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Math Reviewer Grade 3 1. ____ - 3/8 = 3/8 What is the missing fraction in the blank? 2. 3.

Arrange the following from biggest to the smalles t 1/6, , 5/12, Arrange the fractions in order starting from the smallest 2/7, 11/12, 2/3, 5/6

4. Shuli ate 1/3 of a watermelon. Her borther ate of the watermelon. What fraction of the watermelon was left? 5. Cara bought marbles. She gave 3/5 to the children and 1/10 to her cousins. What fraction was left with her? 6. Which of the following is equivalent to 3/6? 6/12, 5/9, 4/8, 8/10? 7. Which of the following is equivalent to 8/12 ? 18/24, 12/18, 4/10, 2/3 8.

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