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ABSTRACT........................................................1 PROPARTES.........................................................2 USING.................................................................3

Global optimization toolbox has benefit us produce a global solution to the problems.This toolbox use for; ultistart, pattern search, genetic algorithm, and simulated annealing solvers.It makes easy to lots of problems. You can use these solvers to solve optimization problems where the objective or constraint function is continuous, discontinuous, stochastic, does not possess derivatives, or includes simulations or black-box functions with undefined values for some parameter settings.Some of the solvents support algorithmic customization these are Genetic algorithm and pattern search. You can customize pattern search by defining polling, searching, and other functions.

PROPARTIES * Interactive tools for defining and solving optimization problems and monitoring solution progress. * Global search and multistart solvers for finding single or multiple global optima *For genethic algorithm solver that supports linear, nonlinear, and bound constraints

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