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Finacial times

1. The poor us data at the end of the week cqn dissuade FED to winding down their asset purchase. QE less effect than expected; because QE should increase consumption thus retail. Not the case here. Poor data is a bit of a wake-up call by Mccarthy chief financial economist Jefferies.

Forget Debt fear, US is better than Germany The largest holder is not China, it is the us government itself. With 4.8tn social security and 1.8tn FED. Remove the us owner from the debt, and we get 10.2 tn soit 68% of gdp. Germany is about 80.5% at end of last year.

Interest will eventually rise 10years are 80bp below where they would be naturally; blackrock put at 100Bp

Inbev se rapproche dun accord avec le dpartement antitrust amricain pour son achat du Groupe Modelo,

Gas record high by falling supply

Soybeans hit by bird-flu, record low aming_stream

China May Start Yuan-Australian Dollar Direct Trading Plan : reducing transaction cost, boosting liquidity for exchange rate Longterm effort to promote yuan as popular currency in international trade and finance. aming_stream

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