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May 7, 2009 Dear Board of Directors of the Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Thave had the honor and privilege of serving the Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as a member of the Board of Directors for almost four years and a member of the Executive Committee for almost three years. During that time I have strived to develop, promote, and protect Hispanic businesses and to support the advancement, education, and economic growth of the Hispanic business community. I have served the best interests of the Chamber, its membership and the community in every decision I have made and position | have held. I have been a strong advocate for doing the right thing, whether it was politically advantageous to do so or not. ‘Today, the Chamber finds itself at a crossroads. Many, like myself, believe that in the recent years the Chamber has made great strides in its representation of Hispanic small businesses by engaging the mainstream and corporate America in a rich dialogue of cooperation and collaboration resulting in new possibilites for our small businesses. The Chamber leadership has worked diligently to create opportunities for our membership through leadership, education, advocacy, corporate engagement, technology and other innovations. Thanks to the hard work of dedicated Chamber staff and volunteers, this year we will have raised over $1.3, million in scholarships for deserving young Hispanics. As you know, we have been recognized locally, statewide and nationally for our many successes. Others in our community believe that the Chamber should have a different purpose and way of conducting business. They believe that the Chamber should be a vehicle for the advancement of the privileged few. They promulgate the old tactics of intimidation and bullying of corporations and individuals into concessions. They promote racism, intraethnic division and threats of civil action. They threaten and try to destroy anyone who disagrees with their point 2 iview they use political power derived from the Chamber for personal gain Unfortunately for the Chamber and its membership, the pendulum has swung in favor of the later group and its tactics. | believe the ultimate victims of this shift are the small business members who will find themselves once again under the self-serving tyranny of the old guard. The time has come when I can no longer remain associated with and devote countless hours to an organization that is headed down the wrong pathway. I have observed the depth to which this devisive faction is willing to plummet in order to disrupt the lives of people who oppose them. Iam no longer willing to subject my integrity, my character, my family or my profession to these elements. Therefore, itis with great sadness that I am tendering my resignation as Chairman Elect and member of the Board of Directors of the Greater Dallas Hispanic Chamber of Commerce effective immediately. Sincerely, Mraeur— Dr. Alfonso E. Pino II

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