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Going from some feedback I had from Phil, I look towards Okami, A beauBful game which was originally released in 2006. It was recently re-released in 2012. It has some amazing art, simple yet so eye catching.

One-hundred years ago, Amaterasu used the godly power of the Celes8al Brush, to face Orochi. But their ba>le consumed them both, causing them to disappear from the world, with Amaterasu losing the thirteen Celes8al Brush powers in the process. Now in the present, Amaterasu stumbles upon a mysterious fairy sprite named Issun, and together they set out on an adventure, as Amaterasu aims to regain the 13 powers of the Celes8al brush and defeat Orochi once and for all.

I had been wondering how I was going to combine Blackwater Gospel and Japanese prints together. I feel Okami is a very good reference point for the combinaBon of the two. Its form, feel and line work could help me a lot. Its helping me picture the kinds of colours I'm aMer and how to use them. Okami and print work is very much block colours, almost like water colour. Its Black lines highly dene the object as well which again should help me work out my own work.

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