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Earth is the lowest element.

Shape is square, color yellow, sense is smell, function is elimination (anus), deity is Ganesha, chakra is muladhara, bija is "Lam." Water is the second element. Shape is crescent, color silver, sense is taste, function is reproduction (sex organ), deity is Vishnu, chakra is svadishtana, bija is "Vam." Fire is the third element. Shape is triangle, color red, sense is vision, function is transportation (feet), deity is Surya, chakra is manipura, bija is "Ram." Air is the fourth element. Shape is round, color blue or black, sense is touch, function is manipulation (hands), deity is Shiva, chakra is anahita, bija is "Yam." Akasha (Space) is the highest element. Shape is like a flame, color purple, sense is hearing, function is communication (throat), deity is Devi, chakra is vishuddha, bija is "Ham." -- Len/ Kalipadma

"chandan lohia" <chandanlohia wrote: Sarva mangal maangalye, shive sarvartha sadhike, saranye trayamabke gauri, devi narayani namostute. <snip> I have a question if someone could guide me. I want to understand the exact nature and charecterstics of the five elements, their shapes, colours, attributes, charecterstics, etc, as explained in the shastras. Could some one please guide. with lots of love and warm reg

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