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PIC - Comunicaao serial entre dois PICs

Edivaldo Amaral Gonalves Este projeto tem como objetivo fazer a comunicao serial entre dois microcontroladores PICs 16F628. Afim de uma melhor visualizaao dos bits de cada dado transmitido/recebido, usou-se o pino do PIC para cada bit. Sendo assim, a tabela 1 mostra a relaao com a posiao do bit e seu pino correspondente do PIC. Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 RB7 RB6 RB5 RB4 RA3 RA2 RA1 RA0
TABELA 1 - Relao entre a posiao do bit e o pino do PIC.

O circuito funciona da seguinte maneira: sempre que uma chave do PIC transmissor for acionada, um LED correspondente a esta chave ser ligado no PIC receptor. Ver figura 1. O cdigo fonte foi escrito em flowcode usando o software Ktechlab-gcb 0.0.1 rodando sobre sistema operacional Linux Ubuntu 10.04. A escolha da verso deste sistema deu-se pela compatibilidade com o Ktechlab-gcb que ainda usa as bibliotecas do Qt3. Para simular o funcionamento dos microcontroladores usou-se o software Proteus 7.7 SP2 rodando sobre Windows XP SP2. Nao fez-se a simulao no Ktechlab-gcb pois o mesmo no conseguiu fazer a simulao. O software Ktechlab-gcb oferece a opo de programar usando flowcode, que uma programao muito fcil onde usa-se fluxogramas. Nas figuras 2 e 3, podemos ver a programaao em flowcode.

Figura 1 - Esquema eltrico para simulaao no software proteus 7.7 SP2.

Figura 2a - Cdigo em flowcode do transmissor.

Figura 2b - Sub-rotina do flowcode transmissor.

Figura 3a - Flowcode do receptor.

Figura 3b - Sub-rotina do receptor.

Para quem usa programa em Assembly ou GCBasic segue os cdigos abaixo:

Transmissor - Assembly ;Program compiled by Great Cow BASIC (0.9 29/11/2009) ;Need help? See the GCBASIC forums at, ;check the documentation or email ; ****************************************************************** ************** ;Set up the assembler options (Chip type, clock source, other bits and pieces) LIST p=16F628, r=DEC #include <> __CONFIG _XT_OSC & _MCLRE_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _WDT_OFF ; ****************************************************************** ************** ;Set aside memory locations for variables SysWaitTempUS EQU 117 SysWaitTempUS_H EQU 118 DADO EQU 32 ; ****************************************************************** ************** ;Vectors ORG 0 pagesel BASPROGRAMSTART goto BASPROGRAMSTART ORG 4 retfie ; ****************************************************************** ************** ;Start of program memory page 0 ORG 5 BASPROGRAMSTART ;Call initialisation routines call INITSYS ;Automatic pin direction setting banksel TRISB bsf TRISB,7 bsf TRISB,6

bsf bsf bsf bsf bsf bsf


;Start of the main program clrf OPTION_REG banksel RCSTA clrf RCSTA banksel SPBRG clrf SPBRG banksel TXREG clrf TXREG banksel TXSTA clrf TXSTA movlw 127 movwf TRISA banksel PORTA clrf PORTA clrf PORTB movlw 219 banksel OPTION_REG movwf OPTION_REG movlw 25 movwf SPBRG movlw 36 movwf TXSTA movlw 144 banksel RCSTA movwf RCSTA __LABEL_VARCOMPARISON banksel TXSTA btfsc TXSTA,TRMT goto ELSE1_1 goto __LABEL_VARCOMPARISON goto ENDIF1 ELSE1_1 banksel STATUS call LE_BIT movf DADO,W movwf TXREG nop goto __LABEL_VARCOMPARISON ENDIF1 goto BASPROGRAMEND BASPROGRAMEND sleep goto $ ; ****************************************************************** **************

INITSYS movlw 7 movwf CMCON clrf PORTA clrf PORTB return ; ****************************************************************** ************** LE_BIT btfss PORTA,0 goto ELSE2_1 movlw 1 iorwf DADO,F goto ENDIF2 ELSE2_1 movlw 254 andwf DADO,F ENDIF2 btfss PORTA,1 goto ELSE3_1 movlw 2 iorwf DADO,F goto ENDIF3 ELSE3_1 movlw 253 andwf DADO,F ENDIF3 btfss PORTA,2 goto ELSE4_1 movlw 4 iorwf DADO,F goto ENDIF4 ELSE4_1 movlw 251 andwf DADO,F ENDIF4 btfss PORTA,3 goto ELSE5_1 movlw 8 iorwf DADO,F goto ENDIF5 ELSE5_1 movlw 247 andwf DADO,F ENDIF5 btfss PORTB,4 goto ELSE6_1 movlw 16 iorwf DADO,F goto ENDIF6 ELSE6_1 movlw 239

andwf DADO,F ENDIF6 btfss PORTB,5 goto ELSE7_1 movlw 32 iorwf DADO,F goto ENDIF7 ELSE7_1 movlw 223 andwf DADO,F ENDIF7 btfss PORTB,6 goto ELSE8_1 movlw 64 iorwf DADO,F goto ENDIF8 ELSE8_1 movlw 191 andwf DADO,F ENDIF8 btfss PORTB,7 goto ELSE9_1 movlw 128 iorwf DADO,F goto ENDIF9 ELSE9_1 movlw 127 andwf DADO,F ENDIF9 return ; ****************************************************************** ************** END

Receptor - Assembly ;Program compiled by Great Cow BASIC (0.9 29/11/2009) ;Need help? See the GCBASIC forums at, ;check the documentation or email ; ****************************************************************** ************** ;Set up the assembler options (Chip type, clock source, other bits and pieces) LIST p=16F628, r=DEC

#include <> __CONFIG _XT_OSC & _MCLRE_OFF & _LVP_OFF & _WDT_OFF ; ****************************************************************** ************** ;Set aside memory locations for variables DELAYTEMP EQU 112 SysWaitTempUS EQU 117 SysWaitTempUS_H EQU 118 DADO EQU 32 PORTD EQU 33 TEMP EQU 34 ; ****************************************************************** ************** ;Vectors ORG 0 pagesel BASPROGRAMSTART goto BASPROGRAMSTART ORG 4 retfie ; ****************************************************************** ************** ;Start of program memory page 0 ORG 5 BASPROGRAMSTART ;Call initialisation routines call INITSYS ;Automatic pin direction setting banksel TRISB bcf TRISB,7 bcf TRISB,6 bcf TRISB,5 bcf TRISB,4 bcf TRISA,3 bcf TRISA,2 bcf TRISA,1 bcf TRISA,0 ;Start of the main program clrf SPBRG clrf OPTION_REG banksel PORTB clrf PORTB clrf PORTD clrf RCSTA banksel TXSTA clrf TXSTA

banksel DADO clrf DADO movlw 112 banksel TRISA movwf TRISA movlw 15 movwf TRISB banksel PORTA clrf PORTA clrf PORTB movlw 219 banksel OPTION_REG movwf OPTION_REG movlw 25 movwf SPBRG movlw 36 movwf TXSTA movlw 144 banksel RCSTA movwf RCSTA movlw 49 movwf DELAYTEMP DelayUS1 decfsz DELAYTEMP,F goto DelayUS1 __LABEL_DELAY__5 goto $+1 btfsc PIR1,RCIF goto ELSE1_1 goto __LABEL_DELAY__5 goto ENDIF1 ELSE1_1 movf RCREG,W movwf DADO call ESCREVE goto __LABEL_DELAY__5 ENDIF1 goto BASPROGRAMEND BASPROGRAMEND sleep goto $ ; ****************************************************************** ************** ESCREVE movlw 1 andwf DADO,W movwf TEMP sublw 0 btfsc STATUS, C goto ELSE2_1 bsf PORTA,0 goto ENDIF2

ELSE2_1 bcf PORTA,0 ENDIF2 movlw 2 andwf DADO,W movwf TEMP sublw 0 btfsc STATUS, goto ELSE3_1 bsf PORTA,1 goto ENDIF3 ELSE3_1 bcf PORTA,1 ENDIF3 movlw 4 andwf DADO,W movwf TEMP sublw 0 btfsc STATUS, goto ELSE4_1 bsf PORTA,2 goto ENDIF4 ELSE4_1 bcf PORTA,2 ENDIF4 movlw 8 andwf DADO,W movwf TEMP sublw 0 btfsc STATUS, goto ELSE5_1 bsf PORTA,3 goto ENDIF5 ELSE5_1 bcf PORTA,3 ENDIF5 movlw 16 andwf DADO,W movwf TEMP sublw 0 btfsc STATUS, goto ELSE6_1 bsf PORTB,4 goto ENDIF6 ELSE6_1 bcf PORTB,4 ENDIF6 movlw 32 andwf DADO,W movwf TEMP sublw 0 btfsc STATUS, goto ELSE7_1 bsf PORTB,5 goto ENDIF7

ELSE7_1 bcf PORTB,5 ENDIF7 movlw 64 andwf DADO,W movwf TEMP sublw 0 btfsc STATUS, C goto ELSE8_1 bsf PORTB,6 goto ENDIF8 ELSE8_1 bcf PORTB,6 ENDIF8 movlw 128 andwf DADO,W movwf TEMP sublw 0 btfsc STATUS, C goto ELSE9_1 bsf PORTB,7 goto ENDIF9 ELSE9_1 bcf PORTB,7 ENDIF9 return ; ****************************************************************** ************** INITSYS movlw 7 movwf CMCON clrf PORTA clrf PORTB return ; ****************************************************************** ************** END

J pra quem programa em gcbasic segue o cdigo abaixo: Transmissor - GCBasic '_____________________________________________________ ' GcBasic code generated by Ktechlabgcb-Flowcode '_____________________________________________________ ' Chip model and clock speed: #chip P16F628, 4 'MHz ' Initial values: OPTION_REG = 0 RCSTA = 0 SPBRG = 0 TXREG = 0 TXSTA = 0 TRISA = 127 PORTA = 0 PORTB = 0 ' Start: _______________________________________________ OPTION_REG = 219 SPBRG = 25 TXSTA = 36 RCSTA = 144 __label_varcomparison: if TRMT = 0 then goto __label_varcomparison else call Le_bit TXREG = dado Wait 1 us goto __label_varcomparison End if end Sub Le_bit if PORTA.0 on then dado = dado OR 1 else dado = dado AND 254 End if if PORTA.1 on then dado = dado OR 2 else dado = dado AND 253 End if if PORTA.2 on then

dado = dado OR 4 else dado = dado AND 251 End if if PORTA.3 on then dado = dado OR 8 else dado = dado AND 247 End if if PORTB.4 on then dado = dado OR 16 else dado = dado AND 239 End if if PORTB.5 on then dado = dado OR 32 else dado = dado AND 223 End if if PORTB.6 on then dado = dado OR 64 else dado = dado AND 191 End if if PORTB.7 on then dado = dado OR 128 else dado = dado AND 127 End if End Sub

Receptor - GCBasic '_____________________________________________________ ' GcBasic code generated by Ktechlabgcb-Flowcode '_____________________________________________________ ' Chip model and clock speed: #chip P16F628, 4 'MHz ' Initial values: SPBRG = 0 OPTION_REG = 0 PORTB = 0 PORTD = 0 RCSTA = 0 TXSTA = 0 dado = 0

TRISA = 112 TRISB = 15 PORTA = 0 PORTB = 0 ' Start: _______________________________________________ OPTION_REG = 219 SPBRG = 25 TXSTA = 36 RCSTA = 144 Wait 148 us __label_delay__5: Wait 2 us if RCIF = 0 then goto __label_delay__5 else dado = RCREG call Escreve goto __label_delay__5 End if end Sub Escreve temp = dado if temp > 0 PORTA.0 = 1 else PORTA.0 = 0 End if temp = dado if temp > 0 PORTA.1 = 1 else PORTA.1 = 0 End if temp = dado if temp > 0 PORTA.2 = 1 else PORTA.2 = 0 End if temp = dado if temp > 0 PORTA.3 = 1 else PORTA.3 = 0 End if temp = dado if temp > 0 PORTB.4 = 1 else PORTB.4 = 0 AND 1 then

AND 2 then

AND 4 then

AND 8 then

AND 16 then

End if temp = dado if temp > 0 PORTB.5 = 1 else PORTB.5 = 0 End if temp = dado if temp > 0 PORTB.6 = 1 else PORTB.6 = 0 End if temp = dado if temp > 0 PORTB.7 = 1 else PORTB.7 = 0 End if End Sub

AND 32 then

AND 64 then

AND 128 then

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