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APRENDIENDO EN CASA (Ejercicios prcticos)

Lee cada oracin y/o prrafo, aplicando cada una de las reglas de pronunciacin aprendidas. Usa el diccionario para separar correctamente las palabras en silabas. Luego, puedes escribir la pronunciacin figurada y buscar el significado de aquellas palabras desconocidas.

1. It is time to travel. 2. A black dog detects a bag on the rock. 3. Ten dentists go to Medellin and visit farms next to the lake. 4. Today is a big day. We will go to the lake. The lake is so far. We will take a train to the lake. We will play a game on the train. We can lay a blanket beside the lake. We can remain at the lake. Oh, I cannot wait. It is going to be a fantastic day. 5. In the morning, Bean reads tales in the kitchen. Bean repeats the words. Next, Bean eats meat in a restaurant next to the beach and speaks with a woman. Bean and the woman watch a film. The heart of Bean beats. 6. A beast eats meat on the clean beach. 7. Jenny reads in the morning and repeats six songs in the evening. 8. The mean queen keeps bees in the ceiling. The mean queen eats peas the size of pies. The mean queen plants three seeds of beans. The mean queen wears beads that she received as a gift. The mean queen wears clean pants to pick peas and beans to eat. The mean queen eats green beans with tea and cake. The mean queen speaks Chinese and she sleeps. The mean queen skis in the breeze. The mean queen eats sweet beets. The mean queen eats cheese treats. The mean queen drinks tea with the chief of police. The mean queen sees me under the big green tree and believes that I need to drink a beer and to sleep to receive relief. 9. The sun is a big star made of gas. It shines the planet.

10. 11.

The team stars practice at midday and eat meat in the morning. A boy invents a fantastic story with a beast, a witch, some bats,

five cars, a plane and fifty trucks.

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