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Chest/Delts/Tris/Back Width/Abs Doing RP due to injury 1. Lateral raise machine RP of 40 2. Rear delt machine RP of 40 3. Incline bench RP of 30 4.

. Tricep machine RP of 40 5. Lat pulldown machine RP of 30 6. Pec minor dips 3 x 15 8. Rope pushdowns RP of 30 9. Ab machine 4 x 25 Back/Abs 1. Smith machine bent row 4 x 8 RP style 2. DB dead stop rows 4 x 8 x 120 3. Seated cable rows 2 x 12 4. Machine lat pull-down w/ underhand grip 3 x 10 5. DB pullover 2 x 15 x 65 6. Barbell shrugs 3 x 20 7. Back hyperextensions 3 x 15 8. Ab wheel 2 x 15 Legs/Abs 1. Lying leg curls 20, 14, 12, 10, 35 2. Leg ext 2 x 10 w/ pause at top 3. SQ machine 3 x 10 w/ 3 sec. descent 4. Leg press 3 x 15 5. DB SLDL 2 x 10 6. Ab machine 3 x 20 7. Trunk twist 2 x 15 Arms 1. A)Cross body DB hammer curls 5 x 10 x 35, 45, 50, 50, 50 B)Dip machine 5 x 20 2. A)DB incline bench concentration curls 3 x 8 x 40, 35, 30 B)Rope pushdowns 4 x 12 3. A)EZ bar reverse curls 5 x 10 B)Hammer strength tricep machine 5 x 10

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