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Atividade de Lngua Inglesa III / Aluno:_______________________________________________________ Plo: _______________________________________________________

01. Identifique os advrbios de lugar, tempo, modo ou frequncia. Escreva (L), (T), (M) ou (F): ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) always ) late ) well ) rapidly ) tomorrow ) on the plane ) abroad ) hard ) early

02. Coloque os advrbios no local correto:

a) Sue is at home. (seldom) b) He stays here with us. (always) c) I go into town to hang around with my friends. (often) d) You should tell the truth. (always) 03. Reescreva as frases, usando os advrbios dados na ordem correta: a) I travelled (at 10:00 on Tuesday at night to Toronto) . b) He goes (quickly to school every morning). c) Myfriend was talking (at the part last Saturday happily). d) She eats ( at a restaurant never after midnight on Fridays calmly) 04. Transforme os adjetivos em advrbios de modo: a) careful: b) fast: c) simple: d) terrible: e) fluent: f) intense: g) noisy: h) good:

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