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Assessment Instruction

Please print your name and current date in the provided space Read the whole question before starting Give yourself at least 5 minutes to double check your answers use your time wisely, skip the question if you are unsure to and refer to it later Always make sure to show your work for word problems unless otherwise indicated For Section B, C use the extra blank sheet(provided) and make sure to indicate the question number

Student Name: ____________________________________

Date : _____________

This test has 15 questions that are divided into three sections of A, B, and C as follows: Section A - 7 multiple choice questions of 1 point Section B 5 three point short answer Section C 3 six point long answers Section A No. of questions 7 Type of questions Multiple choice (Selected responses) B 5 Short answer (Brief Constructed Response) C 3 Long answer (Extended Constructed Response) Total 1 hour 40 points 20-30 min 18 15-20min 15 Estimated time 5-10 min Total point 7

Note: 30-45 minutes extra time should be given for modified students.

Section A: 7 multiple choice questions of 1 point. A1. Which of the following is a quadratic function? (Circle the right answer) a) b) c) d) /1


Use the following word bank to fill up the empty spaces for the given quadratic equation. [Word bank: Y intercepts, Vertex, direction of opening, X-Intercept, a point on the graph] /1 (5,-10)_________________________ (6,-8)_________________________ 2 _____________________________ 40____________________________ /1 d) /1


Given a) 0 b)

, identify the range of the function. c) , identify the domain of the function. 12


Given a) b) c) d)


Vertex of parabola is located on the fourth quadrant and a< 0, determine the number of zeros for this parabola. a) 2 /1 b) 1 c) None d) Cant tell, not enough information is provided Write the letter in the provided space (next to the mathematical terms) corresponding to the correct answer for /1 Mathematical Terms M1. Vertex M2. Stretch Factor M3. Y intercept M4. X Intercepts Answers A1. (2,0) and (4,0) A2. (3,2) A3. (3, -2) A4. 2 A5. 16


________ ________ ________ ________

A7. .

The Y intercept of any quadratic function is always the C term? Is this statem ent true or false? /1 Section B: 5 three point short answers


Write the following quadratic equation in standard form. /3


Find the y-intercept for the quadratic function

and determine the /3


Points M and N of the following graph have the height(y-coordinate) of -10, using partial factoring technique; determine the x-coordinates of these points. /3


For the given graph, determine the following:


1 - Minimum point ( , ) 2 - Y-intercept ---------------3 - Stretch factor-----------------------


Solve the following quadratic function by factoring method.


Section C: 3 six point long answers.


Point P and Q are on the parabola with the following equation with a vertex of (-5,9), If the given parabola intersects the y axis as the point of P (0, 16) and PQ is parallel with x-axis, determine the coordinates of point Q. /6


The zeros of a quadratic function are -3 and 1. The graph of the function intersects the y-axis at 9, determine the following: /6 a) Write an equation for the quadratic ____________________________________________ b) Coordinates of the vertex ____________________________________________________ c) State the domain and the range of function in the provided spaces. Domain: ___________________________________ Range: ___________________________________


Tickets to school dance costs $4 and the anticipated attendance to dance is 200 students. For every quarter increase in ticket price, the dance committee predicts that attendance will drop by 5. /6 a) Write an equation that represents the revenue (quantity x price). b) Find a ticket price that maximizes the revenue c) Determine the maximum revenue.

(Answer key)
Section A: A1. Which of the following is a quadratic function? (Circle the right answer) a) b) c) d) The only equation that has no more than A2.

term is choice a, therefore a is the right answer.

Use the following word bank to fill up the empty spaces for the given quadratic equation. [Word bank: Y intercept, Vertex, Direction of opening, X-Intercept, A point on the graph]

(5,-10) Vertex 2 Direction of opening

( 6,-8)

A point on the graph

40 Y intercept



, identify the range of the function.

a) 0 b) c) d) From the given function we can read the vertex as (1, 9) and we know that the direction of opening (a= -1) is negative. Which mean vertex is the maximum point of this graph so the range is for all real value of f(x) that are less than or equal to 9. Thus, d is the right answer. A4. Given , identify the domain of the function. a) b) 12 c) d) Domain is all the possible value for x and since there is no restriction for x, thus the domain of this function is all the real numbers. The correct answer is d.


Vertex of parabola is located on the fourth quadrant and a< 0, determine the number of zeros for this parabola. a) 2 b) 1 c) None d) Cant tell, not enough information is provided Based on the given information vertex is the maximum point of this graph and since it is on the forth quadrant therefore graph will not interest the x-axis. The correct answer is c.


Write the letter in the provided space (next to the mathematical terms) corresponding to the correct answer for Mathematical Terms M1. Vertex Answers A1. (2,0) and (4,0) A2. (3,2) A3. (3, -2) A4. 2 A5. 16


____A4____ M2. Stretch Factor ____A5____ M3. Y intercept ____A1____ M4. X Intercepts


The Y intercept of any quadratic function is always the C term? Is this statement true or false? False, this statement is true only if the quadratic is written in standard form.

Section B: B1. Write the following quadratic equation in standard form.


Find the y-intercept for the quadratic function

and determine the


Points M and N of the following graph have the height(y-coordinate) of -10, using partial factoring technique; determine the x-coordinates of these points.

, , ,


For the given graph, determine the following:


1 - Minimum point ( -4 , 0 ) 2 - Y-intercept 17 3 - Stretch factor 1 we need to plug vertex and point A in vertex form to find the equation.


Solve the following quadratic function by factoring method. =0

Section C:


Point P and Q are on the parabola with the following equation with a vertex of (-5,9), If the given parabola intersects the y axis as the point of P (0, 16) and PQ is parallel with x-axis, determine the coordinates of point Q.

With the given information we can confirm that point Q has the same height as point P, and we also know that X coordinates of the vertex is the axis of symmetry. So from all these information we can prove that X coordinates of the midpoint (M) of PQ is 5 and by using that, we can write: XM =(XP+XQ)/2 or 5 = (0+ XQ )/2 or XQ = 10 So the coordinates of point Q are (10,16)


The zeros of a quadratic function are -3 and 1. The graph of the function intersects the y-axis at 9, determine the following: , ,

a) Write an equation for the quadratic b) Coordinates of the vertex

, c) State the domain and the range of function in the provided spaces. Domain: Range: C3. Tickets to school dance costs $4 and the anticipated attendance to dance is 200 students. For every quarter increase in ticket price, the dance committee predicts that attendance will drop by 5. a) Write an equation that represents the revenue (quantity x price). b) Find a ticket price that maximizes the revenue c) Determine the maximum revenue. Initial revenue (price x quantity) = $4 x 200 = $800 Let X represents the every quarter ticket increase Let R(x) represents the revenue function. As per revenue definition, R(x) = (4+.25x).(200-5x) We use the properties of axis of symmetry to find the vertex. 200-5x = 0 then x = 40 = r 4+.25x = 0 then x = -4 x 4 = -16 therefore the vertex x coordinate is -16+40/2 = 12 So for x=12 the ticket price will be 4+.25 x 12 = $7 And R(7) = 7 x (200-5x 12) = $980

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