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Week 3 | Lesson 2

Author: Maryjo Comparan

Lesson Title: Goal Food Week: Learn Your Foods Discuss and understand healthy and unhealthy food options. Students will access online restaurant menu resources and create a mind map to demonstrate their understanding of the different types of foods and their nutrition benefits. Grade Level: 6th Subject: Physical Education OBJECTIVE (S) INTELLIGENCES Standard Objectives: Visual/Spatial 1. Students will be able to verbally explain and demonstrate their understanding of healthy and unhealthy food options. Students will apply and Kinesthetic, Verbal recall information by completing a mind map. Visual Technology Objective: 1. Student will demonstrate their technology knowledge and creativity by researching online websites to apply information. Materials

Time Frame: TECHNOLOGIES Laptop, iPad Internet Zisboomball app or website : MindMeister Mind Map

45 minutes Content and Technology STANDARDS P.E. CA 6th Grade Standards Standard 4: Students demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve health and performance. Technology Standards 2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.


Week 3 | Lesson 2
Author: Maryjo Comparan
iPad/Laptop/Computer Internet Zisboomball app or website : MindMeister Mind Map Various food websites Visual/spatial, verbal, kinesthetic, naturalists

Procedure Day 1: 1. Anticipatory Set (5-10min) A. APK: Inform students that they will play a game that requires them to put food onto a plate and it will rate how healthy the meal is. Zisboomball app or website to play a food knowledge game. 2. I Do Introduction (Direct Instruction) (5-10 min) Pass out laptops, iPads, etc. Set-Up project for the end of the week. Inform students that they will have an opportunity to create restaurant menu that they will start on Thursday and due Friday. Today, they are going to research different foods they want to include on that menu. Using the internet to research all types of restaurant menus, including fast food, sit-down restaurants, health food stores, etc. Student will create a mind map of their findings. Student will Play Food Game on iPad or Laptop 3. We Do (5-10min) Allow students to turn on computers and walk them through some examples of different restaurants online and how to find the menu options. The thing to keep in mind is that the restaurant menu needs project needs to have healthy and well-balanced choices on it. Students can work with

Visual, Verbal, Kinesthetic

Intrapersonal, Visual, Kinesthetic, Logical

Week 3 | Lesson 2
Author: Maryjo Comparan
partner. Ask student for examples or start with an example such as McDonalds. Verbal, Interpersonal, Kinesthetic, Visual, Naturalistic

Make sure all the students go to the same website. Navigate through website and find the menu. Discuss the healthy and unhealthy options. 4. You Do (Rest of class) Allow students to work with partners on their mind map. Student needs to research at least 4 different restaurant options. Their mind map should reflect their research with headings and details for each website they pulled information from. Students need to keep on pace and

Week 3 | Lesson 2
Author: Maryjo Comparan
remind them to get as much information as possible because this will help them with their restaurant menu. 5. Closure/Assessment: Allow student to share out a few examples of restaurants they research and 2 details. Save five minutes at the end for student to play the game. This is also a tool that will student to think through healthy meal options. Students go to, Click on Play games, then they choose the game. Product/Assessment Mind Map note taking

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