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Promethean Board Check List

Cleaning, calibrating, freezing screen Set up Menu bar Ticker Tape Docking Undo tool, undo all, reset Handwriting recognition Shape recognition Design Mode Trash can Annotate desktop Shape tool and shape color Fill tools, change font, background color Spell check Keyboard The S on the keyboard Add sound to flip chart Clock Set up tool bar Math tools Grouping Intro to browser (page, resource, object) Move objects to different layers Locking Objects and text Hide a word/picture under a shape Verify that something is under a shape Use layers to hide an answer Use color to hide an answer Inserting media and Insert links Right click for more color choices Make page notes Horizontal/vertical lines (shapes) Resource Packets Drag a copy Revealer tool Insert Time Stamp from menu Insert questions Add voice recording to flip chart Group items .pdf worksheet Locking objects Hiding answers with white fill Copy and paste from two open flip charts

Jo Dee Jolliff, Technology Instructor, NGU

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