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<link href='' rel='sty lesheet' type='text/css'> <style> .shakeimage{ position:relative} </style> <script language= JavaScript1.2 > / /configure shake degree (where larger # equals greater shake) var rector=3 var s topit=0 var a=1 function init(which){ stopit=0 shake=which sh} function rattleimage(){ if ((!document.all&&!document.getElemen tById)||stopit==1) return if (a==1){ ector+ px } else if (a==2){ px } els e if (a==3){ px } else{ shake.styl e.left=parseInt( px } if (a<4) a++ else a=1 setTimeout( rattl eimage() ,50)} function stoprattle(which){ stopit=1 .top=0} </script>


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/**** SELECAO COLORIDA - ****/ ::-moz-selection {color: #000000; background: #eee;} ::selection {color: #fff; background: #eee;}

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<p><iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="149" src="http://" style="background-color:transparent; overflow:hidden;" id="ask_form"></iframe> <!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript">document.getElementById('ask_form').a llowTransparency=true;</script><![endif]--></p> </div></div></div> <div id="08" class="popup_block"> <div class="faixa"><titu>Crditos:</titu></div> <p> Theme totalmente feito por:<a href="/">Lucas</a> <br>Quote:<a href="">Rita</a> <br>Grfico:<a href="">Biibis</a> <br>Alguns cdigos,e inspirao: <a href="">Isa M.(diva)</ a>

<br>Muita inspirao: <a href="">Marlivia</a>


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