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Week 3 | Lesson 4

Author: Maryjo Comparan Lesson Title: Goal Food Week: Restaurant Menu Discuss and organize healthy food information and how it related to our bodies and exercise. Students will create their restaurant menu to demonstrate and apply their understanding of healthy food choices that affect physical activity. Grade Level: Subject: OBJECTIVE (S) 6th Physical Education INTELLIGENCES


Laptop, iPad Internet
Glogster EDU

45 minutes Content and Technology STANDARDS

P.E. CA 6th Grade Standards Standard 4: Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance. Technology Standards 2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

Standard Objectives: 1. Students will be able to verbally explain and demonstrate their understanding of healthy and unhealthy food

options by creating an online restaurant menu.

Students will apply and recall information by organizing their notes from the week. Technology Objective: 1. Students will demonstrate their technology knowledge and

Kinesthetic, Verbal Visual, Naturalist ster .com Glogster EDU tutorial M9A

Week 3 | Lesson 4
Author: Maryjo Comparan
creativity by researching online websites to apply information.

iPad/Laptop/Computer Internet MindMeister Mind Map Notability Glogster EDU .com

Visual/spatial, verbal, kinesthetic, naturalists

Glogster EDU tutorial

Day 1: 1. Anticipatory Set (5-10min) A. APK: Go back over the rubric one more time and offer this time for any student questions about the restaurant menu that they will continue to work on. 2. I Do Introduction (Direct Instruction) (5-10 min) Discuss with students, the expectation on the restaurant menu and encourage student to use their notes from this weeks lessons. Students may also access the web for additional information based on their needs of their individual menus. The menu needs to include calorie counts and alternatives for different food allergies. 3. We Do Walk the students through how to set-up a free student account on Glogster EDU. Go over few of the different features that the program offers. See Glogster EDU tutorial 4. You Do (Rest of class) Allow students to work with partners on their restaurant menu. (*The partners or groups can be planned out prior or let them choose their partner depending on the class and the student needs.) Provide additional assistance as needed.

Visual, Verbal, Logical

Intrapersonal, Visual, Kinesthetic, Logical

Week 3 | Lesson 4
Author: Maryjo Comparan
5. Closure/Assessment: Students will cleanup and continue to working on their project during the next lesson.


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