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MKT537 Syahmi B Harudin (FPP)

Group Assignment Article Review

Objectives: 1. To expose student about research process gain real experience from it. 2. To demonstrate students capability in developing research report. 3. To encourage team spirit & endeavor students in academic research. Tasks: Each group need to search for an article (between 10 to 15 pages) regarding to marketing issues/scope with any title. Then, please complete the followings relating on your group article. 1. Title of article Evaluating Gender Differences in the Complaint Behavior of Malaysian Consumers 2. Author/s Nelson Oly Ndubisi and Tam Yin Ling @ Adeline 3. Year 113, July 2007 4. Where did you find it (please provide URL/pages)

5. Explain the research design and time frame of the study 6. Explain the problem statement 7. List the research objective 8. Describe the variables involved in the study (IV and DV) 9. Show the theoretical framework of the study 10. List the research question/hypothesis of the study 11. Describe the significant of the study

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