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Um feto de poucas semanas encontra-se

no interior do útero de sua mãe.

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An embryo of few weeks inside the mothers womb.
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It is in the beginning of
its development.

There is a long road ahead.

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It is the first step of human development and at this stage
it can be confused with the embryo of dog or monkey.
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It is connected to the vitelino bag that provides the
nutrients that it needs in the first weeks of life.
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After about 8 weeks of gestation the vitelino bag
loses its function.

The umbilical cord then starts to feed it with nutrients

provided from the mothers body.
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While everything happens, it floats, calmly, in the
uterus of its mother.

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Thanks to the ecografia 4D, you can see the features of the
baby quite clearly, even its faceial expressions.
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At 24 weeks Only the lungs are not completely formed.

if it was born at this moment, it would have a

good chance of survival.
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At this stage It already moves the arms and the legs, it blinks
the eyes, and it sucks the fingers

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It is becoming
conscientious of the
space that surrounds it.

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As with all embryos, it passes most of the time sleeping

It even dreams
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Complete at nine months and is ready to be born.

In 40 weeks, what was one cell was

changed into a human being.
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The miracle of the formation of the life of a human being
in the womb is almost finished

In few days the lungs and the placenta will be put in charge
to signal that the hour of the childbirth has arrived.

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The baby still sleeps, calm, in the womb of its mother.

It does not know that soon it will abandon the placidness of

its "house" to pass through one of the most traumatic
experiences of its life: the birth.

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Yes, because the
childbirth is not painful
only for the mother.

It is also traumatic and stressful for the baby.

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