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Dora DePaolis AIS Aim: Clue words in addition and subtraction word problems Do Now: Ask students to create

flash cards Objectives: Students will identify clue words in addition and subtraction word problems Mathematics 7NS Apply and extend previous understandings of operations with fractions to add, subtract, multiply, and divide rational numbers. Mathematics MST3 Students will understand the concepts of and become proficient with the skills of mathematics; communicate and reason mathematically, become problem solvers by using appropriate words and strategies; through the integrated study of number sense and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, statistics and probability

Materials: AIS Notebooks, index cards, worksheet, list of clue words, highlighters Procedures: Do Now: Write addition on one side of 19 flashcards: Opposite side: write hint words Write Subtraction on one side of 14 flashcards: Opposite side: write hint words Pair off students o Students run through flashcards with partner, o At bottom left of card, with pencil write a small check on a card if partner gets it correct; small x if gets it incorrect o Switch partner now holds up flashcards for partner; At bottom left of card, with pencil write a small check on a card if partner gets it correct; small x if gets it incorrect Students must write down words they missed As students complete assignment, pass out calculators, highlighters and worksheets o Ask students to complete fraction word problem worksheets. Students highlight the hint words, and then solve the problems.

Key Question: What are the clue words in word problems and what do they signify.

Conclusion: Answer any remaining questions the students may have

Homework: Students must study the list of hint words they got wrong

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