"
hou"* 7#n" y"ar w#ll )a !"for" h" 8#ll a%a#n* Th" (urd"r w#ll #n&ol&"
ra)", d#("(!"r("nt, n"$ro)h#l#a, and $ann#!al#(*
At th" "nd of th# y"ar, Dah("r w#ll "nl#t #n th" Ar(y and !" tat#on"d #n
A"r(any* @" w#ll !" d#$har%"d two y"ar lat"r du" to al$ohol#(*
Althou%h Dah("r had %rown u) #n a h"althy fa(#ly "n&#ron("nt, !y th" a%"
of #9, aft"r ha&#n% ur%"ry for a dou!l" h"rn#a, h" had !"$o(" d#ff"r"nt*
A$$ord#n% to h# fath"r, Jhe gre+ more in+ard, sitting Puietly for long
periods, hardly stirring, his face oddly motionless(K Th# $han%" would r"(a#n
for th" r"t of h# l#f"*
3856 (A*g*st! : Andr#.a Puhar#$h0 >La! 7#n"0 r""ar$h $"nt"r )"r(an"ntly
$lo" wh"n o("on" !urn #t to th" %round* Puhar#$h fl"" to 2"9#$o,
$la#(#n% that th" ?,A ar" tar%"t#n% h#(* La! 7#n" ha !""n #n&ol&"d u) unt#l
th# t#(" #n "9)"r#("nt#n% w#th $h#ldr"n who how"d )y$h#$ )ot"nt#al* ,t0
&"ry l#8"ly that th"" "9)"r#("nt w"r" r"lat"d to tho" that r")ort"dly ta8"
)la$" at ?a() @"ro 12ontau85, Lon% ,land* L#ttl" # 8nown a!out what
a$tually w"nt on at La! 7#n", !ut r")ort !y &##tor tat" that (any of th"
$h#ldr"n !"#n% u"d #n "9)"r#("nt th"r" a))"ar"d to !" &"ry trau(at#+"d* ,t
# )o#!l" that th" ?,A f"ar"d r"&"lat#on a!out th"" $h#ldr"n throu%h a
$andal #n&ol&#n% Puhar#$h0 ao$#at" ,ra E#nhorn, who at th# t#(" # !"#n%
#n&"t#%at"d for th" (urd"r of h# for("r %#rlfr#"nd @olly 2addu9 1for wh#$h
h" w#ll !" u!"-u"ntly $on&#$t"d5* At th" t#(" of h"r d#a))"aran$", 2addu9
a))ar"ntly )o""d )a)"r r"lat#n% to th" Puhar#$h0 r""ar$h w#th th""
$h#ldr"n* ,t # alo )o#!l" that what Puhar#$h 8n"w a!out )y$h#$
)h"no("na and=or th" US %o&"rn("nt0 "$r"t r"(ot"'&#"w#n% )ro%ra(
)o"d a thr"at to th"(, and th"y w"r" (a8#n% ur" that th# #nfor(at#on
d#dn0t %"t out* U) to th# t#(", Puhar#$h ha !""n try#n% to al"rt th"
%o&"rn("nt of th" w"t"rn world to th" dan%"r of ELF wa&"*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", )ehind the &as%! Aliens or "osmic Jo%ersE, !y Lynn P#$8n"tt
R ?l#&" Pr#n$"5
3856 : A$$ord#n% to Walt"r /owart 1author of Operation &ind "ontrol5, th"r"
ar" only 2D d#a%no"d $a" of 2ult#)l" P"ronal#ty D#ord"r 12PD5 at th#
)o#nt #n t#("* /y th" y"ar 2000, th"r" w#ll !" hundr"d of thouand of
d#a%no"d $a"* Th# #n#t#al low nu(!"r a))ar"ntly do"n0t #n$lud" $a" of
2PD )r#or to #t !"#n% for(ally r"$o%n#+"d a a ("d#$al $ond#t#on, #n$" th"
("d#$al l#t"ratur" fro( th" 18
and 1F
$"ntur#" # f#ll"d w#th (any u$h
3856 : A wo(an !y th" na(" of J"nny 60?onnor # #ntrodu$"d to th"
fa(ou Eal"n ,nt#tut" #n ?al#forn#a !y S#r John Wh#t(or", a for("r ra$"$ar
dr#&"r who wa #n&ol&"d w#th Andr#.a Puhar#$h0 4ound Ta!l" Foundat#on*
60?onnor w#ll !"$o(" th" $hann"ll"r for >Th" 7#n"0, $ont#nu#n% th"
$o((un#$at#on that f#rt tart"d at Puhar#$h0 4ound Ta!l" Foundat#on* Th"
7#n" w#ll l#t"rally ta8" o&"r th" ad(#n#trat#on of Eal"n !"tw""n 1FGF and
a!out 1F82, wh#$h #n$lud" d"$#d#n% who # h#r"d or f#r"d* 2any of th" )"o)l"
who att"nd 60?onnor0 "(#nar w#ll !"$o(" )ro(#n"nt #n )ol#t#$al $#r$l"
!oth #n A("r#$a and th" USS4* Anoth"r )art#$#)ant at th"" "(#nar w#ll !"
Da&#d 2* 2y"r, who w#ll %o on to $hann"l th" 7#n" and )u!l#h at l"at on"
!oo8 a!out th"(, $all"d T+o Thirds* @" w#ll alo wor8 $lo"ly w#th 4#$hard
@oa%land #n )ro(ot#n% th" >Fa$" on 2ar0 $ontro&"ry #n th" y"ar ah"ad*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", )ehind the &as%! Aliens or "osmic Jo%ersE, !y Lynn P#$8n"tt
R ?l#&" Pr#n$"5
3856 : Th" Una!o(!"r 1all"%"dly T"d 3a$+yn8#5 !"%#n h# (a#l'!o(!#n%
$a()a#%n, )lant#n% or (a#l#n% nu("rou ho("'(ad" !o(! to "l"$t"d
tar%"t, "&"ntually 8#ll#n% E )"o)l" and #n.ur#n% 2E oth"r* Th" $a()a#%n w#ll
$ont#nu" unt#l 3a$+yn8# # arr"t"d #n 1FFB*
3a$+yn8# had !""n a $h#ld )rod#%y, and had !""n a$$")t"d #nto @ar&ard
Un#&"r#ty #n 1FD8 at th" a%" of 1B* Wh#l" th"r", h" wa a u!."$t of (#nd'
$ontrol "9)"r#("nt $ondu$t"d !y a Dr* @"nry 2urray* Lat"r, h" wa an
a#tant )rof"or at th" Un#&"r#ty of ?al#forn#a, /"r8"l"y at a%" 2D, !ut
r"#%n"d two y"ar lat"r* ,n 1FG1, h" (o&"d to a r"(ot" $a!#n #n 2ontana
that had no "l"$tr#$#ty or runn#n% wat"r, and l#&"d a a r"$lu" wh#l" l"arn#n%
ur&#&al 8#ll, ho)#n% to !"$o(" "lf'uff#$#"nt* @" d"$#d"d to tart h#
all"%"d !o(!#n% $a()a#%n aft"r wat$h#n% th" w#ld"rn" around h# ho("
!"#n% d"troy"d !y d"&"lo)("nt* @" !"l#"&"d that &#ol"nt $olla)" wa th"
only way to !r#n% down th" t"$hno'#ndutr#al yt"(* @" w#ll lat"r wr#t":
#n a general way, # thin what has to be done is 415 try to increase tensions in society to
the point where things start to brea down. To create a situation where people get
uncomfortable enough that theyKre going to rebel. +o the )uestion is how do you increase
those tensionsL!
That 3a$+yn8# wa an%ry a!out th" (#nd'$ontrol "9)"r#("nt $ondu$t"d on
h#( at @ar&ard # u%%"t"d wh"n h" tat" #n a l"tt"r to th" 7"w Oor8 T#("
that on" of h# tar%"t wa atta$8"d !"$au" Jits 4usiness is in the
development of techniPues for manipulating peopleLs attitudes(K
3856 ("ovem;er 36! : Th" Jon"town (aa$r" o$$ur #n Auyana, South
A("r#$a, und"r th" d#r"$t#on of th" )y$ho)ath#$ $ult l"ad"r and ?,A
o)"rat#&", 4"&* J#( Jon", l"ad"r of th" P"o)l"0 T"()l" ?hur$h*
?on%r"(an L"o 4yan, who wa a$t#&"ly #n&"t#%at#n% ?,A'!r"d $ult, #
aa#nat"d !y $ult ("(!"r aft"r h" arr#&" at Jon"town to #n&"t#%at"
r")ort of a!u" (ad" !y for("r ("(!"r* At a!out th" a(" t#(" that
4yan # (urd"r"d, th" (a d"ath of (ot of th" )o)ulat#on of Jon"town
ta8" )la$"* 4yan0 8#ll"r ar" d"$r#!"d !y w#tn"" a >+o(!#"0, wal8#n%
("$han#$ally, w#thout "(ot#on, and Jloo8#n% throu%h you, not at youK a th"y
f#r"d th"#r %un*
Th" #n#t#al !ody $ount %#&"n !y th" US Ar(y # 400, wh#l" $la#(#n% that
anoth"r G00 )"o)l" had fl"d #nto th" .un%l" to "$a)" th"#r d"ath* Wh"n
non" of th"" ur&#&or fa#l to (at"r#al#+", th" "9$u" # (ad" that th"y
(#$ount"d du" to th" fa$t that o(" of th" d"ad had !""n h#dd"n und"r th"
!od#" of oth"r* @ow"&"r, #t # hard to $on$"#&" how 400 !od#" $ould
)o#!ly $on$"al al(ot tw#$" a (any (or", o th" )u!l#$ wa !"#n% l#"d to
and a $o&"ru) of o(" ort wa und"rway* A w""8 aft"r th" (aa$r", th"
f#nal off#$#al !ody $ount w#ll !" F1B d"ad and 1B ur&#&or, !ut no "9)lanat#on
w#ll !" %#&"n a to wh"r" al(ot 200 oth"r ar"*
Th" $au" of th" d"ath w#ll !" r")ort"d a $yan#d" )o#on#n% !y dr#n8#n%
ta#nt"d 3ool'A#d, !ut th" "&#d"n$" w#ll how that th# # fal"* 2ot of th"
!od#" ar" found to ha&" n""dl" #n."$t#on (ar8 lo$at"d at th" !a$8 of th"
l"ft hould"r !lad", wh#l" oth"r had !""n tran%l"d or hot, #nd#$at#n% a
d#ff"r"nt $"nar#o to th" off#$#al on"* J#( Jon" 1or a )o#!l" loo8'al#8", a h"
wa 8nown to "()loy5 # found hot #n th" h"ad, and althou%h #t w#ll !"
r")ort"d a a u#$#d", th" %un that wa u"d # found 200 f""t away fro( th"
A (a#&" a(ount of dru% $o((only u"d #n 23ULT4A (#nd'$ontrol
)ro%ra( ar" found at th" #t"* Th# #n$lud" 11,000 do" of Thora+#n",
20,000 do" of D"("rol, to$8)#l" of od#u( )"ntathol, $hloral hydrat",
thall#u(, and (or"* ,t w#ll lat"r !" $onf#r("d !y Jo")h @ol#n%"r, on" of
?on%r"(an 4yan0 a#d", that th" ?,A wa r")on#!l" for th" for(at#on of
r"l#%#ou $ult #n th" USA, tat#n% that 23ULT4A had h#ft"d #t )ro%ra(
fro( )u!l#$ #nt#tut#on to )r#&at" $ult %rou) l#8" th" P"o)l"0 T"()l" #n$"
1FBE, and that a ?,A r"ar'u))ort !a" had !""n #n $ollu#on w#th J#( Jon"
to )"rfor( ("d#$al and (#nd $ontrol "9)"r#("nt* ,t w#ll alo !" d#$o&"r"d
!y #n&"t#%ator that Jon"town wa th" )"t )ro."$t of Dr* Lawr"n$" La#rd
Layton of th" Un#&"r#ty of ?al#forn#a at /"r8"l"y, a for("r $h"(#t for th"
2anhattan Pro."$t and h"ad of th" Ar(y0 $h"(#$al warfar" r""ar$h d#&##on
#n th" "arly 1FD0* Layton had $on$"#&"d, taff"d, and f#nan$"d th"
Jon"town )ro."$t, and h# own on wa th" (an who had hot and 8#ll"d
?on%r"(an 4yan* Anoth"r ?,A a%"nt w#th#n th" #nn"r ran8 at Jon"town #
4#$hard Dwy"r*
4")ort !y a nu(!"r of ur&#&or r"&"al how harh l#&#n% $ond#t#on w"r" at
Jon"town* ,nfra$t#on of th" rul" or d#loyalty had r"ult"d #n #n$r"a#n%ly
harh )un#h("nt, #n$lud#n% )u!l#$ hu(#l#at#on, for$"d dru%%#n%, )hy#$al
tortur", "nory #olat#on #n an und"r%round !o9, and )u!l#$ "9ual ra)"* Th"
#nha!#tant of th# t#%htly run $on$"ntrat#on $a() "tt#n% had alo !""n
u!."$t"d to ("d#$al and )y$h#atr#$ "9)"r#("ntat#on* /"at#n% and &"r!al
a!u" w"r" $o((on)la$"* 6nly th" )"$#al %uard w"r" tr"at"d hu(an"ly
and f"d d"$"ntly, wh#l" "&"ryon" "l" ur&#&"d (otly on r#$", !r"ad, and
ran$#d ("at* Pr#or to th"#r fatal "nd, tho" l#&#n% at Jon"town would !"
r"%ularly )ut throu%h >u#$#d" dr#ll0*
A nu(!"r of th" Jon"town ur&#&or w#ll "nd u) !"#n% (urd"r"d aft"r
r"turn#n% to th" USA, -u#t" )o#!ly to aur" th"#r #l"n$"* Th" (a
>u#$#d"0 a))"ar to ha&" !""n ord"r"d at th" lat (#nut" !y o("!ody oth"r
than J#( Jon", #n$" h" had !""n (urd"r"d a w"ll, .ut wh"n ?on%r"(an
4yan wa a!out to "9)o" th" #tuat#on at Jon"town* @" wa !"$o(#n% a
"r#ou thr"at to th" ?,A0 "$r"t #n&ol&"("nt #n th# and (any oth"r (#nd'
$ontrol $ult that had !""n $ro))#n% u) #n r"$"nt y"ar* Th" ?,A a))ar"ntly
had a nu(!"r of th"#r a%"nt w#th#n Jon"0 "l#t" ran8 1who all ur&#&"d5, and
ord"r"d th"( to )ull th" )lu% and "l#(#nat" "&"ryon", #n$lud#n% 4yan, o that
no #nfor(at#on $ould l"a8 out a!out what had r"ally !""n %o#n% on and who
had !""n #n&ol&"d*
,(("d#at"ly aft"r th" (aa$r", World L##on, a ?,A front or%an#+at#on, w#ll
d"&"lo) a $h"(" to r")o)ulat" th" Jon"town #t" w#th ?,A'l#n8"d
("r$"nar#" fro( Lao*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", "A "ults and the 6lo4al )rain+ashing Experiment! The
5ntold Story of the Jonesto+n &assacre, !y John Jud%"5
3856 : At a!out th# t#(", a (an na("d John Todd !"%#n )"a8#n% out
a!out h# all"%"d #n&ol&"("nt w#th th" to) l"&"l of th" ,llu(#nat#* @" $la#(
to ha&" !""n a ("(!"r of th"#r Arand Dru#d ?oun$#l* @" na(" th"
4oth$h#ld fa(#ly a th" ult#(at" h"ad of th# Lu$#f"r#an "$r"t o$#"ty, w#th
th" 4o$8"f"ll"r a$t#n% a #t A("r#$an h"ad* Todd r"&"al that th" ,llu(#nat#
""8 to !r#n% #n th" Ant#'?hr#t, and ar" $ontantly on th" loo8out for an
#d"al $and#dat" to )lay th# $ru$#al )art #n th" unfold#n% of th"#r )lan for
world $on-u"t* ,t # $"rta#n that th# $and#dat", who"&"r #t (#%ht !", w#ll
ha&" und"r%on" th" (ot "9t"n#&" (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra((#n% )o#!l"*
3856 : At a!out th# t#(", th" T"9a @ou" S"l"$t ?o((#tt"" on ?h#ld
Porno%ra)hy d#$lo" that #n&"t#%ator )ro!#n% l"ad to or%an#+"d $r#(" #n
@outon, Dalla, and oth"r (a.or $#t#" found that la&" au$t#on for #9t""n'
and "&"nt""n'y"ar'old !oy ar" rout#n"ly h"ld #n 2"9#$o* So(" of th" !oy
ar" f"atur"d #n !rutal nuff or >lah"r0 (o&#"*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3858 : W#ll#a( 2oor" and ?harl" /"rl#t+ r"l"a" th"#r !oo8, The
Philadelphia Experiment! Pro$ect nvisi4ility, d"ta#l#n% th" "&"nt that
all"%"dly too8 )la$" #n 1F4E #n&ol&#n% th" USS Eldr#d%"* ,t # an #ntant
3858 : Pu!l#$at#on of The Andreasson Affair, !y 4ay(ond E* Fowl"r* Th# #
th" f#rt of thr"" !oo8 h" w#ll wr#t" a!out th" all"%"d al#"n a!du$t#on
"9)"r#"n$" of /"tty Andr"aon Lu$a*
3858 : Ufolo%#t /ru$" 2a$$a!"" !"%#n h# "$r"t #n&ol&"("nt w#th th"
3858 : T"d Aund"ron >r"t#r"0 fro( th" F/, aft"r 2F y"ar of "r&#$" and
o)"n a )r#&at" d"t"$t#&" a%"n$y* Aund"ron had h"ad"d th" F/, f#"ld off#$"
#n 2"()h#, Dalla, and Lo An%"l" and wa an "9)"rt #n $ount"r'
#nt"ll#%"n$"* Dur#n% h# $ar""r, Aund"ron had !""n a &o$#f"rou d"f"nd"r of
th" F/,, a$t#n% a th"#r ("d#a )o8")"ron dur#n% th" Wat"r%at" $andal
and )u!l#$ly u))ort#n% th" ?6,7TELP46 ta$t#$ u"d #n th" D0 and B0,
$la#(#n% that u$h "9tr"(" ("aur" w"r" n"$"ary* Aft"r >r"t#r#n%0, h" w#ll
%o on to l"ad #n&"t#%at#on #nto a nu(!"r of $ontro&"r#al $a" that l#n8 to
an #nt"rnat#onal dru%=$h#ld "9 traff#$8#n% n"twor8 #n&ol&#n% )"o)l" at th"
h#%h"t l"&"l of %o&"rn("nt* @# r"al a%"nda #n th"" #n&"t#%at#on w#ll !"
to $onta#n th" #tuat#on, %ath"r #nt"ll#%"n$", and )r"ad d##nfor(at#on* @"
w#ll wor8 t#r"l"ly o&"r th" y"ar #n h"l)#n% to ra#" a atan#$ $ar" a(on%
th" )u!l#$, wh#$h w#ll "ff"$t#&"ly !a$8f#r" wh"n )y$h#atr#t and $h#ld$ar"
wor8"r who r")ort $la#( of atan#$ r#tual a!u" !y th"#r $l#"nt ar" a$$u"d
of )lant#n% fal" ("(or#" of th"" #n$#d"nt* For all of Aund"ron0 y"ar of
#n&"t#%at#on, noth#n% )o#t#&" w#ll r"ult and dou!t and $onfu#on o&"r th"
whol" #u" w#ll only (ult#)ly*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Ted 6underson! Death of a Pu4lic Paranoid5
3858 ' ?o()uS"r&" !"$o(" th" f#rt $o()ut"r n"twor8 to off"r "(a#l
"r&#$" to )"ronal $o()ut"r u"r*
3864 : 23ULT4A (#nd'$ontrol &#$t#( ?athy 60/r#"n w#ll $la#( that dur#n%
th# y"ar h" wa )ro%ra(("d at Fort ?a()!"ll, 3"ntu$8y, !y Lt* ?ol*
2#$ha"l A-u#no of th" US Ar(y* A-u#no # a "lf'$onf""d n"o'7a+# and
d"&out Satan#t* @" w#ll u" !ar!ar#$ trau(a t"$hn#-u" on !oth ?athy and
h"r dau%ht"r 3"lly that #n&ol&" 7ASA t"$hnolo%y* A-u#no # th" found"r of th"
T"()l" of S"t, and hold to)'"$r"t $l"aran$" #n th" D,AH Py$holo%#$al
Warfar" D#&##on* @" # alo d")uty d#r"$tor of r""r&" tra#n#n% at th" Pr"#d#o
Ar(y /a" #n San Fran$#$o* @" w#ll !" $har%"d 1!ut n"&"r tr#"d or $on&#$t"d5
for th" r#tual and "9ual a!u" of $h#ldr"n at th" Pr"#d#o Ar(y /a" day $ar"
$"nt"r #n th" y"ar ah"ad, l"ad#n% to h# #n&oluntary d#$har%" fro( th"
?athy 60/r#"n # a >)r"#d"nt#al (od"l0 2onar$h "9 la&", ("an#n% that h"
# )"$#ally )ro%ra(("d to $at"r to th" "9ual )"r&"r#on of th" h#%h"t'
ran8#n% )ol#t#$#an #n th" USA* Dur#n% h"r t#(" a a "9 la&" 1wh#$h tart"d
a a $h#ld5, h" "r&#$" a nu(!"r of w"ll'8nown )ol#t#$#an, #n$lud#n% /#ll and
@#lary ?l#nton, 4onald 4"a%an, P#"rr" Trud"au, /r#an 2ulron"y, A"or%" @*W*
/uh, D#$8 ?h"n"y, Ao&"rnor La(ar Al"9and"r and 4#$hard Thorn!ur%h, /#ll
/"nn"tt, S"nator Patr#$8 L"ahy, S"nator 4o!"rt /yrd 1who # h"r handl"r5
and Arl"n S)"$tor* 6H/r#"n w#ll "&"ntually %#&" t"t#(ony !"for" th" US
S"nat" r"%ard#n% th" "&"nt h" wa for$"d to %o throu%h and h" w#ll na("
h"r )"r)"trator, and not on" of th"" ("n w#ll $hall"n%" h"r or a$$u" h"r
of land"r*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Trans0'ormation of America, !y ?athy 60/r#"n and 2ar8
3864 : W#ll#a( 2oor" and ?harl" /"rl#t+ $oauthor and )u!l#h The Ros+ell
ncident, wh#$h # th" f#rt !oo8 to $o(" out a!out th# all"%"d $rah*
3864 : E((a >?hr#ty0 ?hr#t"n"n, th" dau%ht"r of W#ll#a( S* Sadl"r,
r"$"#&" an a))ar"ntly aud#!l" >("a%"0 fro( >un""n fr#"nd0, who ar"
!"l#"&"d to !" th" a(" u)"rnal !"#n% who )ro&#d"d th" Urant#a (at"r#al*
3864 : Andr#.a Puhar#$h # #n&#t"d to l#&" at th" "tat" of 4#$hard Johua
4"ynold 14"ynold dynaty5, wh"r" h" # a!l" to $ondu$t r""ar$h tudy#n%
th" "ff"$t of "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ f#"ld on !ra#n wa&"*
3864 : Paul /"nn"w#t+, a $#"nt#t and a(at"ur UF6 #n&"t#%ator, !"$o("
th" tar%"t of a UF6 hoa9 #n#t#at"d !y %o&"rn("nt a%"nt* ,t !"%#n wh"n h"
and anoth"r UF6 #n&"t#%ator, Dr* L"o S)r#n8l", h"ar th" tory of a youn%
wo(an na("d Judy Doraty, who $la#( that h" and h"r on had !""n
a!du$t"d !y al#"n and ta8"n to an und"r%round !a" wh"r" th"y w"r"
"9a(#n"d and #()lant"d w#th al#"n d"&#$"* Sh" $la#( that wh#l" at th"
!a", h" aw lar%" &at w#th hu(an !ody )art float#n% #n th"(* ?AT $an
)a#d for !y /"nn"w#t+ r")ort"dly $onf#r( th" "9#t"n$" of th" #()lant #n
th" wo(an and h"r on* /"nn"w#t+ $o(" to !"l#"&" that Jat least SOO,OOO
or more in the 5SA and at least 2,OOO,OOO if not more +orld+ideK ha&" !""n
#()lant"d w#th $"r"!ral $ontrol d"&#$" !y th" al#"n, althou%h h# ("an of
d"t"$t#n% th"" #()lant # -u"t#ona!l": JDou can recogni:e them 4ecause
of their eyes((( HaI peculiar loo% in the eyes and a funny smile(K
/"nn"w#t+, who own an "l"$tron#$ r""ar$h la!oratory, att"()t to d"t"$t
th" "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ #%nal that h" !"l#"&" th" al#"n ar" u#n% to $ontrol
th" wo(an, #n ord"r to f#nd out a way to h#"ld a%a#nt th"(* ,n lat" 1FGF,
h" had told ("(!"r of th" A"r#al Ph"no("na 4""ar$h 6r%an#+at#on 1AP465
that h" wa d"t"$t#n% th"" low fr"-u"n$y #%nal, and that h" had !"%un to
(a8" $al$ulat#on a!out "l"$tron#$ and )ro)ul#&" t"$hn#-u" "()loy"d !y
th" al#"n* At th" a(" t#(", fro( h# ho(" #n Al!u-u"r-u", 7"w 2"9#$o, h"
had !""n )hoto%ra)h#n% un#d"nt#f#"d l#%ht #n th" ar"a of th" 2an+ano
7u$l"ar W"a)on Stora%" Fa$#l#ty "at of 3#rtland A#r For$" /a"* @" !"l#"&"d
that h" had Jesta4lished constant direct communication +ith the Alien using
a computer and a form of #ex Decimal "ode +ith 6raphics and print0out(K
Th" $o((un#$at#on ("thod alo #n&ol&"d a8#n% th" al#"n -u"t#on
t"l")ath#$ally wh"n a UF6 wa #n #%ht*
/"nn"w#t+ $o(" to !"l#"&" that h" ha lo$at"d two und"r%round al#"n !a"
#n th" 7"w 2"9#$o d""rt, and !"%#n $oll"$t#n% "&#d"n$", h#r#n% a h"l#$o)t"r
to ta8" )hoto%ra)h of th" #t"* @" $la#( to ha&" $a)tur"d #(a%" of
au$"r $raft, !"a( w"a)on, and al#"n on th" %round* @ow"&"r, wh"n th"
f#l( # d"&"lo)"d, th"" #(a%" ar" #n"9)l#$a!ly (##n%* /"nn"w#t+ %o" on
to )rodu$" a wr#tt"n r")ort on h# r""ar$h t#tl"d Pro$ect )eta, wh#$h #n$lud"
a tudy of al#"n )y$holo%y, a w"ll a )ro)o"d ("an !y wh#$h th" (#l#tary
(#%ht d"troy th" al#"n !a" : u#n% h# own $o()any, Thund"r El"$tron#$,
a a u!'$ontra$tor for h# own !"a( w"a)on #n&"nt#on*
Throu%hout all th#, /"nn"w#t+ wa #n $lo" tou$h w#th a (#l#tary off#$"r
na("d 2a.or Edward at th" 2an+ano fa$#l#ty, and throu%h h#(, wa a!l" to
%#&" "&"ral )r""ntat#on to >h#%h'l"&"l0 A#r For$" )"ronn"l at th" !a"* UF6
wr#t"r=r""ar$h"r W#ll#a( 2oor" w#ll lat"r "9)la#n that JH)enne+it:I had
innocently stum4led on a signal used in a secret Air 'orce experiment that
+as totally unrelated to 5'Os( #e +as approached 4y security officers +ho
tried to get him to disconnect this ePuipment and to stop monitoring their
electromagnetic tests( The more they did this, of course, the more )enne+it:
+as convinced they had something to hide J+hich +as trueK and that it had
to do +ith 5'Os J+hich +as falseK( And he refused to comply(K
Th" hoa9 # t"))"d u) #n an att"()t to l"ad /"nn"w#t+ #nto d#$r"d#t#n%
h#("lf* P"o)l" w#th a))ar"nt #()lant $ar !"%#n to $o(" to h#( (or"
fr"-u"ntly w#th th"#r a!du$t#on tor#", and /"nn"w#t+ !"%#n to ha&" a
nu(!"r of h# own a!du$t#on "9)"r#"n$"* /y "arly S")t"(!"r, W#ll#a(
2oor" # $onta$t"d !y a J+ell0placed individual +ithin the intelligence
community +ho claimed to 4e directly connected to a high0level pro$ect
dealing +ith 5'Os(K Th# (an, 8nown only a >Fal$on0, $la#( that h" # )art
of a %rou) that want to "9)o" th" $ont#nu#n% %o&"rn("nt $o&"r'u) of
UF6* 2oor" %o" alon% w#th th" (an #n th" ho)" of %a#n#n% a$$" to
%o&"rn("nt UF6 #nfor(at#on* A$t#n% a l#a#on !"tw""n 2oor" and th# %rou)
# S%t* 4#$hard Doty, who w#ll lat"r !" found to ha&" !""n wor8#n% for AF6S,
and tra#n"d #n d##nfor(at#on and )y$holo%#$al o)"rat#on* 2oor" oon
l"arn that h# own rol" # to )ro&#d" #nfor(at#on on /"nn"w#t+ #n "9$han%"
for >"n#t#&"0 #nfor(at#on on UF6* @" alo l"arn that "&"ral %o&"rn("nt
a%"n$#" ar" $olla!orat#n% to%"th"r to d#$r"d#t /"nn"w#t+ !y )a#n% h#(
/y 1F82, th" al#"n $"nar#o that /"nn"w#t+ # !"#n% f"d w#ll !" ado)t"d #nto
th" !"l#"f tru$tur" h"ld !y a lar%" )ort#on of th" UF6 $o((un#ty #n th"
y"ar ah"ad, wh"r" (al"&ol"nt %r"y al#"n ar" a!du$t#n% hu(an, (ut#lat#n%
$attl", far(#n% hy!r#d, and #()lant#n% hu(an w#th $ontrol d"&#$"* Th""
al#"n, a th" tory w"nt, had (ad" a "$r"t tr"aty w#th th" US %o&"rn("nt,
#n wh#$h th"y would !" allow"d to o)"rat" an und"r%round !a" #n Dul$",
7"w 2"9#$o, and a!du$t a $"rta#n nu(!"r of hu(an for "9)"r#("ntat#on,
and #n "9$han%" for th# th"y had %#&"n al#"n t"$hnolo%y to th" US
%o&"rn("nt* To add furth"r "9$#t"("nt to th" )lot, th"r" wa alo a
!"n"&ol"nt %rou) of al#"n #nt"nt on to))#n% th" d"tru$t#&" %r"y fro(
ra&a%#n% th" )lan"t*
E&"ntually, /"nn"w#t+ w#ll ha&" a n"r&ou !r"a8down du" to th" tr"
#ndu$"d !y th" #tuat#on, and h" w#ll !" ho)#tal#+"d and )la$"d und"r
)y$h#atr#$ $ar"* 2any oth"r u)'and'$o(#n% UF6 r""ar$h"r=#n&"t#%ator
w#ll !" unw#tt#n%ly (an#)ulat"d #n th" y"ar ah"ad and )ro&#d"d w#th fal"
do$u("nt and d##nfor(at#on that w#ll $ont#nu" to )ro(ot" th# !"l#"f
yt"( and l"ad #t alon% w#th "nou%h #ntr#%u" and "nat#onal#( to $a)tur"
and hold th" att"nt#on of a (any w#ll#n% !"l#"&"r a )o#!l"*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3864 (Decem;er 6! : 2ar8 Da&#d ?ha)(an (urd"r John L"nnon out#d"
L"nnon0 r"#d"n$" at th" Da8ota @ot"l #n 7"w Oor8 ?#ty* Wh"n ?ha)(an
"" L"nnon, h" h"ar a &o#$" #n h# h"ad ay#n%, =Do itA Do itA Do itA> Aft"r
th" hoot#n%, ?ha)(an #t down on th" $ur! and !"%#n r"ad#n% a $o)y of
th" !oo8, The "atcher in the Rye, !y J* D* Sal#n%"r, and wa#t for th" )ol#$"
to arr#&"* ,n#d" th" !oo8, h" had wr#tt"n, =This is my statement(> Th" !oo8
# 8nown to !" )r"$r#!"d to (#nd'$ontrol &#$t#( !y th"#r )ro%ra(("r* A
f"w (onth aft"r th" hoot#n%, ?ha)(an w#ll "nd a handwr#tt"n tat"("nt
to Th" 7"w Oor8 T#(", ur%#n% "&"ryon" to r"ad The "atcher in the Rye,
$all#n% #t an =extraordinary 4oo% that holds many ans+ers(> E&"n thou%h h#
lawy"r !"l#"&" th"y $an %"t h#( off w#th an #nan#ty )l"a, ?ha)(an w#ll
d"$#d" to )l"ad %u#lty aft"r a &o#$" #n h# h"ad that h" attr#!ut" to Aod
$o((and h#( to do o*
?ha)(an0 fath"r wa a taff "r%"ant #n th" U*S* A#r For$", wh#$h t#" h#( to
th" (#l#tary a a )o#!l" tar%"t for (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra(* ?ha)(an w#ll
tat" that a a !oy, h" l#&"d #n f"ar of h# fath"r, who wa )hy#$ally a!u#&"
toward h# (oth"r and unlo&#n% toward h#(* Su$h f"ar and a!u" w#th#n
th" fa(#ly ar" furth"r #%n of a )o#!l" (#nd'$ontrol #tuat#on* @" alo had
u#$#dal t"nd"n$#", and had tr#"d to 8#ll h#("lf !y $ar!on (ono9#d"
a)hy9#at#on #n 1FGG, wh#$h l"d to h#( )"nd#n% t#(" at ?atl" 2"(or#al
@o)#tal for d")r"#on* @" wa lat"r h#r"d to wor8 at th" ho)#tal*
?ha)(an had alo !""n an "()loy"" of World L##on #n 1FGD, and had
wor8"d at a r"fu%"" $a() #n Ft* ?haff"", Ar8ana, a w"ll a "&"ral oth"r
r"fu%"" $a() #n &ar#ou for"#%n $ountr#"* ?ha)(an would a$$o()any h#
World L##on "()loy"r to (""t#n% w#th %o&"rn("nt off#$#al, and "&"n had a
$han$" to ha8" hand w#th A"rald Ford at on" of th"" (""t#n%* World
L##on wor8 w#th r"fu%"" worldw#d", and # a ?,A front $o()any #n&ol&"d #n
r"$ru#t#n% ("r$"nar#" #n for"#%n $ountr#"* ,t ha l#n8 to 4"&* J#( Jon" and
h# Jon"town $o((un#ty #n Auyana* John @#n$8l"y Sr*, th" fath"r of th" (an
who att"()t"d to aa#nat" Pr"#d"nt 4"a%an, # a h#%h'ran8#n% off#$#al at
World L##on* @" # alo a $lo" fr#"nd of A"or%" /uh Sr* and th" own"r of
Land"r!#lt 6#l*
Aft"r l"a&#n% World L##on, ?ha)(an !"$a(" a "$ur#ty %uard for a wh#l",
and too8 a w""8'lon% $our" that -ual#f#"d h#( to $arry a f#r"ar(*
?ha)(an !"%an )lann#n% th" aa#nat#on thr"" (onth !"for" th" #n$#d"nt,
and had $onf#d"d to h# w#f" a!out h# o!"#on to 8#ll L"nnon, "&"n how#n%
h"r h# %un and a((un#t#on* Sh" fa#l"d to r")ort #t* @" (ad" an a))o#nt("nt
to "" a $l#n#$al )y$holo%#t, !ut n"&"r how"d u)*
Th" door(an at L"nnon0 r"#d"n$" wa an ant#'?atro "9#l" fro( ?u!a* ,t
ha !""n all"%"d that h" had wor8"d for th" ?,A a far !a$8 a 1FB1, and
had "&"n )art#$#)at"d #n th" fa#l"d /ay of P#% #n&a#on* L"nnon had lon%
8nown that h" wa !"#n% (on#tor"d !y th" F/, and h# )hon" w"r" ta))"d,
and h" "&"n tat"d that #f o("th#n% hould "&"r ha))"n to h#(, #t would !"
no a$$#d"nt*
3864 : At th# )o#nt #n t#(", n"arly tw"nty "r#al 8#ll"r ar" r")ort"d "a$h
y"ar #n th" USA*
3863 (:an*ary! ' The *a+ of One !oo8 1alo 8nown a The Ra &aterial5
!"%#n to !" $hann"l"d !y ?arla 4u"$8"rt, Don El8#n, and J#( 2$?arty
1found"r of L=L 4""ar$h5, and w#ll $ont#nu" unt#l 1F84* Th" "nt#ty that #
$hann"l"d w#ll d"$r#!" #t"lf a !"lon%#n% to a ?oun$#l that $on#t of n#n"
("(!"r, and, wh"n a8"d, w#ll aff#r( that th# ?oun$#l # th" a(" %rou)
that #d"nt#f#"d th"("l&" a >Th" 7#n" Pr#n$#)l" and For$"0 that w"r"
$onta$t"d throu%h Andr#.a Puhar#$h0 4ound Ta!l" Foundat#on (any y"ar
"arl#"r 1"" "#on G*F and G*105* Th" tran$r#)t of th"" (or" r"$"nt
$hann"l#n% "#on r"&"al that ?arla 4u"$8"rt, Don El8#n, and J#( 2$?arty
ar" #n $onta$t w#th Puhar#$h 1"" "#on G*11, 12*1, 12*10, 21*E, 2E,11,
EF*4, and 84*G5* Th" Ra &aterial )la$" hu(an #n a %r"at"r $o(#$ $h"("
of th#n% that )#t )o#t#&" for$" a%a#nt n"%at#&" for$" w#th#n $y$l" of
#n$arnat#on and ta%" of )#r#tual d"&"lo)("nt wh"r" w" hu(an (o&"
toward on" "9tr"(" or th" oth"r throu%h fr""'w#ll $ho#$", w#th an "&"ntual
>har&"t0 of oul at th" "nd of th"" $y$l"* Th" (at"r#al )r""nt th" #d"a
that (any of u ar" !orn #nto our l#&" a >Wand"r"r0, u#n% th# a a ("thod
to "nt#$" follow"r throu%h th"#r own w#hful th#n8#n%* Th"r" # no $r#t#$al
-u"t#on#n% !y 4u"$8"rt, El8#n, or 2$?arty a!out th" &al#d#ty of th" (at"r#al
!"#n% off"r"d, and th"y "&"n ""( to %ra) th" rath"r d"") )h#loo)hy -u#t"
"a#ly, a thou%h th"y0r" alr"ady fa(#l#ar w#th #t* Th" -u"t#on !"#n% a8"d
th" "nt#t#" ar" fo$u"d tr#$tly on th"" )h#loo)h#", and $o()l"t"ly #%nor"
anyth#n% that (#%ht !" #n#%htful r"lat#n% to $#"n$", h#tory, "t$*, that would
-ual#fy th"" "nt#t#" a ad&an$"d !"#n% worthy of l#t"n#n% to* Th"r" #
noth#n% w#th#n th" Ra &aterial that han0t alr"ady !""n #ntrodu$"d !y on"
)"ron or anoth"r #n our )at a !"l#"f or #d"a a!out th" hu(an $ond#t#on
and th" natur" of r"al#ty*
3863 (/arch 04! : Th" att"()t"d aa#nat#on of n"wly'"l"$t"d Pr"#d"nt
4onald 4"a%an !y John @#n$8l"y Jr* ,f @#n$8l"y had !""n u$$"ful, 4"a%an0
)o#t#on a Pr"#d"nt would ha&" !""n ta8"n o&"r !y th" L#$" Pr"#d"nt,
A"or%" /uh Sr* ,nt"r"t#n%ly, @#n$8l"y0 fath"r, John @#n$8l"y Sr*, # a %ood
fr#"nd and n"#%h!or of A"or%" /uh, and a own"r of Land"r!#lt 6#l, a f"llow
o#l ty$oon* @" # alo )r"#d"nt of World L##on, wh#$h a$t a a front
or%an#+at#on for th" ?,A0 ("r$"nary tra#n#n% $a()* /uh0 on 7"#l "&"n
had d#nn"r w#th @#n$8l"y0 old"r !roth"r S$ott th" n#%ht aft"r th"
aa#nat#on att"()t on 4"a%an*
@#n$8l"y # o!""d w#th th" a$tr" Jod#" Fot"r, and !"l#"&" that
aa#nat#n% 4"a%an w#ll w#n h"r h"art* @" #d"nt#f#" tron%ly w#th th"
$hara$t"r of Tra&# /#$8l" #n th" (o&#" Taxi Driver, )lay"d !y 4o!"rt D"7#ro,
and # "(ulat#n% h#( : #n th" (o&#", /#$8l" att"()t to aa#nat" a
)r"#d"nt#al $and#dat" #n th" !"l#"f that #t w#ll )l"a" th" wo(an h" lo&"*
Pr#or to th# "&"nt, @#n$8l"y had tal8"d J#((y ?art"r dur#n% h# 1FGF
)r"#d"nt#al $a()a#%n, wh#$h r"ult"d #n h#( !"#n% arr"t"d for )o"#on of
f#r"ar( at th" 7ah&#ll" A#r)ort* Aft"r th# )r"&#ou #n$#d"nt, @#n$8l"y0
)ar"nt "nt h#( to "" a )y$h#atr#t na("d John @o))"r* @o))"r d#dn0t
th#n8 th"r" w"r" any #%n of ("ntal #lln", and r"$o(("nd"d that
@#n$8l"y0 )ar"nt $ut h#( off f#nan$#ally and "&#$t h#( fro( th"#r ho("* Th#
wa .ut )r#or to th" att"()t on 4"a%an0 l#f", and ""( to ha&" !""n th"
$atalyt for th" a$t* Aft"r th" aa#nat#on att"()t, a $o)y of J* D* Sal#n%"r0
The "atcher in the Rye w#ll !" found #n th" hot"l roo( wh"r" @#n$8l"y ha
!""n tay#n%* ,nt"r"t#n%ly, @#n$8l"y w#ll $la#( that h" ("t w#th "r#al 8#ll"r
Da&#d /"r8ow#t+ wh#l" #n ?olorado*
@#n$8l"y wa a!l" to %"t &"ry $lo" to 4"a%an a h" wa l"a&#n% th"
Wah#n%ton @#lton, and f#r"d off #9 hot #n thr"" "$ond* Althou%h 4"a%an
wa h#t, th"r" # r"aon to !"l#"&" that th" !ull"t d#dn0t $o(" fro( @#n$8l"y0
%un* 4"a%an w#ll only f""l )a#n fro( th" !ull"t aft"r h" ha !""n ho&"d #nto
th" !a$8 "at of h# l#(ou#n" !y a S"$r"t S"r&#$" a%"nt, and at f#rt th#n8
that th" )a#n # $au"d !y th" a%"nt0 %un )r"#n% a%a#nt h#( a th" a%"nt
lay o&"r h#( to h#"ld h#( fro( %unf#r"* Lat"r for"n#$ w#ll how that non"
of @#n$8l"y0 !ull"t $ould ha&" h#t 4"a%an, and #t ""( that th" S"$r"t
S"r&#$" a%"nt wa th" on" who a$tually hot 4"a%an* @#n$8l"y wa u#n%
hollow')o#nt !ull"t that hatt"r on #()a$t, $au#n% (a9#(u( da(a%", !ut
4"a%an w#ll not how any #%n that u$h a !ull"t h#t h#(*
@#n$8l"y w#ll !" found #nno$"nt !y r"aon of #nan#ty, and r"(a#n
#n$ar$"rat"d at St* El#+a!"th0 @o)#tal #n Wah#n%ton, D?* @" w#ll ha&"
S"$r"t S"r&#$" a%"nt wat$h#n% h#( 24 hour a day, EBD fay a y"ar* WhyN
What # o #()ortant a!out @#n$8l"y that th" Pr"#d"nt0 )"$#al "$ur#ty ("n
(ut 8"") u$h a $lo" "y" on h#(N
3863 (:*ly 15! : Th" a!du$t#on of #9'y"ar'old Ada( Walh #n @ollywood,
Flor#da w#ll l"ad to h# fath"r John Walh $r"at#n% and hot#n% th" F6S TL
how, AmericaGs &ost Wanted* Ada(0 d"$a)#tat"d h"ad w#ll !" th" only
r"(a#n "&"r r"$o&"r"d* O"ar lat"r, 6tt# Tool", a "r#al 8#ll"r w#th t#" to a
atan#$ r#n% $all"d th" @and of D"ath, w#ll $onf" to 8#ll#n% Ada(* Th"
w#d")r"ad )u!l#$#ty of th# $a" w#ll r"ult #n th" #()l"("ntat#on of f"d"ral
D7A, f#n%"r)r#nt, and "9ual off"nd"r data!a"* D")#t" that th""
t"$hnolo%#" w#ll !" )ut #nto )la$" und"r th" %u#" of )rot"$t#n% $h#ldr"n,
th"r" w#ll t#ll !" a r"$ord nu(!"r of unol&"d d#a))"aran$" ta8#n% )la$"
"&"ry y"ar, and "9ual off"nd"r w#ll $ont#nu" to )r"y on &#$t#(*
3863 : A4PA7ET # "9)and"d wh"n th" 7at#onal S$#"n$" Foundat#on
d"&"lo) th" ?o()ut"r S$#"n$" 7"twor8* 1?S7ET5* Th" nu(!"r of hot #t"
# 21E, and n"w on" w#ll !" add"d r"%ularly* Th"" ar" all (#l#tary #t",
un#&"r#t#", or r""ar$h $"nt"r*
3863 : Th" 7SA !"$o(" r")on#!l" for d"ta#l#n% trut"d $o()ut#n% and
n"twor8 )latfor( )"$#f#$at#on, ("an#n% that th"y $an "a#ly "$ur" h#dd"n
fun$t#on #n any $o()ut"r ar$h#t"$tur"* Th# %#&" th"( th" a!#l#ty to
urr")t#t#ouly #n"rt )ywar" or (alwar" #n any $o()ut"r, wh#$h would !"
$o()l"t"ly und"t"$ta!l" 1"&"n to $o()ut"r (anufa$tur"r and t"$hn#$#an5*
?o()ut"r $h#) that ha&" oth"r fun$t#on, u$h a for tran(#tt#n% "l"$tron#$
(#nd'$ontrol #%nal, $ould alo !" d"#%n"d and urr")t#t#ouly #n"rt"d a
3863 : UF6 r""ar$h"r and hy)not#t /udd @o)8#n )u!l#h" h# !oo8,
&issing Time, #n wh#$h h" d#$u" th" )ur)ort"d >al#"n a!du$t#on0
)h"no("non, !a"d on th" r"tr#"&"d ("(or#" of hy)not#+"d u!."$t*
3861 : L"rn Ar#(l"y, found"r of th" Fa(#ly of Aod Foundat#on, awa8" on"
(orn#n% w#th a udd"n $o()"ll#n% ur%" to )ur$ha" n"w )ro)"rty for h#
or%an#+at#on* Around th# a(" t#(", h" $la#( h" # h"ar#n% &o#$" that ar"
fro( th" a(" h#%h"r !"#n% who wrot" th" 5rantia )oo%, and that th"y
warn of an #()"nd#n% world war that w#ll !" follow"d !y a nu$l"ar holo$aut*
A (onth lat"r, wh#l" &#"w#n% th" &a$at"d St* AnthonyH ?oll"%" $a()u w#th a
r"altor, h" h"ar an aud#!l" &o#$" fro( no a))ar"nt our$" t"ll#n% h#(, JThis
is itAK Th" #t" # urround"d !y a nu(!"r of d#ff"r"nt (#l#tary #ntallat#on, a
w"ll a th" L#&"r(or" 7u$l"ar 4""ar$h La!oratory, all of wh#$h ar" w#th#n a
th#rty'(#l" rad#u of #t*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3861 (Septem;er 2! : Tw"l&"'y"ar'old Johnny Ao$h # a!du$t"d fro( a
ho))#n% (all )ar8#n% lot #n W"t D" 2o#n", ,owa, wh#l" do#n% h# )a)"r
rout"* @" # n"&"r ""n a%a#n* O"ar lat"r, dur#n% an #nt"r&#"w w#th )r#&at"
#n&"t#%ator T"d Aund"ron, $h#ld a!du$t"" and "9 la&" &#$t#( Paul /ona$$#
w#ll r"&"al that, a a $h#ld, h" wa d#r"$tly #n&ol&"d #n Ao$h0 a!du$t#on,
ha&#n% a$t"d a a lur" to draw Ao$h #nto th" hand of h# )"do)h#l"
a!du$tor* Th" a!du$t#on wa r")ort"dly ord"r"d !y Lt* ?ol* 2#$ha"l A-u#no*
Aft"r th" a!du$t#on, Johnny # ta8"n to a far(hou" wh"r" h" # h"ld for two
w""8 unt#l 2#$ha"l A-u#no $o(" to )#$8 h#( u) and ta8" h#( to ?olorado*
/oth Ao$h and /ona$$# ar" u"d for th" )"do)h#l#a$ )l"aur" of h#%h'
ran8#n% %o&"rn("nt off#$#al, wh#$h w#ll t#" #n w#th th" Pr"#d#o $a" #n 1F8B,
th" F#nd"r $a" #n 1F8G, and th" Fran8l#n $a" #n 1F88, a )art of a d"")"r
atan#$ n"twor8 o)"rat"d !y &"ry r#$h and )ow"rful )"o)l"* Th" )ol#$" $h#"f
#n W"t D" 2o#n", who fa#l to do anyth#n% #n th" Ao$h $a", w#ll alo !"
l#n8"d to th" Fran8l#n $a"*
3861 ($cto;er 14! : 4o!#n A"$ht, a 28'y"ar'old $ar)"nt"r'"l"$tr#$#an who
had wor8"d for "r#al 8#ll"r John Wayn" Aa$" #n th" )at, # arr"t"d for th"
&#$#ou lah#n% of an 18'y"ar'old )rot#tut"* Th# $a" w#ll o)"n a Pandora0
!o9 of d")ra&#ty, ad#(, Satan worh#), and $ann#!al#( that #n&ol&"
n"arly a $or" of ?h#$a%o'ar"a wo("n* W#th#n a w""8 of A"$ht0 r"l"a" on
!ond for th" atta$8 on th" )rot#tut", anoth"r wo(an w#ll $la#( to ha&" !""n
atta$8"d !y h#(, l"ad#n% to h# r"'arr"t*
3861 : Around th# t#(", 6)"rat#on ?lyd" Dal" # )ur)ort"dly #n#t#at"d a a
S)"$#al 6)"rat#on Arou) to #d"nt#fy, tra$8 down, and "9t"r(#nat" th"
)"do)h#l" who ar" 8#dna))#n% $h#ldr"n fro( th" tr""t of 7"w Oor8 ?#ty
and u#n% th"( to (a8" )"do)h#l" )orn f#l(* So(" of th" $h#ldr"n ar" !"#n%
8#ll"d #n nuff f#l(, o(" ar" old #nto wh#t" la&"ry, and oth"r ar"
)ro%ra(("d and u"d #n )ro."$t #(#lar to Pro."$t 2onar$h* All th" $h#ldr"n
ar" !"#n% tortur"d #n atan#$ r#tual*
3860 (:*ne! : Aft"r !"#n% arr"t"d for #ll"%al )o"#on of a f#r"ar(, @"nry
L"" Lu$a !"%#n $onf"#n% to a lon% tr#n% of %ru"o(" (urd"r )ann#n%
al(ot a d"$ad"* @# )artn"r #n $r#(", 6tt# Tool", w#ll $orro!orat" h#
#n&ol&"("nt #n o&"r 100 (urd"r* Lu$a0 w#ll#n%n" to $onf" to all th""
(urd"r allow author#t#" to ta8" ad&anta%" of th# #n ord"r to $lo" th" f#l"
on (any unol&"d $a", and o Lu$a )ro!a!ly ad(#tt"d to (any (urd"r
that h" d#dn0t a$tually $o((#t* @" w#ll $la#( to ha&" !""n wor8#n% for a lar%"
atan#$ $ult n"twor8 $all"d th" @and of D"ath* A$$ord#n% to Lu$a, th#
n"twor8 #n&ol&"d w"althy and )ow"rful )"o)l", and Lu$a and Tool"
)"rfor("d $ontra$t h#t and $h#ld a!du$t#on for th"(* @" w#ll tat" that h"
d"l#&"r"d th" $h#ldr"n to ran$h" #n Juar"+ and 2ata(oro, 2"9#$o, wh"r"
th"y w"r" u"d #n $h#ld )orno%ra)hy and r#tual a$r#f#$"* O"ar lat"r, a (a
%ra&" w#ll !" found "9a$tly wh"r" Lu$a had a#d* ,n 1FF8, Lu$a w#ll !"$o("
th" only #n(at" on d"ath row to "&"r ha&" h# "nt"n$" $o((ut"d !y th"n'
Ao&"rnor of T"9a A"or%" W* /uh* Lu$a0 )artn"r 6tt# Tool" w#ll #(#larly
ha&" h# "nt"n$" $o((ut"d #n Flor#da !y th"n'Ao&"rnor J"! /uh* Th#
ra#" th" -u"t#on a!out wh"th"r Lu$a and Tool" (#%ht ha&" h"l)"d to
$o&"r u) (urd"r that w"r" t#"d to th" /uh"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, ThereGs Something A4out #enry, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3860 (A*g*st! : Th" 2anhattan /"a$h Pol#$" D")art("nt #n ?al#forn#a
!"%#n an #n&"t#%at#on r"%ard#n% all"%at#on of "9ual a!u" o$$urr#n% at th"
2$2art#n Pr"$hool* Alto%"th"r, a))ro9#(at"ly 400 $h#ldr"n w#ll !" "&aluat"d
!y th"ra)#t* All #nt"r&#"w w#ll !" &#d"ota)"d and ED0 $h#ldr"n w#ll d#$lo"
"9ual !"ha&#or* Al(ot all th" &#$t#( w#ll how )hy#$al #%n of a!u"*
S"&"n t"a$h"r at th" )r"$hool 1#9 wo("n and on" (al"5 w#ll !" na("d a
ha&#n% (ol"t"d th"(* Th"" #nd#&#dual w#ll !" $har%"d w#th 20F $ount of
$h#ld (ol"tat#on*
Th" $h#ld &#$t#( w#ll d"$r#!" "9ual a!u", $h#ld )rot#tut#on, and $h#ld
)orno%ra)hy o$$urr#n% on $hool %round and at &ar#ou oth"r lo$at#on*
Th"r" w#ll !" d"$r#)t#on of an#(al a$r#f#$" a w"ll a !"#n% ur#nat"d and
d"f"$at"d on* ?h#ldr"n w#ll tat" that th" adult o("t#(" dr""d #n !la$8
ro!", for("d a $#r$l" around th"( and $hant"d* Th"y w#ll t"ll of !"#n%
for$"d to w#tn" and )art#$#)at" #n th" r#tual tortur", 8#ll#n% and (ut#lat#on of
an#(al and, on o$$a#on, of hu(an !a!#" and $h#ldr"n a w"ll* Th"y w#ll
alo d"$r#!" !"#n% for$"d to dr#n8 th" !lood and "at th" fl"h of th"
lau%ht"r"d $or)", w#tn"#n% th" !"h"ad#n% of #nfant, and !"#n% for$"d to
ta! #nfant th"("l&"* 6th"r lo$al )r"$hool w#ll !" t#"d to th" $a" and
B0 (or" &#$t#( w#ll %#&" r")ort of #(#lar a$t#&#t#"*
Th" 2$2art#n &#$t#( w#ll alo d"$r#!" a tunn"l yt"( that # u"d to
"$r"tly tran)ort th"( #n and out of th" $hool to wh"r" th"y w"r" ta8"n to
!" tortur"d* Law "nfor$"("nt off#$"r and th" ("d#a w#ll tr"at th" $la#( of
tunn"l a a fantay and only a u)"rf#$#al "ar$h w#ll !" (ad", turn#n% u)
noth#n%* Par"nt of th" &#$t#( w#ll "&"ntually ha&" a "$ond "ar$h
$ondu$t"d wh"n th" )ro)"rty # old #n A)r#l 1FF0, and th" tunn"l w#ll !"
found* ?har%" a%a#nt f#&" of th" "&"n d"f"ndant #n th" $a" w#ll
#n"9)l#$a!ly !" dro))"d* Th" f#rt )ar"nt to lod%" a $o()la#nt #n th" 2$2art#n
$a" w#ll r"$"#&" thr"at !"for" turn#n% u) d"ad .ut !"for" h"r $h"dul"d
t"t#(ony* A )r#&at" #n&"t#%ator h#r"d !y th" &#$t#(0 )ar"nt w#ll alo turn
u) d"ad on th" "&" of h# $h"dul"d t"t#(ony*
3860 ($cto;er 34! : Wh#l" tra&"l#n% #n W"t A"r(any on Joff#$#al 7AT6
!u#n"K, Lt* ?ol* 2#$ha"l A-u#no ta%" a atan#$ >wor8#n%0 at th"
W"w"l!ur% ?atl" #n /a&ar#a, att"()t#n% to #n&o8" 7a+# SS $h#"f @"#nr#$h
3860 : L"rn Ar#(l"y ha o&"r 100 $hann"ll#n%, o(" "&"n wh#l" h"0
l"")#n%* Th" $o((un#$at#on warn h#( of a $o(#n% nu$l"ar war, and )ro&#d"
ur&#&al trat"%#"* @" !"%#n )r")ar#n% h# $o()ound and to$8)#l#n% ar(*
3860 ' A"or%" /uh Sr* all"%"dly !"%#n odo(#+#n% and "l"$tro$ut#n%
Pro."$t 2onar$h la&" ?athy 60/r#"n0 thr"" and a half y"ar old dau%ht"r
3"lly* Furth"r(or", $ontant thr"at ar" (ad" !y /uh on 3"llyH l#f" #n ord"r
to 8"") ?athy #n l#n"* @" alo t"ll h"r that h" # an ET and $an a$t#&at" a
holo%ra)h#$ #(a%" w#th#n ?athyH (#nd that would (a8" h#( a))"ar to
$han%" #nto a l#+ard'l#8" al#"n $r"atur"*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Trans0'ormation of America, !y ?athy 60/r#"n and 2ar8
3860 : 2,L7ET )l#t off fro( A4PA7ET* Th" f#rt d"8to) $o()ut"r
wor8tat#on !"$o(" a&a#la!l"*
3860 : Th" $lour" of th" ?a() @"ro fa$#l#ty at 2ontau8, Lon% ,land, 7O*
3860 : DA4PA !"%#n r""ar$h #nto >!ra#n'$o()ut"r #nt"rfa$#n%0*
3860 : At a!out th# t#(", $ra$8 $o$a#n" !"%#n flood#n% th" tr""t of Lo
An%"l" and #n oth"r US $#t#" oon aft"r, $au#n% an ")#d"(#$ dru% )ro!l"(
unl#8" any t#(" !"for" #n h#tory* Str""t %an% d"&"lo) #nto nat#onal n"twor8
and ar" ""nt#ally (#l#tar#+"d a a r"ult, "ta!l#h#n% th"#r t"rr#tor#" and
"nfor$#n% th"#r har" of th" (ar8"t* Th# l"ad to an #nflu9 of %un and th"
#n$r"a"d $r#(" and &#ol"n$" that $o(" w#th th"(* Th# ra)#dly %row#n%
)ro!l"( # a d#r"$t r"ult of th" u))o"d >War on Dru%0, wh#$h wa an
"9$u" for &ar#ou US %o&"rn("nt a%"n$#" 1#n$lud#n% th" ?,A, F/,, /ATF,
and DEA5 to "l#(#nat" th" "9#t#n% South A("r#$an dru% $art"l and ta8"
o&"r th" #ll#$#t dru% (ar8"t th"("l&", funn"l#n% th" )rof#t #nto !la$8
)ro."$t !"#n% $ondu$t"d !y tho" a%"n$#"* Th# ")#d"(#$ )ro!l"( w#ll alo
%#&" th" %o&"rn("nt an "9$u" to #n$r"a" th" #+" of )ol#$" for$" and %#&"
th"( "9$"#&" )ow"r of "ar$h and "#+ur", "ntra)("nt, and th"
r"$ru#t("nt and u" of #nfor(ant*
3867 (/arch 35! : An unna("d %un(an # arr"t"d n"ar th" Wh#t" @ou"
who $la#( that h" ha !""n #n."$t"d w#th a >$rytall#n" #()lant0 that wa
!road$at#n% ("a%" t"ll#n% h#( to 8#ll th" )r"#d"nt*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3867 (:*ly! : 4#tual a!u" # un$o&"r"d at W"t Po#nt (#l#tary !a" wh"n a
thr""'y"ar'old %#rl f#nd h"r"lf #n th" "("r%"n$y roo( of th" W"t Po#nt
@o)#tal w#th a la$"rat"d &a%#na* Sh" t"ll th" "9a(#n#n% )hy#$#an that a
t"a$h"r at th" day$ar" $"nt"r had hurt h"r* /y th" "nd of th" y"ar, f#fty
$h#ldr"n w#ll !" #nt"r&#"w"d !y #n&"t#%ator* ?h#ldr"n at W"t Po#nt w#ll t"ll
tor#" that w#ll !"$o(" horr#fy#n%ly fa(#l#ar* Th"y w#ll r")ort that th"y had
!""n r#tually a!u"d* Th"y w#ll r")ort ha&#n% had "9$r"("nt ("ar"d on
th"#r !od#" and !"#n% for$"d to "at f"$" and dr#n8 ur#n"* Th"y w#ll ay th"y
w"r" ta8"n away fro( th" day $ar" $"nt"r and )hoto%ra)h"d* D")#t"
a!undant ("d#$al and )y$holo%#$al "&#d"n$" and l#t"rally do+"n of $h#ld
w#tn"", and d")#t" FD0 #nt"r&#"w !y B0 F/, a%"nt a#%n"d to th"
#n&"t#%at#on, th" #n&"t#%at#on, l"d !y for("r US Attorn"y 1and futur" (ayor
of 7"w Oor85 4udol)h A#ul#an# w#ll )rodu$" no f"d"ral %rand .ury #nd#$t("nt*
3867 (Decem;er 33! : F"llow UF6 r""ar$h"r W#ll#a( 2oor" and Ja#("
Shand"ra r"$"#&" th" $ontro&"r#al 2J'12 do$u("nt, $onta#n"d on f#l( that
# anony(ouly d"l#&"r"d to Shand"ra0 (a#l!o9*
3867 : A f#$t#onal#+"d a$$ount of th" Ph#lad"l)h#a E9)"r#("nt # r"l"a"d #n
th"atr" #n th" USA* Th" US %o&"rn("nt #(("d#at"ly for$" an #n.un$t#on,
!ann#n% #t* Th" #n.un$t#on w#ll !" o&"rturn"d two y"ar lat"r #n 1F8B, at
wh#$h t#(" th" (o&#" # r"l"a"d on &#d"o*
Why would th" %o&"rn("nt !an th# (o&#" fro( )u!l#$ r"l"a"N Th# only
""( r"aona!l" #f th"r" # a$tually o(" truth to th# tran%" tory*
Sto))#n% th" r"l"a" of th" (o&#" (#%ht ha&" !""n a )ur)o"ful )loy to !r#n%
th" tory to th" att"nt#on of $on)#ra$y th"or#t and oth"r fr#n%" %rou), #n
ord"r to )o)ular#+" th" (or" outra%"ou a)"$t of #t o that $"rta#n
#()ortant truth !ur#"d w#th#n th"( : u$h a #t ao$#at#on w#th T*
Town"nd /rown and h# wor8 : ar" d#$r"d#t"d* ,f /rown0 wor8 w#th th" US
7a&y had !""n u$$"ful #n (a8#n% !attl"h#) #n&##!l" to radar, #t # &"ry
l#8"ly that th# had #n$" !"$o(" )art of th" n"w t"alth t"$hnolo%y for
a#r$raft, or "&"n ant#%ra&#ty t"$hnolo%y, and a d##nfor(at#on $a()a#%n wa
!"#n% $ondu$t"d to $o&"r th# u)*
3867 : S$ott#h #n&"ntor Sandy 3#dd u$$""d #n !u#ld#n% an ant#%ra&#ty
d"&#$" that u" %yro$o)" atta$h"d to th" "nd of a $roar(* Wh"n th"
d"&#$" wa turn"d on, #t l"&#tat"d thr"" #n$h" off th" wor8!"n$h*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3867 : Th" USAF "#+" 8F,000 a$r" of )u!l#$ land urround#n% Aroo( La8"
#n 7"&ada 1Ar"a D15*
3867 ' ?arla 4u"$8"rt )u!l#h" The Ra &aterial, a $oll"$t#on of $hann"l"d
#nfor(at#on* Th# )u!l#h"d #nfor(at#on w#ll !"$o(" a hu%" h#t a(on% th"
7"w A%" (o&"("nt and ta8" on a $ult'l#8" follow#n%*
3867 : Th" $ult %rou), 6rd"r of th" Solar T"()l" # found"d #n Fran$" !y Jo
D# 2a(!ro and Lu$ Jour"t* D# 2a(!ro wa #n)#r"d !y th" An$#"nt and
2yt#$ 6rd"r 4oa" ?ru$# 1A264?5 dur#n% h# #n&ol&"("nt w#th th"( fro(
1FDB to 1FBF* Th" 6rd"r of th" Solar T"()l" # #n&ol&"d #n )ro(ot#n% th"#r
7"w A%" )h#loo)hy and th" !"l#"f that th" un#&"r" # n"ar#n% a %r"at
$han%"* Th" 6rd"r $on#t of thr"" l"&"l of #n#t#at#on or >$lu!0* Th" A(anta
?lu! # #n&ol&"d w#th d#"(#nat#n% th" %rou)H )h#loo)hy and !r#n%#n%
to%"th"r a )#r#tual "l#t" #n ord"r to a$h#"&" a h#%h"r tat" of $on$#oun"*
Th" Ar$h"d#a ?lu! # #n&ol&"d w#th )ro&#d#n% "l"$t"d ("(!"r w#th (or"
ad&an$"d 8nowl"d%"* Th" ,nt"rnat#onal 3n#%hthood 6r%an#+at#on ha a$$"
to )"$#al )u!l#$at#on and to #n#t#at#on "9$lu#&" to #t ("(!"r* D# 2a(!ro
)r""nt h#("lf to ("(!"r a a r")r""ntat#&" of h#%h"r !"#n% and th"
r"$"#&"r and tran(#tt"r of d#&#n" ("a%", wh#$h h" r"$"#&" dur#n% %rou)
$"r"(on#"* Th"" ("a%" w#ll !"$o(" a)o$aly)t#$ #n natur", w#th th"
l"ad"r and ("(!"r !"l#"&#n% that Earth w#ll on" day !" d"troy"d and that
th"y w#ll !" th" ol" ur&#&or* Th"y w#ll "" th"("l&" a un#-u" !"#n%,
"t a)art fro( th" (a" throu%h th"#r d#$o&"ry of th" truth, and th"y w#ll
!"l#"&" that th"y ha&" a )"$#al (##on to a$$o()l#h* Aradually, th" f""l#n%
that th"y ar" d#ff"r"nt w#ll l"ad th"( to !"l#"&" that th"y ha&" l#ttl" #n
$o((on w#th th" r"t of th" world* Th" 6rd"r !"l#"&"d #n th" "9#t"n$" of an
or#%#nal our$" of $on$#oun" to wh#$h ("(!"r of th" %rou) would on"
day r"turn* Th# latt"r )o#nt # #(#lar to what # tat"d #n The Ra &aterial )ut
out !y ?arla 4u"$8"rt, Don El8#n, and J#( 2$?arty*
3867 ' Paul /ona$$# # an "y"w#tn" to th" r#tual ra)" and (urd"r of a
youn% !oy at th" /oh"(#an Aro&" wh#l" !"#n% for$"d to ta8" )art #n a
ho(o"9ual nuff f#l(*
3867 : Th" A#tt#n%"r A"("nt ?"nt"r # "ta!l#h"d at @o$8#n% ?oll"%",
"r&#n% a a #t" for tra#n#n%, r"our$", #nfor(at#on, data $oll"$t#on, and
futur" d"&"lo)("nt of th" PAS*
3867 : A"or%" W* /uh # #()l#$at"d #n a /rown&#ll", T"9a, (a (urd"r,
#n wh#$h 1G )"o)l" ha&" !""n r#tual#t#$ally (urd"r"d and 8#nn"d* /uh had
d#a))"ar"d for thr"" day, dur#n% wh#$h t#(" th" (urd"r ha))"n"d, and h"
# una!l" to "9)la#n wh"r" h" had !""n at th" t#(" or what h" had !""n
do#n%* Th" )"o)l" (urd"r"d w"r" all"%"dly ("(!"r of a atan#$ $ult that
/uh alo !"lon%"d to* @# fath"r, L#$" Pr"#d"nt A"or%" /uh, w#ll to)
#n&"t#%at#on #nto th" (att"r* /rown&#ll" # d#r"$tly a$ro th" !ord"r fro(
2ata(oro, wh"r" "&"ral (a %ra&"#t" $onn"$t"d to atan#$ $ult w#ll !"
d#$o&"r"d #n "&"ral y"ar t#("* S"r#al 8#ll"r @"nry L"" Lu$a, who" d"ath
"nt"n$" /uh w#ll $o((ut" #n 1FF8, w#ll )ro&#d" author#t#" w#th #nfor(at#on
on at l"at on" of th"" #t"*
3862 : /y th# y"ar, th" nu(!"r of (urd"r"d wo("n #n Wah#n%ton
u)"$t"d of !"#n% &#$t#( of th" Ar""n 4#&"r 3#ll"r, %o#n% !a$8 to 1F82,
r"a$h" 4D* Th" (a#n u)"$t, Aary L"on 4#d%way, w#ll $ont#nu" to a&o#d
arr"t unt#l 2001* 6&"r th" n"9t f"w y"ar, h" w#ll !"%#n &##t#n% th"
Lan$ou&"r ar"a #n ?anada* Th"r" w#ll !" "y"w#tn" a$$ount of h#( #n
Lan$ou&"r #n th" $lo" $o()any of futur" "r#al 8#ll"r, 4o!"rt P#$8ton*
3862 ' A ran$h # un$o&"r"d #n 3"rr&#ll", T"9a* Th" ran$h, run !y a fa(#ly of
A"r(an #((#%rant, # found to !" hold#n% GD hu(an la&", (any of th"(
a$-u#r"d wh"n th"y w"r" youn% t""na%"r* Th" )ro)"rty # )atroll"d !y
ar("d %uard who 8"") th" la&" $ha#n"d to%"th"r and rout#n"ly tortur"
th"( w#th "l"$tr#$ $attl" )rod* Wh"n"&"r on" of th" la&" wa 8#ll"d, th"
!ody wa !urn"d to d#)o" of th" "&#d"n$"* Th" T"9a 4an%"r "&"ntually
ra#d th" )ro)"rty, !ut only aft"r rout#n"ly #%nor#n% t"ady r")ort of tran%"
ha))"n#n% at th" ran$h* ,t w#ll ta8" th" tat" of T"9a al(ot two full y"ar
to !r#n% th" $a" to tr#al* Wh"n #t # all o&"r w#th, th" ran$h"r and on" of h#
on w#ll r"$"#&" "9traord#nar#ly l#%ht "nt"n$" for th"#r $r#(": 1D y"ar for
on", and 14 for th" oth"r* Anoth"r #nd#$t"d on w#ll !" a$-u#tt"d and wal8
away a fr"" (an*
3862 : Cuantu( ?o()ut"r S"r&#$" ,n$*, wh#$h lat"r !"$o(" A("r#$a
6nl#n" ,n$* laun$h" th" f#rt onl#n" "r&#$", C'L#n8, on th" ?o((odor" B4*
3862 : All"%at#on of r#tual a!u" at th" Ju!#lat#on Day ?ar" ?"nt"r at Fort
/ra%% "ru)t wh"n "&"ral $h#ldr"n r")ort !"#n% "9ually a!u"d !y a nu(!"r
of )"o)l" at th" day $ar" $"nt"r and at "&"ral lo$at#on away fro( th"
$"nt"r, #n$lud#n% at l"at two $hur$h"* Lt* ?ol* 2#$ha"l A-u#no # #d"nt#f#"d a
ha&#n% !""n )r""nt at on" of tho" $hur$h"*
3869 (/arch 10! : 11'y"ar'old 4#$8y ?had"8 # a!du$t"d #n 6(aha,
7"!ra8a, th" a(" tat" wh"r" Johnny Ao$h w"nt (##n% four y"ar
1S"" onl#n" f#l", "hild Traffic%ing and &ind "ontrol in the #eartland 0 &y "ost
of "hild Advocacy, !y Da&#d Shurt"r5
3869 ("ovem;er! : Th" f#rt all"%at#on "("r%" r"%ard#n% "9ual a!u"
!"#n% )"r)"trat"d at th" US Ar(y0 Pr"#d#o ?h#ld D"&"lo)("nt ?"nt"r #n San
Fran$#$o* Alar("d !y a$$uat#on (ad" !y h"r $h#ld, a )ar"nt ""8 ("d#$al
"9a(#nat#on that $onf#r( that th" thr""'y"ar'old !oy had #n fa$t !""n anally
ra)"d* Th" !oy #d"nt#f#" h# ra)#t a >2r* Aary,0 a t"a$h"r at th" $"nt"r
na("d Aary @a(!r#%ht* ,t w#ll ta8" th" Ar(y al(ot a (onth to not#fy th"
)ar"nt of oth"r $h#ldr"n who ha&" !""n #n @a(!r#%htH $la that th"
#n$#d"nt had ta8"n )la$"* W#th#n a y"ar, at l"at B0 &#$t#( w#ll !" #d"nt#f#"d,
all !"tw""n th" a%" of thr"" and "&"n, and furth"r all"%at#on w#ll !" (ad"
!y )ar"nt that "&"ral (or" $h#ldr"n ha&" !""n (ol"t"d "&"n aft"r an
#n&"t#%at#on ha !"%un* L#$t#( w#ll t"ll of !"#n% ta8"n to )r#&at" ho(" to
!" a!u"d, and at l"at thr"" hou" w#ll !" )o#t#&"ly #d"nt#f#"d* Th"y w#ll
alo d"$r#!" !"#n% ur#nat"d and d"f"$at"d u)on, and !"#n% for$"d to #n%"t
ur#n" and f"$"* ,rr"futa!l" ("d#$al "&#d"n$" w#ll do$u("nt th" fa$t that
th"" $h#ldr"n w"r" a!u"d, #n$lud#n% f#&" who had $ontra$t"d $hla(yd#a,
and (any oth"r w#ll how $l"ar #%n of anal and %"n#tal trau(a $on#t"nt
w#th &#ol"nt )"n"trat#on* E&"n !"for" th" a!u" # "9)o"d, th" $h#ldr"n w"r"
"9h#!#t#n% rad#$al $han%" #n !"ha&#or, #n$lud#n% t"()"r out!urt, udd"n
(ood h#ft, and )oor #()ul" $ontrol* /oth Lt* ?ol 2#$ha"l A-u#no and h#
w#f" L#l#th w#ll !" )o#t#&"ly #d"nt#f#"d !y &#$t#( a two of th" )"r)"trator* At
l"at on" &#$t#( w#ll !" a!l" to )o#t#&"ly #d"nt#fy A-u#noH ho(" and d"$r#!"
w#th un$anny a$$ura$y th" d#t#n$t#&"ly atan#$ #nt"r#or of th" hou"* 6nly
@a(!r#%ht w#ll "&"r !" $har%"d for a!u#n% on" $h#ld, and th"" $har%" w#ll
!" d#(#"d thr"" (onth lat"r*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3869 : A wo(an na("d Eul#$" 1L#a5 Wah#n%ton t"ll Oouth ?ar" Wor8"r
Jul#" Walt"r, a do$u("nt"d #n h"r D")art("nt of So$#al S"r&#$" 2ar$h 2D,
1F8B r")ort, that Lawr"n$" 3#n% ran a (a#&" $h#ld "9, ho(o"9ual, and
)orno%ra)hy #ndutry* Sh" d"$r#!" how !"%#nn#n% #n t"nth %rad", h" had
!""n ta8"n !y )lan" !y 3#n%, w#th oth"r youth, to !" u"d a a $h#ld
)rot#tut" at )art#" #n Wah#n%ton, ?h#$a%o, and 7"w Oor8* L#a tat" that
at th"" )art#", h" at Jloo8#n% )r"tty and #nno$"ntK and %u"t $ould
"n%a%" #n any "9ual a$t#&#ty th"y want"d "9$")t )"n"trat#on* Sh" na("
L#$" Pr"#d"nt A"or%" /uh a #n att"ndan$" at th"" )art#" at l"at tw#$",
a$$ord#n% to Walt"r0 r")ort* L#a tat" h" had f#rt ("t 2r* /uh at th"
Dalla 1F84 4")u!l#$an ?on&"nt#on* Sh" alo $la#( to ha&" ""n L#$"
Pr"#d"nt A"or%" /uh Sr* at a )arty #n ?h#$a%o #n S")t"(!"r or 6$to!"r of
1F84, a$$o()an#"d !y two lar%" wh#t" (al"* Walt"r0 r")ort tat": JShe
H*isaI indicates that she set HsicI on a ta4le at the party +hile +earing
nothing 4ut a negligee( She stated that 6eorge )ush sa+ her on the ta4le(
She stated she sa+ @ice President 6eorge )ush pay 7ing money, and that
)ush left the party +ith a nineteen year old 4lac% 4oy named )rent(K
A$$ord#n% to th" ?h#$a%o Tr#!un" of 6$to!"r E1, 1F84, A"or%" /uh Sr* wa
#n ,ll#no# $a()a#%n#n% for $on%r"#onal $and#dat" at th" "nd of 6$to!"r,
1F84* Walt"r0 r")ort #nd#$at" that L#a a#d h" aw A"or%" /uh Sr* a%a#n
at a )arty hot"d !y Lawr"n$" 3#n% #n Wah#n%ton, D?, #n wh#$h th"r" w"r"
no wo("n, only ("n )"rf"$tly (ad"'u) to loo8 l#8" wo("n, old"r ("n and
("n #n th"#r youn%"r tw"nt#"* Sh" a#d h" aw odo(y $o((#tt"d at tho"
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, 6eorge )ush! The 5nauthori:ed )iography, !y W"!t"r A*
Tar)l"y R Anton ?ha#t8#n5
3869 : A4PA7ET "9)and furth"r wh"n th" 7at#onal S$#"n$" Foundat#on
)ro&#d" a$$" to u)"r$o()ut"r #t" #n th" US fro( r""ar$h and
"du$at#on or%an#+at#on*
3865 (&e;r*ary 7! : Two ("n : 2#$ha"l @oul#han and Dou%la A(("r(an
: ar" )#$8"d u) on (ult#)l" $ount of $h#ld a!u"* Th"y ar" found tra&"l#n% #n
a &an w#th #9 $h#ldr"n ran%#n% #n a%" fro( two to "&"n y"ar old* Th"
$h#ldr"n ar" d#rty, !ar"ly $loth"d, and $o&"r"d #n #n"$t !#t", wh#l" th" two
("n ar" w"ll dr""d* Th"y $la#( th"y ar" %o#n% to 2"9#$o to ta8" )art #n a
)"$#al $hool for J(art 8#dK* Th" &an # found to !"lon% to an or%an#+at#on
#n Wah#n%ton, D?, $all"d >Th" F#nd"r0* A "ar$h of two of th" off#$" of th#
or%an#+at#on r"ult #n th" d#$o&"ry that "9 or%#" and atan#$ a$t#&#ty had
ta8"n )la$" at th"" lo$at#on, #n$lud#n% a (urd"r* A lar%" $oll"$t#on of
)hoto%ra)h of nud", !"l#"&"d to !" ("(!"r of th" F#nd"r, # alo
o!ta#n"d* Do$u("nt "#+"d #n th" #n&"t#%at#on r"&"al d"ta#l"d #ntru$t#on
for o!ta#n#n% $h#ldr"n for un)"$#f#"d )ur)o"* Th" #ntru$t#on #n$lud" th"
#()r"%nat#on of f"(al" ("(!"r of th" F#nd"r $o((un#ty, )ur$ha#n%
$h#ldr"n, trad#n%, and 8#dna))#n%* Furth"r "&#d"n$" u%%"t that th# # )art
of an #nt"rnat#onal atan#$ )"do)h#l" r#n%* 7u("rou f#l" "#+"d r"lat" to
a$t#&#t#" of th" or%an#+at#on #n d#ff"r"nt )art of th" world, #n$lud#n% London,
A"r(any, th" /aha(a, Ja)an, @on% 3on%, 2alay#a, Afr#$a, ?ota 4#$a, and
Euro)"* F#l" ar" alo "#+"d that $onta#n #nt"ll#%"n$" #nfor(at#on on )r#&at"
fa(#l#" not r"lat"d to th" F#nd"r* Th" #nt"ll#%"n$" %ath"r#n% )ro$"
a))"ar to !" ha&" !""n a yt"(at#$ r")on" to lo$al n"w)a)"r
ad&"rt#"("nt for !a!y#tt"r, tutor, "t$* A ("(!"r of th" F#nd"r would
r")ond to th" ad and %ath"r a (u$h #nfor(at#on a )o#!l" a!out th"
ha!#t, #d"nt#ty, o$$u)at#on, "t$*, of th" fa(#ly* What th# #nfor(at#on wa
u"d for # t#ll un8nown* Th"r" wa alo a lar%" a(ount of data that had
!""n $oll"$t"d on &ar#ou $h#ld$ar" or%an#+at#on* Th" )ol#$" r")ort on th"
$a" # $la#f#"d "$r"t* Th" #n&"t#%at#on oon !"$o(" a ?,A >#nt"rnal
(att"r0* 7o furth"r #nfor(at#on # (ad" a&a#la!l" and no furth"r a$t#on #
3865 (A*g*st 33! : Dr* /"rnard J* Eatlund, a )hy#$#t and "9)"rt on
o#lf#"ld d"&"lo)("nt, # wor8#n% a a $onultant for th" Atlant#$ 4#$hf#"ld 6#l
?o()any 1A4?65 wh"n h" # #u"d US Pat"nt W4,B8B,B0D for a t"$hnolo%y
h" d"&"lo)"d that w#ll -u#$8ly !" #()l"("nt"d a @AA4P 1@#%h Alt#tud"
Auroral 4""ar$h Pro."$t5 #n Aa8ona, Ala8a* U#n% Eatlund0 t"$hnolo%y,
@AA4P # $a)a!l" of #rrad#at#n% th" u))"r at(o)h"r" w#th "l"$tro(a%n"t#$
"n"r%y for a &ar#"ty of )ur)o", #n$lud#n% o&"r'th"'hor#+on radar, w"ath"r
(od#f#$at#on, and (a (#nd'$ontrol* Eatlund a#%n"d th" )at"nt r#%ht to
APT, ,n$*, a Lo An%"l" u!#d#ary of Atlant#$ 4#$hf#"ld*
3865 (A*g*st 37! : Lt* ?ol* 2#$ha"l A-u#no and h# w#f" L#l#th ar" #d"nt#f#"d
!y $h#ld &#$t#( a two of th" "9ual a!u"r at day$ar" )ro%ra( at th" US
Ar(y0 Pr"#d#o #n San D#"%o, ?al#forn#a* A "ar$h warrant # "r&"d on th"#r
r"#d"n$" and nu("rou &#d"ota)", )hoto%ra)h, )hoto al!u(,
)hoto%ra)h#$ n"%at#&", $a"tt" ta)", and addr" !oo8 ar" $onf#$at"d*
Alo o!"r&"d # what a))"ar to !" a ound)roof roo(* 7"#th"r A-u#no nor
h# w#f" ar" $har%"d w#th any $r#("*
6n" (onth lat"r, a f#r" : wh#$h th" Ar(y w#ll $la#( to ha&" !""n a$$#d"ntal :
w#ll d"troy th" Ar(y ?o((un#ty S"r&#$" /u#ld#n% ad.a$"nt to th" Pr"#d#oH
day $ar" $"nt"r* Th" f#r" w#ll o$$ur on th" autu(nal "-u#no9, a (a.or "&"nt
on th" atan#$ $al"ndar* Th" f#r" w#ll alo d"troy o(" of th" $"nt"rH
r"$ord* Thr"" w""8 aft"r th#, f#r" w#ll tr#8" a%a#n, th# t#(" at th" day
$ar" $"nt"r #t"lf* A !u#ld#n% that hou" four $laroo(, #n$lud#n% that of
Aary @a(!r#%ht, # $o()l"t"ly d"troy"d* ,n&"t#%ator fro( th" /ATF w#ll
d"t"r(#n" that !oth f#r", $ontrary to th" Ar(yH f#nd#n%, had !""n aron*
Dur#n% th# t#(", @a(!r#%ht, th" Pr"#d#o t"a$h"r who wa $har%"d #n th"
$a" )r"&#ouly, w#ll a%a#n !" #nd#$t"d, th# t#(" for (ol"t#n% t"n $h#ldr"n*
A !"for", th" $har%" w#ll !" dro))"d* ,t w#ll lat"r !" r")ort"d that th"r" #
$l"ar "&#d"n$" of atan#$ $ult a$t#&#ty ta8#n% )la$" on th" %round of th"
Pr"#d#o !a", #n$lud#n% an a!undan$" of atan#$ %raff#t#, a atan#$ altar, and
nu("rou art#fa$t of atan#$ r#tual*
/y 7o&"(!"r, th" Ar(y w#ll r"$"#&" all"%at#on of $h#ld a!u" at 1D of #t day
$ar" $"nt"r and "&"ral "l"("ntary $hool* Th"r" w#ll alo !" at l"at two
$a" at A#r For$" day $ar" $"nt"r, and anoth"r at a $"nt"r run !y th" US
7a&y* ,n add#t#on, a )"$#al t"a( of "9)"rt w#ll !" "nt to Pana(a to h"l)
d"t"r(#n" #f a (any a 10 $h#ldr"n at a D")art("nt of D"f"n" "l"("ntary
$hool w"r" (ol"t"d and )o#!ly #nf"$t"d w#th A,DS* O"t anoth"r $a" w#ll
"("r%" #n a US'run fa$#l#ty #n W"t A"r(any* Th"" $a" w#ll o$$ur at o("
of th" (ot "t""("d (#l#tary !a" #n th" $ountry, #n$lud#n% Fort D#9, Fort
L"a&"nworth, Fort Ja$8on, and W"t Po#nt* ,n th" W"t Po#nt $a" alon", !y
th" "nd of th" y"ar, D0 $h#ldr"n w#ll !" #nt"r&#"w"d !y #n&"t#%ator* Th"r"
w#ll !" r")ort of atan#$ a$t, an#(al a$r#f#$" and $ult'l#8" !"ha&#or a(on%
th" a!u"r* An #n&"t#%at#on l"d !y for("r US Attorn"y 4udol)h A#ul#an# w#ll
)rodu$" no f"d"ral %rand .ury #nd#$t("nt* @# #n&"t#%at#on w#ll $on$lud"
that only on" or two $h#ldr"n w"r" a!u"d, #n )#t" of all th" "&#d"n$" to th"
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3865 (Septem;er! : S"r#al 8#ll"r J"ffr"y Dah("r )#$8 u) 2B'y"ar'old
St"&"n Tuo(# at a !ar, ta8" h#( to a (ot"l roo( to ha&" "9, and th"n 8#ll
h#( on #()ul"* Stuff#n% th" !ody #n a u#t$a", h" ta8" #t !a$8 to h#
%rand(oth"r0 ho(" wh"r" h" # l#&#n% and $ut #t u) #nto )#"$", )la$"
th"( #n %ar!a%" !a%, and l"a&" th"( out !y th" $ur! for th" %ar!a%" (an*
@" w#ll lat"r ay that h" had no ("(ory of $o((#tt#n% th" $r#("* @" w#ll
$ont#nu" to 8#ll )orad#$ally aft"r th#, $o((#tt#n% two (or" (urd"r #n 1F88
and anoth"r #n "arly 1F8F, uually )#$8#n% u) h# &#$t#( #n %ay !ar and
ha&#n% "9 w#th th"( !"for" 8#ll#n% and d#("(!"r#n% th"(* /y 1FF0, h" w#ll
(o&" #nto an a)art("nt #n 2#lwau8"", wh"r" h" w#ll )#$8 u) th" )a$" of h#
(urd"r, 8#ll#n% four (or" !y th" "nd of th" y"ar, and anoth"r "#%ht #n 1FF1*
Dah("r w#ll f#nally !" $au%ht wh"n a &#$t#( "$a)" h# $lut$h" and draw
)ol#$" !a$8 to Dah("r0 a)art("nt, wh"r" th"y d#$o&"r th" %r#ly r"(nant
of h# )r"&#ou (urd"r: &at of a$#d u"d to d#)o" of !ody )art, hu(an
8ull on d#)lay, )hoto of )art#ally d#("(!"r"d !od#", a hu(an h"art #n
th" fr""+"r, and th" t"n$h of d"$o()o#n% !od#"*
3865 : Aft"r d"f"$t#n% and )"a8#n% out a!out th" ,llu(#nat#, John Todd #
fra("d for ra)" and "nt"n$"d to E0 y"ar #n )r#on*
3866 : At a!out th# t#(", th" f#rt $o(("r$#al ,nt"rn"t S"r&#$" Pro&#d"r
1,SP5 !"$o(" a&a#la!l" for $onn"$t#n% to th" "arly ,nt"rn"t 1A4PA7ET5*
?onn"$t#n% to Euro)"0 ?E47 n"twor8 "9)and #t furth"r* E9)an#on #nto
A#an $ountr#" follow oon aft"r th#* Th" f#rt ,SP $o()an#" ar" for("d*
3866 : 23ULT4A Pro."$t 2onar$h &#$t#( ?athy 60/r#"n # r"$u"d fro( h"r
(#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra(("r and !"%#n d")ro%ra((#n% !y h"r r"$u"r, 2ar8
Ph#ll#)* 6n" "ff"$t of th" 2PD that trau(a'!a"d (#nd'$ontrol $au" # a
)hoto%ra)h#$ ("(ory #n th" &#$t#(, and th# w#ll allow 60/r#"n to "&"ntually
r"$all d"ta#l that w#ll l"ad to a t"ll'all !oo8, Trans0'ormation of America,
wh#$h r"&"al how h" and h"r dau%ht"r 3"lly w"r" )rot#tut"d out to
)"do)h#l", )ol#t#$#an, $r#(#nal, and )ra$t#$#n% Satan#t a "9 la&" for
"nt"rta#n("nt, !la$8(a#l "t'u), and !oth $h#ld and adult )orno%ra)h#$
f#l(* ?athy wa )"$#ally tra#n"d a a >Pr"#d"nt#al 2od"l0, wh#$h # a (#nd'
$ontroll"d "9 la&" u"d )"$#f#$ally !y US )r"#d"nt for )"r&"rt"d and
oft"n &"ry !rutal "9ual a!u" 1th" f#rt Pr"#d"nt#al 2od"l wa 2ar#lyn
2onro"5* Sh" "r&"d Pr"#d"nt A"rald Ford, 4onald 4"a%an, A"or%" /uh
Sr*, and a nu(!"r of oth"r h#%h'ran8#n% )ol#t#$#an, #n$lud#n% D#$8 ?han"y,
S"nator 4o!"rt ?* /yrd 1who !ou%ht h"r fro( h"r "9ually a!u#&" fath"r for
a (#ll#on dollar5, and ?anad#an Pr#(" 2#n#t"r P#"rr" Trud"au and /r#an
2ulron"y* 6th"r a!u"r #n$lud"d $ountry (u#$#an 3r# 3r#toff"ron,
/o9$ar W#ll#", and 2"rl" @a%%ard* 6th"r 2onar$h la&" #n$lud"d /ar!ara
2andr"ll and h"r #t"r, and Lor"tta Lynn* 60/r#"n wa alo for$"d to ta8"
)art #n atan#$ a$t#&#t#" #n&ol&#n% $ann#!al#(, and u"d to )rodu$" f"tu"
for atan#$ r#tual* So(" of th" )la$" u"d for h"r )ro%ra((#n% w"r"
2a$D#ll A#r For$" /a" at Ta()a, Fort ?a()!"ll #n 3"ntu$8y, Fort 2$3l"ll"n at
Ann#ton, Ala!a(a, 4"dton" Ar"nal and 2arhall S)a$" Fl#%ht ?"nt"r #n
@unt&#ll", Ala!a(a, th" 7ASA 3"nn"dy S)a$" ?"nt"r, ?a)" ?ana&"ral #n
Flor#da, and 7ASAH Aoddard S)a$" Fl#%ht ?"nt"r n"ar Wah#n%ton D*?*
Th" only )ro!l"( w#th 60/r#"n0 tory # that th"r" # al(ot noth#n%
r"&"latory a!out #t that $ould !" &"r#f#"d to )ro&" that any of what h" $la#(
# tru", and $on#d"r#n% th" fa$t that h" $la#( to ha&" a )hoto%ra)h#$
("(ory, you would th#n8 that h" would ha&" #n$lud"d "&"n a f"w )#"$" of
#nfor(at#on that $ould !" $h"$8"d out*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, Trans0'ormation of America, !y ?athy 60/r#"n and 2ar8
3866 (Septem;er 19! : ,n th" (#dt of h# 8#ll#n% )r"", J"ffr"y Dah("r #
arr"t"d for dru%%#n% and "9ually fondl#n% a 1E'y"ar'old !oy #n 2#lwau8""*
@" # "nt"n$"d to f#&" y"ar )ro!at#on and on" y"ar #n a wor8 r"l"a" $a()*
@" # alo r"-u#r"d to r"%#t"r a a "9 off"nd"r* Dah("r w#ll !" )arol"d fro(
th" wor8 r"l"a" $a() two (onth "arly, aft"r wh#$h h" w#ll !"%#n a tr#n% of
%r#ly (urd"r that w#ll "nd w#th h# arr"t #n 1FF1*
3866 ($cto;er! : Th" a#r#n% of th" TL )"$#al, 5'O "over 5p F *ive* Th#
>do$u("ntary0 ha W#ll#a( 2oor" and Ja#(" Shandra #ntrodu$#n% two
anony(ou #nt"ll#%"n$" a%"nt who $la#( that th" US %o&"rn("nt # "$r"tly
$olla!orat#n% w#th "9trat"rr"tr#al* Th# # )art of a d##nfor(at#on $a()a#%n
to )ro(ot" th" #d"a that th" %o&"rn("nt # allow#n% al#"n to a!du$t hu(an
for "9)"r#("ntat#on #n "9$han%" for al#"n t"$hnolo%y*
3866 ("ovem;er 7! : F/, ra#d th" Fran8l#n ?r"d#t Un#on #n 6(aha,
7"!ra8a, run !y a (an na("d Lawr"n$" 3#n%* ,n th" )ro$", th"y un$o&"r
"&#d"n$" r"lat#n% to dru% runn#n%, )"do)h#l#a, )orno%ra)hy, and atan#$
a$t#&#ty #n&ol&#n% )ro(#n"nt #nd#&#dual #n th" lo$al $o((un#ty* E#%hty
$h#ldr"n w#ll $o(" forward and #d"nt#fy (any of tho" #n&ol&"d, #n$lud#n% th"
?h#"f of Pol#$" 4o!"rt Wad(an, a lo$al n"w)a)"r )u!l#h"r, a for("r &#$"
-uad off#$"r, a .ud%", and oth"r of )ro(#n"n$"* Th" $h#ldr"n w#ll d"$r#!"
atan#$ $"r"(on#" #n&ol&#n% hu(an and an#(al a$r#f#$"* E&#d"n$" that w#ll
$o(" out w#ll how that $h#ldr"n w"r" a!du$t"d fro( ho))#n% (all )ar8#n%
lot and au$t#on"d off #n La L"%a and Toronto* A#r)lan" own"d !y th" DEA
w"r" oft"n u"d to tran)ort th" $h#ldr"n* 6th"r $h#ldr"n ar" r"(o&"d fro(
or)hana%" and fot"r ho(" and ta8"n to Wah#n%ton, D? to ta8" )art #n
"9 or%#" w#th d#%n#tar#", $on%r"("n, and oth"r h#%h'l"&"l )u!l#$ off#$#al*
A nu(!"r of th" $h#ld &#$t#( w#ll t"t#fy that A"or%" /uh Sr* wa on" of th"
)"o)l" oft"n ""n at th"" )art#"* Photo%ra)h w"r" !"#n% urr")t#t#ouly
ta8"n at th"" or%#" !y th" $h#ld traff#$8"r for !la$8(a#l )ur)o"*
Th"r" w#ll !" no follow'u) #n&"t#%at#on wh"n th"" f#nd#n% ar" (ad"* Th"
US nat#onal ("d#a w#ll not r")ort on th" tory* Lo$al ("d#a w#ll only fo$u on
d#$r"d#t#n% th" w#tn""* Th" F/, and oth"r "nfor$"("nt off#$"r w#ll hara
and d#$r"d#t &#$t#( #n th" aft"r(ath, $au#n% all !ut two &#$t#( : Paul
/ona$$# and Al#ha 6w"n : to r"$ant th"#r t"t#(on#"* Th" $h#ld &#$t#(,
rath"r than th" )"r)"trator, w#ll !" thrown #n )r#on* 6n" of th"", Al#ha
6w"n 1who th" 6(aha )ol#$" $h#"f 4o!"rt Wad(an %ot )r"%nant5, w#ll )"nd
(or" t#(" #n ol#tary $onf#n"("nt than any oth"r wo(an #n th" h#tory of th"
7"!ra8a )"nal yt"(* Sh" w#ll r"$"#&" a "nt"n$" of F to 2D y"ar #n )r#on
for all"%"dly $o((#tt#n% )"r.ury, wh#$h w#ll !" t"n y"ar lon%"r than th"
"nt"n$" that w#ll !" r"$"#&"d !y Lawr"n$" 3#n% for loot#n% h# Fran8l#n ?r"d#t
Un#on of P40 (#ll#on* Th# h"a&y "nt"n$" #()o"d on 6w"n w#ll "r&" a a
warn#n% ("a%" to all oth"r &#$t#( who (#%ht th#n8 of tal8#n%*
Th" 8"y #n&"t#%ator #n th" $a", Aary ?arador#, w#ll !" 8#ll"d wh"n h#
)r#&at" )lan" "9)lod" #n (#d'a#r wh#l" "n rout" to d"l#&"r#n% da(a%#n%
"&#d"n$" to S"nator Loran S$h(#t* @# !r#"f$a" $onta#n#n% th" "&#d"n$" w#ll
!" (##n% fro( th" wr"$8a%"* Th# w#ll !" th" f#rt of (any d"ath of )"o)l"
att"()t#n% to un$o&"r th# )ol#t#$ally $onn"$t"d atan#$ $ult="9 la&"=dru%
r#n%* Th" D#$o&"ry ?hann"l w#ll (a8" a do$u("ntary a!out th# $a",
"nt#tl"d >?on)#ra$y of S#l"n$"0* At th" lat (o("nt, US ?on%r"("n w#ll )ay
th"( PD00,000 to not a#r #t, and all $o)#" w#ll !" d"troy"d* 4")u!l#$an
"nator John D"?a(), who # on th" #n&"t#%at#&" $o((#tt"", w#ll wr#t" a
!oo8 "9)o#n% th" $a", t#tl"d, The 'ran%lin "over05p*
Th"r" w#ll !" "&#d"n$" of t#" to (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra( !"#n% $ondu$t"d at
th" h#%hly "$ur" 6ffutt A#r For$" /a" #n 2#not, 7orth Da8ota, wh"r" th"
h"ad of th" Strat"%#$ A#r ?o((and 1SA?5 # lo$at"d* Th" Anthro)oo)h#t
So$#"ty # alo #n&ol&"d #n th" )"do)h#l#a* Th" u#$#d" of .ournal#t @unt"r S*
Tho()on w#ll alo !" t#"d to th" "9)our" of th# )"do)h#l" r#n%, #n$"
a$$ord#n% to th" t"t#(ony of Paul /ona$$# #n 1FFF, Tho()on had d#r"$t"d a
nuff f#l( at /oh"(#an Aro&", an "9$lu#&" r"ort for th" "l#t" #n th"
Sa$ra("nto, ?al#forn#a ar"a* Tho()on a))ar"ntly $o((#tt"d u#$#d" oon
aft"r /ona$$#0 t"t#(ony # (ad"* Tho()on had !""n $lo" to 4uty
7"lon, who wa 3#n%0 >off#$#al0 )hoto%ra)h"r for th" )"do)h#l"=!la$8(a#l"r*
/ona$$# w#ll alo )o#t#&"ly #d"nt#fy Lt* ?ol* 2#$ha"l A-u#no a an ao$#at" of
Lawr"n$" 3#n%, who # 8nown to th" $h#ldr"n only a >th" ?olon"l0* 4uty
7"lon w#ll alo #d"nt#fy A-u#no a th" (an that h" on$" aw 3#n% %#&" a
!r#"f$a" full of (on"y to, and who 3#n% had told h#( wa #n&ol&"d #n th"
?ontra %un and $o$a#n" traff#$8#n% o)"rat#on !"#n% run !y A"or%" /uh and
Lt* ?ol* 6l#&"r 7orth* 2#not # an ar"a that ha atan#$ $ult o)"rat#n% #n #t
that ha&" !""n t#"d to th" Son of Sa( and 2anon (urd"r* A nu(!"r of
w#tn"" and #n&"t#%ator w#ll d#" und"r -u"t#ona!l" $#r$u(tan$" a th"
Fran8l#n $a" # $o&"r"d u)* 6th"r w#tn"" w#ll !" #l"n$"d w#th $har%" of
)"r.ury for t"t#fy#n%*
3866 : 3arla Turn"r f#rt !"$o(" $on$#ou of th" on%o#n% al#"n a!du$t#on
of h"r"lf and h"r fa(#ly* Sh" and oth"r ("(!"r of h"r fa(#ly had alr"ady
r"ad and !""n #ntr#%u"d !y Wh#tl"y Str#"!"r0 "ommunion, and h" h"r"lf
had alo .ut r"ad /udd @o)8#n0 !oo8, &issing Time* /oth h" and h"r
hu!and had !""n "9)"r#"n$#n% tr" y()to(, and w"r" una!l" to "9)la#n
#t $au"* For th# r"aon, th"y ar" !oth %"tt#n% $oun"l#n%, and #n th"
)ro$", 3arla !"%#n 8"")#n% a .ournal of h"r dr"a(* ,n do#n% o, h" tart
r"$all#n% dr"a( of tran%" $"n", o(" #n&ol&#n% UF6* Sh" alo att"()t
to h"l) h"r hu!and w#th h# tr"'r"lat"d y()to( !y )ra$t#$#n% o("
hy)no# t"$hn#-u" that h"r th"ra)#t ha u"d on h"r* Wh"n h" do", h"
#(("d#at"ly !"%#n to d"$r#!" an "9)"r#"n$" that ound UF6'r"lat"d : a
!l#nd#n% l#%ht, a $ur&"d wall w#th tran%" y(!ol on #t, a %r"y'ty)" al#"n
fa$", an "nor(ou oran%" )a$"$raft* At th# (o("nt, h"r )hon" r#n% and
h" anw"r #t, only to h"ar a tran%" un#nt"ll#%#!l" &o#$" on th" oth"r "nd
!"for" #t turn to tat#$* 6&"r th" day and w""8, 3arla $ont#nu" to "9)lor"
h"r n"w'found 8#ll at u#n% hy)not#$ r"%r"#on on h"r hu!and, and
un$o&"r furth"r d"ta#l a!out h# "9)"r#"n$"* Th"#r "9)our" to th"
#nfor(at#on th"y ha&" !""n draw#n% u) r"ult #n 3arla ""8#n% out a
)rof"#onal ufolo%#t to f#nd o(" anw"r* Sh" u" a l#t#n% h" f#nd #n
@o)8#n0 !oo8, and # )ut #n tou$h w#th ("(!"r of a lo$al 2UF67 $ha)t"r* A
(""t#n% w#th th"( l"ad to 3arla r"lat#n% o(" tran%" "9)"r#"n$" #n h"r
own )at, and h" w#ll a8 that th"y )ut h"r #n tou$h w#th a %ood hy)not#t*
6n th" way ho(" fro( th" (""t#n%, th"y not#$" that th"y ar" !"#n% follow"d
!y anoth"r &"h#$l"* Th"y ar" oon )ut #n $onta$t w#th UF6 r""ar$h"r
/ar!ara /arthol#$* Th"y (""t w#th h"r for an #n#t#al #nt"r&#"w, aft"r wh#$h
th"y a%a#n not#$" that th"y0r" !"#n% follow"d* Th"y ar" d"t"r(#n"d to furth"r
"9)lor" th"" tran%" ("(or#" that th"y0&" ta))"d #nto, and tart
r"%r"#on "#on w#th /arthol#$* A))ar"ntly, at no t#(" u) to th# )o#nt ha
any )o#!l" "9)lanat#on !""n $on#d"r"d oth"r than th" UF6=al#"n on"* ,n
th" f#rt r"%r"#on "#on, 3arla0 hu!and draw u) $"n" of !"#n%
a!du$t"d #n 1F4G, a w"ll a th" y"ar !"for" #n 1F8G, and of ha&#n% had
o("th#n% don" to h#( dur#n% th" lat #n$#d"nt* A "$ond "#on !r#n% u)
an #n$#d"nt fro( 1FB0 wh"r" h" w#tn"" a UF6 land#n% a a youn%
t""na%"r, aft"r wh#$h h" f#nd h#("lf w#th an un"9)la#na!l" or" no"*
S"&"ral oth"r a!du$t#on #n$#d"nt w#ll alo urfa$"* Aft"r th" "$ond "#on,
th" Turn"r w#tn" l#%ht and what a))"ar to !" a au$"r'ha)"d $raft #n
th" n#%ht 8y* Th"y w#ll !"%#n to wa8" u) and f#nd $rat$h" and oth"r
un"9)la#na!l" (ar8 on th"#r !od#", and th"n not#$" an #n$r"a" of
h"l#$o)t"r a$t#&#ty #n th" ar"a* Furth"r r"%r"#on "#on to "9)lor" $"rta#n
#n$#d"nt 1(otly dr"a(5 that o$$urr"d to 3arla, h"r hu!and, on, and
oth"r w#ll r"ult #n th" furth"r !"l#"f that th"y ar" r"lat"d to al#"n
a!du$t#on* 6f $our", th"y ha&" all !""n fo$u#n% on thou%ht of a!du$t#on
and all th" #nfor(at#on that th"y had !""n a!or!#n% for (onth, o th" fa$t
that th"y would ha&" tran%" dr"a( : ")"$#ally #f th" thou%ht and
#nfor(at#on wa un"ttl#n% th"( : # not at all unl#8"ly* Th" r"%r"#on
"#on th"y und"r%o w#ll alway r"fl"$t th" #nfor(at#on th"y ha&" !""n
Althou%h Turn"r tat" "arly on #n h"r !oo8 nto the 'ringe that h" wa
r"ad#n% !oth Str#"!"r0 and @o)8#n0 !oo8 )r#or to d#$o&"r#n% h"r fa(#ly0
a!du$t#on "9)"r#"n$", h" w#ll lat"r $la#( w#th#n th" a(" !oo8 1)%* 12G5
that h" Jhad 4een entirely uninterested in 5'Os 4efore our o+n experiences
forced us into this fringe reality(K ,t (ut !" a8"d: , h" !"#n% a!olut"ly
hon"t a!out th"" "9)"r#"n$"N Th"r" # alo a )o#nt #n h"r !oo8 wh"r" h"
("nt#on th" #nfor(at#on that John L"ar )r""nt #n a l"$tur" r"%ard#n%
und"r%round !a" wh"r" h" $la#( (#l#tary )"ronn"l wor8 #d"'!y #d" w#th
al#"n, and h" r"fl"$t h"r a$$")tan$" of th# $la#( w#thout -u"t#on* Sh"
u" th" fa$t that (any )"o)l" tart $la#(#n% to ha&" ""n th# $"nar#o
dur#n% th"#r r"("(!"r"d a!du$t#on, and h" $on$lud" that #t (ut !" tru"
!"$au" th"" $la#( tart"d to ar#" only aft"r L"ar0 l"$tur"* Sh"
$o()l"t"ly o&"rloo8 th" fa$t that L"ar )ro!a!ly #nflu"n$"d th"#r ("(or#",
oth"rw#" th"" $la#( would ha&" ar#"n )r#or to L"ar0 l"$tur"* , th# th"
ort of ha!!y )rof"#onal#( that a "lf'd"$r#!"d r""ar$h"r hould ha&"N
,n th" y"ar ah"ad, Turn"r w#ll !"$o(" a )ro(#n"nt f#%ur" #n a!du$t#on
r""ar$h, wor8#n% &"ry $lo"ly w#th /arthol#$ and h"l)#n% to for( th" !"l#"f
and o)#n#on of (any oth"r who w#ll $o(" to -u"t#on wh"th"r th"#r own
"9)"r#"n$" ar" o("how t#"d to al#"n a!du$t#on* ,n r"al#ty, Turn"r and
/arthol#$ and (any oth"r r""ar$h"r !"for" th"( and aft"r ha&" !""n -u#t"
l#(#t"d or oth"rw#" "l"$t#&" #n th"#r $o)" of #n-u#ry and th"#r lo%#$, alway
fo$u#n% on th" al#"n -u"t#on and n"&"r $on#d"r#n% any (or" down'to'
"arth "9)lanat#on*
3arla0 hu!and had !""n "nl#t"d #nto th" US Ar(y0 (#l#tary #nt"ll#%"n$"
!ran$h aft"r f#n#h#n% $hool*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, nto the 'ringe, !y 3arla Turn"r5
3866 (Decem;er 13! : Pan A( fl#%ht 10E # !lown out of th" 8#" o&"r
Lo$8"r!#", S$otland !y a t"rror#tH !o(!* 2DF )"o)l" )lun%" to th"#r d"ath,
and 11 (or" d#" on th" %round* ,t w#ll !" d#$o&"r"d that th" ?,A had
for"8nowl"d%" of th# atta$8 and allow"d #t to o$$ur* Th" fl#%ht # !"#n% u"d
for a >$ontroll"d0 h#)("nt of h"ro#n $o(#n% fro( th" 2#ddl" Eat, and on" of
th" !a% of h"ro#n had !""n w#t$h"d w#th on" $arry#n% th" !o(!* Th"
)ur)o" of th" atta$8 wa to "l#(#nat" on" )a"n%"r who wa )lann#n% to
!low th" wh#tl" on th" US %o&"rn("nt, wh#l" )utt#n% th" !la(" on 2#ddl"
Eat"rn t"rror#t* Th" f#rt r")ond"r to arr#&" on th" $"n" of th" $rah w#ll
!" A("r#$an, who w#ll arr#&" #n lar%" nu(!"r al(ot #(("d#at"ly,
a))"ar#n% to arr#&" out of nowh"r"* Th"" f#rt r")ond"r w#ll a))"ar to !"
(or" #nt"r"t"d #n f#nd#n% o("th#n% 1th" dru%5 a(on% th" wr"$8a%", (or"
than anyth#n% "l"* Th" "9$u" u"d !y th" US for not to))#n% th" !o(!#n%
w#ll !" that th"y d#dn0t want to ."o)ard#+" th"#r n"%ot#at#on w#th ,ran to fr""
#9 hota%" th"y w"r" hold#n%* Th" US %o&"rn("nt "ff"$t#&"ly allow"d 2G0
)"o)l" to d#" o that #9 $ould r"%a#n th"#r fr""do(*
3868 (:an*ary 35! : Aft"r th" )ol#$" r"$"#&" an anony(ou d"ath thr"at
d#r"$t"d at ?l"&"land El"("ntary S$hool #n Sto$8ton, ?al#forn#a, Patr#$8 Purdy
%o" on a hoot#n% ra()a%" at th" $hool* Th" 2D'y"ar'old Purdy, w"ar#n%
$a(oufla%" %"ar, "t h# own $ar on f#r" out#d" th" $hool !"for" "nt"r#n%
th" %round and tart#n% h# ra()a%"* @" rando(ly (urd"r f#&" $h#ldr"n
and wound th#rty oth"r* @" w#ll "nd th" ord"al !y $o((#tt#n% u#$#d"*
W#tn"" w#ll d"$r#!" h#( a a$t#n% >(att"r'of'fa$tly0 and w#thout "(ot#on*
@" # !"#n% )r"$r#!"d A(#tr#)tyl#n", an ant#d")r"ant, a w"ll a th" ant#'
)y$hot#$ dru% Thora+#n"* Purdy wa a dr#ft"r w#th a lon% $r#(#nal h#tory that
#n$lud"d )rot#tut#on, ro!!"ry, and dru% traff#$8#n%*
Purdy wa !orn #n Ta$o(a, Wah#n%ton, and had %rown u) #n Sto$8ton, %o#n%
to th" a(" $hool that h" lat"r tar%"t* At th" t#(" of h# !#rth, h# fath"r
wa a taff "r%"ant tat#on"d at Fort L"w#* 7ot" that Fort L"w# # &"ry
$lo" to 2ad#%an 2#l#tary @o)#tal, wh#$h ha !""n #n&ol&"d #n $la#f#"d
(#l#tary r""ar$h for a &"ry lon% t#(" and # ru(or"d to !" a (a.or (#nd'
$ontrol )ro%ra((#n% $"nt"r* @# )ar"nt had d#&or$"d aft"r h# fath"r
thr"at"n"d h# (oth"r w#th a w"a)on* @# fath"r )"nt (ot of h# lat y"ar
of "r&#$" #n a ho)#tal for )y$h#atr#$ "&aluat#on, and wa th"n )ut on
t"()orary ("d#$al d#a!#l#ty for f#&" (or" y"ar !"for" !"#n% honora!ly
d#$har%"d #n 1FG1* /"$au" of a trou!l"d $h#ldhood and )o#!l" furth"r
)hy#$al a!u" !y h# (oth"r, Purdy had "&"ntually "nd"d u) !"#n% ado)t"d
!y a fot"r fa(#ly #n W"t @ollywood* @" had !""n #n trou!l" w#th th" law on
nu("rou o$$a#on, #n$lud#n% )rot#tut#on* @" dr#ft"d around and wor8"d
)orad#$ally for &ar#ou $o()an#" o&"r th" y"ar, (ot r"$"ntly #n$lud#n%
DuPont #n 2"()h#, T"nn"""* DuPont # a $ontra$tor to th" ?,A and oth"r
%o&"rn("nt a%"n$#" #n&ol&"d #n "$r"t )ro%ra(* Tho" who had 8nown
Purdy w#ll d"$r#!" h#( a full of frutrat#on and an%ry a!out "&"ryth#n%*
Th" $hool w#ll o)"n th" n"9t day for $la", and tud"nt w#ll !" %r""t"d !y
)y$holo%#t and nur" tra#n"d #n tr"at#n% %r#"f* Th# #n$#d"nt !"$o(" th"
$atalyt for th" or#%#nal l"%#lat#&" fr"n+y to !an "(#auto(at#$ aault
w"a)on #n ?al#forn#a and th" nat#on*
3868 (April! ' 3LAS TL .ournal#t A"or%" 3na)) )r""nt a "r#" on UF6,
#n wh#$h h" #nt"r&#"w a (an 1lat"r to !" #d"nt#f#"d a 4o!"rt La+ar5 who
$la#( to ha&" wor8"d on al#"n fly#n% au$"r at a u)"r'"$r"t %o&"rn("nt
fa$#l#ty #n 7"&ada 8nown a Ar"a D1*
3868 (April 33! : A "ar$h for a (##n% T"9a tud"nt, 2ar8 3#lroy, "nd
w#th th" %ru"o(" d#$o&"ry on a ran$h n"ar 2ata(oro, 2"9#$o, of th"
%ra&" of th#rt""n &#$t#( of a atan#$ $ult* 6n" of th" (ut#lat"d $or)" #
that of 3#lroy* A$$ord#n% to th" t"t#(ony of arr"t"d $ult ("(!"r, th"
&#$t#( had !""n d#"$t"d wh#l" t#ll al#&" and th"n $ann#!al#+"d* /ra#n,
h"art, lun%, and oth"r #nt"rnal or%an had !""n $ut or torn fro( (any of
th" !od#", and o(" of th"" ar" found t"w#n% #n $auldron #n a h"d at
th" ran$h* Th"r" w"r" #%n of !la$8 (a%#$ !"#n% )ra$t#$"d at th" ran$h*
L#$t#( #n$lud" th" own"r and "$r"tary of a $o()any that "r&"d a a front
for a $o$a#n"')ro$"#n% la!, an #nfor(ant for th" F"d"ral" and h# (#tr",
two f"d"ral nar$ot#$ off#$"r, thr"" for("r )ol#$" off#$"r, and th" A("r#$an
n")h"w of a US ?uto( a%"nt* Th"r" ar" alo r")ort"d to !" a nu(!"r of
law "nfor$"("nt )"ronn"l w#th#n th" $ult, #n$lud#n% a 2"9#$o ?#ty F"d"ral
Jud#$#al Pol#$" a%"nt who wa #n $har%" of nar$ot#$ #n&"t#%at#on* Juan
/"n#t"+, th" ?o((andant" of th" F"d"ral Jud#$#al Pol#$", w#ll $la#( that th"r"
J+ere another six agents involved, 4ut +e have no proof at this time to 4ring
Th" $ult, wh#$h # h"a&#ly #n&ol&"d #n dru% traff#$8#n%, # )art of a atan#$
n"twor8 that )an ?"ntral A("r#$a and th" Un#t"d Stat"* S"&"ral ("(!"r
w#ll #()l#$at" (a.or 2"9#$an "ta!l#h("nt and "nt"rta#n("nt $"l"!r#t#"I
Flor"nt#n" L"ntura, th" h"ad of th" 2"9#$an ,nt"r)ol, w#ll hoot h# fa(#ly
and th"n h#("lf aft"r h# na(" # d#$o&"r"d on a $ult ("(!"rh#) l#t* Th"
2"9#$an $ourt w#ll w#thhold th" na(" of tho" who u))l#"d th" a$r#f#$#al
&#$t#( to th" $ult* Anoth"r (a %ra&" #t" w#ll !" d#$o&"r"d n"ar Juar"+,
2"9#$o, t"n y"ar lat"r* /oth #t" w#ll !" lo$at"d "9a$tly wh"r" "r#al 8#ll"r
@"nry l"" Lu$a had $la#("d th"y would !"*
3868 (/ay! : Lt* ?ol* 2#$ha"l A-u#no # a%a#n -u"t#on"d #n $onn"$t#on w#th
$h#ld a!u" #n&"t#%at#on* Th# t#(", at l"at f#&" $h#ldr"n #n thr"" $#t#" ar"
(a8#n% th" a$$uat#on* Th" $h#ldr"n had ""n A-u#no #n n"w)a)"r and
t"l"&##on $o&"ra%" of th" Pr"#d#o $a" and #(("d#at"ly r"$o%n#+"d h#( a
on" of th"#r a!u"r* Th" $h#ldr"n ar" fro( U8#ah, Santa 4oa, and Fort
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3868 (:*ne! : Th" Wah#n%ton T#(" )u!l#h" a tory a!out a (an na("d
?ra#% S)"n$", a !"h#nd'th"'$"n" 4")u!l#$an )ow"r!ro8"r #n Wah#n%ton
who ha !""n d"")ly #n&ol&"d w#th a $all!oy r#n% that u))l#"d youn% !oy to
th" "l#t" of !oth )ol#t#$al )art#", a w"ll a to &##t#n% d#%n#tar#"* ,t #
r")ort"d that a l#t of o(" 200 #nflu"nt#al $l#"nt #n$lud"d th" na(" of
J%o&"rn("nt off#$#al, lo$ally !a"d US (#l#tary off#$"r, !u#n"("n,
lawy"r, !an8"r, $on%r"#onal a#d", ("d#a r")r""ntat#&" and oth"r
)rof"#onalK, only a f"w of who( ar" )u!l#$ly #d"nt#f#"d* A(on% th"
r"&"lat#on #n th" $a" # that S)"n$" had ta8"n o(" of h# $all!oy "$ort
on )r#&at", lat"'n#%ht tour of th" Wh#t" @ou"* Th" tour, of wh#$h th"r"
w"r" at l"at four, w"r" $l"ar"d !y a un#for("d S"$r"t S"r&#$" %uard who
(oonl#%ht"d a a !ody%uard at S)"n$"H )art#"* S)"n$" w#ll h#nt that th"
tour w"r" arran%"d !y th" nat#onal "$ur#ty ad&#"r to L#$" Pr"#d"nt A"or%"
@* W* /uh : Donald Ar"%% : for who( S)"n$" on$" )onor"d a d#nn"r*
Th"r" w#ll alo !" #nd#$at#on that S)"n$" # )artn"r"d w#th Lawr"n$" 3#n% #n
runn#n% a )"do)h#l" r#n%, and that h" wa a ?,A a"t*
D")#t" !"#n% a lar%"ly 4")u!l#$an $andal, #t w#ll !" $o()l"t"ly #%nor"d !y
th" 7"w Oor8 T#(", th" Wah#n%ton Pot, and th" Lo An%"l" T#("* Th"
tory w#ll oon d#a))"ar "nt#r"ly and Wah#n%ton and th" ("d#a w#ll )ro$""d
to )r"t"nd a thou%h noth#n% had "&"r ha))"n"d* Th" )a)"r tra#l w#ll !"
-u#$8ly $o&"r"d u)* So(" 20,000 do$u("nt )"rta#n#n% to th" $a" w#ll !"
"al"d !y $ourt ord"r and th" US Attorn"yH off#$" w#ll #u" a %a% ord"r on
th" r"l"a" of #nfor(at#on* /y th" t#(" ?ra#% S)"n$" turn u) d"ad #n a
/oton hot"l l" than f#&" (onth aft"r th" tory f#rt !r"a8, h" w#ll ha&"
!""n all !ut for%ott"n* /"for" h# d"ath, h" w#ll t"ll a fr#"nd: J may 4e
disappearing soon( t +ill 4e sudden( t may appear to 4e a suicide, 4ut it
+onLt 4e(K
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3868 (A*g*st! : 7"#l Waldro) # now on th" Urant#a Foundat#on /oard of
3868 : A nu(!"r of Urant#a ("(!"r and r"ad"r of th" 5rantia )oo%
a))ar"ntly $la#( to h"ar &o#$" #n th"#r h"ad*
3868 : W#ll#a( 2oor" $onf"" !"for" an aud#"n$" at a La L"%a 2UF67
UF6 $onf"r"n$" that h" had !""n "$r"tly wor8#n% w#th #nt"ll#%"n$" a%"nt
throu%hout th" 1F80, and had a#t"d AF6S, a%"nt Lt* ?ol* 4#$hard ?* Doty
#n )a#n% d##nfor(at#on to $#&#l#an UF6 #n&"t#%ator Paul /"nn"w#t+
r"%ard#n% al#"n wor8#n% #n und"r%round !a" and "9)"r#("nt#n% on
a!du$t"d hu(an*
3868 : T"d 4#$", a natural )y$h#$ who ha for a lon% t#(" $o((un#$at"d
w#th )#r#t %u#d", !"%#n to "9)"r#"n$" n#%htly >)#r#t #ntru#on0 of an
unfa(#l#ar natur" aft"r (o&#n% to Shr"&")ort, Lou##ana* Th"" "9)"r#"n$"
#n&ol&" l#ttl" %r"y al#"n and UF6, and h" w#tn"" (any oth"r #n h#
$o((un#ty !"#n% a!du$t"d alon% w#th h#(* 4#$" and a nu(!"r of oth"r for(
a (all UF6 %rou), and oon aft"rward, -u"t#on of a ("ta)hy#$al natur"
that $o(" u) dur#n% th"#r d#$u#on ar" anw"r"d dur#n% 4#$"0 n#%htly
dr"a(* @" alo !"%#n to "" or! of l#%ht #n h# !"droo(, wh#$h flood h#
(#nd w#th #nfor(at#on* What ound l#8" holo%ra)h#$ a))ar#t#on a))"ar #n h#
roo(, and wall and $"#l#n% a))"ar to turn #n&##!l"* Althou%h 4#$" # &"ry
d#trau%ht o&"r th"" tran%" "9)"r#"n$", oth"r #n h# UF6 %rou)
"n$oura%" h#( that th"" "9)"r#"n$" ar" noth#n% !ut %ood* Aft"r )la$#n% an
ad #n a ("ta)hy#$al n"wl"tt"r, 4#$" # $onta$t"d !y al#"n a!du$t#on
r""ar$h"r 3arla Turn"r* Sh", #n turn, )ut h#( #n tou$h w#th /ar!ara
/arthol#$, anoth"r r""ar$h"r who alo )"rfor( hy)not#$ r"%r"#on* /oth
Turn"r and /arthol#$ !oth !"%#n !y $oll"$t#n% "9t"n#&" !a$8%round
#nfor(at#on on 4#$" throu%h (any hour of #nt"r&#"w w#th h#(* Aft"r th#,
4#$" und"r%o" a "r#" of hy)not#$ r"%r"#on "#on w#th /arthol#$, and
un$o&"r ("(or#" of !"#n% &##t"d !y al#"n'loo8#n% !"#n% that "n%a%" #n
ra)#n% !oth h#( and h# %rand(oth"r* Throu%h th"" "#on h" # a!l" to
r"al#+" that th" !"#n% ar" oft"n u#n% d#%u#", !ut h" and /arthol#$ !oth
#nt"r)r"t th# to ("an that th"" ar" al#"n att"()t#n% to loo8 l#8" hu(an,
rath"r than $on#d"r#n% that #t (#%ht !" th" oth"r way around* /arthol#$ "&"n
"9)la#n to 4#$" how "9tr"("ly fr#%ht"n#n% $r""n ("(or#" ar" u"d to
$o&"r u) r"al "&"nt, u#n% th" trau(a of th"" fal" ("(or#" to d#$oura%"
furth"r "9)lorat#on* /ut /arthol#$ 1and Turn"r5 a))roa$h th"#r wor8 tr#$tly
und"r th" )r"t"n" that th"" "9)"r#"n$" ar" al#"n a!du$t#on, and #%nor"
th" )o#!#l#ty that th"y ar" $o&"r for "9tr"("ly $o&"rt (#nd'$ontrol
)ro%ra( $ondu$t"d !y hu(an* Th"y !"%#n to tudy ufolo%y l#t"ratur", a
w"ll a att"nd 2UF67 l"$tur"* @"r on udd"nly !"%#n to how #%n of an
alt"r )"ronal#ty, and tart to ha&" dr"a( of UF6 and al#"n* @" oon
r"$o%n#+" a tran%" "nat#on and a !u++#n% ound #n h# h"ad wh"n h"
%o" to !"d* 6th"r "&"nt o$$ur to th" Turn"r and $"rta#n oth"r around
th"(* ,n r")on", th"y oa8 u) a (u$h #nfor(at#on on UF6 and al#"n a
th"y $an, and !"%#n to "" r"lat#onh#) to th"#r own "9)"r#"n$", f#tt#n% th"#r
own #nto th" $"nar#o that # !"#n% w#d"ly )r""nt"d #n th" ("d#a* Th"y !"%#n
to a$$")t th" #d"a that th" truth a!out an al#"n )r""n$" # lowly !"#n%
r"&"al"d !y th" %o&"rn("nt*
A$$ord#n% to Turn"r #n h"r !oo8, &asPuerade of Angels, 4#$" had a nu(!"r of
(yt"r#ou "9)"r#"n$" throu%hout h# l#f", and aft"r l"arn#n% a!out h#
a!#l#ty to )y$h#$ally r"ad #nfor(at#on a!out )"o)l", #n 1FG0 h" wa $o"r$"d
#nto .o#n#n% a %rou) of )"o)l" who a#d that th"y had !""n loo8#n% for h#(*
@" wa $on&#n$"d !y th"( that h" had #nd""d !""n )"$#ally $ho"n and h#
"9)"r#"n$" #n l#f" w"r" all l"ad#n% u) to th#, o at th"#r ur%#n% h" "nroll"d
w#th an or%an#+at#on $all"d th" 7at#onal S)#r#tual Ao$#at#on of ?hur$h" and
tra#n"d for and r"$"#&"d a l#$"n" #n ("d#u(h#)* Th# allow"d h#( and h#
%rou) to o)"n u) th"#r own )#r#tual#t $ha)t"r, wh"r" th" %rou) $ont#nually
"n$oura%"d 4#$" and h"l)"d to %u#d" h# a!#l#t#"* Soon aft"r, how"&"r, h"
would !"%#n to ha&" n#%htly "9)"r#"n$" wh"r" h" wa &##t"d !y an "nt#ty
that would #()art >)#r#tual truth0 to h#(, althou%h h" wa n"&"r a!l" to
r"("(!"r what had !""n #()art"d !y th" (orn#n%* @" alway f"lt a thou%h
h" wa #n an alt"r"d tat" dur#n% th"" "9)"r#"n$"* @" w#ll d"$r#!" th"
"nt#ty a al#"n'loo8#n%, !ut not f#tt#n% th" loo8 of a ty)#$al %r"y* @"
r"("(!"r that th" "nt#ty tau%ht h#( how to )a throu%h ol#d o!."$t,
althou%h h" a))ar"ntly n"&"r "&"n tr#" to d#)lay u$h a tal"nt aft"rward*
At on" (""t#n% w#th ("(!"r of h# %rou), on" of th"( $la#( that that h"
$an "" th" "nt#ty, and t"ll h#( that #t0 not of th# "arth !ut # tra))"d h"r",
and that #t # h#%hly d"&"lo)"d )#r#tually and that 4#$" hould l"t #t h"l) h#(*
@" d"$#d" to a$$")t th# a tru"* Soon aft"r, h" !"%#n to %"t &##on
#n&ol&#n% w#d")r"ad d"tru$t#on, !ut wh"n h" ""8 anw"r fro( h# )#r#t
%u#d", th"r" # no )"r$")t#!l" r")on"* @" !"%#n to wa8" u) #n th" (#ddl"
of th" n#%ht w#th a $o()ul#on to wr#t", and what h" wr#t" ""( o $o("
out of nowh"r"* ,t # a $h#ld0 tory w#th ("ta)hy#$al $o()on"nt to #t, and
wh"n h" a8 h# %rou) a!out #t, th"y u%%"t that h" # !"#n% %u#d"d to
wr#t" u$h tor#" for $h#ldr"n, to #ntrodu$" th"( to th" )#r#tual world* @"
)ontan"ouly )rodu$" anoth"r $r"at#&" )#"$" of wr#t#n%, wh#$h h" f#nd all
ty)"d u) on" (orn#n% on wa8#n%, !ut no (or" aft"r that* @# #n&ol&"("nt
w#th h# %rou) and th" tran%" "9)"r#"n$" !"%#n to ta9 h# h"alth, o h"
$h"$8 #nto a ho)#tal, and aft"r a nu(!"r of w""8 h" f""l (u$h !"tt"r and
th" w"#rd "9)"r#"n$" h"0 !""n ha&#n% ha&" to))"d* /ut w#th#n thr"" y"ar,
#n 1F84, h" !"%#n to ha&" r"$urr#n% dr"a( of an "nt#ty h" $all 4a)ha"l,
fro( who( h" r"$"#&" a ("a%" to %o to 7"w 2"9#$o, and # )ro&#d"d a
dat" to !" th"r"* A $#r$u(tan$" turn out, h" f#nd h#("lf ta8#n% th" tr#)
on th" dat" )"$#f#"d* 6n$" th"r", h" ha anoth"r dr"a( of 4a)ha"l, and th#
t#(" h" # told to u!(#t a r"u(" to a $"rta#n $o()any on a $"rta#n dat"*
@" do" o and # oon $onta$t"d for an #nt"r&#"w* Th" #nt"r&#"w ta8" )la$"
and 4#$" # %#&"n a .o!*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, &asPuerade of Angels, !y 3arla Turn"r5
3868 : 2ar$ Dutrou9 of /"l%#u( # $on&#$t"d alon% w#th h# w#f" for th" ra)"
and &#ol"nt a!u" of f#&" youn% %#rl, th" youn%"t of who( wa .ut 11
y"ar old* @" w#ll !" a$$u"d of !"#n% a 8"y )lay"r #n an #nt"rnat#onal $h#ld
)rot#tut#on and )orno%ra)hy r#n% who" )ra$t#$" #n$lud" 8#dna))#n%, ra)",
ad#t#$ tortur", and (urd"r* @" r"$"#&" 1E y"ar #n )r#on, !ut w#ll !"
r"l"a"d #n 1FF2 aft"r "r&#n% only E y"ar, #n )#t" of a ("d#$al r")ort that
d"$r#!"d h#( a a )"r&"r" )y$ho)ath who wa a dan%"r to o$#"ty* Shortly
aft"r h# r"l"a", youn% %#rl w#ll !"%#n to d#a))"ar a%a#n*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3868 : Th" nu(!"r of ,nt"rn"t hot "9$""d 100,000*
3868 : Th" !r"a8u) of th" USS4*
3884 : Th" f#rt $o(("r$#al )ro&#d"r for ,nt"rn"t d#al'u) a$$" #
3884 (/ay! ' /r#t#h A"ro)a$" 1/A"5 D"f"n" !"%#n )onor#n% t"t on
Sandy 3#dd0 ant#%ra&#ty d"&#$"* Th"y r")ort"dly how only (#nor u$$"*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3884 : An ad&"rt#"("nt !y El#+a!"th O* F#t+hu%h a))"ar #n 7"w A%"
)u!l#$at#on )ro(ot#n% h"r $hann"l#n% of an "nt#ty na("d 64,67* Th" ad #
#%n"d, JS( 6(, )oston, @AK* Th" only t"l")hon" l#t#n% #n th# ar"a at th" t#("
that (at$h" th"" #n#t#al # that of r"t#r"d 23ULT4A d#r"$tor S#dn"y
Aottl#"!* Th" na(" 64,67 # alo that of a "$r"t %o&"rn("nt )ro%ra( that
wa #n&ol&"d #n hy)no# and "l"$tron#$ !ra#n #n&a#on*
1S"" f#l", A 5rantia, 18--Truth(org 9 "A &ind "ontrol Technology, !y Al"9
3884 (A*g*st 03! : Lt* ?ol* 2#$ha"l A-u#no, found"r of th" atan#$ T"()l"
of S"t, # )ro$""d out of th" Ar(y aft"r !"#n% #n&"t#%at"d for atan#$ r#tual
$h#ld a!u" that too8 )la$" at th" Pr"#d#o Ar(y /a"* Althou%h n"&"r
for(ally $har%"d, a$$ord#n% to $ourt do$u("nt, A-u#no wa >t#tl"d0 #n a
4")ort of ,n&"t#%at#on !y th" Ar(y0 ?r#(#nal ,n&"t#%at#&" D#&##on 1?,D5
for Jindecent acts +ith a child, sodomy, conspiracy, %idnapping, and false
s+earingK* For un8nown r"aon, th" ?,D $ho" to r"l"a" th"#r 4")ort of
,n&"t#%at#on thr"" (onth aft"r th" tatut" of l#(#tat#on ran out* Th" $h#ld
a!u" $har%" r"(a#n"d a%a#nt A-u#no !"$au", a$$ord#n% to th" ?,D, th"
"&#d"n$" of al#!# off"r"d !y A-u#no Jwa not )"rua#&"*K A-u#no w#ll lat"r
d"ny that h" wa "&"r )ro$""d out of th" Ar(y and w#ll "&"n $la#( that h"
wa "l"$t"d a on" of th"#r f#rt S)a$" ,nt"ll#%"n$" 6ff#$"r dur#n% th# a("
y"ar, and wa tat#on"d at ?h"y"nn" 2ounta#n for four y"ar of a$t#&" duty
!"for" r"t#r#n%*
3884 : th" US (#l#tary #n#t#at" th" $ontru$t#on of th" @#%h'fr"-u"n$y A$t#&"
Auroral 4""ar$h Pro%ra( 1@AA4P5, #n Aa8ona, Ala8a : or#%#nally a
$o()on"nt of Pr"#d"nt 4onald 4"a%an0 o'$all"d Strat"%#$ D"f"n"
,n#t#at#&" or >Star War0, and old to ?on%r" a a tool for (#l#tary
$o((un#$at#on* Th" @AA4P ant"nna ar" d"#%n"d to )ro."$t )ow"rful
"l"$tro(a%n"t#$ )ul" that l#t"rally h"at a )"$#f#$ )o#nt #n th" Earth0
#ono)h"r"* Th# "ff"$t on th" #ono)h"r" w#ll allow for Jt""ra!l",K
$ontrolla!l", "l"$tro(a%n"t#$ fr"-u"n$#" to !oun$" !a$8 to "arth at d"#r"d
lo$at#on* @AA4P $on#t of an array of 180 ant"nna la#d out #n a %r#d
)att"rn o&"r a ED a$r" ar"a, w#th a total )ow"r out)ut $a)a!#l#ty E*B !#ll#on
watt* ,t # $a)a!l" of h"at#n% a 1000 -uar" 8#lo("t"r ar"a of th"
#ono)h"r" to o&"r D0,000 d"%r""* ,n r"%ard to w"ath"r (od#f#$at#on,
@AA4P0 h"at#n% "ff"$t w#ll !" a!l" to l#t"rally l#ft th" #ono)h"r" 1w#th#n a E0
(#l" d#a("t"r ar"a5, th"r"!y $han%#n% lo$al#+"d )r"ur" yt"( or "&"n
alt"r#n% th" rout" of ."t tr"a(* ,t # alo $a)a!l" of !"#n% u"d for (a
(#nd'$ontrol !y tran(#tt#n% fr"-u"n$#" that aff"$t hu(an !ra#nwa&"
)att"rn to aff"$t )hy#olo%y #n )"$#f#$, )r"d#$ta!l" way*
3884 : At th# )o#nt #n t#(", n"arly thr"" do+"n "r#al 8#ll"r ar" r")ort"d
"a$h y"ar #n th" USA*
3883 (/ay 2! : ?arl ?a()!"ll %o" to a !u to) #n th" )ar8#n% lot of th"
P"nta%on and f#r" f#&" hot #nto th" $h"t and a!do("n of 7a&y
?o((and"r Edward J* @#%%#n, who wor8 a an ar( $ontrol )"$#al#t for
th" D")art("nt of D"f"n"* Wh"n ?a()!"ll # "9a(#n"d !y )y$holo%#t, h"
w#ll r")ort that h" wa haunt"d !y &o#$", and !"l#"&"d that h" had !""n
#n."$t"d w#th a (#$ro$h#) !y th" ?,A* Althou%h ?a()!"ll w#ll !" $har%"d w#th
f#rt d"%r"" (urd"r, h" w#ll !" rul"d ("ntally #n$o()"t"nt to tand tr#al*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3883 (/ay 15! : ,n th" "arly (orn#n% hour, 14'y"ar'old 3on"ra8
S#nthao()hon" 1th" youn%"r !roth"r of a !oy who( J"ffr"y Dah("r had
(ol"t"d #n 1F885 # d#$o&"r"d wand"r#n% na8"d #n th" tr""t, und"r th"
h"a&y #nflu"n$" of dru% and !l""d#n% fro( h# r"$tu(* Dah("r $ha" h#
&#$t#( down and tr#" to ta8" h#( !a$8 to h# a)art("nt, !ut two wo("n
fro( th" n"#%h!orhood #nt"r&"n" and $all F11* Dah("r t"ll th" arr#&#n%
)ol#$" off#$"r that S#nthao()hon" # h# 1F'y"ar'old !oyfr#"nd and that
th"y had an ar%u("nt wh#l" dr#n8#n%* A%a#nt th" )rot"t of th" two wo("n,
who r"$o%n#+" th" youn% !oy fro( th" n"#%h!orhood and #n#t that h" # a
$h#ld and $an0t )"a8 En%l#h, th" off#$"r turn h#( !a$8 o&"r to Dah("r* Th"
off#$"r, who had "nt"r"d Dah("r0 a)art("nt dur#n% th" #n$#d"nt, w#ll lat"r
r")ort ha&#n% ("ll"d a tran%" odor th"r", !ut d#d not #n&"t#%at" #t* Th"
("ll # th" !ody of Dah("rH )r"&#ou &#$t#(, who had !""n d"$o()o#n% #n
th" !"droo( for thr"" day* Th" off#$"r do not (a8" any att"()t to &"r#fy
S#nthao()hon"H a%" or #d"nt#ty, nor lo$at" o("on" who $ould
$o((un#$at" w#th h#(, and fa#l to run a !a$8%round $h"$8 that would ha&"
r"&"al"d that Dah("r wa a $on&#$t"d $h#ld (ol"t"r who wa t#ll und"r
)ro!at#on* Lat"r that n#%ht, Dah("r 8#ll and d#("(!"r S#nthao()hon",
8"")#n% h# 8ull a a ou&"n#r* @" w#ll 8#ll thr"" (or" )"o)l" !"for" h" #
f#nally $au%ht*
3883 (:*ly 11! : S"r#al 8#ll"r J"ffr"y Dah("r lur" a (an na("d Tra$y
Edward #nto h# ho("* Dah("r "nd u) tru%%l#n% w#th h#( wh#l" try#n% to
hand$uff h#(, !ut ult#(at"ly fa#l to $uff h# wr#t to%"th"r* W#"ld#n% a lar%"
!ut$h"r 8n#f", Dah("r for$" Edward #nto th" !"droo(, wh"r" Edward
"" )#$tur" of (an%l"d !od#" on th" wall and not#$" a t"rr#!l" ("ll
$o(#n% fro( a lar%" !lu" !arr"l* Th" !arr"l # f#ll"d w#th a$#d and # !"#n%
u"d to d#ol&" hu(an !od#" to lud%" !"for" d#)o#n% #t down th" to#l"t*
Edward f#%ht to %"t away and run for th" door to "$a)"* 4unn#n% throu%h
th" tr""t w#th th" hand$uff t#ll on on" wr#t, Edward wa&" to a )ol#$"
$ar for h"l)* Edward l"ad th" )ol#$" !a$8 to Dah("rH a)art("nt, wh"r"
Dah("r at f#rt a$t fr#"ndly to th" off#$"r* @ow"&"r, wh"n on" of th"
off#$"r $h"$8 th" !"droo(, h" "" th" )hoto%ra)h of (an%l"d !od#" and
$all for h# )artn"r to arr"t Dah("r* A on" off#$"r u!du" Dah("r, th"
oth"r o)"n th" r"fr#%"rator and f#nd a hu(an h"ad* A furth"r "ar$h of th"
a)art("nt r"&"al thr"" (or" "&"r"d h"ad and a hu(an h"art #n th"
fr""+"r, (ult#)l" )hoto%ra)h of (urd"r"d &#$t#( and hu(an r"(a#n, and
"&"r"d hand and )"n#" )r""r&"d #n .ar f#ll"d w#th for(ald"hyd"* Th"
r"(a#n of "&"ral $or)" w#ll !" found #n a$#d'f#ll"d &at, and #()l"("nt
for th" $ontru$t#on of an altar of $andl" and hu(an 8ull w#ll !" found #n
h# $lo"t* A total of "&"n hu(an 8ull w#ll !" found #n th" a)art("nt*
Aft"r h# tr#al, Dah("r w#ll ay:
4#5t sure seems lie some of the thoughts arenEt my own, they 'ust come blasting into my
head... These thoughts are very powerful, very destructive, and they do not leave. TheyEre
not the ind of thoughts that you can 'ust shae your head and theyEre gone. They do not
3883 ($cto;er 8! : Dr* To( Ph#l)ott, a h#tory )rof"or at th" Un#&"r#ty of
T"9a, # >u#$#d"d0 aft"r h" %#&" an #nt"r&#"w on a how hot"d !y Fran8
2orrow, d"ta#l#n% th" #u" $on$"rn#n% th" )rot#tut#on of !oy #n @outon,
T"9a and th" )ow"r tru$tur" !"h#nd #t that h"l) to )ro(ot" and )rof#t
fro( th" !u#n"* ,n&"t#%at#on #nto what # ha))"n#n% #n @outon $o(" to
a halt*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", A #istory of Silence! "hild Traffic%ing in the 5nited States,
!y Da&#d Shurt"r5
3883 : Four'y"ar'old 2#$ha"l Dunah"" # a!du$t"d fro( /lanhard Par8 #n
L#$tor#a, /?, wh#l" h# )ar"nt )lay a %a(" of tou$h foot!all n"ar!y* @" w#ll
n"&"r !" ""n a%a#n* ,t w#ll !" ru(or"d that h" wa a!du$t"d !y lo$al
3883 : Th" (yt"r#ou d"ath of #n&"t#%at#&" r")ort"r Danny ?aolaro*
?aolaro had !""n #n&"t#%at#n% th" th"ft of Pro."$t Pro(#" oftwar", a
$o()ut"r )ro%ra( $a)a!l" of tra$8#n% down anyon", anywh"r" #n th" world*
@" wa alo #n&"t#%at#n% th" $onn"$t#on of UF6 to P#n" Aa), Ar"a D1, and
%o&"rn("ntal !#o"n%#n""r#n%*
3883 : A 5rantia )oo% tudy %rou) ("(!"r !"%#n $hann"l#n% a )ur)ort"d
$"l"t#al na("d @a(*
3881 : 7"#l Waldro) r"#%n fro( th" /oard of Trut"" at th" Urant#a
3881 : A ur&"y of 800 )y$holo%#t #n th" San D#"%o ar"a r"&"al that
!"tw""n th"(, th"y ha&" r"$"#&"d D,GE1 r")ort of 1atan#$5 r#tual a!u"
fro( th"#r )at#"nt* Th"" r")ort d"$r#!" hu(an or an#(al a$r#f#$",
$ann#!al#(, "9ual a!u", atan worh#), and oth"r !#+arr" r#t"*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Diana ;apolis vs( &ichael APuino *a+suit 2OOB5
3881 : Phyll# S$hl"(("r )u!l#h" The Only Planet of "hoice! Essential
)riefings from Deep Space, a !oo8 that )ro(ot" th" ("a%" h"
$hann"l"d fro( a %rou) of "nt#t#" who $all th"("l&" >Th" 7#n"0* Sh" ha
!""n $hann"l#n% th"" "nt#t#" "&"r #n$" h" !"$a(" #n&ol&"d w#th Andr#.a
Puhar#$h #n 1FGD* Th" !oo8 w#ll $ont#nu" to !" a !"t"ll"r #n th" 7"w A%"
(o&"("nt for (any y"ar*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", )ehind the &as%! Aliens or "osmic Jo%ersE, !y Lynn P#$8n"tt
R ?l#&" Pr#n$"5
3881 : Aft"r !"#n% a$$u"d of (ol"tat#on a a $h#ld !y th"#r dau%ht"r, P"t"r
and Pa("la Fr"yd "ta!l#h th" Fal" 2"(ory Syndro(" Foundat#on 1F2SF5*
Th" or#%#nal !oard ("(!"r #n$lud" do$tor who ha&" !""n d#r"$tly #n&ol&"d
#n 23ULT4A (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra(, u$h a "9)"rt hy)not#t 2art#n 6rn"
and Dr* Lou# Joly#n W"t, a w"ll a (any )"o)l" who ha&" !""n a$$u"d of
$h#ld "9ual a!u"* Anoth"r !oard ("(!"r, 4#$hard 6fh", # an all"%"d
"9)"rt on $o"r$#&" )"rua#on t"$hn#-u", and 2ar%ar"t S#n%"r # a
%o&"rn("nt "9)"rt on $ult and $ult ta$t#$* Th" (andat" of F2SF # to
d#$r"d#t th" r"$o&"r"d ("(or#" of )"o)l" who r")ort ha&#n% !""n
trau(at#$ally a!u"d a $h#ldr"n !y $la#(#n% that th" $h#ld0 th"ra)#t ha
#()lant"d fal" ("(or#", and to d"&"lo) l"%al d"f"n" for )rot"$t#n%
)"do)h#l" #n $ourt* Th"y w#ll rout#n"ly ar%u" #n $ourt $a" that atan#$ r#tual
a!u" 1S4A5 and (ult#)l" )"ronal#ty d#ord"r 12PD5 don0t "9#t, and th"
or%an#+at#on and #t ("(!"r w#ll )"$#f#$ally tar%"t th"ra)#t who $la#( that
th"y do* Th# d"f"n" trat"%y, #f u$$"ful, would allow &#$t#( of trau(a'
!a"d (#nd'$ontrol to !" $o()l"t"ly d#$r"d#t"d, and allow th"#r )"r)"trator
to $ont#nu" th"#r a$t#&#t#" un#()"d"d*
Th" fa$t that th# r"lat" to (#nd'$ontrol "9)"r#("nt and )ro%ra(, wh"r"
&#$t#( ha&" had th"#r ("(or#" of th"" "&"nt "ra"d and o&"rla#d w#th
fal" ("(or#" of al#"n "n$ount"r, # #()ortant to !"ar #n (#nd* At a!out
th" t#(" that F2SF # "ta!l#h"d, a nu(!"r of (#nd'$ontrol &#$t#( ar"
tart#n% to r"("(!"r !"#n% #n&ol&"d #n th"" "&"nt, and th# thr"at"n to
"9)o" th" )"r)"trator, o #t # #()ortant that a ("an to d#$r"d#t th"( #
#n )la$"*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Diana ;apolis vs( &ichael APuino *a+suit 2OOB5
3881 : Shortly aft"r 2ar$ Dutrou90 "arly r"l"a" fro( a /"l%#an )r#on aft"r
"r&#n% only thr"" y"ar for "9ual a!u" of $h#ldr"n, youn% %#rl !"%#n to
d#a))"ar #n th" &#$#n#ty of o(" of h# ho("* Thou%h t"$hn#$ally
un"()loy"d and draw#n% w"lfar" fro( th" tat", h" n"&"rth"l" own at
l"at #9 hou" and # l#&#n% -u#t" la&#hly* Th" (a%#trat" who r"l"a" h#(,
Jut#$" 2#n#t"r 2"l$h#or Wath"l"t, # oon aft"r a))o#nt"d to "r&" a a
.ud%" at th" Euro)"an ?ourt of Jut#$" at th" @a%u"* Dutrou90 rath"r
lu$rat#&" #n$o(" # a))ar"ntly d"r#&"d fro( trad#n% #n $h#ld "9'la&", $h#ld
)rot#tut#on, and $h#ld )orno%ra)hy* 2any of h# hou" a))"ar to tand
&a$ant, althou%h o(" of th"( ar" !"#n% u"d a tortur" and #()r#on("nt
$"nt"r wh"r" 8#dna))"d %#rl ar" ta8"n and h"ld #n und"r%round dun%"on*
So(" of h# ho(" ar" u"d #n th# way for "&"ral y"ar, and a %row#n%
!ody of "&#d"n$" w#ll #nd#$at" that fa$t* 6n" #nfor(ant w#ll r")ort to )ol#$"
that Dutrou9 # !u#ld#n% "$r"t $"llar to hold %#rl !"for" "ll#n% th"(
a!road* Th" a(" #nfor(ant w#ll alo t"ll )ol#$" #n 1FFD that Dutrou9 had
off"r"d anoth"r (an th" "-u#&al"nt of PE,000 to PD,000 to 8#dna) %#rl*
Author#t#" w#ll fa#l to a$t on any of th" #nfor(at#on th"y r"$"#&"* Th"y w#ll
rout#n"ly #%nor" t#) that lat"r )ro&" to !" a$$urat" 1#n$lud#n% a r")ort fro(
Dutrou90 own (oth"r that h"0 hold#n% youn% %#rl a%a#nt th"#r w#ll5* 3"y
fa$t w#ll !" w#thh"ld fro( #n&"t#%ator and l#n" of $o((un#$at#on w#ll !"
!ro8"n, "ff"$t#&"ly h#nd"r#n% th" #n&"t#%at#on* 6n thr"" ")arat" o$$a#on,
on" of h# ho(" w#ll !" "ar$h"d and &o#$" of $h#ldr"n w#ll "&"n !" h"ard,
!ut th" )ol#$" w#ll turn u) noth#n%, @" w#ll "&"ntually !" $au%ht and arr"t"d
#n 1FFB, wh"n a f#nal "ar$h w#ll l"ad to th" d#$o&"ry of two fourt""n'y"ar'
old %#rl who ar" #()r#on"d #n a $"llar dun%"on, $ha#n"d and tar&#n%* Th"
%#rl w#ll d"$r#!" !"#n% u"d a $h#ld )rot#tut" and for th" )rodu$t#on of
$h#ld )orno%ra)hy &#d"o* 2or" than E00 u$h &#d"o w#ll !" d#$o&"r"d #n
th" "ar$h*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3881 : T#(othy 2$L"#%h ta8" a .o! w#th /urn ,nt"rnat#onal S"$ur#ty
S"r&#$" #n /uffalo and a#%n"d to "$ur#ty d"ta#l at ?al)an, a P"nta%on
$ontra$tor do#n% $la#f#"d r""ar$h #nto ad&an$"d "l"$tron#$ warfar",
!#o"n%#n""r#n%, and art#f#$#al #nt"ll#%"n$"* Thr"" y"ar fro( now, aft"r
2$L"#%h # arr"t"d for th" 63? !o(!#n%, a )o8"(an for ?al)an w#ll
d"$r#!" 2$L"#%h a a (od"l "()loy""* Todd 4"%#"r, who wor8 w#th
2$L"#%h, w#ll t"ll th" /oton Alo!", =#e +as real different Q 7ind of cold( #e
+as almost li%e a ro4ot(N J"ff ?a(), who had wor8"d w#th 2$L"#%h a a
%uard #n u)tat" 7"w Oor8, w#ll t"ll a 7"ww""8 r")ort"r that 2$L"#%h wa =a
very strange person( t +as li%e he had t+o different personalities(>
3881 (Decem;er 39! : A hoot#n% at S#(onH 4o$8 ?oll"%" #n Ar"at
/arr#n%ton, 2aa$hu"tt l"a&" two d"ad, four wound"d* Th" hoot"r, 18'
y"ar'old Wayn" Lo, # a %#ft"d &#ol#n#t fro( Ta#wan, wh"r" h# fath"r had
!""n a $ar""r off#$"r #n th" A#r For$"* Lo $la#( that h" had !""n r"lat#&"ly
ha))y w#th l#f", !ut had udd"nly tart"d %"tt#n% a >f""l#n%0 1not &#ual or
aud#tory5 that h" !"l#"&"d wa Aod, d#r"$t#n% h#( to !uy a %un and 8#ll
)"o)l"* @" w#ll lat"r tat": NAt the time thought did the right thing( )ut as
loo% 4ac% at it over time, more and more it doesnLt ma%e sense to me( And
more and more as% myself, +hyE Why did do itE mean, +hyEN @# lawy"r
w#ll u" th" #nan#ty )l"a "&"n thou%h Lo w#ll d"ny that h" # #nan"*
3881 (Decem;er! : Jul#ann" 2$3#nn"y, an "9'7SA "()loy"", ("(!"r of
th" Ao$#at#on of 7at#onal S"$ur#ty Alu(n#, and d#r"$tor of th" El"$tron#$
Sur&"#llan$" Pro."$t, )u!l#h" a )a)"r t#tl"d, &icro+ave #arassment and
&ind0"ontrol Experimentation, #n wh#$h h" )ro(ot" th" "9#t"n$" of
d#r"$t"d'"n"r%y w"a)on and u%%"t that th"y ar" !"#n% u"d to
"9)"r#("nt on US $#t#+"n w#thout th"#r $on"nt* Sh" tat" #n h"r )a)"r that
h" ha r"$"#&"d $o()la#nt fro( 2D #nd#&#dual who $la#( to !" tar%"t"d !y
th"" "l"$tron#$ w"a)on, and %#&" an o&"r&#"w of tho" $o()la#nt* Sh"
l#t a nu(!"r of ("thod u"d to o&"rtly hara tar%"t, #n$lud#n% a!u",
no#" $a()a#%n, &andal#(, !r"a8'#n, and hara#n% t"l")hon" $all*
Furth"r, th" r")ort a))"ar to !la(" a nu(!"r of %o&"rn("nt a%"n$#" for
th" tar%"t#n%, !ut al(ot $o()l"t"ly o(#t th" 7SA a )o#!ly !"#n%
$o()l#$#t a w"ll* Althou%h th"r" ar" not "nou%h $a" at th" t#(" to u))ort
h"r, h" $la#( #n h"r r")ort that th" tar%"t#n% # ("ant to )"r&"rt T, #n
th"#r loyalt#", r"d#r"$t th"#r frutrat#on toward "l"$t"d tar%"t, and $o"r$"
th"( to a$t &#ol"ntly*
Althou%h th" r")ort a))"ar to !" #n$"r" and a$$urat" #n (ot ar"a, h"r
$la#( w#th#n #t that h" and h"r %rou) ar" )"rfor(#n% on%o#n% #n&"t#%at#on
#nto th" $o()la#nt th"y ha&" r"$"#&"d w#ll r"ult #n noth#n% furth"r !"yond
add#n% a u))l"("nt to th" r")ort #n 1FF4 that w#ll tat" that th" nu(!"r of
$o()la#nt ha (or" than tr#)l"d*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &icro+ave #arassment and &ind0"ontrol Experimentation,
!y Jul#ann" 2$3#nn"y5
3881 : John St* ?la#r A8w"# f#l" a lawu#t a%a#nt th" 7SA, $la#(#n% that
th# a%"n$y # u#n% ad&an$"d r"(ot" "l"$tron#$ (#nd'$ontrol a))l#$at#on on
th" )u!l#$* Th" lawu#t w#ll !" thrown out on th" %round of fr#&oloun"*
7on"th"l", #t w#ll !" r"f"rr"d to #n th" y"ar ah"ad !y (any )"o)l" a
"&#d"n$" that th" t"$hnolo%#" h" d"$r#!" ar" r"al* Th"" t"$hnolo%#" ar"
&"ry #(#lar to what # d"$r#!"d #n th" 4o!"rt A* 2al"$h )at"nt a))l#$at#on
that wa f#l"d #n 1FGB* ,t # &"ry )o#!l" that th" A8w"# $a" wa )art of a
d##nfor(at#on )ro%ra( to $o&"r u) for t"$hnolo%#" that w"r" d"&"lo)"d a
)art of th" US %o&"rn("nt0 r"(ot"'&#"w#n% )ro%ra(, wh#$h "nd at a!out
th# a(" t#("*
3881 : Th" Ar"at ,n&o$at#on, an o$$ult r#t" that or#%#nat" fro( th" wr#t#n%
of Al#$" /a#l"y, # r"ad dur#n% th" o)"n#n% $"r"(on#" of th" U7H Earth
Su((#t #n 4#o* ,t ha oft"n r"$"#&"d th" att"nt#on of world d#%n#tar#" at th"
U7 and r"ad at (any off#$#al $onf"r"n$"*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Alice )ailey 9 &aster D7 D$+hal 7hul A Satanic "ommunion,
!y T"rry 2"lanon5
3881 : 2"(!"r of th" Euro)"an Parl#a("nt !"%#n to r")ort !"#n% tar%"t"d
w#th E2F w"a)on for ha&#n% o))o"d US )ol#$#"* At th" a(" t#(", 7SA
wh#tl"!low"r u$h a Jul#ann" 2$3#nn"y and John St* ?la#r A8w"# !"%#n to
(a8" )u!l#$ $la#( of at"ll#t"'!a"d (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#"*
3881 : F#rt $o(("r$#al a$$" to th" ,nt"rn"t throu%h 7SF7ET*
3881 : Th" nu(!"r of ,nt"rn"t hot "9$""d 1,000,000*
3880 (&e;r*ary 19! : World Trad" ?"nt"r !o(!#n%* ,t w#ll !" r"&"al"d that
th" ?,A had )r#or 8nowl"d%" that th# t"rror#t a$t wa %o#n% to ta8" )la$",
and "&"n a#d"d th" )"r)"trator, !ut d#d noth#n% to to) #t*
3880 (&e;r*ary 16! : F/,=/ATF ra#d on th" /ran$h Da&#d#an $o()ound #n
Wa$o, T"9a, wh#$h w#ll l"ad to a D1'day tandoff*
3880 (April 38! : S#"%" of th" /ran$h Da&#d#an $o()ound #n Wa$o, T"9a*
Da&#d 3or"h, l"ad"r of th# r"l#%#ou $ult, ha !""n h"ar#n% a &o#$" that h"
!"l#"&" # Aod* 6n A)r#l 1F, th" $o()ound # tor("d and GB )"o)l" #n#d"
1#n$lud#n% 3or"h5 d#" wh"n th" !u#ld#n% # !urn"d to th" %round at th"
hand of th" author#t#"* A)r#l 1Fth # an #()ortant day for atan#t, on
wh#$h a$r#f#$" ar" )"rfor("d !y f#r", )r"f"ra!ly of wo("n and $h#ldr"n*
Pr#or to ra+#n% th" $o()ound !y f#r", th" /ATF $onta$t"d th" lo$al ho)#tal to
#n-u#r" a!out th" nu(!"r of !"d a&a#la!l" #n th"#r !urn un#t, r"&"al#n% that
th# wa #nd""d a )r"("d#tat"d a$t* 3or"h wa a))ar"ntly a ?,A a"t, and
Wa$o wa a $"nt"r for (#nd'$ontrol "9)"r#("ntat#on* Th" r"(a#n of th" #t"
w#ll !" -u#$8ly d"troy"d aft"r th" "&"nt, thu aur#n% that no #nd")"nd"nt
#n&"t#%at#on w#ll "&"r !" a!l" to d"t"r(#n" wh"th"r th" off#$#al &"r#on of
"&"nt wa a$$urat"*
3880 : UF6 r""ar$h"r d#$o&"r that Dr* /ru$" 2a$$a!"" ha (a#nta#n"d
$lo" l#n8 w#th th" ?,A #n$" 1FGF*
3880 : A )a)"r wr#tt"n !y )hy#$#t Dou%la Torr and 7#n% L# of th"
Un#&"r#ty of Ala!a(a #n @unt&#ll" # r"$"#&"d !y th" Ad&an$"d ?on$")t
off#$" of th" 2arhall S)a$" Fl#%ht ?"nt"r* Th" )a)"r d"$r#!" how
u)"r$ondu$tor ha&" th" )ot"nt#al to alt"r %ra&#ty*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3880 : Th" US %o&"rn("nt0 "$r"t r"(ot"'&#"w#n% )ro%ra( "nd* Althou%h
th"y ar" $la#("d to ha&" !""n unu$$"ful, "&#d"n$" w#ll how that th"y
w"r" #n fa$t &"ry u$$"ful, w#th (any )h"no("nal r"ult*
3880 : Th" 2ontau8 Pro."$t (#nd $ontrol o)"rat#on r")ort"dly tart runn#n%
out of 4o!#n AF/ n"ar Atlanta, A"or%#a* ,n th" y"ar ah"ad, a )at" of
""(#n%ly (#ndl" and #nhu(an &#ol"n$" w#ll !" $arr#"d out !y &"ry youn%
!oy #n th# ar"a* , th# an #nd#$at#on of o(" r"ult of th# )ro."$tN
3880 : USAF "#+" furth"r )u!l#$ land #n 7"&ada, #n$lud#n% th" lat )u!l#$ly
a$$"#!l" #t" fro( wh#$h th" Aroo( La8" (#l#tary !a" 1Ar"a D15 # &##!l"*
3880 : Paide%a, a )"do)h#l#a (a%a+#n" )u!l#h"d #n th" 7"th"rland, -uot"
F2SF Ad&#ory /oard ("(!"r 4al)h Und"rwa%"r #n %#&#n% h# o)"n u))ort
to )"do)h#l#a* Und"rwa%"r and h# w#f" @oll#da Wa8"f#"ld ar" found#n%
("(!"r of th" F2SF, and Und"rwa%"r "arn h# l#&#n% t"t#fy#n% for th"
d"f"n" #n $h#ld "9ual and r#tual a!u" $a"*
3880 : A ra#d on th" ?h#ldr"n of Aod $o()ound #n Ar%"nt#na un$o&"r
&#d"o of r#tual a!u" and $h#ld )orno%ra)hy* So(" 1G0 $h#ldr"n ar" ta8"n
#nto )rot"$t#&" $utody*
3880 : /y th" "arly 1FF0, o(" ("(!"r of th" 6rd"r of th" Solar T"()l"
ha&" tart"d to -u"t#on l"ad"r Jo D# 2a(!roH author#ty and all"%"d
(yt#$al )ow"r* D# 2a(!roH own on, \l#", !"%#n -u"t#on#n% th" &##on
and ("a%" h# fath"r # $la#(#n% to r"$"#&" fro( th" 2at"r* \l#"
d#$o&"r that th" )#r#tual &##on, w#tn""d !y "&"ral ("(!"r ar" ta%"d
!y h# fath"r, and that th" d#&#n" !"#n% and ("a%" r"$"#&"d ar" a$tually
)rodu$"d !y )"$#al "ff"$t and holo%ra(* @" d"$#d" to har" h# d#$o&"ry
w#th th" oth"r ("(!"r of th" %rou), $au#n% o(" of th"( to l"a&"* D#
2a(!ro ha alo tart"d to l#&" #n #n$r"a#n% o)ul"n$" $o()ar"d to th" r"t
of th" %rou), and ha !"$o(" (or" author#tar#an, d"(and#n% un$ond#t#onal
o!"d#"n$"* So(" ("(!"r !"%#n to )"a8 out and d"noun$" D# 2a(!ro*
6n" ("(!"r, Lu$#"n U"$l"r, "nd out a l"tt"r ra##n% h# $on$"rn a!out th"
u" of (#nd $ontrol to u!.u%at" ("(!"r*
Pol#$" #n&"t#%at#n% t"rror#t thr"at #n Cu"!"$ ha&" $o(" to u)"$t that th"
6rd"r of th" Solar T"()l" (#%ht !" #n&ol&"d, l"ad#n% to %o&"rn("nt
)"r"$ut#on of th" %rou) and #t ("(!"r* Th" %rou) !"%#n tal8#n% a!out
>tran#t0, wh#$h D# 2a(!ro d"$r#!" a a )aa%" a$ro a (#rror or tra&"l #n
a )a$"h#), and of Jr"turn#n% to th" Fath"rK* D# 2a(!ro t"ll ("(!"r to
!"%#n )r")ar#n% th"("l&"* @" ha !""n ta8#n% ("aur" o&"r th" )at y"ar
to "ta!l#h a (ytholo%y urround#n% th# $ul(#nat#n% "&"nt, "nd#n% E00
"n&"lo)" $onta#n#n% #nfor(at#on on th" %rou) to "l"$t"d lo$at#on around
th" world* 6n" of th"" %o" to th" Fr"n$h 2#n#t"r of th" ,nt"r#or, a$$u#n%
h#( of att"()t#n% to d"troy th" %rou) and $au#n% th" d"ath of a nu(!"r
of ("(!"r*
3880 (Decem;er 1! ' Alan W#nt"r!ourn", a $o()ut"r yt"( "n%#n""r,
w"nt on a 8#ll#n% ra()a%" at a L"ntura ?ounty, ?al#forn#a, un"()loy("nt
off#$"* W#nt"r!ourn" had !""n "()loy"d #n $la#f#"d $#"nt#f#$ wor8, and had
r"#%n"d aft"r $o()la#n#n% of hara("nt !y wor8"r and that h# )hon" wa
ta))"d* W#nt"r!ourn"H )ro!l"( had !"%un aft"r h" had wr#tt"n a l"tt"r to
h# $on%r"(an r"-u"t#n% a f"d"ral #n&"t#%at#on of #ll"%al#t#" that h"
!"l#"&"d w"r" ta8#n% )la$" at 7orthro)* /"for" h# (urd"rou )r"", h" had
told h# #t"r, JtheyLre +or%ing on terri4le things at ;orthrop that +ould %ill
millions of innocent people( Things you canLt imagine(K
1S"" onl#n" f#l", &ind "ontrol, World "ontrol, !y J#( 3"#th5
3887 (/ay 0! : Th" do$u("ntary, "onspiracy of Silence, # $h"dul"d to a#r
on th" D#$o&"ry ?hann"l* At th" &"ry lat (#nut", #t # )ull"d wh"n un8nown
)art#" )ay PD00,000 for th" $o)yr#%ht and d"troy all $o)#"* Th"
do$u("ntary "9)o" a n"twor8 of r"l#%#ou l"ad"r and Wah#n%ton
)ol#t#$#an who ar" r"%ularly fly#n% $h#ldr"n to Wah#n%ton D? for "9 or%#"*
3887 ($cto;er 7! : Th" f#rt #n a "r#" of (urd"r, u#$#d", and aron
o$$ur #n Sw#t+"rland and Cu"!"$, $onn"$t"d to th" $ult %rou), 6rd"r of th"
Solar T"()l"* A $otta%" #n Cu"!"$ # tor$h"d, and )ol#$" d#$o&"r th" $harr"d
!od#" of f#&" ("(!"r of th" 6rd"r #n#d"* 6n th" a(" day #n Sw#t+"rland,
"&"ral oth"r ho(" ar" tor$h"d and a total of 48 !od#" ar" r"$o&"r"d*
A%a#n, all ar" ("(!"r of th" 6rd"r* 2any of th" DE !od#" how #%n of
ha&#n% !""n (urd"r"d )r#or to th" f#r"* 2or" d"ath w#ll urfa$" #n th" n"9t
3887 (Decem;er 37! : Jut aft"r F a( on th" lat day of a $la on th"
h#tory of an$#"nt Ar""$", #n a u!t"rran"an roo( !"n"ath th" Stat"
Un#&"r#ty of Al!any0 $"ntral -uadran%l" $a()u, a r#fl"'w#"ld#n% tud"nt
ta8" th" $la hota%", "&"ntually hoot#n% on" youth #n th" l"%* @" #
"&"ntually u!du"d !y th" tud"nt* A )ol#$" l"ad 2B'y"ar'old )y$holo%y
tud"nt 4al)h Tortor#$# away, h" hout to a $rowd of !ytand"r, =Stop
government experimentationA> Tortor#$# w#ll t"ll )y$h#atr#t Dr* Lawr"n$"
S#"%"l, who lat"r "9a(#n" h#( 1aft"r th" )ro"$ut#on )"nd #9 (onth
loo8#n% for a )y$h#atr#$ "9)"rt who # w#ll#n% to %"t #n&ol&"d #n th" $a"5,
that Tortor#$# ha !""n "l"$t"d a th" Ant#'?hr#t, and that h# thou%ht and
a$t#on ar" !"#n% (an#)ulat"d throu%h an #()lant #n h# h"ad* Th"
)y$h#atr#t w#ll tat" to th" $ourt that Tortor#$# # not ("ntally $o()"t"nt to
tand tr#al or a#t #n h# own d"f"n", !ut th" d"$##on w#ll !" (ad" !y th"
.ud%" that h" # $o()"t"nt to tand tr#al, and h" w#ll !" found %u#lty and
"nt"n$"d to 20 to 4G y"ar #n (a9#(u( "$ur#ty )r#on und"r 24 hour
#olat#on* Tortor#$#0 %rand(oth"r, wh"n h" a8 h#( why h" d#d what h" d#d,
w#ll !" told that th" &o#$" #n h# h"ad a#d that th" #()lant would !"
r"(o&"d #f h" w"nt ah"ad w#th th" hoot#n%*
,ron#$ally, Tortor#$#0 !roth"r 2atth"w, who # a $orr"$t#on off#$"r, w#ll !"
wor8#n% wh"r" Tortor#$# # to !" h"ld aft"r th" hoot#n%* 2atth"w w#ll tat"
that at a!out th" t#(" that 4al)h wa 1B, h" tart"d how#n% #%n of
)arano#a, th#n8#n% that h# fa(#ly wa out to %"t h#( and that th" )ol#$" w"r"
(on#tor#n% h#(* 4al)h would $la#( to "" th#n% on TL, h"ar &o#$" $o(#n%
fro( a))l#an$", "t$* Aft"r und"r%o#n% ur%"ry o("t#(" "arl#"r, Tortor#$#
$a(" to !"l#"&" that h" had !""n #()lant"d w#th a tra$8#n% d"&#"*
Pr#or to th" hoot#n%, Tortor#$# had !""n ad(#tt"d to a ("ntal ward
#n&oluntar#ly and tr"at"d w#th ant#')y$hot#$ dru%* @" had alo !""n
d"#%nat"d a ha&#n% $hron#$ )arano#d $h#+o)hr"n#a* A r")ort w#ll tat" that
h" =firmly 4elieves he needed to pursue such a course of action to dra+ the
media and the government into a position +here they could first admit they
implanted a device into his 4rain and penis and then to remove it and
remove the pain it is causing him(((#e claims he never meant to hurt
anyone, and +aited a long time to ta%e drastic action(> Tortor#$# w#ll alo
$la#(, = did +hat had to do, and thought the evidence +ould come for+ard
and the pro4lem 4e solved(> Tortor#$# had !""n #n th" Ar(y 7at#onal Auard*
,n 1FFF, th" Un#&"r#ty of Al!any w#ll !" for$"d to hut down a )ro."$t run !y
)y$holo%y )rof"or 3athryn 3"ll"y that #n&ol&" (#nd'$ontrol #()lant
wh"n #nd#&#dual !"%#n $la#(#n% that th"y ha&" !""n #()lant"d w#th
$o((un#$at#on d"&#$" that $an r"ad and tran(#t th"#r thou%ht* Th"
r""ar$h # fund"d !y th" 7SA and DoD, w#th an annual !ud%"t of P2 !#ll#on*
Th" d"&#$" w#ll ty)#$ally !" #()lant"d #n Jun#nfor("d, un$on"nt#n%
u!."$tK who w"r" uually Jf"d"ral )r#on"r and )ol#t#$al d##d"nt*K
3887 : U#n% a 6u#.a !oard, Laura Jad$+y8 !"%#n $hann"l#n% "nt#t#" that
$la#( to !" fro( th" ?a#o)a"a tar yt"(* Th"y ay th"y ar" fro( th"
3887 : A "$r"t %o&"rn("nt )ro%ra( # "ta!l#h"d to )ro."$t lar%", thr""'
d#("n#onal o!."$t that a))"ar"d to float #n th" a#r for )yo) a))l#$at#on*
Th" >@olo%ra)h#$ Pro."$tor0 # d"$r#!"d #n a $la#f#"d A#r For$" do$u("nt a
a yt"( to Jpro$ect information po+er from space ((( for special operations
deception missionsK*
1S"" Wah#n%ton Pot art#$l" on PSDOPS, 2=1=1FFF5
3887 : Th" ?o((un#$at#on A#tan$" for Law Enfor$"("nt A$t # "na$t"d,
r"-u#r#n% t"l"$o((un#$at#on )ro&#d"r to d"#%n th"#r "-u#)("nt a$$ord#n%
to F/, )"$#f#$at#on #n ord"r to (a8" "a&"dro))#n% "a#"r and (or"
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Surveillance0ndustrial "omplex, !y th" A?LU5
3882 (&e;r*ary! : Part of a hu(an 8ull # found !y th" road#d" n"ar th"
far( of 4o!"rt 1W#ll#"5 P#$8ton #n Port ?o-u#tla(, /?* Th" 8ull ha !""n $ut
down th" (#ddl" w#th a ta!l" aw and a))"ar to !" r"lat#&"ly fr"h* D7A
t"t w#ll r"&"al y"ar lat"r that #t !"lon% to on" of th" (any wo("n who
ha&" or w#ll !" (urd"r"d on th" P#$8ton far(*
Do+"n of wo("n, (ot or all of th"( dru% add#$t and=or tr""t wor8"r,
ha&" !""n d#a))"ar#n% at an #n$r"a#n% rat" fro( th" Downtown Eat#d" of
Lan$ou&"r, /?* Th" "arl#"t unol&"d #n$#d"nt %o" !a$8 to 1FG8* Th" $urr"nt
y"ar w#ll how a )#8", w#th f#&" r")ort"d (##n% fro( th" ar"a 1th# do"n0t
$ount th" (any wo("n found d"ad or (urd"r"d5* Pol#$" how l#ttl" $on$"rn
and ar" "9tr"("ly low to r")ond to t#) and (##n% )"ron r")ort* Th"#r
att#tud" # that th"" wo("n ar" >d#)oa!l"0*
3882 (April 38! : Th" !o(!#n% of th" Alfr"d P* 2urrah !u#ld#n% #n 68laho(a
?#ty o$$ur, #n wh#$h 1B8 )"o)l" ar" 8#ll"d and o&"r B80 #n.ur"d* Th" !u#ld#n%
wa a))ar"ntly $ho"n !"$au" #t $onta#n"d off#$" for a nu(!"r of d#ff"r"nt
%o&"rn("nt a%"n$#", #n$lud#n% th" /ATF, F/,, DEA, So$#al S"$ur#ty
Ad(#n#trat#on, and r"$ru#t#n% off#$" for th" Ar(y and 2ar#n" ?or)* T#(othy
2$L"#%h, who # )#$8"d u) w#th#n F0 (#nut" of th" !o(!#n% aft"r !"#n%
)ull"d o&"r for dr#&#n% w#thout a l#$"n" )lat" and arr"t"d for unlawfully
$arry#n% a $on$"al"d w"a)on, w#ll !" )ortray"d a th" (a#n )"r)"trator* @"
w#ll !" &"ry $oo)"rat#&" w#th th" arr"t#n% off#$"r and w#ll how no #%n of
ha&#n% .ut $o((#tt"d u$h a (a#&" !o(!#n%* T"rry 7#$hol, 2#$ha"l
Fort#"r, and Lor# Fort#"r w#ll oon aft"r !" na("d a a$$o()l#$" !y
author#t#"* 6n A)r#l 21, T"rry 7#$hol w#ll l"arn that h" # want"d !y th"
author#t#" #n $onn"$t#on w#th th" !o(!#n%, and w#ll #(("d#at"ly turn h#("lf
#n* ,n n"#th"r $a" w#ll th"" ("n a$t l#8" )"o)l" who had .ut "n%a%"d #n th"
lar%"t t"rror#t atta$8 #n th" h#tory of A("r#$a*
2any w#tn" r")ort w#ll tat" that 2$L"#%h wa ""n w#th at l"at on"
add#t#onal un#d"nt#f#"d (an 1not 7#$hol or Fort#"r5 around th" t#(" of th"
"&"nt 1#d"nt#f#"d #n th"" r")ort a VJohn Do" W2V5, althou%h author#t#" w#ll
#%nor" th# #nfor(at#on and th"n lat"r d"ny #t* ,n fa$t, th"r" w#ll !" r")ort of
u) to four add#t#onal a$$o()l#$" (ad" !y w#tn"" that w#ll !" #%nor"d and
"&"ntually for%ott"n a!out !y th" author#t#"* W#tn"" who aw anyth#n%
that d#dn0t f#t th" off#$#al &"r#on of "&"nt w#ll !" #nt#(#dat"d #nto $han%#n%
th"#r tor#", or oth"rw#" #%nor"d*
/"for" 2$L"#%h # "&"n $au%ht and #d"nt#f#"d a a u)"$t, th" /ATF w#ll
alr"ady !" $la#(#n% that th# t"rror#t a$t wa #n r"tal#at#on to th" Wa$o
(aa$r" at th" /ran$h Da&#d#an $o()ound* 2$L"#%h0 an%"r o&"r that
"&"nt, wh#$h wa a r"fl"$t#on of th" f""l#n% of (any )"o)l", wa u"d to
)ro) u) th" $la#( that h" )"r)"trat"d th" 63? !o(!#n%*
A G,000 l!* f"rt#l#+"r 1a((on#u( n#trat"5 !o(! #n a 4yd"r r"ntal tru$8 w#ll !"
$la#("d !y author#t#" to ha&" $au"d th" d"tru$t#on of th" 2urrah !u#ld#n%,
a w"ll a da(a%#n% or d"troy#n% E24 oth"r !u#ld#n% #n a 1B'!lo$8 rad#u*
Th"y w#ll "-uat" th" "ff"$t of th" !lat to da(a%" that would !" $au"d !y
D*000 l!* of T7T* Th" !lat of th" f"rt#l#+"r !o(! had to ha&" !""n )ow"rful
"nou%h to )"n"trat" d"") #nto th" !u#ld#n% #n ord"r to 8no$8 out a nu(!"r of
lar%" u))ort#n% )#llar* @ow"&"r, a f"rt#l#+"r !o(! !y #t"lf : "&"n of th#
#+" : $ould not ha&" don" n"arly a (u$h da(a%" a what o$$ur at th"
!lat #t"* P#llar $lo"r to th" tru$8 !o(! ur&#&"d th" !lat and $olu(n
furth"r away w"nt down, u%%"t#n% that (or" than on" !o(! wa
r")on#!l" for th" da(a%"* Two add#t#onal un"9)lod"d !o(! w#ll !" found
#n th" !u#ld#n%* Th"r" w#ll !" (any r")ort that th"r" w"r" two !o(! !lat,
"&"ral "$ond a)art that w"r" h"ard !y w#tn"", and !oth !lat
r"%#t"r"d on "#(o%ra)h $hart* Th# w#ll alo !" d"n#"d !y author#t#", and
ur&"#llan$" ta)" fro( th" ar"a that (#%ht )ro&" or d#)ro&" th# $la#( w#ll
!" u))r""d* All of th# u%%"t that th"r" # far (or" to th" tory than
what th" author#t#" ar" r"&"al#n%* A th" off#$#al tory unfold #n th" ("d#a,
#t w#ll $han%" r")"at"dly and fa$t that $o(" out "arly w#ll lat"r !" #%nor"d or
d"n#"d* Add"d to th# # th" fa$t that "&"ral )"o)l" aw what a))"ar"d to !"
wor8("n handl#n% what a))"ar"d to !" )lat#$ "9)lo#&" at on" of th"
und"r%round )#llar of th" !u#ld#n% "&"ral day !"for" th" !o(!#n%* At l"at
on" w#tn" w#ll tat" that th" wor8"r ""("d out of )la$" and a$t"d &"ry
n"r&ou wh"n th"y aw h"r wat$h#n% th"(, h#d#n% th" (at"r#al th"y had
wh"n h" a))roa$h"d*
6n" )ol#$" off#$"r who wa on" of th" f#rt to arr#&" at th" $"n", T"rran$"
O"a8"y, w#ll tat" that 2$L"#%h0 tru$8 $ouldn0t ha&" $onta#n"d an a((on#u(
n#trat" !o(! !"$au" th" a#r would ha&" !""n un!r"atha!l" for o(" t#("
aft"r th" !o(!#n%, wh#$h #t wan0t* O"a8"y d#dn0t !uy th" off#$#al tory, and
wa hara"d and #nt#(#dat"d !y h# f"llow off#$"r for ay#n% o* @" w#ll !"
found d"ad a y"ar lat"r und"r unuual $#r$u(tan$" that would r"fut" th"
off#$#al $la#( that h" $o((#tt"d u#$#d"* Alo, an F/, a%"nt na("d
/ur("#t"r w#ll a$8nowl"d%" dur#n% 2$L"#%h0 tr#al that no PET7 or
a((on#u( n#trat" wa found at th" !lat $"n"*
?o#n$#d"ntally 1or not5, th" F/, had a !o(! -uad dr#ll th" day !"for", and
th" Sh"r#ff0 !o(! -uad wa w#tn""d at th" $"n" .ut )r#or to th"
"9)lo#on* Th"y w#ll lat"r d"ny th#, and y"t th"y w#ll arr#&" at th" !o(! #t"
only a f"w (#nut" aft"r th" !lat* W#tn"" w#ll !" #nt#(#dat"d !y th" F/,
#nto a$$")t#n% a fal" &"r#on of "&"nt* Th# )att"rn w#ll o$$ur a%a#n and
a%a#n #n futur" t"rror#t a$t on US o#l* Wh#l" r"$u" wor8"r ar" "ar$h#n%
for ur&#&or #(("d#at"ly aft"r th" !lat, th"y w#ll !" to))"d wh#l" f"d"ral
off#$#al r"(o&" !o9" of do$u("nt* U) to D0 f"d"ral a%"nt w#ll )"nd
(u$h of th" n#%ht $arry#n% !o9" fro( th" floor o$$u)#"d !y th" f"d"ral DEA
and /ATF* Th"" (ay ha&" !""n do$u("nt that th" F/, w#ll lat"r ad(#t w"r"
w#thh"ld fro( th" d"f"n" lawy"r* Th" tar%"t"d !u#ld#n% w#ll !" torn down
w#th#n a (onth and all "&#d"n$" on th" #t" w#ll !" d#)o"d of, "ff"$t#&"ly
r"(o&#n% any $han$" of $ondu$t#n% a )ro)"r #n&"t#%at#on and for$#n% th"
off#$#al &"r#on of "&"nt* Th" a(" ta$t#$ w#ll !" u"d #(("d#at"ly aft"r th"
F=11 d#at"r #n 2001* Th" $#r$u(tan$" urround#n% th" 68laho(a ?#ty
!o(!#n% tron%ly u%%"t d"")"r $o()l#$#ty !y %o&"rn("nt a%"n$#" and a
(a.or $o&"r'u)* 2$L"#%h w#ll !" )ortray"d a a$t#n% throu%h a (#l#t#a %rou),
!ut th# w#ll n"&"r !" )ro&"n* Th" )ur)ort"d r"aon for th" !o(!#n% #
r"tal#at#on for th" Wa$o (aa$r" that o$$urr"d "9a$tly two y"ar "arl#"r* ,t
hould !" not"d that th# dat" # an #()ortant day of hu(an a$r#f#$" for
2$L"#%h, 7#$hol, and 2#$ha"l Fort#"r had !"$o(" fr#"nd wh#l" #n th" Ar(y*
All thr"" w"r" u))ort"r of th" (#l#t#a (o&"("nt, o))o"d %un $ontrol, and
!"l#"&"d that th" %o&"rn("nt wa #n$r"d#!ly $orru)t* 2$L"#%h had "arl#"r
d#$lo"d to fr#"nd that h" wa u)"t !"$au" h" had !""n #()lant"d w#th a
(#$ro$h#) wh#l" #n th" (#l#tary dur#n% th" Aulf War, wh#$h u%%"t that h"
(#%ht ha&" !""n #nflu"n$"d !y (#nd'$ontrol* 2$L"#%h had !""n a loyal and
d"$orat"d old#"r #n th" Ar(y, and had )"rfor("d &al#antly on th" front l#n"
at th" tart of th" Aulf War* ,t w#ll !" d#$o&"r"d that h" had ta8"n a
)y$holo%#$al o)"rat#on tra#n#n% $our" wh#l" tat#on"d at Ft* 4#l"y, and had
!""n att"()t#n% to %"t #nto th" S)"$#al For$", !ut wa a))ar"ntly n"&"r
a$$")t"d* Althou%h th# fa$t w#ll !" u"d to )ortray h#( a a d#%runtl"d
old#"r who" dr"a( w"r" dah"d, #t # &"ry l#8"ly that h" wa "$r"tly
"nl#t"d a a $o&"rt a%"nt and $ont#nu"d to wor8 for th" (#l#tary, "&"n u) to
and aft"r th" !o(!#n%* Aft"r h# arr"t, 2$L"#%h w#ll !" &##t"d at l"at
"&"nt""n t#(" !y th" ?,A0 #nfa(ou (#nd'$ontrol "9)"rt, Dr* Lou# Joly#n
W"t* W"t w#ll alo h"ad a )y$holo%#$al trau(a t"a( )ut to%"th"r !y th"
A("r#$an Py$holo%#$al Ao$#at#on to tr"at ur&#&or and &#$t#(0 fa(#l#"*
,nt"r"t#n%ly, th" Alfr"d P* 2urrah !u#ld#n% had !""n )r"&#ouly tar%"t"d
nu("rou t#(" #n th" )at, th" lat t#(" !"#n% #n 6$to!"r 1F8E !y a wh#t"
u)r"(a$#t %rou) that $all"d #t"lf >Th" ?o&"nant, th" Sword, and th" Ar(
of th" Lord0* Th" found"r of th# %rou) who )art#$#)at"d #n th# )lan w"r"
Ja(" Ell#on and 4#$hard Sn"ll* Th" %rou) had alo )lott"d to )ar8 Ja &an or
tra#l"r #n front of th" F"d"ral /u#ld#n% and !low #t u)K, #n th"#r $a", w#th
ro$8"t d"tonat"d !y a t#("r* Aft"r Sn"llH a))"al for (urd"r#n% two )"o)l"
#n unr"lat"d $a" wa d"n#"d, h" wa "9"$ut"d th" a(" day a th" 63?
!o(!#n%* Wa h" an add#t#onal a$r#f#$#al la(!N ?ould h" ha&" 8nown
o("th#n% that $ould "9)o" who wa r"ally !"h#nd 2$L"#%h0 a$t#onN ,t
turn out that th" F/,, ATF, and )ro!a!ly th" ?,A w"r" all fa$#l#tat#n% th"
)lan for th# t"rror#t a$t, and had !""n warn"d !y (ult#)l" our$" a!out #t
.ut day !"for" th" "&"nt, !ut $ho" to #%nor" tho" warn#n%*
2$L"#%h0 l"ad lawy"r, St")h"n Jon", w#ll $o(" to !"l#"&" that 2$L"#%h wa
a )aty #n a lar%"r $on)#ra$y, !ut th# w#ll !" d#(#"d !y Jud%" 2at$h,
who w#ll #nd")"nd"ntly rul" th" "&#d"n$" $on$"rn#n% u$h a )o#!#l#ty to !"
too #nu!tant#al to !" ad(##!l"* A %a% ord"r w#ll !" #()o"d dur#n% th"
tr#al, )roh#!#t#n% attorn"y on "#th"r #d" fro( $o(("nt#n% to th" )r" on
th" "&#d"n$", )ro$""d#n%, or o)#n#on r"%ard#n% th" tr#al )ro$""d#n%* Wh#l"
)ro"$utor w#ll #nt"r)"r" r"lat#&"ly $#r$u(tant#al "&#d"n$" w#th h"art'
wr"n$h#n% and $o()l"t"ly #rr"l"&ant tal" fro( t"arful !o(!#n% &#$t#(, th"
d"f"n" w#ll not !" allow"d to )r""nt any "9)"rt w#tn"" d"!un8#n% th"
%o&"rn("ntH >#n%l" !o(!0 th"ory, or any "&#d"n$" l#n8#n% oth"r u)"$t to
th" $r#("* A D1G')a%" Jut#$" D")art("nt r")ort w#ll !" )u!l#h"d that
$r#t#$#+" th" F/, $r#(" la!oratory and Da&#d W#ll#a(, on" of th" a%"n$yH
"9)lo#&" "9)"rt, for r"a$h#n% un$#"nt#f#$ and !#a"d $on$lu#on* Th"
r")ort w#ll $la#( that W#ll#a( had wor8"d !a$8ward #n th" #n&"t#%at#on
rath"r than !a#n% h# d"t"r(#nat#on on for"n#$ "&#d"n$"* Th# u%%"t
that a )r"d"t"r(#n"d $on$lu#on wa ou%ht dur#n% th" #n&"t#%at#on, w#th no
$on#d"rat#on to r"a$h#n% th" truth* A lat" a 2ay 2001, th" F/, w#ll
announ$" that #t had w#thh"ld o&"r E,000 do$u("nt fro( 2$L"#%hH d"f"n"
$oun"l* 2$L"#%h, who w#ll ha&" alr"ady !""n $on&#$t"d and "nt"n$"d to
d"ath !y th# t#(", w#ll ha&" h# "9"$ut#on )ot)on"d for on" (onth o that
th" d"f"n" $an r"&#"w th" do$u("nt* 6n Jun" B, Jud%" 2at$h w#ll rul"
that th" do$u("nt would not )ro&" 2$L"#%h #nno$"nt and w#ll ord"r th"
"9"$ut#on to )ro$""d* W#th Pr"#d"nt A"or%" W* /uh0 a))ro&al, 2$L"#%h w#ll
!" "9"$ut"d !y l"thal #n."$t#on f#&" day lat"r* 2ot )"o)l" "nt"n$"d to
d"ath wa#t y"ar !"for" !"#n% "9"$ut"d 12$L"#%h0 wa th" f#rt f"d"ral
"9"$ut#on #n E8 y"ar5* 7#$hol w#ll "&"ntually r"$"#&" 1B1 $on"$ut#&" l#f"
"nt"n$" w#thout th" )o#!#l#ty of )arol"* For t"t#fy#n% a%a#nt 2$L"#%h and
7#$hol, 2#$ha"l Fort#"r, who th" F/, w#ll )r"ur" n#%ht and day for (onth,
w#ll $oo)"rat" and r"$"#&" a r"du$"d "nt"n$" of tw"l&" y"ar #n )r#on and a
PGD,000 f#n", and h# w#f" w#ll r"$"#&" $o()l"t" #((un#ty : )ro&#d"d h"
)"rfor( #n th" )ro"$ut#on fa&or dur#n% th" #n&"t#%at#on and tr#al* Aft"r
do#n% t"n and a half y"ar, 2#$ha"l Fort#"r w#ll !" r"l"a"d and )ut #nto th"
W#tn" Prot"$t#on Pro%ra( and %#&"n a n"w #d"nt#ty* 7o!ody "l" w#ll "&"r
!" #n&"t#%at"d for th" !o(!#n%* ,n )#t" of th" )o#!#l#ty that th"r" wa a
lar%"r $on)#ra$y at wor8, 2$L"#%h w#ll r"l"a" a l"tt"r #n wh#$h h" wr#t",
='or those die0hard conspiracy theorists +ho +ill refuse to 4elieve this, turn
the ta4les and say! Sho+ me +here needed anyone else( 'inancingE
*ogisticsE Speciali:ed tech s%illsE )rainpo+erE StrategyE ((( Sho+ me +here
needed a dar%, mysterious R&r( TGA> Wa th# l"tt"r #nt"nd"d to $o&"r u) a
lar%"r $on)#ra$y, or wa #t r"fl"$t#n% th" truthN 6r, .ut a )ro!a!l", d#d
2$L"#%h ("r"ly thin% h" wa a$t#n% of h# own a$$ordN
A %r"at d"al of "&#d"n$" w#ll ar#" that u%%"t "&"n furth"r that )"o)l"
wor8#n% w#th#n th" %o&"rn("nt w"r" #n&ol&"d #n )"r)"trat#n% th# "&"nt* For
#ntan$", /ATF "()loy"" who wor8"d #n th" 2urrah /u#ld#n% a))ar"ntly
r"$"#&"d ("a%" on th"#r )a%"r )r#or to th" !o(!#n% t"ll#n% th"( not to
%o #n to wor8 on th# day* ,t w#ll alo !" d#$o&"r"d that 2$L"#%h wa
r")ort"dly tra#n"d at th" S$hool of th" A("r#$a, th" ?,AH a$ad"(y for
d"ath -uad, and h" wa a$tually a ?,A har)hoot"r and aa#n who had
!""n #n&ol&"d #n $o&"rt %o&"rn("nt dru% traff#$8#n% o)"rat#on, and had
!""n d"$orat"d "&"ral t#(", "&"n r"$"#&#n% a $o(("ndat#on wh#l" h" wa
#n )r#on for th" !o(!#n%*
A$$ord#n% to 2$L"#%h0 #t"r, 2$L"#%h had !""n r"$ru#t"d !y a )"$#al
o)"rat#on Ar(y %rou), !ut h" had u))o"dly turn"d th"( down* @" had
a))ar"ntly told h"r that th# %rou) wa #n&ol&"d #n $r#(#nal a$t#&#t#",
#n$lud#n% )rot"$t#n% dru% h#)("nt, aa#nat#on, and )o)ulat#on $ontrol*
Dur#n% h# Arand Jury h"ar#n%, 2$L"#%h a))"ar"d $al( and unworr#"d, a
thou%h h" 8n"w that h" would %o fr""* @" r"fu"d to )"a8 to anyon",
)rot"$t#n% who"&"r #t wa that had or$h"trat"d th" )lot to !o(! th"
!u#ld#n%* ,n&"t#%at#on w#ll r"&"al that th"r" w"r" tron% t#" to 2#ddl"
Eat"rn t"rror#t %rou) who w"r" u#n% A("r#$an n"o'7a+# and wh#t"
u)r"(a$#t %rou) a )ro9#" to "n%#n""r th" )lot*
Lar#ou na]&" %o&"rn("nt #n#d"r w#ll r")ort that th" !o(!#n% wa a fa#l"d
t#n% o)"rat#on, and that John Do" W2 wa an und"r$o&"r a%"nt who wa
u))o"d to d#ar( th" !o(! at th" lat (o("nt !ut had fa#l"d to do o*
Th"" #n#d"r w#ll tat" that th" f"d"ral author#t#" had )lant"d th# a%"nt
d"") w#th#n th" (#l#t#a (o&"("nt, and th" a%"nt0 #d"nt#ty wa !"#n%
)rot"$t"d w#th th" !"l#"f that h" would !" ""n a a h"ro w#th#n th"
(o&"("nt and would th"n !" trut"d "nou%h to !" l"t #n on th"#r futur"
)lan* Th"" #n#d"r w#ll "ff"$t#&"ly u%%"t that th" )rot"$t#on of th#
a%"nt0 #d"nt#ty # (or" #()ortant than "9)o#n% th" !o(!#n% a a fa#l"d
t#n% o)"rat#on*
,(("d#at"ly aft"r th" "&"nt, )u!l#$ o)#n#on w#ll !" (o!#l#+"d a%a#nt th"
a))ar"nt thr"at of th" %row#n% (#l#t#a (o&"("nt, and th" $on"-u"n$" of
th# w#ll !" th" )u!l#$ a$$")tan$" of Pr"#d"nt ?l#nton0 >olut#on0 of
#n$r"a"d F/, )ow"r to #nf#ltrat" and atta$8 th"" (#l#t#a %rou), a w"ll a
to allow (#l#tary "nfor$"("nt of do("t#$ law, and a ("d#a !an on o'$all"d
Hant#'%o&"rn("ntH "9tr"(#t u$h a th" P"o)l"H 2#l#t#a, who ar" fully awar"
of th" wor8#n% of A("r#$aH "$r"t %o&"rn("nt*
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The O%lahoma "ity )om4ing and the Politics of Terror, !y
Da&#d @off(an5
3882 (April 17! : Th" >Una!o(!"r0, lat"r all"%"d to !" T"d 3a$+yn8#,
"nd a l"tt"r to th" 7"w Oor8 T#(" #n wh#$h h" )ro(#" Vto d"#t fro(
t"rror#(V #f th" T#(" or th" Wah#n%ton Pot )u!l#h" h# (an#f"to, t#tl"d
ndustrial Society and ts 'uture 1alo $all"d th" 5na4om4er &anifesto5, @"
d"f"nd h# a$t#on #n th" l"tt"r, ar%u#n% that h# !o(!#n% ar" "9tr"(" !ut
n"$"ary to attra$t att"nt#on to th" "ro#on of hu(an fr""do( n"$"#tat"d
!y (od"rn t"$hnolo%#" that r"-u#r" lar%"'$al" or%an#+at#on* @" warn of
th" )y$holo%#$al $on"-u"n$" for #nd#&#dual l#f" w#th#n our $urr"nt
#ndutr#al't"$hnolo%#$al yt"(, wh#$h h" tat" ha ro!!"d $ont"()orary
hu(an of th"#r autono(y, d#(#n#h"d th"#r ra))ort w#th natur", and for$"d
th"( Jto 4ehave in +ays that are increasingly remote from the natural
pattern of human 4ehavior*K @" alo tat" that rath"r than r"$o%n#+#n% that
hu(an $urr"ntly l#&" #n $ond#t#on that (a8" th"( t"rr#!ly unha))y, th"
yt"( d"&"lo) way of $ontroll#n% hu(an r")on" to th" o&"rly tr"ful
"n&#ron("nt #n wh#$h th"y f#nd th"("l&"* @" %o" on to #d"nt#fy o(" of
th"" tr"nd:
#magine a society that sub'ects people to conditions that mae them terribly unhappy,
then gives them the drugs to tae away their unhappiness. +cience fictionL #t is already
happening to some extent in our own society. #t is well nown that the rate of clinical
depression has been greatly increasing in recent decades. He believe that this is due to
disruption of the power process... The entertainment industry serves as an important
psychological tool of the system, possibly even when it is dishing out large amounts of
sex and violence. :ntertainment provides modern man with an essential means of escape.
Hhile absorbed in television, videos, etc., he can forget stress, anxiety, frustration,
Th" lat"r "$t#on of th" (an#f"to )"$ulat" a!out th" futur" "&olut#on of
th# yt"(, ar%u#n% that #t w#ll #n"&#ta!ly l"ad to th" "nd of hu(an fr""do(*
Para%ra)h 1DG and 1D8 tat":
$M8 &ssuming that industrial society survives, it is liely that technology will eventually
ac)uire something approaching complete control over human behavior. #t has been
established beyond any rational doubt that human thought and behavior have a largely
biological basis. &s experimenters have demonstrated, feelings such as hunger, pleasure,
anger and fear can be turned on and off by electrical stimulation of appropriate parts of
the brain. @emories can be destroyed by damaging parts of the brain or they can be
brought to the surface by electrical stimulation. <allucinations can be induced or moods
changed by drugs. There may or may not be an immaterial human soul, but if there is one
it clearly is less powerful than the biological mechanisms of human behavior. For if that
were not the case then researchers would not be able so easily to manipulate human
feelings and behavior with drugs and electrical currents
$MN. #t presumably would be impractical for all people to have electrodes inserted in their
heads so that they could be controlled by the authorities. *ut the fact that human thoughts
and feelings are so open to biological intervention shows that the problem of controlling
human behavior is mainly a technical problem; a problem of neurons, hormones and
complex molecules; the ind of problem that is accessible to scientific attac. (iven the
outstanding record of our society in solving technical problems, it is overwhelmingly
probable that great advances will be made in the control of human behavior.!
Th" a!o&" "9$"r)t of th" Una!o(!"r0 (an#f"to r"&"al th" wr#t"r0 a$ut"
awar"n" of (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#"* Th" (an#f"to w#ll !" )u!l#h"d #n
th" Wah#n%ton Pot on S")t"(!"r 1F* Th" tyl" and $ont"nt of th" t"9t w#ll
!" r"$o%n#+"d !y 3a$+yn8#0 !roth"r Da&#d, who had oft"n d"!at"d w#th T"d
th" u!."$t (att"r $onta#n"d w#th#n #t* @# r"$o%n#t#on of th" t"9t w#ll l"ad to
3a$+yn8#0 $a)tur" #n A)r#l of 1FFB*
1S"" onl#n" f#l" Ted 7ac:yns%i, at w#8#)"d#a5
3882 (A*g*st 38! : Th" San Fran$#$o ?hron#$l" r")ort that 48'y"ar'old
fr""way n#)"r ?hr#to)h"r Shaw S$all"y had told author#t#" aft"r h# arr"t
that h" had !""n r"$"#&#n% ("a%" &#a rad#o wa&" and "l"$tron#$
a))l#an$", and had h"ard &o#$" t"l")ath#$ally fro( )a#n% &"h#$l"*
3882 (A*g*st 17! : Th" r"l"a" of W#ndow FD* ,t w#ll lat"r !" d#$o&"r"d
to ha&" a "$r"t !a$8door !u#lt #nto #t for 7SA a$$"* 2#$rooft hold F0Q of
th" (ar8"t har" of $o()ut"r u"r, w#th th"#r W#ndow o)"rat#n% yt"(
runn#n% on (ot ho(" and off#$" $o()ut"r*
3882 (Decem;er 32! : Th" "$ond #n a "r#" of d"ath o$$ur that ar"
$onn"$t"d to th" $ult %rou), 6rd"r of th" Solar T"()l"* 1B $ult ("(!"r 11E
adult and E $h#ldr"n5 ar" #((olat"d #n a $l"ar#n% on a )lat"au #n L"r$or,
Fran$"* Th"y w"r" hot and th"n th"#r !od#" !urn"d* Th" 8#ll"r had
$o((#tt"d u#$#d" aft"r 8#ll#n% and tor$h#n% th" oth"r*
3882 : Wh#l" "()loy"d a a ?ourt ,nt"r&"nt#on So$#al wor8"r at ?h#ld
Prot"$t#&" S"r&#$" #n San D#"%o, ?al#forn#a, D#ana 7a)ol# d"$#d" to wor8
und"r$o&"r on h"r own t#(" and #n&"t#%at" atan#$ $ult on th" #nt"rn"t
und"r th" )"udony( >?ur#o0 and >3ar"n Jon"0* A y"ar "arl#"r h" had
"ta!l#h"d th" 4#tual A!u" ?ourt ?a" Pro."$t, wh#$h wa d"d#$at"d to
)ro&#n% that atan#$ r#tual a!u" "9#t"d aft"r a $o&"r'u) had o$$urr"d #n San
D#"%o ?ounty* ,n )#t" of th#, h" $ont#nu"d to addr" r#tual a!u" $a",
and u$$"fully )rot"$t"d $h#ldr"n &#a th" yt"( h" wa "()loy"d !y
d")#t" th" "ffort of th" D#r"$tor of ?PS to to) all tra#n#n% a!out th#
3882 : Th" US %o&"rn("nt d"$la#f#" #t r"(ot"'&#"w#n% )ro%ra(*
3882 : Th" Far#%ht ,nt#tut" # found"d !y ?ourtn"y /rown, Ph*D*, "&ol&#n%
fro( a r""ar$h )ro%ra( h" $ondu$t"d #n th" "arly 1FF0 1d"$r#!"d #n h#
!oo8, "osmic @oyage! A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials @isiting
Earth5* /rownH #n&"t#%at#on !"%an w#th h# tra#n#n% #n a r"(ot" &#"w#n%
t"$hnolo%y that had )r"&#ouly !""n u"d !y th" US (#l#tary dur#n% h#%hly
$la#f#"d o)"rat#on #n th" 1F80 and 1FF0, a$$ord#n% to h# al"
l#t"ratur"* =#istorically, the principal 4rea%throughs +ith this technology +ere
made at Stanford Research nstitute in the -1.Os and -1BOs 4y the gifted
artist and natural psychic, ngo S+ann( The vision of The 'arsight nstitute is
to promote the continued research and development of the most modern and
effective forms of this continually evolving technology(> 6th"r r"(ot" &#"w#n%
%uru fro( th" S4, r"(ot"'&#"w#n% )ro%ra( w#ll )r#n% u) l#8" )o#on
(uhroo( around th" $ountry, rant#n% o!l#-u"ly on th" )aranor(al and
$a)"%oat#n% >al#"n0*
3882 : Dr"a(Wor8 S3A and 2#$rooft .o#n for$" to for( Dr"a(Wor8
,nt"ra$t#&", to )rodu$" #nt"ra$t#&" and (ult#("d#a "nt"rta#n("nt )ro)"rt#"*
3882 : 4"l"a" of th" Alien Autopsy f#l( !y /r#t#h "ntr")r"n"ur 4ay Sant#ll#*
El"&"n y"ar lat"r #n 200B h" w#ll ad(#t that th" f#l( # a hoa9*
3882 : Th" ,nt"rn"t # $o(("r$#al#+"d* 2or" ,SP -u#$8ly $o(" #nto "r&#$"
to (""t #n$r"a#n% d"(and*
3889 (/arch 30! : Tho(a @a(#lton 8#ll #9t""n $h#ldr"n and on" t"a$h"r
and wound t"n oth"r at Dun!lan" Pr#(ary S$hool #n S$otland* @" "nd th"
ra()a%" !y 8#ll#n% h#("lf* Th"r" # "&#d"n$" that @a(#lton wa )art of a
$h#ld )orno%ra)hy r#n% that #n$lud"d )ol#$" and )ol#t#$#an, and to #l"n$"
h#(, th" hoot#n% had !""n ta%"d to (a8" #t a))"ar that h" wa th"
hoot"r* @a(#lton w#ll !" found to ha&" had l#n8 to two "n#or )ol#t#$#an #n
S$otland, a w"ll a th" h"ad of 7AT6 and S$otland0 S"$r"tary of Stat"* @"
wa alo #n&ol&"d #n Fr""(aonry*
3889 (April 18! : 2art#n /ryant $al(ly wal8 around a tour#t #t" #n
Ta(an#a, ("thod#$ally hoot#n% DB )"o)l", 8#ll#n% ED of th"(* ,nt"r"t#n%ly,
/ryant # #n )o"#on of an aault r#fl" that had !""n hand"d #n to )ol#$" #n
L#$tor#a a )art of a %un a(n"ty )ro%ra(, !ut (yt"r#ouly wound u) #n
/ryantH hand !"for" th" (aa$r"*
Aft"r h# arr"t, /ryant a#d that h" had !""n >%ott"n to0, and had !""n
>)ro%ra(("d0* An ant#'o$#al lon"r, /ryant had r"$"ntly r"turn"d fro( a
ol#tary two'w""8 tr#) to th" U*S*, ot"n#!ly to &##t D#n"yland* Autral#an
?uto( a%"nt not#$"d h" $arr#"d no lu%%a%" and wa a$t#n% tran%"ly*
Th"y too8 h#( to th" ho)#tal to !" "9a(#n"d a a )o#!l" dru% $our#"r, !ut
found noth#n%* @ad /ryant a$tually &##t"d D#n"yland, or had h" &##t"d a
d#ff"r"nt ty)" of )lay%round ' on" #nha!#t"d !y th" (#nd'$ontrol (at"r of
th" ?,AN
,n th" wa8" of th# (aa$r", Autral#a und"rw"nt whol"al" %un $onf#$at#on
of #t $#t#+"nry* 7ot ur)r##n%ly, Autral#a and 7"w U"aland ha&" lon% "r&"d
a a )lay%round for th" ?,A, who r")ort"dly )lay"d a (a.or rol" #n th"
o&"rthrow of Autral#an Pr#(" 2#n#t"r Aou%h Wh#tla(, d#r"$t"d fro( th"
?,AH u)"r'"$r"t P#n" Aa) fa$#l#ty* ,t ha alo !""n r")ort"d that th" ?,A
ha !""n t"t#n% u!l#(#nal TL tran(##on to #nflu"n$" th" out$o(" of
1S"" onl#n" !oo8, The O%lahoma "ity )om4ing and the Politics of Terror, !y
Da&#d @off(an5
3889 (April 0! : T"d 3a$+yn8# # arr"t"d a th" Una!o(!"r, "nd#n% a
(a#l'!o(!#n% $a()a#%n that ha !""n %o#n% on #n$" 1FG8* Th"r" w#ll !"
(any #nd#$at#on that 3a$+yn8# wa "t u) a a )aty* Th" #%n of a $o&"r'
u) w#ll !" #(#lar to tho" #n oth"r h#%h')rof#l" >lon" nut0 $a"* Th"
author#t#" "nd all furth"r #n&"t#%at#on #nto th" $a" #(("d#at"ly aft"r
3a$+yn8# # a))r"h"nd"d and )r""nt th" )u!l#$ w#th th"#r &"r#on of th"
fa$t* @" w#ll !" d"n#"d th" attorn"y of h# $ho#$", San Fran$#$o rad#$al
lawy"r Tony S"rra, who would )ro!a!ly ha&" (ount"d an #d"olo%#$al d"f"n"
that $ould r"ult #n d#$lour" of f"d"ral "ntra)("nt or $on)#ra$y* ,nt"ad h"
w#ll !" a))o#nt"d two f"d"rally "()loy"d ?al#forn#a >d"f"n"0 attorn"y, who
ar" $on&#n$"d of 3a$+yn8#0 %u#lt and w#ll #nt"nd to ""8 an #nan#ty )l"a*
3a$+yn8# w#ll !al8 at th"" l"%al (an"u&"r and, aft"r a r"-u"t to
r")r""nt h#("lf # d"n#"d, w#ll !ar%a#n a %u#lty )l"a #n r"turn for l#f"
#()r#on("nt #nt"ad of th" d"ath )"nalty* 2any -u"t#ona!l" "l"("nt of
th" off#$#al tory ar" #%nor"d : #n$lud#n% tron% "&#d"n$" that th"r" w"r"
oth"r a$$o()l#$" : and n"&"r allow"d to !" $ont"t"d* Author#t#" -u#$8ly
%ath"r u) and $art away "&"ry )o#!l" )#"$" of )hy#$al "&#d"n$" r"lat"d to
th" $a", #n$lud#n% 3a$+yn8#0 "nt#r" $a!#n and "&"ryth#n% #n #t*
Dur#n% h# "nt"n$#n%, on 2ay 4, 1FF8, 3a$+yn8# w#ll (a8" th" follow#n%
!r#"f tat"("nt:
@y statement will be very brief. & few days ago the government filed a sentencing
memorandum, the purpose of which was clearly political. *y discrediting me personally,
they hope to discredit the idea expressed by the 6nabomber. #n reality, the government
has discredited itself.
The sentencing memorandum contains false statements, distorted statements and
statements that mislead by omitting important facts. &t a later time # expect to respond at
length to the sentencing memorandum and also the many other falsehoods that have been
propagated about me. @eanwhile, # only as that people reserve their 'udgment about me
and about the 6nabom case until all the facts have been made public.!
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Scapegoat! Ted 7ac:yns%i, Ritual &urder and the
nvocation of "atastrophe, !y 2#$ha"l A* @off(an ,,5
3889 (:*ly! : Dr* ,an W#l(ut of 4ol#n ,nt#tut" #n S$otland, u$$""d #n th"
f#rt $lon#n% of a (a((al : >Dolly0 th" h"")*
3889 (A*g*st 30! : Four y"ar aft"r h# "arly r"l"a" fro( )r#on for
"9ual a!u" of $h#ldr"n, /"l%#an author#t#" arr"t 2ar$ Dutrou9 on$" a%a#n
for h# #n&ol&"("nt #n th" d#a))"aran$" of youn% %#rl, alon% w#th h# w#f"
1an "l"("ntary $hool t"a$h"r5, a lod%"r, a )ol#$"(an, and anoth"r (an
na("d 2#$h"l L"l#"&r"* Th" latt"r # d"$r#!"d a Jan ao$#at" w#th )ol#t#$al
$onn"$t#onK* Two day aft"r th" arr"t, )ol#$" "ar$h Dutrou9H ho(" and
f#nd a ound)roof dun%"on=tortur" $ha(!"r* S"&"ral day aft"r th#, )ol#$"
w#ll d#% u) th" !od#" of two "#%ht'y"ar'old %#rl at anoth"r of Dutrou9H
ho("* Th"y had !""n 8")t #n on" of Dutrou90 dun%"on for n#n" (onth
aft"r th"#r a!du$t#on, dur#n% wh#$h t#(" th"y w"r" r")"at"dly tortur"d and
"9ually aault"d, wh#$h wa all $a)tur"d on &#d"ota)"* 2or" !ur#"d !od#"
w#ll alo !" found* At l"at t"n oth"r )"o)l" w#ll !" arr"t"d #n $onn"$t#on
w#th th"" $r#("* E&#d"n$" of h#%h'l"&"l %o&"rn("nt and )ol#$" $o()l#$#ty
w#ll !"%#n to "("r%"* An a$$o()l#$", !u#n"(an J"an'2#$h"l 7#houl, w#ll
$onf" to or%an#+#n% an or%y at a /"l%#an $hat"au that had !""n att"nd"d
!y %o&"rn("nt off#$#al, a for("r Euro)"an ?o((##on"r, and a nu(!"r of
law "nfor$"("nt off#$"r* A /"l%#an "nator w#ll not", -u#t" a$$urat"ly, that
u$h )art#" ar" )art of a yt"( J+hich operates to this day and is used to
4lac%mail the highly placed people +ho ta%e part(K 7#houl w#ll $la#( that h" #
!"yond th" r"a$h of th" law !"$au" h" ha #nfor(at#on that, #f (ad" )u!l#$,
J+ould 4ring the 6overnment and the entire state do+n(K ,n S")t"(!"r, 2E
u)"$t ' at l"at n#n" of who( ar" )ol#$" off#$"r : w#ll !" d"ta#n"d and
-u"t#on"d a!out th"#r )o#!l" $o()l#$#ty #n th" $r#(" and=or th"#r
n"%l#%"n$" #n #n&"t#%at#n% th" $a"* Th" r")ort ar" !a"d on #nfor(at#on
u))l#"d !y a )ol#$" #n)"$tor who had alr"ady !""n $har%"d a an
a$$o()l#$"* Th# $a" w#ll ha&" $onn"$t#on to th" 1FF1 aa#nat#on of
)ro(#n"nt /"l%#an !u#n"(an and )ol#t#$#an Andr" ?ool, who had !""n
)lann#n% to (a8" o(" >ho$8#n% r"&"lat#on0 !"for" h# d"ath* @#%h'ran8#n%
off#$#al w#ll $ont#nually #nt"rf"r" w#th #n&"t#%at#on a #t !"$o(" 8nown that
a )"do)h#l" r#n% "9#t that #n&ol&" &"ry w"althy and )ow"rful #nd#&#dual*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3889 (Septem;er 3! : /r#ta#n0 Sunday T"l"%ra)h h"adl#n" a
!r"a8throu%h #n %ra&#ty'h#"ld#n% r""ar$h !y a 4u#an $#"nt#t na("d Dr*
E&%"ny Pod8l"tno& at Ta()"r" Un#&"r#ty of T"$hnolo%y #n F#nland* Th"
r""ar$h had alr"ady !""n h"a&#ly $rut#n#+"d !y a nu(!"r of #nd")"nd"nt
"9)"rt, and a )a)"r wa !"#n% )ut forward for )u!l#$at#on #n Journal of
Physics D! Applied Physics* @ow"&"r, th" r"l"a" of th# n"w $au"
Pod8l"tno& to !" otra$#+"d !y th" un#&"r#ty and th" )a)"r # )ull"d fro( th"
.ournal* Pod8l"tno& %o" !a$8 to 4u#a for a y"ar !ut $ont#nu" h# wor8,
"&"ntually r"turn#n% to F#nland to wor8 at a lo$al $o()any* Th" r"a$t#on h"
r"$"#&"d for th" n"w)a)"r art#$l" (ay ha&" !""n #nt"nd"d to $o&"r u) th"
#%n#f#$an$" of th# r""ar$h* L#8" th" wor8 of Dou%la Torr and 7#n% L# #n
1FFE, Pod8l"tno&0 wor8 #n&ol&" th" u" of u)"r$ondu$tor to #nh#!#t
%ra&#tat#onal for$"* Th" d"&"lo)("nt of u)"r$ondu$tor at th# t#(" # t#ll #n
r"lat#&" #nfan$y*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3889 (Septem;er 35! : A hoot#n% at P"nn Stat" Un#&"r#ty, Stat" ?oll"%",
PA l"a&" on" d"ad and on" wound"d* Th" hoot"r, 1F'y"ar'old J#ll#an
4o!!#n, wh"n a8"d why h" d#d #t, w#ll tat" r")"at"dly, = donLt %no+(>
Wa h" und"r (#nd'$ontrolN 4o!!#n had uff"r"d hallu$#nat#on #n$" th"
t"nth %rad", #n$lud#n% h"ar#n% &o#$"* Sh" had "nl#t"d #n th" US Ar(y
4""r&" !"for" %raduat#on, wh"r" h" !"$a(" a r#fl" "9)"rt* Sh" had !""n
""#n% a Stat" ?oll"%" )y$holo%#t who wa tr"at#n% h"r #n th" (onth
!"for" th" hoot#n%, and had told h#( of ur%" to >$o((#t rando( a$t of
&#ol"n$"0 and of own#n% a 2au"r r#fl"* Th" )y$holo%#t, W#l!ur Wadl#n%ton,
had don" noth#n% a!out #t* Sh" had !""n d#$har%"d fro( a ("ntal
#nt#tut#on only a (onth !"for" th" hoot#n%*
3889 (Decem;er 12! : Th" (ol"tat#on=(urd"r of #9'y"ar'old !"auty
-u""n Jon/"n"t 4a("y* /y all a))"aran$", th" )ar"nt, John and Paty
4a("y, or o("on" &"ry $lo" to th"(, ar" th" 8#ll"r* Jon/"n"t0 !ody #
found #n th" !a"("nt of th"#r /ould"r, ?olorado ho(" w#th a ro)" around
h"r n"$8, and th"r" ar" #%n of "9ual a!u"* Th" !ody ha !""n d"ad lon%
"nou%h to %#&" off an odor, ("an#n% that Jon/"n"t had !""n 8#ll"d day
"arl#"r, !ut th# fa$t w#ll !" $o()l"t"ly #%nor"d* An auto)y w#ll r"&"al that
h" had !""n "9ually a!u"d (any t#(" #n th" )at* ,t w#ll !"$o("
tron%ly u)"$t"d that th" )ar"nt w"r" #n&ol&"d #n a atan#$ )"do)h#l" r#n%
and w"r" )#()#n% out th"#r dau%ht"r* ,t # alo u)"$t"d that Jon/"n"t wa
8#ll"d #n a nuff (o&#"* A$$ord#n% to th" San Jo" 2"r$ury 7"w, at l"at 1D0
&#d"ota)" w"r" "#+"d fro( th" ho("*
John 4a("y, who # a for("r 7a&y off#$"r, run a D"n&"r $o()any $all"d
A$$" Ara)h#$, wh#$h # do#n% !u#n" w#th a $o()any $all"d th" W#ll#a(
2orr# A%"n$y, wh#$h r")r""nt u) and $o(#n% $h#ld (od"l and had
ol#$#t"d a $ontra$t fro( th" 4a("yH for th" H"r&#$"H of Jon/"n"t* At th"
t#(" of Jon/"n"t0 d"ath, th# $o()any # und"r #n&"t#%at#on for #t
#n&ol&"("nt #n a $h#ld )orno%ra)hy r#n%* Th" )orno%ra)hy r#n% # !"#n% run
!y th" F/,0 D#&* D 1S)"$#al=/la$8 6)5* Dur#n% th" #n&"t#%at#on #nto
Jon/"n"t0 (urd"r, John 4a("y0 $o()any $o()ut"r w#ll !" found to
$onta#n a lar%" &olu(" of $h#ld )orno%ra)hy* A$$" Ara)h#$, #t w#ll turn out,
alo ha "r&#$" $ontra$t that ar" d#r"$tly t#"d to th" ,ran ?ontra affa#r*
A$$" Ara)h#$0 !an8 a$$ount ar" w#th S#l&"rado Sa&#n% and Loan, th"
not"d ,ran ?ontra (on"y'laund"r#n% outf#t that # ad(#n#t"r"d !y th"
D#r"$tor of S#l&"rado, 7"#l /uh, A"or%" W* /uhH !roth"r* John 4a("y #
alo on a l#t of w#tn"" that ar" n"&"r u!)o"na"d !y for("r ,ran ?ontra
Pro"$utor Lawr"n$" Walh*
John 4a("yH dau%ht"r El#+a!"th 1fro( h# f#rt (arr#a%"5, w#ll lat"r un$o&"r
"&"ral &#&#d ("(or#" of atan#$, r#tual "9ual a!u" aft"r a fa#l"d u#$#d"
att"()t 1dur#n% th" "nu#n% th"ra)y "#on5 #n wh#$h h"r fath"r a))ar"ntly
)lay"d a (a.or rol" #n th" r#tual* W#th#n "&"ral (onth of un$o&"r#n% th"
("(or#" and %o#n% >)u!l#$0 w#th th"( 1tal8#n% to fr#"nd and fa(#ly
("(!"r5 h" w#ll !" found d"ad : 8#ll"d #n a fr"a8 $ar a$$#d"nt*
3889 : 4o!"rt 1W#ll#"5 P#$8ton and h# !roth"r Da&#d "ll &ar#ou )ar$"l of
th"#r )#% far( )ro)"rty #n Port ?o-u#tla(, a (all town .ut out#d" th" $#ty
of Lan$ou&"r, and a$-u#r" o&"r f#&" (#ll#on dollar #n total* Da&#d P#$8ton
ta8" o(" of th" (on"y and o)"n a )arty hall down th" tr""t fro( th"
far(, $all#n% #t >P#%%y0 Pala$"0* 4o!"rt P#$8ton $arr#" on runn#n% th" )#%
far(* P#%%y0 Pala$" w#ll oon !"$o(" a han%out for lo$al @"ll0 An%"l
("(!"r 1th"y ha&" a $lu!hou" a$ro th" road fro( th" far(5, a w"ll a
)ol#t#$#an, )ol#$" off#$"r, !u#n"("n, t"a$h"r, and o("t#(" "&"n
$h#ldr"n* ,t w#ll alo !" r"%ularly fr"-u"nt"d !y (any d#ff"r"nt f"(al" tr""t
wor8"r, (ot of th"( !rou%ht th"r" fro( n"ar!y Lan$ou&"r ?#ty, who ar"
th"r" to !" u"d for "9ual "r&#$", and o(" w#ll n"&"r l"a&"*
Th# a(" y"ar, 4o!"rt P#$8ton w#ll !" $har%"d w#th att"()t"d (urd"r and
unlawful $onf#n"("nt for r")"at"dly ta!!#n% a tr""t wor8"r who h" had
!""n hold#n% a%a#nt h"r w#ll at h# far(* Sh" # na8"d and ha a )a#r of
hand$uff lo$8"d onto on" wr#t wh"n h" fla% down a $ar dur#n% h"r
"$a)"* Sh" d#" and # r"&#&"d at th" ho)#tal* Th" $har%" w#ll !" dro))"d
w#th#n a y"ar, w#th th" "9$u" fro( $ourt )ro"$utor that th"y would !"
una!l" to %"t a $on&#$t#on !"$au" th" wo(an wa a dru% add#$t and would
n"&"r !" !"l#"&"d #n $ourt*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Death 'arm, !y ?harl" 2ud"d"5
3889 : Er#$ @arr# 1who w#ll !" on" of th" hoot"r at ?olu(!#n" @#%h
S$hool5 and h# fa(#ly (o&" to L#ttl"ton, ?olorado fro( Platt!ur%h A#r For$"
/a" #n 7"w Oor8* /"for" h" l"a&", h" w#ll $onf#d" to a fr#"nd that h"0ll !"
%lad to %"t away fro( th" )la$" !"$au" of th" "9)"r#("nt th" (#l#tary ha
!""n $ondu$t#n% on h#( th"r"* Platt!ur%h AF/ ha an 18'l"&"l und"r%round
fa$#l#ty wh"r" (any d#ff"r"nt ty)" of )yo) and (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra( ar"
3889 : 2"9#$an )ol#$" !r"a8 u) an #nt"rnat#onal $h#ld )orno%ra)hy r#n%
!a"d #n th" r"ort of A$a)ul$o that r")ort"dly ha at l"at 4,000 $l#"nt #n
th" Un#t"d Stat"* A U7 "n&oy #n&"t#%at#n% th" $a" tat" that th" $h#ld
)orno%ra)hy o("t#(" #n&ol&"d !a!#" of l" than on" (onth old*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3889 : A )"do)h#l" r#n% $all"d th" 6r$h#d ?lu! # "9)o"d #n San Jo",
?al#forn#a* Th" ("(!"r0 $r#(" #n$lud" r"$ru#t#n% youn% r"lat#&" and
fr#"nd of th"#r own $h#ldr"n to !" (ol"t"d and )hoto%ra)h"d* Th" $lu! #
alo #n&ol&"d #n r"al't#(" "9)lo#tat#on of $h#ldr"n on th" #nt"rn"t, wh"r"
("(!"r ar" a!l" to "nd #n r"-u"t and ha&" th"( a$t"d'out on l#&"
f""d* Th" $lu! alo h"ld a )"do)h#l" >u((#t,0 at wh#$h ("(!"r $ould trad"
tor#" a!out )r"'t""n %#rl th"y ha&" (ol"t"d and )hoto%ra)h"d #n "9ually
"9)l#$#t )o"* Th" u((#t wa h"ld on A)r#l 20 : th" !#rth dat" of Adol)h
@#tl"r and a (a.or atan#$ hol#day*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3889 : Th" 7SA0 >,nt"l#n80 yt"( %o" onl#n" a )art of th" E?@EL67
yt"(, $onn"$t#n% 1E d#ff"r"nt US #nt"ll#%"n$" a%"n$#" and o(" all#"d
a%"n$#" w#th th" a#( of )ro&#d#n% #ntant a$$" to all ty)" of #nt"ll#%"n$"
#nfor(at#on* Jut l#8" lo%%#n% onto th" ,nt"rn"t, #nt"ll#%"n$" analyt and
(#l#tary )"ronn"l $an &#"w an atla on ,nt"l#n8H ho(" )a%", and th"n $l#$8
on any $ountry th"y $hoo" #n ord"r to a$$" #nt"ll#%"n$" r")ort, &#d"o
$l#), at"ll#t" )hoto, data!a" and tatu r")ort*
1S"" f#l", nside Echelon, !y Dun$an ?a()!"ll5
3889 : 2#$ha"l A-u#no >r"t#r"0 fro( h# atan#$ $hur$h, th" T"()l" of S"t*
3889 : A("r#$a 6nl#n", th" world0 lar%"t ,nt"rn"t "r&#$" )ro&#d"r, r"a$h"
f#&" (#ll#on ("(!"r*
3885 : 4"l"a"d do$u("nt r"&"al that th" ?,A ad(#t ha&#n% "n$oura%"d
r")ort of fly#n% au$"r #n th" 1FD0 and 1FB0 #n ord"r to o!$ur" t"t
fl#%ht of th" U'2 and U'12 )y )lan"*
1S"" !oo8, The #unt for <ero Point, !y 7#$8 ?oo85
3885 : Pol#$" #n Fran$" d"ta#n (or" than 2D0 )"o)l" and $onf#$at" o("
D,000 &#d"ota)" #n $on.un$t#on w#th an #n&"t#%at#on #nto a (a#&" $h#ld
)orno%ra)hy r#n%* Tho" d"ta#n"d !y )ol#$" ar" d"$r#!"d a J(a#nly (arr#"d
)rof"#onal*K A do+"n of th"( w#ll oon turn u) d"ad, all"%"dly u#$#d"
&#$t#(* A th" $a" )ro$""d #n th" y"ar ah"ad, th" Fr"n$h $ourt w#ll !"
a$$u"d of atta$8#n% th" "ay tar%"t : th" )orn $onu("r : rath"r than th"
)rodu$"r and d#tr#!utor* S"n#or )u!l#$ f#%ur" w#ll !" a(on% tho"
#n&"t#%at"d : !ut th"#r $a" w#ll !" dro))"d !"for" %o#n% to $ourt*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3885 (/arch! : An 4?2P r")ort tat": =t has 4een determined that
HRo4ert Pic%tonGs sta44ing victim from -11/I is an East #astings H@ancouver,
)"I area hoo%er and Pic%ton is %no+n to frePuent that area +ee%ly( HQI
6iven the violence sho+n 4y Pic%ton to+ards prostitutes and +omen in
general, this information is 4eing for+arded to your attention(> Th#
fa(#l#ar#ty of th" )ol#$" w#th 4o!"rt P#$8ton won0t !" un$o&"r"d unt#l aft"r h#
tr#al, wh"n #t0 "nt"r"d #nto "&#d"n$" dur#n% a lat"r #n-u#ry*
3885 (/arch 11! : Th" th#rd and f#nal #n a "r#" of (urd"r, u#$#d", and
aron o$$ur #n $onn"$t#on to th" $ult %rou), 6rd"r of th" Solar T"()l", th#
t#(" #n St* ?a#(#r, Cu"!"$* F#&" )"o)l", four $ult ("(!"r and th" )ar"nt of
on" of th" ("(!"r ha&" $o((#tt"d u#$#d"* Pol#$" d#$o&"r a l"tt"r
"9)la#n#n% that th"y ha&" ta8"n th# a$t#on to "nur" a )ath to th" n"w
3885 (/arch 19! : Th#rty'n#n" @"a&"n0 Aat" $ult ("(!"r, #n$lud#n% th"
l"ad"r, 2arhall A))l"wh#t", $o((#t (a u#$#d"* Th"y !"l#"&"d that !y
do#n% o th"y w#ll !" tranf"rr"d to an al#"n )a$"h#) that # )ur)ort"dly
follow#n% th" @al"'/o)) $o("t a #t )a" n"ar Earth*
Thr"" ("(!"r of @"a&"n0 Aat" wor8"d for Ad&an$"d D"&"lo)("nt Arou)
1ADA5, ,n$*, a $o()any that d"&"lo)"d $o()ut"r'!a"d #ntru$t#on for th"
US Ar(y* ADA lat"r !"$a(" 2anT"$h Ad&an$"d D"&"lo)("nt Arou)* Th""
or%an#+at#on ha&" $onn"$t#on to th" F#rt Earth /attal#on* Th" F#rt Earth
/attal#on wa a )yo) %rou) that wa for("d #n th" US (#l#tary to all"%"dly
handl" (#l#tary "9trat"rr"tr#al affa#r u$h a a!du$t#on, $onta$t throu%h
t"l")athy, r"(ot" &#"w#n%, ESP, and )o#!l" #(ulat"d "9trat"rr"tr#al >dr#ll0
u#n% holo%ra)h#$ t"$hnolo%y* F#rt Earth /attal#on "&"ntually !"$a(" th"
J"d# Pro."$t* All of th"" "$r"t#&" )yo) %rou) ar" w"ll 8#ll"d #n )r"ad#n%
d##nfor(at#on 1#n$lud#n% a!out th"("l&"5*
3885 : 2#$ha"l A-u#no f#l" two lawu#t #n San Fran$#$o a%a#nt D#ana
7a)ol#0 #nt"rn"t )ro&#d"r El"$tr#$#t# #n att"()t to for$" th"( to $an$"l h"r
a$$ount and r"&"al h"r #d"nt#ty to h#(* Dur#n% th# t#(", A-u#no # rout#n"ly
(#r")r""nt#n% to n"w)a)"r r")ort"r what had o$$urr"d on th" #nt"rn"t
!"tw""n th"( #n att"()t to (a8" h#("lf a))"ar a &#$t#(* @ow"&"r, aft"r
r"&#"w#n% 7a)ol#0 )u!l#$ ("a%", El"$tr#$#t# r"fu" to d#$lo" h"r #d"nt#ty
or "&"n #n&"t#%at" who h" (#%ht !" !"$au" th"y !"l#"&" that A-u#no #
dan%"rou and that 7a)ol# n""d"d )rot"$t#on* Th"" lawu#t ar" d#(#"d
du" to th" ?DA )r"$lud#n% #nt"rn"t $o()an#" fro( l#a!#l#ty du" to th"#r
$uto("r0 ("a%"*
3885 : Wh#l" )r")ar#n% for a tory a!out th" a!du$t#on of Johnny Ao$h,
3ar"n /urn" of A/?0 20=20 un$o&"r 4D oth"r &#$t#( of $h#ld "9ual a!u",
atan#$ a!u", and 8#dna))#n%, "&"ral of who( 8n"w Ao$h and w"r" w#th
h#( on (any o$$a#on* 6n" of th"" &#$t#( # th" on of Anton LaL"y,
found"r of th" ?hur$h of Satan, who w#ll $la#( that h# fath"r had $atrat"d
3885 ($cto;er 3! : A hoot#n% at P"arl @#%h S$hool #n P"arl, 2###))#
l"a&" two d"ad, "&"n wound"d* Th" hoot"r ar" Lu8" Woodha(, 1B, and
Arant /oy"tt", 1F* Woodha( w#ll lat"r tat", =HI fought +ith myself 4ecause
didnLt +ant to do any of it(> Woodha(, who had 8#ll"d h# (oth"r "arl#"r #n
th" day, w#ll lat"r tat" that h" do"nHt r"("(!"r 8#ll#n% h"r, !ut w#ll r"$all
h"ar#n% /oy"tt"0 &o#$" t"ll#n% h#( to 8#ll h"r* @" w#ll alo ay h" wa dr#&"n
!y d"(on* /oy"tt", an a&#d $hur$h'%o"r w#th d"")ly r"l#%#ou )ar"nt, w#ll
!" found to ha&" d#r"$t"d Woodha(0 a$t#on dur#n% th" 8#ll#n%, and # th"
l"ad"r of a (all atan#$ $ult na("d th" >3roth0* Th# %rou) $on#t of
/oy"tt", Woodha(, and at l"at f#&" oth"r t""na%"r, and ar" 8nown to
da!!l" #n !la$8 (a%#$* All "&"n w#ll !" $har%"d for th" (urd"r* Th"
hoot#n% )r"" had !""n )lann"d #n$" th" !"%#nn#n% of th" y"ar and wa
#nt"nd"d to tar%"t a nu(!"r of "n"(#" of th" %rou)* A not"!oo8 !"lon%#n%
to Woodha( w#ll !" found, #n wh#$h # wr#tt"n, = %illed 4ecause people li%e
me are mistreated every day( HQI did this to sho+ societyMLPush us and +e
+ill push 4ac%(L suffered all my life( ;o one ever truly loved me( ;o one
ever truly cared a4out me(>
3885 (Decem;er 3! : A hoot#n% at @"ath @#%h S$hool #n Padu$ah,
3"ntu$8y l"a&" thr"" d"ad and f#&" wound"d* Th" hoot"r, 14'y"ar'old
2#$ha"l ?arn"al, # $arry#n% f#&" %un and 1,000 round of a((o* Wh"n lat"r
a8"d why h" d#d #t, w#ll tat" h" do"nHt 8now* ?arn"alH ho("roo( t"a$h"r
w#ll r")ort that h" d#dn0t ""( to r"$o%n#+" what h" had don"* @# #t"r,
3"lly ?arn"al, who # )r""nt at th" hoot#n%, w#ll tat" that h"r !roth"r0
fa$" loo8"d d#ff"r"nt and h# !ody )otur" wa d#ff"r"nt* Sh" w#ll tat", J#e
loo%ed li%e a completely different person( +ould not have recogni:ed him
had he not had on the same clothes as he had on that morning( (((( #e
turned his head and he loo%ed at me( And reali:ed he didnLt %no+ +ho
+as( ((( +ill never forget that stare on &ichaelLs face in a million years((((((
t +as $ust 4lan%, nothingness( tLs li%e there +as nothing in him(K ?arn"al0
fath"r # a )ro(#n"nt attorn"y*
?arn"al w#ll lat"r d"$r#!" #n an #nt"r&#"w how h" wa !"#n% $ontroll"d and
tor("nt"d !y a %rou) of "nt#t#" that $all"d th"("l&" th" >Dan"0* @" had
told o(" tud"nt that Jo("th#n% !#% wa %o#n% to ha))"nK on that
3885 : Laura 3n#%ht'Jad$+y8 and h"r $hann"l#n% %rou), th" ?a#o)a"an,
ar" .o#n"d !y h"r oon'to'!" hu!and, Dr* Ar8ad#u+ 1Ar85 Jad$+y8* Dr*
Jad$+y8 # a th"or"t#$al )hy#$#t wor8#n% a a )rof"or at th" Un#&"r#ty of
Wro$law, Poland, t"a$h#n% (ath"(at#$al )hy#$* @" had ("t Laura on th"
,nt"rn"t and th"n $a(" to th" USA to .o#n h"r and h"r %rou)* Th" %rou)
$"rta#nly ha all th" #%n of a $ult, and Laura # th" )"rf"$t )ortrayal of a
)arano#d and )y$ho)ath#$ $ult l"ad"r w#th d"lu#on of )"r"$ut#on and "lf'
#()ortan$" who d"(and &"ry t#%ht $ontrol o&"r h"r ("(!"r and what th"y
!"l#"&"* Sh" $la#( to !" a >Wand"r"r0, wh#$h # a t"r( that $o(" tra#%ht
out of th" 4a (at"r#al $hann"l"d !y ?arla 4u"$8"rt, Don El8#n, and J#(
3885 : @AA4P # a$t#&at"d, althou%h #t #n0t lat"d to %o fully on'l#n" unt#l
3886 (:an*ary 15! : ?har%" that ha&" !""n la#d a%a#nt 4o!"rt P#$8ton
for unlawful $onf#n"("nt and att"()t"d (urd"r ar" tay"d !y /?0 ?r#(#nal
Jut#$" /ran$h*
3886 (&e;r*ary 33! : Th" T#(" r")ort that wor8("n r"tor#n% th"
r"#d"n$" of /"n.a(#n Fran8l#n #n London ha&" du% u) th" r"(a#n of a !a!y,
f#&" $h#ldr"n and four adult fro( und"r th" hou"* Th" !on" ar" "t#(at"d
to !" a!out 200 y"ar old and w"r" !ur#"d at th" t#(" Fran8l#n wa l#&#n% #n
th" hou", wh#$h wa h# ho(" fro( 1GDG to 1GB2 and fro( 1GB4 to 1GGD*
2ot of th" !on" how #%n of ha&#n% !""n d#"$t"d, awn or $ut* 6n"
8ull ha !""n dr#ll"d w#th "&"ral hol"* Wh#l" l#&#n% #n London, Fran8l#n wa
a ("(!"r of th" @"llf#r" ?lu!, oth"rw#" 8nown a th" 6rd"r of th" Fr#ar of
St* Fran$# of Wy$o(!"* Th" @"llf#r" ?lu! wa a (""t#n% )la$" wh"r"
("(!"r of h#%h o$#"ty and >)"o)l" of -ual#ty0 $ould (""t and "n%a%" #n
!la$8 (a", "9ual or%#", and oth"r #((oral a$t*
3886 (/arch 17! : S$hool hoot#n% at W"t#d" 2#ddl" S$hool #n Jon"!oro,
Ar8ana* F#&" ar" 8#ll"d and t"n #n.ur"d* Th" $a(oufla%"'$lad 8#ll"r ar" 1E'
y"ar'old 2#t$h"ll S$ott Johnon and 12'y"ar'old Andr"w Dou%la Aold"n*
Johnon0 (oth"r # a )r#on %uard and had (arr#"d an #n(at" wh"n Johnon
wa "&"n y"ar old* Follow#n% th" hoot#n%, JohnonH attorn"y w#ll $la#(
that Johnon had !""n "9ually a!u"d a a $h#ld !y a fa(#ly ("(!"r of th"
day $ar" wh"r" h" had !""n )la$"d* A y"ar !"for" th" hoot#n%, h" wa
$har%"d w#th (ol"t#n% a E'y"ar'old $h#ld* /oth of Aold"n0 )ar"nt ar"
)otal wor8"r* S#n$" that day, wh"n th" !oy ha&" !""n a8"d why th"y d#d
#t, th"y a))"ar"d not to !" a!l" to %#&" an anw"r* Johnon w#ll tat", =
really thought that no one +ould actually 4e hurt(>
3886 (April 17! : A hoot#n% at Par8"r 2#ddl" S$hool #n Ed#n!orou%h, PA
l"a&" on" d"ad, thr"" wound"d* Th" hoot"r, 14'y"ar'old Andr"w Wurt,
w#ll tat" that h" had no r"aon to do #t*
3886 (/ay 11! : A hoot#n% at Thurton @#%h S$hool #n S)r#n%f#"ld, 6r"%on
l"a&" on" d"ad, "&"n wound"d* Th" hoot"r, 3#) 3#n8"l, alo 8#ll h#
)ar"nt* @" w#ll r")"at"dly tat" #n a )ol#$" #nt"r&#"w that h" had no $ho#$"*
C: =Why did you go to school and start shooting peopleE> A: = had to( had
no other choice( couldnLt do anything else(> @" had !""n h"ar#n% loud
&o#$" #n h# h"ad that $o((and"d h#( to 8#ll* Wh"n a8"d wh"r" h" th#n8
th" &o#$" $o(" fro(, 3#) w#ll r")ly, NWell, had some theories( &ay4e it
+as from the devil((( the government might have put a chip in my head(
6overnment satellites might have transmitted to the chip(((( At first
thought the voices +ere outside of my head 4ecause they +ere so very loud,
li%e surround sound(N 3#n8"l w#ll alo $la#( that h" !"l#"&" on" at"ll#t"
%#&" &o#$" to th" (#$ro$h#) and anoth"r follow h# (o&"("nt*
3886 (:*ly! : At a!out th# t#n", Autral#aH lon%"t "r&#n% (ayor, B8'y"ar'
old Fran8 Ar8"ll, # !lud%"on"d to d"ath #n h# ho("* @" had !""n fa$#n% 2F
$h#ld "9 $har%", and wa a 8"y w#tn" #n a royal $o((##on #nto )ol#$"
$orru)t#on that un$o&"r"d a )"do)h#l" n"twor8* Pol#$" u)"$t h# (urd"r #
)art of a "r#" of %ru"o(" %ay hat" 8#ll#n% #n th" Sydn"y r"%#on that ar"
l#n8"d to a notor#ou )"do)h#l" r#n%* ,n th" )at f"w (onth two oth"r ("n,
on" a $on&#$t"d $h#ld "9 off"nd"r, w"r" atta$8"d #n th"#r ho(" #n #(#lar
$#r$u(tan$" and alo uff"r"d horr#f#$ #n.ur#"*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3886 (A*g*st! : All"%"d (#nd'$ontrol &#$t#( Andy P"ro %o" )u!l#$ w#th h#
tory* @# fath"r wa a L#"ut"nant ?o((and"r at th" Fallon 7a&al A#r Stat#on
#n 7"&ada at th" t#(" of h# !#rth #n 1FBF, and h# "9)"r#"n$" !"%an a!out
two y"ar lat"r* @" ha flah!a$8 ("(or#" of !"#n% u!."$t"d to ho$8
tr"at("nt and &ar#ou oth"r for( of trau(a at that a%" #n ord"r to )l#t h#
(#nd and $r"at" (ult#)l" )"ronal#t#"* @" tat" that h" wa )ro%ra(("d at
u$h )la$" a th" Un#&"r#ty of 4o$h"t"r, 7O, th" 4o(" 7at#onal A#r /a" #n
4o(", 7O, ?a() @"ro, at 2ontau8, L,, and alo at Do!!#n A#r For$" /a" #n
Atlanta, AA*
/y 1FG4 h# fa(#ly had (o&"d to 2un#$h, A"r(any* At a%" 10 h# (oth"r
"nroll"d h#( #n a 1l"%#t#(at", non'23ULT4A5 S#l&a 2#nd ?ontrol $our" wh"r"
h" l"arn "lf'hy)no# t"$hn#-u"*
@# %o&"rn("nt (#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra((#n% #n&ol&"d tra#n#n% h#( to "ndur"
uff"r#n% !"yond !"l#"f and !" a!l" to a$$o()l#h u)"rhu(an f"at of
tr"n%th and ur&#&al* 6n" of th" th#n% h" $la#( h" wa tra#n"d to do wa
to .u() fro( "9tr"("ly h#%h )la$" : #n$lud#n% fro( a#r)lan" w#thout a
)ara$hut" : and land w#thout hurt#n% h#("lf* /y th" t#(" h" wa 1D y"ar
old, h" wa !"#n% u"d on "$r"t (#l#tary (##on* @" alo $la#( to ha&"
!""n u"d #n th" >2ontau8 ?ha#r0 to $r"at" t#(" )ortal and thr""'
d#("n#onal (at"r#al#+at#on* @" alo $la#( to ha&" "n$ount"r"d al#"n
$r"atur" dur#n% (any of h# "9)"r#"n$", #n$lud#n% %r"y and r")t#l#an*
3886 (Septem;er! : At a!out th# t#(", )ol#$" #n 22 US tat" and 1E
for"#%n $ountr#" $ondu$t $oord#nat"d ra#d a#("d at !r"a8#n% u) an #nt"rn"t
$h#ld')orno%ra)hy r#n%* Th" )"do)h#l" n"twor8 # $all"d th" Wond"rland ?lu!,
#n honor of L"w# ?arroll0 $h#ldr"nH !oo8, AliceLs Adventures in Wonderland,
and of ?arroll h#("lf, who # 8nown to ha&" had a )r"d#l"$t#on for und"ra%"
$h#ldr"n, and who ha !"$o(" o("th#n% of a )atron a#nt of )"do)h#l"* Th"
r#n% #n&ol&" a (any a 200 )"o)l" around th" world, who w"r" "9$han%#n%
thouand of "9ually "9)l#$#t #(a%" of $h#ldr"n a youn% a 18 (onth* Th"
r#n% har" )#$tur" of $h#ldr"n !"#n% a!u"d : #n o(" $a" l#&" &#a w"!'
$a( !road$at o&"r th" #nt"rn"t* So(" ("(!"r ar" r")ort"d to !" u#n%
th"#r own $h#ldr"n #n )#$tur"* ,n oth"r $a", )ar"nt ar" u)"$t"d of ta8#n%
(on"y to l"t th"#r $h#ldr"n !" u"d* 6&"r 1,2D0 $h#ldr"n ar" a#d to !"
f"atur"d #n th" )hoto and &#d"o, (any of who( a))"ar to !" uff"r#n%
a))all#n% #n.ur#" and ar" ""n o!!#n% un$ontrolla!ly wh#l" !"#n% "9ually
&#olat"d* 2ot of th" $h#ldr"n ar" und"r th" a%" of t"n* Th" $o(!#n"d ra#d
r"ult #n th" "#+ur" of (or" than GD0,000 $o()ut"r #(a%" of $h#ldr"n* Th"
ra#d #n$lud" ho(" #n Autral#a, Autr#a, /"l%#u(, F#nland, Fran$", A"r(any,
,taly, 7orway, Portu%al and Sw"d"n, althou%h th" r#n% "9t"nd #nto 4G
$ountr#"* 10G u)"$t ar" "&"ntually arr"t"d* A w#th "arl#"r ra#d on
)"do)h#l" r#n% #n Euro)", a rah of >u#$#d"0 w#ll oon follow* Four of th" E4
A("r#$an u)"$t w#ll $o((#t u#$#d", #n$lud#n% a r"t#r"d A#r For$" )#lot, a
(#$ro!#olo%#t, and a $o()ut"r $onultant*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3886 ($cto;er! : Wad" 2#$ha"l Pa%" 1a8a Wad" Lan!u8#r85 r"$"#&" a
l"'than'honora!l" d#$har%" fro( th" Ar(y aft"r "r&#n% for al(ot #9
y"ar* @" wa tat#on"d at Ft* /l#, T"9a, and Ft* /ra%% #n 7orth ?arol#na,
wh"r" h" wa tra#n"d a a Py$holo%#$al 6)"rat#on S)"$#al#t* Aft"r h#
d#$har%", h" (o&" to L#ttl"ton, ?olorado* A$$ord#n% to o(" our$", h"
had %rown u) #n L#ttl"ton, ?olorado and wa a tud"nt at L#ttl"ton @#%h
S$hool* Pa%" had !"$o(" a n"o'7a+# wh#l" #n th" (#l#tary, and # )o#!ly a
("(!"r of th" Tr"n$h ?oat 2af#a, th" %rou) that hoot"r Er#$ @arr# and
Dylan 3l"!old !"lon%"d to*
3886 : Lan$ou&"r Pol#$" ha&" only two off#$"r wor8#n% #n th"#r (##n%
)"ron un#t, wh#l" th" nu(!"r of wo("n d#a))"ar#n% fro( th" downtown
"at#d" # %row#n%*
3886 : A lar%"'$al" #nt"rnat#onal )"do)h#l" r#n% # d#$o&"r"d o)"rat#n% out
of th" 7"th"rland and /"rl#n, A"r(any* ,(a%" of a!u" of !a!#" and
#nfant ar" !"#n% )"ddl"d &#a th" ,nt"rn"t and oth"r ("d#a* Pol#$" d#$o&"r
&olu(#nou r"$ord of what a))"ar to !" $l#"nt and u))l#"r fro( $ountr#"
#n$lud#n% ,ra"l, U8ra#n", /r#ta#n, 4u#a and th" Un#t"d Stat"* Th" r#n% #
un$o&"r"d wh"n a 8"y ("(!"r # found d"ad #n ,taly, a))ar"ntly (urd"r"d
!y anoth"r ("(!"r of th" r#n%* @# a)art("nt # found to $onta#n thouand
of d#%#tal #(a%" tor"d on $o()ut"r d#8, a w"ll a hundr"d of addr""
of u)"$t"d u))l#"r and $l#"nt*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3886 : S"r#al 8#ll"r @"nry L"" Lu$a !"$o(" th" only #n(at" on d"ath row
to "&"r ha&" h# "nt"n$" $o((ut"d !y th"n'Ao&"rnor of T"9a A"or%" W*
/uh* Lu$a0 )artn"r #n $r#(", 6tt# Tool", w#ll #(#larly ha&" h# "nt"n$"
$o((ut"d #n Flor#da !y th"n'Ao&"rnor J"! /uh*
3886 : 4uty 7"lon, who wa th" !la$8(a#l )hoto%ra)h"r for Lawr"n$"
3#n% #n th" Fran8l#n )"do)h#l" r#n%, # arr"t"d #n 6r"%on, and found #n
)o"#on of thouand of )orno%ra)h#$ )hoto%ra)h*
3886 : D#ana 7a)ol# )u!l#h" th" r"ult of h"r r""ar$h #n an ar$h#&"
t#tl"d Satanism and Ritual A4use Archive, wh#$h $on#t of a))"llat"
do$u("ntat#on and n"w art#$l" that )ro&#d" u!tant#al "&#d"n$" )ro&#n%
that r#tual a!u" "9#t*
3888 (&e;r*ary 2! : ,n US D#tr#$t ?ourt #n L#n$oln, 7"!ra8a, an
"9traord#nary h"ar#n% o$$ur #n Paul A* /ona$$# &* Lawr"n$" E* 3#n%, a $#&#l
a$t#on #n wh#$h th" )la#nt#ff $har%" that h" had !""n r#tual#t#$ally a!u"d !y
th" d"f"ndant, a )art of a nat#onw#d" )"do)h#l" r#n% l#n8"d to )ow"rful
)ol#t#$al f#%ur" #n Wah#n%ton and to "l"("nt of th" US (#l#tary and
#nt"ll#%"n$" "ta!l#h("nt*
Dur#n% th" h"ar#n%, 7or""n Ao$h, who" tw"l&"'y"ar'old on Johnny wa
a!du$t"d #n 1F82, tun th" $ourt w#th worn t"t#(ony l#n8#n% US Ar(y Lt*
?ol* 2#$ha"l A-u#no 1r"t*5 to th" nat#onw#d" )"do)h#l" r#n%:
Hell, then there was a man by the name of @ichael &)uino. <e was in the military. <e
had top ;entagon clearances. <e was a pedophile. <e was a +atanist. <eEs founded the
Temple of +et. &nd he was a close friend of &nton -aGey. The two of them were very
active in ritualistic sexual abuse. &nd they deferred funding from this government
program to use 4in5 this experimentation on children.
Hhere they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that
when theyEre )uestioned or put under oath or )uestioned under lie detector, that unless the
operator nows how to )uestion a multiple0personality disorder, they turn up with no
They used these ids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have
control of. This sounds so far out and so bi/arre # had trouble accepting it in the
beginning myself until # was presented with the data. He have the proof. #n blac and
Paul /ona$$#, who wa #(ultan"ouly a &#$t#( and a ("(!"r of th"
nat#onw#d" )"do)h#l" $r#(" ynd#$at", u!"-u"ntly #d"nt#f#" A-u#no a th"
(an who ord"r"d th" 8#dna))#n% of Johnny Ao$h*
Thr"" w""8 lat"r, on F"!ruary 2G, Jud%" Warr"n 3* Ur!o( w#ll ord"r 3#n%,
who # $urr"ntly r"#d#n% #n F"d"ral )r#on, to )ay P1 (#ll#on #n da(a%" to
3888 (April 14! : Th" ?olu(!#n" @#%h S$hool (aa$r" ta8" )la$"* Er#$
@arr# and Dylan 3l"!old "na$t a )lann"d atta$8 on th"#r h#%h $hool, 8#ll#n%
1E oth"r and wound#n% 24 !"for" all"%"dly turn#n% th"#r %un on
th"("l&"* Th" off#$#al r")ort w#ll !" that th" hoot#n% tart"d at 11:20 a(
and "nd"d at 12:08 )(, althou%h (any w#tn"" w#ll tat" that th"
hoot#n% w"nt on for far lon%"r* Th# "&"nt would !" t"l"&#"d l#&", w#th
tra#n"d and fully'%"ar"d SWAT t"a( hold#n% off out#d" th" $hool for an
#n"9)l#$a!l" l"n%th of t#(" 1u) to four hour5, allow#n% th" hoot"r to
$ont#nu" th"#r ra()a%" and wa#t#n% unt#l lon% aft"r th"y f#nally 8#ll
th"("l&" !"for" ta8#n% any a$t#on at all* Th" )ol#$" w#ll lat"r $la#( that
th"y d#dn0t %o #n #(("d#at"ly !"$au" th"y w"r" out'%unn"d* /"$au" of
th#, t"a$h"r Da&" Sand"r w#ll !l""d to d"ath wa#t#n% for h"l) to arr#&"*
D"n&"r )hy#$#an W#ll#a( D"a%l", who att"()t to %o #n to h"l) th" #n.ur"d,
# thr"at"n"d w#th &#ol"n$" !y th" )ol#$" and 8")t fro( do#n% o*
2any "y"w#tn" t"t#(on#" w#ll r"&"al that oth"r ar" #n&ol&"d #n th"
hoot#n%, o(" of th"( #d"nt#f#"d a 4o!"rt P"rry, ?hr# 2orr#, /r#an
Sar%"nt, and Jo")h Sta#r* An old"r, (u$ular (an w#th an >$h#"l"d fa$"0 #
alo w#tn""d at th" $"n" $arry#n% a hot%un, and anoth"r >)ud%y0 (al" #
""n w#th @arr# and 3l"!old .ut !"for" th" hoot#n% tart* 2orr# w#ll !"
)hoto%ra)h"d !"#n% arr"t"d !y )ol#$" at th" $"n"* Th" na(" of th""
oth"r hoot"r w#ll !" r"da$t"d fro( th" )ol#$" r")ort lat"r r"l"a"d to th"
)u!l#$, "r&#n% to $o&"r u) th"#r #d"nt#t#"* So(" or all of th"" na("d
a$$o()l#$" ar" $onn"$t"d to th" >Tr"n$h ?oat 2af#a0, a n"o'7a+# %an% of
youth and adult that @arr# and 3l"!old ar" ao$#at"d w#th*
Early on dur#n% th" hoot#n%, thr"" youth #n $o(!at fat#%u" : 2atth"w
?hr#t#anon, 2att A8ard, and J#( /ran"tt# : ar" a))r"h"nd"d #n a f#"ld n"ar
th" $hool* Th"y $la#( that th"y had h"ard a!out th" hoot#n% on th" rad#o
and had $o(" to #n&"t#%at", and na(" @arr# and 3l"!old a th" hoot"r*
Th# # !"for" any rad#o announ$"("nt ha&" !""n (ad"* ,n )#t" of th"
(any w#tn" r")ort of (or" than two hoot"r, author#t#" w#ll not
#n&"t#%at" th" (att"r and $on$lud" that th"r" w"r" only two hoot"r* At
th" a(" t#(", th"y w#ll u" th" "9$u" that th"r" (#%ht !" oth"r
a$$o()l#$" #n ord"r to w#thhold r"l"a#n% an off#$#al r")ort on th" #n$#d"nt*
So(" w#tn"" #n#d" th" $hool w#ll $la#( to ha&" h"ard hot hour aft"r
!oth @arr# and 3l"!old ar" u))o"d to ha&" 8#ll"d th"("l&" at 12:08 )(*
Pol#$" w#ll r")ort that .ut !"for" 1:00 )(, th"y w"r" "9$han%#n% %unf#r" w#th
th" hoot"r* A tud"nt #n#d" th" $hool w#ll $all #nto a lo$al n"w tat#on at
1:0F and r")ort that h" .ut h"ard %unf#r"* @" w#ll $all !a$8 a%a#n oon aft"r
and r")ort that h" .ut aw hoot"r w"ar#n% !la$8 tr"n$h $oat and (a8*
At a!out E:4D )(, a r")ort"r w#ll tat" that h" .ut h"ard (or" %unf#r" #n#d"
th" $hool*
Fro( B0 to F0 !o(! w#ll lat"r !" found )la$"d #n &ar#ou lo$at#on w#th#n th"
$hool* S"&"ral w#tn"" w#ll r")ort that th"y aw /ATF off#$"r hoot#n%
tud"nt #n#d" th" $hool*
An #n$r"d#!l" nu(!"r of d#ff"r"nt f"d"ral and tat" a%"n$#" 1on" r")ort
$la#( 2B5, #n$lud#n% 7AT6 off#$"r and a four'tar %"n"ral, w#ll !" w#tn""d
at th" $"n" oon aft"r th" hoot#n% tart* A lar%", !lu" tru$8 w#th 7AT6
$l"arly )r#nt"d on #t # w#tn""d !y nu("rou )"o)l" on th" $hool %round
at a!out 11:E0 a(* ,t # $a)tur"d on $a("ra fro( a h"l#$o)t"r* Wh"n th"
$a("ra(an +oo( #n on #t, th" &#d"o f""d # udd"nly $ut* An ar(y of
)y$h#atr#$ >%r#"f $oun$#lor0 ar" alo #(("d#at"ly on lo$at#on to handl" th"
ur&#&#n% tud"nt, )o#!ly to h"l) d"al w#th tho" tud"nt who w#tn""d
what th"y houldn0t ha&", )u()#n% th"( w#th )har(a$"ut#$al o that th"y
w#ll for%"t (any of th" d"ta#l of what th"y w#tn""d*
2any tud"nt who ar" #nt"r&#"w"d w#ll d"$r#!" th" $hool at(o)h"r" a
on" w#th a lot of !ully#n% and r#&alry* So(" tud"nt w#ll tat" that th" taff
w"r" 8nown to turn th"#r !a$8 and do noth#n% to to) #t* Th" "du$at#onal
yt"( #n th" D"n&"r ar"a # fo$u"d h"a&#ly on >("ntal h"alth0'r"lat"d
$la" for tud"nt, and at ?olu(!#n" th"r" wa a >d"ath "du$at#on0 $la,
wh#$h l"d "&"ral tud"nt to u#$#d"* 6n" tud"nt w#ll d"$r#!" $la f#"ld
tr#) to $"("t"r#", (ortuar#", $r"(ator#u( and !"#n% a#%n"d to wr#t"
th"#r own o!#tuar#" and "ulo%#", d"#%n th"#r own h"adton", "t$*, a w"ll
a $laroo( a$t#&#t#" fo$u#n% on Jhow you would Hdo #tH #f you 8#ll"d
your"lf*K 2any tud"nt !"#d" @arr# and 3l"!old had !""n har!or#n% th"
#d"a of !low#n% u) th" $hool* ,t # )o#!l" that th# wa !"#n% #nflu"n$"d
throu%h (#nd'$ontrol #n o(" way* Th" %r"at"r D"n&"r ar"a # a $"nt"r for
(any "$r"t %o&"rn("nt )ro."$t, and o&"r 10,000 r"#d"nt #n th" L#ttl"ton
ar"a wor8 for $o()an#" that ran th"" )ro%ra(*
L#8" #n a nu(!"r of oth"r u)"$t $a" that a))"ar to #n&ol&" %o&"rn("nt
$o()l#$#ty, $"rta#n fa$t that urfa$" "arly on #n th" $a" w#ll udd"nly !"
for%ott"n, #%nor"d, or $o&"r"d u) !y th" author#t#"* 7on"th"l", th"r" w#ll
!" "&#d"n$" that (any tud"nt at ?olu(!#n" 8n"w a!out @arr# and
3l"!old0 )lan u) to two y"ar )r#or to th" "&"nt, and 8now who o(" of th"
oth"r a$$o()l#$" ar" and who r"(a#n fr""* Th"r" w#ll !" thr"at (ad"
a%a#nt w#tn"", &#$t#(, and &#$t#(0 fa(#l#" !y un8nown )art#" #n th"
day and w""8 ah"ad, #l"n$#n% (any of th"(* Wh"n th" $hool r"o)"n for
th" n"w $hool y"ar on Au%ut 1B, a nu(!"r of wat#8a w#ll !" found
drawn or "t$h"d !oth #n#d" and out#d" th" !u#ld#n%*
Th"r" w#ll !" ru(or of Satan#( and d"")"r $onn"$t#on of th" Tr"n$h ?oat
2af#a to %o&"rn("nt a%"nt* 6n" ("(!"r of th" Tr"n$h ?oat 2af#a who told
th" )ol#$" that atan#$ worh#) wa )ra$t#$"d w#th#n th# %rou) # Er#$ Ault*
Th" )ol#$" w#ll alo -u"t#on anoth"r unna("d )"ron who # $arry#n%
"9ually "9)l#$#t )hoto%ra)h of a ho(o"9ual natur"* Th# )"ron w#ll tat"
that h" had !""n to th" hou" of an #nd#&#dual 8nown to o(" #n th" T?2
%rou) a >P"do)h#l" /#ll0, a ad#t#$ ho(o"9ual who had %#&"n h#( th"
)#$tur" and had hown h#( )hoto al!u( wh#$h (ad" h#( #$8 to h#
to(a$h* @" w#ll tat" that th" al!u( $onta#n"d "9ually "9)l#$#t
)hoto%ra)h of (all $h#ldr"n u) to th" a%" of fourt""n* D#)lay of
ho(o"9ual#ty a(on% th" T?2 %rou) had !""n w#tn""d !y ?olu(!#n"
tud"nt on a nu(!"r of o$$a#on*
Journal not" and onl#n" "ntr#" w#ll r"&"al that th" 8#ll"r had )"nt o&"r a
y"ar )lann#n% th# "&"nt, and had !u#lt o&"r 100 ho("(ad" !o(! that th"y
w"r" a!l" to o("how )lant throu%hout th" $hool )r#or to th" hoot#n%
"&"nt* 7ot" #n @arr#0 .ournal w#ll alo ("nt#on a )lan to fly a )lan" #nto a
tall !u#ld#n% to $au" (a9#(u( da(a%" 1)r"dat#n% F=115* A $hool &#d"o
(ad" !y @arr#, 3l"!old, and S$ott Fu"l#"r 1th" on of Dwayn" Fu"l#"r, l"ad
F/, #n&"t#%ator #n th" $a" and a %o&"rn("nt )y$holo%#t5 two y"ar "arl#"r
""r#ly d")#$t an "na$t("nt &"ry #(#lar to th" "&"nt of th# day, a do" an
"ay that @arr# turn #n to h# t"a$h"r only w""8 )r#or to th" "&"nt* S$ott
Fu"l#"r # a ("(!"r of th" Tr"n$h ?oat 2af#a a w"ll* Th" fa$t that !oth
@arr# and 3l"!old a))"ar"d oth"rw#" nor(al r#%ht u) to (orn#n% $la"
.ut )r#or to th" hoot#n%, and that th"y w"r" "&"n (a8#n% )lan for th"#r
futur" aft"r %raduat#n%, (a8" #t (or" )lau#!l" that th"y w"r" tr#%%"r"d
1throu%h (#nd'$ontrol5 to a$t a th"y d#d*
Furth"r "&#d"n$" w#ll r"&"al that @arr#, #f not 3l"!old, had !""n #n&ol&"d #n a
(#nd'$ontrol )ro%ra( "arl#"r on, wh"n h# fa(#ly l#&"d at th" Platt!ur%h AF/
#n 7"w Oor8 1h# fath"r Wayn" %a an "9t"n#&" (#l#tary !a$8%round a a
r"t#r"d A#r For$" off#$"r w#th #nt"ll#%"n$" t#"5* @arr# wa 8nown to !" full of
hat" and ha&" &#ol"nt t"nd"n$#", wh#l" 3l"!old d#d not* Th# # r"fl"$t"d #n
th"#r .ournal* A tud"nt who had 8nown @arr# w#ll d"$r#!" @arr# t"ll#n%
h#( a!out a r"$urr#n% dr"a( wh"r" h" # wal8#n% throu%h th" $hool hoot#n%
at )"o)l", w#th th" $hool !low#n% u) at th" "nd* @" alo d"$r#!" ha&#n%
oth"r &"ry &#&#d dr"a( that ar" l#8" &#rtual r"al#ty %a("*
W"ll#n%ton W"!!, th" (ayor of D"n&"r, # a#d to ha&" $onn"$t#on to th"
/r#t#h 4oyal Fa(#ly, who own a lar%" a(ount of land #n th" ar"a throu%h
&ar#ou front $o()an#"* Th" n"w D"n&"r ,nt"rnat#onal A#r)ort, w#th #t
2aon#$ th"(", A)o$aly)t#$ artwor8, and ru(or"d "$r"t und"r%round
$o()on"nt, # !"#n% $ontru$t"d #n th# ar"a*
6n th" a(" day of th" hoot#n%, a %a l#n" l"a8 # r")ort"d at th" ho(" of
Er#$ @arr#* Wh"n th" L#ttl"ton F#r" D")art("nt arr#&" th"y f#nd l#&" !o(!
w#th l#&" tr#%%"r and lot of %a )#ll"d #n th" %ara%"*
/"$au" ?hr# 2orr# w#ll h"l) )ol#$" to "t u) a (an na("d 2ar8 2an" for
h"l)"d to !uy %un for @arr# and 3l"!old, h" w#ll !" $l"ar"d of all $har%"*
2an", on th" oth"r hand, w#ll r"$"#&" a #9'y"ar )r#on "nt"n$"* Jo")h
Sta#r, who all"%"dly found"d th" T?2 #n L#ttl"ton, w#ll $o((#t u#$#d" #n 200G*
Th" day aft"r th" hoot#n%, Da&#d A* P"nland, a $"rt#f#"d )r#&at" #n&"t#%ator
who handl" "$ur#ty for lo$al n"#%h!orhood and ho("own"r ao$#at#on,
w#ll r"$"#&" a $all a!out a loud )arty ta8#n% )la$" #n th" n"ar!y town of
Aurora 1th" lo$at#on of a futur" (a hoot#n%5, and th" )art#$#)ant w"r"
$"l"!rat#n% !oth @#tl"rH !#rthday and th" &#$tory of @arr# and 3l"!old*
P"nland w#ll tat", JWe %no+ as a security firm that +e have past reports on
this youth 4eing involved in ;eo0;a:i activities( This he does not deny and
he is proud of 4eing part of this large group( #e also has 4een arrested for
other distur4ances, and for selling and using drugs often(K @" alo tat"d
that th" r"#d"nt of th" ho(" ha !""n arr"t"d on dru% $har%" #n th" )at*
Wad" 2#$ha"l Pa%", who w#ll !" d#r"$tly #n&ol&"d #n a (a hoot#n% at a S#8h
T"()l" y"ar lat"r 120125 #n 6a8 ?r""8, W#$on#n, # l#&#n% #n L#ttl"ton, ?6*
dur#n% th# t#("* @" (ay ha&" !""n on" of th" oth"r hoot"r at ?olu(!#n"*
Pa%" wa a )yo) )"$#al#t #n th" (#l#tary )r#or to th" ?olu(!#n" hoot#n%,
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The REA* "olum4ine, !y th" ?4TF W"!(at"r5
3888 (April 10! : F#&" .u&"n#l" ar" arr"t"d on $har%" of )lann#n% an
atta$8 on Danforth Jun#or @#%h S$hool #n W#(!"rl"y, ?olorado* Th" f#&"
unna("d 14'y"ar'old !oy had had !""n )lann#n% th" atta$8 #n$" th"
!"%#nn#n% of th" y"ar and #nt"nd"d to 8#ll f"llow tud"nt and t"a$h"r* A
"ar$h of th" u)"$t0 ho(" turn u) $rud" "9)lo#&" d"&#$" and
%un)owd"r, a w"ll a $o()ut"r d#8 and #nt"rn"t do$u("nt a!out !o(!'
3888 (April 17! : At a ("(or#al for th" &#$t#( of th" ?olu(!#n" hoot#n%,
L#$" Pr"#d"nt Al Aor" and nu("rou oth"r %o&"rn("nt off#$#al att"nd, all
w"ar#n% th" y(!ol#$ !la$8 tr"n$h $oat that Er#$ @arr#, Dylan 3l"!old, and
th"#r %an%, th" >Tr"n$h ?oat 2af#a0, w"r" 8nown to w"ar* Th"r" w#ll alo !" an
ar("d (#l#tary )r""n$", #n$lud#n% a fly'o&"r !y A#r For$" ."t* Th# ""( to
!" a ("a%" to ur&#&#n% w#tn"" and anyon" "l" who ha 8nowl"d%" of
th" d"")"r a)"$t of th# $a", to #nt#(#dat" th"( #nto 8"")#n% #l"nt a!out
what th"y 8now*
3888 (April 15! : A hoot#n% at W*4* 2y"r @#%h S$hool #n Ta!"r, Al!"rta
l"a&" on" d"ad and on" wound"d* ,n a #%n"d )ol#$" tat"("nt, th" hoot"r,
Todd ?a("ron S(#th, w#ll tat", = have no particular reason for shooting the
4oys that did( donLt %no+ +ho any of them +ere(> Wa h" und"r (#nd'
3888 (April 18! : An unna("d 1E'y"ar'old !oy w#th a load"d hand%un and
a h#t l#t of E0 na(" # arr"t"d at S#"rra 2#ddl" S$hool #n /a8"rf#"ld aft"r
$la(at" r")ort th"y "" a %un und"r h# h#rt and "" h#( load#n% #t
out#d"* A *40'$al#!"r "(#auto(at#$ hand%un and 1E round of a((un#t#on
ar" found on th" !oy* ,n th" !oyH !a$8)a$8 ar" E0 )#"$" of )a)"r, "a$h on"
w#th th" na(" of a $la(at" or t"a$h"r, a draw#n% and th" word JH!"$au"
th"y d""r&"d to d#"HK $rawl"d at th" !otto(*
3888 (/ay 14! : A hoot#n% at @"r#ta%" @#%h S$hool #n ?ony"r, A"or%#a
l"a&" #9 wound"d* Th" hoot"r, 1D'y"ar'old T*J* Solo(on, u)on hand#n% th"
%un o&"r 1a t"a$h"r $on&#n$" T*J* not to 8#ll h#("lf wh"n h" )ut th" !arr"l
#n h# (outh5 tart $ry#n% hyt"r#$ally and ay#n% r")"at"dly = donLt %no+
+hy did this(> W#tn"" w#ll d"$r#!" th" hoot"r a #n#t#ally >$al(, "dat",
&a$ant, and ro!ot#$0* A not" !y th" aa#lant # found #n h# roo( that ay, =
did this 4ecause, +ell, Lm not sure((((( Ever since the shooting at "olum4ine
in "olorado all Lve 4een a4le to thin% a4out is doing this(> ,t $ont#nu", =One
4ig Puestion leave 4ehind for you to find is +hy( )ut for the sa%e of my
4rothers and sisters related to the Trench "oat &afia, those ans+ers +ill
have to remain out of the pu4lic eye(> Dr* Eddy 4"%n#"r, who t"a$h"
)y$h#atry at @ar&ard Un#&"r#ty and who w#ll !" h#r"d !y d"f"n" attorn"y
to "9a(#n" Solo(on, w#ll tat", =#e heard voices telling him to do strange
things, 4ut they +ere ro4otic voices, not human voices(>
3888 (:*ne! : At a!out th# t#(", two unna("d A"r(an ("n %o on tr#al,
a$$u"d of runn#n% a $h#ld )orno%ra)hy r#n% #n A"r(any, Poland and th"
?+"$h 4")u!l#$* Th" )a#r, alon% w#th at l"at "l"&"n 8nown !ut un#nd#$t"d
a$$o()l#$", ar" r")ort"d to ha&" (ad" &#d"o r"$ord#n% of th" %an%
"9ually a!u#n% $h#ldr"n !"tw""n th" a%" of thr"" and 14 #n$" 1FFE* A
lar%" !ut un)"$#f#"d -uant#ty of &#d"o, )hoto%ra)hy, (a%a+#n" and ?D'
462 $onta#n#n% $h#ld )orno%ra)hy w"r" $onf#$at"d* Th"r" # a )o#!l"
$onn"$t#on to th" 2ar$ Dutrou9 $a" #n /"l%#u(: ,t # r")ort"d that Th"r"
ha&" !""n $a" of Slo&a8 $h#ldr"n !"#n% ta8"n to L#"nna to (a8"
)orno%ra)h#$ f#l(* Th" /"l%#an )a"do)h#l" 2ar$ Dutrou9 had !""n a r"%ular
&##tor to on" Slo&a8 town*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3888 (:*ly 30! : 4afa"l 4""nd"+'4a(#r"+ r")ort"dly wal8 a$ro a !r#d%"
fro( Juar"+, 2"9#$o #nto El Pao, T"9a and turn h#("lf #n* @" # want"d for
a tr#n% of all"%"d "r#al 8#ll#n% attr#!ut"d to th" >4a#lroad 3#ll"r0* 4a(#r"+
had !""n ta8"n #nto $utody "&"ral w""8 "arl#"r !y th" US /ord"r Patrol,
only to !" )ro()tly r"l"a"d d")#t" h# )r""n$" on F/, (ot'want"d l#t
and th" #u#n% of al"rt to th" #((#%rat#on "r&#$", and w#th a nat#onw#d"
(anhunt und"r way* @" 8#ll"d four (or" )"o)l" aft"r !"#n% l"t %o* @" $ho"
to urr"nd"r #n T"9a, wh"r" th"r" # a d"ath )"nalty, rath"r than #n 2"9#$o,
wh"r" th"r" # non"*
3888 (A*g*st! : Pol#$" #n Lat&#a un$o&"r a (a#&" $h#ld )rot#tut#on=$h#ld
)orno%ra)hy o)"rat#on #n&ol&#n% a (any a 2,000 "&"r"ly a!u"d $h#ldr"n*
A )"$#al )arl#a("ntary $o((##on # for("d to #n&"t#%at"* Th" $andal w#ll
r"a$h to th" &"ry to) of th" nat#on0 )ol#t#$al )ow"r tru$tur"* ,n F"!ruary
2000, th" $ha#r(an of th" $o((##on w#ll d"l#&"r a r")ort to Parl#a("nt
#()l#$at#n% th" $ountryH Pr#(" 2#n#t"r, Jut#$" 2#n#t"r, d#r"$tor of th" Stat"
4"&"nu" S"r&#$", and a nu(!"r of ar(y and law "nfor$"("nt off#$"r #n th"
$a"* Effort w#ll #(("d#at"ly !" ta8"n to d#$r"d#t th" $o((##on $ha#r(an,
#n$lud#n% (a8#n% all"%at#on that h" # t#"d to th" for("r 3A/, "na!l#n% th"
all"%at#on to !" d#(#"d a >?o((un#t0 )ro)a%anda*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3888 (A*g*st 15! : 6nly (onth aft"r th" ?olu(!#n" (aa$r", four oth"r
h#%h $hool #n J"ff"ron ?ounty, ?olorado : Da8ota 4#d%", Standl"y La8",
Po(ona, and /"ar ?r""8 : r"$"#&" anony(ou l"tt"r that u%%"t furth"r
thr"at of &#ol"n$"* Th"y $onta#n no )"$#f#$ thr"at of a$t#on, !ut (a8"
%"n"ral tat"("nt that th" ?olu(!#n" @#%h (aa$r" wa th" tart of (or"
$hool &#ol"n$"* A "$ond "t of thr"at w#ll !" (a#l"d to lo$al outh D"n&"r
$hool a w""8 lat"r*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The REA* "olum4ine, !y th" ?*4*T*F* W"!(at"r5
3888 (Septem;er! : A ra#d # (ad" on th" ho(" of Tho(a and Jan#$"
4""dy #n Ft* Worth, T"9a, who ar" o)"rat#n% a !u#n" $all"d Landl#d"
Produ$t#on, wh#$h "ll $h#ld )orno%ra)hy o&"r th" #nt"rn"t* Th" ra#d y#"ld a
data!a" $onta#n#n% th" na(" and addr"" of GD,000 u!$r#!"r around
th" world* Althou%h al(ot half of tho" u!$r#!"r w"r" #n th" USA, only
100 arr"t w#ll !" (ad" #n th" (onth aft"r th" #n#t#al arr"t* /y "arly
200E, th" tory w#ll ha&" dro))"d out of #%ht w#th l#ttl" #nd#$at#on that th"r"
would "&"r !" any furth"r arr"t, d")#t" th" #n#t"n$" fro( author#t#"
"arly on that th" #n#t#al arr"t w"r" .ut Jth" t#) of th" #$"!"r%*K Th" na(",
addr"", and $r"d#t $ard #nfor(at#on of (or" than G,000 /r#t#h u!$r#!"r
ar" )ro&#d"d !y th" F/, to /r#t#h author#t#", who laun$h th"#r own
#n&"t#%at#on* A #n th" USA, only a f"w of th" 8nown off"nd"r w#ll !"
arr"t"d* ,n$lud"d a(on% th"" u)"$t ar" hundr"d of $h#ld w"lfar"
)rof"#onal, #n$lud#n% )ol#$" off#$"r, $ar" wor8"r and t"a$h"r, all of
who( ar" #d"nt#f#"d a >"9tr"("ly h#%h'r#8 )"do)h#l"0* ,n$lud"d a(on%
tho" -u"t#on"d !y )ol#$" w#ll !" t"l"&##on )"ronal#ty 2atth"w 3"lly and
l"%"ndary %u#tar#t P"t" Town"nd* Th" l#t of /r#t#h u)"$t alo #n$lud"
at l"at 20 "n#or "9"$ut#&", "r&#$" )"ronn"l fro( at l"at f#&" (#l#tary
!a", AP, un#&"r#ty a$ad"(#$, $#&#l "r&ant, and an off#$#al w#th th"
?hur$h of En%land*
3888 (Septem;er 32! : Larry A"n" Ah!roo8 o)"n f#r" on a ?hr#t#an ro$8
$on$"rt and t""n )ray"r rally at W"d%"wood /a)t#t ?hur$h #n Fort Worth,
T"9a* @" 8#ll G )"o)l" and wound G oth"r, al(ot all of th"( t""na%"r*
Ah!roo8 $o((#t u#$#d" #n th" "nd* Ah!roo8 had )r"&#ouly "r&"d #n th"
3888 (Decem;er 9! : A hoot#n% #n Fort A#!on, 68laho(a l"a&" four
wound"d* A$$ord#n% to a w#tn", th" hoot"r, 1E'y"ar'old S"th Tr#$8"y,
tart y"ll#n%, =Lm cra:y, Lm cra:y,> dur#n% th" hoot#n%* @" dro) th"
"()t#"d F (( "(#auto(at#$ hand%un wh"n h" # a))roa$h"d !y a t"a$h"r*
Wh"n lat"r a8"d why h" d#d #t, Tr#$8"y w#ll ay = donLt %no+>( Tr#$8"y w#ll !"
d"$r#!"d a a (art and )o)ular tud"nt* Wa h" und"r (#nd'$ontrolN
3888 (Decem;er 39! : Patr#$8 J* 7au%hton, an "9"$ut#&" of Walt D#n"y
?o* who run on" of th" $o()anyH $h#ld'fr#"ndly w"! #t", # $on&#$t"d on
$h#ld )orno%ra)hy $har%"* Th" &"ry n"9t day, th" US Fth ?#r$u#t ?ourt of
A))"al w#ll #u" a rul#n% on )orno%ra)hy law that w#ll t#)ulat" that th"
%o&"rn("nt $annot )roh#!#t $o()ut"r'%"n"rat"d "9ual #(a%" that only
a))"ar to !" )#$tur" of $h#ldr"n, #n$" th" %ra)h#$ t"$hnolo%y that # now
a&a#la!l" to th" %"n"ral )u!l#$ # o o)h#t#$at"d that #t # &#rtually
#()o#!l" #n (any $a" to )ro&" that a )orno%ra)h#$ #(a%" # of a r"al
$h#ld* Th# rul#n% w#ll "ff"$t#&"ly (a8" d#%#tal t#ll #(a%" of $h#ld )orno%ra)hy
$o()l"t"ly l"%al* W#th#n hour of th" a))"al $ourt rul#n%, 7au%hton #
r"l"a"d !y f"d"ral )ro"$utor on P100,000 !a#l*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3888 : 2#l#tary Pyo) S)"$#al#t Wad" 2#$ha"l Pa%" r"$"#&" a traff#$ t#$8"t
for dr#&#n% w#thout a &al#d l#$"n" #n L#ttl"ton, ?olorado* Th# )la$" h#( #n
th" ar"a dur#n% th" t#(" of th" ?olu(!#n" hoot#n%*
3888 : E9'2onar$h "9 la&" /r#$" Taylor )u!l#h" h"r !oo8, Than%s for the
&emories, #n wh#$h h" d#$lo" h"r "9)"r#"n$" a a (#nd'$ontroll"d la&"
of th" ,llu(#nat#* Sh" d"$r#!" how "9ual !la$8(a#l # u"d to $ontrol h#%h'
ran8#n% )ol#t#$#an and "9)la#n th" tru" (oral d")ra&#ty that tho" #n )ow"r
ha&" un8 to*
3888 : /"n Johnton, an "()loy"" at Dyn?or) who # wor8#n% #n /on#a,
d#$o&"r that f"llow "()loy"" and u)"r&#or ar" #n&ol&"d #n )ur$ha#n%
#ll"%al w"a)on, wo("n, for%"d )a)ort and ar" )art#$#)at#n% #n oth"r
#((oral a$t #n$lud#n% )"do)h#l#a* Johnton w#tn"" $owor8"r and
u)"r&#or l#t"rally !uy#n% and "ll#n% wo("n and $h#ldr"n for th"#r own
)"ronal "n.oy("nt, and h"ard "()loy"" !ra%%#n% a!out th" &ar#ou a%"
and tal"nt of th" #nd#&#dual la&" th"y had )ur$ha"d* Wh"n Johnton
r")ort th" a$t#&#ty, h" # f#r"d Jfor !r#n%#n% d#$r"d#t to th" $o()anyK and
for$"d #nto t"()orary )rot"$t#&" $utody* A &#d"ota)" of Johnton0
u)"r&#or ra)#n% a 14'y"ar'old %#rl w#ll !" r"ta#n"d a "&#d"n$"* Dyn?or) #
a lon%'t#(" $ontra$tor to th" US (#l#tary, (a#nta#n#n% #t a#r$raft* 7o $har%"
w#ll !" la#d and th" $o()any w#ll $ont#nu" to do !u#n" w#th th" US
3888 (Decem;er 3! : Th" Lo An%"l" T#(" r")ort th" d#$o&"ry of a
(a %ra&" #n Juar"+, 2"9#$o, .ut a$ro th" US !ord"r* Early r")ort tat"
that fro( 100 to E00 !od#" ar" "9)"$t"d to !" "9hu("d, #n$lud#n% 22
(##n% US $#t#+"n and a nu(!"r of for("r F/, and DEA #nfor(ant* Th"
#n&"t#%at#on -u#$8ly "9)and to #n$lud" at l"at thr"" (or" )o#!l" !ur#al
%round #n th" ar"a* Wh"n US author#t#" ta8" o&"r th" #n&"t#%at#on, th"
!ody $ount udd"nly dro) to F and $o&"ra%" of th" tory )ro()tly "#+",
#nd#$at#n% a $o&"ru)* Th" lo$at#on # "9a$tly wh"r" "r#al 8#ll"r @"nry L""
Lu$a $la#("d that th" @and of D"ath $ult (a#nta#n"d a ran$h, y"ar "arl#"r*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", >Pro%ra(("d to 3#ll0, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
3888 : ,t0 d#$o&"r"d that 2#$rooft ha )ro&#d"d th" 7SA w#th a 8"y to
allow th"( !a$8door "ntran$" #nto "&"ry $o)y of W#ndow FDor2, W#ndow
F8, W#ndow F8 SE, W#ndow 7T 4, and th" oon to !" r"l"a"d W#ndow
3888 : F#rt w#r"l" n"twor8#n%*
1444 : ?o()ut"r and $"ll )hon" ar" !"$o(#n% h"a&#ly )rol#f"rat"d #n th"
W"t"rn world, off"r#n% th" )ot"nt#al ("an to a$t a a $arr#"r for
tran(#tt#n% and r"$"#&#n% !ra#nwa&" #%nal for (#nd'$ontrol )ur)o"*
1444 : 4?2P $on#d"r %"tt#n% a warrant to "ar$h 4o!"rt P#$8ton0 )ro)"rty
aft"r r")ort that h" # #n&ol&"d #n th" d#a))"aran$" of (##n% wo("n fro(
Lan$ou&"r /?0 low"r "at #d", !ut fa#l to do o*
1444 (/ay! : Th" J"ff"ron ?ounty Sh"r#ff0 6ff#$", a(#d )r"ur" o&"r th"
lon% d"lay #n )u!l#h#n% th"#r #n&"t#%at#on0 f#nd#n% #nto th" ?olu(!#n"
(aa$r", r"l"a" a r")ort that #n$lud" an o&"rwh"l(#n% 11,000 )a%" of
(at"r#al, (a8#n% #t a low )ro$" for th" )u!l#$ to ort throu%h*
1444 (Septem;er! : At a!out th# t#(", "#%ht )"o)l" ar" arr"t"d #n ,taly
and thr"" #n 4u#a, and )ol#$" ay that anoth"r 1,G00 )"o)l" ar" !"#n%
#n&"t#%at"d #n ,taly, a y"t anoth"r )"do)h#l" n"twor8 urfa$"* Th" #(a%"
trad"d !y th# r#n% #n$lud"d on" #n wh#$h $h#ldr"n ar" ra)"d and tortur"d to
d"ath* /y 7o&"(!"r, $lo" to 1,D00 )"o)l" w#ll !" $har%"d #n th" $a"* Th"r"
ar" $l"ar #nd#$at#on of h#%h'l"&"l $o()l#$#ty and a tron% !"l#"f a(on% th"
,tal#an )"o)l" that th" fa$t of th" $a" ar" !"#n% $o&"r"d u)* Th" (a%#trat"
h"ad#n% u) th" #n-u#ry d"noun$" a >)a"do)h#l" lo!!y0 u))ort"d !y h#%h'
l"&"l )ol#t#$#an who o)"nly o!tru$t #n&"t#%ator*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
1444 (Septem;er! : A$$ord#n% to D#ana 7a)ol# 1or o("on" )o#n% a
h"r5, h" ha an >al#"n a!du$t#on0 "9)"r#"n$"* Sh" 8#n"th"t#$ally f""l an
o!."$t $o(" o&"r h"r that h" !"l#"&" # "9tra$t#n% h"r atral !ody, aft"r
wh#$h h" # ta8"n a!oard a $raft* Sh" # hown a )#$to%ra)h of two
d#(#nut#&" >al#"n0 tru%%l#n% o&"r a w"a)on, a w"ll a )hy#$ "-uat#on on
a $hal8 a!oard* Sh" t"ll th"( h" # not )rof#$#"nt #n )hy#$ !ut #f h" $an
a#t th"( w#th o("th#n% h" w#ll $on#d"r #t* Sh" th"n r"turn to h"r !ody*
1444 (Decem;er 19! : Ed%"wat"r T"$hnolo%y "()loy"" 2#$ha"l >2u$8o0
2$D"r(ott hoot and 8#ll "&"n of h# $owor8"r at th" off#$" #n Wa8"f#"ld,
2A* 2$D"r(ott $la#( h" had =traveled 4ac% in time and %illed #itler and the
last six ;a:is(> @" w#ll !" "nt"n$"d to "&"n $on"$ut#&" l#f" "nt"n$"*
2$D"r(ott had )r"&#ouly "r&"d #n th" 7a&y a!oard a nu$l"ar u!(ar#n"*
1444 : 2#$ha"l A-u#no and oth"r $ont#nu" th"#r "ffort to d#$o&"r th"
#d"nt#ty of D#ana 7a)ol#, who # att"()t#n% to "9)o" th"#r )"do)h#l"
a$t#&#t#"* A atan#$ $ult >r"tra$tor0 and all"%"d 2PD=D,D uff"r"r, 2#$h"ll"
D"&"r"au9, "&"ntually a))roa$h" 7a)ol# and $la#( that >dan%"rou0
#nd#&#dual ar" ""8#n% h"r #d"nt#ty and D"&"r"au9 # $on$"rn"d a!out h"r
af"ty* A >t#n%0 # th"n or$h"trat"d !y atan#t D"&"r"au9 and un8nown
oth"r, at wh#$h t#(" D"&"r"au9 f#l" a fal" )ol#$" r")ort at th" San
Fran$#$o Pol#$" D")art("nt o that San D#"%o Stat" Un#&"r#ty 1SDSU5
would #d"nt#fy 7a)ol#* For un8nown r"aon, SDSU th"n r"l"a" 7a)ol#0
na(" to San D#"%o Un#on'Tr#!un" r")ort"r 2ar8 Sau"r "&"n thou%h 7a)ol#
ha told th"( that dan%"rou )"o)l" ar" ""8#n% h"r #d"nt#ty* 2ar8 Sau"r
)ro$""d to wr#t" an #n&a#&" and d"fa(atory n"w art#$l" #n th" San D#"%o
Un#on'Tr#!un" t#tl"d, The We4 of ntrigue, The Search for "urio *eads
"y4ersleuths Do+n a T+isted Path, wh#$h $on#t of fal" all"%at#on (ad"
!y ?arol @o)8#n, El#+a!"th Loftu, 2#$h"ll" D"&"r"au9, and 2#$ha"l A-u#no*
Th"r" ar" nu("rou "ffort (ad" #n th# art#$l" to (a8" #t a))"ar that
7a)ol# # wr#t#n% >l#!"lou0 onl#n" )ot wh"n #n fa$t th"" )"o)l" ar" (a8#n%
l#!"lou all"%at#on a!out h"r #n "ffort to ru#n h"r r")utat#on, #n r"tal#at#on,
du" to h"r #n&"t#%at#on that had "9)o"d th"(* Althou%h D"&"r"au9H
a$t#on a%a#nt 7a)ol# w"r" d"$r#!"d !y 2ar8 Sau"r a >$y!"r'l"uth#n%0,
h"r o&"rall !"ha&#or a$tually (""t th" $r#t"r#a for a $r#(#nal tal8#n%
1444 : 7or""n Ao$h )u!l#h" h"r !oo8, Why Johnny "anGt "ome #ome,
d"ta#l#n% h"r )r#&at" #n&"t#%at#on #nto th" a!du$t#on and "9'la&"ry of h"r
on Johnny #n 1F82, wh#$h wa )"r)"trat"d !y atan#t and )"do)h#l" 2#$ha"l
1443 (:an*ary! : ,nt"r)ol a%r"" to "t u) an "l"$tron#$ l#!rary of $h#ld "9
&#$t#( at #t h"ad-uart"r #n Lyon, Fran$"* Th" f#rt #(a%" to !" )ro$""d
#nto that data!a" ar" GD0,000 )hoto "#+"d !y /r#t#h author#t#" #n th"
Wond"rland ra#d* Th" data!a" ha th" )ot"nt#al to !" u"d a a
r"$ru#t("nt l#t to #d"nt#fy tho" )"ron who ha&" !""n >)r"$ond#t#on"d0 for
futur" (#nd'$ontrol o)"rat#on*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
1443 (/arch! : O"t anoth"r #nt"rl#n8"d, %lo!al )"do)h#l" n"twor8 $all"d
/lu" 6r$h#d # "9)o"d, and four A("r#$an ar" arr"t"d for th"#r
1443 (/arch 2! : A hoot#n% at Santana @#%h S$hool #n San D#"%o,
?al#forn#a, l"a&" two d"ad and th#rt""n wound"d* Th" 8#ll"r # ?harl" >Andy0
W#ll#a(, who" (oth"r # #n th" (#l#tary and fath"r # #n #nt"ll#%"n$"* Aft"r
W#ll#a( (o&"d w#th h# fa(#ly to San D#"%o fro( Fort D"ttr#$8 1a !a"
d"")ly $onn"$t"d to )y$holo%#$al o)"rat#on5, h# fath"r !"%an wor8#n% at a
7a&al 2"d#$al ?"nt"r that wa #n&ol&"d w#th n"urour%"ry*
1443 (Septem;er 33! : Th" atta$8 on th" World Trad" ?"nt"r #n 7"w Oor8
?#ty and th" P"nta%on #n Wah#n%ton, D?* At l"at 2,G44 l#&" ar" lot #n 7"w
Oor8 th# day* Th" /uh Ad(#n#trat#on w#ll #(("d#at"ly )o#nt th" f#n%"r at
6a(a !#n Lad"n* An #n$r"d#!l" a(ount of "&#d"n$" r"&"al that th# wa an
#n#d" .o!, )"r)"trat"d on th" A("r#$an )"o)l" !y #t own %o&"rn("nt* ,t w#ll
l"ad to #n$r"a"d do("t#$ ur&"#llan$" and w"")#n% ant#'t"rror#t law* Th"
7"w World 6rd"r w#ll udd"nly !"%#n to loo( (u$h $lo"r*
6n" t"lltal" #%n that th# # a fal" fla% o)"rat#on that # "&#d"nt #n oth"r
>t"rror#t0 "&"nt #n th" US # that th"r" # a (#l#tary "9"r$#" dr#ll %o#n% on at
th" "9a$t a(" t#(", u#n% th" a(" ty)" of $"nar#o a th" a$tual "&"nt :
#n th# $a", that a )lan" # %o#n% to fly #nto a !u#ld#n% #n 7"w Oor8 ?#ty* Th#
"9"r$#" $au"d 764AD to tand down at that t#(", thu allow#n% th"
h#.a$8"d )lan" to fly #nto th" tow"r and th" P"nta%on*
1443 : 4")ort #nd#$at" that th"r" ar" o&"r 100,000 $h#ld )orno%ra)hy #t"
on th" #nt"rn"t*
1441 (:an*ary! : John Po#nd"9t"r, wor8#n% throu%h Synt"8 T"$hnolo%#", #
a))o#nt"d to d"&"lo) o)h#t#$at"d data'(#n#n% oftwar" for DA4PA0 Total
,nfor(at#on Awar"n" )ro%ra(* Th" yt"( w#ll ut#l#+" o)h#t#$at"d
$o()ut"r al%or#th( to f#nd r"l"&ant #nfor(at#on : l#n8 !"tw""n )"o)l",
or%an#+at#on, )la$", and th#n% : fro( th" (a" of a&a#la!l" data,
loo8#n% for $onn"$t#n% #nfor(at#on )att"rn that $an !" "&aluat"d and
analy+"d, and l"arn#n% what )att"rn d#$r#(#nat" !"tw""n l"%#t#(at" and
u)#$#ou !"ha&#or*
Dur#n% th" 4"a%an ad(#n#trat#on, Po#nd"9t"r wa th" h#%h"t'ran8#n% off#$#al
to !" found %u#lty dur#n% th" ,ran'?ontra affa#r* @" had !""n $on&#$t"d of f#&"
f"lony $ount of ly#n% to ?on%r", d"troy#n% off#$#al do$u("nt, and
o!tru$t#n% $on%r"#onal #n&"t#%at#on, and wa "nt"n$"d to )r#on !y a
f"d"ral .ud%" who $all"d h#( Jth" d"$##on'(a8#n% h"adK of a )lot to d"$"#&"
?on%r"* Lat"r, an a))"al $ourt o&"rturn"d th" $on&#$t#on on a t"$hn#$al#ty,
hold#n% that th" t"t#(ony Po#nd"9t"r %a&" to ?on%r" a!out ,ran'?ontra
wa #((un#+"d, and th"r"for" $ouldnHt !" u"d a%a#nt h#( at h# tr#al* 7ow
h" wa #n $har%" of d"#%n#n% th" oftwar" yt"( that would !" th" "y"
and "ar of /#% /roth"r, #)hon#n% all d#%#tal $o((un#$at#on for )o#!l"
1441 : D")#t" th" fa$t that h" ha )r"&#ouly !""n a h#%h'fun$t#on#n%
o$#al wor8"r #n h"r lo$al $o((un#ty w#th no $r#(#nal r"$ord, D#ana 7a)ol#
!"%#n uff"r#n% fro( atta$8 fro( >nonl"thal0 "l"$tron#$ w"a)on, a w"ll a
h"ar#n% un"9)la#n"d >&o#$"0 #n h"r h"ad* S"&"ral of th"" &o#$" a))"ar to
!" that of f#l((a8"r St"&"n S)#"l!"r% and a$tr" J"nn#f"r Lo&"'@"w#tt* Sh"
att"()t to $onfront th"" two $"l"!r#t#" and "nd u) !"#n% $har%"d w#th a
$r#(#nal off"n" that l"ad to a y"ar of .a#l t#(", (onth #n a ("ntal ho)#tal,
and th" "nd of h"r $ar""r* Sh" # alo %#&"n a $ourt ord"r to r"fra#n fro(
u#n% th" #nt"rn"t, wh#$h (a8" #t #()o#!l" for h"r to d"f"nd h"r"lf
a%a#nt furth"r $la#( a%a#nt h"r* Sh" only lat"r r"al#+" that h"r
)"r)"trator 12#$ha"l A-u#no and oth"r5 $o"r$"d h"r to $onfront th""
$"l"!r#t#" and a$t a h" d#d*
1441 (&e;r*ary 2! : A nu(!"r of @"ll0 An%"l ("(!"r #n th" Lan$ou&"r
ar"a 1?anada5 ha&" r"$"ntly !""n !ut"d for dru% and %un* Soon aft"r, th"
$har%" ar" (yt"r#ouly dro))"d* Soon aft"r, th" on%o#n% #n&"t#%at#on #nto
(##n% wo("n #n Lan$ou&"r l"ad )ol#$" to a )#% far( #n th" outly#n% town
of Port ?o-u#tla(* A warrant # "r&"d on #t own"r, 4o!"rt P#$8ton, and a
"ar$h of th" #t" un$o&"r a %ru"o(" $"n" : hu(an !ody )art, #n$lud#n%
h"ad, hand, and f""t, tor"d #n a ("at fr""+"r #n on" of th" h"d* Th"y
!"lon% to two of th" (##n% wo("n* 6th"r "&#d"n$" found on th" #t"
#n$lud" $loth#n% and ,D $ard !"lon%#n% to (any of th" (##n% wo("n* A
wood $h#))"r # found at th" #t", and # !"l#"&"d to ha&" !""n u"d to
d#)o" of oth"r !ody )art* P#$8ton # $har%"d w#th f#ft""n $ount of f#rt
d"%r"" (urd"r* A th" #n&"t#%at#on $ont#nu" and d"ta#l !"%#n to $o(" out,
an #nfor(at#on !an # ord"r"d !y th" $ourt, 8"")#n% (any of th" d"ta#l of
th" #n&"t#%at#on fro( )u!l#$ awar"n"* E&"ry #n$h of P#$8ton0 )ro)"rty w#ll
!" $ar"fully $our"d for D7A tra$" of oth"r (##n% )"ron0, and (u$h w#ll
!" found* Th" $#r$u(tan$" l"ad#n% to h# arr"t, $o(#n% #(("d#at"ly aft"r
th" tay of $har%" on @"ll0 An%"l ("(!"r, u%%"t that P#$8ton ha !""n
(ad" #nto a >fall %uy0* A th" #n&"t#%at#on and $ourt tr#al )ro$""d, (any
#()ortant )ol#$" do$u("nt w#ll o("how !" >lot0* Th" (urd"r $ount w#ll
r"a$h 4F*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Death 'arm, !y ?harl" 2ud"d"5
1441 (/arch! : 3n#%ht 4#dd"r $arr#" a r")ort that tat": JPostal
inspectors, the ') and "anadian authorities have 4ro%en up an underground
net+or% of adults +ho traded pornographic videos of children F sometimes
their o+n F 4eing 4rutally 4eaten(K T"n arr"t"d ha&" alr"ady !""n (ad" at
th" t#(" of th" r")ort, and (or" ar" "9)"$t"d* Th" !rutally ad#t#$ !"at#n%
#n&ol&"d wh#), ha#r!ruh", $an", and wood"n )addl"* A(on% tho"
$on&#$t"d ar" a (#ddl" $hool t"a$h"r, a nur", a for("r /oy S$out l"ad"r,
and a for("r Sunday $hool t"a$h"r*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
1441 (A*g*st! : Th" ,nd")"nd"nt r")ort that US author#t#" ha&"
un$o&"r"d a $h#ld )orno%ra)hy r#n% tr"t$h#n% to /r#ta#n and $ont#n"ntal
Euro)", #n wh#$h )ar"nt "9ually a!u"d th"#r $h#ldr"n and d#tr#!ut"d
)hoto%ra)h of th"( o&"r th" #nt"rn"t*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", The Pedophocracy, !y Da&#d 2$Aowan5
1441 : A wo(an f#l" ra)" $har%" a%a#nt A"or%" /uh, and # found d"ad
fro( a %un'hot wound F (onth lat"r* Th"r" # a n"ar'total !la$8out #n th"
("d#a on th" u!."$t*
1440 (:*ly 6! : Dou% W#ll#a(, a Lo$8h""d 2art#n "()loy"", hoot u) h#
)lant #n 2"r#d#an, 2S #n a ra$#ally'(ot#&at"d ra()a%"* @" hoot 14 )"o)l",
(ot of th"( Afr#$an A("r#$an, and 8#ll G !"for" 8#ll#n% h#("lf*
1440 (Septem;er! : Th" ,nt"rnat#onal @"rald Tr#!un" $arr#" a r")ort fro(
/"rl#n $on$"rn#n% Jan international police investigation HthatI had uncovered
an immense child pornography ring involving 2/,3OO suspects +ho s+apped
illegal images on the nternet in -// countries(K 2or" than D00 ho(" #n
A"r(any ha&" !""n "ar$h"d and hundr"d of $o()ut"r "#+"d, alon% w#th
t"n of thouand of ?D'462, d#8"tt", and &#d"ota)"* 6n" "#+"d #(a%"
how a !a!y of four (onth !"#n% a!u"d* Th" A"r(an ,nt"r#or and Jut#$"
2#n#tr#" #u" a warn#n% that (any of th" u)"$t, a nu(!"r of who( ar"
r")ort"dly t"a$h"r and )ol#$" off#$#al, Jar" "9tr"("ly dan%"rou )"do)h#l"
and ar" fro( all wal8 of l#f"*K A!out 800 u)"$t r"#d" #n th" Un#t"d
1440 : Author and ,llu(#nat# "9)o"r Fr#t+ S)r#n%("#"r # fra("d for a !an8
ro!!"ry and "nt"n$"d to n#n" y"ar #n )r#on*
1442 : Th" 7SA #()l"("nt #nfor(at#on t"$hnolo%y $all"d >Tur!ul"n$"0, an
"9t"n#on of th"#r E?@EL67 yt"( that #n$lud" off"n#&" $y!"r'warfar"
$a)a!#l#t#", u$h a #n."$t#n% (alwar" #nto r"(ot" $o()ut"r*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", ;ational Security Agency, at w#8#)"d#a5
1442 (/arch 13! : A (aa$r" at 4"d La8" @#%h S$hool #n at th" 4"d La8"
,nd#an 4""r&at#on #n 2#nn"ota l"a&" t"n )"o)l" d"ad* Th" hoot"r, 2G'
y"ar'old J"ff W"#", "nd th" ord"al !y hoot#n% h#("lf #n th" h"ad* @" #
w"ar#n% a !la$8 tr"n$h $oat* Pr#or to arr#&#n% at th" $hool on h# ra()a%",
W"#" had hot and 8#ll"d h# %rand)ar"nt*
A "$ond hoot"r # d"ta#n"d !ut lat"r $o()l"t"ly d#a))"ar fro( all r")ort,
th" F/, r")ort and all th" &#d"o ur&"#llan$" "&#d"n$" w#ll !" 8")t "$r"t, f#&"
fullt#(" F/, a%"nt w#ll !" )"r(an"ntly lo$at"d #n 4"d La8", and a$$ord#n% to
W"#"0 #nt"rn"t )ot, un(ar8"d &an full of F/, a%"nt !"%an how#n% u) at
4"d La8" th" y"ar !"for", and h" a#d h" had !""n na("d a a )o#!l"
hoot"r !a$8 th"n*
W"#" wa ha&#n% tran%" dr"a( "9)"r#"n$", #(#lar to &#rtual r"al#ty
$"nar#o* Th" follow#n% # on" of h# #nt"rn"t )ot:
"-ately #Eve been having some really strange dreams, they seem very realistic and filled
with colour and sounds, ....a few nightEs ago # had this dream where # saw this very evil,
very creepy canineEs face coming towardEs me, and # heard someone say "shootI," either
way everything went blac and # could feel my whole body 'ering and shaing, and
while this was happening # could hear very loud and very distinct gunshotEs, mostly
machine gun fire... # found it very weird and woe up immediately after feeling a little
disoriented... ."
1442 (:*ly 5! : Th" t"rror#t !o(!#n% atta$8 #n London* S$otland Oard #
)"rfor(#n% a >$r## "9"r$#"0 on th" a(" day, #n wh#$h th" $"nar#o "9a$tly
)arall"l th" atta$8, w#th !o(! "9)lod#n% "9a$tly at th" ra#lway tat#on
wh"r" th" Jt"rror#tK !o(!#n% o$$urr"d*
1442 ("ovem;er! : Th" ?,A # a$t#&" #n o)"rat#n% r"$ru#t("nt )ro%ra(
!a"d out of L#r%#n#a T"$h at th# t#(", and w#ll $ont#nu" to !" a of th" 200G
hoot#n% at that $a()u !y 8#ll"r S"un%'@u# ?ho* A $oal#t#on of $on$"rn"d
%raduat" tud"nt and $a()u or%an#+at#on at L#r%#n#a T"$h ta%" a >t"a$h
#n0 to )rot"t ?,A r"$ru#t("nt on $a()u* Plann"d "&"nt alo #n$lud" th"
)rot"t of a >$ar""r #nfor(at#on0 "#on to !" h"ld !y th" ?,A* S"&"ral
)rof"or fro( L#r%#n#a T"$h ar" #n&ol&"d #n %o&"rn("nt )ro%ra( l#n8"d
w#th 7ASA and oth"r a%"n$#"*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", Seung0#ui "ho Was a &ind0"ontrolled Assassin, !y Paul
Jo")h Waton5
1442 : Th" onl#n" or%an#+at#on Fr""do( Fro( ?o&"rt @ara("nt and
Sur&"#llan$" 1FF?@S5 # "ta!l#h"d !y "9'7SA "()loy"" D"rr#$8 4o!#non*
FF?@S w#ll )o#t#on #t"lf a a u))ort %rou) for )"o)l" who !"l#"&" that th"y
ar" !"#n% tar%"t"d !y %o&"rn("nt ?6,7TELP46 ta$t#$, "l"$tron#$
hara("nt, or (#nd'$ontrol* Throu%h th"#r a$t#&#t#" and )ro(ot"d (at"r#al,
FF?@S w#ll "n$oura%" any!ody, wh"th"r r"al tar%"t or #(a%#n"d, an" or
d"lu#onal, to $la#( that th"y ar" &#$t#( of %o&"rn("nt hara("nt* FF?@S
w#ll )ro(ot" th" (ot unr"al#t#$ $la#( a!out th" )ur)ort"d t"$hnolo%#"
u"d #n th# tar%"t#n%, (#l"ad#n% (any )"o)l" a!out th"#r $a)a!#l#t#" wh#l"
down)lay#n% th" (or" )lau#!l" tar%"t#n% ("thod* FF?@S w#ll $o(" to
r"fl"$t (any #nd#$at#on that #t # a$tually a $ult, draw#n% #n th" (ot %ull#!l"
)"o)l" who t"nd to fall for trad#t#onal $ult'or#"nt"d (#nd'$ontrol ta$t#$*
Throu%h #t h"a&y )ro(ot#on o&"r th" y"ar a(on% a %row#n% onl#n"
$o((un#ty of )ur)ort"d %o&"rn("nt tar%"t, FF?@S w#ll !" #n an #d"al
)o#t#on to #d"nt#fy, (on#tor, r"$ru#t, $onta#n, and $ontrol anyon" who alr"ady
# or (#%ht (a8" a %ood $and#dat" for (#nd'$ontrol* 2u$h of th"#r "ffort w#ll
"r&" to d"troy th" $r"d#!#l#ty of tho" )"o)l" who ar" a$tually !"#n%
tar%"t"d !y "n$oura%#n% o!&#ouly fal" or d"lu#onal $la#( to !" (ad" a
1449 (/arch 12! : S"&"n d#" and two ar" #n.ur"d !y 28'y"ar'old 3yl"
Aaron @uff #n a hoot#n% )r"" throu%h ?a)#tol @#ll #n S"attl", Wah#n%ton*
1449 (/ay! : 2ar8 3l#n", a for("r ATRT "()loy"", all"%" #n $ourt that th#
$o()any wa $oo)"rat#n% w#th th" 7SA #n #ntall#n% hardwar" to )y on !oth
do("t#$ and for"#%n n"twor8 $o((un#$at#on*
1S"" onl#n" f#l", ;ational Security Agency, at w#8#)"d#a5
1449 ($cto;er 1! : An A(#h $hoolhou" #n Lan$at"r, PA # %unn"d down
!y E2'y"ar'old ?harl" ?arl 4o!"rt* 4o!"rt ")arat" th" !oy fro( th"
%#rl, !#nd#n% and hoot#n% th" %#rl* D youn% %#rl d#" and B ar" #n.ur"d*
4o!"rt $o((#t u#$#d" aft"rward*
1445 (&e;r*ary 31! : Th" Troll"y S-uar" (aa$r" #n Salt La8" ?#ty, Utah*
Th" hoot"r, 18'y"ar'old Sul"#(an Talo&#$, l"a&" f#&" d"ad and four
wound"d* @" # w"ar#n% a dar8 tr"n$h $oat dur#n% th" atta$8* @" w#ll !"
d"$r#!"d a !"#n% totally $al( and #l"nt throu%hout th" ra()a%"*
1445 (April 39! : L#r%#n#a T"$h hoot#n%* Th" hoot"r, S"un%'@u# ?ho, 8#ll
E2 )"o)l" and wound 1G oth"r #n two ")arat" atta$8, a))ro9#(at"ly two
hour a)art, !"for" ta8#n% h# own l#f"* 6ut of 1G4 round f#r"d, h" w#ll (a8"
1ED'odd h#t, wh#$h # an atound#n%ly h#%h )"r$"nta%", u%%"t#n% h" had
"9t"n#&" w"a)on tra#n#n%*
Th" #n$#d"nt tart #n th" "arly (orn#n% wh"n ?ho hoot and 8#ll two
&#$t#(* @" th"n %o" to h# dor( roo( on $a()u, $han%" h# $loth",
d"l"t" h# "(a#l, and r"(o&" th" hard'dr#&" fro( h# $o()ut"r* A!out two
hour lat"r, h" a))"ar at a n"ar!y )ot off#$" and (a#l a )a$8a%" of
wr#t#n% and &#d"o r"$ord#n% to 7/? 7"w* Th# )a$8a%" w#ll !" found to
$onta#n an 1800 word (an#f"to, )hoto%ra)h, and a nu(!"r of d#%#t#+"d
&#d"o #n wh#$h ?ho $o()ar" h#("lf to J"u ?hr#t and "9)r"" h#
hatr"d of th" w"althy* Aft"r (a#l#n% th" )a$8a%", h" th"n r"turn to $a()u
and "nt"r 7orr# @all, $ha#n#n% th" thr"" (a#n "ntran$" o no on" $an %"t
#n or out* @" )la$" a not" on at l"at on" of th" door, warn#n% that a !o(!
w#ll "9)lod" #f "ntry # att"()t"d* A fa$ulty ("(!"r w#ll f#nd th" not" and
r")ort #t, !ut no a$t#on w#ll !" ta8"n* ?ho !"%#n to hoot and 8#ll tho" h"
"n$ount"r #n th" !u#ld#n%* Aft"r 8#ll#n% E0 and wound#n% 1G w#th#n a 10 : 12
(#nut" )"r#od, ?ho hoot h#("lf #n th" h"ad*
For o(" r"aon, th" F/,, /ATF, DEA, and th" S"$r"t S"r&#$" arr#&" a f#rt
r")ond"r or #n&"t#%ator, rath"r than lo$al )ol#$"* /ATF w#ll t"ll F6S 7"w
that th"#r r")on" wa J#(("d#at"K* ,n th" "nu#n% #n&"t#%at#on, )ol#$" w#ll
f#nd a u#$#d" not" #n ?hoH dor( roo( that #n$lud" $o(("nt a!out Jr#$h
8#dK, Jd"!au$h"ryK, and Jd"$"#tful $harlatanK* Th" r"ult of th# hoot#n%
#n$#d"nt w#ll !" th" #nt#tut#on of tou%h"r %un law*
?ho had a l#f"t#(" of an9#"ty d#ord"r, and #n 200D, aft"r !"#n% a$$u"d of
tal8#n% two wo("n, h" wa ord"r"d to und"r%o )y$h#atr#$ tr"at("nt*
S"&"ral for("r )rof"or of ?ho0 w#ll r")ort that h# wr#t#n% a w"ll a h#
$laroo( !"ha&#or had !""n d#tur!#n%, and h" had !""n "n$oura%"d to
""8 $oun"l#n%*
/"tw""n th" t#(" ?ho # #d"nt#f#"d !y na(" and th" t#(" h# (a#l"d )a$8a%"
# r"$"#&"d, th"r" w#ll !" r")ort on th" n"w that h" wa an "9'2ar#n"* Aft"r
th#, th# w#ll n"&"r !" ("nt#on"d a%a#n*
1445 : S"r#al (urd"r"r 4o!"rt P#$8ton # $on&#$t"d for #9 $ount of "$ond'
d"%r"" (urd"r*
1448 (:an*ary 17! : 24'y"ar'old 4#$hard Ayala f#r" #nto a $rowd at a
n#%ht$lu! #n Portland, 6r"%on, 8#ll#n% thr"" )"o)l" and wound#n% #9 !"for"
ta8#n% h# own l#f"* A not" found at h# ho(" w#ll #n#nuat" h" wa )lann#n%
on $o((#tt#n% u#$#d"*
1448 (/arch 33! : 1G'y"ar'old T#( 3r"t$h("r, w"ar#n% !la$8 $o(!at
%"ar, %o" on a ra()a%" #n Al!"rt&#ll"'4"al$hul", A"r(any, 8#ll#n% a total of
1B )"o)l" 1#n$lud#n% h#("lf5 and wound#n% G* @" f#rt d"$"nd on h#
for("r $hool, 8#ll#n% n#n" tud"nt and thr"" t"a$h"r and wound#n% "&"n
!"for" l"a&#n% and %o#n% to a ("ntal h"alth $l#n#$ #n n"ar!y W#nn"nd"n
wh"r" h" u"d to r"$"#&" tr"at("nt, 8#ll#n% anoth"r )"ron* @" l"a&" th"
$l#n#$ and th"n $o(" !a$8 and 8#ll two (or"* Aft"r th#, h" h#.a$8 a $ar
and %o" to a $ar d"al"rh#) #n th" n"ar!y town of W"ndl#n%"n wh"r" h" 8#ll
two oth"r !"for" ta8#n% h# own l#f"* Al(ot all of h# &#$t#( ar" wo("n* At
on" )o#nt th"r" ar" !"tw""n G00 and 1,000 )ol#$" off#$"r $ha#n% h#(*
W#tn"" w#ll d"$r#!" h#( a !"#n% #n a tran$" dur#n% th" $hool hoot#n%*
6n" for("r $la(at" w#ll tat" that 3r"t$h("r u"d to )"nd all day #n
front of th" $o()ut"r* @" r")ort"dly had a )ro!l"( f#tt#n% #n*
3r"t$h("r0 fath"r # a w"althy !u#n"(an and a&#d %un "nthu#at, and
wa 3r"$h("r h#("lf had won a nu(!"r of hoot#n% $o()"t#t#on #n th"
Fro( A)r#l to S")t"(!"r of 2008 3r"$h("r had !""n und"r )y$h#atr#$
tr"at("nt, and att"nd"d a )y$h#atr#$ $l#n#$ #n W"#"nhoff f#&" t#("
!"tw""n A)r#l and S")t"(!"r !"for" h# $ar" wa tranf"rr"d to th" $"ntr" #n
W#nn"nd"n and h" !ro8" off tr"at("nt*
1448 (April 0! : J#&"rly Won%, 41, o)"n f#r" at an #((#%rat#on $"nt"r #n
/#n%ha(ton, 7"w Oor8 !"for" $o((#tt#n% u#$#d"* @" 8#ll 1E )"o)l" and
wound 4* Pol#$" w#ll tat" that h" wa w"ar#n% !ody ar(or* Won%0 fa(#ly
$a(" to th" US fro( L#"tna( #n 1FF0* Won%0 fath"r had !""n a $a)ta#n #n
th" South L#"tna("" Ar(y* Won% would ha&" had to do $o()ulory "r&#$"
#n th" L#"tna("" Ar(y fro( 1F8B to 1F8F*
Won%0 )ar"nt w#ll d"$r#!" th"#r on a ha&#n% hown #%n of ("ntal #lln"
1F y"ar "arl#"r wh"n h" $la#("d that o("on" wa try#n% to 8#ll h#(* @"
(o&"d to ?al#forn#a oon aft"r that, and th"y d#dn0t "" h#( for 1D y"ar*
Wh"n h" (o&"d !a$8, h# fath"r ay that h" had $han%"d* @" had wor8"d
for a uh# r"taurant for "&"n y"ar unt#l h" udd"nly to))"d how#n% u)
#n 200G* Two w""8 !"for" th" hoot#n%, Won% to))"d "at#n% and wat$h#n%
TL, and )"nt (ot of h# t#(" alon" #n h# roo(* A l"tt"r wr#tt"n !y Won%
w#ll arr#&" at 7"w 10 7ow #n Syra$u" thr"" day aft"r th" hoot#n%* ,n #t,
Won% wr#t" that und"r$o&"r )ol#$" off#$"r w"r" taunt#n% h#(, tortur#n% h#(,
and )r"ad#n% ru(or a!out h#( wh"r"&"r h" w"nt* P#$tur" w#ll !" #n$lud"d
of h#( hold#n% %un*
1448 ("ovem;er 2! : 4E )"o)l" ar" hot !y Ar(y )y$h#atr#t 7#dal 2al#8
@aan at th" Fort @ood Ar(y /a" #n T"9a* @aan r")ort"dly y"ll =Allahu
A%4arA> !"for" o)"n#n% f#r", 8#ll#n% 1E and wound#n% 2F oth"r* @" w#ll !"
d"$r#!"d a a))"ar#n% &a$ant, n"#th"r ha))y nor an%ry, dur#n% th"
1433 (:an*ary 6! : For("r $on%r"wo(an Aa!r#"ll" A#fford 1D'AU5 #
hot #n th" h"ad wh"n 22'y"ar'old Jar"d L"" Lou%hn"r o)"n f#r" on an
"&"nt A#fford # hold#n% at a Saf"way (ar8"t #n Tu$on, Ar#+ona* S#9 )"o)l"
d#", #n$lud#n% Ar#+ona D#tr#$t ?ourt ?h#"f Jud%" John 4oll, on" of A#fford0
taff"r, and a F'y"ar'old %#rl* 1E )"o)l" ar" wound"d* W#tn"" w#ll r")ort
that Lou%hn"r a))"ar"d "(ot#onl" dur#n% th" #n$#d"nt* @" w#ll !"
"nt"n$"d to "&"n l#f" t"r( )lu 140 y"ar, w#thout )arol"*
Pr#or to th" hoot#n%, Lou%hn"r had tart"d wr#t#n% #n not"!oo8 u#n% a
$od"* @" wa la!"l"d a $h#+o)hr"n#$, and had f"ar that th" $oll"%" )ol#$"
w"r" out to %"t h#(* @" had att"()t"d to "nl#t #n th" Ar(y at o(" )o#nt #n
th" )at, !ut wa r"."$t"d* A 8ull hr#n" w#ll !" d#$o&"r"d #n Lou%hn"r0
1433 (Septem;er 9! : E2'y"ar'old Eduardo S"n$#on "nt"r an ,@6P
r"taurant #n ?aron ?#ty, 7"&ada and hoot 12 )"o)l"* F#&" d#", #n$lud#n%
thr"" 7at#onal Auard ("(!"r* ,n th" "nd, h" turn th" %un on h#("lf* /oth
th" F/, and /ATF w#ll !"$o(" #n&ol&"d #n th" #n&"t#%at#on for o(" r"aon*
Th" hoot#n% o$$ur at a lo$at#on that # urround"d !y (#l#tary #ntallat#on
and r"$ru#t("nt $"nt"r*
1433 (Decem;er 65 : L#r%#n#a T"$h hoot#n%* 22'y"ar'old 4o Tru"tt
Ahl"y rando(ly 8#ll a )ol#$" off#$"r who # #tt#n% #n h# $ru#"r* W#th#n a half
hour, Ahl"y w#ll !" found d"ad, a))ar"ntly fro( u#$#d"* Th" F/,, /ATF,
S"$r"t S"r&#$", and DEA arr#&" a f#rt r")ond"r=#n&"t#%ator* Ahl"y had
%on" to th" hoot#n% ran%" w#th a fr#"nd at l"at thr"" t#(" )r#or to th"
hoot#n%* @" w#ll !" d"$r#!"d a nor(al* @" ha no onl#n" foot)r#nt and no
$r#(#nal h#tory* Th"r" w#ll !" no 8nown (ot#&"*
1433 : Truth and 4"$on$#l#at#on ?o((##on h"ar#n% #n L#$tor#a, /?, #
u))o"d to !" a h"al#n% "&"nt for &#$t#( of "9ual a!u" and tortur", !ut
th" )r""n$" of (any of th"#r a!u"r : h#%h'ran8#n% $l"r%y ("(!"r :
#tt#n% front'row !"for" th" ta%" wh#l" th" &#$t#( t"ll th"#r tor#", #
)ur)o"fully #nt#(#dat#n%* Wh"n on" of th" &#$t#( (a8" a$$uat#on of on"
of tho" #n att"ndan$", th" T4? ?o((##on"r an%r#ly t"ll h"r to =sho+
some respect>* Th" $o((and "ff"$t#&"ly r"'trau(at#+" th" &#$t#( and
to) th"( fro( )"a8#n% o)"nly*
1431 (:an*ary 15! : A hoot#n% at ?hardon @#%h S$hool #n ?hardon, 6h#o
!y T* J* Lan"* Thr"" ar" 8#ll"d and thr"" ar" wound"d* Wh"n a8"d why h"
d#d #t, Lan" w#ll tat", = donLt %no+(> At anoth"r )o#nt h" w#ll tat", = donLt
really understand myself(> For o(" r"aon, th" F/,, /ATF, and DEA w#ll all
ta8" )art #n th" #n&"t#%at#on* Py$h#atr#$ t"t#(ony %#&"n dur#n% h#
)r"l#(#nary h"ar#n% w#ll tat" that Lan" uff"r fro( aud#tory hallu$#nat#on
and #n&oluntary fanta#"* Lan" w#ll !" d"$r#!"d a a %ood and #nt"ll#%"nt
)"ron who ha n"&"r !""n #n trou!l" !"for"*
1431 (/ay 19! : A hoot#n% #n @y&#n8^^, F#nland, l"a&" two d"ad and
"&"n wound"d* Th" hoot"r, 18'y"ar'old E"ro Sa(ul# @#ltun"n, w#ll "9)r"
r"(or" for h# a$t#on und"r -u"t#on#n%, and w#ll #nd#$at" that h"
und"rtand th" $on"-u"n$" of h# a$t#on, !ut w#ll !" una!l" to %#&" a
r"aon for h# o)"n#n% f#r" on a %rou) of )"o)l"* @#ltun"n had "nl#t"d #n th"
ar(y at th" !"%#nn#n% of th" y"ar !ut l"ft !"for" $o()l"t#n% h# t#nt*
1431 (/ay 18! : ,an Staw#$8# o)"n f#r" #n th" ?af" 4a$"r E)r"o #n
S"attl", Wah#n%ton, 8#ll#n% D )"o)l" and th"n $o((#t u#$#d" aft"r a
$#tyw#d" (anhunt* Staw#$8#, who" !roth"r lat"r d"$r#!"d h#( a ("ntally #ll
and full of an%"r, had fr"-u"nt"d th" $afM r"%ularly* A$$ord#n% to h# !roth"r,
Staw#$8# had )"nt t#(" #n th" (#l#tary and th# # wh"r" h# ("ntal #lln"
urfa$"d, althou%h th"r" # no r"$ord of h#( ha&#n% "r&"d a$t#&" duty*
1431 (:*ly 14! : A (a hoot#n% ta8" )la$" #n a (o&#" th"atr" #n Aurora,
?olorado, l"a&#n% 12 d"ad and D8 #n.ur"d* Th" all"%"d hoot"r # a (an
na("d Ja(" @ol(", who # arr"t"d w#thout #n$#d"nt !"h#nd th" th"atr",
wh"r" h" # found #tt#n% #n h# $ar* Th"r" # a load"d 40 (( Alo$8 on th"
"at !"#d" h#( !ut h" a))"ar >(""80 and non'thr"at"n#n%* @# ha#r # d#"d
oran%" and h" #ntrodu$" h#("lf a >Th" Jo8"r0* @" # r")ort"dly w"ar#n% a
!la$8 tr"n$h $oat* Aft"r h# arr"t, @ol(" r")"at"dly a8 h# )r#on %uard
JWhy am hereEK, $la#(#n% to ha&" no r"$oll"$t#on of th" 8#ll#n%*
At l"at on" w#tn" to th# hoot#n% d"$r#!" a u)#$#ou (an w#th a
%oat"" #n th" th"atr" .ut )r#or to th" hoot#n% who loo8"d &"ry #(#lar to
Wayn" 2#$ha"l Pa%" : th" (an who w#ll lat"r !" #n&ol&"d #n a (a hoot#n%
#n 6a8 ?r""8, W#$on#n, only (onth lat"r* Th# u)"$t"d a$$o()l#$" #
""n r"$"#&#n% a $"ll $all wh#l" #tt#n% #n th" front row of th" th"atr", aft"r
wh#$h h" %"t u) and )ro) o)"n a f#r" "9#t door* 2o("nt lat"r, o("on"
dr""d #n full SWAT %"ar and %a (a8 "nt"r throu%h th" a(" door and
tart hoot#n% at th" th"atr" aud#"n$"* Th"r" ar" no w#tn"" who a$tually
"" @ol(" #n th" th"atr", !ut "&"ral r")ort (ult#)l" hoot"r* A "$ond %a
(a8 # found at th" $"n", #nd#$at#n% a "$ond a$$o()l#$"* All of th# w#ll !"
d#r"%ard"d !y th" )ol#$" and @ol(" w#ll !" )ortray"d a a lon" 8#ll"r*
Dur#n% h# arr"t, @ol(" #nfor( th" )ol#$" that h# a)art("nt ha !""n
!oo!y'tra))"d w#th "9)lo#&"* Wh"n th"y #n&"t#%at" #t, th"y f#nd that #t ha
!""n r#%%"d u) #n a &"ry o)h#t#$at"d (ann"r, ta8#n% th"( "&"ral day to
d#ar(* @ol(" r")ort"dly had a$-u#r"d a lar%" &ar#"ty of "9)lo#&" and
o&"r B,000 round of a((un#t#on* @ow h" had a$-u#r"d th" w"a)on, r#ot
%"ar, and "9)lo#&" $annot !" a$$ount"d for* @" wa l#&#n% off a P2B,000 a
y"ar tud"nt %rant that would !ar"ly $o&"r tu#t#on f"", t"9t!oo8, food, and
@ol(" # a#d to !" a h#%hly #nt"ll#%"nt 24'y"ar'old n"uro$#"n$" tud"nt
who had alr"ady "arn"d a /S d"%r"" #n 2010* @" wa $h"dul"d to )r""nt a
)a)"r on (#$ro'47A !#o(ar8"r for a $la on )y$h#atr#$ and n"urolo%#$al
d#ord"r* @ol("0 (oth"r # a )y$h#atr#$ nur", and h# fath"r # a "n#or
l"ad $#"nt#t at th" San D#"%o off#$" of 2#nn"a)ol#'!a"d F,?6* @ol(" had
!""n ""#n% a )y$h#atr#t !y th" na(" of Dr* Lynn" F"nton, who # a for("r
A#r For$" )y$h#atr#t* @" had tr#"d to $all F"nton only (#nut" !"for" th"
hoot#n%, and had "nt h"r a )a$8a%" o("t#(" "arl#"r, wh#$h author#t#" w#ll
r"fu" to r"&"al th" $ont"nt of* Alo, th"r" w#ll !" r")ort that @ol("
(a#l"d a not"!oo8 f#ll"d w#th %ru"o(" 8"t$h" and d"ta#l of h# )lan for
th" atta$8 to a )rof"or at th" Un#&"r#ty of ?olorado wh"r" @ol(" had
r"$"ntly dro))"d out*
@" w#ll a))"ar to !" und"r h"a&y "dat#on dur#n% h# f#rt $ourt a))"aran$",
#nd#$at#n% that h" # )ur)o"ly !"#n% 8")t und"r h"a&y $ontrol* For o("
r"aon, o&"r 100 F/, a%"nt, a w"ll a ("(!"r of th" /ATF and th" Jo#nt
T"rror#( Ta8 For$" 1JTTF5, w#ll ta8" )art #n th" #n&"t#%at#on*
6(#nouly, th" word >Aurora0 and >Sandy @oo80 1th" #t" of anoth"r futur"
hoot#n%5 ar" d")#$t"d #n th" /at(an (o&#" and (o&#" tra#l"r that ar"
)lay#n% at th" th"atr" that n#%ht* Alo, th" )"r#od fro( July 20 to July 2G #
8nown to atan#t a th" Arand ?l#(a9* July 2G w#ll !" th" o)"n#n%
$"r"(on#" of th" 6ly()#$ %a(" #n London*
1431 (A*g*st 2! : A (a hoot#n% that l"a&" "&"n d"ad and an
und#$lo"d nu(!"r wound"d ta8" )la$" at a S#8h T"()l" #n 6a8 ?r""8,
W#$on#n* Althou%h Wad" 2#$ha"l Pa%" w#ll !" d")#$t"d a th" lon" hoot"r,
w#tn"" w#ll r")ort ""#n% oth"r a$$o()l#$"* @ow"&"r, th" ("nt#on of
oth"r hoot"r !"#n% #n&ol&"d w#ll !" -u#$8ly u))r""d, and th"
#n&"t#%at#on w#ll !" $lo"d w#th d"t"r(#n#n% a (ot#&"* Pa%" "#th"r $o((#t
u#$#d" or # 8#ll"d !y th" )ol#$"* ,n Jun", Pa%" (o&"d out on h# %#rlfr#"nd
and to))"d how#n% u) for wor8, d#a))"ar#n% fro( #%ht* Th# had !""n
only a f"w day !"for" a )r"&#ou (aa$r" at a th"atr" #n Aurora, ?olorado
#n&ol&#n% Ja(" @ol("* So("on" who loo8"d l#8" Pa%" wa ""n a$t#n%
u)#$#ouly #n th" th"atr" .ut )r#or to that "&"nt* Th"r" # alo a %ood
)o#!#l#ty that Pa%" wa #n&ol&"d #n th" ?olu(!#n" hoot#n% #n L#ttl"ton,
?olorado* @" wa l#&#n% #n L#ttl"ton at th# t#(", "&#d"n$"d !y a traff#$ t#$8"t
"r&"d to h#( #n 1FFF !y lo$al law "nfor$"("nt* Th"r" # alo a )o#!#l#ty
that h" wa a ("(!"r of th" Tr"n$h ?oat 2af#a that ?olu(!#n" hoot"r Er#$
@arr# and Dylan 3l"!old !"lon%"d to* A )hoto of h#( h"ld !y th" L#ttl"ton
author#t#" fro( th# t#(" )"r#od # !"#n% u))r""d, at th" r"-u"t of
W#$on#n author#t#"* WhyN
Pa%" wa a n"o'7a+# w#th t#" to th" (#l#tary a )art of a )yo) un#t* Fro(
1FF2 to 1FF8, h" wa a US Ar(y >)y$holo%#$al o)"rat#on )"$#al#t0 w#th US
(#l#tary "$r"t $l"aran$" out of Fort /l#, T"9a 1Fort /ra%% # a 8nown
outl"t for wh#t" u)r"(a$#t5* Part of h# dut#" a a )yo) )"$#al#t wa to
>(ana%" )"r$")t#on0* Th# #n$lud" Jactions to convey and8or deny selected
information and indicators to Q audiences to influence their emotions,
motives, and o4$ective reasoning Q ultimately resulting in Q 4ehaviors and
official actions favora4le to the originatorGs o4$ectives(K
1431 (Septem;er 15! : F#&" )"o)l" ar" hot to d"ath !y EB'y"ar'old
Andr"w En%"ld#n%"r at A$$"nt S#%na%" Syt"( #n 2#nn"a)ol#, 2#nn"ota*
Thr"" )"o)l" ar" wound"d* En%"ld#n%"r %o" on h# ra()a%" aft"r lo#n% h#
.o! for !"#n% $ont#nually lat", "nd#n% #t !y 8#ll#n% h#("lf* En%"ld#n%"r #
d"$r#!"d !y h# )ar"nt a h#%hly #nt"ll#%"nt !ut ha&#n% a h#tory of ("ntal
1431 (Decem;er 33! ' 22'y"ar'old Ja$o! Tyl"r 4o!"rt, w"ar#n% a wh#t"
ho$8"y (a8, !ull"t')roof &"t, and dr""d #n $a(oufla%", wound on"
)"ron and 8#ll two oth"r !"for" turn#n% a tol"n r#fl" on h#("lf #n th"
?la$8a(a Town ?"nt"r #n Portland, 6r"%on* @# (ot#&" # un8nown* An
"t#(at"d 100 law "nfor$"("nt )"ronn"l -u#$8ly d"$"nd on th" (all,
#n$lud#n% lo$al )ol#$", tat" troo)"r, and four ta$t#$al w"a)on t"a(,
u))ort"d !y ("(!"r of th" F/, and /ATF*
4o!"rt w#ll !" d"$r#!"d !y fr#"nd a a r"la9"d, fr#"ndly, and out%o#n% (an
who had !""n loo8#n% forward to (o&#n% to @awa## !"for" (##n% h# fl#%ht
.ut )r#or to th" hoot#n%* @" had dr"a("d of !"$o(#n% a 2ar#n" !"for" an
#n.ur"d foot to))"d h#( fro( "nl#t#n%* Jut )r#or to th" hoot#n%, 4o!"rt
had to))"d off at h# !"t fr#"nd0 hou" and told h#( =that he had to go
and that he didnGt +ant to(> @" alo %a&" h#( a !ra$"l"t that h" alway wor",
and hu%%"d h#(*
1431 (Decem;er 37! : A $hool hoot#n% at Sandy @oo8 El"("ntary
S$hool #n 7"wtown, ?onn"$t#$ut, all"%"dly l"a&" 2B d"ad : 20 of th"( f#rt'
%rad" $h#ldr"n* Th" all"%"d 8#ll"r, 20'y"ar'old Ada( Lan+a, "nd th" ra()a%"
!y hoot#n% h#("lf #n th" h"ad* Earl#"r that (orn#n%, Lan+a had r")ort"dly
hot h# (oth"r #n th" h"ad four t#(", 8#ll#n% h"r wh#l" h" lay l"")#n% #n
!"d* @# $o()ut"r hard'dr#&" had !""n r"(o&"d and d"troy"d )r#or to th"
hoot#n%* A t"a$h"r0 $ar #n th" $hool )ar8#n% lot had !""n r#ddl"d w#th
Lan+a # d"$r#!"d !y a nu(!"r of )"o)l" who 8n"w h#( a !"#n% h#%hly
#nt"ll#%"nt !ut d"")ly d#tur!"d, u!."$t to out!urt, and J#((un" to
)hy#$al )a#nK* @" # alo r")ort"d to ha&" uff"r"d fro( aut#( and=or
A)"r%"r0 yndro("* ,nt"r"t#n%ly, h" had tud#"d J* D* Sall#n%"r0 The
"atcher in the Rye #n h#%h $hool wh"n h" wa 1B y"ar old* @" # d"$r#!"d
!y tho" who 8n"w h#( a a lon"r w#th no fr#"nd and #nto Aoth (u#$*
Lan+a0 (oth"r wa r")ort"dly a %un $oll"$tor and oft"n too8 Ada( and h#
!roth"r 4yan out tar%"t hoot#n%* 4")ort of th" hoot#n% d"$r#!" Lan+a a
!"#n% a &"ry a$$urat" hot* Th"r" w#ll !" a tran%" la$8 of #n.ur"d ur&#&or,
$r"d#!l" w#tn"", or anyon" at th" $hool who "&"n 8n"w Ada( Lan+a,
l"a&#n% no 8nown (ot#&" for th" (urd"r*
A )ol#$" arr#&" at th" $hool, th"y "" a (aroon'$olor"d &an l"a&#n% th"
$"n"* Two oth"r un#d"nt#f#"d )"o)l" ar" )#$8"d u) #n th" wood n"ar th"
$hool oon aft"r th" hoot#n%* 6n" of th"( # ""n $arry#n% a %un and !"#n%
$ha"d !y th" )ol#$"* @" w#ll lat"r !" #d"nt#f#"d a an off'duty ta$t#$al -uad
)ol#$" off#$"r fro( anoth"r ?onn"$t#$ut d#tr#$t* At l"at on" of th"" u)"$t
w#ll !" w"ar#n% $a(oufla%" %"ar* A )o#!l" th#rd u)"$t # a))r"h"nd"d at
th" front of th" $hool* Early )ol#$" r")ort w#ll $la#( that th"r" ar" u) to
"&"n u)"$t* 7o "9)lanat#on w#ll !" %#&"n a to why th"" u)"$t w"r"
#n th" ar"a, what th"y w"r" do#n%, or what ha))"n"d to th"(* Lat"r r")ort
w#ll un"9)la#na!ly $la#( that th"r" Ada( Lan+a wa th" only u)"$t*
Early r")ort tat" that a /uh(at"r *22E "(#'auto(at#$ r#fl" wa found #n
Lan+a0 $ar, !ut lat"r r")ort tat" that th# # th" w"a)on that wa u"d #n
th" hoot#n%* Th" -u"t#on ar#" a to how th# r#fl" "nd"d u) !a$8 #n th"
$ar aft"r th" (aa$r"=u#$#d", #n$" Lan+a0 !ody wa found #n th" $hool*
L#ttl" to no "&#d"n$" that th# $r#(" too8 )la$" w#ll !" forth$o(#n%,
)art#$ularly th" &#$t#(0 !od#"* Th"r" wa a -u"t#on a to wh"th"r any
$h#ldr"n had a$tually !""n 8#ll"d* Par"nt of th" &#$t#( ar" only allow"d to
#d"nt#fy th"#r $h#ldr"n throu%h )hoto%ra)h, rath"r than #d"nt#fy#n% th"#r
!od#"* So(" of th" &#$t#(0 )ar"nt w#ll !" ""n on &#d"o foota%" lau%h#n%
and .o8#n% (o("nt !"for" %"tt#n% #nto $hara$t"r and th"n %o#n% on $a("ra
to %r#"&" to th" &#"w#n% )u!l#$ o&"r h# lo* ?h#ldr"n hown #n )hoto%ra)h
!"#n% "&a$uat"d fro( th" $hool do not loo8 u)"t, and o(" ar" "&"n
(#l#n%* L"ry l#ttl" #nfor(at#on w#ll $o(" out !"yond th" f#rt r")ort, wh#l"
all n"w r")ort w#ll fo$u on th" %r#"&#n% fr#"nd and fa(#ly, and %un $ontrol
law* 2"d#$al r")ond"r ar" d"n#"d "ntry to th" $hool* 6ff#$"r w#ll !"
a#%n"d to "a$h of th" 2B fa(#l#" of th" &#$t#(, wh#$h w#ll "&"r"ly r"tr#$t
th" fa(#l#" fro( !"#n% a!l" to )"a8 to th" ("d#a or anyon" "l" a!out what
th"y (#%ht 8now*
Th" 8#ll"r0 fath"r, P"t"r Lan+a, # &#$"')r"#d"nt of AE En"r%y F#nan$#al
S"r&#$", a u!#d#ary of A"n"ral El"$tr#$* A"n"ral El"$tr#$ # alo a (a.or
$ontra$tor for th" US (#l#tary=#nt"ll#%"n$" or%an, oft"n #n&ol&"d #n
d"&"lo)#n% $o&"rt (#nd'$ontrol t"$hnolo%#"* Th"r" # a )o#!#l#ty that
Lan+a0 (oth"r wa a ?,A P2 analyt wor8#n% for th" D"f"n" 4""ar$h
Pro."$t A%"n$y 1DA4PA5 and alo for th" D")art("nt of @o("land S"$ur#ty
Th" F/,, /ATF, DEA, US Attorn"yH 6ff#$", D")art("nt of @o("land S"$ur#ty
1D@S5, 2arhal S"r&#$", and Potal ,n)"$tor w#ll all !" #n&ol&"d #n th"
#n&"t#%at#on* 6n th# a(" day, th" D@S and FE2A ar" runn#n% a .o#nt
tra#n#n% "9"r$#" for "("r%"n$y t"a( 1FE2A L'EBB Plann#n% for th" 7""d of
?h#ldr"n #n D#at"r5 at th" n"ar!y ?ar("l El"("ntary S$hool*
,nt"r"t#n%ly, th" US %o&"rn("nt0 So$#al S"$ur#ty D"ath ,nd"9 w#ll l#t Ada(
Lan+a0 d"ath a o$$urr#n% th" day !"for" th" hoot#n%*
@"l#$o)t"r foota%" ta8"n a!out an hour aft"r th" hoot#n% w#ll how furth"r
"&#d"n$" that th# "&"nt wa ta%"d* Th"r" ar" only thr"" $h#ldr"n &##!l" at
any t#(", althou%h hundr"d ha&" u))o"dly !""n "&a$uat"d fro( th"
$hool and ta8"n to th" f#r" tat#on n"9t door to wa#t for th"#r )ar"nt to )#$8
th"( u)* Th" foota%" alo how that th" only road l"ad#n% to th" $hool #
!lo$8"d !y nu("rou )ol#$" $ar and SUL, wh#$h would ("an that no
a(!ulan$" or oth"r r"$u" &"h#$l" $ould %"t #n or out* Th" (any )"o)l"
""n #n th" foota%" ar" at th" f#r" tat#on and ar" .ut (#ll#n% around and
$hatt#n% l"#ur"ly, how#n% no "n" of ur%"n$y* Th"r" # &"ry l#ttl" a$t#&#ty at
th" $hool #t"lf, nor a(!ulan$" that would !" "9)"$t"d to !" th"r" to d"al
w#th any wound"d* E#%ht a(!ulan$" ar" )ar8"d at th" f#r" tat#on and
a))"ar to !" $o()l"t"ly unatt"nd"d, wh#l" "&"ral oth"r a(!ulan$" $an !"
""n lowly dr#&#n% !y on th" (a#n road* At l"at 20 "("r%"n$y ("d#$al
t"a( $an !" ""n .ut tand#n% around do#n% noth#n%* Stat" )ol#$" $an alo
!" ""n )utt#n% on $o(!at %"ar, "&"n thou%h th"r" # no r"aon to oth"r
than )"rha) for a )hoto o)*
1430 (:an*ary 11! : Shoot#n% at T"9a ?oll"%" $a()u*
1430 (April 32! : Th" /oton 2arathon !o(!#n%* Photo%ra)h#$ "&#d"n$"
w#ll r"&"al that th" !o(!#n% wa fa8"d and th" (any r")ort"d &#$t#( who
w#ll $la#( to ha&" lot l#(! fro( th" !lat : )art#$ularly th" $"ntral f#%ur",
J"ff /au(an : ar" a$tor* Th# ("an that th# # a )yo) that #n&ol&" (any
)"o)l", #n$lud#n% ("d#$al t"a(, )ol#$", F/,, "t$*

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