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RIO Unit 01- Biology

Scientific Method, Introduction to Living vs. Non-Living Things

1. Viruses are exceptions to the cell 3. Judith records observations of a plant

theory, but they have some growth experiment in the chart below.
characteristics of living things. What is Look over the chart carefully to answer
one of these characteristics? (Analyzing) the following question.

A They are made up of many Color of Light Plant Growth Over

specialized cells. Plant is Exposed Three-Week
To Period
B They contain genetic material.
Red 13cm
C They reproduce by mitosis.
Blue 10cm
D They contain chlorophyll.
Green 2cm

Based on Judith’s observations, which

2. What term is given to the information color of light provides optimal plant
gathered from observing a plant that growth? (Analyzing)
grows 3cm over a two-week period?
(Knowing) A Blue
A Variables B Green
B Data C Red
C Inferences D No conclusive data is available
D Conclusions

4. Which of the following statements is

true concerning theories? (Evaluating)

A Theories are always true.

B Theories may be revised or replaced.

C Theories are the opening statement

of an experiment.

D Theories are a problem to be solved.

5. Which is a characteristic of all living 8. Which of the characteristics of life can
things? (Integrating) you observe by simply studying this
diagram of a Trilobite? (Evaluating)
A Movement

B Nervous System

C Use of Energy

D Respiration

6. During a race, the body temperature

of a runner increases. The runner
responds by perspiring, which lowers
body temperature. What is this process A It grows and develops.
an example of? (Knowing)
B It reproduces.
A The maintenance of homeostasis
C It contains genetic information.
B An antigen-antibody reaction
D It is organized.
C An acquired characteristic

D Environmental factors affecting


7. Which of the following is true

concerning hypotheses? (Evaluating)

A Hypotheses may arise from prior


B Hypotheses may arise from logical


C Hypotheses may arise from

imaginative conjectures.

D All of the above are true.

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