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Ecole Maternelle Capsus MS/GS Classe de Murielle Ducroo Rue Jean Sacchetti 33510 ANDERNOS LES BAINS Mail


What are the other ways to find life in our forest ?

Looking for some tracks

We saw animals too !

Some of them are well hiden ! Have a look !

What can you see ?

Yes, it is a lizard looking for the sun ! Then, we stopped to hear the sounds of our forest. We heard the birds of course but we heard the wind in the trees as well

Others dont hide at all !

And our teacher Murielle asked us to feel the forest. She asked us to choose one tree, the one we prefered, to touch it. Is it rough, soft ? We could tell our secrets to our tree

Can you feel the forest ?

We spent 2 hours walking in our little forest and had great fun ! We hope you enjoyed discovering our forest with us

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