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Patti Morlock EDUC 763 March 2, 2013

Form 9: Learning Guide

Module Name: Running Away Course Name: Communication on The Underground Railroad

Learning Goals/Outcomes Upon completion of this module you will be able to : Define the Underground Railroad Show a clear connection between abolitionists and black free -persons as key components on the UGRR Financially plan to host a family in the escape to freedom Recount the life of a runaway Learning Resources Required Resources: Exerpts from The Underground Railroad by William Still Additional Resources Possible Field Trip : National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, Cincinnati, OH Learning Activities Activities For This Lesson Using a matching game, check your knowledge of definitions pertinent to the UGRR Create an account book for food, travel and other expenses needed to hide and move a slave family of four from your home to the next safe house 100 miles away. Using the required text, choose one slave and retell their story in your own way, as a written, visual, artistic, or musical presentation. Be creative.

Self-Assessment Check Your Understanding

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

Patti Morlock EDUC 763 March 2, 2013

Can you define terms related to the Underground Railroad? Can you create a household budget for your family plus an additional family of four for the duration of hiding and seeing them to the next stop on the UGRR? Can you transform the true story of another human being into a compelling story of your own telling?

Form adapted from Smith, R. M. Conquering the Content. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2008.

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