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Be - Present Tense

Subject +


Singular I am You are He is She is It is

Plural We are You are

They are

Write in your notebook. Whenever you see a chart like this, write it out in your notebook by hand

Subjects: I, you, he, she, it, we, and they. "You" is singular or plural. The verb "be" changes with the subject to am, is, or are.

I am a teacher

You are a student.

He is a man.

She is a woman.

It is an apple.

We are people
you I + you = we

You are students.

They are workers.

The verb "be" is the most important verb to learn in English. It's also the most complicated. In the present tense it has three forms: am, is, are. In the past tense, it has two forms: was and were. The verb "be" is also used to make the passive voice.

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