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The word carpaccio, itself indicates a dish formed from raw meat cut so very thin.

The carpaccio was conceived by Giuseppe Cipriani, restaurateur and founder of the famous Harry's Bar in Venice. He, in Venice in 1950, during an exhibition of paintings Venetian artist Vittore Carpaccio created this dish for the first time, dedicating it to the painter himself. It was thin slices of sirloin of beef with a sauce nappate clear based mayonnaise, the colors of the dish reminded shades of reds and whites that characterized the works of the painter. It seems that the carpaccio Cipriani invented to come in against the needs of the Countess Amalia Nani Mocenigo who unfortunately was forced to follow a diet that prevented the 'intake of cooked meat.

for the carpaccio

sirloin steak into thin slices 400 grams

2-3 tablespoons

juice 1 teaspoon

ground white pepper 1/3 teaspoon


Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon

for about 250 gr of mayonnaise

(or white wine vinegar) 1 teaspoon of juice

Seed oil
200 gr


2 egg yolks

Start by preparing the mayonnaise (vai clicking the recipe here ): you have the egg yolks in a bowl with high sides, add the salt , the pepper and the juice of lemon and begin to beat with an electric mixer, adding the oil flush, until when the mayonnaise begins to thicken, reaching the right consistency.

In a bowl add the Worcester sauce (1), the milk (2), the salt , the lemon and pepper (3), beat the ingredients with a fork (4), then add the mayonnaise (5) and mix it until obtaining a sauce fluid, that velero the dorsum of a spoon (6).

Divide the sliced sirloin placing them among 4 plates and lying lie flat or slightly mobile (7) (depending on your taste). Dip a spoon into the sauce (8) and nappate the meat, forming swirls with sauce that falls from the spoon wire (9).

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