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Fig4.3.1 (a). Genomic DNA Profiling of nine varieties on 0.8% agrose gel electrophoresis. Lane 1- Basmati 370, Lane 2- Pusa Sugandha 4, Lane 3- Taroari Basmati , Lane 4- Type 3, Lane 5-Pusa Basmati 1, Lane 6- Basmati 386, Lane 7- Pusa Sugandha 5, Lane 8-Vallabh Basmati 22, Lane 9- Vallabh Basmati 24.


600 bp

1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100

Fig.4.3.1.(b). Validation of fragrance gene using specific primer) M- Marker ,Lane 1Basmati 370, Lane 2- Pusa Sugandha 4, Lane 3- Taroari Basmati , Lane 4- Type 3, Lane 5Pusa Basmati 1, Lane 6- Basmati 386, Lane 7- Pusa Sugandha 5, Lane 8-Vallabh Basmati 22, Lane 9- Vallabh Basmati 24.

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