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Mock Test Schedules, Trimester One 25/05/2013 The Mock Test stars at 9:00 AM. Candidates are recommended to arrive 10 minutes earlier. Candidates come wearing street clothes. No electronic devices are allowed. The students should bring their own pencil, pen and eraser. This is a compulsory test that is the equivalent to the Prueba Solemne Only students with a doctors certificate will be considered to make up this test. Mock Test Horarios, Trimestre I 25/05/2013 El Mock Test comienza a las 9:00 AM. Se recomienda a los candidatos llegar con 10 minutos de antelacin. Los alumnos se podrn presentar en ropa de calle No se permite aparatos electrnicos. Los alumnos deben traer sus materiales (Lpiz grafito, lpiz pasta y goma)

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Esta prueba es obligatoria y es equivalente a la solemne de la asignatura de ingles. Solo los alumnos con certificado medico sern considerados para retomar esta prueba.

PET Schedule Time 9:00-10:30 Activity Reading and Writing Room PET 7thA Grade: 22 students PET High School: 12 students Multimedia Room Total: 34 Students PET 7thB Grade: 7B Room 20 students 10:30 10:45 10:45 11:15 Recess Listening Patio PET 7thA Grade: 22 students PET High School: 12 students Multimedia Room Total: 34 Students PET 7thB Grade: 7B Room 20 students 11:15 Go Home Olga Fraga Supervisor Olga Fraga

Manuel Vidal

Manuel Vidal

FCE Schedule Time 9:00-10:00

Activity Reading (Paper 1)

10:00-10:15 10:15-11:00

Recess Use of English (Paper 3) Recess Listening (Paper 4)

11:00-11:15 11:15-12:00 (40 min. + 5 min.) 12:00 12:15 12:15 13:35 (1 hr., 20 min) 13:35

Room 8th A B graders: 8B Classroom (4th Floor) 35 students FCE High School 7A Classroom (4th Floor) 35 Students Patio 8th A B graders: 8B Classroom (4th Floor) 35 students FCE High School 7A Classroom (4th Floor) 35 Students Patio 8th A B graders: 8B Classroom (4th Floor) 35 students FCE High School 7A Classroom (4th Floor) 35 Students Patio 8th A B graders: 8B Classroom (4th Floor) 35 students FCE High School 7A Classroom (4th Floor) 35 Students

Supervisor Milena Blanco Julian Richards Milena Blanco Julian Richards Milena Blanco Julian Richards

Recess Writing (Paper 2)

Milena Blanco Julian Richards

Go Home

CAE Schedule Time 9:00-10:15 (1hr., 15 min.) Activity Reading (Paper 1) Room HS students CAE Sarah 10 Grade Classroom 23 Students HS students CAE Shauna 11 A Classroom 18 Students 10:15 10:30 10:30- 11:30 Recess Use of English (Paper 3) Patio HS students CAE Sarah 10 Grade Classroom 23 Students HS students CAE Shauna 11 A Classroom 18 Students 11:30- 11:45 11:45- 12:30 Recess Listening (Paper 4) HS students CAE Sarah 10 Grade Classroom 23 Students HS students CAE Shauna 11 A Classroom 18 Students 12:30- 12:35 12:35- 2:05 (1 hr., 30 min.) Students cannot leave during the first 40 minutes or the last 10 minutes. Recess Writing (Paper 2) HS students CAE Sarah 10 Grade Classroom 23 Students HS students CAE Shauna 11 A Classroom 18 Students Sarah Wright Shauna West Patio Sarah Wright Shauna West Sarah Wright Shauna West Supervisor Sarah Wright Shauna West

CPE Schedule Time 9:00-10:30 (1hr., 30 min.) 10:30 10:45 10:45- 12:15 (1 hora y 30 minutos) 12:15- 1:00 (40mins) Activity Reading (Paper 1) Recess Use of English (Paper 3) Listening (Paper 4) Room CPE Students 10 students 11 B Room Patio CPE Students 10 students 11 B Room CPE Students 10 students 11 B Room Ral Ral Ral Supervisor

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