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(Project Overview) ´hô°ûŸG øY áeÉY áÙ ∫h’G Aõ÷G
(Teacher Planning and (Management) ¢SQódG Ò°S á£N ÊÉãdG Aõ÷G
(Teaching Resources) ¢SQódG OQGƒe ådÉãdG Aõ÷G
(Assessment and Standards) º««≤àdG ™HGôdG Aõ÷G
(Teacher /School Information) ´hô°ûŸG ÖMÉ°U ájƒg ¢ùeÉÿG Aõ÷G

:ÜÓ£dG ≈∏Y πKɇ ´hô°ûe Ò°†–h OGóY’h

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.πeɵàeh º«∏°S πµ°ûH äÉëØ°üdG ÚH π≤æàdG ‹ÉàdÉHh (Hyperlinks) §HôdG á«∏ªY π«¡°ùJ ᫨H ¢Vô©dG ¤G IóFÉ©dG (Slides) äÉëØ°üdG
äÉëØ°üdG º«¶æJh /º«ª°üJ /íàØd (MS-Power Point) èeÉfôH ΩGóîà°SG -
.É¡æ«H Ée ‘ (Hyperlinks) §HGhôdG AÉ°ûfGh -
.É¡¶ØMh (Documents) äGóæà°ùŸG áHÉàµd (MS- Word) èeÉfôH ΩGóîà°SG -
.(ä’É◊G ¢†©H ‘) á«°SÉ°SCG AiOÉÑe ò«Øæàd (MS-Excel) èeÉfôH ΩGóîà°SG -
.䃰üdG /ƒjó«ØdG /Qƒ°üdG π«ªëàd (Windows Media Player) èeÉfôH ΩGóîà°SG -
.äÉeƒ°SôdG ¢†©H ò«Øæàd (Paint) èeÉfôH ΩGóîà°SG -

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42 2008 ∫ƒ∏jCG - 43 Oó©dG - ájƒHÎdG á∏éªdG

kÉ©e »æÑf á«HÎdÉHh
(Project Overview) áeÉY áÙ :∫h’G Aõ÷G
:πãe ´hô°ûŸG øY áeÉY äÉeƒ∏©e ≈∏Y …ƒà– (∫ɪ°ûdG á¡L) ≈∏Y äGô≤a Aõ÷G Gòg øª°†àj

(Software) ´hô°ûŸG ‘ Ióªà©ŸG èeGÈdGhG πFÉ°SƒdG * (Learning Areas) ´hô°ûŸÉH á£ÑJôŸG OGƒŸG hCG ᫪∏©àdG ä’ÉÛG *
(Keywords) ´hô°ûŸG ä’É› Oó– »àdG äÉë∏£°üŸG * (Levels) ∞°üdG hCG áaó¡à°ùŸG áÄØdG *
(Authors) áYƒªÛG hCG ∞dDƒŸG º°SG * (Objectives) è¡æŸG ≥ah ´hô°ûŸG øe IƒLôŸG ±GógC’G *
(Documents) Iô≤ØdG ‘ ™LGôª∏d ÖjƒÑJ * (Description) ´hô°ûª∏d ΩÉY ∞°Uh *

Ωóîà°ùJ (áëØ°üdG πØ°SCG ‘) QGQRCG óLƒj ¬fCG ɪc ,´hô°ûŸG AGõLCG ÚH π≤æà∏d á°UÉN áëØ°üdG ≈∏YCG ‘ kGQGQRCG Aõ÷G Gòg øª°†àj ∂dòc
.(§HôdG á«æ≤J) äÉëØ°üdG ÚH ¬«LƒàdGh π≤æà∏d

,∫h’G Aõ÷G øe (Documents) Iô≤ØdG ‘ (Sources) ™LGôŸG ÜÉH ≈∏Y ô≤æq dG óæY
:πª°ûJ »àdG OQGƒŸG ≈∏Y ∫ƒ°üë∏d É¡H áfÉ©à°S’G ÜÓ£∏d øµÁ »àdG ™LGôŸG øY êPƒ‰ ô¡¶j
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2008 ∫ƒ∏jCG - 43 Oó©dG - ájƒHÎdG á∏éªdG 43

kÉ©e »æÑf á«HÎdÉHh
(Teacher Planning and Management) ¢SQódG Ò°S á£N :ÊÉãdG Aõ÷G
:≈∏Y Aõ÷G Gòg øª°†àj
º¡JÉLÉM Ö°SÉæJ ¢SQO á£N OGóYEG hCG É¡eGóîà°SG ÜÓ£∏d øµÁ áMÎ≤e ¢SQO á£N øY äÉeƒ∏©e -
´hô°ûŸG AGõLCG ÚH π≤æà∏d á°UÉN áëØ°üdG ≈∏YCG ‘ kGQGQRCG -
(§HôdG á«æ≤J) äÉëØ°üdG ÚH ¬«LƒàdGh π≤æà∏d Ωóîà°ùJ áëØ°üdG πØ°SCG ‘ kGQGQRCG -
(Documents) Iô≤ØdG ‘ äGóæà°ùª∏d kÉÑjƒÑJ -

,ÊÉãdG Aõ÷G øe (Documents) Iô≤ØdG ‘ (Planning) ¢SQódG á£N óæà°ùe ÜÉH ≈∏Y ô≤æq dG óæY
. ¢SQódG Ò°ùd á£N áHÉãà ¿ƒµJ ¿G øµÁ ÜÓ£∏d íFÉ°üædGh äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øe êPƒ‰ ô¡¶j

44 2008 ∫ƒ∏jCG - 43 Oó©dG - ájƒHÎdG á∏éªdG

kÉ©e »æÑf á«HÎdÉHh
(Teaching Resources) ¢SQódG OQGƒe :ådÉãdG Aõ÷G
:Aõ÷G Gòg øª°†àj
º¡JÉjÉZ ≥«≤– ≈∏Y ÜÓ£dG IóYÉ°ùŸ áeóîà°ùŸGh á≤aôŸG OGƒŸGh äGóæà°ùŸG øe áYƒª› -
´hô°ûŸG AGõLCG ÚH π≤æà∏d á°UÉN áëØ°üdG ≈∏YCG ‘ kGQGQRCG -
(§HôdG á«æ≤J) äÉëØ°üdG ÚH ¬«LƒàdGh π≤æà∏d Ωóîà°ùJ áëØ°üdG πØ°SCG ‘ kGQGQRCG -
(Documents) Iô≤ØdG ‘ OGƒª∏dh äGóæà°ùª∏d kÉÑjƒÑJ -

(Material-6) 6 ºbôdG ¤EG (Material-1) 1 ºbôdG øe ‹GƒàdG ≈∏Y OGƒŸG ÜGƒHCG ≈∏Y ô≤æq dG óæY
.º∏©à∏d kGófÉ°ùe iƒàfi πµ°ûJ êPɉ ô¡¶J , ådÉãdG Aõ÷G øe (Documents) Iô≤ØdG ‘
2 1

1-After presentation of slide and movement of the sun and 1-After presentation of slide and movement of the sun and
the moon, What do you observe? the moon, What do you observe?
2-Is the rays of sun get out from the earth? 2-Is the rays of sun get out from the earth?
3-the circles that are below represent the moon and the 3-the circles that are below represent the moon and the
sun. Is there are one or more common points? If yes sun. Is there are one or more common points? If yes
determine the number. determine the number.
4-Deduce, why the sun always continue to produce rays 4-Deduce, why the sun always continue to produce rays solars
solars to the earth, But in manner not clear 100%. to the earth.

2008 ∫ƒ∏jCG - 43 Oó©dG - ájƒHÎdG á∏éªdG 45

kÉ©e »æÑf á«HÎdÉHh
4 3

1-After presentation of slide and movement of the sun and 1-After presentation of slide and movement of the sun and
the moon, What do you observe? the moon, What do you observe?
2-Is the rays of sun get out from the earth? 2-Is the rays of sun get out from the earth?
3-the circles that are below represent the moon and the 3-the circles that are below represent the moon and the
sun. Is there are one or more common points? If yes sun. Is there are one or more common points? If yes
determine the number. determine the number.
4-Deduce, why the sun escape from produce rays solars to 4-Deduce, why the sun continue partially to produce rays
the earth. solars to the earth, But in manner not clear.

6 5

1-After presentation of slide and movement of the sun and 1-After presentation of slide and movement of the sun and
the moon, What do you observe? the moon, What do you observe?
2-Is the rays of sun get out from the earth? 2-Is the rays of sun get out from the earth?
3-the circles that are below represent the moon and the 3-the circles that are below represent the moon and the
sun. Is there are one or more common points? If yes sun. Is there are one or more common points? If yes
determine the number. determine the number.
4-Deduce, why the sun again continue to produce rays solars 4-Deduce, why the sun continue partially to produce rays
to the earth. solars to the earth, But in manner not clear..

46 2008 ∫ƒ∏jCG - 43 Oó©dG - ájƒHÎdG á∏éªdG

kÉ©e »æÑf á«HÎdÉHh
(Assessment and Standards) º««≤àdG :™HGôdG Aõ÷G
:Aõ÷G Gòg øª°†àj

º¡JÉÑ°ùàµe º««≤J ≈∏Y ÜÓ£dG IóYÉ°ùŸ áeóîà°ùŸG á≤aôŸG äGQÉÑàN’G øe áYƒª› -

´hô°ûŸG AGõLCG ÚH π≤æà∏d á°UÉN áëØ°üdG ≈∏YCG ‘ kGQGQRCG -
(§HôdG á«æ≤J) äÉëØ°üdG ÚH ¬«LƒàdGh π≤æà∏d Ωóîà°ùJ áëØ°üdG πØ°SCG ‘ kGQGQRCG -
(Documents) Iô≤ØdG ‘ ¢SQó∏d á°UÓN ™e äGóæà°ùª∏d kÉÑjƒÑJ -

, ™HGôdG Aõ÷G øe (Documents) Iô≤ØdG ‘ (Tests) äGQÉÑàN’G äGóæà°ùe ÜGƒHCG ≈∏Y ô≤qædG óæY
.º¡JÉÑ°ùàµe º««≤J ≈∏Y ÜÓ£dG óYÉ°ùJ êPɉ ô¡¶J

2008 ∫ƒ∏jCG - 43 Oó©dG - ájƒHÎdG á∏éªdG 47

kÉ©e »æÑf á«HÎdÉHh
.¢SQódG óYGƒb øY kÉ°üî∏e ¿ƒµj êPƒ‰ ô¡¶j ,™HGôdG Aõ÷G øe (Documents) Iô≤ØdG ‘ (Resume) ¢SQódG á°UÓN ÜÉH ≈∏Y ô≤qædG óæY

(Teacher/School Information) ´hô°ûŸG ÖMÉ°U ájƒg :¢ùeÉÿG Aõ÷G

,ájôµØdG ᫵∏ŸG ájɪ◊h …ƒæ©ŸG ¬≤M ≈∏Y á¶aÉëª∏d ∂dPh ´hô°ûŸG …qó©e /qó©e øY äÉeƒ∏©e Aõ÷G Gòg øª°†àj
” »àdG ™LGôŸÉH á∏°üØe áëF’ ≈∏Y …ƒàëj ¿CG øµÁ ¬fCG ɪc , º¡H / ¬H ∫É°üJ’G á«Ø«c øY äÉeƒ∏©e øª°†àj ɪc
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The following websites, textbooks and programs may help you. You can
also use a search engine like Google to find other useful sites and pictures.
Spotlight Science 8

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