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Measurement Concepts in Business Research

Identifying and deciding on the variables to be measured Development of measurement scales Types of measurement scales Criteria for good measurement Sources of measurement problems

The process of assigning numbers or labels to different objects under study to represent them quantitatively or qualitatively is called measurement .

Identifying and deciding on the variables to be measured

The primary step in the measurement process is to identify the area or the concept that is of interest for the study. While conducting business research, a researcher has to initially define what is to be measured, how it will be measured, and also the concept that needs to be measured.

Development of measurement scales

A scale can be defined as a set of numbers or symbols developed in a manner so as to facilitate the assignment of these numbers or symbols to the units under research following certain rules.

Measurement scales
Types of Measurement scales

Nominal scales Ordinal scales Interval scales Ratio scale

Criteria for good measurement



Test-retest reliability

Internal consistency

Face validity

Content validity

Criterionrelated validity

Construct validity

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