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The natural results of truly learning courage and trust, opening ourselves into vastness and expansion and

giving, is that we have opened the path for an effortless flow of abundance to come into our lives. We receive prosperity, abundance, and success in body, mind, spirit and in our daily lives. Give, create a vacuum. Let things go so that things may come to you. When you give, expect nothing. Give from the heart and you will receive a hundred times. -Siri Singh Sahib- (Yogi Bhajan)

Use the following meditation to learn to allow abundance to be a part of your life. You will feel wonderful receiving the rewards of your actions. This mediation builds a deep self-reliance. It allows you to separate your identity from your success. It makes you experience and believe in yourself. Sit in easy pose or in a chair with a straight spin. The left hand is in gian mudra (first finger and thumb tip are touching). Raise the left arm out to the side of the body with the upper arm parallel to the ground. Bend the elbow so the forearm is perpendicular to the ground with the fingers pointing straight up and the palm facing forward. It is like taking a pledge.

Raise the right arm in front of the chest. Bend the elbow so the forearm is parallel to the ground with the pam facing down in front of the heart center. The eyes are 9/10 closed. Look at the tip of the nose through the 1/10.

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Inhale and chant in a monotone. Be sure to make each sound exact. Each Har is one beat and the Harees are two beats. The total is eight beats.

"Har har har har haree haree" Continue for 11 to 31 minutes

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